Solar Thermochemical
Solar Thermochemical
Solar Thermochemical
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Printed May 2011
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Printed May 2011
Eight cycles in a coordinated set of projects for Solar Thermochemical Cycles for Hydrogen
production (STCH) were self-evaluated for the DOE-EERE Fuel Cell Technologies Program at a
Working Group Meeting on October 8 and 9, 2008. This document reports the initial selection
process for development investment in STCH projects, the evaluation process meant to reduce
the number of projects as a means to focus resources on development of a few most-likely-tosucceed efforts, the obstacles encountered in project inventory reduction and the outcomes of the
evaluation process. Summary technical status of the projects under evaluation is reported and
recommendations identified to improve future project planning and selection activities.
This report is made possible in whole due to the excellent work undertaken by the STCH Team
comprised of scientists and engineers from Sandia National Laboratories, Argonne National
Laboratory, Savannah River National Laboratory, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
TIAX, LLC, the University of Colorado, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, General Atomics
Corporation and its collaborators from the Weizmann Institute, and SAIC and its subcontractors
from the Florida Solar Energy Center and Electrosynthesis, Inc. Data and analysis representing
efforts by these team members will be found throughout this report. Support by the DOE-EERE
Fuel Cell Technologies Program is gratefully acknowledged. Sandia National Laboratories has
been generous in its technical support of drafting the document and its excellent
recommendations for improving the document are gratefully acknowledged. The same gratitude
is extended to staff members of the DOE-EERE Fuel Cell Technologies Program who ably
assisted this author in navigating the complex stream of propriety associated with multiple
sponsorship and Congressional authority.
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 STCH Basis ............................................................................................................... 11
1.2 STCH Historical Summary......................................................................................... 13
1.3 STCH Decision Framework ....................................................................................... 14
Cycle Inventory Development and Initial Selection ......................................................... 17
2.1 Economic Consideration ............................................................................................ 18
2.2 Solar Collector/Receiver Consideration ...................................................................... 19
2.3 Previous Level of Effort for Candidate Cycle ............................................................. 19
2.4 Safety and Environmental Consideration .................................................................... 20
Formal Cycle Evaluation and Research Prioritization .................................................... 28
Cycle Status Summaries and Path Forward Recommendations ..................................... 42
4.1 Sulfur Iodine .............................................................................................................. 42
4.2 Hybrid Sulfur ............................................................................................................. 50
4.3 Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia ........................................................................................ 55
4.4 Zinc Oxide ................................................................................................................. 59
4.5 Cadmium Oxide ......................................................................................................... 64
4.6 Sodium Manganese Cycle .......................................................................................... 71
4.7 Sodium Manganate .................................................................................................... 76
4.8 ALD Ferrite ............................................................................................................... 77
4.9 Hybrid Copper Chloride ............................................................................................. 80
Summary Remarks ........................................................................................................... 84
5.1 General Observations ................................................................................................. 84
5.2 Evaluation Outcomes ................................................................................................. 85
5.2.1 Sulfur Iodine ........................................................................................................ 86
5.2.2 Hybrid Sulfur ....................................................................................................... 86
5.2.3 Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia .................................................................................. 87
5.2.4 Zinc Oxide ........................................................................................................... 87
5.2.5 Cadmium Oxide ................................................................................................... 87
5.2.6 Sodium Manganese .............................................................................................. 88
5.2.7 Sodium Manganate .............................................................................................. 88
5.2.8 ALD Ferrite ......................................................................................................... 89
5.2.9 Hybrid Copper Chloride ....................................................................................... 89
Figure 1.1. Thermochemical cycle class examples. ..................................................................13
Figure 4.1.1. Sulfur Iodine three-step cycle. ............................................................................42
Figure 4.1.2. Bayonet decomposition reactor designed by Sandia National Laboratories. ......... 43
Figure 4.1.3. Bayonet decomposition reactor manifold designed by Sandia National
Laboratories. ........................................................................................................44
Figure 4.1.4. Schematic solar interface with the solid particle receiver with intermediate
heat exchanger providing heated He gas to drive the decomposition reactor. ........ 45
Figure 4.1.5. Bunsen reaction flowsheet (section 1). ................................................................47
Figure 4.1.6. Acid decomposition flowsheet (section 2). ..........................................................48
Figure 4.1.7. HI decomposition flow sheet (section 3). ............................................................49
Figure 4.2.1. The Hybrid Sulfur cycle. .....................................................................................51
Figure 4.2.2. Schematic of PEM membrane in the Hy-Sulfur electrolysis step. ........................51
Figure 4.2.3. Hybrid Sulfur flowsheet. .....................................................................................53
Figure 4.2.4. H2A hydrogen cost estimates for Hybrid Sulfur. .................................................55
Figure 4.3.1. Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia schematic process....................................................56
Figure 4.3.2. Process chemistry for Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia. .............................................56
Figure 4.3.3. AspenPlusTM flow sheet for Sulfur Ammonia cycle...........................................58
Figure 4.4.1. Zinc Oxide cycle chemistry. ...............................................................................60
Figure 4.4.2. Zinc Oxide cycle flowsheet (CU Final Report)....................................................62
Figure 4.4.3. Plant cost allocation for the 2015 case study. ......................................................63
Figure 4.4.4. Plant cost allocation for the 2025 case study. ......................................................64
Figure 4.5.1. Chemical steps of the Cadmium Oxide cycle. .....................................................64
Figure 4.5.2. Process flow for a diurnal solar cadmium oxide hydrogen cycle. .........................65
Figure 4.5.3. Conceptual rotating kiln counter flow hydrolysis reactor with tungsten
carbide balls to enhance steam/Cd interaction. ......................................................66
Figure 4.5.4. Beam down collector integrated with fluidized bed decomposition
Figure 4.5.5. CdO cycle flowsheet, AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, November 7, 2007. ........ 68
Figure 4.6.1. Schematic steps for the Sodium Manganese cycle. ..............................................71
Figure 4.6.2. Mixed metal oxide steps for the Sodium Manganese cycle. .................................72
Figure 4.6.3. Schematic flowsheet for analysis of the Mx-Sodium Manganese cycle. .............. 74
Figure 4.6.4. System layout with a single chemical plant for the Mx-Sodium Manganese
cycle. ....................................................................................................................75
Figure 4.6.5. Estimated capital cost distribution for the mixed metal oxide realization of
the Sodium Manganese cycle. ...............................................................................76
Figure 4.7.1. Reaction path for the preliminary Sodium Manganate cycle. ...............................77
Figure 4.8.1.
Figure 4.8.2.
Figure 4.9.1.
Figure 4.9.2.
Table 1.1. DOE Performance Targets. .....................................................................................15
Table 2.1. Relative importance of criteria to plant development and operation. ........................22
Table 2.2. Solar-device criteria weighting factors. ...................................................................23
Table 2.3. Criteria scoring scheme. ..........................................................................................24
Table 2.4. Listing of non-zero efficiencies for top-scoring cycles.............................................26
Table 2.5. Cycles that could move to Phase 3 detailed theoretical and experimental study. ...... 27
Table 3.1. Cycles considered in the formal evaluation process. ................................................29
Table 3.2. Cycle feasibility assessments...................................................................................34
Table 3.3. Conceptual system design issues. ............................................................................35
Table 3.4. DOE performance targets issues. .............................................................................36
Table 3.5. Summary of evaluation outcomes. ...........................................................................40
Table 4.1.1. Sulfur-Iodine cycle advantages and challenges. ....................................................46
Table 4.2.1. Hybrid Sulfur advantages and challenges. ............................................................52
Table 4.3.1. Advantages and challenges for Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia. .................................57
Table 4.4.1. Advantages and challenges for Zinc Oxide. ..........................................................61
Table 4.5.1. Advantages and challenges for the Cadmium Oxide cycle. ...................................68
Table 4.5.2. Component capital costs cited for CdO cycle at the time of the evaluation. ........... 69
Table 4.5.3. CdO operating costs cited at the time of the evaluation. ........................................70
Table 4.5.4. Assumptions for 2015 case study cost analysis. ....................................................70
Table 4.5.5. CdO cost estimates with some sensitivity estimates. .............................................71
Table 4.6.1. Advantages and challenges for Mx-Sodium Manganese. ......................................73
Table 4.6.2. Component uncertainties for the Mx-Sodium Manganese cycle. ...........................75
Table 4.9.1. Advantages and challenges for Hy-CuCL. ............................................................81
Table 4.9.2. Hy-CuCl system performance sensitivity to electrolyzer performance. .................81
Table 4.9.3. H2A analysis results for Hy-CuCL. ......................................................................83
Table 5.1. Summary of evaluation outcomes. ...........................................................................85
Executive Summary
Eight cycles in a coordinated set of projects for Solar Thermochemical Cycles for Hydrogen
production (STCH) were self-evaluated for the DOE-EERE Fuel Cell Technologies Program at a
Working Group Meeting on October 8 and 9, 2008. This document reports the initial selection
process for development investment in STCH projects, the evaluation process meant to reduce
the number of projects as a means to focus resources on development of a few most-likely-tosucceed efforts, the obstacles encountered in project inventory reduction and the outcomes of the
evaluation process. Summary technical status of the projects under evaluation is reported and
recommendations identified to improve future project planning and selection activities.
The initial selection process reduced more than 350 possible cycles to 14 cycles in 5 reaction
classes. Of these 14 cycles, 2 were under separate funding and management authority, 3 were
quickly abandoned after preliminary laboratory study showed them to be unworkable and
another 3 were never engaged actively because of obvious disadvantages. The remaining 8
cycles were actively pursued (2 under the Office of Nuclear Energy) and an Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy solicitation added another cycle later. One of the original
cycles transformed to a different process that used the same materials. A second original cycle
was replaced by a similar but simpler cycle. Each of these is counted as a single R&D enterprise
so that a total of 9 thermochemical cycles participated in the evaluation.
None of the cycles under evaluation could demonstrate substantively that they would meet
published performance targets. Performance targets were under revision at the time of the
evaluation and a compelling case to terminate efforts for lack of performance was not made.
Cycle development maturity was widely disparate, with periods of study ranging from less than a
year to more than 30 years. Consequently, an equitable framework for comparative assessment
of achievement was impossible and comparisons would necessarily be based on a mix of
achievement and projected performance. Finally, nearly all cycles under development reported
single-point failure challenges whose successful prosecution would be necessary for the cycle to
promise competitive performance.
Decision-making for focused resource investment turned away from cycle termination to focused
investment in resolution of those critical path obstacles to competitive potential. Critical path
challenges for each cycle were identified and R&D teams were directed to pursue these with top
priority to assist in resource investment decisions in the near future.
1 Introduction
A Working Group Meeting of the participants in Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen Production
(STCH) research and development (R&D) was held at the University of Colorado in Boulder,
CO on October 8 and 9, 2008. Working Group participants represented institutions funded
(either directly or via subcontracts) by the DOE-EERE Fuel Cell Technologies Program.
Participating institutions were
1. Department of Energy
2. Nevada Technical Services, LLC
3. Sandia National Laboratories
4. Argonne National Laboratory
5. Savannah River National Laboratory
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
7. Science Applications International Corporation
8. General Atomics Corporation
9. The University of Colorado
10. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas
11. Florida Solar Energy Center
STCH participants provided status reports on accomplishments and obstacles along with
projected performance metrics for the purpose determining if any project elements should be
terminated so that available resources could be more effectively applied to continuing R&D
efforts. The Working Group Meeting also identified and addressed key R&D items whose
resolution was deemed critical to overcoming obstacles to realization of the DOE program goals.
This report addresses the evolution of STCH, technical status and projected performance at the
time of the Working Group Meeting and actions recommended on the basis of information
provided at the Working Group Meeting.
the thermochemical reaction. Nevertheless, feasible operating temperatures for a solar cycle are
much higher than those for a nuclear cycle. As a consequence, the inventory of possible solarpowered thermochemical reactions to produce hydrogen from water is quite large.
A simple two-step thermochemical water-splitting reaction to produce hydrogen generally
requires very high temperature heat for endothermic metal oxide reduction to release oxygen,
and a lower temperature exothermic reaction of water with the metal, increasing the oxidation
state of the metal and releasing hydrogen. In most two-step cycles of this sort, the reduction
temperature exceeds the vaporization temperature of the metal and this class is called the
Volatile Metal Oxide class. Several two-step metal oxide cycles have been investigated in which
mixed oxides, usually ferrite compounds, undergo reduction and oxidation without volatilization
and these and other non-volatile multi-step reactions were assigned to a Non-Volatile Metal
Oxide class. All of the reactions in these two classes rely on very high temperatures (>1400 oC).
Thermal reduction of some more complex chemicals can be achieved at lower temperatures
because the oxygen bonds are weaker than for simple metal oxides. An intermediate reaction is
necessary to release hydrogen and another reaction (sometimes more than one) is required to
restore the oxidation state of the initial compound. Most lower temperature cycles either employ
intermediates for oxidation, complicating the cycle chemistry, or use electrolysis to release
hydrogen and restore the original oxidation state of the cycle. A sulfuric acid cycle is one of very
few low temperature pure thermochemical cycles that operate at a moderate temperature
(~850oC), but it is a multi-step cycle with an intermediate compound required to close the cycle.
Another sulfuric acid cycle is simplified to a two-step cycle by using an electrolytic step to close
the cycle. Electrolytic cycles are assigned to a Hybrid Reaction class.
Examples of these reaction classes from the inventory of thermochemical cycles that were
actively studied under STCH are shown in Fig. 1.1. The Sulfuric Acid class was studied
primarily under the auspices of the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), but these are included
here since STCH supported integration of this class with a solar power interface in lieu of a
nuclear power interface.
Sulfuric Acid:
2SO2(g) + 2H2O(g) + O2(g)
I2 + SO2(a) + 2H2O 2HI(a) + H2SO4(a)
I2(g) + H2(g)
DOE-EERE FCT Program. Some work continued to be managed by the UNLV Research
Foundation through 2009 under no-cost extension decisions by DOE-EERE. Therefore, some of
the work was managed under awards administered by the DOE GO, some was managed by the
UNLV Research Foundation and some was managed by SNL through subcontracts funded under
Sandias Annual Operating Plan (AOP) approved by DOE Headquarters (DOE/HQ) in
Washington DC. Coordinating this distributed effort was implemented via a consulting contract
with Robert Perret issued by the GO with concurrence by DOE/HQ and with the cooperation of
the UNLV Research Foundation. Following transition to DOE management, the STCH portfolio
expanded to include SAIC in San Diego, CA and TIAX, LLC in Cambridge, MA. All other
participants identified earlier continued under STCH until research priorities were formalized
through a DOE selection process in 2008. The EERE FCT Program currently manages all DOE
funded STCH R&D.
changing during the period of evaluation and the progression (circa 2003 to 2008) is shown
below (Table 1.1):
Table 1.1. DOE Performance Targets.
2012 2017
2017 2020
Phase 1 and Phase 2 selection processes are discussed in Section 2. The process for selection of
candidates from Phase 3 cycles is discussed in Section 3. Technical status of the evaluated cycles
along with path-forward recommendations or conditions that might lead to resumption of effort
are summarized in Section 4. Summary discussion of the evaluation process, key challenges and
recommendations are provided in Section 5. Appendix A describes changes in the STCH
inventory of cycles that occurred after the evaluation. Appendix B lists criteria scores selected
for the Phase 1 cycle selection process.
solid-solid separations
solid-liquid separations
liquid-liquid separations
gas-gas separations
Gas-liquid and gas-solid separations were considered easy and were not included in the tally
for the total separation step within each cycle.
Criterion 3. Number of chemical elements
The number of chemicals in a cycle indirectly reflects the complexity of the process as a greater
number of species are involved and normally results in a more complex process.
Criterion 4. Abundance of chemical elements
Favorable cycles are those that employ common chemicals and elements since these would
usually be less expensive and readily available in large quantities.
Criterion 5. Corrosiveness of chemicals
Chemicals were classified from least to most corrosive, based on their corrosiveness on common
metallic materials of construction.
Criterion 6. Solids transport
Solids transport usually requires specifically designed machinery. Slurry suspensions are more
readily moved with available hardware and is scored as liquid transport.
Maximum temperature, use of hazardous materials, use of corrosive chemicals, the number of
reactions and the number of separations were found to be the most important criteria.
A set of weighting factors specific to each criterion and for each solar device were assigned on
the basis of concurrence and expert opinion. Based on the raw weighting factors and the
expertise of the team members, weighting factors between 1- 10 were generated and assigned to
each criterion for each solar device. Table 2.2 lists the solar-specific criteria weights.
The score multiplier was chosen to cast all scores in the range 0-100. It is obtained by assuming
a maximum score of 10 for each criterion and summing the product of the solar device weighting
factor and the maximum criterion score of 10. The score multiplier is 100 over the sum of
products. Cycles with scores less than the cutoff score were not included in the inventory of
possible cycles for that solar collector technology.
Table 2.3. Criteria scoring scheme.
Table 2.3 describes the criteria score assignment scheme. Criterion 8 scores reflect proximity of
the maximum cycle temperature to the sweet spot temperature of the selected solar device.
Cycle scores were obtained for each solar device by the sum of products of the device weighting
factor and the consensus criteria score, multiplied by the score multiplier. Based on this method,
360 cycles were evaluated and 67 thermochemical cycles with the highest scores were selected
for study under Phase 2.
One question that must be addressed was how well this type of process eliminates from the study
those cycles with a low probability of success. Stepwise regression and rank correlation methods
were applied to answer this question by staff at the Sandia National Laboratories. The results of
this study showed that (1) the selected cycles were not highly dependent on criteria weights so
that the results are expected to be unchanged under different subjective weighting schemes, (2)
the screening process was robust and (3) was generally accurate in determining the most
promising cycles for further analysis.
The 67 cycles with highest scores moved to Phase 2 in which the thermal efficiency of each
cycle was estimated. Phase 2 work included application of HSC Chemistry Database to
determine thermodynamic state variables consistent with phase equilibrium for each reaction
step in a cycle. A simplified flow chart was then developed for each cycle that included mass and
energy balance and non-optimal heat recuperation. Aspen PlusTM software was used where
necessary. The cycle thermal efficiency () was calculated early in the project using High
Heating Value for hydrogen. Subsequently, Low Heating Value was used throughout to be
consistent with DOE requirements.
= -H25C(H2O())/[Qsolar + (Ws + GT + RT ln(apnp/arnr) + nFEov)/e]
H25C(H2O(l)) is the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid water,
Qsolar is the net solar heat determined from the mass and energy balance,
Ws is the amount of shaft work required, primarily compression work,
GT is the standard free energy of any electrochemical step,
R is the universal gas constant
T is the temperature of the electrochemical step,
ap are the activities of the products of the electrochemical step,
np are the stoichiometric coefficients of the electrochemical reactants,
n is the number of charges transferred in the electrochemical step,
F is Faradays constant,
Eov is the over-voltage of the electrochemical step, taken as 0.2 volts if no membrane is
required and 0.4 volts if a membrane is needed,
e is the efficiency of electrical generation, optimistically taken as 0.5.
The 67 top-scoring cycles were evaluated in this manner. Table 2.4 lists cycles and their
estimated efficiencies that resulted from the Phase 2 evaluation. Table 2.4 does not include
cycles whose efficiencies were estimated to be zero.
A cut-off efficiency of about 35% was chosen to keep the number of cycles moving to Phase 3
within a manageable number. Table 2.6 lists the cycles that met the 35% cut-off efficiency63. Of
the cycles in Table 2.5, Multivalent Sulfur was not investigated because of the number of
difficult gas separations. Hybrid Cadmium was not investigated because it required an
electrolysis step in addition to managing a volatile hazardous material. Iron Oxide was not
investigated because either batch processing or solids flow management would be required.
Metal Sulfate Cycles were investigated but hydrogen release could not be demonstrated and
these cycles were abandoned64. Cadmium Carbonate showed extremely poor kinetics in the
hydrolysis reaction and was abandoned in favor of a Cadmium Oxide cycle. DOE - NE
undertook Phase 3-like study of Sulfur Iodine and Hybrid Sulfur so that the original STCH
Project invested detailed theoretical and experimental effort in 6 cycles.
Table 2.4. Listing of non-zero efficiencies for top-scoring cycles.
Cycle Name
Eff. (LHV)
Cycle Name
Eff. (LHV)
Hybrid Antimony-Br
High T Electrolysis
Cobalt Sulfate
Cadmium Sulfate
Cu Chloride
Hybrid Cd
Hybrid N-I
Zinc Oxide
Iron Bromide
Cadmium Carbonate
Ni-Mn Ferrite
Zn-Mn Ferrite
Hybrid Sulfur
Iron Oxide
Hybrid Chlorine
Hybrid Copper
Cerium Chloride
Multivalent Sulfur-3
Cu-Mg Chloride
Mn Sulfate
Iron Chloride-11
Iron Chloride-12
Hybrid S-Br
Hybrid Li-NO3
Ferrous Sulfate-3
Carbon Oxides
Mg Sulfate
Table 2.5. Cycles that could move to Phase 3 detailed theoretical and experimental study.
Efficiency %
Estimated Max T
Hybrid Sulfur
Sulfur Iodine
Cadmium Sulfate
Barium Sulfate
Manganese Sulfate
52: 59
1600: 1450
Multivalent Sulfur
Metal Sulfate Cycles
182: 213
Hybrid Cadmium
Non-volatile Metal Oxides
Iron Oxide
Mised Metal Sodium Manganese; Sodium
Nickel Manganese Ferrite
Zinc Manganese Ferrite
Hybrid Cycles
Hybrid Copper Chloride
Hybrid Cycles
Lead Organization
Sulfur Iodine
Hybrid Sulfur
Zinc Oxide
University of Colorado
Cadmium Oxide
General Atomics
University of Colorado
Reactive Ferrite
Sandia National
ALD Ferrite
University of Colorado
Nickel Manganese Ferrite did not participate fully in the evaluation and prioritization process
because work on this cycle was funded by Laboratory Directed Research and Development at
Sandia National Laboratories. Whereas a watching brief was maintained through cooperation
of SNL, decisions regarding continuation and priority were reserved to SNL. As mentioned
earlier, the DOE-NE managed and administered thermochemical work on Sulfur Iodine and
Hybrid Sulfur. However, DOE-EERE, through Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and
SNL provided support to integrate these cycles with a solar energy source and both cycles
participated fully in the evaluation process.
Virtually all of the cycles listed in Table 3.1 were at different stages of R&D maturity at the time
of the evaluation.
Sulfur Iodine had progressed to implementation of an Integrated Lab Scale (ILS) test
that was meant to demonstrate all steps with cycle closure using a lab thermal source
instead of nuclear or solar. The ILS was never operated successfully. No reviewed
H2A analysis of product cost had been completed at the time of the evaluation.
No integrated process demonstration had been performed. H2A cost analysis was in
review but not completed at the time of the evaluation.
Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia had reached the point of preliminary demonstration of all
steps, but non-precious catalyst material had not been discovered for the photolysis
step and thermal efficiency had not been established principally because conceptual
system design issues remained unresolved. The same deficiency prevented
completion of reviewed H2A analysis.
Zinc Oxide had progressed in step-wise fashion (no closed or integrated cycle
demonstration) to a point where a termination recommendation was made by the
development team.
Nickel Manganese Ferrite did not participate fully in the process, but active material
degradation was identified as an obstacle.
Hybrid Copper Chloride had not yet demonstrated an electrolysis cell design that did
not degrade due to copper crossover. All other steps had been demonstrated but not
optimized. H2A analysis continued to undergo revision and review.
Nonuniform state of progress among the cycles made the establishment of an objective and
rigorous comparative framework unlikely. Objective metrics, like cost and system efficiency, for
the majority of cycles would be based on assumptions and cycle proponents, violating objectivity
in the process. Whereas these assumptions could be (and were) discussed and criticized in the
evaluation process, the critics would necessarily have been proponents of alternative cycles and
objectivity would once again be violated. Rigor in the comparative assessment would require that
metrics be developed for the same performance characteristics for all cycles. Since the cycles
varied so significantly in their development, it was difficult to establish rigorous performance
metrics that would apply equally to all.
These obstacles to a rigorous and objective comparison suggested a subjective and qualitative
framework designed to assess
likelihood that the cycle would (or would potentially) meet DOE cost and efficiency
An informal ranking process was proposed to develop consensus priority ranking of the
candidate cycles according to
As these criteria are essentially qualitative and judgmental in nature, it was decided to seek
Working Group consensus for each assessment topic for each thermochemical cycle.. Essential
information necessary to undertake the assessment was provided in the form of a white paper for
each cycle that was distributed to the entire project team to assure all had the opportunity to
engage technical and judgmental issues well before the evaluation meeting. Points in the white
papers were to be addressed in more detail in a formal presentation delivered during the
evaluation meeting during which members of other projects could bring up issues and questions.
Specific evaluation elements were described for inclusion in the white papers and the
presentations. Discussion points associated with each of the required elements were identified
and provided to the authors, presenters and participants. The elements and associated discussion
points are listed below:
a. Cycle description in summary form with a block diagram describing the R&D pathway
and milestones to meeting DOE targets.
i. Are technological strengths and weaknesses of the cycle comprehensive?
ii. Does the block diagram include all chemical reactions?
iii. Is there theoretical and/or experimental demonstration of cycle closure?
iv. Are side reactions and reaction yields for each step addressed?
v. Are effects of recycled chemicals from reactions that do not go to completion
vi. Is the R&D pathway comprehensive in describing all the development and testing
necessary to assert cycle feasibility?
vii. Is the milestone list comprehensive?
b. Listing of proven and unproven pathway elements
ii. Are the proven pathway elements supported by data or literature citations?
iii. Are potential side reactions identified and demonstrated to be inconsequential?
Does the R&D plan address all issues relevant to integrated cycle demonstration?
Are there critical elements of cycle performance whose resolution is high risk?
iii. Are workforce and budget requirements consistent with the R&D plan?
iv. Is the R&D team in place to complete the plan?
ii. What existing appropriate resources are available at other sites for integrated cycle
on-sun demonstration?
There are too many discussion points to address in this report. Instead of going through the
discussion points individually, several are called out to address the most important issues that
pertain to all cycles:
Table 3.2 (feasibility), Table 3.3 (concept design) and Table 3.4 (DOE target) list the principal
respective issues for each STCH cycle identified from the submitted white papers and the
presentations at the evaluation meeting. The evaluation process made it very clear that
comparative assessment of the cycles under study could not be done with any level of certainty,
mostly because of the different states of progress reflected in the submitted materials. This was
not surprising since Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia R&D had been pursued for only about a year,
compared with >5 years for Sulfur Iodine, Hybrid Sulfur, Hybrid Copper Chloride and Zinc
Oxide; reactive ferrite had been under study for more than 5 years while ALD Ferrite had been
active for less than a year. Sodium Manganese and Cadmium Oxide cycles had been under active
investigation for about 3 years. In lieu of performing a comparative assessment accompanied by
decisions to discontinue cycles, it was decided instead to redirect the R&D efforts for all cycles
on those issues whose solutions would be essential to a continuation decision.
The Zinc Oxide and Sodium Manganese proponent concluded on the basis of R&D and analysis
results that these cycles were very unlikely to meet DOE targets even with continued support. It
was recommended that these cycles complete necessary work to document their achievements
and then to terminate further research and development. Issues pertaining to feasibility, concept
design and performance that were common within a cycle are color coded to help with
identification of the critical path items called out for emphasized R&D.
metallic sulfur
possible; HI
no sig. effect
reactions; more
data necessary
probably not
affected but no
depends on
S crossover
solution might
increase bias or
reduce current
depends on
Sulfur Iodine
Hybrid Sulfur
Zinc Oxide
yes but
incomplete Zn
reduction yield
loss by
depends on
adequate Zn
metal recovery
yes but
incomplete Cd
reduction yield
loss by
depends on
molten Cd
yes but
incomplete Na
mixed oxide
sition unknown
side reactions
might affect
complete Na
hydrolysis and
effects not
ALD Ferrite
back reaction
Durability under
TCH cycling
Hybrid Copper
prevention of
Cu crossover
depends on
spent anolyte
depends on
Block system
Aspen Plus
Sulfur Iodine
sulfuric acid
concentrator heat
counter current
Bunsen reactor;
reactive distillation
reactor; SPR heat
Hybrid Sulfur
sulfuric acid
electrolyzer; SPR
heat exchanger
Photolytic Sulfur
optics; hot mirrors
Zinc Oxide
high temperature
reactor materials
Cadmium Oxide
solar system
fluidized bed
reactor w/ quench;
hight temp H2
Na and Mx
volatility could
lead to deposits
on and corrosion
of reactor vessel
oxygen transport
membrane; hot
particle heat
pneumatic particle
transport system
ALD Ferrite
complete, but
choice remains
between fluidized
bed, moving bed
or stationary thin
film reactor
reactor materials
of design; reactant
material cycling
fluidized bed
reactor or moving
bed reactor
Hybrid Copper
hydrolysis and
spent anolyte
Efficiency (%)
Sulfur Iodine
4.78 (2005)
5.77 (2015)
HI decomposition not
demonstrated; sulfuric acid
concentrator; efficiency
Hybrid Sulfur
Zinc Oxide
45/45 (from
initial Phase 2
estimate; not
reported in
white paper)
3.94 (2005)
4.75 (2015)
ALD Ferrite
(material cost
None of the cycles could present reviewed H2A analyses so that uncertainty persists for the cost
estimates presented. Information about H2A Analysis can be found on the Department of Energy
Website (URL: Flowsheets for the multi-
step processes were still undergoing optimization so that AspenPlusTM analyses of mass and
energy flow balances were not finalized. Consequently some degree of uncertainty persists for
the cost and thermal efficiency figures cited. It is noted that substantial progress in H2A analyses
appears in Cost Analyses on Solar-Driven High Temperature Thermochemical Water-Splitting
Cycles, TIAX, Final Report to Department of Energy, Order DE-DT0000951, February, 2011.
The evaluation process made it very clear that comparative assessment of the cycles under study
could not be done with any level of certainty, mostly because of the different states of progress
reflected in the submitted materials. This was not surprising since Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia
R&D had been pursued for only about a year, compared with >5 years for Sulfur Iodine, Hybrid
Sulfur, Hybrid Copper Chloride and Zinc Oxide; reactive ferrites had been under study for more
than 5 years while ALD Ferrite had been active for less than a year. Sodium Manganese and
Cadmium Oxide cycles had been under active investigation for about 3 years. In lieu of
performing a comparative assessment accompanied by decisions to discontinue cycles, it was
decided instead to redirect the R&D efforts for all cycles to those issues whose resolution would
be essential for a continuation decision. Technical success in these identified topics would not in
and of itself warrant continuation, but absent such success, the cycles would be either technically
infeasible or economically uncompetitive. The Zinc Oxide and Sodium Manganese proponent
concluded on the basis of R&D and analysis results that these cycles were very unlikely to meet
DOE targets even with continued support. It was decided for these cycles that necessary work to
document their achievements would be completed and no further research and development
would be pursued, at least until additional information warranted resumption of effort.
It is evident from Tables 3.2-3.4 that the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative would manage many of the
unresolved issues for the Sulfur Iodine and Hybrid Sulfur cycles. These were not called out for
prioritization by the formal evaluation. However, the integration of both cycles with a solar
source was not defined with sufficient detail. Since both cycles planned to use the Solid Particle
Receiver (SPR) under development by Sandia National Laboratories, effort under DOE/EERE
support was directed to focus on integration of these cycles with the SPR. Additionally, the
Sulfur Iodine, Hybrid Sulfur and Hybrid Copper Chloride teams were asked to collaborate in an
effort to achieve commonality in their component and capital costing methodologies.
Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia had not yet achieved sufficient maturity to settle on a conceptual
design since a choice between beam-splitting mirrors or dual solar fields had not been made.
Serious uncertainty in the cost and effectiveness of beam splitting optics was generally evident
during the evaluation. The proposed alternative was dual solar fields, with one to provide thermal
energy for ammonium sulfate reduction to produce ammonia and sulfur dioxide and the other to
provide shorter wavelength radiation to drive photolytic oxidation of ammonium sulfite and
produce hydrogen and ammonium sulfate. Accordingly, the Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia team
was directed to acquire firm performance information and costs for beam-splitting optics and
develop a design and cost estimates for a dual solar field architecture. Simultaneously, the team
was directed to undertake preliminary investigation of a hybrid approach, replacing photolysis
with electrolysis.
Zinc Oxide would be documented and further effort deferred until new information might arise
that would argue for resumption of research and development. Economical means to suppress
recombination during the quench of the ZnO decomposition step, possibly through use of a high
temperature oxygen transport membrane, and identification of reactor materials capable of
enduring thermal shock and operation at extremely high temperatures would be necessary for
this cycle to become economically competitive. Additionally, demonstration of the proposed
fluid wall reactor to prevent Zn loss by condensation on reactor surfaces would be necessary for
cycle closure while demonstrated avoidance of sintering or other growth mechanisms affecting
the size distribution of aerosolized Zn particles would be necessary to retain hydrolysis
efficiency under cycling.
The Cadmium Oxide cycle suffers from recombination during quench of the CdO thermal
decomposition step in ways very similar to the difficulties experienced by the Zinc Oxide cycle.
Apart form the materials, the essential difference between the zinc and cadmium decomposition
steps is that the zinc vapor quench is taken to solid zinc while the cadmium vapor quench is
taken to molten cadmium, the material used in the hydrolysis step. Demonstration of the quench
step for the Cadmium Oxide cycle had not been performed at the time of the evaluation so it was
not possible to quantify the fraction of initial molten cadmium that would be re-cycled in the
hydrolysis step. The process proposed for cadmium vapor quench was a rapid quench using
either cold gas like carbon dioxide or molten cadmium spray as the quench medium. A cold
gas quench is expected to nucleate homogeneously molten cadmium droplets, which then
become condensation sites to reduce cadmium vapor concentrations. Here, the number density of
condensation sites can be crucial to effectiveness since higher number density generates higher
surface to volume ratio causing greater surface recombination fraction. Molten cadmium droplet
quench could be effective in reducing the number density of condensation sites but quench rate
might be limited by thermal diffusion, causing significant recombination in the gas phase. The
critical path issue for Cadmium Oxide was determined to be modeling the quench process to
identify the optimum path and then demonstrate performance in laboratory scale experiments. A
second issue in this cycle is the relatively slow hydrolysis process whose kinetics, if not
improved significantly by hydrolysis reactor design, could require much greater quantities of
molten cadmium to be recycled in hydrolysis reactors to match throughput of the cadmium oxide
decomposition step.
The mixed oxide sodium manganese cycle would be terminated after completion of work
necessary to document achievements. This cycle suffered from a number of significant
uncertainties, chief among which is economic recovery of sodium to close the cycle. Whereas
incorporation of mixed metal ingredients like Zn-Mn and Zn-Fe improved sodium recovery
without inordinate addition of water, the reaction did not go to completion, probably due to
diffusion of Na and O into the MnO matrix. Moreover, side reactions like volatilization of NaOH
or formation of other stable Na compounds introduced additional difficulty in assuring cycle
closure. Na deposit was found on the apparatus so this volatility problem would have to be
resolved to move the cycle forward. The plant design incorporated significant transport of stored
hot reactant solids and the cost of pneumatic transport over the ~25 km distance for solids (both
hot and cold) instilled considerable uncertainty in plant capital and operating costs. These
uncertainties when coupled with the projected hydrogen gate cost argued for termination of this
cycle. An alternative cycle, direct thermal dissociation of NaMnO2 (Sodium Manganate cycle)
was proposed as a mixed volatility oxide cycle in which sodium manganate would be
decomposed to MnO and vapor phase of NaxOy. The kinetics of the decomposition step is the
primary barrier to operation of this cycle although there are several other obstacles, including
performance of a fluid wall reactor and uncertainty regarding affinity of oxygen for sodium
compounds relative to manganese. The project team was directed to evaluate the kinetics of the
decomposition step preparatory for a later decision to continue or terminate.
The ALD Ferrite cycle was relatively immature at the time of the evaluation but is sufficiently
simple that closure could be readily demonstrated in spite of residual uncertainty regarding back
reaction extent that could affect performance sufficiently to prevent economic operation.
However, performance would hinge crucially on the ability of the active materials to withstand
repeated thermochemical cycling. If material characteristics are not stable under cycling, then the
cycle might be abandoned, or it might be made more complex if a means could be found to
restore initial active material characteristics. The team was directed to focus its attention on
active material stability and durability preparatory to a subsequent decision to continue or
Hybrid Copper Chloride has material issues for the hydrolysis and crystallizer reactors, likely
resolvable at the appropriate time. Demonstration of material transfer from the crystallizer
remains to be done, again likely to be successful. More importantly, quantitative composition of
spent anolyte from the electrolysis process has not been determined and this step must precede
the choice of membrane separation material for final processing of spent anolyte (aqueous CuCl
and CuCl2). However, until a satisfactory electrolyzer membrane and process have been
established, anolyte composition cannot be determined with any confidence. Electrolytic
processing of fresh aqueous HCl with fresh aqueous CuCl produces hydrogen at the cathode and
CuCl2 in the anolyte. At the time of the evaluation, electrolysis membrane tests showed
degradation by transport and deposition of metallic copper. This causes degradation in
performance and ultimately destruction of the membrane. Discovery of effective and durable
membrane along with electrolysis cell design were identified as critical issues for resolution
before a decision for continuation or termination could be made.
Table 3.5 provides a summary of identified issues resulting from presentations and discussions at
the meeting. The tabulation of critical path items in table 3.5 is labeled STCH critical path
focus to emphasize that recommended R&D paths should apply only to effort under
sponsorship of the DOE-EERE FCT Program.
Sulfur Iodine
HI decomposition; acid
concentrator heat exchanger;
non-ideal chemistries; SPR
SPR integration
Hybrid Sulfur
SPR integration
Zinc Oxide
Recombination; reactor
materials; fluid wall reactor; size
distribution of metallic zinc
Cadmium Oxide
Recombination; high
temperature hydrogen transport
membrane; beam down reactor
modeling/demonstration; beam
down reactor design and
Sodium Manganese
Na recovery; incomplete
hydrolysis; reactant volatility;
Decomposition kinetics;
effectiveness of fluid wall
reactor; extent of back reaction;
ALD Ferrite
Concentrated sulfuric acid is reduced in the thermal decomposition reactor. Oxygen gas is
released and aqueous SO2 is reacted with iodine in the Bunsen reaction to produce sulfuric acid
and hydriotic acid (HI) whose specific gravities are sufficiently distinct to permit gravimetric
separation. Sulfuric acid is concentrated and recycled to the decomposition reactor while HI is
distilled to release hydrogen and the iodine is recycled for reuse.
Extractive distillation using phosphoric acid has been demonstrated but the process is slow and
inefficient, requiring extended distillation column residence or recycling for recovery of
expensive iodine. A reactive distillation step has been proposed that is anticipated to be more
efficient but the process was not described in detail and had not achieved full laboratory
demonstration so iodine recovery remains an issue. The Bunsen reaction does not appear to go to
completion, giving rise to recirculated SO2 whose consequence is unknown. A counter-flow
reactor has been designed but not quantitatively demonstrated so the Bunsen reaction also
remains problematic. Sulfuric acid concentration remains a materials challenge and the
decomposition reactor (shown in Figure 4.1.2), while demonstrated, relies on multiple units
(Figure 4.1.3) with a noble metal catalyst whose activity degrades with use and must be either
cleaned or replaced, causing operational difficulty and expense.
A solid particle receiver was chosen to provide solar thermal heat for integration with the Sulfur
Iodine cycle65,66,67,68. The conceptual design called for particulate thermal medium to be heated
by direct solar flux to about 1000oC and stored for use in the thermal decomposition reactor. The
unknown consequence of hot particles impinging on the decomposition reactor led to
implementation of an intermediate heat exchanger to provide either air or helium at 1000oC for
heating the decomposition reactor. The particle medium is heated in the receiver section, stored
in a hot storage vessel, used to heat the intermediate thermal medium and is then collected in a
cold storage vessel. The particles are transported back to the solar receiver section by a bucket or
auger system before recycling through the receiver and back to the hot storage vessel. This
design concept has not been demonstrated and possibly serious difficulty could exist with
durability of the particle thermal media and durability of an intermediate heat exchanger. The
proposed solar interface schematic design is shown in Figure 4.1.4.
Figure 4.1.4. Schematic solar interface with the solid particle receiver with intermediate
heat exchanger providing heated He gas to drive the decomposition reactor.
Primary advantages and obstacles for the Sulfur-Iodine cycle are listed in Table 4.1.1.
Table 4.1.1. Sulfur-Iodine cycle advantages and challenges.
Corrosive chemicals
A detailed flowsheet for the Sulfur Iodine thermochemical process was developed for the nuclear
option. The thermochemical flowsheet for the solar option is identical. Simultaneous display of
the entire flowsheet is not practical, so the process is divided into 3 sections (see Figures 4.1.5
1. Bunsen reaction section: I2 + SO2 + 2H2O 2HI + H2SO4
(T ~ 120C)
SO2 + H2O + O2
(T > 800C)
I2 + H2
(T > 350C)
Sections 2 and 3 were optimized using AspenPlusTM software but lack of data and departure
from ideal behavior of solutions in section 1 required a different model approach. Stream
compositions and states were determined for each stream in the combined flowsheets and energy
and mass balance calculations resulted in calculated process efficiency of ~ 0.35 to 0.39,
depending on the heat exchanger medium, but the data from which these numbers were derived
were not listed. No provision for solar integration is evident other than the presence of the He
heat exchanger that could be coupled to an intermediate heat exchanger at the SPR.
Apparently, there was insufficient time to do serious cost analysis for the solar-powered Sulfur
Iodine process so no reviewed H2A was available for comparison. The costs and efficiencies
cited in Table 3.4 might change. Substantial progress is reported in a recent report82.
The path forward for the Sulfur Iodine cycle presented at the evaluation meeting engaged only
the solar interface because NE was responsible for all other aspects of this cycle. Nevertheless,
the issues identified above must all be resolved before the cycle can be considered for further
development. The HI decomposition process is perhaps the most important issue because
inefficiency in this step would likely increase cost beyond acceptable levels. The second most
important issue is developing understanding of the equilibrium in the Bunsen reaction, unless it
can be demonstrated that SO2 carryover raises no obstacles to a closed cycle. Third, discovery of
heat exchanger materials that can withstand the abrasive environment of a solid particle receiver
is essential to either direct or indirect provision of thermal energy to the process. Finally, it is
essential to demonstrate operation of a solid particle receiver using an adequate thermal medium
at the required temperatures and at scale sufficient to assure further scale-up.
The solar interface schematic for Hybrid Sulfur is the same as shown for Sulfur Iodine in Figure
4.1.3 and the decomposition reactor shown in Figs. 4.1.1 and 4.1.3 is also identical. Oxidation,
however is accomplished electrolytically as shown in Figure 4.2.2.
The electrolysis cell has been demonstrated, but membrane permeability allows SO2 diffusion to
the cathode where reduced sulfur is deposited, degrading electrolyzer performance and,
ultimately, destroying the membrane. This has been a key technical issue and no solution had
been found at the time of the evaluation.
Hybrid Sulfur has the same advantages as Sulfur Iodine but has additional advantage owing to its
simplicity. The obstacles are, however, somewhat different.
Table 4.2.1. Hybrid Sulfur advantages and challenges.
Corrosive chemicals
The Hybrid Sulfur flowsheet, shown in Figure 4.2.3, was designed to optimize integration
between the decomposition reactor and the electrolysis cell and achieve maximum efficiency.
More work could be invested to optimize the flowsheet to achieve minimum hydrogen cost to
provide tradeoff analysis between cost and efficiency. SO2 is dissolved in 43 wt% sulfuric acid
and fed to the anode of the electrolysis cell. Approximately 40% of the SO2 is reacted, producing
H2SO4 at 50 wt% after electrolysis. H2SO4 is then concentrated to 75 wt% by two flashes in
series (operating at 1 and 0.3 bar) and a vacuum column (at 0.13 bar). Oxygen separation is
required before being extracted as byproduct.
The process efficiency was calculated with material and energy balances for the flowsheet in
Figure 4.2.3 under the assumptions:
40 bar
75 wt%
43 wt%
21 bar
600 mV
Calculated values for efficiency evaluation as reported in the process white paper are reported
High temperature H2SO4 decomposition thermal power: 358 kJ/molSO2 at about 950
C, which represents some 82% of the total thermal power needed to sustain the
thermochemical process
Low temperature thermal power for H2SO4 concentration: 75.5 kJ/molSO2 at about
130 C, which is some 18% of the total external thermal power needed to sustain the
HyS process
Electric power for SO2 oxidation: 115.7 kJe/molSO2, which is almost 97% of the
overall electricity needed for the HyS plant
Electric power for HyS auxiliaries: 4.1 kJe/molSO2, which is about 3% of the
electricity needed for the thermochemical plant
O2 as byproduct
The process efficiency is calculated on the basis of H2 LHV and assuming a thermal- electric
efficiency of 0.4 (H2A guidelines):
Cost analysis of the Hybrid Sulfur cycle was done for 2015 and 2025 in accord with assumptions
and guidelines of the H2A analysis process. The plant was sized to produce annual average 100
tonne H2/day with plant capacity of 0.75. An intermediate heat exchanger, used in the 2015 case,
was replaced with direct heating of the decomposition reactor for the 2025 case. Helium
transport allowed two heliostat fields and two towers to service a single process system in the
2015 case whereas direct heating of the decomposition reactor in the 2025 case required a single
operational heliostat field and tower because transport of particulate thermal medium is difficult.
The plant was equipped with hot storage providing 13 hours operation when off-sun. The H2A
production costs for the two cases are shown in Figure 4.2.4 with primary differences in
decomposition reactor heating, heliostat cost reduction and electrolysis cell cost and performance
improvements from 2015 to 2025. Much improved cost analysis is reported in a recent report82.
The path forward for Hybrid Sulfur includes work that would be sponsored by both NE and
EERE. Under the Office of Nuclear Energy the primary obstacle for successful operation was
discovery of an electrolysis process and materials that would prevent SO2 crossover and sulphur
deposit at the cathode. Under EERE, as for Sulfur Iodine, discovery of heat exchanger materials
that can withstand the abrasive environment of a solid particle receiver is essential to either
direct or indirect provision of thermal energy to the process. Finally, demonstration of operation
of a solid particle receiver using an adequate thermal medium at the required temperatures and at
scale sufficient to assure further scale-up is necessary.
(NH4)2SO4(s) + ZnO(s)
SO2(g) + ZnO(s) + O2
The cycle chemistry at the time of the evaluation is shown in Figure 4.3.2. The cycle team
reported in their white paper that all steps had been demonstrated, all reactions went to
completion and that there were no side reactions or unreacted products that carried over to the
next step. The photolysis was carried out in the presence of a cadmium sulfide photocatalyst
doped (or alloyed) with about 0.5 wt% Pt/Pd/Ru co-catalyst. The reported photolysis efficiency
was about 0.29 as defined by the ratio of LHV H2 generated to the energy of incident photons
with wavelength less than 520 nm. These assertions apply only to laboratory experiments and the
project plan shows continued work in all these areas. The issue of cost associated with noble
metal catalysts was identified as a challenge, but not resolved. Difficulties, such as the solidsolid reaction of ammonium sulfate with zinc oxide to form ammonia and zinc sulfate, as well as
transport of solids (zinc sulfate and zinc oxide) were identified as challenges, but design
concepts had not progressed to the point that analysis and testing could be implemented.
Similarly, options for solar field designs were offered (beam spectral splitting or dual solar
fields) but specific designs were not developed at the time of the evaluation. As a consequence of
these deficiencies, doubtless due at least in part to the short period of R&D before the evaluation,
system efficiency calculations and estimates of hydrogen gate costs were without substance at
the time of the evaluation and these are therefore not reported here.
Table 4.3.1 lists advantages and challenges for this cycle. Entries are taken liberally from
evaluation materials submitted by the research team.
Table 4.3.1. Advantages and challenges for Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia.
Figure 4.3.3 reproduces a flowsheet provided for the evaluation and description of its operation
is also liberally taken from the cycle white paper. AspenPlusTM analysis was underway at the
time of the evaluation but not completed.
Hydrogen is produced at a rate of 11,199 kg/hr based on 12 hr/day operation in the PHOTOCAT
reactor. In the photoreactor, ammonium sulfite (NH4)2SO3 and water react to produce H2 and
ammonium sulfate in the presence of a visible light activated photocatalyst. Hydrogen gas is
separated from the aqueous ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 solution by venting it from the
photoreactor (represented by the flash separation tank (FL-H2)). Aqueous ammonium sulfate
solution is then pumped through a series of heat exchangers that preheat the brine before it is fed
into the first solar thermolytic reactor LOTEMRXN to release ammonia and form zinc sulfate.
Hot product gases from this reaction (NH3 and H2O) are easily separated from solid zinc sulfate
and allowed to expand in a turbine (TURBINE1) to generate electricity. The exit stream from
TURBINE1 is sent to the heat exchanger HX-9 while the solid product ZnSO4 is decomposed in
HITEMRXN to release oxygen and form zinc oxide and sulfur dioxide. Hot gases SO2 and O2
enter heat exchanger HX-2 and are cooled by the ammonium sulfate stream entering
SO2/O2 and NH3/H2O streams are reacted in SFIT-GEN producing aqueous ammonium sulfite
and a moist gaseous oxygen stream. The aqueous products are collected in an above-ground tank
(STORAGE) and allowed to cool down during the night - to be used later as a feedstock for
replenishing the photocatalytic reactor. The oxygen stream O2-EX is further cooled in a heat
exchanger HX-1 and cooling tower (TOWER). The moist oxygen leaving the cooling tower
enters into a flash evaporator (FL-O2) which recovers condensed water and releases the oxygen
into the ambient air.
Water H2ORECY collected in FL-O2 is combined with the makeup water and ammonia stream
exiting HX-9 and sent to TOWER2 where it is condensed and fed into the sulfite synthesis
reactor SFIT-GEN. The LOTEMRXN and HITEMRXN reactions will most likely be carried out
in a single solar receiver reactor the design of which is still being worked on. The reaction in
the photoreactor PHTOTOCAT will be conducted in a simple shallow (less than 1"), Kynar (or
other suitable UV-VIS transparent material) covered flat bed unit illuminated by sunlight. The
photolyte is continuously pumped in and out of the photoreactor(s). LOTEMRXN, HITEMRXN
and SFIT-GEN have been simulated using Rgibbs model. In the present flow sheet, PHOTOCAT
is simulated using a stoichiometric reactor model. A ratio of about 10 moles of H2O per mole of
(NH4)2SO3 has been assumed in the simulation.
The cycle white paper cited tower and heliostat cost at about 48% of capital cost whereas
virtually all other cycles find the solar system comprising about 70% of capital cost. Since either
specialized heliostats or dual soar fields would be required, it is difficult to reconcile the quoted
solar costs in the white paper. Accordingly, the H2A results are assumed to be so preliminary
that they will not be reported here.
The prime rationale for the photolytic process was founded on more efficient use of solar power
by applying the shorter wavelength spectral component to photolysis and the longer wavelength
component to thermal processes. The only way to realize this benefit is to split intercepted solar
radiation into these components and direct the split beams to their respective tasks. A dual field
realization does not use intercepted radiation more efficiently since the thermal component will
be useless for the photolysis process and the photoactive component will not add materially to
thermal processes. Consequently, discovery of a cost effective means of spectral beam splitting
is mandatory for the Photolytic Sulfur Ammonia cycle to be continued.
2 ZnO
2 Zn + O2
Zn + H2O ZnO + H2
Four issues have driven the cycle development. First, the reduction step temperature generates
serious difficulty in finding reactor materials of construction that are durable under operation. It
was found that introduction of an inert gas, argon in experiments, would reduce the operating
temperature to about 1750oC, but separation of argon from the oxygen is problematic since even
a high temperature oxygen permeable membrane would suffer from either condensation or
physical deposition of zinc particles in the pores.
Second, the zinc oxide decomposition step is limited in efficiency because quench is
accompanied by significant recombination. Only 18% of zinc metal has been recovered under
rapid quench whereas up to 70% and 85% recovery have been cited in analytic studies. It is
speculated that recovery could be improved by quenching with fine zinc metal particles, but this
approach would likely lead to larger zinc particles, reducing the effectiveness of the hydrolysis
step. At this time, no process other than rapid quench has been found to reduce significantly
recombination and thereby improve metal recovery. However, rapid quench reduces sensible
heat recuperation for the cycle, thereby decreasing cycle efficiency.
Third, the oxidation (hydrolysis) step is limited by surface area of zinc metal since formation of
the metal oxide on the surface inhibits further oxidation of the underlying metal. The higher the
particle surface to volume ratio, the higher the efficiency of the hydrolysis process so that submicrometer zinc particles are necessary. Rapid quenching of the reduction step does produce
very small particles, but efficient recovery has not been demonstrated and a closed cycle
demonstration has not been attempted.
Finally, a porous flow-through wall was proposed to counter loss of zinc metal to condensation
and particle deposition on reactor walls. The fluid wall concept has been used in other chemical
processes but has not been demonstrated for the zinc cycle. A fluid wall reactor would require
additional gas separation and would doubtless increase costs.
The process flowsheet for a plant sized to produce annual average 100 tonne H2/day with
capacity factor 0.75 is shown in Figure 4.4.2. For the 2015 H2A case study, a 3:1 molar flow rate
of Argon:ZnO was assumed, ZnO decomposition was assumed to proceed at ~1750oC to 70%
conversion, hydrolysis was assumed to be 100% efficient, and a 3-stage vacuum swing absorber
(VSA) was used for Ar/O2 separation. Quench sensible heat between 1800oC and 900oC is
consumed and it is assumed that sensible heat between 900oC and a recovery temperature is
recuperated. A dual multi-tube aerosol transport reactor75 of siliconized graphite was configured
with porous wall to maintain flowing Ar between Zn and ZnO gases and the reactor walls. The
2015 reaction was executed at atmospheric pressure so that compression is required to provide
H2 at 300 psig at the plant gate.
The 2025 H2A case study assumed a single pressurized (300 psig) multi-tube reactor, 85%
conversion efficiency for the decomposition step and a single stage VSA.
Three heliostat fields illuminated a 250 m tower and 13 hours of thermal storage (Zn metal)
were maintained to allow continuous operation (weather permitting). The 2015 case required 15
towers to provide annual average production of 100 tonne H2/day, while the 2025 case required
14 towers. Each heliostat field for both case studies contained 358 heliostats in about 3 acres and
delivered 123 MWth to three secondary concentrators on each tower. The secondary
concentrators delivered 112 MWth to each receiver.
The team calculated efficiency of solar energy to Lower Heating Value hydrogen energy so that
the calculated ZnO efficiency values will be lower than the differently defined efficiencies
requested by the program office. The 2015 efficiency was 17.2% while the 2025 efficiency was
calculated to be 20.7%. The main causes of efficiency increase are increased decomposition
yield (85% for 2025 and 70% for 2015), operation at gate pressure of 300 psig for 2025 instead
of atmospheric pressure for 2015, and reduced argon inert gas use in 2025 so that a single stage
VSA could be used instead of the 3-stage VSA used in the 2015 case study.
Capital cost allocations are shown for case studies 2015 and 2025 in Figures 4.4.3 and 4.4.4. The
baseline gate cost for hydrogen in 2015 was $5.58 /gge H2 and could conceivably reduce to
$4.47 /gge H2 with aggressive reduction in heliostat and tower costs accompanied by reduced
cost for the receiver/reactor. 2025 baseline cost was found to be $4.14 /gge H2 and with similar
aggressive component cost reductions could conceivably reduce to about $3.46 /gge H2 . Since
these cost figures did not appear to be reducible to meet the projected cost targets, the Zinc
Oxide cycle was not recommended for continued development. A recent report provides
substantially improved cost analysis but does not change the recommendation.
The Zinc Oxide cycle development is unlikely to be continued without discovery of reactor
materials capable of withstanding thermal shock and fatigue. Moreover, product cost is unlikely
to meet targets without significant reduction in heliostat and tower costs well beyond those
projected for the foreseeable future. Efficiency improvements are unlikely in the absence of
methods for recuperating the sensible heat lost to rapid quench, and demonstration of ZnO
decomposition yield of zinc metal near 70% is necessary to seriously consider resumption of
Figure 4.4.3. Plant cost allocation for the 2015 case study.
Figure 4.4.4. Plant cost allocation for the 2025 case study.
Cd(g) + O2(g)
As in the Zinc Oxide cycle, a third non-chemical step, quenching the decomposition products
rapidly, is necessary to reduce recombination or back-reaction that reduces cadmium yield and
recycles CdO to the hydrolysis step. A conceptual flow diagram for a process designed to operate
24 hours per day was developed and is shown in Figure 4.5.2.
Figure 4.5.2. Process flow for a diurnal solar cadmium oxide hydrogen cycle.
Thermal storage and power generation are options included in the conceptual design. A third
option reduces the decomposition temperature by incorporating inert gas flow with CdO in the
decomposition reactor. O2 and the inert gas can be separated readily from the quenched product
but the inert gas would require separation for recycling. Replacing the inert gas with air is
possible, but increase in O2 partial pressure would likely make the quench less effective. Inert
gas use has not been analyzed to determine if the temperature reduction is worth the additional
separation required. Analysis of the CdO cycle without inert gas provided a thermal efficiency
estimate of 59% (LHV).
Whereas the thermal efficiency of the CdO cycle is among the highest of all cycles considered,
there remain difficult obstacles in the chemistry as well as in plant operations. Just as with the
zinc cycle, recombination will limit the effectiveness unless it can be shown that rapid quench
either with or without molten cadmium nucleating sites provides high yield of Cd metal for
recycling to the hydrolysis step. Moreover, hydrolysis of molten cadmium is rate limited due
both to chemical kinetics and to accumulation of CdO on the molten Cd surface. A rotating kiln
counter flow hydrolysis reactor was designed for increasing the hydrolysis yield through mixing
and residence time selected (through kiln dimension and orientation) to react all molten
Operationally, the cycle suffers from the need to manage solids transport along with liquids and
gases, but most separations are easy unless an inert gas is used to reduce recombination in the
decomposition step. In the case of the hydrolysis reactor, operation at elevated pressure is
proposed in response to counter elevated Cd vapor pressure at hydrolysis operating temperature.
A high temperature/high pressure separation of hydrogen from steam will be required but design
concepts were not available at the time of the evaluation. Alternatively, the steam could be
condensed, allowing easy separation of hydrogen, but plant efficiency would diminish
significantly. Finally, even with inherent thermal storage in solid CdO, plant shutdown could
raise serious difficulties without incorporation of auxiliary heating to prevent solidification of
molten cadmium in vessels and pipes.
Both of the primary chemical reactions have been demonstrated in laboratory studies, but neither
has been implemented in operational component designs to allow evaluation of feasibility of
closed cycle operation. Data necessary for establishing reaction yields and downstream product
concentrations did not exist at the time of the evaluation.
Integration with solar power was proposed using a beam down collector design illuminating a
cavity receiver on the ground. (Figure 4.5.4) Preliminary beam down design work performed by
the Weizmann Institute called for 10 towers, each surrounded by a graded density nearly circular
heliostat field of approximately 700 m diameter providing about 72 MWth to a fluidized bed
decomposition receiver/reactor. A beam down solar collector system at the necessary power
levels has not been demonstrated. 10 towers with reactor/receivers were required to meet
production targets of annual average 100 tonne H2/day and chemical plants were sized to meet
production with two plants serviced by the 10 towers and decomposition reactors.
The proposed molten cadmium quench process has not been demonstrated. Preliminary modeling
was underway at the time of the evaluation to allow assessment of the fraction of Cd vapor that
would condense on the quench droplets and the rate of condensation removing Cd from
participation in gas-phase recombination. Since some recombination will necessarily occur at the
vapor-liquid interface, a lower surface/volume ratio of molten Cd will reduce the recombination
fraction and increase the Cd metal yield for recycle to the hydrolysis section. On the other hand,
longer residence time in the gas phase increases gas-phase recombination and reduces the Cd
metal yield for recycling. Rapid quench is desirable, but Cd supersaturation must be kept below
the threshold for homogenous nucleation since the surface/volume ratio under homogeneous
nucleation is exceedingly high and Cd metal yield will diminish sharply. Determining molten Cd
quench feasibility and optimizing quench conditions was not done at the time of the evaluation.
Table 4.5.1. Advantages and challenges for the Cadmium Oxide cycle.
Molten Cd quench
Thermal storage
A detailed flow sheet for the CdO cycle was not presented at the evaluation meeting. However,
an earlier presentation by the team included a flowsheet that predated the evaluation by about
10 months. That flowsheet is presented here in Figure 4.5.5 with the caveat that it should not be
interpreted as reflecting the process at the time of the evaluation.
Figure 4.5.5. CdO cycle flowsheet, AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, November 7, 2007.
Since the process changed significantly after this flowsheet was developed, Aspen PlusTM
analysis and optimization will not be addressed. Preliminary H2A analysis for a 2015 case study
was presented at the evaluation but documentation was not thorough and the analysis had not
been reviewed prior to the evaluation. The cost figures presented at the evaluation are included
here for historical purposes and the hydrogen production cost cited by the team is shown but
should not be relied upon for comparative purposes.
Table 4.5.2. Component capital costs cited for CdO cycle
at the time of the evaluation.
$352.8 M
$72 M
Heat exchangers/hydrolysis
$33.4 M
$8 M
Vertical vessels/separators
$13 M
$29.8 M
Solids transport
$7.7 M
H2 compressors
$15.5 M
Total Capital
$532.2 M
Table 4.5.3. CdO operating costs cited at the time of the evaluation.
Purified water
Cooling water
$6.9 M/yr
$8.7 M/yr
Total O&M
$32.8 M/yr
Table 4.5.5 presents cost estimates and sensitivity effects for the CdO cycle under the
assumptions in table 4.5.4 and using the capital and operating cost estimates shown in Tables
4.5.2 and 4.5.3. The H2A analysis was unreviewed at the time of the evaluation and no projected
costs for improvements for the 2025 case were presented.
Sensitivity Factors
Capacity Factor
Cost of Heliostats, $/m
The Cadmium Oxide cycle shows promise primarily through its high thermal efficiency, but
overall efficiency could suffer significantly as the challenges listed in Table 4.5.1 are addressed.
Whereas cycle simplicity remains a plus, that simplicity is somewhat offset by the volatile and
hazardous primary material. The highest priority issue to be resolved is establishing and
demonstrating an effective quench process. Without that, everything else is speculative. It was
agreed that molten Cd quench feasibility should first be addressed via modeling and simulation
before attempting to demonstrate the process in the laboratory. That work was proceeding after
the evaluation meeting. Scaled performance modeling of the beam down solar system might have
been done, but definitive results and description of the process were not made available. If not
done, such modeling is essential to confident estimates of solar system cost.
4MnO + O2
The straightforward cyclic process in Figure 4.6.1 requires considerable excess of water in the
hydrolysis step to recover Mn2O3 and form aqueous NaOH. The aqueous solution must be
concentrated by vaporizing the water to provide NaOH for the hydrogen production step. The
excess water removal reduces cycle thermal efficiency so a secondary metal, Zn, was added to
improve the hydrolysis step and reduce the required excess water and aid in Na recovery. Figure
4.6.2 shows the operational chemical steps for 3:1 Mn:Zn stoichiometry48,50,76,77.
2 Zn0.33MnO1.33 + O2
Figure 4.6.2. Mixed metal oxide steps for the Sodium Manganese cycle.
Both zinc and iron were tested for hydrolysis improvement and zinc showed significantly better
performance, reducing the amount of water required by about a factor of 3. Even so, about
10 moles of water were required for production of 1 mol H2. The secondary metal appears to
prevent, or at least inhibit the formation of a sodium/manganese birnessite that does not
participate in the hydrolysis reaction and would be carried through the high temperature step.
The consequence of this side reaction is not known. If the birnessite does not decompose, then
birnessite would likely accumulate and the reaction could not be closed. If it does decompose, it
will likely reduce cycle efficiency, possibly to the point that economics are not competitive.
Laboratory experiments demonstrate recovery of only about 80% of the sodium although closed
cycle would require recovery of 100% unless the birnessite decomposes in the high temperature
step and the sodium is made available once again for hydrolysis. This would change the reaction
class from a nonvolatile metal oxide to a mixed volatile/nonvolatile metal oxide since the sodium
would vaporize in the high temperature process.
The reduction step was demonstrated in both thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and flowing
aerosol experiments. Reducing oxygen partial pressure with simultaneous inert gas flow
minimized the effects of recombination. A closed system design would require oxygen/inert gas
separation. Conversion efficiency was greater than 80% when a fluidized bed of Mn2O3 was
reduced to MnO but component design for continuous (as opposed to batch) operation of a
fluidized bed was not described. The team noted that residual sodium from incomplete
hydrolysis as well as the secondary metal used to reduce the amount of NaOH leach water could
undergo volatilization in the reduction chamber with consequent loss through wall condensation.
Apart from possible corrosion effects, such loss of reagent would prevent cycle closure absent
some recovery process. These obstacles were not evaluated in the experiments and not addressed
in the system model used for analysis.
Release of hydrogen by mixing MnO with NaOH at ~700oC is complicated by the mixing of
liquid NaOH with solid MnO and Zn-Mn-O compounds. Nearly 100% reaction has been
reported for NaOH and pure MnO but those earlier results could not be repeated with the mixed
metal oxide used for improved sodium recovery. Some evidence was found that indicated that
NaOH was vaporized and lost to the reaction. No such effect was observed for the pure
MnO/NaOH reaction. The team speculated that sodium and oxygen could be trapped in the MnO
structure but it remains unclear why this would occur in the mixed metal oxide process and not
in the pure MnO process. Many issues remain unresolved for the hydrogen release process so
that closed cycle feasibility remains uncertain.
Table 4.6.1. Advantages and challenges for Mx-Sodium Manganese.
Figure 4.6.3 shows the process flowsheet used for cost and performance analysis of a 3:1 Zn:Mn
oxide process. The analysis assumed that no Zn or Na was lost due to volatility. The reduction
step was assumed to be 80% efficient, the hydrolysis step was assumed to be 100% efficient and
NaOH recovery was assumed to be 80% efficient. The analysis assumes cyclic processing for all
materials so that no side reactions to accumulate passive materials from cycle to cycle existed.
The Mn2O3 high temperature reaction is carried out at 1500 oC in aerosol flow reactors mounted
on six towers. The Mn2O3/NaMnO2/ZnO precursor is transported from a storage tank with a
pneumatic transport system to an aerosol feeder system after passing through a heat exchanger to
recover sensible heat from the reaction product. The feeder disperses the powder in a preheated
inert argon stream to further minimize the thermal load of the reactor prior to entering the solar
furnace. The effluent of the reactor is rapidly quenched to 800 oC with a cool argon/oxide feed
stream to minimize recombination of the reduced metal oxide and oxygen. The cooled aerosol
stream passes through a metal filter at ~800 oC that removes the solid reaction product from the
oxygen containing argon stream for storage and further processing. The argon/oxygen stream is
heated to ~1000 oC and passes through a membrane module equipped with a ceramic oxygen
transport membrane. The purified argon is then recycled into the process.
The reduced oxides produced during the daytime operation of the high temperature reduction
(formally a mixture of MnO/Mn2O3/NaMnO2/ZnO) are stored at 800 oC in insulated tanks for
24/7 production of hydrogen. The powders are mixed with a concentrated solution of NaOH. The
residual water is vaporized in a dryer and the heat of vaporization is supplied by the latent heat of
the hot oxides. The solid NaOH/oxide mixture is then reheated in a furnace to >650 oC to form
hydrogen. It is assumed that the process is carried out continuously but the need for 0.1 atm
vacuum might require several smaller batch reactors.
Figure 4.6.3. Schematic flowsheet for analysis of the Mx-Sodium Manganese cycle.
The product from the hydrogen reaction (formally NaMnO2/ZnO/Mn2O3) is hydrolyzed with
excess water at 80-100 oC. The hydrolysis product is a mixture of solid oxides and an aqueous
NaOH solution. A multi-effect evaporator system concentrates the NaOH solution that is about
5-10 molar to saturation (~25 molar) for recycling into the hydrogen formation reaction. The
water is recovered as a liquid to be recycled into the hydrolysis reaction. The energy required for
the high temperature on-sun reaction is supplied to eight 221 m high towers that are irradiated by
24 heliostat fields with 934 heliostats each (111 m2 /heliostat) for a total area of 2.5x106 m2. The
supplemental energy required for hydrogen formation and to recycle NaOH after hydrolysis is
obtained from a solid particle receiver/sand storage system. The particle receivers are mounted
on three 181 m high towers and utilize an inorganic storage material that is heated to 1000 oC
during daylight operation. Solar thermal energy is collected by 12 heliostat fields with 934
heliostats each (90 m2/heliostat) for a total heliostat area of 1.03 million m2. The heated sand is
stored in holding tanks for the 24/7 low temperature hydrogen formation and sodium recovery
steps. The thermal efficiency for the LHV of H2 based on the energy delivered to the reactor is
estimated to >38%. This calculation is optimistic since it does not account for heat losses during
transport and storage of the hot materials. Figure 4.6.4 shows schematically the proposed plant
layout with a single chemical plant serviced by 8 high temperature towers and 3 moderate
temperature solid particle receivers.
Figure 4.6.4. System layout with a single chemical plant for the Mx-Sodium Manganese cycle.
H2A analysis was presented but details were provided only for a 2015 case study even though
estimated product costs were given for both 2015 and 2025. The documented difference between
the 2015 and 2025 case studies was heliostat cost of $126.50/m2 in 2015 and $90/m2 in 2025.
Significant uncertainty in process cost persisted largely because assessment of side reaction
effects remained to be done and, for example, recuperation of energy from the rapid quench
process. Uncertainties in component costs were cited and these appeared sufficiently significant
that listing estimates for these costs would be pointless. These uncertainties are shown in
Table 4.6.2.
Table 4.6.2. Component uncertainties for the Mx-Sodium Manganese cycle.
Ar/O2 separation
Not designed/tested
Solids transport
Not designed/tested
Not designed/tested
Not designed/tested
Figure 4.6.5. Estimated capital cost distribution for the mixed metal oxide
realization of the Sodium Manganese cycle.
Figure 4.6.5 shows the estimated installed capital cost allocation for 2015 of $668 M. No similar
figures were available for the 2025 case study although H2 gate costs were estimated for 2015 $5.22/kg H2 - and for 2025 - $4.22/kg H2.
The R&D team concluded that resolution of the remaining issues for this cycle would be unlikely
to reduce the product cost sufficiently to meet the program cost targets and recommended that
further work on the cycle be terminated. A sine qua non for this cycle is discovery of a means of
sodium recovery without inordinate water addition that does not excite side reactions so that
cycle closure is assured.
temperature step might be necessary to prevent deposition of sodium compounds. The cycle is
shown in more detail in Figure 4.7.1.
4MnO + 2Na2O + O2
2NaMnO2 + H2
Figure 4.7.1. Reaction path for the preliminary Sodium Manganate cycle.
A preliminary H2A estimate suggests that this cycle might yield H2 costs in the range of $3/kg
since the large excess energy requirements for sodium recovery as well as the additional sensible
heat for the inert component in the mixed oxide cycle are avoided. In addition, both reaction
steps are endothermic and therefore, the need for heat integration is minimized.
At the time of the evaluation, insufficient work had been performed on this concept to warrant
further details in this report. Work that had been done found that the reduction step was slow and
the team was directed to focus its study on kinetics of the reduction. Additional work would be
required to assess the role of vapor phase Na and its corrosion effects on container materials.
Figure 4.8.2. Atomic Layer Deposition of uniform thin layer of cobalt ferrite.
Another set of experiments examined the effect of substrate by comparing ALD cobalt ferrite
performance when deposited on zirconia and on alumina. A number of observations are
noteworthy. First, thermal reduction of cobalt ferrite on alumina substrate initiates at much lower
temperature (~900oC) than for zirconia substrate (~1200oC). Second, since the response time is
roughly the same for both substrates, the conversion efficiency is higher for alumina than for
zirconia. The third observation is that cobalt ferrite reduction on alumina forms hercynite
(FeAl2O4) which appears to persist from cycle to cycle. Finally, response times and conversion
efficiency for the hercynite material appear to be stable over multiple cycles.
These promising observations provided basis for recommending that ALD ferrite materials
continue under investigation even though none of the requirements for the evaluation process
had been met. The primary uncertainty for ALD ferrite systems was determined to be its physical
durability and chemical stability under repetitive thermochemical cycling and this feature was
called out as the critical path item for focused study. In spite of this recommendation, a great
deal of work remains to be done before this cycle could assume serious competitive stature.
Cycle thermodynamic performance needs to be quantified and its potential thermal efficiency
evaluated. An operational concept needs to be developed that shows consistency with whatever
form of active material is selected for cycling. Given that form, the conversion efficiency and
kinetics (or residence time) need to be quantified and a means of heat recuperation must be
identified and designed in order to maintain an acceptable level of cycle thermal efficiency.
Moreover, since the active material is fabricated, the cost of material and fabrication must be
established. Satisfaction of these requirements should permit assessment of capital and
operational costs from which to estimate product cost in a way consistent with the assumptions
and guidelines imposed on the other thermochemical cycles.
O2(g) + 2CuCl(s)
The Hybrid Copper Chloride team includes Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Atomic
Energy of Canada, Ltd., Pennsylvania State University, the University of South Carolina, Tulane
University, and the universities associated with the Ontario Research Foundation. The team
reflected a relatively loose federation except for Pennsylvania State University and the
University of South Carolina which ultimately executed subcontracts with Argonne to undertake
specific tasks in support of the Argonne project.
Laboratory work demonstrated proof of concepts assuring cycle closure. Chlorine gas was
thought to be a possible side reaction product of Cu2OCl2 decomposition but experiments at
NREL and CEA showed no Cl2 presence. Further experiments must be done to resolve the
contrast between the ANL , NREL and CEA results but this side reaction is not expected to be an
issue. Reaction yields were good for the hydrolysis and decomposition tests and reactor designs
have been developed but not fully fabricated and tested. A decomposition temperature of 550oC
gave 100% O2 recovery in laboratory testing. This result suggests complete reaction of the
decomposition step in light of the NREL and CEA negative tests for chlorine gas. Indirect
evidence for performance of the hydrolysis reaction rests on heat and mass transfer
measurements using an ultrasonic nebulizer.
Table 4.9.1 lists advantages and challenges for the Hybrid Copper Chloride cycle as interpreted
by the R&D team.
Cycle efficiency and product cost parameters are sensitive to the electrolyzer performance for the
targeted current density of 500 mA/cm2. Table 4.9.2 shows this dependence for the system
design concept at the time of the evaluation. Whereas demonstrated electrolyzer performance at
the time of the evaluation was 429 mA/cm2 at 0.9 V, there are engineering solutions that should
improve the performance like higher operating temperature and electrolyte stirring. Nevertheless,
engineering solutions will not supplant the need to discover a membrane material and operating
conditions that prevent copper crossover and cathode deposition since initial performance will
degrade by such behavior.
Table 4.9.2. Hy-CuCl system performance sensitivity to electrolyzer performance.
Cell emf at 500 mA/cm2
0.7 V
Figure 4.9.2 shows a conceptual block flow chart for the process and is useful in discussing cycle
challenges. Technical issues for the electrolyzer cell were discussed above. Chemical and
materials challenges remain in the crystallizer and hydrolysis sections. For example, it is not
practical to maintain a continuous flow process and drive the electrolysis reaction to completion.
That means that an aqueous mixture of CuCl2 and CuCl will flow as spent anolyte to the
crystallizer. CuCl must be separated and recycled to the electrolyzer as complement to fresh
anolyte while the CuCl2 is directed to the hydrolysis reactor to form copper oxychloride for feed
to the high temperature decomposition reactor. Spent anolyte separation has not been
A detailed flowsheet was not presented for the evaluation, but AspenPlusTM analysis has been
underway for some time. Inadequate data and the complexity of the process prevented
convergent optimization at the time of the evaluation. The solar collector/receiver concept was
not described, reportedly because of teaming with a commercial collaborator whose information
was proprietary. Nevertheless, H2A analysis was presented and is repeated here.
Capital ($M)
Cell EMF
Elect Cost
Product cost
$/kg H2
% (LHV)
The path forward for Hy-CuCl depends on discovery of materials and operating procedures that
permit durable electrolyzer performance at ~500 mA/cm2 and ~0.63 V without copper crossover
and deposition on the cathode. Such performance must be achieved in order for the cycle to meet
efficiency and product cost targets.
Additional development is necessary to manage hydrolysis reactor performance. Presently, either
excess water or low pressure reactor operation is required to achieve satisfactory hydrolysis yield
of copper oxychloride. The first option entails water removal from the product stream and the
second requires compression work. The tradeoff between these two options is not clear, nor is it
evident that consideration has been given to other hydrolysis processes like a mix of excess
water and lower pressure operation. Detailed Cu2OCl2 decomposition testing is necessary to
resolve fully the issue of chlorine gas release. Recovery of released chlorine is possible but
would add to the complexity and cost of the system. Corrosive activity of molten CuCl needs to
be determined to permit optimal selection of construction materials. Finally, considerable
laboratory work is needed to acquire necessary data to support component modeling and
AspenPlusTM analysis.
5 Summary Remarks
5.1 General Observations
The selection of projects for termination engages the problem of determining if future benefit is
balanced by earlier investment and necessary resources for continuation. The process is
facilitated by the identification of quantitative performance metrics and, at the same time, made
difficult by the assessment of work still in progress so that performance is projected and not
assured. No easy solution to this conundrum exists because investment expense necessary to
assure performance prediction usually exceeds what is available and/or reasonable. A
competitive process, pitting one idea against another, can be used to make decisions for work-inprogress, but the process is complicated by contrast in project maturity. It is self-evident why
middle-school players are not fielded against university-level players and roughly the same
rationale applies to projects in widely different stages of R&D. It is difficult to make
comparative assessments of potential when some teams have had significantly more opportunity
than others to survey options, perform tests and make path-forward decisions.
These issues would be irrelevant if one or more cycles showed clear dominance in terms of
meeting the established quantitative performance metrics. However, none of the STCH projects
could clearly and definitively demonstrate performance in line with the DOE targets at the time
of the evaluation. In fact, it is rather surprising that projected performance metrics generally were
close to the targets, but still outside desired levels. It is possible that cycles selected for
investigation reflect best of show and that thermochemical processes are simply unable to meet
target performance metrics. It is also possible that more R&D is needed to establish better cost
and performance projections.
None of the evaluated cycles projected performance consistent with DOE targets. Moreover,
there was no cycle under consideration whose inferred potential warranted certain favor over all
the other cycles. R&D maturity of cycles under evaluation showed remarkable range with several
cycles having experienced about a year of development effort while several others had
development history that exceeded 30 years, although such extended period did not refect
continuous R&D effort. Finally every cycle under consideration reported technical obstacles
whose resolution was essential to serious consideration for development to pilot plant design.
These features of the cycles under evaluation led to the conclusion that no substantive decision
could be made to terminate R&D of any specific cycle unless the cycle proponent declared that
targets could not be achieved in the absence of progress that in the proponents opinion was
The evaluation and selection effort was conceived to facilitate focus of available resources on
continued development and realization of cycles most likely to transition from R&D through
pilot plant to commercial deployment. The absence of discriminating features adequate to focus
resources on a few cycles led to an outcome that was different from intended but arguably as
useful. The existence for all cycles of performance-critical obstacles permitted focus of resources
Sulfur Iodine
SPR integration
Hybrid Sulfur
SPR integration
Zinc Oxide
Cadmium Oxide
Sodium Manganese
ALD Ferrite
The STCH critical path obstacle for the Sulfur Iodine cycle was identified to be solar thermal
integration with the Solid Particle Receiver (SPR). Resolution of this obstacle is complicated by
absence of STCH funding for SPR development, but includes:
Identification and testing SPR thermal medium to verify durability and absence of
Design and test heat exchangers for thermal coupling of SPR to thermochemical
The STCH critical path obstacle for the Hybrid Sulfur cycle was identified to be solar thermal
integration with the Solid Particle Receiver (SPR). Resolution of this obstacle is complicated by
absence of STCH funding for SPR development, but includes:
Identification and testing SPR thermal medium to verify durability and absence of
Design and test heat exchangers for thermal coupling of SPR to thermochemical
experiments were unable to demonstrate more than 18% zinc recovery in quench of
the reduction step because of recombination and product costs are projected to
significantly exceeded target levels even assuming 85% zinc recovery
feeding relatively large zinc particles in the quench stream would reduce
recombination losses by unknown amount but would generate larger particles for
feed to hydrolysis, adversely affecting hydrolysis efficiency
use of a high temperature oxygen transport membrane or flowing inert gas with
the quench stream could reduce recombination but both approaches would entail a
high temperature gas separation that was not designed
loss of zinc to reactor walls might be avoided by use of a fluid wall design but would
entail a gas separation process
A means of recovering at least 70% zinc metal while retaining hydrolysis efficiency would be
necessary to warrant investment in materials discovery for fabrication of an effective reduction
reactor and continued cycle development.
5.2.5 Cadmium Oxide
The Cadmium Oxide cycle has very high thermal efficiency but entails use of volatile hazardous
material and the team concluded the thermochemical processing would be safer if performed at
ground level instead of on a tower. A beam down receiver/reactor was selected for this purpose.
It was not made clear that such a system has ever been tested at the necessary power levels and
the solar field capital costs were not made clear during the evaluation. Initial laboratory
measurements found that molten cadmium hydrolysis proceeded very slowly and excessive
residence time in the hydrolysis reactor was needed to obtain satisfactory CdO yield. However,
an effective design that was tested at laboratory scale appeared to resolve the slow kinetics and
surface passivation found in the hydrolysis step. TGA measurements confirmed that
recombination in the thermal reduction step would need to be mitigated and avoidance of
excessive recombination was identified as a critical path issue requiring resolution. The team
proposed a rapid quench assisted by inclusion of finely dispersed molten cadmium to promote
condensation without initiating homogeneous nucleation that would cause excessive
recombination in a rapid quench of pure Cd vapor. The exact details of this quench process
require careful analysis of quench droplet temperature, size and number density effects on the
rate of Cd vapor condensation in order to assure absence of homogeneous nucleation and to
estimate the recovery efficiency of recycled cadmium metal. Modeling a molten cadmium
quench process was identified as the top priority effort for this cycle. The team was encouraged
to continue working with the Weizmann Institute in Israel to establish firm design and cost of the
beam down solar system.
5.2.6 Sodium Manganese
Sodium Manganese shows very high thermal efficiency and uses abundant and cheap reagent
materials. The high temperature reduction step is amenable to operation in standard materials
like alumina and the reduction back reaction is suppressed in this nonvolatile process. The first
obstacle encountered was the need for excess water in the hydrolysis step to permit leach
recovery of NaOH. Managing excess water increases product cost so a mixed metal oxide
process with zinc was used to reduce water molality. Even so, water molality remained high
although about a factor of 3 less than with the pure Mn2O2 and experiments were able to
demonstrate only about 80% NaOH recovery. It is speculated that some of the sodium might
volatilize and be condensed on reactor walls (indeed some evidence of this was found). It is also
thought that sodium ions and oxygen might be incorporated in the manganese oxide matrix.
Whatever the cause, recovery of NaOH is essential to cycle closure and the team was unable to
identify an effective process. The R&D team recommended termination of the mixed metal
Sodium Manganese cycle in favor of exploring a sodium manganate thermal cycle. Restoration
of the mixed metal Sodium Manganese cycle to active R&D status would require the discovery
of a means of sodium recovery without the need for excess water and unaccompanied by side
reactions that could remove Na from the active cycle.
5.2.7 Sodium Manganate
This cycle was conceived upon perceptible failure of the mixed metal Sodium Manganese cycle
and appeared attractive because sodium would be recycled to the high temperature step as a
mixed oxide of NaxOy which is easily hydrolyzed to NaOH closing the cycle. In effect, the
hydrolysis and oxidation steps do not have to go to completion in order to close the cycle. Since
sodium is cheap and abundant, an excess of sodium required by incomplete reactions is of no
consequence to cycle economics. Appearance of this concept so late in the project prevented
performance of significant work to define and resolve obstacles. However, assuming no
irreconcilable obstacles, product cost estimates fell within the DOE targets. One observation is
that the reduction step proceeds slowly but completely at about 1500oC but it was not confirmed
if the NaxOy would have to be vaporized to complete the conversion of Mn(III) to Mn(II). So
volatilization and possible corrosion and/or loss to reactor walls remain issues for closure of this
cycle. Because the reduction step that was tested in a TGA is slow, it is possible that residence
times in the high temperature reduction reactor would not be conducive to operation as a
continuous flow aerosol process. Whereas a fluidized bed approach could manage residence
time, a continuous process design (as opposed to batch processing) had not been developed at the
time of the evaluation. The R&D team was directed to focus its attention on kinetics of the
reduction reaction to determine the feasibility of a continuously flowing aerosol process.
5.2.8 ALD Ferrite
ALD Ferrite is another cycle whose investigation began only shortly before the evaluation.
Primary findings of the early investigations were that ALD cobalt ferrite mixtures were both
more efficient and faster responding than co-precipitated samples of the same materials. When
ALD ferrite is reduced on alumina, hercynite (FeAl2O4) is formed and this material showed onset
of reduction at much lower temperature (900oC) than ALD ferrite reduced on zirconia (1200oC).
Because response times are about the same for both substrate materials, it was conjectured that
the reduction efficiency of hercynite is higher than that of ALD ferrite and both perform better
than co-precipitated ferrite materials. Finally, some cycling experiments were performed that
appeared to show physical and chemical material stability. All other ferrite materials tested have
consistently degraded in both form and activity so this fact, if borne out by further study, would
be a breakthrough in non-volatile metal oxide cycle performance. The ALD Ferrite team was
directed to focus effort on establishing the veracity of hercynite stability under repetitive
thermochemical cycling. At the same time, the behavior of thin films or small particles would
need to be assessed in order to arrive at a conceptual design for a hydrogen production system,
but this was not included in the priority task assigned to this cycle. Given active material
stability, conversion efficiency and kinetics (or residence time) still need to be quantified and a
means of heat recuperation would need to be identified to maintain an acceptable level of cycle
thermal efficiency.
5.2.9 Hybrid Copper Chloride
Hy-CuCl is a high thermal efficiency cycle whose thermal reduction temperature is the lowest of
all the STCH cycles under active investigation. This is a three-step cycle that requires
electrolysis to release hydrogen and close the cycle. Hy-CuCl has been under study by various
institutions since the 1970s although R&D experienced a lengthy hiatus before serious work
resumed in the early 2000s. Active materials in the cycle are cheap and abundant, the reactor
components are similar to others used in common commercial applications and materials of
construction have been identified but not optimized. Three difficult obstacles remain to be
resolved. First, the use of excess hydrolyzer water can be mitigated by low pressure operation of
the reactor, but both options require process energy to manage. Second, spent anolyte containing
an aqueous mixture of CuCl and CuCl2 must be processed to separate these species to direct the
CuCl back through the electrolysis step and to direct the CuCl2 through the crystallizer to the
hydrolysis reactor. Several separation options have been identified, but none tested. Finally,
electrolyzer membranes at the time of the evaluation showed copper crossover to the cathode
where deposited metallic copper degrades the electrolyzer performance. Competitive
performance of his cycle requires electrolyzer current density of about 500 mA/cm2 with cell emf
of about 0.63 V. The best performance at the time of the evaluation was about 429 mA/cm2 at
about 0.9 V and the design experienced copper crossover. Whereas engineering solutions for
higher current density at lower bias were proposed, the overwhelming obstacle for this cycle
remains the discovery of electrolyzer membrane material and associated electrolysis processes
that prevent copper crossover. This was a priority task for the Hy-CuCl team.
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83. Perkins, C., P.R. Lichty, and A.W. Weimer, Thermal ZnO Dissociation in a Rapid
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86. Haussener, S., D. Hirsch, C. Perkins, A.W. Weimer, A. Lewandowski, A. Steinfeld,
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87. Francis, T., Casey S. Carney, Paul R. Lichty, Roger Rennels, and Alan W. Weimer, The
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88. Kilbury, O., Casey S. Carney, Hans Funke and Alan W. Weimer, "Improving Sodium
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Engineers, Salt Lake City, UT Nov (2007).
89. M. Ferrandon, M. Lewis, D. Tatterson, A. Gross, D. Doizi, L. Croiz, V. Dauvois, J.L.
Roujou, Y. Zanella, P. Carles, Hydrogen Production by the Cu-Cl Thermochemical
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Spray Reactor, to be published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
90. M. A. Lewis and J. G. Masin, P.A.OHare Evaluation of alternative thermochemical
cycles. Part I: The methodology Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 34 4115-4124 (2009).
91. M. A. Lewis and J. G. Masin, The evaluation of alternative thermochemical cycles
Part II: The down-selection process Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 34, 4125-4135 (2009).
92. M.A. Lewis, M.S. Ferrandon, D.F. Tatterson, P. Mathias, Evaluation of alternative
thermochemical cycles Part III further development of the CuCl cycle Int. J.
Hydrogen Energy 34, 4136-4145 (2009).
93. Cost Analyses on Solar-Driven High Temperature Thermochemical Water-Splitting
Cycles, TIAX, Final Report to Department of Energy, Order DE-DT0000951, February,
Zinc Oxide
Research and development of the ZnO cycle has been terminated. Grounds for renewing
investment in this cycle are discussed in Sections 4.4 and 5.2.4 .
Cadmium Oxide
The critical issue for the CdO cycle was determined to be managing recombination in the quench
step to assure adequate supply of metallic molten Cd for hydrolysis in a closed system. Priority
was given to developing a model of a molten Cd spray quench that would perform this step
effectively. Some progress in an equilibrium spreadsheet quench model without fluid dynamics
was reported but not verified. Fiscal restraint on the overall program resulted in loss of funding
to continue research and development of this cycle. Should funds become available for
resumption of work the priority tasks discussed in Sections 4.5 and 5.2.5 remain unchanged.
ALD Ferrite
Other Nonvolatile Metal Oxide research may be proceeding under STCH, but these have not
been reported to the author.
Jay Keller
Robert Perret
Nevada Technical Services, LLC
PO Box 531
Red Lodge, MT 59068