New Natura Brevium Pages 601 - 606
New Natura Brevium Pages 601 - 606
New Natura Brevium Pages 601 - 606
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The Evergreen State College Library
(a) But if the Lord takes Homage of the fift Part 27. where the Temporal Courts ad-
Heir within Age, he is thereby out of Ward, judged what was Herefy. See alfo good Matter
per Bro. Howa ge9. wide Ant, 42. con. and fo in Petit, Brook 458. and 13 Co. 59. Munois
the Law feems to have altered in this Point. Cafe.
(by Note; Until the Time of II 4. no Perfon (C)See 12 Co. 56, 57, 93. That by the Com-
was put to Death for Opinions in Religion in mon Law no Bilhop could convia of Herefy as
England: See the Reafon hereof in Taylor's Li- to Lefs of Life, but only as to Penance & pro
berty of Prophelying, p. 1oz5. Je. 13. Baker's falte Animr: But in the Cafe of Life, the Con-
Hiflory 345.nd Sanderfon's Hiflory to. viaion by the Common Law oughtto have been
See the Cafes of Anne Knell and Anne Afkew, before the Archbilhop in Convocation.
burnt 4.Ed 6. for denying Chrift to have taken See Petits Colleations 72, 73. the Writs and
his Fleib of the Virgin Mary. Heylin's Hiftory Procefs for burning Barthol. Lgate and Anne
88, 89. and Burnets Hiltory of the Reformation, Iightman. Temp. Jac. i.
4 H Brothers
6o z Writ de Heretico comburendo.
Brothers the Sufragans, and alfo of the whole Clergy of his Province (a) in his
ProvincialCouncil apa/.mbled, the Orders of Lawin this Behalf requiite being in
all TIhings obferved, by hi defiitive' Sntehe prdounced ad declared W. Sawtre
(fometime Chaplain condemned for Herefy, and by him the faid W. heretofore in
Form of Law abjured,, ad kim the faid W. relapfed into the faid Herefy) a
manifef Heretic, a4 decreed)him to be degraded, and hath for, that ,Caufe realy
degrade4him, from all clyrical Prerogative and"Privilege,. and hath- decreed him
the faid W. to be left, and hath really left him, to the Setular Court, according to
the Laws and canonical Sandions fet forth in this Behalf, and holy Mother the
Church hath nothing further to do in the Premifes: We therefore, being zealous for
Juffice, and a Lover of the Catholic Faith, willing to maintain and defend holy
Church, and the Rights and Libfrlies thereof, and (as much as in us lies) to ex-
tirpate by the Roots futh Herefies and .Lrrors out of our Kingdom of England, and
to punit Heretics fo convifed with condign Punilhment; and being mindful that Juch
Hereticsconvifled in-Form aforefaid, and condemned accordingto the Law Divine and
Human by canonicalInflitution, and in this Behalf accuftomed, ought to be burnt
with a burningFlame of Fire, we command you, moft firily as we can, firmly in-
joining, that you commit to the Fire the aforefaid W. being in your Cujiody, in
fome publick and open Place within the Liberties of the City aforefaid, before the
People publickly, by reafon of the Premifes, and caufe him really to be burnt in the
fame Fire, in deteftation of this Crime, and-to the mainfeft Example of other
ChrifJians: And this you are by no Means to omit, under the Peril faling there-
on. Witnefs, &c.
(b) And by that Writ it appeareth, that a Man ought to be convi&ed of D
the Herefy by the Archbifhop and all the Clergy of that Province, and abju-
red for the fame, and afterwards anew conviaed and condemned by the Clergy
of the fame Province, and that in their general Council of Convocation. But
now by the Statute of Hen. 4. cap. 15. it is enaded, That every Bifhop in his
Diocefe may convia a Man of Herefy, and abjure him, &c. and afterwards
conviit him anew thereof, and condemn him, and warn the Sheriff or other
Officer to apprehend him, and burn him, &c. And that the Sheriff or other
Officer ought to do. the fame by the Precept of the Bifhop, and without any
Writ from the'King to do the fame. And that is the Caufe (as it feemeth)
that that Writ is not put into the new Regifters, becaufe that Writ ought not
at this Day to be fued forth, but is as it were void by Reafon of the faid A.
(c) But now'by the Statute made Anno 25 H. 8. c. 1. that Statute which. was
made Anno 2 H. 4. is repealed and made void. And now it is enated by this
late Statute, that he who is abjured for Herefy, and afterwards falleth into
(a) See Bra. Herej T. That if one will abjure c. 1. the Statut 5R 2. . 5. and 2H. 5. c. 7.
afecond Herefy, yet he thall be burnt; and that and 25 H. S. c. 14. are repealed; and by &
altho' the fecond Herfy be in another Point of z Ph. & Mar. e. 6. the Statutes 5 R 2. 2 H 4.
Faith.Secie. r~ua.
ee Inlit. 'f-aris Canon* J4,15
44, 14 5. and 2 Hi. 5. are revived; and by Statute iEI;:z.
(b) See the Book of Entries Tit. kdiament, C. 1. the Stat. & 2 P. & M. c.6. and 5 R. 2.
an Indiatment before Commillioners for Herefy, 2H. 4. 2 H 5. are all repealed; fo that this now
a Capias awarded, and the Party delivered to the hands as at Common Law before tho'e Statutes.
Ordinary. And Noti; By the Statute i9 Car. 2. . 9.
(c) See the Statutes, and neeu by 25 H. 8. c. this Writ de Hereti rambarenda is abolified.
14.a the Stat. 2 HH4 is repe4led ; and by iEi. Laus Do*.
Writ up6.Wt/ atute of lvarleinidg, 'c. 603,
Relapfe, and is:Conviated thereof before, the Ordisany, that .yet the Ordinary
otight not for to, commit hinL to the Lay Power .'to be burnt, without-,the
King's Writ firft obtained for to burn him, as appeareth by.the faid Statute f {270. 1
25 H. 8- cap. I4. more at large.
4H 2 other
do4. Grants made by the king, &c,
other, demand fuch Fine, and doth not diftrain for the fame, then he cannot
have a Writ of Attachment for fuch Demand made, becaufe he is not damnified
by the Demand, &c.
T HE of the
that to
you, King efpecialand
ourBailifs honefjweMen
Favour have the Town of P. greeting: Know D,
of granted to you in.Aid- of paving
the faid Town, that from the Day of the making thefe Prefents, until t&A End of
five Tears next following, you may take in the faid Town the Cuftoxs underwritten,
to wit, For every'Carriage on Horfeback, &c. And' therefore we command you,.
that ye take the faid Cuftoms until the End of the faid Term, as before is faid,;.
but the faid Term of five 11rars being compleated, the faid Cufoms fball akfoluiely
ceafe and be taken away. In Witnefs, &c.
Grant of a Stewardfbip.
T HEW. King, &c. Know you, that we Dave granted to our beloved and faithfu
of H. the Office and Government of the Steward/hip of, &c. with all
Things belonging to the faid Of/ice, during our Pleafure: And therefore we com-
mand you, that you obey, anfwer, and faithfully attend' him the faid W. in al
fbings as Steward. Ih fitnefs whereof, &c..
And fo endeth this prefent I'reatife, called, New Natura Brevium, which Book
fully declares the Natures of the OriginalWrits contained and exprefed in th,