The Secret of Astral Vision (Draft)
The Secret of Astral Vision (Draft)
The Secret of Astral Vision (Draft)
Another exclusive. Yesterday I finally answered a few questions Ive had. Ill start
with some background then go into specific details and technical points and you can
feel more the wiser.
This in reference to the Trakaka on a Black dot method of Dharana. The method
calls to make a black dot made of collyrium on a betel leaf that is affixed to
cardboard and placed on a wall. Behind you a candle is lit (backlighting is also an
important step) and you practice tratak on the black dot.
The instructions online are not as complete as in my source the book Dharana
Darshan-Yogic,Tantric and Upanishadic Practices of Concentration and Visualization
which is a must have. What struck me after a review is what he says about the
afterimages produced by the method.
You might see a cross, or a AUM symbol or a human figure (shadow). This dug up a
few questions about the variations of methods Ive seen in other texts. It made me
wonder what was really in that India ink and now I know for sure that its not
Let me go into details. In the book Cybernetic E.S.P. breakthrough by Katharine
Cover Sabin she mentions experiments she did with projective divination which
uses the method for producing adhoc Rorschach inkblots using red and black ink.
She tells a story of how she predicted the outcome of a horse testing her theory.
She also talks a bit about it in her book on dreams ESP and dream analysis. She
says at the end of the book, at least in one version I have (the paperback is a bit
different from the other printing I have), that she will publish a book called
Projective divination.
I dont think its ever been published. I was very influenced by the descriptions of
the Animus and Anima in a 80s new age self help book. When I read the
Homeopathic description(s) for Sepia it inspired me to put some collection of quotes
I collected as meditations on the theme on my Tumblr here:
The theme of india ink being used in some form another, the most common
method being to place a black dot on a mirror and sit close and gaze at it, really
bothered me. I couldnt confirm anything with research that there was ever a india
ink that had sepia ink as a component. Ironically there is a sepia color ink, but it is
a brownish ink.
India ink is said to be lampblack. That really doesnt help us. Because lampblack
can be any number of things as you will come to find out. When I did a search for
Collyrium I came up with some interesting information.
Now I know for sure there is a reason for why Hindus in general, people of East
indian descent generally, tend to mostly have Astral vision. It couldnt have been
genetic. The ones that dont have Astral vision seem to be the most rabidly
hellbent on proving that their fellow countrymen seem to be deranged or mentally
ill. Case in point being the many demonstrations of the indian rope trick and many
other manipulations of what is ASTRAL SUBSTANCE by so-called Fakirs.
Where the colloquial term FAKER comes from. The implication that FAKIR tricks or
RIDDHIs (lower forms of SIDDHIS) are simply tricks of light and shadow or sleightof-hand. This makes no sense when you have groups of onlookers who all swear
that they see things yet others do not.
How could you explain this apparent manifestation of Folie deux amongst such a
large population over a wide span of time. Something must account for this. What
are they doing to produce astral vision. Now Im sure it is this collyrium.
The herbal components are burnt and made into a powder ie. Lampblack which is
mixed specifically with Castrol oil, per the instructions for Trataka on a black dot.
I have come full circle again with the BAI BIAN DOU. I just bought a bag at the local
herb guy. This type is CHAO BAI BIAN DOU. In my moms herbal book it says they
are mildly toxic.
CHAO means dry fried. They are actually not charred. CHAO generally means
blackened. These are indeed MAGIC BEANS and can be charred to make a
lampblack made to be mixed with castor oil to make the black dot specifically for
the method of TRATAK on a black dot.
I have learned a lot about making special dies and inks. Im not even a painter, but
I have taken my lighting and sciomancy both technical and occult to another level. I
wanted to put this information out asap. Because its of interest to anyone out there
that works with dyes, inks and film emulsions and photography.
You have to be very careful about not following traditional guidelines. For example,
the backlighting, and the use of a lamp made of cotton wick and specifically castor
oil or ghee or sesame oil (or sometimes both). Now I know for sure the use of india
ink is not arbitrary. But no actual evidence as of yet that any sepia was added to
the inks for animus development or PAO SHIH.
I feel that the AD HOC inkblots are an interesting tool used in defacto
psychotherapy. The folkloric example is in the graphic novel and the movie based
on it Watchmen. If you dont know LATIN adhoc means afterwards. Meaning, the
classic inkblots used for diagnosis are not used, but one is made in a session to
solve a mental block of a patient.
Its quite possible that they are still used today but we dont hear about them
because it falls under attorney client privilege and would be a violation of the
therapeutic nexus if the results were actually made public.
The problem I had, obviously was if the tranditional guidelines were not adhered
to if the actual proper ink was not used. And if the india ink was originally made
of Sepia, which would act as an actual medium for projection of the shadow.
Which is ironic here, because the Animus and Anima are two different things.
The projection of the unconscious would also be a misnomer. We have very specific,
technical components to bring into play here. And my focus was on the ANIMATION
of the SHADOW specifically. In PAO SHIH according to legend, the ANIMUS of a man
could actually be animated and projected externally to interact with objects eg. To
stand guard over you while you sleep.
Could you imagine the implications for actual practice, not in psychotherapy, but in
projective divination. I dont know much work that has been done on the subject so
we have to go back to the original methodology for Trataka on a black dot. That the
afterimage forms in ones mind actually comes alive and is not simply retinal
persistent imagery.