Aesthetics and Psychobiology
Aesthetics and Psychobiology
Aesthetics and Psychobiology
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Aestheticsand Psychobiology
By D. E. Berlyne
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cognitive capacitiesand their emotional concomitants.Berlynehas undertaken a systematicstudy of those variableswhich engenderan increasein,
or a lowering of, an individual'slevel of arousalor activation.Such collative variablesas novelty, complexity,ambiguity,uncertainty,and surprise
have successfullyaccounted for an individual's interest in and reactions
to diverse forms of stimulation (Berlyne 1960). Berlyne maintains that
artistic objects are particularlysuited to produce such effects as arousal,
pleasure, or interest; the artist, in turn, has a developed capacity to
manipulate properties like the complexity or ambiguity of a pattern.
Experimentalaestheticsmay be defined as a study of such collative variables.
This interestin the interfacebetweencognitiveand emotionalreactions
is embellished by a number of additional themes. Berlyne regards the
emergenceof information theory as a crucial contribution to aesthetics,
for this technique allows precise and unambiguousascertainmentof the
relativecomplexity,goodness,or uncertaintyof patterns.At last psychologists can measure the properties toward which the Gestalt psychologists
could only point. Another welcome development has been the discovery
by physiologistsof differentcentersin the brain which apparentlymediate
pleasurablesensations,arousal, and inhibition. These, again, provide a
material underpinning for reactions about which earlier aestheticians
could only speculate. Berlyne values studies of exploratorybehavior in
human beings and animals, for they elucidate a vital motivational factor
that underlies, and indicates the common bonds among, play, scientific
inquiry, and artistic activity. Finally, Berlyne hails such analytic techniques as factoranalysisand multidimensionalscaling;for the firsttime it
has become possible to separateout the various componentsin aesthetic
reactions, such as pleasure-valueand interest-value,and to specify the
contributionsof each.
Berlyne's book consists of a careful exposition of each factor and
techniquein the mannerof a moderatelyadvancedtextbook, followed by
a considerationof their yields for an understandingof aesthetic phenomena in the style of a scholarlymonograph.There are rich discussionsof
findings about the nature of proportion,rhythm, and aesthetic balance:
full accounts of such psychophysical variables as intensity, size, color,
novelty, and ambiguity; plus a review of those investigations in the area
of perception, learning, and motivation which are of special moment for
the psycho-aesthetician. Having read the sixteen varied chapters, anyone
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with some background in psychology and the arts should emerge with a
clear grasp of the principles employed by Berlyne and an assessment of
what these techniques have yielded.
The book is an excellent review of work in the psychology of art, and a
persuasive brief for his view of aesthetics and psychobiology. It clearly
signals the excitement in a field that has finally discovered which questions
to ask. Disputes will center on whether the research tradition that Berlyne
himself represents has resolved key issues. One's conclusions here will
reflect (and I believe Berlyne will concur with this claim) one's own views
about art and psychology, and these in turn depend upon basic epistemological and methodological assumptions.
Two broad approaches to an area like psycho-aesthetics can be defined.
The first, which may be termed the "elementarist," holds that our understanding of artistic objects and processes presupposes a complete understanding of their components. Such an understanding can only result from
experiments employing stimulus objects over which one has complete
control. Eventually, more complex stimuli can be devised that more
faithfully model artistic objects. The alternative, or "holistic," approach
requires that one commence with an intact artistic object or experience,
regardless of its complexity. The investigation attempts to understand this
on its own terms. Only then does one decompose the experience or object
into parts so that its components can be determined and explicated.
Such orientations exert a powerful influence on an investigator's
procedures. Take, for example, the question of style perception (e.g., see
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cal position on the collative variables. To be sure, some robust generalizations have emerged from the copious researches undertaken by Berlyne
and his colleagues; but these depart little from common sense and are
unlikely to convince skeptics that psychology has successfully unwrapped
the mysteries of the arts. Many of the speculations in Berlyne's latter
chapters are of considerable interest, but these lack the very data base to
which he is strongly, and rightly, committed.
To this indictment it may be responded that the field is in its early
stages: having finally gotten on the right track, the psychological approach
will go on to make more striking discoveries. Whether this prediction is
borne out remains an empirical question. I can foresee a point in the future
when Berlyne's approach will have unraveled the secrets of an interesting
or complex or pleasing display and the rules for producing (or destroying)
others. It is also possible, however, that there are other, more promising
This review is not the place to plead an alternative case, but, by suggesting some gaps in Berlyne's approach, I can perhaps hint at another perspective on the field. For all its explicit concern with the arts, Berlyne's treatment seems to me equally valid for nonartistic endeavors. For example,
problem-solving in mathematics can involve collative variables to the
same extent as the arts. Recognizing common links between the arts and
the sciences is fine, but if there are systematic differences between the
realms these must also be acknowledged. Otherwise the call for a psychology of art sounds strangely hollow. Berlyne fails to consider that a
principal difference between the arts and the sciences may lie in the kinds
of symbols and symbol systems that they employ (see Goodman 1968;
Gardner, Howard, and Perkins 1974). Such recognition seems necessary
for a precise determination of the ways in which involvement with mathematics differs from engagement with music or poetry. This point of view
also suggests that a particular stimulus may be treated in an artistic or in
a scientific way, depending on whether and in what manner certain kinds
of symbolic reference are apprehended (see Gardner 1971a; Gardner,
Howard, and Perkins 1974).
may also be
questioned. Berlyne has much to say about the artistic perceiver, little
about the creator, the composer, the performer, or the critic. His psychology focuses almost exclusively on the artistic product, saying little
about the processes that bring it about. His concern is almost wholly with
the normal adult; he does not confront the question of the different
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Structure and direction in thinking. New York: Wiley, 1965"Esthetics."In The individual in a social context. The Handbook
of Social Psychology, edited by Gardner Lindzey and Elliot Aronson, vol. 3, 2d
ed. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1969.
"Problem-solving in the arts and sciences." Journal of Aesthetic Education 5, no. 1 (January 1971): 93-113. (a)
". "The development of sensitivity to artistic styles." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29, no. 4 (Summer 1971): 515-27. (b)
S"Style sensitivity in children." Human Development 15, no. 6 (1972):
The arts and human development. New York: Wiley, 1973. (a)
"Challenges for a psychology of art." Tresselt Memorial Lecture presented at New York University, May, 1973. (b) To be published in Proceedings.
". "A psychological examination of Nelson Goodman's theory of symbols."
The Monist, in press.
"Symbol systems: A
philosophical, psychological, and educational investigation." In Media and
symbols: The forms of expression, communication, and education, edited by
David R. Olson. Seventy-Third Yearbook of the National Society for the Study
of Education, Part i. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education, 1974.
H. Art and illusion. New York: Pantheon Books, 1960.
GOODMAN, NELSON. Languagesof art. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968.
By Howard Gardner
New York: Wiley, 1973. 395 pages.
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