Astm A 106 - 08

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Used in USDOE-NE standards

Designation: A 106/A 106M - 08



Standard Specification for

Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service 1


standard i~ issued under the fixed designation A I06/A 106M; the numherimll1ediately following the designation indicate~ the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapprovaJ.
A ~uperscript epsilon (8) indicates an editorial change ~ince the last revision or reapprovaJ.
This "tandcm! has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

2. Referenced Documents

1. Scope*

2,1 ASTM Standards: 3

A 530/A 530M Specification for General Requirements for
Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe
E 213 Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe
and Tubing
E 309 Practice for Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using Magnetic Saturation
E 381 Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars, Billets,
Blooms, and Forgings
E 570 Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Products
2.2 ASME Standard:
ASME B 36. 10M Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel
2.3 Military Standards:
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and StorageS
MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products, Preparation for Shipment and StorageS
2.4 Federal Standard:
Fed, Std. No, 123 Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies)5
Fed. Std. No. 183 Continuous Identification Marking ofIron
and Steel Products 5
2.5 Other Standards:
SSPC-SP 6 Surface Preparation Specification No. 66

1.1 This specification covers seamless carbon steel pipe for

high-temperature service (Note I) in NPS Va to NPS 48 [DN 6
to DN 1200] (Note 2) inclusive, with nominal (average) wall
thickness as given in ASME B 36.1 OM. It shall be permissible
to furnish pipe having other dimensions provided such pipe
complies with all other requirements of this specification. Pipe
ordered under this specification shall be suitable for bending,
flanging, and similar forming operations, and for welding.
When the steel is to be welded, it is presupposed that a welding
procedure suitable to the grade of steel and intended use or
service will be utilized,
Nan; I-It is suggested. consideroltion be given to possible graphitization.
Nan,; 2-The dimensionless designator NPS (nominal pipe size) [DN
(diameter nomina!)] has been substituted in this standard for such
traditional terms as "nominal diameter." "size." and "nominal size."

1.2 Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are

provided for seamless pipe intended for use in applications
where a superior grade of pipe is required, These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made and when
desired shall be so stated in the order,
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
are to be regarded separately as standard, The values stated in
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each
system shall be used independently of the other, Combining
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
with the standard.
1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the
test method portion, Sections II. 12, and 13 of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use,

3. Orderhlg Information

3d. The inclusion of the following, as required will describe

the desired Inatel;al adequately, when ordered under this
3, 1,1 Quantity (feet, metres, or number of lengths),
3,1.2 Name of material (seamless carbon steel pipe),
3.1.3 Grade (Table 1),
, For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information. refer to the standard's Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
4 Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Three Park Ave.. New York, NY 10016-5990, hllp:/!
S Available 'from, Standardization Documents Order Desk. DODSSP. Bldg. 4,
Section D, 700 RQbbins Ave., Philadelphia. PA 19111-5098.
Available from Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), 40 24th St.. 6th Floor,
Pittsburgh, PA 152224656,

I This specification is under the jurisdiction of Committee AOI on Steel.

Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommillee
AO 1.09 on Carbon Steel Tubular Products.
Current edition approved July 15, 2008. Published August 2008. Originally
approved in 1926. Last previous edition in 2006 as A 100/A 106M - O6a.
2 For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifications SA-I06 in Section 11 of that Code.

..A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard,

Copyright iCI ASTM Inlernational. 100 Barr Harbor o.rive., PO .QQx, ,G7.00.. West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

A 106/A 106M - 08

TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements

6. General Requirements

Composition, %

Carbon, max A
Phosphorus, max
Sulfur, max
Silicon, min
Chrome, max B
Copper, max B
Molybdenum, max B
Nickel, max B
Vanadium, max B

Grade A

Grade B

Grade C




6.1 Material furnished to this specification shall conform to

the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specification A 530/A 530M unless otherwise provided herein.

7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to
chemical composition prescribed in Table I.

8. Heat Analysis
8.1 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the
steel manufacturer to determine the percentages of the elements specified in Section 7. If the secondary melting processes of 5.1 are employed, the heat analysis shall be obtained
from one remelted ingot or the product of one remelted ingot
of each primary melt. The chemical composition thus determined, or that determined from a product analysis made by the
manufacturer, if the latter has not manufactured the steel, shall
be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser's representative,
and shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 7.

For each reduction of 0.01 % below the specified carbon maximum, an

increase of 0.08 % manganese above the specified maximum will be permitted up
to a maximum of 1.35 %.
B These five elements combined shall not exceed 1 %.

3.1.4 Manufacture (hot-finished or cold-drawn),

3.1.5 Size (NPS [DN] and weight class or schedule number,
or both; outside diameter and nominal wall thickness; or inside
diameter and nominal wall thickness),
3.1.6 Special outside diameter tolerance pipe (16.2.2),
3.1.7 Inside diameter tolerance pipe, over 10 in. [250 mm]
ID (16.2.3),
3.1.8 Length (specific or random, Section 17),
3.1.9 Optional requirements (Section 9 and S1 to S8),
3. J.lO Test report required (Section on Certification of
Specification A 530/A 530M),
3. J.lI Specification designation (A 106 or A 106M, including year-date),
3. J.l2 End use of material,
3.1.13 Hydrostatic test in accordance with Specification
A 530/A 530M or 13.3 of this specification; or NDE in
accordance with Section 14 of this specification.
3.1.14 Special requirements.

9. Product Analysis
9.1 At the request of the purchaser, analyses of two pipes
from each lot (see 20.1) shall be made by the manufacturer
from the finished pipe. The results of these analyses shall be
reported to the .purchaser or the purchaser's representative and
shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 7.
9.2 If the analysis of one of the tests specified in 9.1 does
not conform to the requirements specified in Section 7,
analyses shall be made on additional pipes of double the
original number from the same lot, each of which shall
conform to requirements specified.

10. Tensile Requirements

10.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to
tensile properties given in Table 2.

4. Process
4.1 The steel shall be killed steel, with the primary melting
process being open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace,
possibly combined with separate degassing or refining. If
secondary melting, using electroslag remelting or vacuum-arc
remelting is subsequently employed, the heat shall be defined
as all of the ingots remelted from a single primary heat.
4.2 Steel cast in ingots or strand cast is permissible. When
steels of different grades are sequentially strand cast, identification of the resultant transition material is required. The
producer shall remove the transition material by any established procedure that positively separates the grades.
4.3 For pipe NPS I Y2 [DN 40] and under, it shall be
permissible to furnish hot finished or cold drawn.
4.4 Unless otherwise specified, pipe NPS 2 [DN 50] and
over shall be furnished hot finished. When agreed upon
between the manufacturer and the purchaser, it is permissible
to furnish cold-drawn pipe.

11. Bending Requirements

.II.l For pipe NPS 2[DN 50] and under, a sufficient length
of pipe shall stand being bent cold through 90 around a
cylindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is twelve times the
outside diameter (as shown in ASME B 36. 10M) of tlie pipe,
without developing cracks. When ordered for close coiling, the
pipe shall stand being bent cold through 180 around a
cylindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is eight times the
outside diameter (as shown in ASME B 36.1 OM) of the pipe,
without failure.
11.2 For pipe whose diameter exceeds 25 in. [635 mm] and
whose diameter to wall thickness ratio, where the diameter to
wall thickness ratio is the specified outside diameter divided by
the nominal wall thickness, is 7.0 or less, the bend test shall be
conduc.ted. The bend test specimens shall be bent at room
temperature through 180 with the inside diameter of the bend
being,l in. [25 mm] without cracking on the outside portion of
the bent portion.
Example: For 28 in. [711 mm] diameter 5.000 in. [127 mm]
thick .pipe the diameter to wall thickness ratio = 28/5 = 5.6
[711/127 = 5.6].

S. Heat Treatment
5.1 Hot-finished pipe need not be heat treated. Cold-drawn
pipe shall be heat treated after the final cold draw pass at a
temperature of 1200 OF (650C) or higher.

A 106/A 106M - 08

TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements

Tensile strength, min, psi [MPa]
Yield strength, min, psi [MPaj

Elongation in 2 in, [50 mmj, min, %:

Basic minimum elongation transverse strip tests, and for all small
sizes tested in full section
When standard round 2-in, [50-mmj gage length test specimen is
For longitudinal slnp tests
For transverse strip tests, a deduction for each '132-in, [0,8-mm]
decrease in wall thickness below 0/,. in. [7.9 mml from the basic
minimum elongation of the following percentage shall be made

Grade A

Grade B

Grade C

48 000 [330]
30 000 [205]

60 000 [415J
35 000 [240j

70 000 [485]
40 000 [275]



Longitudina I



















The minimum elongation in 2 in, [50 mm] shall be determined by the following equation:
e ~ 625 000Ao,2/

u O,g

for inch-pound unils, and

1 940A0 2 /


for 81 units,


minimum elongation in 2 in, [50 mm], %, rounded to the nearest 0.5 %,

cross-seclional area of the tension test specimen, in,2 [mm 2], based upon specified outside diameter or nominal specimen width and specified wall thickness,
rounded to the nearest 0,01 in, 2 [1 mm2J. (If the area thus calculated is equal to or greater than 0.75 in, 2 [500 mm 2], then the value 0,75 in,21500 mm 2J shall
be used,), and
specified tensile strength, psi [MPa].

12. Flattening Tests

14. Nondestructive Electric Test

12.1 Although testing is not required, pipe shall be capable

of meeting the flattening test requirements of Supplementary
Requirement 53, if tested,

14.1 As an alternati ve to the hydrostatic test at the option of

the manufacturer or where specified in the purchase order as an
alternative or addition to the hydrostatic test, the full body of
each pipe shall be tested with a nondestructive electric test in
accordance with Practice E 213, E 309, or E 570. In such cases,
the marking of each length of pipe so furnished shall include
the letters "NDE." It is the intent of this nondestructive electric
test to reject pipe with imperfections that produce test signals
equal to or greater than that produced by the applicable
calibration standard,
14.2 Where the nondestructive electric test is performed, the
lengths shall be marked with the letters "NDE." The certification, where required, shall state "Nondestructive Electric
Tested" and shall indicate which of the tests was applied, Also,
the letters "NDE" shall be appended to the product specification number and material grade shown on the certification.
14.3 The following information is for the benefit of the user
of this specification:
14,3.1 The reference standards defined in 14.4 through 14,6
are convenient standards for calibration of nondestructive
testing equipment. The dimensions of such standards are not to
be construed as the minimum sizes of imperfections detectable
by such equipment.
14,3.2 The ultrasonic testing referred to in this specification
is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant
longitudinally or circumferentially oriented imperfections:
however, different techniques need to be employed for the
detection of such differently oriented imperfections. Ultrasonic
testing is not necessarily capable of detecting short, deep

13. Hydrostatic Test

13,1 Except as allowed by 13.2, 13.3, and 13.4. each length
of pipe shall be subjected to the hydrostatic test without
leakage through the pipe wall,
13.2 As an alternative to the hydrostatic test at the option of
the manufacturer or where specified in the purchase order, it
shall be permissible for the full body of each pipe to be tested
with a nondestructive electric test desclibed in Section 14.
13.3 Where specified in the purchase order, it shall be
permissible for pipe to be furnished without the hydrostatic test
and without the nondestructive electric test in Section 14; in
this case, each length so furnished shall include the mandatory
marking of the letters "NH." It shall be permissible for pipe
meeting the requirements of 13, I or 13.2 to be fUITlished where
pipe without either the hydrostatic or nondestructive electric
test has been specified in the purchase order; in this case, such
pipe need not be marked with the letters "NH." Pipe that has
failed either the hydrostatic test of 13.1 or the nondestructive
electric test of 13.2 shall not be furnished as "NH" pipe,
13.4 Where the hydrostatic test and the nondestructive
electric test are omitted and the lengths marked with the letters
"NH," the certification, where required, shall clearly state "Not
Hydrostatically Tested," and the letters "NH" shall be appended to the product specification number and material grade
shown on the certification,


A 106/A 106M - 08

14.3.3 The eddy current examination referenced in this

specification has the capability of detecting significant imperfections, especially of the short abrupt type.
14.3.4 The flux leakage examination refen'ed to in this
specification is capable of detecting the presence and location
of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented imperfections: however, different techniques need to be employed for
the detection of such differently oriented imperfections.


s '/2
> Ih


'" 15
> 15'" 32

> 1 Ve,;; 2

> 32 '" 50




14.3.5 The hydrostatic test referred to in Section 13 has the

capability of finding defects of a size permitting the test fluid
to leak through the tube wall and may be either visually seen
or detected by a loss of pressure. Hydrostatic testing is not
necessarily capable of detecting very tight, through-the-wall
imperfections or imperfections that extend an appreciable
distance into the wall without complete penetration.


> 125

Diameter of
Drilled Hole

in. [1 mm]
in. [1.4
in. [1.8
in. [2.2
in. [2.7

14.5.2 Transverse Tangellfial Notch-Using a round tool or

file with a '/4-in. [6-mm] diameter, a notch shall be filed or
milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. The notch shall have a depth not
exceeding 12 1/2 % of the specified wall thickness of the pipe
or 0.004 in. [0.1 mm], whichever is greater.
14.5.3 Longitudinal NOfch-A notch 0.031 in. [0.8 mm] or
less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the
tube axis on the outside surface of the pipe, to have a depth not
exceeding 12 1/2 % of the specified wall thickness of the tube
or 0.004 in. [0.1 mm], whichever is greater. The length of the
notch shall be compatible with the testing method.
14.5.4 Compatibility-The discontinuity in the calibration
pipe shall be compatible with the testing equipment and the
method being used.
14.6 For flux leakage testing, the longitudinal calibration
reference notches shall be straight-sided notches machined in a
radial plane parallel to the pipe axis. For wall thicknesses under
liz in. [12.7 mm], outside and inside notches shall be used; for
wall thicknesses equal to and above '/2 in. [12.7 mm], only an
outside notch shall be used. Notch depth shall not exceed 12'/2
% of the specified wall thickness, or 0.004 in. [0. I mml,
whichever is greater. Notch length shall not exceed I in. [25
mOl], and the width shall not exceed the depth. Outside
diameter and inside diameter notches shall be located sufficiently apart to allow separation and identification of the
14.7 Pipe containing one or more imperfections that produce a signal equal to 01' greater than the signal produced by the

14.3.6 A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature

(type, size, location, and orientation) of discontinuities that can
be detected in the specific applications of these examinations is
directed to discuss this with the manufacturer of the tubular
14.4 For ultrasonic testing, the calibration reference notches
shall be, at the option of the producer, anyone of the three
common notch shapes shown in Practice E 213. The depth of
notch shall not exceed 12'/2 % of the specified wall thickness
of the pipe or 0.004 in. [0.1 mm], whichever is greater.
14.5 For eddy current testing, the calibration pipe shall
contain, at the option of the producer, anyone of the following
discontinuities to establish a minimum sensitivity level for
14.5.1 Drilled Hole--The calibration pipe shall contain
depending upon the pipe diameter three holes spaced 120
apart or four holes spaced 90 apart and sufficiently separated
longitudinally to ensure separately distinguishable responses.
The holes shall be drilled radially and completely through the
pipe wall, care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while
drilling. Depending upon the pipe diameter the calibration pipe
shall contain the following hole:

A 106/A 106M - 08
TABLE 3 Variations in Outside Diameter

calibration standard shall be rejected or the area producing the

signal shall be reexamined.
14.7.1 Test signals produced by imperfections which cannot
be identified, or produced by cracks or crack-like imperfections
shall result in rejection of the pipe, unless it is repaired and
retested. To be accepted, the pipe must pass the same specification test to which it was originally subjected, provided that
the remaining wall thickness is not decreased below that
permitted by this specification. The OD at the point of grinding
may be reduced by the amount so reduced.
14.7.2 Test signals produced by visual imperfections such as
those listed below Illay be evaluated in accordance with the
provisions of Section 18: Dinges, Straightener marks, Cutting chips, Scratches, Steel die stamps, Stop marks, or Pipe reducer ripple.
14.8 The test methods described in this section are not
necessarily capable of inspecting the end portion of pipes, a
condition refen-ed to as "end effect." The length of such end
effect shall be determined by the manufacturer and, when
specified in the purchase order, reported to the purchaser.

Permissible Variations in
Outside Diameter
NPS [ON Designator]

'I. to 1 '12 [6 to 40].

Over 1'h to 4 [40 to
100]. incl
Over 4 to 8 [100 to
200]. incl
Over 8 to 16 [200 to
450J. incl
Over 18 to 26 [450 to
650]. incl
Over 26 to 34 [650 to
850J. incl
Over 34 to 46 [650 to
1200), incl







'16. (0.015)


'/6' (0.015)


'132 (0.031)


'!32 (0.031)





'/32 (0.031)





'1:32 (0.031)


'I. (0.125)


'132 (0.031)


0/3' (0.156)







'1:3. (0.031)



17.1.2 No jointers are permitted unless otherwise specified.

17.1.3 If definite lengths are not required, pipe may be
ordered in single random lengths of 16 to 22 ft [4.8 to 6.7 m]
with 5 % 12 to 16 ft [3.7 to 4.8 m]. or in double random lengths
with a minimum average of 35 ft [J 0.7 m] and a minimum
length of 22 ft [6.7 ml with 5 % 16 to 22 ft [4.8 to 6.7 m].

18. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance

18.1 The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient num-

15, Nipples

ber of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable

assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect
to depth. Exploration of all surface imperfections is not
required but consideration should be given to the necessity of
exploring all surface imperfections to assure compliance with
18.2 Surface imperfections that penetrate more than 12 1/2 %
of the nominal wall thickness or encroach on the minimum
wall thickness shall be considered defects. Pipe with such
defects shall be given one of the following dispositions:
18.2.1 The defect shall be removed by grinding, provided
that the remaining wall thickness is within the limits specified
in 16.3.
18.2.2 Repaired in accordance with the repair welding
provisions of 18.6.
18.2.3 The section of pipe containing the defect may be cut
off within the limits of requirements on length.
18.2.4 Rejected.
18.3 To provide a workmanlike finish and basis for evaluating conformance with 18.2 the pipe manufacturer shall
remove by grinding the following noninjurious imperfections:
18.3.1 Mechanical marks and abrasions-such as cable
marks, dinges, guide marks, roll marks, ball scratches, scores,
and die marks-and pits, any of which imperfections are
deeper than YI6 in. [1.6 mm].
18.3.2 Visual imperfections commonly refen-ed to as scabs,
seams, laps, tears, or slivers found by exploration in accordance with \18.1 to be deeper than 5 % of the nominal wall
18.4 At the purchaser's discretion, pipe shall be subjected to
rejection if surface imperfections acceptable under 18.2 are not
scattered", but appear over a large area in excess of what is

15.1 Nipples shall be cut from pipe of the same dimensions

and quality described in this specification.

16, Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations

16. J Mass-The mass of any length of pipe shall not vary
more than 10 % over and 3.5 % under that specified. Unless
otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer and the
purchaser, pipe in NPS 4 [DN JOOJ and smaller may be
weighed in convenient lots; pipe larger than NPS 4 [DN 100]
shall be weighed separately.
16.2 Diameter-Except as provided for thin-wall pipe in
paragraph 11.2 of Specification A 530/A 530M, the tolerances
for diameter shall be in accordance with the following:
16.2. J Except for pipe ordered as special outside diameter
tolerance pipe or as inside diameter tolerance pipe, variations
in outside diameter shall not exceed those given in Table 3.
16.2.2 For pipe over lOin. [250 mm] OD ordered as special
outside diameter tolerance pipe, the outside diameter shall not
vary more than I % over or I % under the specified outside
J 6.2.3 For pipe over lOin. [250 mm] 10 ordered as inside
diameter tolerance pipe, the inside diameter shall not vary
more than I % over or I % under the specified inside diameter.
16.3 Thickness-The minimum wall thickness at any point
shall not be more than 12.5 % under the specified wall

17. Lengths
17.1 Pipe lengths shall be in accordance with the following
regular practice:
17.1. I The lengths required shall be specified in the order,

4ltf A 106/A 106M - 08

21.3 If lIny test specimen shows flaws or defective machining, it shall be permissible to discard it and substitute another
test specimen.

considered a workmanlike finish. Disposition of such pipe shall

be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the
18.5 When imperfections or defects are removed by grinding. a smooth curved surface shall be maintained, and the wall
thickness shall not be decreased below that permitted by this
specification. The outside diameter at the point of grinding is
permitted to be reduced by the amount so removed.
18.5. I Wall thickness measurements shall be made with a
mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated nondestructive
testing device of appropriate accuracy. In case of dispute, the
measurement determined by use of the mechanical caliper shall
18.6 Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to the
approval of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification
A 530/A 530M.
18.7 The finished pipe shall be reasonably straight.

22. Retests
22.1 If the percentage of elongation of any tension test
specimen is less than that given in Table] and any plU1 of the
fracture is more than 3;'4 in. [19 mm] from the center of the
gage length of a 2-in. [50-mm] specimen as indicated by scribe
scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall
be allowed. If a specimen breaks in an inside or outside surface
flaw, a retest shall be allowed.

23. Test Specimens and Test Methods

23.1 On NPS 8 [DN 200] and larger, specimens cut either
longitudinally or transversely shall be acceptable for the
tension test. On sizes smaller than NPS 8 [DN 200], the
longitudinal test only shall be used.
23.2 When round tension test specimens are used for pipe
wall thicknesses over 1.0 in. [25.4 mm], the mid-length of the
longitudinal axis of such test specimens shall be from a
location midway between the inside and outside surfaces of the
23.3 Test specimens for the bend test specified in Section 11
and for the flattening tests shall consist of sections cut from a
pipe. Specimens for flattening tests shall be smooth on the ends
and free from burrs, except when made on crop ends.
23.4 Test specimens for the bend test specified in 11.2 shall
be cut from one end of the pipe and, unless otherwise specified,
shall be taken in a transverse direction. One test specimen shall
be taken as close to the outer surface as possible and another
from as close to the inner surface as possible. The specimens
shall be either lf2 by 1/2 in. [12.5 by 12.5 mmJ in section or I by
lf2 in. [25 by ] 2.5 mmJ in section with the corners rounded to
a radius not over lfl6 in. [1.6 mm] and need not exceed 6 in.
[150 mm] in length. The side of the samples placed in tension
dUling the bend shall be the side closest to the inner and outer
surface of the pipe respectively.
23.5 All routine check tests shall be made at room temperature.

19. End Finish

19.1 The Pipe shall be furnished to the following practice.
unless otherwise specified.
19.1.1 NPS J 1/2 I DN 40} and Smaller-All walls shall be
either plain-end square cut, or plain-end beveled at the option
of the manufacturer.
19.1.2 NPS 2 [DN 50} and Larger-Walls through extra
strong weights. shall be plain-end-beveled.
19.1.3 NPS 2 [DN 50} and Larger-Walls over extra strong
weights, shall be plain-end square cut.
19.2 Plain-end beveled pipe shall be plain-end pipe having
a bevel angle of 30, + 5 or - OQ. as measured from a line
drawn perpendicular to the axis of the pipe with a root face of
1/16 :!: 111'2 in. 11.6 :!: 0.8 mm]. Other bevel angles may be
specified by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

20. Sampling
20.1 For product analysis (see 9.1) and tensile tests (see
21.1), a lot is the number of lengths of the same size and wall
thickness from anyone heat of steel; of 400 lengths or fraction
thereof, of each size up to, but not including, NPS 6 [DN 150];
and of 200 lengths or fraction thereof of each size NPS 6 [DN
150] and over.
20.2 For bend tests (see 21.2), a lot is the number of lengths
of the same size and wall thickness from anyone heat of steel,
of 400 lengths or fraction thereof, of each size.
20.3 For flattening tests, a lot is the number of lengths of the
same size and wall thickness from anyone heat of steel, of 400
lengths or fraction thereof of each size over NPS 2 [DN 50], up
to but not including NPS 6 IDN 150J. and of 200 lengths or
fraction thereof, of each size NPS 6 [DN 150] and over.

24. Certification
24.1 When test reports are requested, in addition to the
requirements of Specification A 530/A 530M, the producer or
supplier shall furnish to the purchaser a chemical analysis
report for the elements specified in Table ].

25. Product Marking

25.1 In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification
A 530/A 530M, the marking shall include heat number, the
information as per Table 4, an additional symbol "S" if one or

21. Number of Tests

2 1.1 The tensile requirements specified in Section 10 shall
be determined on one length of pipe from each lot (see 20.1).
21.2 For pipe NPS 2 [DN 50] and under, the bend test
specified in 11.1 shall be made on one pipe from each lot (see
20.2). The bend test, where used as required by 11.2, shall be
made on one end of 5 % of the pipe from each lot. For small
lots, at least one pipe shall be tested.

TABLE 4 Marking
Hydro \






Test Pressure
Test PressurelNDE

<4@f A 106/A 106M -


25.3 Bar Coding-In addition to the requirements in 25.1

and 25.2, bar coding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. The purchaser may specify in the order a
specific bar coding system to be used.

more of the supplementary requirements apply; the length, OD

I %, if ordered as special outside diameter tolerance pipe; lD
1 %, if ordered as special inside diameter tolerance pipe; the
schedule number, weight class, or nominal wall thickness; and,
for sizes larger than NPS 4 [DN 100], the weight. Length shall
be marked in feet and tenths of a foot [metres to two decimal
places\, depending on the units to which the material was
ordered, or other marking subject to agreement. For sizes NPS
11j2, 1 1/4, I, and % [DN 40,32, 25, and 20], each length shall
be marked as prescribed in Specification A 530/A 530M. These
sizes shall be bundled in accordance with standard mill practice
and the total bundle footage marked on the bundle tag;
individual lengths of pipe need not be marked with footage.
For sizes less than NPS Y4 [DN 201, all the required markings
shall be on the bundle tag or on each length of pipe and shall
include the total footage; individual lengths of pipe need not be
marked with footage. If not marked on the bundle tag, all
required marking shall be on each length.
25.2 When pipe sections are cut into shorter lengths by a
subsequent processor for resale as material, the processor shall
transfer complete identifying information, including the name
or brand of the manufacturer to each unmarked cut length, or
to metal tags securely attached to bundles of unmarked small
diameter pipe. The same material designation shall be included
with the information transferred. and the processor's name,
trademark, or brand shall be added.

26. Government Procurement

26.1 When specified in the contract, material shall be
preserved, packaged, and packed in accordance with the
requirements of MII.,-STD-163. The applicable levels shall be
as specified in the contract. Marking for the shipment of such
material shall be in accordance with Fed. SId. No. 123 for civil
agencies and MIL-STD-129 or Fed. Std. No. 183 if continuous
marking is required for military agencies.
26.2 Inspection-Unless otherwise specified in the contract,
the producer is responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified in the contract, the producer shall use his own, or any
other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection
and test requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by
the purchaser. The purchaser shall have the right to perform
any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification
where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that the
material conforms to the prescribed requirements.

27. Keywords
27.1 carbon steel pipe; seamless steel pipe; steel pipe

One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the
purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided
in the supplementary requirement. Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer,
retest and retreatment provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.

S1. Product Analysis

0.08 for Grade A

0.07 for Grades Band C
S3.2 When low D-to-I ratio tubulars are tested, because the
strain imposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the
inside surface at the six and twelve 0' clock locations, cracks at
these locations shall not be cause for rejection if the D-to-t ratio
is less than ten.
S3.3 The flattening test shall be made on one length of pipe
from each lot of 400 lengths or fraction thereof of each size
over NPS 2 [DN 50], up to but not including NPS 6 [DN 150],
and from each lot of 200 lengths or fraction thereof, of each
size NPS 6 [DN 150] and over.
53.4 Should a crop end of a finished pipe fail in the
flattening test, one retest is permitted to be made from the
failed end. Pipe shall be normalized either before or after the
first test, but pipe shall be subjected to only two normalizing

S I.I Product analysis shall be made on each length of pipe.

Individual lengths failing to conform to the chemical composition requirements shall be rejected.

82. Transverse Tension Test

S2.1 A transverse tension test shall be made on a specimen
from one end or both ends of each pipe NPS 8 [DN 200J and
over. If this supplementary requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified. If a specimen from
any length fails to meet the required tensile properties (tensile,
yield, and elongation), that length shall be rejected subject to
retreatment in accordance with Specification A 530/A 530M
and satisfactory retest.

83. Flattening Test, Standard

53.1 For pipe over NPS 2 [DN 50], a section of pipe not less
than 2 1/2 in. [63.5 mm] in length shall be flattened cold
between parallel plates until the opposite walls of the pipe
meet. Flattening tests shall be in accordance with Specification
A 530/A 530M, except that in the formula used to calculate the
"H" value, the following "e" constants shall be used:

S4. rlattening Test, Enhanced

S4.1 The flattening test of Specification A 530/A 530M
shall be.made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each
pipe.. Crop ends may be used. If this supplementary requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe shall also be

eO A 106/A 106M - 08
appropriate to the analysis, may be specified by agreement
between the purchaser and the manufacturer. The results of this
test shall meet the requirements of Tabk I.

specified. If a specimen from any length fails because of lack

of ductility prior to satisfactory completion of the first step of
the flattening test requirement, that pipe shall be rejected
subject to retreatment in accordance with Specification A 530/
A 530M and satisfactory retest. If a specimen from any length
of pipe fails because of a lack of soundness, that length shall be
rejected, unless subsequent retesting indicates that the remaining length is sound.

S8. Internal Cleanliness-Government Orders

S8.1 The internal surface of hot finished ferritic steel pipe
and tube shall be manufactured to a free of scale condition
equivalent to the visual standard listed in S8PC-8P 6. Cleaning
shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure that
has been shown to be effective. This procedure shall be
available for audit.

S5. Metal Structure and Etching Test

S5.1 The steel shall be homogeneous as shown by etching
tests conducted in accordance with the appropriate sections of
Method E 381. Etching tests shall be made on a cross section
from one end or both ends of each pipe and shall show sound
and reasonably uniform material free from injurious laminations, cracks, and similar objectionable defects. If this supplementary requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe
required shall also be specified. If a specimen from any length
shows objectionable defects, the length shall be rejected,
subject to removal of the defective end and subsequent retests
indicating the remainder of the length to be sound and
reasonably uniform material.

89. Requirements for Carbon Steel Pipe for Hydrofluoric

Acid Alkylation Service
89.1 Pipe shall be provided in the normalized heat-treated
89.2 The carbon equivalent (CE), based upon heat analysis,
shall not exceed 0.43 % if the specified wall thickness is equal
to or less than 1 in. [25.4 mm) or 0.45 % if the specified wall
thickness is greater than I in. [25.4 mm).
59.3 The carbon equivalent (CE) shall be determined using
the following formula:
CE = C + Mn/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni + Cu)/I5
59.4 Based upon heat analysis in mass percent, the vanadium content shall not exceed 0.02 %, the niobium content
shall not exceed 0.02 %, and the sum of the vanadium and
niobium contents shall not exceed 0.03 %.
59.5 Based upon heat analysis in mass percent, the sum of
the nickel and copper contents shall not exceed 0.15 %.
89.6 Based upon heat analysis in mass percent, the carbon
content shall not be less than O. I8 %.
59.7 Welding consumables of repair welds shall be of low
hydrogen type. E60XX electrodes shall not be used and the
resultant weld chemical composition shall meet the chemical
composition requirements specified for the pipe.
89.8 The designation "HF-N" shall be stamped or marked
on each pipe to signify that the pipe complies with this
supplementary requirement.

S6. Carbon Equivalent

S6.1 The steel shall conform to a carbon equi valent (CE) of
0.50 maximum as determined by the following formula:


= %C + - 6 +


+ %Mo + %V


+ %CII

S6.2 A lower CE maximum may be agreed upon between

the purchaser and the producer.
56.3 The CE shall be reported on the test report.

S7. Heat Treated Test Specimens

S7.1 At the request of the purchaser, one tensile test shall be
performed by the manufacturer on a test specimen from each
heat of steel fumished which has been either stress relieved at
1250 OF or normalized at 1650 OF, as specified by the
purchaser. Other stress relief or annealing temperatures, as

Committee AOI has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 106/A 106M - 06a, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved July 15, 2008)
(1) Revised 16.2 to permit 00 tolerance for thin-wall pipe to
default to Specification A 530/A 530M.

A 106/A 106M - 08

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights. and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any lime by Ihe responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprinls (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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