Hayekian Socialism
Hayekian Socialism
Hayekian Socialism
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Hayekian Socialism
Richard A. Epstein
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(Benjamin E. Kippincott ed., 1938) and H.D. DICKINSON, ECONOMICS OF SOCtALISM
Lange and Taylor at least had the sense to call the central planning agency the Central
Planning Board. Hayek, for obvious rhetorical purposes, preferred the more grandiose
title of the S.E.C., no relation to our Securities and Exchange Commission.
[VOL. 58:271
7. See Henry Hazlitt, An Economist's View of 'Planning,'N.Y. TIMES BOOK REVIEW, Sept.
24, 1944, at I (reviewing HAYEK, THE RoAD TO SERFDOM) ("[Hayek] tries to point out how
socialism by its very nature must be anti-liberal and anti-democratic, and how national
'planning' can seem to be successful only as it progressively removes all freedom
of choice
from the individual.").
8. See, e.g., HERMAN FINER, ROAD TO REACTION at ix, xii (1945) (describing The Road to
Serfdom as "the most sinister offensive against democracy to emerge from a democratic
country for many decades" and criticizing Hayek because his "apparatus of learning is deficient, his reading incomplete[,] . . .his understanding of the economic process . . .big-
published in 1973, is ti11. Each individual volume bears its own title. Volume One,
tled "Rules and Order"; Volume Two, published in 1976, is titled The Mirage of SocialJustice;
and Volume Three, published in 1979, is titled "The Political Order of a Free People."
[VOL. 58:271
Hayek shares one common feature with other great political philosophers-their views of politics rest on their understanding of
human nature. Thus, for Aristotle, one begins with the general notion of human sociability;1" for Hobbes, one begins with the general
notion of irreducible individual self-interest." For Hayek, the key aspect of the human condition is captured in one word-ignorance.
Over and over again, Hayek writes about the inability of rational
thought to cope with the constantly changing circumstances of
human societies here and everywhere, today and tomorrow. The only
thing that we know with some degree of certainty is our ignorance
about the shape of the social world and the future path of human and
natural events. He reminds us repeatedly of "the impossibility for anyone of knowing all the particular facts on which the overall order of
the activities in a Great Society is based."15 By the "Great Society," he
meant one that was well-ordered in accordance with his theories, not
the massive government intervention championed by Lyndon Johnson. "Though not a single economy, the Great Society is still held
together mainly by what vulgarly are called economic relations."1 6
12. See Preface to the 1976 Reprint Edition of THE ROAD To SERFDOM, reprinted in F.A.
at xxiv (fiftieth anniv. ed. 1994) [hereinafter HAYEK, 1976
13. SeeARISTOTLE, POLITICS 9 (H. Rackham trans., Harvard Univ. Press 1972) (asserting
that "man is by nature a political animal").
14. See THOMAS HOBBES, LEVIATHAN 91 (Richard Tuck ed., Cambridge Univ. Press
1991) (1651) ("The Right of Nature .. . is the Liberty each man ha[s], to use his own
power, as he will himself[ ], for the preservation of his own Nature; that is to say, of his own
Life; and consequently, of doing any thing... he[ ] shall conceive to be the aptest means
(1976) [hereinafter 2 HAYEK, LAw, LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY].
16. Id. at 112. Hayek then explains what he means by these "vulgarly" relations: "What
are commonly called economic relations are indeed relations determined by the fact that
the use of all means is affected by the striving for those many different purposes. It is in
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ized political order.2 ' According to Hayek, it is the capacity for error
in particular cases that impels individuals within the spontaneous order to gear their conduct by certain standard rules and practices, the
precise reasons for which they cannot fully understand.22 By the rule
of law, Hayek referred to those general principles for guiding human
behavior which allowed each individual to pursue his or her own ends
in accordance with their subjective preferences. 2' The rule of law was
the handmaiden of the spontaneous order, and for Hayek, the rules
of the spontaneous order develop much like the rules of grammarthe people who follow the rules know how they work even if they do
not understand why they work.2 4
The obvious illustration of this spontaneous order for social relations is not a latent grammar, but the development of a market in any
standard commodity or good, where the terms and condition of trade,
including matters of quality, delivery and price, are set by no one in
particular, but for the benefit of all who are found in the group at
large. Indeed, it is clearly the competitive market process, as imperfect as it is, that allows for the diffusion of social information, much of
it embedded in prices, about first the cost of production, and then the
value of the goods and services they generate. Or, as Hayek was fond
of saying, "The advantages of competition do not depend on it being
'perfect.'" '25 Rather, they depend on the ability of the competitive
market process to reduce radical indeterminacy to acceptable levels
through thousands of decentralized, cooperative decisions.2 6
In taking this line, we can see, on this point at least, the close
affinity between Hayek and Hobbes. Hobbes is of course well known
for his view of the subjective value in contracts through his attack on
[hereinafter 1 HAYEK, LAW, LEGISLATION AND ORDER] ("Most important.... is the relation
of a spontaneous order to the conception of purpose. Since such an order has not been
created by an outside agency, the order as such also can have no purpose[;] . . .its existence may be very serviceable to the individuals which move within such order.").
22. See id. at 43 ("Although man never existed without laws that he obeyed, he did, of
course, exist for hundreds of thousands of years without laws he 'knew' in the sense that he
was able to articulate them.").
23. See id. at 18 ("The problem of conducting himself successfully in a world only partially known to man was thus solved by adhering to rules which had served him well.
24. See id. at 43 ("[R]ules in this sense exist and operate without being explicitly known
to those who obey them ....
ing that language develops spontaneously and is employed by people instinctually "without
awareness of its underlying logic").
25. 3 HAYEK, LAw, LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY, supra note 9, at 65.
26. See id. at 67-69 (describing competition as a discovery process wherein people gain
and communicate knowledge through acts of exchange).
the medieval doctrine of the just price.2 7 The same theme comes
through in Hayek's account of our collective ignorance of subjective
values attached to individual ends. If I have a horse, and you have a
cow, I may prefer to have your cow and you may prefer to have my
horse. Thus, we can arrange an exchange that leaves both of us better
off. But if any outside observer looks at the physical world, he will still
see one cow and one horse. The only way that this observer could
conclude that the exchange has improved value by bettermatching
people with objects (or animals) in the external world is to accept the
self-knowledge that each person has of his own preference set.
I have just given the simplest case of barter. But if one attempts
to discover how to sort out thousands of different commodities and
services among thousands of individuals, Hayek's insight remains valid
today. An endless array of multiple, successive, and progressive exchanges does a better job than centralized planning in producing the
right goods and services, assigning them to the right individuals, and
encouraging innovation. Consider the ripple effects from the one
simple barter of horse for cow. If I can anticipate that my horse will
be more valuable to you, then instead of a single haphazard exchange,
I will go into the business of breeding horses for sale. In order to
operate this business, I will have to acquire the necessary "inputs." I
will hire other people to train the horses, buy grain to feed them, hire
somebody to build a barn to house them, and so forth. In each of
these transactions, I will deal with another individual who takes exactly the same view of the world as I do. Each individual is quite willing to exchange what he has for something that he values more. And
all will recognize that it is wiser to invest in the things that others want
than to rely on chance. So investment in human and physical capital
continues apace. The genius of the price and market system is that it
allows everyone to purchase someone else's outputs, without having to
try to figure out what his inputs are or how much they cost. I can
enjoy a concert without having to instruct the pianist on how to play
the piano or the crew on how to arrange the staging and the lighting.
Instead, I can rely on the warranties and promises of other individuals
to satisfy my wants. I do not need the knowledge of such things in
order to superintend this process. Hayek's basic insight is that prices
and markets facilitate selective communications among individuals
27. HOBBES, supra note 14, at 105 ("As if it were Injustice to sell dearer than we buy; or
to give more to a man than he merits. The value of all things contracted for, is measured
by the Appetite of the Contractors: and therefore the just value, is that which they be
contented to give.").
[VOL. 58:271
and thus overcome the fundamental barrier of ignorance, one transaction at a time.
Our ability to overcome ignorance is not static but dynamic, for
the same process operates with greater efficiency as other individuals
either enter into established networks of cooperative exchanges or
form their own. Because the system of voluntary exchange is not
bound to particular persons, places, or times, markets themselves always facilitate new entry. Someone will come in who, in the short run,
destabilizes the world for some other individual who thought he enjoyed the position of a preferred supplier. But the creative energies of
the new entrant spur other individuals to rethink their own lives and
businesses, and thereafter to redeploy and redirect their own goods
and services. The system thus generates a virtuous circle, if only the
state does not treat the new entrant as a wrongdoer for disturbing the
established patterns of trade in the market. Indeed, his passionate
defense of free entry in The Road to Serfdom is one of Hayek's great
contributions to the creative energies of voluntary markets.2 8
The origins of this spontaneous order for Hayek do not rest in
the constructivist thought of utilitarian calculation. The metaphor, or
rather comparison, that Hayek evokes is obviously toward the untidy
but successful processes of biological evolution through natural selection. Indeed, the title of Chapter One of the first volume of Law,
Legislation and Liberty is "Reason and Evolution."2 9 Hayek picks his
words well. The former term is tied to a false Cartesian understanding
of the world, and the latter to a Darwinian perspective, which, according to Hayek, Darwin had borrowed from the great social scientists,
starting with Bernard Mandeville and David Hume." We need not
trouble over the pattern of influence to recognize that Darwin's great
contribution was to show how a complex natural order could be explained by a single mechanism, that of natural selection-a process by
28. See HAYEK, THE ROAo TO SERFDOM, supra note 6, at 88-100 (emphasizing that "political freedom is meaningless without economic freedom" and economic freedom can only
be sustained through competition and individual choice without government
29. 1 HAYEK, LAW, LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY, supra note 21, at 8.
30. According to Hayek:
It was in the discussion of such social formations as language and morals, law and
money, that in the eighteenth century the twin conceptions of evolution and the
spontaneous formation of an order were at last clearly formulated, and provided
the intellectual tools which Darwin and his contemporaries were able to apply to
biological evolution. Those eighteenth-century moral philosophers and the historical schools of law and language might well be described ... as Darwinians
before Darwin.
Id. at 23.
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These strict liability rules work well for harms inflicted on strangers, but not in consensual arrangements, where it is often in the interests of individual plaintiffs to assume the risk of bad outcomes in
order to gain the benefits of possible favorable ones. But here too,
the good Hayekian should gravitate away from the use of cost-benefit
formulas to judge the reasonableness of conduct, after the fact, in
some particular case. Rather, where contract is not present as a guide,
the emphasis shifts to the question whether the conduct of a physician
or supplier of goods and services follows the customary standards of
practice of the trade or profession, or indeed of any respectable segment thereof. The legal system again shies away from explicit utilitarian calculations, which it is likely to get wrong.
In sum, Hayek overstated our ignorance of general social practices. But his point has special cogency in those situations in which we
call upon public institutions to make judgments about the rationality
of individual conduct in litigation contexts. One must shudder to
think of how Hayek would have responded to the modem law of sexual harassment and the hopeless tangle that comes in distinguishing
welcome from unwelcome advances. To remain in the consequentialist tradition of the law-and-economics movements, we must embrace
the general rules of which Hayek spoke. The legal system must work,
as it were, through the rule of law, that is, through a series of general
rules which force cost-benefit calculations to be made, not by the
State, which is generally ignorant of what the individuals within it want
or desire, but rather by the individuals themselves. 7 The latter are
more knowledgeable of, and are better able to act upon, their own
The key question is, however, how far we can push this basic insight. Someone has to choose rules, and neither judges nor legislators
operate by the hit or miss techniques that characterize the spontaneous order. At some level we have to be confident enough of certain
general empirical regularities in order to decide which general rule
should be preferred to another. We would not want to adopt a rule of
law of broad application that said that individuals are never responsible in tort when they maim strangers or mistreat patients. We take
that position not because of our abiding sense of human ignorance,
but because of our fear of the systematic effects of unrestrained individual self-interest. The party that keeps all the gains and bears none
of the losses is likely to engage in too many dangerous activities, no
37. See HAYEK, THE CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY, supra note 10, at 162-75 (explaining that
the conception of freedom under the law rests on obedience to abstract rules generated by
individuals as opposed to particular rules laid down by governments).
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matter what the refined differences in individual temperament or social situation. Thus, ignorance has to be woven into a more general
theory in order to choose among a list of potential general and abstract rules.
Indeed, we can take the argument at least one step further. The
design of political institutions may well have to take into account difficulties in predicting the political future, but it also has to take into
account some universal tendencies of human nature. Part of the price
that Hayek pays for his strong anti-utilitarian sentiment is that he cannot be particularly enamored with efforts to form political society
through conscious acts of statesmanship by analogy, as it were, to
breeding and other forms of artificial selection. The ideal constitution within a Hayekian world would be the English Constitution with
its unclear origins, slow growth, and shadowy conventions. But he
should be suspicious of the quite deliberate architecture of the United
States Constitution, with its conscious reliance on the staples of political theory-separation of powers, checks and balances, enumerated
powers, federalism, and entrenched rights.
Indeed, I think that it is useful to ponder the contrast between
Hayek's general views of decentralized power and The Federalist No.
1,3" where the question put by Hamilton is whether, when we form a
modern society, we want to do so by "reflection and choice," or
whether we shall remain forever subject to the vagaries of "accident
and force."39 Indeed, it is not far-fetched to see in the United States
Constitution a rejection of the idea that a sound government could
just evolve from the uncoordinated activities of well-intentioned individuals, or even thirteen somewhat fractious American states. Hayek
himself was somewhat torn by this counterexample, and in The Constitution of Liberty hinted his ambivalence toward the matter when he introduced his discussion of the United States Constitution by saying:
"Much is sometimes made of the fact that the American Constitution
is the product of design and that, for the first time in modern history,
a people deliberately constructed the kind of government under
which they wished to live." 4 Yet, while he minimizes the impact of
38. THE FEDERALIST No. I (Alexander Hamilton).
39. Hamilton says it a lot better:
It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people
of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question,
whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend
for their political constitutions on accident and force.
Id. at 1 (Roy Fairfield ed., 2d ed. 1981).
40. HAYEK, THE CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY, supra note 10, at 183.
design, he finds himself in basic sympathy with all the major components of the American system set out above.
What was needed from Hayek, however, was some tempering of
his basic hostility toward planned organizations. The theory of voluntary interactions may well explain the emergence of spot markets for
the purchase and sale of given goods. However, it works far less well
in explaining the emergence of a wide range of intermediate institutions from stock exchanges to trade associations, to condominium associations-institutions which often rely on specific articles of
incorporation that specify in some detail the rights and duties of their
members, and which take care to outline both the governance proce41
dures and the dispute resolution mechanisms among individuals.
The conscious creation of these institutions is not necessarily a good
or a bad thing. Rather, the decision to put all transactions of a similar
type into one basket leads to a high stakes game. Those organizations
that put together poor constitutions will have to reform or perish. But
those who come up with sound designs will outperform those groups
that do not attend to the question of governance at all. And so it is
that we see how some voluntary organizations flourish while others
languish or die. The reason why we spend so much time on constitutional issues is that we get only one shot at the right organization,
because the monopoly of state power cannot afford the luxury of trial
and error that might be tolerated with a large number of private organizations. Hayek is not successful in papering over the tensions between the success of American constitutionalism and his own
predilections for the rise of spontaneous order. He would have done
better by praising the founders of the American Constitution for their
practical wisdom, and recognizing the limits as well as the uses of the
principles of spontaneous order.
Hayek's affection for the principle of spontaneous order was not,
of course, directed against the United States Constitution. It was directed toward the expansion of state power under socialism. His main
target was central planning, a term which today has a largely archaic
sound, in no small measure to Hayek's attacks on the practice. But
41. See Lisa Bernstein, Opting Out of the Legal System: Extralegal ContractualRelations in the
Diamond Industry, 21 J. LEGAL STUD. 115, 115 (1992) ("The diamond industry has systematically rejected state-created law. In its place, the sophisticated traders who dominate the
industry have developed an elaborate, internal set of rules, complete with distinctive institutions and sanctions, to handle disputes among industry members."); see also AW. Brian
Simpson, Contractsfor Cotton to Arrive: The Case of the Two Ships Peerless, 11 CARozo L. REV.
287, 304 (1989) (explaining that the Cotton Brokers' Association "provided a system for
arbitrating the disputes which arose from time to time between the [cotton] brokers and
set standard contract forms and associated trading rules" (footnote omitted)).
[VOL. 58:271
writing about this subject today requires us to jolt our memories and
recall just how pervasive and controversial the issue of central planning was both in Great Britain and the United States between the two
World Wars. The Great Depression had taken its toll on the confidence that Western democracies had placed in markets and small governments. Everywhere the corporatist state was thought to be the
source of economic security and the remedy for unemployment, economic dislocation and general privation. The segmentation of financial institutions in the United States was a creature of the depression,
as were agricultural cartels and collective bargaining in employment.
Central planning was not confined to the United States and Great
Britain, but was raised to a destructive art by the totalitarian nations
under Communist, Fascist, and Nazi rule. Hayek, as an Austrian, was
keenly aware of the consequences of the annexation of Austria into
Germany in 1938, and one of the themes in The Road to Serfdom was his
gloomy warning that the central planning of Great Britain could insensibly lead to the rise of totalitarian regimes and the necessary decline of cherished political liberties and democratic institutions.4 2 But
in this respect at least, Hayek seems to have overstated his case. It may
well be that Western democracies do not accord any preferred or entrenched status to the market and think that many forms of economic
regulation that Hayek loathes pass constitutional muster. However,
they do draw the line at government action which suppresses political
dissent or confiscates private property. People are not sent to the gas
chambers for demanding free elections, thereby sparing the democratic West the horrors of its totalitarian neighbors.
The constitutional safeguards of Great Britain and the United
States operate in very different ways. In neither country are they sufficient to drive us to the social optimum, and they surely leave the gate
open for faction and intrigue.4" But by the same token, it is critical to
recognize as well that the protections that have survived have commanded sufficiently wide public support to help ward off the cata44
strophic consequences of totalitarian regimes.
A proper evaluation of Hayek's critique of central planning
should be divorced from his critique of totalitarian regimes. But even
taken in isolation, Hayek still deplored government central planning.
In his view, no group of individuals has the knowledge and skills to
coordinate the activities of millions of separate individuals, all of
whom have their own distinctive ends and conceptions of the good.
The state should therefore confine its attentions to fostering those
institutions that make these private expressions of self-worth possible,
which once again brings us safely back to the rule of law and the emergence of market institutions. No experts could generate the full
range of needed socialist calculations. Even when the totalitarian elements were removed, Hayek remained deeply suspicious of the administrative state whose particularistic commands he saw as the
antithesis of the rule of law.4 5
But Hayek was no naive visionary. He certainly did not believe
that markets could operate of their own volition without any kind of
support from the state. It is at this juncture that the rule of law becomes critical to offer a secure framework for these voluntary transactions to take place. The rule of law supplied the universal forms of
engagement in which particular desires could be satisfied. However,
it is at this point that the reader, or at least this reader, finds his abstractions elusive and unsatisfying. However insistent Hayek is on the
centrality of the rule of law, he does not reveal the precise content of
the "rules ofjust conduct"4 6 or explain why their universal application
is sufficient protection against favoritism and intrigue. We can freely
43. Nothing that I say here should be construed as a recantation of my outspoken views
on the proper interpretation of the Takings Clause. RicHARD A. EPSTEIN, TAKINGS: PRIVATE
PROPERTY AND THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN 331 (1985) ("My thesis is that the eminent
domain approach, as applied both to personal liberty and private property, offers a principled account of both the functions of the state and the limitations upon its powers.").
44. See Richard A. Epstein, Imitations of Libertarian Thought, Soc. PHIL. & POL., Summer
1998, at 412, 423 (arguing that security, as "the indisputable core of any conception of
personal autonomy," provides a strong barrier to totalitarian movements).
45. See HAYv, THE CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY, supra note 10, at 260 (observing that the
expansion of the welfare state, which followed the decline of the rule of law, could not
occur without depriving individuals of choice in matters that the state deemed it necessary
to correct and control).
46. See 2 HAYEK, LAW, LEGISLATION AND LIBERTY, supra note 15, at 34-42 (describing the
rules of just conduct by their function to limit the range of possible actions available to
individuals under various circumstances).
[VOL. 58:271
concede that the elimination of extraordinary procedures and secretive deliberations commonly associated with Star Chamber tends in
the right direction. However, at points Hayek makes a near mystical
appeal to the abstract values contained in the rule of law. But is it
more homily or analysis? What he needed to do was to look beyond
the rule of law as a set of formal considerations and to explain which
rules of universal application are in fact just. He should treat, as I
have suggested elsewhere, the rule of law as a necessary, but not a
sufficient, condition for a sound political order.4 7 My colleague Cass
Sunstein has written: "Hayek thinks that the rule of law forbids 'arbitrary' distinctions. But any judgment that distinctions are 'arbitrary'
stems not from the notion of the rule of law, but from an independent
set of arguments, specifying the appropriate grounds for distinguishing among people and groups."4" I have no doubt that Hayek supported traditional conceptions of individual autonomy, private
property, and freedom of contract, but he showed none of the depth
of feeling toward these conceptions that he showed toward the rule of
Indeed, one of Hayek's weaknesses is his relative indifference to
the creation of social infrastructure that thoughtful proponents of
laissez-faire have long recognized as necessary to secure the institutions of voluntary exchange.4 9 It is not sufficient simply to have rules
that enforce contracts and prevent the rule of force. It is also neces47. As I have previously argued:
[I]f the rule of law... is necessary for ajust and sound society, it is a very different question to ask whether it is sufficient to achieve that result. In one sense it
would be desirable that the answer were yes, for then it would be possible to make
judgments about sound social arrangements solely by noting some easily observable marks of formal laws. Nonetheless I think that... Hayek [was] too optimistic
in thinking that the rule of law in and of itself offered sufficient protection for the
just social order. Some rule of law is better than no rule of law. But the choice of
the best, even the best achievable, form of political organization demands more
than faithful adherence to the rule of law can provide.
Richard A. Epstein, Beyond the Rule of Law: Civic Virtue and ConstitutionalStructure, 56 GEO.
WASH. L. REv. 149, 152 (1987).
48. Cass R. Sunstein, The Road from Serfdom, THE NEW REPUBLIC, Oct. 20, 1997, at 36, 42
ed., 1997)).
49. As one commentator noted:
[T]he pioneer systematic exponents of [laissez faire], the Physiocrats and Adam
Smith, argued for.., the limitation of governmental activity to the enforcement
of peace and of "justice" in the restricted sense of "commutative justice," to defense against foreign enemies, and to public works regarded as essential and as
impossible or highly improbable of establishment by private enterprise or, for
special reasons, unsuitable to be left to private operation.
Jacob Viner, The Intellectual History of Laissez Faire, 3 J.L. & ECON. 45, 45 (1960).
52. Id.
53. In The Constitution of Liberty, Hayek asserts:
Because of rent restriction, large sections of the population in Western
affairs and
have become subject to arbitrary decisions of authority in their daily
decisions of
accustomed to looking for permission and direction in the main
the capital
their lives. They have come to regard
which pays for the roof over their heads should be provided free by somebody
favor of the
else and that individual economic well-being should depend on the
to assist its
Id. at 344.
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His bromides offer little of value to anyone who must sort out different land use proposals, or pass on the constitutionality of various government land use restrictions.
The problem here is deeper than Hayek would like to admit.
Once we recognize that coherence is necessary for planning infrastructure, it becomes far more difficult to start from the assumption
that the land planner is radically ignorant of what individuals want. At
the very least, we have to decide that it is better to build our four-lane
highways between the population centers of Washington and Baltimore than between two isolated farms. To be sure, this simpleminded choice requires little reflection, but the location of highways
is far more contentious as we make detailed plans for the system that
requires us to decide whether to widen Fourth or Fifth Street. The
task admits no perfection, but the mere fact that it is undertaken requires us to acknowledge that perhaps we can find more regularity in
human preferences and human conduct than Hayek was willing to
accept. It is not necessary for us to deny the important component of
subjectivity in human preferences. But it is necessary to recognize
some greater capability to learn of these preferences than Hayek is
prepared to acknowledge. In an odd sense, therefore, Hayek pushes
too hard on our collective ignorance to the extent that it denies us the
ability to make intelligent collective judgments on the location, construction, and funding of social infrastructure. Thus far it looks like
Hayek's opposition to socialism leaves him unable to account for the
state provision of classical public goods.
the provision of these public goods, but moves beyond this point.
Upon re-reading The Road to Serfdom, one notices that the topic of
Chapter 9 is "Security and Freedom."5 I wish to focus on the former,
because security is one of the great terms of Western Civilization, yet
one whose meaning and nuances do not, generally speaking, receive
56 By contrast,
sufficient attention-including from Hayek himself.
the social contract tradition of English law, beginning with Hobbes,
and including Hume and Locke, sets forth a very clear and coherent
account of security; this account drives most of what these philosophers believe. They begin, of course, with an original position which
they were happy to call, as we are not, "the state of nature." In the
state of nature, there are no public or collective restraints upon the
action of any individual." Hobbes thought that in this condition natural liberty allowed individuals to do whatever they could until re58
strained by a greater force. Although in the state of nature we can
describe acts in physical terms, such as "tending my garden" or "blowing your brains out," we cannot say that either of them is right or
wrong until some greater power decrees that action to be a wrong.
Others, most notably Locke, have disagreed with Hobbes as to
whether there could be a system of right and wrong in a state of nature.5 9 But where people start is in a sense less important than where
they end. The entire social contract tradition identifies the manifest
of inconvenience with individual excesses in the state of nature. The
great question of political theory is how each of us trades in some of
our untrammeled liberty of action for security against various kinds of
activities undertaken by other individuals.
The fundamental issue of political theory is how to orchestrate
this surrender of liberty for security. First, we attempt to use contrac55. HAYEK, THE ROAD TO SERFDOM, supra note 6, at 119.
56. For my more detailed account, see Epstein, supra note 44, at 420 ("What is striking
about the Hayekian position is that neither form of security under discussion [in chapter 9
of The Road to Serfdom] refers to the protection that the state supplies against external
aggression, independent of the wealth of its citizens.").
57. See HOBBES, supra note 14, at 91 ("The Right of Nature ...is the Liberty each
ha[s], to
that is to say, of his own Life; and consequently, of doing any thing... he[] shall conceive
to be the aptest means thereunto.").
58. See id. ("Liberty, is understood .. . [as] the absence of external[] Impediments:
which Impediments may of[ten] take away part of a mans power to do what he[ ] would
59. SeeJoHN LocKE, Two TREATisEs OF GOVERNMENT 289 (Peter Laslett ed., Cambridge
Univ. Press 2d ed. 1970) (1698) ("The State of Nature has a Law of Nature to govern it,
which obliges every one: And Reason, which is that Law, teaches all Mankind, who will
consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one
Health, Liberty, or Possessions.").
[VOL. 58:271
tual terms, yet quickly realize their inadequacy because there are too
many parties, with too diffused interests, with too great a geographical
dispersion for one contract to bind all individuals. Even if everyone
alive or in a given region could agree at one point in time, the moment new people are born, or strangers immigrate into the community at large, the old contract will have to be renegotiated or
abandoned. Thus, the usual tools of offer and acceptance, and actual
consent, do not suffice to form the social order. To use Ronald
Coase's influential and modern formulation of the problem, the transaction costs are so high to preclude a voluntary agreement from which
everyone could gain.6 But at the most visceral level, unanimity is essential lest the one individual not bound by the social contract subjugate or kill all the others.
To escape this untimely outcome, social contract theory looks to
individuals' objectives in forming ordinary contracts. And we (and
here it is the collective "we") conclude that each individual wishes to
surrender something he values (natural liberty) in order to gain something of greater value (political security). Hayek's faith of radical ignorance notwithstanding, we are reasonably confident that in this
stark example we know what individuals value and fear, and that we
can decide what institutional arrangements serve, or frustrate, those
interests. Thus, we are also confident that almost all individuals-except for a few pathological cases-prefer the right to live to the right
to kill another individual. Under its classical liberal formulation, the
great social contract sacrifices liberty, but only to the extent that it is
necessary to gain security against force and fraud. Perhaps we might
go further, but surely we go this far.
Rightly organized, this social contract overcomes the difficulties
of actual agreements. The present generation can adopt this institution by political measures, and command the allegiance of all individuals by showing them how they benefit on net from the arrangements
to which they are forced to subscribe. Future generations and new
immigrants are allowed to enter the society on the same terms that
bind everyone else. Because what is required is universal forbearance
from the use of force and fraud, the substantive content of the obligation does not shift with each arrival or departure. Population shifts do
not require us to redefine the basic obligations or take special steps to
inform newcomers what is required of them. Combined with systems
of taxation and regulation that allow the formation of infrastructure,
1, 42-44 (1960).
we have a system that falls short of perfection, but nonetheless operates with some level of overall efficiency.
How, if at all, should this classical account of the relationship between liberty and security be updated for the modern age? Hayek's
response is quite surprising in light of the general tenor of his
thought. Far from being skeptical, cautious, or wary of new-fangled
ideas, Hayek swallows them too easily. He spends little time discussing
security against aggression, although he clearly endorses it. Rather,
he puts that to one side, only to distinguish between two other conceptions of security. The first is security against privation and suffering; the second is security that insulates one's general economic
position from the economic forces of change:
These two kinds of security are, first, security against severe
physical privation, the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance for all; and, second, the security of a given standard of
life, or of the relative position which one person or group
enjoys compared with others; or, as we may put it briefly, the
security of a minimum income and the security of the particular income a person is thought to deserve....
There is no reason why in a society which has reached
the general level of wealth which ours has attained the first
kind of security should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom ....
[VOL. 58:271
makers spread costs among themselves but also help them pass costs on to third
parties without consent.
64. See HAYEK, THE ROAD TO SERFDOM, supra note 6, at 122-23 ("We all know the tragic
plight of the highly trained man whose hard-learned skill has suddenly lost its value because of some invention which greatly benefits the rest of society. The history of the last
hundred years is full of instances of this kind . . ").
[VOL. 58:271
In the short term, Hayek wrote in vain. The conservative government of Winston Churchill was whisked out of office in the general
elections held at the conclusion of the war. Then followed a period of
increased socialization of the means of production over the thirty-five
years until Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of Great Britain
in 1979. Thatcher took on coal miners who had demanded exactly
the sort of security that Hayek had deplored; the coal miners insisted
on their right to mine coal so long as a single lump was left in the
ground, no matter how high the cost of extraction or how low its market value. 65 The trade unionists saw changes in the conditions of supply, demand, and profit as utterly irrelevant to their position; other
citizens thus had to pay for this particular extravagance. 66 The stagnation in England in real income in the post-war period showed that
Hayek was right to reject these partial claims for security as destructive
of the security of the whole. It is a lesson that we should not forget
today when the Al Gores of the left and the Patrick Buchanans of the
right offer their own brands of protectionism with the same deleteri67
ous consequences.
I have no doubt that Hayek rightly foresaw that this provincial
form ofjob protection constitutes the greatest threat to the vitality of a
free society. It hardly follows, however, that Hayek should have conceded (let alone claimed) that the state did have an obligation to provide that form of security that protected individuals from various
forms of privation-minimum incomes, health insurance, and flood
and earthquake insurance.6" Accordingly, in The Road to Serfdom,
Hayek lists an impressive array of services that he was willing to let the
state provide.6 9 Also, when general employment levels fluctuate due
to public policy decisions, Hayek seemed willing to entertainalthough not as clearly so as in the other cases-some system of unemployment insurance for the purpose of tiding people over the rough
65. See Maureen Johnson, Thatcher Says She Will Not Compromise with Union, ASSOCIATED
PRESS, Feb. 1, 1985, availablein 1985 WL 2850675 ("Mrs. Thatcher... said it was unacceptable for the miners to deny management the right to close unprofitable mines.").
66. See 3 HAVEK, LAW, LEGISIATION AND LIBERTY, supra note 9, at 144 ("By conferring...
on the trade unions unique privileges, which hardly government itself enjoys, organizations of workers have been enabled to exploit other workers by altogether depriving them
of the opportunity of good employment.").
67. For a spirited exposh, see VIRGINIA POSTREL, THE FUTURE AND ITS ENEMIES (1998).
68. For a recent account of the hurricane related dangers of subsidizing coastal construction, see Sebastian Junger, The Coast Isn't Clear, WALL ST. J., Oct. 9, 1998, at A12,
available in 1998 WL 1897447.
69. See text accompanying supra note 61.
times.7" Although somewhat uneasy about the point, Hayek was prepared to say that, as long as we allow free entry and exit into businesses, and allow wages and prices to move, then health and safety
regulations could be consistent with the effective operation of competitive markets. 7 '
As I noted earlier, Hayek had second thoughts about this point,
for some thirty years later he wrote:
At the time I wrote, socialism meant unambiguously the
nationalization of the means of production and the central
economic planning which this made possible and necessary.
In this sense Sweden, for instance, is today very much less
socialistically organized than Great Britain or Austria,
though Sweden is commonly regarded as much more socialistic. This is due to the fact that socialism has come to mean
chiefly the extensive redistribution of incomes through taxation and the institutions of the welfare state. 72
In his review of Hayek's collected works, Cass Sunstein derides
Hayek's asserted connection between state control over the means of
production and the redistribution of wealth in society: "[t]his, certainly, is a far less plausible claim. Nothing in his arguments in this
book establishes it."73 But with a little work, we can forge that connection, both in formal and pragmatic terms, even more closely than
Hayek understood. Start with Hayek's concurrence in the conventional wisdom that socialism means the collective ownership of the
means of production. In the classic planned economy, the state either
ran the business itself, set the terms and conditions under which private parties could sell their wares, or established the wages at which
they were forced to pay their employees. That distinction is only one
of a matter of degree (although important for that reason). Having
the state set these prices and wages is to give it a partial ownership
70. See
[to unemployment] will require much planning in the good sense, it does not-or at least
need not-require that special kind of planning which according to its advocates is to
replace the market.").
71. See id. at 132 ("There can be no question that adequate security against severe
privation ... will have to be one of the main goals of policy. But if those endeavors are to
be successful and are not to destroy individual freedom, security must be provided outside
the market and competition be left to function unobstructed.").
72. HAYEK, 1976 Preface, supra note 12, at xxiii. The same point was made more forcefully by Milton Friedman in his 1971 introduction to the German translation, which he
quoted extensively in his special introduction written in 1994 to the 50th anniversary edi-
[VOL. 58:271
74. See Richard A. Epstein, Catastrophic Responses to CatastrophicRisks, 12J. RiSK & UN287, 293-94 (1996).
75. HAYEK, THE ROAD TO SERFDOM, supra note 6, at 121.
76. SeeJunger, supra note 68.
premiums are set too low, as Florida did after Hurricane Andrew.7 7
But these coercive measures in turn undermine otherwise viable voluntary markets, producing the very dislocations that Hayek so heartily
The same point can be made of the system of social security, introduced in 1935, nearly a decade before Hayek wrote The Road to
Serfdom. These programs have the exact same effect on "security" that
Hayek feared. Social security works wonders for the income of those
who joined the program earlier, and whose income today is guaranteed against major fluctuations. But the correlative taxes needed to
fund the program place at ever greater risk the next generation of
individuals who are asked to keep the program in clover. No system
of general redistribution can make all individuals more secure simultaneously, and the high level of intergenerational wealth transfers has
many of the same consequences of the job protection and security
programs that rightly earned Hayek's wrath.
Sixty years later, the new battleground for security was the illfated Health Security Act of 1993.78 One reason why that program
failed was that it could not generate increased security to all individuals simultaneously, even though it could impoverish them all simultaneously. Politically, the group most opposed to the passage of the Act
turned out to be senior citizens on Medicare who recognized that
their preferred position was threatened by any effort to extend guarantees to all citizens.
A more limited intervention can also have profound effects. We
can have entry and exit of firms into labor markets, but so long as all
workers are entitled to receive Medicare protection at age sixty-five,
competition over one important component of retirement benefits is
effectively curtailed by the state monopoly in critical contract terms.
And the same pattern of intergenerational transfers is an outgrowth of
the recent amendments to the age discrimination laws that eliminate
mandatory retirement for (amongst others) university professors.
77. Florida's law featured two central provisions. See 1993 Fla. Laws ch. 93-401 (imposing moratorium on cancellation and non-renewal of residential property insurance policies
on the basis of risk of hurricane claims); FLA. STAT. ANN. 215.555 (West Supp. 1998)
(calling for mandatory participation on the part of the state in the Hurricane Catastrophe
Fund by providing reimbursements to insurers).
78. For a detailed discussion, see RIcHARD A. EPSTEIN, MORTAL PERIL: OUR INALIENABLE
curity Act was well deserved because "[i]t could have done little to improve the lot of the
uninsured, but it would have done much more to reduce care and increase the cost of care
for the rest of the population"). For a far more sympathetic account, see THEDA SKOCPOL,
[VOL. 58:271
Here again, the additional security that is conferred on senior employees comes out of the hide of younger generations. In academic terms,
senior faculty get to keep their positions, their pensions, and their
salaries, while younger faculty members scramble to fill folding chairs
which, as their name suggests, offer no job security at all. Even as late
as 1976, Hayek had little sense of the extent to which these state programs could grow under the shadow of state protection, or of the implicit tax they impose on economic growth.
This quick review shows why it is improper to conclude that abandoning central planning renders benign other forms of state regulation. Indeed, to some extent, the rejection of state planning-which
is hardly the same thing as a rejection of land planning 7 9 -over large
sectors of the economy has intensified the pressure on legislative bodies to adopt various forms of general regulation of health and safety.
Sometimes, perhaps often, regulation that addresses these concerns
serves public-regarding ends. But even when the motivation seems
sound, why should the government think it appropriate to force people to adopt particular safety rules that they are always free to adopt
voluntarily? The impetus for state regulation often comes down to the
danger to which Hayek was always alert-blocking entry. One pervasive theme of modem regulatory and constitutional work highlights
the disparate impact of formally neutral rules. Let the same restriction apply to a large plant and a small one, and the cost of compliance-or, more accurately, the cost of compliance per unit of goodcould easily differ. The effect, therefore, is to place a heavier tax on
the one business than on its rival, which in turn retards entry or spurs
exit, thereby increasing industrial concentration. Hayekian fears
about central planning do not disappear simply because the next generation of regulation adopts novel tactics to achieve its end.
In sum, I think that the charge of Hayekian socialism carries with
it a certain reluctant accuracy, because Hayek did not see the close
intellectual and institutional connections between the government interventions that he supported and those which he opposed. In part,
79. For a recent example of the endless delays that planning can introduce into land
development, see Landgate, Inc. v. California Coastal Commission, 953 P.2d 1188, 1204 (Cal.
1998) (holding that a two-year delay by a government agency in issuing a building permit
to a landowner did not constitute a compensable taking and noting that "[a] Ithough [the
landowner] was in the unfortunate position of suffering from a delay not of its own making, the same can be said of any governmental mistake"). For a general discussion of the
(1995) (suggesting that, among other risks, land use regulations can "transfer economic
value from one class of property owners to another, typically from owners of land with
development potential to owners of already-developed properties").