HC14 Agenda

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Monday, September 8
Registration Open
3:008:00 pm | Grand Hall
Staffing Industry Analysts Conference and Corporate Membership Overview
3:003:45 pm | Dallas Ballroom A3
New to Healthcare Staffing Summit? Curious about Corporate Membership with Staffing Industry Analysts? Or already a
member and wondering if there is more that you might be missing? If so, then join us for a quick tour of the conference
and Corporate Membership.
Well offer tips and advice on the Summit, an overview of our research and how to use our website. This session will be a
great overview for new members and attendees and a useful recap for old pros.
Networking Roundtables
4:005:30 pm | Dallas Ballroom BC
These small group discussion tables are a great way to learn from peers, try out new ideas and gain insight into your
most vexing issues. Youll spend time at different tables of your choice, discussing with peers and colleagues the subjects
that are of greatest interest to you. Get answers to your questions from experts with real-world experience.
Nurse Staffing Topics
1 The Advanced Practice Market Landscape
2 The Outlook for Per Diem Staffing
3 Strategies for Success in Travel Nursing
Locum Tenens/Physician Staffing Topics
4 Tapping into the Hospitalist Market
5 Recruiting Techniques for Physician Search
6 How to Run an Effective Emergency Staffing
Allied Healthcare Staffing Topics
7 Building a Pharmacist Staffing Practice
8 Opportunities in Speech Therapy Staffing
9 How to Succeed with Imaging and Radiation
Therapy Staffing

General Healthcare Staffing Topics

10 Supercharge Your Social Media Strategy
11 Best Practices in International Recruiting
12 RPO in Healthcare Staffing: Ready for Prime Time?
13 The Impact of MSP Adoption
14 Background Checks and Employment Law
15 Healthcare Certifications & Credentialing Focus
16 Are You Ready for the ACA?
17 Creative Social Media Recruiting Tactics
18 Malpractice Insurance Cost Containment
19 Managing Costs Through Offshoring
20 How to Drive Recruitment Through Your Mobile Website
21 ICD-10: What the Delay Means for Staffing
22 Whats Driving M&A in Healthcare Staffing?
23 Travelers and Taxes
24 Optimizing Your VMS Strategy

Welcome Reception
6:008:00 pm | Grand Hall | Sponsored by Travelers Haven

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Tuesday, September 9
Registration Open
7:30 am5:00 pm | Grand Hall
Networking Breakfast & Exhibits Open
7:308:30 am | Grand Hall | Breakfast sponsored by AkkenCloud
Healthcare Staffing on the Road to the Future
8:309:45 am | Dallas Ballroom BC | Sponsored by AkkenCloud
The winds of change continue to blow in the world of healthcare staffing. In this keynote speech we will explore where those
winds are blowing and how they are impacting the industry, your customers, your talent and the business environment.
Staffing Industry Analysts is constantly researching the trends and success factors for players in healthcare staffing.
Attendees of this session will benefit from those years of research and gain a deeper understanding of the changes
affecting the industry as well as how to profit in a world that will, in many ways, be more challenging than in the past yet
also offers many new opportunities.
Barry Asin, President, Staffing Industry Analysts
Networking Break & Exhibits Open
9:4510:15 am | Grand Hall | Break sponsored by Citrin Cooperman
The Future of the Healthcare Marketplace: Playing the New Game
10:1511:30 am | Dallas Ballroom BC | Sponsored by NATHO/The Joint Commission
All healthcare stakeholders must prepare to play a new game in a reformed health system in 2014 and beyond.
Organizations and individuals need to be flexible to adjust to additional modifications in the reform agenda Including the
push for more widespread reimbursement reform, the growth in transparency and accountability, and the relentless
quest for value in healthcare driven by patients and purchasers.
This presentation will focus on the political, economic and strategic context of change in healthcare, describe the
possible scenarios we face and examine how the various actors are preparing for the future. It will identify the leadership
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and will provide strategic insights on how organizations and individuals can
flourish in the future.
Ian Morrison, Author, Consultant, and Futurist
Transition Break
11:3011:45 am

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Tuesday, September 9
Healthcare Staffing Workforce Solutions that Make Sense (and Dollars)
11:45 am12:45 pm | Dallas Ballroom A3
As the evolution of healthcare staffing continues, healthcare workforce solutions are becoming more visible to buyers.
Learn about these solutions and where your staffing company might find ways to expand its reach and increase profits
along the way. During this panel we will discuss MSP (Managed Services Programs), VMS (Vendor Management
Solutions), Recruiting & Placement Services, RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing), Consulting Services, Locums
Workforce Solutions, EMR/EHR Computer Conversions & Telehealth.
Find out how healthcare workforce staffing management solutions as a whole are more important than ever in an environment
challenged by healthcare reform, changing demographics, talent shortages and funding gaps. Use the workforce solutions
information you get here to see what makes sense (and dollars) for your firm and provide even more value to your clients.
Adrianne Nelson, Director, Global Member Services, Staffing Industry Analysts
Allison Beer, CEO, Fastaff and US Nursing
Mike Wejrowski, General Manager, Agency, API Healthcare
Dan White, SVP, Workforce Solutions, AMN Healthcare
Healthcare IT Trends from the Trenches
11:45 am12:45 pm | Dallas Ballroom D3
Deadlines for EMR implementation and ICD-10 conversion, pressure to drive more profitable business models, and the
need for workers with greater technological skills and credentials are just a few of the challenges your customers are
facing. Such challenges can mean opportunities for healthcare staffing companies to differentiate themselves by helping
their clients through the industrys technological transformation. Join us for a conversation about current and future
trends, resource scarcity and other obstacles in healthcare IT staffing, with expert insights straight from the trenches.
Mahsa Houshmandi, Research Associate, Staffing Industry Analysts
Desla Mancilla, Senior Director, Academic Affairs, AHIMA Foundation
Kim Martini, DVP, NurseChoice, AMN Healthcare
Marie Romano, President, Healthcare Division, Mitchell Martin Inc.
Per Diem Nurse Staffing: Risks and Opportunities in a Changing Landscape
11:45 am12:45 pm | Dallas Ballroom D2
As technology, healthcare reform and regulatory measures alter the buyer environment, how should per diem nurse
staffing companies respond? Our panel of experts will share their insight on how to plan strategically to gain market
share as the industry proceeds through uncharted waters.
David Francis, Research Associate, Staffing Industry Analysts
Kathleen Kohnke, EVP, Advisory Services, Parallon Project Services
Kathy A. Perry, RN, President, Favorite Healthcare Staffing Inc.
David Savitsky, CEO, ATC Healthcare Services
Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Tuesday, September 9
Building a Magnetic Culture:
How to Attract & Retain Top Talent to Create an Engaged, Productive Workforce
11:45 am12:45 pm | Dallas Ballroom A2
To become the best in the industry, it is essential to employ the best people. But how do employers build a staff that is ready and
able to take an organization to its next level? Inspired by the best-selling book, this inspiring keynote focuses on how to attract
talented employees to the workplace, empower them and sustain an environment in which they are more likely to stay.
Topics covered include:

The bottom line benefits of employee engagement

Creating an environment of shared ownership for engagement
The top 10 engagement drivers
Recruiting: the foundation for a magnetic culture
Overcoming demagnetizers: compensation and other challenges for managers
The importance of embracing diversity & inclusion
Engagement trends & best practices

Drawing on years of research and real-world examples from his consulting experience, especially in healthcare, Kevin Sheridan
gives you the strategies and tactics you need to transform your organization by creating and maintaining a Magnetic Culture.
Kevin Sheridan, Employee Engagement and Virtual Management Expert
Networking Lunch & Exhibits Open
12:452:15 pm | Grand Hall | Lunch sponsored by CHILDS Advisory Partners
Decoding the Drivers of Demand in Healthcare Staffing
2:153:30 pm | Dallas Ballroom BC
Numbers of insured are rising, a multitude of demographic demand drivers are in effect, and the supply of physicians and
nurses remains relatively tight. These conditions would seem to form a strong foundation for growth in the healthcare
staffing industry.
According to our estimates, however, the market grew just 3% in 2013, a marked deceleration from 8% in 2012 and 11% in
2011, and companies are reporting that business remains challenging so far this year.
This panel, featuring Dr. Ian Morrison and several other thought leaders, will demystify the ways in which broader trends
within the healthcare sector impact your order volumes. Their predictions on the further evolution of the U.S. healthcare
system will provide clues on how to best position your firm for success.
Andrew Braswell, Research Analyst, Staffing Industry Analysts
Ralph Henderson, President, Healthcare Staffing, AMN Healthcare
Ian Morrison, Author, Consultant, and Futurist
Stephen L. Newman, M.D., Vice Chairman and COO (retired), Tenet Healthcare Corporation

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Tuesday, September 9
Networking Break & Exhibits Open
3:304:00 pm | Grand Hall | Break sponsored by Access Capital
Social Media Boot Camp
4:005:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom A3
How is your social media program doing? Does it need a tune up, or is it on the right path? Does it align with your other
marketing goals? Are you achieving the results you want?
Let our panel of experts review your social media program and give you an on-site evaluation. We will review actual
healthcare staffing company social media programs at this session. Learn from other companies what works, what
doesnt and how you might improve your social media results.
Hinda Chalew, SVP, Marketing & Interactive Services, Staffing Industry Analysts
Jason Lander, Chief Promoter, Staffing Robot
Jim Lanzalotto, SVP, Staffing & Health Care, Monster
Brad Smith, Director, SEO & Social Media, Haley Marketing
Better, Quicker and at Lower Cost: Unlocking Potential in the Travel Nursing Industry
4:005:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom D3
While the travel nursing business has evolved significantly since its inception, many believe the industry remains far from
its maximum potential. Are firms delivering all the value they could be? Is there room for greater efficiency? What can be
done to allay clients concerns about travel nursing? Our panelists will discuss simple (and not so simple) improvements
travel nurse companies can make to drive their business and the industry toward their full potential.
Topics will include:

Quality: Maintaining high standards in candidate selection

Efficiency: Reducing time lags and delivering the most value with each assignment
Cost: Examining housing expenses, pay rates and other costs for optimization opportunities

We will also discuss the results of the second SIA/NATHO Travel Nurse Benchmarking Survey, which will include yearover-year comparisons. Panelists will interpret the latest industry trends and explore ways to move the needle on
operational performance.
Ziv Tepman, Research Associate, Staffing Industry Analysts
Vickie Anenberg, President, Cross Country Healthcare Inc.
Sheldon Arora, CEO, LiquidAgents Healthcare
Cynthia Kinnas, EVP, Randstand Healthcare
Mark Stagen, CEO, Emerald Health Services

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Tuesday, September 9
Best Practices that Drive Healthcare Staffing Revenue
4:005:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom A2
This session involves five cornerstone strategies that have a direct impact on how you differentiate your services and
ultimately on your ability to generate revenue. Participants will engage in group discussion, small group role play and
coaching feedback around these five client best practices: Presenting Your Capabilities, Gaining Initial Commitment,
Developing Executive Insight, Responding to Red Flags and Negotiating Client Demands.
This session will provide you with the tactical skills to be better at:

Understanding the clients decision process

Gaining initial commitment for next steps with prospective clients
Leveraging insight to see a situation from the hiring authority perspective
Responding better to different types of client and candidate resistance
Negotiating to keep the client relationship in a healthy balance

Rob Mosley, Managing Partner, Next Level Exchange
Selling Where the Boom Is: How to Win in the Small Healthcare Provider Market
4:005:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom D2
Most healthcare staffing firms derive a disproportionate share of their revenue from hospitals and other large providers,
and with good reason. If youre going through the trouble of making a sales effort the phone calls, the presentations, all
the work of communicating and negotiating then you might as well go after the big bucks.
But growth in the large healthcare provider market isnt what it used to be. After a strong post-recession expansion,
hospital hiring in 2014 is at a near stall according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Whats really growing right now in
healthcare are the smaller providers: offices of physicians, substance abuse care, urgent care centers, outpatient centers,
etc. And theyre growing in a big way, typically at rates half again or double those of U.S. employment generally.
So how do you go after that small provider market effectively? Traditional sales efforts are too expensive to approach a
market so disaggregated. In this session well discuss your options, marketing tactics and sales techniques that will give
you an edge in this booming area of the healthcare economy.
John Nurthen, Executive Director, Global Research, Staffing Industry Analysts
Mark Kennedy, President, ETS Dental
Laura Magner, COO, Supplemental Health Care
David Searns, CEO, Haley Marketing
Networking Reception & Exhibits Open
5:007:00 pm | Grand Hall | Reception sponsored by API Healthcare

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Wednesday, September 10
Registration Open
7:30 am3:00 pm | Grand Hall
Networking Breakfast & Exhibits Open
7:308:30 am | Grand Hall | Breakfast sponsored by SimplyHired
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
8:309:45 am | Dallas Ballroom BC | Sponsored by People 2.0
Weve all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type drains intelligence, energy, and
capability from the people around them and always needs to be the smartest person in the room. These are the idea
killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment. On the other side of the spectrum are leaders
who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them. When these leaders walk
into a room, light bulbs go off over peoples heads; ideas flow and problems get solved. These are the leaders who inspire
employees to stretch themselves and get more from other people. These are the Multipliers. And the world needs more of
them, especially now, when leaders are expected to do more with less.
In this highly engaging talk, Liz Wiseman will share the research behind Multipliers and illustrate the resoundingly
positive and profitable effect these Multipliers have on organizationshow they get more done with fewer resources,
develop and attract talent, and cultivate new ideas and energy to drive organizational change and innovation. Shell
introduce the five disciplines that distinguish Multipliers from Diminishers and provide practice tips for leading like a
Liz Wiseman, President, Wiseman Group
Networking Break & Exhibits Open
9:4510:15 am | Grand Hall | Break sponsored by People 2.0
Whats Working Now in Recruiting?
10:1511:15 am | Dallas Ballroom D2
Recruiting for healthcare staffing professionals is an ongoing challenge and one that isnt likely to get easy anytime soon.
With the ever-changing landscape of recruiting technology, the field is also more complex than it ever has been in the past.
This session is filled with quick tips and practical advice: We will explore both the tactical ideas that can improve
recruiting odds of success and the strategic shifts that healthcare staffing firms need to focus on to drive their results over
the long term.
Barry Asin, President, Staffing Industry Analysts
Craig Fisher, CEO, TalentNet
Dale Kirry, President, CareerStaff Unlimited
Jeremy Roberts, Editor, SourceCon
Aram Svajian, VP, Recruitment, Randstad Healthcare

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Wednesday, September 10
The Devil is in the Details: Indemnification Provisions in Healthcare Staffing Agreements
10:1511:15 am | Dallas Ballroom A2
Indemnification provisions are frequently among the most heavily negotiated provisions in a healthcare staffing
agreement. In this session, you will learn in further detail the various components of an indemnity provision. You will also
discover from the legal experts how slight wording changes in indemnification provisions may significantly increase or
decrease your companys exposure to risk.
This session will arm you with the tools to make more informed decisions regarding whether the revenue is worth the
risk for your company. Learn from healthcare staffing firm attorneys that do this every day and get real examples of
provisions and clauses you can use in your healthcare staffing agreements.
Adrianne Nelson, Director, Global Member Services, Staffing Industry Analysts
Louis Alonso, Senior Corporate Counsel, AMN Healthcare
Dan Thomson, General Counsel, CHG Healthcare Services
Advanced Practitioners: An Update from the Front Line of this Growing Market
10:1511:15 am | Dallas Ballroom D3
The value proposition for advanced practitioners is quite simple: They can perform many of the same tasks as a physician
at a fraction of the cost. Indeed, the BLS projects physician assistant jobs to grow nearly four times as fast as all U.S. jobs
from 2012 to 2022. Similarly, staffing firms reported that their aggregate revenue from advanced practitioners grew 23%
Y/Y in a 2013 survey by Staffing Industry Analysts.
In this session, our expert panelists will discuss the latest trends in the advanced practitioner staffing industry Including
insights on the demand landscape by geography, specialty and setting. In addition, the panel will describe the latest
credentialing and tax regulations with which a staffing firm must comply in order to succeed in this growing market.
Timothy Landhuis, Senior Research Analyst, Staffing Industry Analysts
Jerry Clemens, Managing Partner, Advanced Practice Solutions LLC
Cory Kreig, Division VP, Supplemental Health Care
Joe Matarese, CEO, Medicus Healthcare Solutions
Karen Mote, Director, Medical Doctor Associates (Division of Cross Country Healthcare)


Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Wednesday, September 10
Unleashing the Power of Direct Hire
10:1511:15 am | Dallas Ballroom A3
Should you be taking direct hire more seriously? What some buyers in the healthcare space really want is permanent
staff; one reason buyers use contingent labor is because they havent succeeded in finding all the traditional full-time
workers they need. So how do you make recruiting for direct hire a relative strength?
Well show you how to use direct hire to improve your margins and even as a stepping stone to RPO. Experts in the arena
will also share which markets are lucrative, what the contours are, what the fee structure involves and how to get it right.
Well discuss key best practices that will help you make the most of your untapped direct hire potential.
Subadhra Sriram, Global Editorial Director, Staffing Industry Analysts
Nancy Dean, Director, OHA Solutions, Ohio Hospital Association/OHA Solutions
John Gramer, President, Cejka Search
Katie Molloy, Sr. Director and GM, RPO & Direct Hire, AMN Healthcare
Tanya Tesseyman, VP, RPO Division, Supplemental Health Care
Transition Break
11:1511:30 am
Recruit, Reward, Retain: The 3 Rs to Support Hiring the Best Recruiters and Retaining Them
11:30 am12:30 pm | Dallas Ballroom A2
Whether your recruiters support high-transaction, low-margin engagements or high-margin, low-volume business, you
must build a recruiting organization that is aligned with the factors that drive success for your clients. While there isnt a
one size fits all formula, there is an optimal approach for success in hiring, motivating and retaining the right recruiters
for your organization.
In this interactive workshop, you will learn techniques to support hiring top-performing recruiters and developing the
proper incentives to focus them on the right activities. Whether you hire experienced recruiters or recent college grads,
success is largely driven by the environment you create. Join us in this discussion and take away proven approaches in
building the recruiting organization you need.
Kersten Buck, Director, Strategic Solutions, Staffing Industry Analysts
Mike Cleland, President, Charted Path

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496



Wednesday, September 10
Maximizing Profit: Using Operational and Financial Metrics to Optimize Your Firms Productivity
11:30 am12:30 pm | Dallas Ballroom D3
As a key leader in your healthcare staffing organization, you are expected to formulate a strategy and grow your
businessand you have assembled a team and technology to do just that. But in a world increasingly flooded with data,
what are the most important metrics to monitor? And what financial benchmarks will best allow you to compare your
firm with your competitors?
In this session, our expert panelists will offer their insights on the most valuable metrics for the data-savvy executive in
healthcare staffing. This session will provide practical tips for managing a more efficient and profitable business.
Timothy Landhuis, Senior Research Analyst, Staffing Industry Analysts
Cristina Muise, COO, Medicus Healthcare Solutions
Dave Phillips, Director, CHILDS Advisory Partners
Steve Saville, EVP, OGH LLC
Not Just for Nice Guys:
How to Become a Best Place to WorkAnd Why It Might Just Be the Shrewdest Decision You Ever Made
11:30 am12:30 pm | Dallas Ballroom A3
Youve got plenty going on: sales challenges, margin pressure, legal and regulatory issues, etc., so creating an atmosphere
of employee engagement might not seem like a high priority. It should be. Mountains of academic studies as well as Staffing
Industry Analysts research strongly indicate that taking care of internal staff is strongly associated with superior company
performance. Its your staff that does the work, so keeping themand keeping them in tune with your company mojois key.
But what exactly does that involve, and how much does it cost in time, effort and money? And how do you know if
an employee engagement plan is working? In this session well get to the nuts and bolts of successful employee
engagement, what really works, and talk to some firms that are prospering because of it.
John Nurthen, Executive Director, Global Research, Staffing Industry Analysts
Clint Drawdy, President & COO, iMethods Technical Recruiting
Craig Meier, Chief Experience Officer, Medical Solutions LLC
Kevin Sheridan, Employee Engagement and Virtual Management Expert


Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496


Wednesday, September 10
Physical and Occupational Therapy: How to Position for the Future and Prosper in the Present
11:30 am12:30 pm | Dallas Ballroom D2
The physical and occupational therapy market has been hard hit by regulatory challenges: mandatory manual medical
reviews, delayed and declining Medicare payments, and uncertainty around the Affordable Care Act. Yet despite these
challenges, the U.S. population continues to age, and in the long-term there will still be a need for such workers.
In this session, our panel of experts will share best practices for dealing with current regulatory challenges facing the PT/
OT market, examine current PT/OT market trends, and suggest ways that companies can position themselves to capture
future demand.
Tyler Womack, Research Associate, Staffing Industry Analysts
Jeff Decker, Division President, Allied, AMN Healthcare
Janet Elkin, President/CEO, Supplemental Health Care
Lydia R. Fort, VP, Allied Division, Cross Country Staffing
Lisa Spector, President/CEO, Staffing Plus
Networking Lunch & Exhibits Open
12:302:00 pm | Grand Hall | Lunch sponsored by TalentWise Inc.
Ready, Set, VMS!
2:003:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom A2
Leveraging her personal experience in growing and selling a global MSP/VMS staffing firm coupled with her work with hundreds
of staffing companies in the IT and professional services space, Jeannine Parise, Principal of VMS Accelerators, will share best
practices and lessons learned on how to successfully build, grow and optimize delivery through MSP/VMS programs.
Jeannine Parise, CEO, VMS Accelerators
The IRS and Per Diem Travel Reimbursement Programs
2:003:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom D3
The IRS is scrutinizing travel reimbursement programs in many industries, particularly healthcare staffing. In this session
we will look at the elements of a reimbursement program and common mistakes made by many firms. We will also
explore the effects of these policies on travelers, the recruiters role in compliance and positive ways to distinguish your
firm from the fray.
Joseph Smith, President & Founder, TravelTax LLC

Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496



Wednesday, September 10
The Future of Locum Tenens
2:003:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom A3
What effect will technology, the Affordable Care Act and other changes in the healthcare landscape have on the locum
tenens market as we know it? Our panel of experts will share their thoughts as to how companies should adapt to (or
resist) forces of change in the market.
Tony Gregoire, Director, North America Research, Staffing Industry Analysts
Jeff Bowling, CEO, The Delta Companies
Sean Ebner, President, StaffCare
Shane Jackson, President, Jackson Healthcare & LocumTenens.com
Jennings Staley, CEO, Freelance Physician
Transition Break
3:003:15 pm
Affordable Care Act: The Countdown to Compliance
3:154:00 pm | Dallas Ballroom D3
The play-or-pay employer mandate becomes reality on January 1, 2015, mere months away, yet uncertainty lingers
regarding how implementation is likely to play out. A multitude of distinct compliance strategies are being advocated for
staffing firms, with many in the industry continuing to bank on further delays or lax enforcement.
Still, recent SIA surveys of both staffing firms and buyers indicate that consensus is beginning to emerge in certain areas,
and firm quotes for 2015 health plans are now becoming available to give us a better idea of the costs involved in providing
Join us for an interactive panel discussion in which our speakers will review the latest data and separate ACA fact from
fiction, telling you what to expect for the coming year and beyond.
Bob Barrow, President, Barrow Group
Andrew Braswell, Research Analyst, Staffing Industry Analysts
Mark Lam, VP, Employee Benefits Compliance, Assurance Agency
Healthcare Staffing Summit Concludes
4:00 pm


Staffing Industry Analysts | 1975 W. El Camino Real, Suite 304, Mountain View, CA 94040 | www.staffingindustry.com | 800.950.9496

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