Otc 21209
Otc 21209
Otc 21209
Technical Challenges and Success for Rigid Pipeline with PLET, Jumper
and Flying Leads Installation in Conger 9 Field
Jun Wang, Rune Krister Hagen, Ecaterina Radan, and Jack Bullock, Subsea 7
A 346 m long of 6 inch rigid pipeline with a Single Hub PLET (SHP) at one end and Double Hub PLET (DHP) at the other
end was installed in Conger 9 Field for connecting existing Well No. 5 and future Well No. 9 in Garden Bank 215 N/2, Gulf of
Mexico. The water depth at the location is approximately 457 m. Three jumpers with two M-shape (2D) and one Z-shape (3D)
were installed for Conger 9 field expansion. Flying leads including two EFL and three HFL were also installed. The Well No.
9 was due online at the end of 2009.
This paper will present the highlights of the technical challenges for Acergy Falcon to install the rigid pipeline shorter than
water depth with one PLET at each end from the analytical and operation aspects and how the main challenges (e.g.
relationship of PLET COG and yoke hinge location, installation stages vs vessel capacity, etc) were overcame. Meanwhile, the
difficulties for jumper design and flying leads installation will be also highlighted in this paper. Conclusion, recommendation
and lessons learned will be made.
The Conger Field is an existing subsea development comprising four wells (and one proposed) tied in to a central manifold
located in approximately 1500ft/457m of water in Garden Banks 215 N/2. The manifold is then connected to the host platform
by two piggable flowlines. Well No. 9 was connected to a four slot manifold which was already occupied by four wells.
Therefore, Conger No. 9 well had to be combined with Well No. 5.
Well No. 8 is 65 ft north of manifold, Well No. 5 is 65 ft southwest of manifold, Well No. 6 is 12,000 feet of manifold, and
well No. 4 is 4,900 feet south of manifold. Both Well No. 6 and No. 4 tie back to SHP via a rigid flowline. The proposed fifth
well in the development Well GB 215-9 (No. 9) is located approximately a quarter mile west-southwest of the manifold and its
production flowline will terminate into a DHP near the existing manifold. Well No. 9 was due online at the end of 2009.
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The scope of work of the Conger 9 Project was divided into the following packages, and Acergy Falcon was nominated vessel
for installation:
Design and Fabrication of PLETs and Jumpers
Installation of pipeline (6.625 inch OD API 5L X65, 356m long) with 2 PLETS
Installation of three hydraulic flying leads and two electric flying leads
Installation of 3 new rigid jumpers, and removing 1 existing one
The controls scope for well No. 9 included disconnecting Well No. 5 HFL, and adding New HFL from SUTA to new splitter,
and reconnecting Well No. 5 HFL to Splitter, and installing Well No. 9 HFL. Install new EFL to Well No. 9 from SUTA.
Installation Vessel
Acergy Falcon is DP2 class installation vessel for both rigid pipeline and flexible installation. The pipeline will be installed by
welding linepipe horizontally in a firing line on the deck of the ship and deploying through a lay ramp located at the stern.
Acergy Falcon has six work stations in the production line. In addition, work can be performed at the work platform in the
ramp (anode installation, laydown heads etc). Figure 2 below shows the vessel in side elevation view. The pipeline is laid in a
J-lay configuration using a variably inclined ramp, which can be adjusted between 25.5 and 90. The pipeline leaves the
firing line and passes under a deck radius controller, which guides the pipeline up towards the top of the lay ramp. The
pipeline is then reverse bent to pass into the ramp where it passes through a pipe straightener. The straightener imposes a
reverse curvature, such that the residual curvature in the line is zero.
OTC 21209
the subsea well No.5 and central Cameron manifold. They included folding wing mudmats, foundation skirts, internal piping,
skid and a yoke. The design premise stipulated by Acergy ensured that both PLETs could be interfaced with the Acergy
Falcon PLET Handling Frame with minimal modification or change. Both yokes for SHP and DHP are able to rotate to 90
The SHP was designed assuming a both first and second-end installation and included holdback padeyes for the purpose of
attaching to the pre-installed anchor pile bridle. The DHP was designed assuming a second-end installation
Figure 4 Illustration of (a) SHP and (b) DHP Systems
Key Issues/Developments/changes that took place during PLET Design are as follows:
DHP skirt height was increased from 1/2 to 1 to lower the COG.
The height of the connector hubs on the DHP were lowered to lower the COG.
Height of Yoke Hinge raised by approx 8 above COG to mitigate against PLET and flowline over-turning during
deployment of DHP.
Yoke rest angle changed to -9 degrees from horizontal to allow for straight pull to PLET Handling Frame wire
Sliding mechanism added to SHP to allow for flowline expansion and reduction of Jumper loading (included a skip
lock pinning feature for installation).
Jumper reactions on PLETs were increased which resulted in a major change in PLET design.
ROV pin details were changed from T-bar to Fish tail due to vessel preference.
Skid lock detail on SHP was changed from threaded pin to regular pin to avoid pin being stuck due to shear load
during unlock operation.
Anchor Flange design was finalized to have a full penetration weld between the piping anchor flange and the PLET
Anchor bulkhead.
Pipeline Installation Philosophy
Due to pipeline length being shorter than the water depth, the conventional method of PLET installation (reliant on pipeline
holdback) could not be executed. Therefore, the Pipeline and PLETs were installed using the following steps:
The pipeline was pulled though the lay system and straightening
trials performed. The initiation head was welded to the end of
the pipeline.
The pipeline was paid out from the ramp (set at 90 degrees). The
laydown head was installed on the second end.
The pipeline was connected to the A&R winch and lowered
through the water column.
The initiation head was connected to the initiation rigging.
The pipeline was laid down along a temporary lay route (approx
100m short of the final laydown position and 0.5 degrees off the
final lay route). The A&R wire was disconnected.
The pipeline end was recovered to the PLET Handling Frame
(PHF) shown in Figure 5.
The SHP was installed and laid down with the pipeline along the
temporary lay route shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5 The PLET Deployment System
A 13Te DMA and 60m long hold hack wire was connected to
the SHP.
OTC 21209
-off Head
The key components SHP and DHP are modeled as 6D buoys in the
Orcaflex model. The hub skid model is assumed to be rigid without
rotation along pivot during the lowering, and free rotation is allowed after
PLET touches down seabed. The yoke in connection with either A&R
winch or initiation wire is assumed to be able to free rotate during the
entire operation. With this assumption, the model is much simpler with a
bit of conservativeness.
-off Head
The COG of the PLETs has a great impact on pipeline installation for two
reasons: one is the COG vertical position (higher than yoke hinge axis)
will cause PLET overturn, and other is the horizontal position (far away
from PLET/pipeline interface connection) will result in high stress at the
interface location (refer to Figure 11 for details). During the project
execution, PLET COG had to be revised a few times to ensure the PLETs Figure 9 - SHP Temporary Laydown (Stage 4)
OTC 21209
The SHP is designed as a hinged connection between the mudmat and the
skid piping, which can rotate by 90 deg, shown in Figure 12. This function
is important during the recovery of the pipeline with the SHP to weld on
the DHP.
The SHP recovery model was done in 2 levels i.e. global analysis and local
Figure 10 DHP and Pipeline Laydown (Stage 7)
analysis. In global analysis, the SHP is at about 10m off the seabed and
it is raised in stages until the laydown head is at the hang-off clamp.
In this model, skid piping is not allowed to rotate, which results in the conservative stress for pipe close to the SHP. The local
model (refer to Figure 13) is to examine the local effect of skid piping free rotation on pipe stress before off sea bed and after
10 m off seabed during the recovery.
Figure 13 - SHP Recovery Snapshot by Orcaflex (10m off seabed); (a) before
DEA wire is release; (b) After DEA wire is disconnected
The initiation wire is 550m (1804FT) long with additional 85m (279ft)
to 100m (328ft) of 3 inch studless chain and wire to keep drag anchor in
horizontal tension because of very soft soil condition.
900m A&R
550m Initiation
The vessel is Acergy Falcon and is modeled with the PHF and stern
ramp, the related RAOs and a draft of 6.49m (21.3ft). Prior to installing
the flowline and PLETs, the Drag Embedment Anchor (DEA) was
tested for holding capacity by applying a constant pull for a period of
time. The aim of the test is to confirm that the anchored has bedded in
and can hold back the expected installation loads without slipping. The
associated analysis shows that there will be no uplift at the anchor during Figure 14 - Anchor Pull Test by Orcaflex
load test and flowline and PLET installation.
Chain &
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The load test target is 30Te and maximum allowable load is 35Te. The pull test was modeled in Orcaflex to determine the
required length of the A&R wire and the limiting seastates to not exceed 35Te horizontal pull on the anchor. The illustration of
the model is presented in the Figure 14.
The offshore operation sea state window will be limited by the following criteria based on DNV-OS-F101 simplified lay
criteria. For the sagbend section of the flowline, the combined static and dynamic loads equivalent stress (Von Mises) shall be
less than:
Von Mises Stress 0.87 x SMYS
All acceptance criteria for the analysis scope are summarized in the Table 1:
Von Mises Stress
Anchor Load
Flowline Laydown
SHP and DHP Laydown
Flowline Recovery with
SHP Tension
Simplified Laying
390x10 kPa
20 Te
Rigging design
35 Te
ROV Shackle
80 Te
60 Te
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Jumper loads on PLET have to meet the PLET design criteria, and vice versa PLET
design has to restrict jumper configuration design. Figure 17 shows the modified
DHP/jumper No 2 targeted location during the execution of project for mitigating
the load on DHP due to thermal expansion along pipeline route. The following load
cases were considered in the jumper design by using Caesar II software:
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After PLET was installed, metrology data (surge, roll and pitch at each end)
conducted using EHF acoustics were obtained and analyzed for generating jumper
final fabrication drawing based on the following calculations at the either end:
One or more fabrication cuts were required to meet the metrology data resolved at
the either end depending on magnitude of roll and pitch angles from metrology by
applying 2 deg rule per ASME B31.3. Only one end needs meeting the above
calculated metrology results since this is a relative value between two ends (see
Figure 18). The fabrication acceptance criteria are based on the following formula:
Rotation = R (max reading min reading + 0.5 deg)
Length = L (max reading min reading + 0.5 inch)
where R is total tolerance of metrology + fab in rotation assumed in the analysis;
L is total tolerance of metrology + fab in length assumed in the analysis.
Jumper hydrotest stand setup was based on metrology data at each end, i.e. test hub
rientation at each end was exactly same as field situation. Figure 19 shows the
jumper No.1 was experiencing SIT. It is worth to note that jumper metrology was
completed with Well No. 5 jumper still in place and producing.
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For the short HFL (200ft), the 1st end and 2nd end installation are performed in a
single continuous analysis shown in Figure 22. For the 1800ft length HFL,
there is a very short stage of normal lay. Because top tensioner capacity was
limited, three buoyancy modules were proposed to install with HFL to relieve
the top tension. Each module has 140 kg of lift force (existing and only
available) and was distributed at 100m, 150m, and 200m from the 1st end cobra
head. The distribution separation was carefully designed based on calculation
for the best configuration without violating pipe MBR. Figure 23 shows
1800ft HFL laydown with floatations.
Since 5900ft length HFL has a lighter submerged weighted (80% of 1800ft
HFL), the pipe top tension no longer posed an issue to tensioner.
Figure 23 1800 HFL Laydown
EFL Installation
The electrical flying leads (EFL) were transpooled onto two separate carousels. A RDS (reel drive system) was used to deploy
the product subsea. The crane was used to transfer the termination head box (ETH) out of the carousel and over the overboarding chute. As the product was paid out, the line (black in color) was spray painted with white markings to allow for better
visualization subsea. The second end was transferred to the overboarding chute with a combination of the crane and winch
movements, using a yale grip as holdback aid.
The whole line was laid out on the seabed first and connected onto the structures at where the sequence allowed for a more
efficient timing.
Since EFL has a small diameter (26.14mm) with weak bend stiffness (0.043 KN.m2) and no
bend stiffener between EFL and ETH as well, a conventional initiation method (directly link
initiation wire to ETH ) was not working for two reasons: one is kinking pipe (allowable
MBR =1.0m) when ETH landing on seabed, and other is high tension on pipe (allowable
tension =11KN); instead a 100 kg of sandbags was proposed to install with the termination
head to avoid pipe kinking when it was launched through the splash zone, and the ETH was
upended by ROV when it was off sea bed around 10-20m, then landing on seabed softly by
hooking up with 200kg clump weight to hold the pipe for completing initiation. Figure 24
shows the ETH initiation process by Orcaflex snapshot.
Similarly, EFL 2nd end was deployed down to 20 m off seabed, then using ROV hold ETH to
finish the installation. The designed sea state was 2.0m of Hs with 1.0 knot of surface
This methodology has been later proved very efficient and successful in offshore campaign.
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Lessons Learned
The following are some highlights of lessons learned from the engineering and design to the offshore operation for this
A test fit of all equipment to be connected subsea should be done. Ensuring proper fits of equipment will save on
critical path time.
The method of deployment should be taken into consideration when talking to suppliers. High pressure hosing for
pre-commissioning should be packed for deployment, either spooled onto reels with end fittings accessible or in a
When jumper stabbing into an existing piece of equipment a heave compensated crane or winch can be beneficial in
reducing installtion duration.
During transpooling it would be advantageous to spray paint (as necessary) black products with white markings for
EFL better visibility subsea.
Layout of the mudmat and mudline should be included in the survey drawing for proper jumper leg design to
prevent from numerous attempts of jumper fit-up.
The Yale grip should be used on all projects because of its wide variety of holdback uses (i.e. flexible pipe,
umbilicals, HFLs, EFLs) based on Subsea 7 past experience on varity projects.
The Acergy Falcon has successfully installed 1169.2 ft (356.4m) of 6.625 inch OD API 5L X65 rigid pipe, 2 PLETs, 3
hydraulic flying leads, 2 electrical flying leads, 3 rigid jumpers, removing 1 rigid jumper, and disconnecting 1 electrical flying
lead, and 1 hydraulic flying lead; especially, pipeline and PLETs installation is within 1 ft of target location in 1500 ft of water
depth. The entire operation was last 28 days.
Overall offshore operations were conducted in a safe and efficient manner with an excellent interface and a lean decision
making process. No significant personnel injuries were sustained and no damage to Acergy or Client equipment was
Authors wish to thank Subsea 7 pipeline lead, Graham Mackay, for his leadership and contribution in preparing pipeline
installation procedures and executing offshore operation. Many thanks go to Sanjay Parikh, Selva Subramanian, Brain Elliott
and Edgar Uribe for their diligent work in PLET design and pipeline installation analysis. Thanks also go to all team members
for their great efforts to make this project success. Special thanks extended to project manager, Tom Borresen for his
leadership and management in this fast track project. Additional thanks to Hess project responsible Tor Gavem and his team
for providing a strong one team atmosphere. It is also acknowledged the generous support from Subsea 7 management and
Hess managements to publish this paper.
Nevertheless, this paper reflects the opinion of its authors and do not imply endorsement by companies to which
acknowledgments are made.
OTC 21209
(a) pipeline is welding; (b) Pipe pull-though; (c) PLETs on PHF; (d) SHP is launched; (e)SHP near seabed; (f) DHP is connection with
pipe on PHF;(g)DHP is launched; (h) DHP is landing with wings down; (i) Cameron shroud on DHP jumper; (j) HFL 1 end through
radius controller; (k)Cobra head engaging in structure
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