Article 1: Psychology Study
Article 1: Psychology Study
Article 1: Psychology Study
Bernd Wittenbrink
University of Chicago
Using a simple videogame, the effect of ethnicity on shoot/dont shoot decisions was examined. African
American or White targets, holding guns or other objects, appeared in complex backgrounds. Participants
were told to shoot armed targets and to not shoot unarmed targets. In Study 1, White participants
made the correct decision to shoot an armed target more quickly if the target was African American than
if he was White, but decided to not shoot an unarmed target more quickly if he was White. Study 2
used a shorter time window, forcing this effect into error rates. Study 3 replicated Study 1s effects and
showed that the magnitude of bias varied with perceptions of the cultural stereotype and with levels of
contact, but not with personal racial prejudice. Study 4 revealed equivalent levels of bias among both
African American and White participants in a community sample. Implications and potential underlying
mechanisms are discussed.
Study 1
Participants and Design
Forty undergraduates (24 female, 16 male) at the University of Colorado
at Boulder participated in this experiment in return for either $8 or partial
credit toward a class requirement.1 One of the male participants was
Latino. All other participants were White. The study used a 2 2
within-subject design, with Target Ethnicity (African American vs. White)
and Object Type (gun vs. no gun) as repeated factors.
Using the PsyScope software package (Cohen, MacWhinney, Flatt, &
Provost, 1993), we developed a simplistic videogame that presented a
series of background and target images. The videogame used a total of 20
backgrounds and 80 target images. Twenty young men, 10 African American and 10 White, were recruited on college campuses to pose as models
for the targets. Each of these models appeared in the game four times, twice
as a target in the gun condition and twice as a target in the no-gun
condition, with a different object and in a different pose each time (five
basic poses were used in the game). There were four non-gun objects (a
silver-colored aluminum can, a silver camera, a black cell phone, and a
black wallet) and two guns (a silver snub-nosed revolver and a black 9-mm
pistol). Each of the objects, within condition, appeared equally often in
each of the five poses. The four target images for each model were
superimposed on randomly determined backgrounds, constrained so that
each background was used once in each of the four conditions and no target
appeared on the same background more than once. Background images
included an intentionally diverse assortment of photographs, such as train
station terminals, parks, hotel entrances, restaurant facades, and city sidewalks. No people appeared in any of the original background scenes.
Examples of the stimuli appear in Figure 1.
In total, there were 80 trials in the videogame, with 20 trials in each cell
of the 2 2 design created by crossing the ethnicity of the target with
whether the target held a gun or a non-gun. Each of the 80 trials began with
the presentation of a fixation point, followed by a series of empty backgrounds, presented in slide-show fashion. The number of backgrounds on
a given trial was randomly determined, ranging from 1 to 4. The duration
of each was also random, ranging from 500 to 1,000 ms. The final
background in the series was replaced by the target image, created by
superimposing the target on the final background. From the perspective of
the participant, a man seemed to simply appear on the background. The
design of the game was intended to ensure that the participant never knew
when or where the target would appear in the background or when a
response would be required.
To play the game, the participant needed to decide as quickly as possible
whether the object the man was holding was a gun or not. If it was a gun,
Figure 1. Target and background example scenes from videogame. Color originals are available at
the man posed an imminent danger, and the participant needed to shoot him
as quickly as possible by pushing the right button, labeled shoot, on a
button box. If he was holding some object other than a gun, he posed no
danger, and the participant needed to press the left button, labeled dont
shoot, as quickly as possible. Participants were instructed to use separate
hands for each button and to rest their fingers on the buttons between trials.
Table 1
Means (and Standard Deviations) for Reaction Times and Error Rates as a Function of Target
Ethnicity and Object Type (Studies 1, 2, and 3)
Reaction times
Study 1
Armed targets
Unarmed targets
Study 2
Armed targets
Unarmed targets
Study 3
Armed targets
Unarmed targets
Afr. Am.
Afr. Am.
554 (46)
623 (38)
544 (39)
634 (39)
0.70 (1.07)
1.23 (1.29)
0.40 (0.78)
1.45 (1.04)
449 (23)
513 (32)
451 (28)
523 (38)
2.46 (1.83)
2.40 (2.76)
1.48 (1.38)
3.29 (2.87)
550 (40)
607 (38)
539 (45)
620 (38)
0.76 (0.86)
0.33 (0.90)
0.49 (0.80)
0.65 (1.24)
The game awarded and deducted points on the basis of performance. A hit
(correctly shooting a target holding a gun) earned 10 points, and a correct
rejection (not shooting a target holding some non-gun object) earned 5
points. A false alarm (shooting a target holding a non-gun) was punished
by taking away 20 points, and a miss (not shooting a target holding a gun)
resulted in our harshest penalty: a loss of 40 points.2 This payoff matrix
represented an effort to partially, if weakly, recreate the payoff matrix
experienced by police officers on the street, where shooting an innocent
suspect is a terrible mistake (as in the case of Amadou Diallo), but where
the stronger motivation is presumably to avoid misidentifying an armed
and hostile target, which could result in an officers death. To minimize
nonresponse, the game assessed a timeout penalty of 10 points if participants failed to respond to a target within 850 ms. This time window was
selected to force participants to respond relatively quickly, while still
allowing enough time such that errors in the game would be minimized.
Participants decisions (shoot or dont shoot) and their reaction times
were recorded for each trial. Each trial ended by giving participants
feedback on whether they had made the correct decision on that trial and
by showing them their cumulative point total.
Participants, in groups of 1 to 4, were met by a male experimenter who
outlined the study as an investigation of perceptual vigilance, or the ability
to monitor and quickly respond to a variety of stimuli. A detailed set of
instructions for the videogame task followed, including the point values for
each of the outcomes. Participants were also informed that the people with
the first, second, and third highest scores in the study would receive a prize
($30, $15, and $10, respectively) and that 5 others, randomly selected from
participants with scores in the top 30%, would each receive $10. These
prizes were intended to make the payoff matrix personally meaningful.
Finally, participants were asked to pay attention to the faces of the targets,
because they would be tested on their ability to recognize the targets at the
end of the game. Participants then moved to individual rooms to play the
At the conclusion of the game, participants were presented with a series
of 16 recognition trials in a paper-and-pencil task to determine whether
facial characteristics of the targets had been attended to. For each of the 16
faces, participants had to indicate whether they believed it was the face of
one of the targets that had been seen during the game or not. Half of the
presented targets had in fact been seen previously; half had not. Additionally, half of the targets were African American and half were White.
Following the recognition task, participants were given a short questionnaire, which asked whether they valued the monetary incentives, whether
they remembered the point values for hits, misses, false alarms, and correct
rejections. Participants were then fully debriefed, with the experimenter
paying particular attention to alleviate any negative feelings aroused by the
We intentionally gave participants a long enough response window (850 ms) in this study to maximize correct responses to
examine effects on response latencies. And, as we suspected, the
proportions of errors were quite low, averaging 4% of the trials
across participants. Nonetheless, it is possible to examine the error
rates to see if they depended on Target Ethnicity, Object Type, or
their interaction (see mean error rates in Table 1). This analysis
revealed a main effect for Object, F(1, 39) 32.31, p .0001,
such that errors in the no-gun condition (i.e., false alarms) were
more frequent than errors in the gun condition (i.e., misses). The
interaction between Ethnicity and Object was also significant,
suggesting that the tendency to make more false alarms than
misses was more pronounced for African American targets than
for White targets, F(1, 39) 7.68, p .01. That is, whereas
participants tended to shoot unarmed targets more frequently than
they decided not to shoot armed targets, in general, this tendency
was stronger when the target was African American than when the
target was White. The simple effects were in the correct direction,
but not statistically significant. Participants were marginally more
likely to miss an armed target when he was White than when he
was African American, F(1, 39) 3.66, p .06, but errors in
response to unarmed targets did not seem to depend on ethnicity,
F(1, 39) 1.68, p .20.
Both the latency and error results attest to the role of target
ethnicity in disambiguating potentially threatening stimuli.
Clearly, the responses of participants to these stimuli depended at
some level on the ethnic category of the target, with potentially
hostile targets identified as such more quickly if they were African
American rather than White and benign targets identified as such
more quickly if they were White rather than African American.
Although these results are certainly consistent with our expectations, they are also somewhat surprising given the fact that the
target ethnicity appeared at exactly the same time as the object that
had to be identified as a gun or not. Certainly participants could
have performed perfectly on the task by attending only to the
object held in the targets hand and by completely ignoring the
targets ethnicity or any other individuating information.
To examine whether a targets features, other than the object he
held, were attended to by participants, we examined their ability to
recognize the faces of the targets they had seen during the game.
A signal detection analysis revealed that sensitivity to old versus
new faces was not above chance level in these recognition data
(mean d 0.15), t(39) 1.15, p .26. Separate analyses within
target ethnicity revealed that participants were unable to recognize
African American targets at a better than chance level (mean d
0.08), t(39) 0.48, p .63, although recognition sensitivity
for the White targets did exceed chance levels (mean d 0.33),
t(39) 2.26, p .05. Our data suggest, then, that target ethnicity
affected participants judgments even while participants remained
largely incapable of recognizing the faces of the targets they had
Study 2
Our first study allowed participants a sufficient response window so that they made correct decisions in the case of nearly all
targets. That is, error rates were very low. As a result, the strongest
results from the first study were found with decision latencies on
correct responses, with faster decisions to armed African American
Participants and Design
Forty-four undergraduates (33 female, 11 male) participated in this
experiment in return for a minimum payment of $10, with the opportunity
to earn additional money (up to a total of $20) by scoring points in the
game. This incentive was intended to increase the personal significance of
the rewards and penalties. One male participant was Latino, and 1 female
was Asian. All other participants were White. We used the same 2 2
design, with Target Ethnicity (African American vs. White) and Object
Type (gun vs. no gun) as within-subject factors.
The same pattern of signal detection results emerges both for Study 1
and for Study 3. For Study 1, sensitivity did not differ: African American
d 3.30, White d 3.28, F(1, 39) 0.10, p .75; but the decision
criterion did: African American c 0.17, White c 0.09, F(1, 39)
10.07, p .003. In Study 3, sensitivity did not differ: African American
d 3.54, White d 3.56, F(1, 44) 0.12, p .73; but the decision
criterion did: African American c 0.02, White c 0.07, F(1, 44)
6.96, p .02.
Figure 2. Hypothetical normal distributions representing unarmed and armed targets for signal detection
analyses: White (top panel) and African Americans (bottom panel) targets.
Study 3
Studies 1 and 2 provide evidence that the decision to shoot an
armed target is made more quickly and more accurately if that
target is African American than if he is White, whereas the
decision not to shoot is made more quickly and more accurately if
the target is White. This pattern of results is fundamentally consistent with research suggesting that participants may use ethnicity
to interpret an ambiguously threatening target. When ambiguous
behavior is performed by an African American, it seems more
hostile, more mean, and more threatening than when it is performed by a White person (Duncan, 1976; Sagar & Schofield,
1980). Participants also recognize a weapon more quickly and
more accurately after seeing an African American face, rather than
a White face (Payne, 2001). Here, we have shown that ethnicity
can also influence a behavioral judgment with serious consequences for both target and shooter.
Simply documenting the existence of this bias does not clarify
the mechanism by which ethnicity influences the decision to shoot.
We suggested earlier that participants may use the stereotypic
association between the social category, African American, and
concepts like violence or danger as a schema to help interpret
ambiguous behavior on the part of any given African American
target. Through deductive inference, traits associated with the
category may be applied to the individual category member. It is
important to recognize that the proposed process does not require
a participant to dislike African Americans, or to hold any explicit
prejudice against them, nor does it require that the participant
endorse the stereotype; it simply requires that, at some level, the
Participants and Design
Forty-eight undergraduates (26 female, 22 male) participated in this
experiment in return for either $10 or partial credit toward a class requirement. Two male participants were Latino, and 1 female was Asian. Another
female was African American and was excluded from our analyses. All
other participants were White. Two White females were also removed from
the dataset, one because the games shoot and dont shoot labels were
reversed, and one because she was working as a research assistant on a
different study of African American stereotypes. The final sample included 45 students. This study used the same 2 2 within-subject design,
with Target Ethnicity (African American vs. White) and Object Type (gun
vs. no gun) as repeated factors.
Videogame. In this study, we used the videogame parameters we had
used in Study 1. The response window was set at 850 ms, and we expected
effects primarily in the latency of correct responses, rather than in error
Questionnaire. Study 3 added a battery of individual difference measures. First, participants completed the Modern Racism Scale (MRS;
McConahay, Hardee, & Batts, 1981), the Discrimination (DIS) and Diversity Scales (DIV) (both from Wittenbrink, Judd, & Park, 1997), all of
which are designed to measure prejudice against African Americans, as
well as the Motivation to Control Prejudiced Responding Scale (MCP;
Dunton & Fazio, 1997; Fazio, Jackson, Dunton, & Williams, 1995), which
assesses participants willingness to express any prejudice they may feel.
Items from these scales were intermixed (presented in a single, randomly
determined order) and responses were given on 5-point scales, ranging
from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The items were intermingled with
filler items from the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA, Altemeyer, 1988) and the Personal Need for Structure Scale (PNS; Thompson,
Naccarato, Parker, & Moskowitz, 2001), which are addressed below.
As before, a male experimenter greeted participants, in groups of 1 to 4,
and introduced the study as an investigation of perceptual vigilance. He
went on to note that, because the vigilance task did not require the entire
time period, participants would work on a separate questionnaire study
afterward. After learning about the rules of the game, participants moved
to computer terminals in private rooms and played the videogame. As each
participant completed the game, the experimenter moved him or her to a
table (still in the private room) and administered the short questionnaire,
from Studies 1 and 2, assessing basic reactions to the game. The experimenter subsequently announced that the videogame study was over and
provided another consent form, ostensibly for the separate questionnaire
study. After collecting the consent form, he handed the participant an
envelope containing the questionnaire. We made every effort to stress the
confidentiality of the responses on the questionnaire. The experimenter told
participants not to put any identifying information on the forms, not even
a code number, and to seal the packet in the envelope when they had
finished. He then left them alone to complete the questions. As in Studies 1
and 2, participants were fully debriefed. During this process, the experimenter probed for suspicion about the relationship between the game and
the subsequent questionnaire.
that this awareness had prompted them to wonder if the two were
related. Two of the 6 reported strong suspicion. The following
results are based on the complete dataset, but exclusion of the 6
participants does not affect the analyses in either direction or
significance. To analyze the videogame data, we submitted the
log-transformed reaction times from correct trials to a 2 2
ANOVA, with Target Ethnicity and Object Type as the independent variables (see Table 1 for means converted back to milliseconds). The targets that had proved problematic in Study 2 were
excluded from this analysis, though their inclusion does not substantially affect the results. Replicating the results from the first
study, we found both a pronounced effect for Object, such that
armed targets were responded to more quickly than unarmed
targets, F(1, 44) 171.33, p .0001, and an Ethnicity Object
interaction, F(1, 44) 22.44, p .0001. Simple effects tests
revealed that, when the target was armed, participants, on average,
fired more quickly if he was African American than if he was
White, F(1, 44) 4.15, p .05. When presented with an unarmed
target, participants chose the dont shoot alternative more
quickly if he was White than if he was African American, F(1,
44) 22.72, p .0001.
Mean scores on the error rates were largely consistent with those
from Study 1. The Ethnicity Object interaction was significant,
F(1, 44) 7.20, p .01. Simple effects tests showed an ethnicity
effect only among targets without guns, F(1, 44) 5.76, p .02,
such that these were incorrectly shot more often if they were
African American. The simple effect for armed targets was not
significant, F(1, 44) 2.31, p .14. A test of the mean recognition sensitivity for the presented targets was significant in this
study (mean d 0.25), t(44) 2.51, p .016. As in Study 1,
however, sensitivity was above chance only for the White targets
(mean d 0.62), t(44) 4.71, p .0001, and not for the African
American targets (mean d 0.15), t(44) 1.14, p .26.
Having replicated the Ethnicity Object interaction in the
response latency scores, we wanted to examine its correlates.
Accordingly, for each participant we computed a within-subject
contrast score, assessing the magnitude of the Ethnicity Object
interaction for that particular participant. Higher scores on this
variable, which we refer to as Shooter Bias, indicate faster re-
Table 2
Correlations of Shooter Bias in Videogame With Questionnaire Measures (Study 3)
Prejudice comp.
Personal stereo.
Cultural stereo.
1.43 7.56
41.37 24.15
2.56 1.00
Note. For all measures except personal stereotype, n 45. All comparisons involving personal stereotype are based on n 44. MRS Modern Racism
Scale; DIS Discrimination Scale; DIV Diversity Scale; Prejudice comp. prejudice composite; stereo. stereotype; MCP Motivation to Control
Prejudiced Responding Scale; RWA Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale; PNS Personal Need for Structure Scale.
p .10. * p .05. ** p .01.
cultural stereotype measure among those who were lower in motivation to control prejudice.
We were interested in whether cultural stereotype would continue to predict Shooter Bias once we removed the extent to which
the cultural stereotype variable is a measure of personal prejudice,
particularly among those low in motivation to control prejudice.
Accordingly, we estimated a model with Shooter Bias as the
criterion, regressing it on the cultural stereotype measure while
controlling for our personal prejudice composite, MCP, and the
interaction between personal prejudice and MCP. In this model,
again, only the cultural stereotype measure related significantly to
bias in the videogame, F(1, 40) 5.24, p .03. Thus, even
removing personal prejudice levels from the cultural stereotype,
and controlling for the fact that personal prejudice levels were
more strongly related to the cultural stereotype among those low in
MCP, the cultural stereotype measure continued to predict bias in
our videogame.4 This suggests that it is truly knowledge of the
cultural stereotype that is at work here, rather than simply an
indirect measure of personal prejudice. We consider this a sobering
prospect because it suggests that the bias may be endemic in
American society.
A number of studies have shown that cultural stereotypes can be
automatically activated even when a perceiver does not endorse
them (Banaji & Greenwald, 1995; Devine, 1989; Gilbert & Hixon,
1991; Macrae, Milne, & Bodenhausen, 1994). Cultural influences,
including television, movies, music, and newspapers provide a
constant barrage of information that often depicts African Americans as violent (Cosby, 1994; Gray, 1989), and those depictions
may shape our understanding of the world (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, & Signorielli, 1986). Popular culture, including Gangsta Rap
songs like the Notorious B.I.G.s Somebodys Gotta Die, Snoop
Doggs Serial Killa, or Dr. Dres Murder Ink, and movies like
Colors or Training Day may foster bias by enhancing detrimental
stereotypic associations, in spite of the fact that the audience
knows the characters and events are fictitious.
If cultural stereotypes associating African Americans with violence do, in fact, lead to Shooter Bias, any person exposed to
American culture should be liable to demonstrate the bias, regardless of his or her personal views about African Americans. Research suggests that the very people who are targeted by cultural
stereotypes are influenced by the media representations they see
(Berry & Mitchell-Kernan, 1982; Stroman, 1986; SuberviVelez &
Necochea, 1990), know full well that the stereotypes exist (Steele
& Aronson, 1995), and even activate those stereotypes automatically (Banaji & Greenwald, 1995). Sagar and Schofield (1980), as
noted above, found similar levels of bias among their African
American and White participants using their interpretation task. To
examine further the possibility that knowledge of the cultural
stereotype may, in and of itself, lead to Shooter Bias, we sought to
The attempt to control for the prejudice composite measure, MCP, and
their interaction only removes variance based on personal prejudice to the
extent that these scales reliably measure that variance. There is reason to
assume that these measures only partially assess prejudice, particularly for
participants high in MCP. Thus, although the analysis represents our best
attempt to examine the effects of cultural stereotypes over and above
prejudice in the current dataset, it is nonetheless imperfect. Our thanks to
Keith Payne for this insight.
Table 3
Means (and Standard Deviations) for Reaction Times and Error Rates as a Function of Target
Ethnicity, Object Type, and Participant Ethnicity (Study 4)
Reaction times
White participants
Armed targets
Unarmed targets
Afr. Am. participants
Armed targets
Unarmed targets
Afr. Am.
Afr. Am.
590 (43)
652 (40)
578 (36)
665 (41)
1.38 (1.36)
1.19 (0.93)
0.76 (0.77)
1.29 (1.49)
578 (42)
645 (47)
567 (47)
659 (41)
2.00 (1.53)
1.64 (1.80)
1.52 (1.58)
1.44 (1.47)
Study 4
Participants and Design
Fifty-two adults from bus stations, malls, and food courts in Denver,
Colorado, were recruited to participate in this study in return for $5. The
study followed the same 2 2 within-subject design used in Studies 13,
with Target Ethnicity (African American vs. White) and Object Type (gun
vs. no gun) as repeated factors, but in Study 4 we added a between-subject
factor, namely Participant Ethnicity (African American vs. White). The
final sample included 25 African Americans (6 females, 19 males) and 21
Whites (8 females, 13 males). One Asian and 4 Hispanic or Latino
participants, and 1 participant who did not indicate his ethnicity, were
excluded from the analyses, though the results do not differ if they are
included in the White sample.
In this study, we used the videogame parameters from Studies 1 and 3.
The response window was set at 850 ms and, again, we expected effects in
the latency of correct responses, rather than in error rates. Before beginning
this study, the targets identified as problematic in Study 2 were edited in
Photoshop to clarify the object in the picture.
At each location, two male experimenters set up 23 laptop computers
equipped with the videogame program and earphones, to minimize distractions inherent in the nonlaboratory environment. Without a button box,
participants pressed the k key on the laptop keyboard to indicate shoot, and
the d key to indicate dont shoot. While one experimenter circulated and
recruited participants, the other oversaw the experiment, giving instructions to each participant individually. After completing the videogame,
participants were paid and debriefed. In this study, we did not include
instructions to attend to target faces, nor did we test for recognition after
the game.
General Discussion
In four studies, we attempted to recreate the experience of a
police officer who, confronted with a potentially dangerous suspect, must decide whether or not to shoot. Our goal was to examine
the influence of the suspects ethnicity on that decision. We used
a simplified videogame to present African American and White
male targets, each holding either a gun or a nonthreatening object.
Participants were instructed to shoot only armed targets. We reasoned that participants might use the stereotype, or schema, that
African Americans are violent to help disambiguate the target
stimuli, and would therefore respond with greater speed and accuracy to stereotype-consistent targets (armed African Americans
and unarmed Whites) than to stereotype-inconsistent targets
(armed Whites and unarmed African Americans).
In Study 1, participants fired on an armed target more quickly
when he was African American than when he was White, and
decided not to shoot an unarmed target more quickly when he was
White than when he was African American. In Study 2, we
attempted to increase error rates by forcing participants to make
decisions very quickly. Participants in this study failed to shoot an
armed target more often when that target was White than when he
was African American. If the target was unarmed, participants
mistakenly shot him more often when he was African American
than when he was White. A signal detection analysis of these data
revealed that, although participants ability to distinguish between
armed and unarmed targets did not depend on target ethnicity,
participants set a lower decision criterion to shoot for African
American targets than for Whites. That is, if a target was African
American, participants generally required less certainty that he
was, in fact, holding a gun before they decided to shoot him. In
Study 3, we returned to an analysis of reaction times, replicating
the Ethnicity Object Type interaction (Shooter Bias) obtained in
Study 1, and examining individual difference measures associated
with the magnitude of that effect. Shooter Bias was more pronounced among participants who believed that there is a strong
stereotype in American culture characterizing African Americans
as aggressive, violent and dangerous; and among participants who
reported more contact with African Americans. Prejudice and
personal endorsement of the stereotype that African Americans are
violent failed to predict Shooter Bias in the simple correlations,
and their predictive power was no stronger among participants low
in motivation to control prejudice. The fact that Shooter Bias in
Study 3 was related to perceptions of the cultural stereotype, rather
than prejudice or personally endorsed stereotypes, suggests that
mere knowledge of the stereotype is enough to induce this bias. In
Study 4, we obtained additional support for this prediction. Testing
both White and African American participants, we found that the
two groups display equivalent levels of bias.
The results of these studies consistently support the hypothesized effect of ethnicity on shoot/dont shoot decisions. Both in
speed and accuracy, the decision to fire on an armed target was
facilitated when that target was African American, whereas the
decision not to shoot an unarmed target was facilitated when that
target was White. This Shooter Bias effect is consistent with the
results reported by Payne (2001). Payne primed participants with
African American and White faces, and asked them to identify
subsequent target objects as either hand tools or weapons. His
results suggest that responses to hand tools were faster (and, in a
second study, more accurate) when preceded by White, relative to
African American, primes, whereas responses to weapons were
faster (but no more accurate) when preceded by African American
primes. This priming effect maps nicely onto our results. The
consistency between our results and those obtained by Payne is
particularly striking given methodological differences between the
two paradigms. Four primary differences stand out. Payne used
small, decontextualized and relatively simple images of faces (the
center portion of the face) and objects, whereas our stimuli were
very complex, with target individuals appearing against realistic
backgrounds. Payne used a sequential priming task, whereas we
used simultaneous presentation of ethnicity and object. A consequence of Paynes priming task, which used a constant 200-ms
stimulus onset asynchrony, is that the appearance of a prime in his
task should have clearly indicated to participants that a target was
imminent. Our task, however, presented targets at random intervals, with no prime, so that participants were never certain about
when they would appear. Finally, whereas Payne asked his participants to identify a target object as a tool or a weapon, we asked
our participants to decide whether or not to shoot a target person.
Although both decisions depend on the presence of a weapon, the
psychological implications of the two tasks are quite different.
Paynes task was framed as a categorization judgment, whereas
our task was characterized as a behavioral response. In spite of
these distinctions, both paradigms reveal a pronounced effect of
target ethnicity on reactions to weapons.
In line with Sagar and Schofield (1980), we have argued that
ethnicity influences the shoot/dont shoot decision primarily because traits associated with African Americans, namely violent
or dangerous, can act as a schema to influence perceptions of an
ambiguously threatening target. The relationship between cultural
stereotype and Shooter Bias obtained in Study 3 provides support
for this hypothesis. The subsequent finding that African Americans
and Whites, alike, display this bias further buttresses the argument.
It is unlikely that participants in our African American sample held
strong prejudice against their own ethnic group (Judd, Park, Ryan,
Brauer, & Kraus, 1995), but as members of U.S. society, they are,
presumably, aware of the cultural stereotype that African Americans are violent (Devine & Elliot, 1995; Steele & Aronson, 1995).
These associations, we suggest, may influence reactions to the
targets in our videogame. Though ambient cultural associations
may impact most members of U.S. society, it is certainly plausible
that personal endorsement of stereotypes, and perhaps prejudice,
will lead to even stronger negative associations with African
Americans, potentially magnifying bias. (Though the data in
Study 3, specifically the lack of a relationship between Shooter
Bias and personal stereotype, offer little support for this argument,
at present.)
It seems appropriate at this juncture to speculate on mechanisms
that may underlie Shooter Bias. Our basic findings indicate that a
targets ethnicity, though technically irrelevant to the decision task
at hand, somehow interferes with participants ability to react
appropriately to the object in the targets hand. This interference
seems roughly analogous to a Stroop effect, and research on this
extensively studied phenomenon may provide a useful perspective
from which to consider our results. The common Stroop experiment presents participants with a word, and requires them to
identify the color of the ink in which that word is written (e.g.,
green ink). Performance on this simple task can be disrupted when
the word, itself, refers to a different color than the ink (e.g., RED
printed in green ink), relative to performance when the color of the
ink and the referent of the word are the same (e.g., GREEN printed
in green ink) or when the word does not refer to a color at all (e.g.,
EGGS printed in green ink). The Stroop paradigm, like our videogame, simultaneously presents participants with information that is
relevant to the judgment at hand (ink color and object, respectively) as well as information that is irrelevant (word name and
ethnicity, respectively). Participants need not process the irrelevant
information to perform the task, but in both cases, the presence of
incongruent information on the irrelevant dimension interferes
with participants ability to process the relevant information. Researchers have suggested that, because we so frequently read the
words that we see, reading occurs quickly. Ink naming, though, is
an unusual and relatively cumbersome task. If these two processes
occur in parallel, the quicker word reading may produce interference by winning a kind of horse race, getting to the finish line and
influencing responses ahead of the slower ink-naming process,
which eventually provides the definitive answer (Cohen, Dunbar,
& McClelland, 1990; Posner & Snyder, 1975). Similarly, the
speedy categorization of people into ethnic categories, described
by Brewer (1988) and Fiske and Neuberg (1990), should quickly
activate stereotypes and interfere with the unfamiliar and less
automatic gun/no-gun judgment (see Figure 3). This analogy is not
perfect, of course. Although it may be natural to read the word
RED when it appears, the typical day-to-day response to an African American does not involve gunfire. However, to the extent that
a person spontaneously associates an African American target with
violence, the ethnicity of the target should conflict with the judgment that he is unarmed, and it may therefore inhibit the dont
shoot response.
Cohen et al. (1990) characterized Stroop interference as an
interaction between two variables: attention to the irrelevant dimension and the strength of the association between the incongruent information and the incorrect response. Both of these variables
can moderate Stroop effects independently (see Walley, McLeod,
& Khan, 1997; Walley, McLeod, & Weiden, 1994, for research on
attention; see Lu & Proctor, 2001, for research on the strength of
association). Though it is only speculation at present, we suggest
that the two significant predictors of Shooter Bias in Study 3,
cultural stereotype and contact, are important because they capture
these two components of Stroop interference. We have already
presented the argument that a cultural stereotype represents an
associative link between African Americans and traits related to
violence and danger. We further suggest that the role of contact in
predicting Shooter Bias may reflect, at least in part, the other
component of Stroop interference: attention to irrelevant ethnic
cues. People who have had extensive contact with African Americans may have, over the course of that experience, learned to
naturally parse the world in terms of ethnic categories. They may
Figure 3. Faster, more automatic processing on the irrelevant ethnic dimension may bias participants (a)
perception of targets, (b) interpretation of targets, or (c) the criterion of certainty required for the shoot
response. Afr Amer African American.
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