The IR/UV Connection in Non-Commutative Gauge Theories: SU-ITP 00-07 Hep-Th/0002075

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SU-ITP 00-07


The IR/UV Connection

in Non–Commutative Gauge Theories
arXiv:hep-th/0002075 v2 17 Feb 2000

Alec Matusis, Leonard Susskind and Nicolaos Toumbas ∗

Department of Physics
Stanford University
Stanford CA 94305-4060


Quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces does not enjoy the usual ultraviolet-
infrared decoupling that forms the basis for conventional renormalization. The high
momentum contributions to loop integrations can lead to unfamiliar long distance
behavior which can potentially undermine naive expectations for the IR behavior of
the theory. These “anomalies” involve non–analytic behavior in the noncommuta-
tivity parameter θ making the limit θ → 0 singular.
In this paper we will analyze such effects in the one loop approximation to gauge
theories on non-commutative space. We will see that contrary to expectations poles
in θ do occur and lead to large discrepancies between the expected and actual infrared
behavior. We find that poles in θ are absent in supersymmetric theories. The
“anomalies” are generally still present, but only at the logarithmic level. A notable
exception is non-commutative super Yang Mills theory with 16 real supercharges in
which anomalous effects seem to be absent altogether.,,
1 The UV/IR Connection in Non-commutative Field
Field theories formulated on non-commutative spaces are interesting in both their own
right as well as for their applications to string and matrix theories [1][2]. These theories
are characterized by a non-commutativity parameter θ with dimensions of length squared.
Classically and in the tree–level approximation the behavior of the theory for momenta
much less than θ−1/2 is the same as for the corresponding commutative theory. However
this is not necessarily the case for the quantum theory. The non-commutativity can lead to
unfamiliar effects of the ultraviolet modes on the infrared behavior which have no analog
in conventional quantum field theory [5].
The origin of the strange mixing of IR and UV effects in non-commutative field theory
can be understood in a simple way [3] [4]. The field quanta in such a theory can be thought
of as pairs of opposite charges moving in a strong magnetic field . The spatial locations
of the two charges are defined by a center of mass position xicm and a relative coordinate
∆m . The relative coordinate is related to the spatial momentum p by

∆i = θij pj (1.1)

where θ is an antisymmetric matrix with components in the spatial directions. In this

paper we will consider the case of 3 dimensional space. Without loss of generality θ can
be taken to lie in the (1, 2) plane

θ1,2 = −θ2,1 ≡ θ
θ1,3 = θ3,2 = 0. (1.2)

The momentum in the (1, 2) plane will be called P . We will also use the notation P̃i =
θij P j . Thus a particle moving with momentum P along the X 1 axis has a spatial extension
of size |θP | in the X 2 direction. The growth of the size of a particle with its momentum
has interesting consequences. For example, when a quantum of momentum P scatters off
a target at rest, the scattering amplitude will spread in impact parameter space over a
distance |θP |.
There are also important and somewhat bizarre consequences for Feynman loop inte-
grations. Roughly speaking, when a particle of momentum P circulates in a loop it can
induce an effect at distance |θP |. The high momentum end of the integrals can give rise to
power law long range forces which are absent entirely in the classical theory. We will call


Figure 1: Mass renormalization correction in φ4 thoery.

such effects “anomalies” although we emphasize that they do not signal an inconsistency
in the theory but rather a violation of naive expectations.
In the case of planar diagrams the effect of non-commutativity is simple. Every diagram
gets multiplied by a phase factor that depends only on the momenta of the external lines.
Thus the Feynman integrals are exactly as in the commutative theory. In the non-planar
case the situation is more interesting. The phase factors now involve products of external
momenta p and internal momenta l in the form

eipθl = eipl̃ . (1.3)

If the diagram in question is divergent in the commutative theory, the effect of the oscil-
lating phases is typically to regulate the diagram and render it finite. But as P → 0 the
phases become ineffective and the diagram diverges at P = 0. This is the mechanism de-
scribed in detail in [5]. We will begin by reviewing a simple example from non-commutative
φ4 theory.
The diagram in question, fig(1), is the lowest order mass renormalization correction to
the propagator. We are interested in the non-planar contribution which in the commutative
theory has the form
d4 l 2 . (1.4)
The diagram is quadratically divergent and is renormalized by a mass counter term.
In the non-commutative case the integrand has an additional factor exp(ip̃l) where p
and l are the external 1 and loop momenta. The integral has the form
1 ip̃l 1
d4 l e ∼ . (1.5)
l2 θ2 P 2
As emphasized in [5] there are some very striking features of this result. The first is
that the pole at P = 0 arises from the high momentum region of integration. Although we
In the rest of the paper, we denote by small p the 4–momentum vector with p1,2 ≡ P1,2 in the
non–commutativity plane.

evaluated it for the massless theory, the pole itself is independent of mass. Furthermore
this contribution to the self energy has a huge effect on the propagation of long wavelength
particles. The on-shell condition or dispersion relation becomes
p20 = p23 + P 2 + c (1.6)
θ2 P 2
where c is proportional to the coupling constant. Thus, as discussed in [5], the behavior of
the non-commutative theory below the non-commutativity scale seems to be nothing like
the commutative theory. In this case the low momentum end of the spectrum is completely
removed from the low energy theory.
Commutative gauge theories are better behaved in the UV than commutative scalar
theories. The worst divergences in pure Yang mills theory or Yang Mills theory with
fermions are logarithmic. This naively suggests that in their non-commutative versions
the worst anomalous effects will be logarithmic in P . As an example consider the vacuum
polarization correction to the gauge boson propagator. The divergences have the form

Π ∼ g 2 p2 log κ (1.7)

where p2 is the squared four-momentum of the gauge boson. Note in particular that the
mass correction vanishes since Π vanishes at p2 = 0. This situation suggests that in the
noncommutative theory the worst anomalous effect in the propagator has the form

Π ∼ g 2 p2 log P̃ 2 (1.8)

If this were so, the dispersion relation of a low energy gauge boson would be unaffected
by the non-commutativity. As we will see in the next section this is generally incorrect.

2 U(1) Non–Commutative Yang–Mills

In this section we analyze U(1) Yang–Mills theory on a non-commutative space. The
classical action is given by
S=− d4 xF 2 , (2.1)
with the field strength F given by

Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ − ig[Aµ , Aν ] (2.2)

[Aµ , Aν ] = Aµ ∗ Aν − Aν ∗ Aµ . (2.3)

The ∗–product between two functions φ1 (x) and φ2 (x) is defined by
i µν y z
φ1 ∗ φ2 (x) = e 2 θ ∂µ ∂ν
φ1 (y)φ2(z)|y=z=x . (2.4)

The theory is invariant under non–commutative gauge transformations

δλ Aµ = ∂µ λ − gi(Aµ ∗ λ − λ ∗ Aµ ). (2.5)

We may add matter fields in the theory as well. The scalar and fermionic parts of the
action that involve interactions of the matter fields with the gauge field are given by

Smatter = d4 xiψ̄ ∗ γ µ Dµ ψ + (Dµ Φ)2 . (2.6)
The covariant derivative acts on the fields as follows

Dµ X = ∂µ X − ig[Aµ , X]. (2.7)

The commutator is defined through the ∗–product as before. The matter fields are covari-
ant under the family of gauge transformations given in Eq(2.5).
The Feynman rules for the theory have been worked out in references [6][8]. The vertices
look similar to those of a commutative non–abelian gauge theory with all matter fields in
the adjoint of the gauge group. The structure constants are replaced by sines of external
momenta as shown in detail in the Appendix. The Feynman rules for the ghosts are also
included. The vertices vanish when θ is taken to be zero as expected. Our computations
are done in the Feynman gauge. In this gauge the gauge field propagator is given by
−i . (2.8)

We refer the reader in [6][7] for a derivation of the perturbative Feynman rules and gauge
fixing of the theory.

3 Photon self–energy correction

In non-commutative gauge theory the most serious anomalous effects, namely those which
exhibit inverse powers of P̃ , are associated with the 2 and 3 point functions. We will begin
with the computation of the 2-point photon self energy diagrams. We will consider the
contributions from loops involving fermions, scalars and gauge bosons (including ghosts).


  +   +  

Figure 2: Photon self energy: gauge loop corrections.

  + (1)

  +   (2)

Figure 3: Photon self energy: matter loop corrections.

It should be noted that the individual contributions are gauge invariant. Similar calcula-
tions have been done by Hayakawa [8]. The relevant diagrams are shown in Figures 2 and
3. We will illustrate the procedure with the fermion loop (line (1) in Fig. 3).
Using the Feynman rules from the Appendix we find

d4 l Tr [γ µ (/l − p/)γ ν /l] 2 1

f (p) = −4g Nf 2
sin p̃l , (3.1)
(2π)4 (l − p)2 l2 2

where Nf is the number of Majorana fermions, each of which counts as two fermion species.
We are interested in the contribution to the integral coming from very high loop mo-
mentum. We therefore drop the sub-leading dependence in the integrand and replace
eq.(3.1) by
d4 l Tr [γ µ /lγ ν /l] 2 1
µν 2
iΠf (p) = −4g Nf sin p̃l , (3.2)
(2π)4 (l)4 2
1 1
sin p̃l = [1 − cos (p̃l)], (3.3)
2 2
we can isolate the planar and non-planar contributions. The non-planar contribution is
obtained by dropping the first term and keeping only the cos term. Working out the trace,
we get
d4 l (2lµ lν − g µν l2 ) ip̃ l
f (p) = 4g Nf 2
e . (3.4)
(2π)4 l4

Since d4 l/(2π)4 l14 eip̃ l = iα (log Λ−log |p̃|) 2 , where Λ denotes a short–momentum cut–off

and α is a positive real constant, we can rewrite (3.4) as

iΠµν 2 µ ν µν 2
f (p) = 4ig Nf α 2 ∂ ∂ − g ∂ log |p̃|. (3.5)

The integral (3.4) is finite, and the cut–off dependence vanishes after differentiating. We
note that the term g µν /p̃2 cancels in this expression leaving us with
p̃µ p̃ν
iΠµν 2
f (p) = −8ig (2Nf )α . (3.6)
The answer is somewhat surprising. If the factor sin2 1
p̃l were not present in eq(3.1)
the expression would be the conventional self energy diagram of the commutative theory.
Gauge invariance would be invoked to say that any quadratic divergence is absent. Alter-
natively the diagram can be Pauli Villars regulated eliminating the quadratic divergence.
The integral with the trigonometric factor is finite and well defined. However it quadrati-
cally diverges as p̃ → 0. Thus we see that there is an anomalous effect of order θ−2 arising
out of a diagram which in the commutative theory is quadratically divergent by power
counting but for which the divergence vanishes as a consequence of symmetry. As noted in
[5] in the context of scalar theories this type of behavior is proportional to inverse powers
of θ. Evidently the limit in which θ → 0 does not smoothly tend to the commutative
The physical interpretation of terms like eq(3.6) is very interesting. For small non-
commutative momentum, the one-loop inverse propagator is given by
" #
p̃µ p̃ν
Γµν = i (p20 − p23 − P )gµν2 2
−g c 4 , (3.7)

where P represents the projection of the spatial momentum on the (1, 2) plane. From
this matrix we can read the dispersion relation for the two physical, transversely polarized
photons. Suppose P is along the 2–direction so that P̃ is in the 1-direction. Then the
photon polarized in the direction perpendicular to P̃ satisfies the same dispersion relation
as a photon would in the commutative theory

p20 = p23 + P 2. (3.8)

However, the photon polarized along the 1-direction, parallel to P̃ , satisfies a different
dispersion relation given by
p20 = p23 + P 2 + cg 2 2 2 . (3.9)
θ P
d4 l/(2π)4 l14 eip̃ l = α (log Λ − log |p̃|), α > 0.
In Euclidean space the integral is of course real,

This splitting of the polarization states of the gauge boson is perfectly consistent with
gauge invariance. Indeed the vacuum polarization tensor in eq.(3.6) is purely transverse
which follows from the identity pp̃ = 0. This effect would not be possible without the
breaking of Lorentz invariance caused by θ.
We remark at this point that since the contributions from the scalar loops and from
the gauge sector are gauge–invariant by themselves, they individually give combinations
of the form (3.4). The computations involving gauge bosons (Fig. 2) and scalars (line (2)
on Fig. 3) in the loop are very similar, and without giving explicit details, we add all three
sectors together obtaining

p̃µ p̃ν
iΠµν (p) = 8ig 2 (Ns + 2 − 2Nf ) α . (3.10)

This shows that in the supersymmetric theories with an equal number of bosons and
fermions, quadratic divergences in the photon self–energy do not appear at one loop.
As we have mentioned before, the coefficient c = 8(Ns + 2 − 2Nf ) of the quadratic
anomalous term is proportional to the number of bosons minus the number of fermions in
the theory. In particular it is zero in any supersymmetric model. This had to be the case
since the splitting of the two photon states would be inconsistent with supersymmetry. In
particular, the fermions in the theory remain massless with dispersion relation

p/ = 0. (3.11)

Note also that in the N = 4 case the SO(6) R–symmetry of the theory insures that the
scalars do not split. So it would be impossible to achieve bose–fermi degeneracy with
multiplets of N = 4 supersymmetry had c been non–zero.
We also note that the coefficient c will vanish in softly broken supersymmetric theories
as well. In particular, the effect we find arises from high momenta circulating the loop.
Therefore, it is independent of the mass of the loop particle. As long as the number of
fermions equals the number of bosons in the theory c will cancel. Simple dimensional
analysis shows that the only effect of adding a mass term in the Lagrangian is to modify
the logarithmic singularities as p̃ → 0.
Finally, we note that c becomes negative if the number of fermions is bigger than the
number of bosons. This is also the case in the φ4 theory when we include fermions coupled
to the scalar field through Yukawa couplings. In both cases, the theory becomes unstable
at low energies.


 +  + 2 perms + (1)



Figure 4: Vertex corrections: gauge sector.

4 Vertex Corrections
Next we analyze 1–loop corrections to the three–photon vertex. In Figures 4 and 5, we
have drawn all 1PI Feynman diagrams that contribute corrections to the vertex up to
1–loop order in perturbation theory. As before, we shall see that there are unfamiliar long
distance effects arising from the region of integration of high loop momenta.
Let us consider in detail the scalar graph involving cubic vertices only (Fig. 5, 1st
graph on line (1)). Applying the Feynman rules, we find
d4 l (2l + p1 )µ1 (2l − p2 )µ2 (2l + p1 − p2 )µ3
! ! !
p̃1 l p̃2 l p̃3 (l + p1 )
− 8ig sin sin sin .
(2π) 4 l (l − p2 ) (l + p1 )
2 2 2 2 2 2
We must also impose overall momentum conservation so that

p1 + p2 + p3 = 0. (4.2)

We have amputated the external propagators for compactness. Eq(4.1) has to be multiplied
by the number of scalars in the theory. Ignoring the phases for a moment, we note that
the integrand is linear in l at high loop momentum
d4 l lµ1 lµ2 lµ3
∼ . (4.3)
(2π)4 l6
In the commutative non–abelian theory, however, no linear divergence arises because the
integral is zero by symmetry. Thus it is at most logarithmic in the cutoff. In the non–


 +  + 2 perms + (1)



Figure 5: Vertex corrections: matter sector.

commutative case the oscillating phases spoil the rotational symmetry. They make the
integral finite but they induce low momentum poles of the form
p̃µ1 p̃µ2 p̃µ3
. (4.4)

Unlike the previous effect which was of order θ−2 , this is a θ−1 effect.
To compute the precise coefficient in front of such anomalous terms, it is enough to con-
sider high momentum running in the loop ignoring external momenta in the denominators.
Then the integral becomes

d4 l 8lµ1 lµ2 lµ3

! ! !
p̃3 p1 p̃1 l p̃2 l p̃3 l
− 8ig cos( ) sin sin sin . (4.5)
2 (2π)4 l6 2 2 2

To carry out this integral, it is useful to express the product of sines as a sum of exponen-
tials. Using Eq(4.2), we can write the product of sines as
− [sin (p̃1 l) + sin (p̃2 l) + sin (p̃3 l)] . (4.6)
We are left with a sum of three simpler integrals, and, in addition, we can replace each
sine by an exponential in the integral. In this form, it is easy to see that the contributions
arise solely from the six non–planar graphs in the double line notation.
To these, we must add the contributions from the scalar graphs that involve a quartic
vertex (Second graph and its two permutations on line (1) in Fig. 5). The graphs produce

a different tensor structure but the phase factors are the same. There are three such
graphs from permuting the external particles among the external lines. Each graph has
to be multiplied by a symmetry factor of 1/2. Adding all four graphs together yields the
following integrals
p̃3 p1 d4 l 1 h µ1 µ2 µ3
Z i
2 µ1 µ2 µ3
4g Ns cos( ) 4l l l − l (l g + perms) (eip̃1 l + eip̃2 l + eip̃3 l ). (4.7)
2 (2π) l
4 6

The pure gauge sector graphs and the fermionic graphs can be computed in the same
way. One has to remember to include a combinatorics factor of 2 for the ghosts and fermion
graphs arising from the two different cyclic orderings of the external particles on the loop.
The gauge boson quartic graph has a symmetry factor of a 1/2. Including these has the
effect of changing the coefficient in front of the integrals to

Ns + 2 − 2Nf , (4.8)

where Nf is the number of Majorana fermions in the theory. We see that in any super-
symmetric theory the linear poles are absent.
We will now explicitly find the structure of the linear poles. To compute the integral
in (4.7),

µ1 µ2 µ3
d4 l (4lµ1 lµ2 lµ3 − l2 (lµ1 g µ2 µ3 + lµ2 g µ1 µ3 + lµ3 g µ1 µ2 )) ip̃ l
I = e , (4.9)
(2π)4 l6

we again use d4 l/(2π)4 l14 eip̃ l = iα (log Λ − log |p̃|). Notice that (4.9) is convergent, and

the Λ–dependent part can thus be dropped. We can write

I µ1 µ2 µ3 = i (4∂ µ1 ∂ µ2 ∂ µ3 − 2(g µ2 µ3 ∂ µ1 + g µ1 µ3 ∂ µ2 + g µ1 µ2 ∂ µ3 )) J(p̃), (4.10)

where J(p̃) = d4 l/(2π)4 l16 eip̃ l = −iJE (p̃). The integral over Euclidean space, JE (p̃) is

obtained from J(p̃) after performing a Wick rotation. It satisfies

1 d 3 d
2 JE (p̃) = p̃ JE (p̃) = α log |p̃|. (4.11)
p̃3 dp̃ dp̃
Solving for J and substituting
iα 2
J(p̃) = −iJE (p̃) = − p̃ (4 log p̃ − 3) (4.12)
in (4.10) we find
p̃µ1 p̃µ2 p̃µ3
I µ1 µ2 µ3 = −2α . (4.13)

Note that the second possible tensor structure, (p̃µ1 g µ2 µ3 +p̃µ2 g µ1 µ3 +p̃µ3 g µ1 µ2 )/P 2 , cancelled
completely, just like the photon mass term in the photon self–energy correction (3.6). This
fact will turn out to be essential in showing the gauge invariance of the S–matrix in the
next chapter.
We can now summarize the computations in this section by giving the linearly divergent
terms in the correction to the 3–point photon vertex:

1 3
p̃µi 1 p̃µi 2 p̃µi 3
µ1 µ2 µ3 3
Γ (p1 , p2 , p3 ) = −8αg (Ns + 2 − 2Nf ) cos p̃3 p1 + ..., (4.14)
2 i=1 p̃4i

where the terms denoted by . . . are at most logarithmic in p̃1 , p̃2 , p̃3 .
The anomalous effects found in this paper and in [5] are highly nonlocal but in a
particular way. The matrix elements in eqs(3.10) and (4.14) depend depend only on the
components of momentum in the x1 , x2 plane and are independent of x3 and x4 . Thus while
nonlocal in the noncommutative directions they are completely local in the commutative
In supersymmetric theories the nonlocal θ−2 and θ−1 effects are absent, at least at one
loop. However there are still logarithmic dependences on P which are proportional to the
one-loop coefficient of the β function3 in the corresponding commutative non-abelian gauge
theory. Once again the corresponding effects are nonlocal only in the noncommutative
directions. Theories such as N = 4 super Yang Mills theory with vanishing β function
seem to be free of the non-analytic dependence on θ.

5 Gauge Invariant S–Matrix?

In this section we show that the anomalous terms in the 2–point and 3–point functions
we computed are consistent with gauge invariance. To check gauge invariance, we study
a case involving scattering of two gauge bosons into two fermions. We consider 1–loop
diagrams only and choose the kinematic variables so that the anomalous terms we found
All particles must be put on shell using the appropriate, corrected dispersion relations
up to 1–loop order in perturbation theory. We choose one of the gauge bosons to be
transversely polarized. We denote its polarization by ǫ and its momentum by p; then

ǫµ pµ = 0. (5.1)
The β function is the one controlling the running of the t’Hooft coupling in the large N limit.


+ +

Figure 6: Tree level scattering diagrams.


Figure 7: The sum of these diagrams is gauge invariant.

In order to test the gauge invariance we set the polarization of the other gauge boson, θ,
equal to its momentum q. The momenta of the fermions are denoted by (l1 , l2 ). Gauge in-
variance requires this scattering amplitude to be zero. The tree level diagrams contributing
to the process are shown in Fig. 6.
Now we choose a specific kinematic limit. We choose l1 + l2 = −l so that ˜l is small.
Furthermore, we let l2 be small so that only the s–channel diagrams are important. Two
types of one loop diagrams are important (Fig. 7), the diagrams involving corrections to
the intermediate gauge boson’s propagator and the diagrams involving corrections to the
three gauge boson vertex. Corrections to the two fermion–gauge boson vertex are at most
logarithmic in ˜l and, therefore, sub-leading. We can think of the intermediate gauge boson
being coupled to some current jµ . The exact form of jµ is not important for our purposes.
First consider 1–loop diagrams involving the gauge boson self–energy. In the limit
when ˜l is small the contribution to the amplitude becomes
q˜l ˜lρ (˜lj)
iM1 = 16iαg 4 sin( )ǫν qµ [g µν (q − p)ρ + g νρ(p − l)µ + g ρµ (l − q)ν ] . (5.2)
2 l4 ˜l4
The first factor is a phase factor coming from the 3–photon vertex. Now, using momentum
conservation −l = p + q, ep = 0, l˜l = 0 and q 2 = 0, we see that this piece becomes
8iα . (5.3)
l2 ˜l4
For small ˜l, sin q˜l/2 is just q˜l/2. We note that the dispersion relation of a longitudinally

polarized photon remains q 2 = 0 since the self–energy corrections we found are transverse.

Next we turn to diagrams involving one loop corrections to the vertex. In the limit
˜l → 0, the contribution to the amplitude becomes

iM2 = −8iαg 4 . (5.4)
l2 ˜l4
This is because in this limit the vertex is dominated by anomalous terms of the form
˜lµ ˜lν ˜lρ /˜l4 . Adding the two contributions together, we see that the amplitude becomes zero
as required by gauge invariance.
Next we study the case when p̃ → 0. Again, we study this particular case because we
can isolate the possible singular terms. The most dangerous 1–loop diagram contributing
to the scattering amplitude is the s–channel diagram involving corrections to the 3–gauge
boson vertex. All other diagrams are sub–leading. The 1–loop contribution to the ampli-
tude is then given by
(ǫp̃)(q p̃)(p̃j)
iM = −8iαg 4 . (5.5)
l2 p̃4
We now distinguish between two cases. First we note that if ǫ is perpendicular to p̃, the
amplitude is zero. Recall also from the previous section that this is the photon with un-
corrected dispersion relation. If on the other hand ǫ is along p̃, the amplitude is not zero
but given by
(q p̃)(p̃j)
iM2 = −8iαg 4 2 2 . (5.6)
l p̃
This contribution is cancelled by the tree level graph once we use the correct dispersion
relation for the gauge boson. The tree level graph is given by
q p̃ (ǫj)(2pq)
iM3 = −2iαg sin . (5.7)
2 l2
The first factor is a phase factor. We also used the following relations: jl = 0, ǫp = 0 and
q 2 = 0. Using momentum conservation, we also find that

2pq = l2 − p2 . (5.8)

Now, when the polarization of the gauge boson is along the p̃ direction, the dispersion
relation gets corrected as follows
p2 = 8αg 2 2 . (5.9)

Therefore, there is order a g 4 contribution from the tree–level graph given by
iM3 = 8iαg 4(q p̃) . (5.10)
l2 p̃2

Adding the two together we see that to order g 4 the amplitude is zero as it is required by
gauge invariance.
The case involving scattering of scalars is more subtle because the two scalar – gauge
boson vertex also contains linear divergences in θ. We defer this case for an upcoming
paper [9].

6 Conclusions
The most naive expectation about the non–commutative field theories is that they become
commutative when the non–commutativity parameter θij → 0 limit is taken. In other
words, star–products are replaced by ordinary products of the fields in the Lagrangian in
this limit, and one may expect that the theory becomes commutative also at the quantum
level. As it was shown in [5] this is generally not true due to the appearance of the
new divergences at low non–commutative momenta. In the commutative theories, these
divergences appear at high momenta in the superficially divergent loop integrals, but they
can be eliminated by an appropriate choice of the regularization scheme. In the non–
commutative theories, some of these divergences simply do not occur due to oscillating
phases associated with star–products in the vertices which make the integrals finite. The
non–commutative momenta thus play the role of the regulator. The dependence on these
non–commutative momenta, however, does not disappear and manifests itself in the form
of the new infrared divergences at small values of non–commutative momenta. These
effects can also be characterized as non-analytic behavior in θ.
A less naive expectation would be that a non–commutative gauge theory must be free
of quadratic and linear poles at low non–commutative momenta since the corresponding
commutative non–abelian gauge theory contains at most logarithmic divergences. In this
paper we have shown that even this expectation does not hold, and both quadratic and
linear poles appear in a generic gauge theory. The structure of these new poles is con-
sistent with gauge invariance but not Lorentz invariance. These effects are local in the
direction perpendicular to the non–commutativity plane and completely non–local in the
non–commutative directions.
In supersymmetric gauge theories these poles cancel between the bosons and the
fermions at the one loop level but even these theories typically contain logarithmic di-
vergences at small values of non–commutative momenta. We expect that in N = 4 SYM
theory even the logarithmic divergences do not occur, and thus this theory is completely

free of anomalous effects in the small non–commutative momentum limit. This is the only
theory that we know that reduces to its commutative counterpart in the limit θij → 0.

L.S. would like to thank Nathan Seiberg for numerous discussions. We would also like
to thank Steve Shenker for useful conversations. This work was supported in part by the
NSF grant 9870115.



p1 p3 2g sin( 2 p
~1 p2 ) 
1 =
[(p1 p2 )3 g 1 2 + (p2 p3 )1 g 2 3 + (p3 p1 )2 g 3 1 ]


1 4 
p1 4ig 2
sin( 2 p
~3 p4 )(g 1 3 g 2 4
~1 p2 ) sin( 2 p
g 1 4 g 2 3 )+
~2 p4 )(g 1 4 g 2 3 g 1 2 g 3 4)+
1 1
= sin( 2 p
~3 p1 ) sin( 2 p
~2 p3 (g 1 2 g 3 4 g 1 3 g 2 4 )
1 1
p3 sin( 2 p
~1 p4 sin( 2 p

2 3

p2  1
1 = 2gp2 sin( p~1 p2 )


p2   1
1 = 2g (p1 + p2 ) sin( p~1 p2 )


2 1 2
p4 4ig g 
sin( 2 p
~1 p3 ) sin( 2 p
~2 p4 ) + sin( 2 p
~1 p4 ) sin( 2 p
~2 p3 )


p2  1
1 = 2g sin( p~1 p2 )
p1 2

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