Time Contortions in Modern Physics: July 2002
Time Contortions in Modern Physics: July 2002
Time Contortions in Modern Physics: July 2002
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A. F. Kracklauer
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A. F. Kracklauer
As a basis for epistemological study of “time,” we analyze three suspect phenomena introduced by modern
physics: non-locality, asymmetric aging and advanced interaction. It is shown that all three arise in connection
with what has to be taken as arbitrary ideosyncrasies in formulation. It is shown that minor changes result in
arXiv:quant-ph/0206164v1 24 Jun 2002
internally consistent variations of both Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity devoid of these phenomena.
The reinterpretation of some experiments though to confirm the existence of non-locality and asymmetric aging
is briefly considered and a possible test is proposed.
Key words: non-locality, asymmetric aging, advanced interaction, quantum mechanics, relativity
I. INTRODUCTION other hand, stands on three legs. The first consists of de-
tailed analysis of the logical structure of the basic hypothe-
Modern Physics, specifically, Quantum Mechanics (QM) ses supporting the existence of non-locality. Such arguments
and Special Relativity (SR), have brought three notions into turn mainly on minutia pertaining to the definitions of statis-
common currency, namely: “non-locality,” “asymmetric ag- tical statements and their application to EPR Gedanken-type
ing” and “advanced interaction,” that defy accommodation experiments. The second leg goes straight to constructing
with classical physics, common sense and, we hold, basic counterexamples. If a valid, classical model for EPR exper-
logic. How this came about historically is well documented iments can be found — in direct conflict with the conclusions
in the literature and so will not be belabored here. Although of Bell’s analysis — then obviously the hypotheses going into
asymmetric aging, a.k.a. the “Twin Paradox,” has been a foil this analysis must be wrong even when the exact error remains
for ‘nondomesticated’ newcomers and numerous outsiders for unidentified. Such models can consist of either calculations
90 years, all of these notions nowadays enjoy solid ensconce- of plausible setups, or “Monte Carlo” simulations of such se-
ment in the corpus of “verified physics.” One reason for this tups. The final leg consists of experiments in non traditional
appears to be their appeal as harbingers from the preternatural; regimes. Optical experiments based on EPR considerations
or as a foot-in-the-door leading out from the stolid, unroman- have most often been done in the visible part of the spectrum
tic material world to a great mystical beyond. Another reason where “photon” phenomena are most evident. But, because
is that too little effort has been devoted to seeking alternatives the reasoning behind the Bohm variation of EPR setups is not
out of respect for the profound successes of both QM and SR. dependant on the wave length, these same setups can be ex-
It is this last deficit, we aim to attack. ecuted in other parts of the EM spectrum in which the pecu-
liarities of “photodetectors” and therefore “photons” are irrel-
By basic probability theory, the integrand of this equation is to Therefore, Jaynes’ argument is incomplete without an ac-
be decomposed in terms of individual detections in each arm companying classical model for particle beam wave-like be-
according to Bayes’ formula havior. In fact, such exists[10]; so his argument stands.
where P(a| λ) is a conditional probability. In turn, the inte- B. Counterexamples, classical models and simulations
grand of Eq. (1) can be converted for use in integrand of Bell’s
Ansatz in which he considers the correlation of EPR variables: The earliest local realistic model for EPR correlations
Z known to this writer is Barut’s model for the original spin
Corr(a, b) = aP(a, λ) bP(b, λ)ρ(λ)dλ, (3) variant of Bohm’s rendition of the EPR setup.[11] Some other
attempts were mislead by the presumed correctness of Bell’s
iff arguments and tried simultaneously to satisfy both classi-
cal physics and Bell’s inequalities.[12][13] These latter mod-
P(b| a, λ) ≡ P(b| λ), ∀a. (4) els can be considered rigorous technical counterexamples to
Bell’s reasoning but they still fail to be convincing because
(In Bell’s notation, A[B](a[b], λ) = a[b]P(a[b], λ) where all they also incorporate features that are at odds with some other
P’s are probabilities corresponding to the moduli of wave seemingly necessary characteristic. A systematic study pro-
functions; in accord with current practice, even better nota- viding models for various EPR and higher order (i.e., GHZ)
tion would be: A(B)(a(b), λ) = a(b)P(a(b) |λ).) Bell argued, experiments is only recently published.[14] Herein only the
in Jaynes’ terms, that strict locality implies that the depen- most basic variant is considered as an illustration.
dence of P(b| a, λ) on a, implies a causative relationship be- To model the prototypical EPR experiment with ‘entangled’
tween the measuring stations. This is clearly not the case for polarization states, the source is assumed to emit a double sig-
Bayes’ formula as the correlation can just as well arise from nal for which individual signal components are anticorrelated
a common cause at a point in the intersection of the past light and, because of the fixed orientation of the excitation, con-
cones of both detectors.[9] Thus, we conclude that Bell’s fac- fined to orthogonal polarization modes; i.e.
torization, is just not tenable.
Bell’s analysis would have been standard statistical analysis S1 = (cos(n π2 ), sin(n π2 ))
were is possible to introduce a λ-meter. However, if λ is a , (5)
S2 = (sin(n π2 ), −cos(n π2 ))
‘hidden variable’ intrinsically unavailable for observation but
whose existence is to be inferred by observing the patterns where n takes on the values 0 and 1 with an even, random
in the values revealed by a- and b-meters, then whatever λ distribution. The transition matrix for a polarizer is given by,
encodes must be evident in those values, but Bell’s encoding
of locality precludes this by inadvertent assumption.
cos2 (θ)
Although this argument against Bell’s factorization is clean cos(θ) sin(θ)
P(θ) = , (6)
and indisputable in the optical case (actually for any EM phe- sin(θ) cos(θ) sin2 (θ)
nomena), it is unfair to the total challenge faced by Bell or
any physicist with an eye to the consistency of all of physics. so the fields entering the photodetectors are given by:
Their problem here is this: particle beams are seen to “navi-
gate” as if they had a wave character but register at detectors E1 = P(θ1 )S1
as if they are composed of collections of ‘particles.’ That is, . (7)
E2 = P(θ2 )S2
the dualistic behavior of particle beams implies that in some
concrete sense that the beams are ontologically ambiguous Coincidence detections among N photodetectors (here N = 2)
while they are underway and resolved only at measurement, are proportional to the single time, multiple location second
in other words, their wave packet is collapsed. The particle order cross correlation, i.e.:
character of waves, on the other hand, can be attributed to the
conversion of the continuous energy stream of the beam into < ∏Nn=1 E ∗ (rn ,t) ∏1n=N E(rn ,t) >
a digitized photocurrent comprised of electrons. Thus, this P(r1 , r2 , ..rN ) = . (8)
∏Nn=1 < En∗ En >
ambiguity is not necessary for radiation beams but seems to
have been imposed anyway for the sake of overall uniformity. The final result of the above is:
The final point of these considerations is, that without a means
of rationalizing beam behavior, for the particle beam equiva- 1 2
lent of coincident probabilities considered by Bell for optical, P(θ1 , θ2 ) = sin (θ1 − θ2 ). (9)
i.e., radiation beams, the implied causality relationship must
be respected. This is so, because when one arm of such a This is immediately recognized as the so-called ‘quantum’ re-
wave function is ‘collapsed’ by measurement, then its partner sult. (Of course, it is also Malus’ Law, thereby being in total
also collapses at the same instant. In other words, for particle accord with one premise of this report.)
beams, a wave function should not be just an epistemological Likewise, EPR correlations can be simulated fully on the
aid d’memoire but somehow also substance. basis of classical physics.[15]
C. Empirical counterexamples do this? First, he and his stay-at-home sibling would chart a
course before the beginning of the trip; that is, they would se-
The “quantum” character of EPR experiments resides in lect an object in the world, a star say, and designate it as the
the peculiarities of “photons.” With respect to these experi- pylon. From standard references they find that this star is lo-
ments, however, the view point can be taken that photons are cated in a particular direction at a distance D. This distance is
just a means of accounting for the fact that continuous radi- not the length of a unique Lorentz vector but the proper length
ation is converted in a photodetector to a digitized photocur- of the displacement from the home location of the twins; i.e.,
rent. Thus, where EPR experiments are done in a part of the the length of all space-like Lorentz vectors connecting these
spectrum in which it is possible to track the time evolution of two world lines. For parallel world lines, this value is invari-
an electric field, then the photocurrent can be raised to such ant starting from any arbitrary point on either world line. With
a high intensity that it can be regarded as a continuous en- this in hand, the traveling twin then determines the speed ca-
tity like radiation. The EPR correlations then become simply pabilites of his craft and calculates the anticipated arrival time
those among current intensities. Such experiments have been at the pylon.
done and the results are in full conformity with the so-called The distance to the pylon star is not an apparent distance,
“quantum” results. Perhaps the first experiment of this nature the length of a moving rod as seen from a second frame, for
was done by Evdokimov et al. with radar gear.[16] Recently, example, but the proper length to the whole world line of the
a four-fold “GHZ” experiment using hetrodyning techniques selected star. Such a length is a scaler and a Lorentz invariant.
has also been done, again giving results in full conformity The location of the world line of the pylon on a Minkowski
with those from QM and in direct contradiction with the con- diagram depends on the axis to which it refers. That is, this
clusion of Bell’s “theorem.”[17] In short, these experiments world line with respect to the stationary twin passes through
provide purely classical examples of the origin of EPR corre- the space coordinate at ‘D’ on the his abscissa. Likewise, this
lations. world line must pass through the traveler’s abscissa also; but,
because of the difference in the scale of the traveler’s axis, this
same world line, although still parallel to the stay-at-home’s
III. ASYMMETRIC AGING world line, will not be congruent to the line referred to the
stay-at-home’s axis but is displaced by the scale factor. (It is
In classical mechanics, the 3-D vector position is the de- this displacement that has been overlooked in previous analy-
pendant variable while time is an independent parameter. sis and which distinguishes this approach.) The consequence
Likewise, in special relativistic mechanics, the 4-D vector of this displacement is that, the intersection of the traveler’s
of space-time ‘location’ is the dependant variable and proper world line with the world line of the turn -around point is
time is the independent parameter, so long as: a single parti- also further out on the traveler’s world line; i.e., the proper
cle in a field is under consideration. When two mutually in- time taken to reach the pylon is seen to be greater than hereto-
teracting particles are taken into consideration, this structure fore estimated. In fact, it is equal to the proper time of the
stay-at-home as he himself computes it for the time taken by
seems to break down because it is held that the proper time
intervals on separate world lines between two crossings are the traveler to reach the pylon. Thus, when the whole trip is
completed, both twins agree that they have experienced equal
unequal.[18] The most renown illustration of this situation is
known as: “the twin paradox.”[19] portions of proper time since the start of the trip; i.e., their
internal clocks, ages, are equal. Their reports to each other
It is, however, the contention herein that this situation is
via light signals on the passage of time, in the usual way do
the result of error. When this error is corrected, asymmetric
not agree, however. The final consequence of these consider-
aging is seen not to occur.[20] The cause of the error is found
ations is that, contrary to oft expressed opinion, proper time
in a nonintuitive property of the Lorentz transformation: it
can serve in a self consistent way as the independent variable
induces nonuniform scale changes. Although this latter fact
for relativistic mechanics.
is well known, its effect on what can be called “space-time”
perspective, is still oft ill understood and misapplied. These points can be depicted as follows on a Minkowski
Customarily analysis of the twin paradox has not carefully chart. (See Figure 1)
taken into account the determination of the distance to the The same conclusion can be won also as follows: Let x j
turn-around point (which for brevity, we denote the ‘pylon’) be the Minkowski configuration four-vector with components
of the traveling twin. This distance is not really a vector on x j , y j , z j , ict of the j-th particle. Let dx j be a differential dis-
a Minkowski diagram but rather the space-like separation of placement along the j-th particle’s orbit; i.e., a differential of
two entire world lines, namely those of the terminus and py- arc length. Two such differentials tangent to arbitrary points p
lon of the trip. The pylon, that is, its place in the world, is and p′ on orbits j and k are related to each other by the Lorentz
not an event but a location, in other words, a worldline. The transformation L(p, p′ , j, k), between the instantaneous rest
turn-around itself is, of course, an event in the usual mean- frames of j and k; i.e., given dx j | p , dx j | p′ is essentially de-
ing of that word for special relativity. For the traveling twin, fined by
however, the turn-around event per se is a secondary matter
as far as his navigational needs are concerned. His primary dxk | p′ = L(p, p′ , j, k)dx j | p ). (10)
concern is to travel to the designated point in space, regard-
less of the time taken, before reversing course. How can he Thus, the differential of arc length,(dx j · dx j )1/2 is invariant
(x, t) Eigentime t
(x′ , t ′ ) Turn-event in
Traveller’s frame traveller’s frame
Eigentime of turn-event
in fixed frame
D in fixed frame
Eigenlength isobar
Pylon’s worldline
x′ in fixed frame
Pylon’s worldline
in traveller’s frame
FIG. 1: This figure is comprised of two Minkowski charts superimposed on top of each other. The worldline of the Pylon in the fixed
frame chart passes through the point ‘D’ on the x-axis. The corresponding point on the x′ -axis, the traveler’s axis, is found by sliding up
the proper-length isocline to the intersection with the x′ -axis. The worldline of the pylon passes through this point on the prime chart. The
intersection of the Pylon’s worldline with the t ′ -axis is the point on the traveler’s chart representing the ‘turn-around’ event. The proper-time
of the turn-around event in the fixed frame is found by sliding down that proper-time isocline which passes through the turn-around event to its
intersection with the t-axis. It is clear that this value is identical with the time assigned by the fixed twin himself to the turn-around event as it
may be projected horizontally over to the intersection of the Pylon’s worldline in his (fixed) frame with the time axis of the traveler. Apparent
asymmetric ageing arises by using, incorrectly, that proper-time isocline which passes through the intersection of the traveler’s and the pylon’s
fixed frame worldlines.
because at each point it satisfies modulus of the velocity, in other words, the ‘four-lengths’ of
all velocity vectors for all particles equal each other so that by
(dxk | p′ · dxk | p′ )1/2 = (dx j | p L∗ · Ldx j | p )1/2 dividing each by (dτ)2 and taking the square root, one obtains
= (dx j | p · dx j | p )1/2 . (11) Eq. (12) again.
the sun (∼ 1040 cm2 ). It is an effect attendant to ‘perspective’ of decay half-lives in each frame for subsequent comparison.
in space-time. Thus, all physical effects resulting from the (Note: this scheme can be considered only conceptual inspi-
‘appearance’ (i.e., the way in which light signals transmit in- ration. In fact the shape of decay curves conceals rather than
formation or momentum-energy) will be modified by the the enhances differences in the accumulation of proper ages.)
perspective. So any test of time dilation which involves a re-
port from, or the interaction between, disparate frames will
exhibit phenomena resulting from relative positions and times IV. ADVANCED INTERACTION
of emitter and receiver; i.e., space-time perspective.
Some experiments seem exempt from the effects of per- Electrodynamics as field theory (i.e., Maxwell’s equations)
spective. The two customary examples are the muon decay does not result in a closed formulation. That is, the interac-
curve in the atmosphere, and the transport of atomic ‘clocks- tion between two charged particles is describe by considering
around-the-world.’ Here the situation is less clear. Each of one charge as a current and solving for the fields at the po-
these experiments, however, is afflicted with features that al- sition of the second which is then ‘moved’ according to the
low contest.[22] Lorentz force law. Then, the second particle is considered a
Muon decay, for example, largely seems to ignore possible source current which generates perturbing fields back on the
cross-section dependence on the velocity of the projectile and first charge. Thereafter the first charge’s motion is corrected
secondary production. The clocks-around-the-world experi- and used to recalculate its fields at the position of the second—
ment has been strongly criticized for its data reduction tech- ad infinitum, or to the desired accuracy.[26]
niques. In particular, the existence of time delay effects for Fokker developed a closed formulation for the electro-
transported clocks has been questioned.[23] Without access magnetic force by incorporating light-cone into action-at-a-
to the details of these experiments and their subsequent data distance mechanics. Essentially he found a Lagrangian which
analysis, one is not in position to do deep critical analysis; is not merely the sum of of individual Lagrangians whose
nevertheless, there is sufficient information in the literature variation yields coupled equations of motion.[27] This La-
to reasonably justify considering conclusions drawn on their grangian, however, produced yet another complexity: It led to
basis as disputable. Moreover, experience with contemporary simultaneous advanced and retarded interaction for each par-
communication technology seems to present numerous practi- ticle. This feature is problematic on two levels. First, it raises
cal reasons to question the conventional understanding of time questions of causality because it would mean that the present
delay effects for transported clocks.[24] is always partially conditioned by all of the future, contrary
On the other hand, there are also experimental results com- to observation. Secondly, it introduces the calculational com-
pletely in accord with this result. An attempt by Phipps to ob- plication of precluding the known methods of integrating the
serve the so called Ehrenfest effect—Fitzgerald contraction of equations of motion (this point will be discussed below).
the circumference of a disk as a consequence of high tangen- No resolution for the causality difficulties of the pure two-
tial velocity due to rotation—gave unambiguous null results, particle problem appear to have been proposed; in fact, ap-
for example.[25] The lack of radial dependence of element parently the only attempt at resolution immerses the problem
abundance and star species in observed galaxies can be taken in a many body universe by invoking radiation absorbers at
as cosmic scale confirmation of Phipps’ result. infinity.[28] Moreover, although integration of the pure two-
particle equations has been attempted, thus far the proposed
schemes are clearly approximation techniques or useful in
B. A proposed test severely restricted circumstances.
Taking advantage, however, of the integrity of proper-time,
Crucial to a test of this formulation is that the aging of [29] we can formulate direct interaction mechanics as follows:
‘twins’ be compared directly rather than via reports conveyed Let four-velocities be defined as
between frames. Because customary experiments rely on sig- v j := dx j /dτ = γ j (v j , ic) := ẋ j (14)
nals sent from the moving to the fixed frame one way or an-
other, it is not possible to exclude ‘space-time’ perspective and momenta as m j v j , where m j is the j-th particle’s rest
effects. mass. With these definitions, the four-vector version of
Perhaps this can be overcome. Consider a variation of a Hamilton’s principle
Pound-Rebka experiment employing a material with an ele- Z τ2
ment whose nucleus is naturally unstable. Let a sample of this
δ L xj , vj , τ)dτ = 0, (15)
material be divided and then hold half at a high temperature τ1
and half at a low temperature long enough such that the cal-
culated time dilation of the more rapidly moving atoms of the where (for N (number of particles) =2)
heated half is great enough to yield a detectable difference in 2
decay products. The ratios of decay products then should be
compared finally in the same frame, i.e., at the same tempera-
L= ∑ m j (v j · v j )1/2
ture. An experiment of this structure would not be dependant 2 Z τ
−2 ∑ e j ek
2 ′
on the transmission of signals from frame to frame but sim- v j (τ) · vk (τ′ )δ x j (τ) − xk (τ′ ) dτ , (16)
ply internally tally the total passage of eigen time in terms k6= j −∞
yields equations of motion coupled by only two interactions also appear in Eq. (19), it could be written as the sum of
(Because of the upper bound on the integral, advanced inter- individual Lagrangians and therefore would not qualify as a
actions are excluded.): system Lagrangian.
Schemes can be imagined which circumvent this problem
!µυ by some sort of global approach; i.e., by seeking the whole
ej solution at once. For example, perhaps the solution could
m j (ẍ j ) =
c ∑ Fk |ret (ẋ j )υ , j = 1, 2, (17)
be found as the limit of a technique each successive step of
k6= j
which gave a closer approximation to the entire world line.
where At present, however, such techniques appear to have not been
Z τ developed—Eq. (21) are in general numerically and analyti-
ẋυk ∂υ − ẋk ∂µ δ (ẋ j (τ) − ẋk (τ))2 dτ′ . (18)
Fk = 2c
µ cally unsolvable.
−∞ Eq. (17), on the other hand, can always be integrated by
machine because the information needed to compute each in-
The features peculiar to this formulation can best be de- cremental increase of any world line has already been com-
lineated by comparison with Fokker’s. The most outstanding puted. Also by imagining a machine calculation, it is clear that
difference is that Fokker’s formulation does not exploit Eq. if each particle’s world line between the past and the future
(12) and therefore employs a separate independent parame- with respect to the same but otherwise arbitrary light cone is
ter for each particle, which leads to a number of problems, given as initial data, then the system of world lines can be ex-
including synchronization of these parameters.[18] Fokker’s tended by calculations indefinitely into the future or the past.
Lagrangian is not simply the sum of individual patched to- (Note, however, that retrodicting is not simply equivalent to
gether in an ad hoc manner; he argued that a truly fundamen- reversing τ because the active and passive ends of the inter-
tal formulation should proceed from the variation of a single action do not thereby also exchange roles. In other words,
system Lagrangian to a set of coupled equations of motion. this formulation with differential-delay equations of motion
the Lagrangian L F , but advanced interaction has an intrinsic ‘time arrow.’) Al-
though this type of initial data is greater that the customary
N N Cauchy data {x(τa ), ẋ(τa )}, it is a general characteristic of
L F = ∑ L j = ∑ m j (v j · v j )1/2 − differential-delay equations that Cauchy data are insufficient
j j to determine a particular solution as enough initial data must
2 Z +∞ be given to span the delay.[30]
2 ∑ e j ek
v j (τ j ) · vk (τk )δ (x j (τ j ) − xk (τk ))2 dτk , (19)
k6= j −∞
satisfies these criteria and leads, by means of the variation
Z N The main results of this work are twofold: 1.) strong doubt
δ ∑ L j dτ j = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , N (20) is cast on the validity of the notion that at a fundamental level,
j Nature is nonlocal; and 2.) it is shown that invariant proper
time has the logical integrity required in order to be the inde-
to the equations of motion
pendent parameter for special relativistic mechanics. While
the first conclusion is without empirical contest, the second
ej N
m j (ẍ j (τ j ))µ = Fk |ret + Fk |adv (ẋa (τ j ))υ , must still be reconciled with several experiments whose cur-
2c k6= j rent interpretation seems to be in conflict.
j = 1, 2, . . . N (21) The human psyche being what it is, it is in exactly those
areas where certain knowledge is the least likely, that com-
These equations, however, cannot be integrated by a local pro- pensation perversely induces the strongest convictions. While
cedure as is obvious is one imagines attempting a machine in- matters of “sex, politics and religion” deliver the least con-
tegration of the j-th equation at a given value of τ j . Such an testable examples of this effect, fundamental physics, because
integration; i.e., a calculation of the an incremental extention of its “deep” reputation and cultural affiliation with virtually
of the world line for an incremental increase in τ j , requires transcendental wisdom, runs a close second. Further, it seems
knowledge of the k-th world line on the forward light cone to this writer that ‘non-locality’ and ‘asymmetric aging’ tempt
of the j-th particle, which, in order to be computed, requires many who would like to find a confirmation of mystical, re-
knowledge of the i-th world line on the forward light cone of ligious or just exotic-futuristic beliefs, to see exactly that in
the j-th particle, but this portion of this orbit is yet to be com- logic-defying phenomena. Real, honest science, however, de-
puted, etc., ad infinitum. In effect, the solution is needed as mands uncompromised logical consistency. Likewise, real,
initial data in order to compute the solution in this way. honest philosophy does not revel in antilogy as a portal on the
Of course, advanced interaction could be precluded by preternatural, rather the opposite (see various contributions in,
changing the upper limit of integration in Eq. (19) to τi j , e.g., [31], wherein time contortions are found wanting).
where τi j is that value of τ j which includes only the retarded The arguments supporting our conclusions are strictly
potential from the j-th particle; however, as τi j would then points of logic, rather than physical analogies or intuitive An-
sätze. Internal logical consistency is even more demanding sists essentially of finding a statement that can not be proven
a standard than empirical verification whenever interpretation true. To many it seems doubtful that modern physics could
intervenes. Internal consistency is vital for developing mean- pass such a test; thus, the continued development of physics
ingful theory; it is well known that if an axiom set contains theories best proceeds only on a basis purged of all antinomy
an inconsistent element, it is possible to prove as correct any among its basic definitions and hypotheses. This is our aim.
statement whatsoever. In fact the test for consistency con-
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