ECE 5540 Homework 2 - Al
ECE 5540 Homework 2 - Al
ECE 5540 Homework 2 - Al
Scoring will be based on meeting deliverables, meeting specifications (points will be docked for failing to
meet spec) power consumption, layout area, and off-chip component count.
1) Characterize the Speaker/MIC model, finding the input impedance across frequency, as well as
the transfer function from speaker to MIC and Audio_out. Also characterize the magnitude of
external noise (interference) that needs to be suppressed.
2) You will need to design a feedback circuit from microphone to speaker to compensate for gain
variation and suppress noise: compute a first estimate of the required transfer function.
3) Design an idealized block diagram first, and spec out your sub-circuits. Test and refine this
design using idealized amplifiers (voltage-controlled voltage sources (vcvs), etc) and
components (res, cap, etc) from analogLib. Confirm you meet specs with these ideal models.
4) Now, start with lego-style designs to get functionality, gain and stability, then refine for noise,
efficiency and drive strength.
5) Design under nominal conditions (T=26C, VDD=1.5V, process=tt) but with 3-6dB margin. Once
you meet this, verify for corners and refine, improving if you fail a spec, trimming current if you
still have significant margin in all cases (2dB or more).
1) Interim report (1 for whole group, due Feb 25th by email): 2 pages or 2 slides showing:
a. A block diagram of your approach (at the level of amplifier stages, etc) and computed
specs for the sub-circuits (Gain, bandwidth, input-referred noise)
b. First-draft schematics of sub-circuits.
c. Simulation results showing function and non-awful results (within 20dB of specs) under
nominal conditions.
2) Final report (1 for whole group due March 5th): 5 pages showing:
a. A ~ 1 page 1.5-spaced text (12 point) narrative of your design process.
b. Block diagram of your approach and computed specs for the sub-circuits (This may be
the same as the interim report if nothing has changed)
c. Fully annotated schematics of top-level and sub-circuits.
d. Filled out specification table across corners.
e. Screen shots of most marginal simulation results (ie plot of worst-case noise, SFDR, etc
across temperature, process, etc) with annotation.
f. Layout of components (unrouted) with rulers showing superscripted rectangular area.
g. A 1 to 1.5-page discussion of most interesting/difficult aspect of the design, supported
by 1-2 figures. Also discuss what parts of the circuit/system limit your performance
(noise, distortion, power consumption).
h. References to any resources you used.
3) Summary slide (1 for group due March 5th) to be posted for other groups edification showing:
a. Group-members names (I will strip these before posting)
b. Annotated Block diagram
c. 3 sentence description of approach
d. Results table
e. Figure showing most important/interesting circuit/technique/insight with 2 sentence
f. References
4) Design files (1 for group) of all schematics, layout, etc. due March 5th
5) Cross-evaluation (one per group member, to be emailed to me directly due March 6th):
a. 1 paragraph review of group dynamics
b. Percent contribution of each group member, including yourself, totaling 100%.
Block Diagram
Annotated simulation plots: Gain vs frequency, output noise, plots of transient signal on Speaker,
microphone and Audio_out. FFT of Audio_out.
Simulated result
Block Diagram
Spec. name
Nom. -20C 100C
Max Gain, dB
Min Gain, dB
Int. noise, V
Max noise V/Hz
Start-up/stable (Y/N)
Simulation plots of worst-case scenarios
1.3 VDD
100C, SS
-20C, FF
Annotated layout
(not required, but if you use external resources, you must reference them)