A Chaotic Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communication System
A Chaotic Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communication System
A Chaotic Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communication System
In the past thirty years, there has been a great deal of interest
in the study of non-linear dynamical systems [1][2]. The introduction of chaos into communication systems offers several
opportunitiesfor improvement. This is partly because of the randomnature of chaotic systems. Since a chaotic dynamical system
is a deterministic system, its random-like behavior can be very
helpful in disguising modulations as noise. Moreover, through
the sensitive dependence of chaotic systems on their initial conditions, a large number of uncorrelated, random-like, yet deterministic andreproducible signalscan be generated. Thesesignals
are only reproducible on finite arithmetic machines. The quantization does not destroy the desirable properties of the
sequences, and there would still be a large pool of chaotic
sequences from which to choose. This work focuses on one application of the theory of chaos to digital communications. Other
applications of this theory are also being investigated [3].
This paper is only concerned with discrete-time dynamical
systems when they are operating in the chaotic state, A discretetime dynamical system is defined by the state equation [4]
=f(&), 0 <
< 1, k = 0, 1,2,...
x n + ~=
rxn (1 - I n > ,
where, 1< r <4, and r is calledthe bifurcation parameter. Depending on the value of r, the dynamics of this system can change dramatically, exhibiting periodicity or chaos. For 3.57.. .< r 5 4, the
sequenceis,for all practicalpurposes, non-periodicandnon-converging.
Chaotic systems have a very sensitive dependence on their
initial conditions. This sensitive dependence can be demonstrated by giving two very closeinitial points to theiterativemap.
After afew iterations,the two resulting sequences will look completely uncorrelated. (Fig. 1 illustrates this point for the logistic
map.) Hence, an abundant source of almost uncorrelated signals
has been discovered: a slight change in the initial condition will
produce a completely different signal. Moreover, in most cases,
the initial condition of the system may not be deduced from a
finite length of the sequence [71.
Section I1 will propose the use of chaotic signals as spreading
sequences in direct-sequence spread-spectrum@S/SS) communication systems, while section I11 will discuss the advantages of
such systems over the conventional DS/SS systems.
Fig. 2 The proposed method of generating the chaotic spreading sequences for
1st map
2nd map
bit 0
bit 1
bit 2
swept L.O.
Fig. 5 Block diagram of a carrier regenerating detector for BPSK Binary DS/SS
swkpt L.O.
Fig. 6Blockdiagram of acarrier regenerating detector for QPSKBinary DS/SS
; Delay &Mix
f o 9
Swept L.O.
The use of chaotic sequences for spectral spreading in a
direct-sequencespread-spectrumsystemhas been shown to provide several advantages over conventional methods while still
preserving the same error performance. One advantage is the
availability of an enormous number of different sequences of a
given length as compared to the maximal length and Gold code
sequences. Regeneration andregenerationof chaotic sequences
is very simple and involves the storage of only a few parameters
and functions even for very long sequences. Moreover, the code
sequences are easily made independent from one information
symbol to the next. The Chaotic DS/SS system is inherently
much more difficult to intercept as it is resistant to the conven-
tional despreadmg procedures used to detect Binary DS/SS signals. This provides a substantially increased LPI capability.
With the age of the third generation personal communication
systems approaching, the privacy of transmission is becoming an
even moreimportantissue. Chaotic spreading sequencesprovide
the DS/SS system with significatly more security features than
the conventional binary sequences. Non-repetitiveness,sensitivity on initial conditions and parameters, non-binary values, random-like behavior, and ease of systematically increasing the
complexity of the generators are among them.
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