Strain-Based Pipeline Design Criteria Review
Strain-Based Pipeline Design Criteria Review
Strain-Based Pipeline Design Criteria Review
ASME 1998
The revised ovality criteria could take the form strain is assumed to be zero. It is recommended that
o f a limit state equation governing the response o f the the baseline for plastic strain accumulation be
pipe to various load scenarios. An alternative identified as the condition o f the pipe prior to
approach would be to formulate a limit state in terms installation. This assumption makes the material
o f flexural strain by assuming a yield strain o f 0.5% properties used in the design approach consistent with
and an initial out o f roundness consistent with pipe the pipe mechanical properties which are measured
fabrication tolerances. The resulting permanent immediately prior to installation.
ovality limit state would be expressed in terms o f the Pipeline standards which allow post yield design,
applied flexural strain and pipe geometry. The should require the pipe material properties (Y/T,
formulations presented by M unay e t al. or BS8010 elongation and toughness) after plastic deformation to
would be a suitable basis for the development o f this remain in compliance with minimum specified levels
new ovality criteria. and not promote failure. The ability o f pipe materials
If an ovality limit state formulation is to meet this requirement should be investigated.
undesirable, the current workmanship criteria should
be reviewed to consider pipe geometry.
In the design o f pipeline systems a variety o f
Rupture buckling modes (e.g., column (Euler) buckling, local
The CSA Z662 Section 11 strain-based design buckling, wrinkling, etc.) should be considered,
rupture criteria, allows a similar amount o f strain as depending on the pipe loading and initial geometry.
other design approaches formulated in a similar Many buckling failure criteria are available to ensure
fashion (i.e. effective or principal stress criteria). If these modes o f failure do not manifest themselves.
the limit states appendix is to adopt this limit on Individual limit state equations will consider some or
principal strain, the current wording o f the strain- all o f the following effects, depending on the
based rupture criteria should be revised. application for which they were developed:
Consideration should be given to the alternative • axial deformations and or loads,
design approach which limits the hoop stress or strain • initial pipe deformations (e.g. ovality),
to the yield level but allows 2 to 2.5% total strain in • flexural deformations and or loads,
the longitudinal direction. The application o f a • pipe longitudinal curvature,
design criteria such as this might be limited to • internal pressure,
installation and to infrequent load or deformation • external pipe pressure, and
events. • material properties (e.g. SMYS, work hardened
In addition, care should be taken to identify the properties).
point in a pipe’s life-cycle at which the reference
It would be desirable to have a variety o f [3] “Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems”, 1982
buckling limit state equations available to incorporate edition (to appear), Det Norske Veritas (DNV),
varying levels o f detail and conservatism in the Hovik, Norway.
design process. Since it may not be realistic to expect [4] “Code o f Practice for Pipelines”, BS8010: 1993,
a design standard to include a selection o f criteria for British Standards Institute, London, England.
an individual limit state, the designer should be [5] “Rules for Classification and Construction
required to consider all forms o f buckling and be Offshore Technology, Code III/4 - Subsea
referred to sources o f information on a variety o f Pipelines and Risers”, 1995 edition,
buckling criteria. Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg, Germany.
The offshore pipeline design requirements should [6] “Pipeline Design Standard - AS 2885 - 1987”,
be merged with the onshore limit states pipeline Standards Association o f Australia (SAA).
design requirements to ensure a consistent design [7] “Offshore Pipeline Design Standard - AS 1958 -