Site Layout
Site Layout
Site Layout
The efficient layout planning of a construction site is a fundamental task to any project undertaking. In an attempt to enhance
the general practice of layout planning of construction sites, the paper introduces a novel approach for producing the sought
layouts. This approach integrates the highly sophisticated graphical capabilities of computer-aided design (CAD) platforms with
the robust search and optimization capabilities of genetic algorithms (GAs). In this context, GAs are utilized from within the
CAD environment to optimize the location of temporary facilities on site. The functional interaction between GAs and CAD
and the details of the GA-based layout optimization procedure are presented. A fully automated computer system is further
developed to demonstrate the practicality of the chosen approach. In order to evaluate the systems performance, a local
construction project with a 24,000m2 site is used. The automated system produced highly satisfactory results and showed
notable flexibility through its CAD-based input/output media.
D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Site layout planning; Computer-aided design (CAD); Genetic algorithms
1. Introduction
Efficient layout planning of a construction site is
fundamental to any successful project undertaking.
This task usually consists of identifying the temporary
facilities needed to support construction operations,
determining their size and shape, and positioning
them in the unoccupied areas within the site boundaries. Examples of these temporary facilities include
offices and tool trailers, parking lots, warehouses,
batch plants, maintenance areas, fabrication yards or
buildings, staging areas and lay-down areas [1].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +20-10-5848060.
E-mail address: (M.E. Georgy).
0926-5805/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The second aspect, i.e., the layout planning technique, concerns the technique used in performing the
assignment process of temporary facilities. Many techniques have generally been utilized in the past to
perform the assignment process, ranging from purely
mathematical models to knowledge-based systems.
However, researchers have not reached a consensus
on or acknowledged a certain technique to be more
suitable than the others.
Mathematical techniques usually involve the identification of one or more goals that the sought layout
should strive to achieve. A widely used goal is the
minimization of transportation costs on site. These
goals are commonly interpreted to what mathematicians term objective functions. This objective
function is then optimized under problem-specific
constraints to produce the desired layout. Systems
utilizing knowledge-based techniques, in contrast,
provide rules that assist planners in layout planning
rather than perform the process based purely on a
specified optimization goal(s). Fig. 1 shows the
classification of some recent studies in construction
site layout planning based on the aforementioned
aspects of method of facility assignment and layout
planning technique.
Another fundamental reason that makes GAs suitable for solving the problem at hand is the fact that the
solution can be easily encoded in the form of strings.
This will be explained in detail in Section 4. Finally,
Table 2
The six-value scale commonly used in industrial facility layout
Desired relationship
between facilities
a2 y b2 x c 2
a3 y b3 x c 3 . . .
an y bn x c n
y V x + 55
y V 2x + 180
x V 75
y z 10
y z x + 35
the string coding and the objective function evaluation [12]. String coding refers to the process of
translating any solution into a unique string (similar
to the biological chromosome) prior to commencing
the genetic algorithm. The objective function evaluation is the process of deciphering the string back
to its problem-equivalent value and then checking
on the extent to which the problem objective is
4.2.1. GA string coding
Most CAD platforms use rectilinear coordinate
systems in referencing entities, as depicted in
Section 4.1. The string encoding primarily depends on this rectilinear referencing of entities to
achieve the transformation from the graphical
representation, i.e., (X,Y) coordinates, to the chromosome structure. The location of each facility is
referenced via its bottom left corner as shown in
Fig. 7.
Due to the specific nature of the optimization
problem at hand, a special-purpose GA optimization
engine has been particularly developed for this study
and integrated in the automated system. Therefore, the
automated system acts in a stand-alone fashion, as it
does not require the use of any commercial GA
software. A flowchart of the used GA optimization
process is detailed in Fig. 8.
4.2.2. Initialization of population
Any GA starts with an initial population of solutions. The number of initial solutions generated
influences the success of a GA in reaching its goal.
It is known that increasing the population size has the
following effects on the GA:
(1) Tremendously increases the time required for
generating a new population.
(2) Causes a very slow convergence rate.
(3) Causes the GA to reach more optimum solutions.
In order to assist the GA in its blind search, a slight
enhancement has been incorporated in the optimization process. Instead of working with a very large
population throughout the GA, the initial population is
selected as the best n solutions from an initial pool of
Max Min
(m m)
Storage area
2 Administrative caravans
2 Engineers caravans
Parking area
Steel fabrication yard
Steel storage
Water tanks
42 20
10 3
10 3
12 4
10 3
10 18
10 12
5. Case study
The selected case study is a major swimming pool
complex with all auxiliary buildings. The site, whose
area totals 24,000 m2, is part of the new Heliopolois
Sports Club located 30 km east of Cairo, Egypt. The
complex is comprised of six main permanent structures: (1) three main swimming pools (an Olympic,
diving and recreational pools), (2) a childrens pool, (3)
changing rooms and (4) a hardscape area. An underground basement occupies a large portion of the
Olympic and diving pools.
Before the start of the project, an access road was
set by the contractor and considered as an obstacle for
the temporary facility assignment. Arrangement of the
permanent facilities and obstacles within the site
boundary is shown in Fig. 11. These permanent
facilities and obstacles occupy nearly 15,000 m2 of
the site area, leaving 9000 m2 for assigning all needed
temporary facilities.
The temporary facilities needed to sustain the
construction operations and the dimensions of these
facilities are shown in Table 3. Water tanks were
neglected in the layout planning, as the contractor
assigns a tank inside the premises of each permanent
facility for water supply.
Based on input from the project manager, the interfacility proximity weight matrix was developed (Fig.
12). The values for the proximity weights follow the
[1] I.-C. Yeh, Construction-site layout using annealed neural network, J. Comput. Civ. Eng., ASCE 9 (1995) 201 208.
[2] I.D. Tommelien, R.E. Levit, B. Hayes-Roth, SitePlan model
for site layout, J. Constr. Eng. Manag., ASCE 118 (1992)
749 766.
[3] I.D. Tommelien, P.P. Zouein, Interactive dynamic layout planning, J. Constr. Eng. Manag., ASCE 119 (1993) 266 287.
[4] M.Y. Cheng, J.T. OConnor, ArcSite: enhanced GIS for con-