Romania's Urban Architectural Heritage: Between Neglect and Revitalization
Romania's Urban Architectural Heritage: Between Neglect and Revitalization
Romania's Urban Architectural Heritage: Between Neglect and Revitalization
The paper tries to offer a perspective of the processes that had happened during the
90s in Romania, in respect to the preservation of the city centres historic properties.
The changes that happened in Romania after the 1989 Revolution were targeted
towards political democratization and economic reform. One should think that in this respect,
the cultural reform has very little to do with the major concerns of a country which faces a
difficult political and economical transition.
I would like first to demonstrate how culture, and especially the preservation of the
cultural heritage, has brought new dimensions to the emerging and developing democracy in
Secondly, I will focus on the role of the domestic committment and the international cooperation, as a vector for effective architectural heritage management and for public
involvement in active guardianship and conservation of their urban legacy.
9. Widening democracy through cultural reform
As in any other European country, the preservation of the cultural heritage lies in the
responsibility of the State. Before 1990, this meant that the communist State had
discretionary powers in listing or refusing listing immovable properties, as almost everything
was owned by the state (except churches, that were accepted to belong to the parishes,
even though the religion was a matter of political ban). Reaction to this was, as soon as early
1990, the denunciation of the communist legislation for the protection of cultural heritage
(both for movable and immovable items). The responsibility for the protection of historic
monuments was delegated by the state to the National Commission for Historic Monuments
and Sites, a board of specialists which was empowered to set regulations, to list, to conserve
and to monitor the historic monuments. The National Commission for Historic Monuments
and Sites, although being budgetary coordinated by the Ministry of Culture, retained its
independence as a professional body until mid 1994, when it was engulfed in the Ministrys
departments. Since 1994, scientific issues (proposals for listing included) are the
responsibility of the National Commission for Historic Monuments, a commission of 31
experts in the field of historic preservation, while regulation, conservation work, inspection
and monitoring of historic monuments, are the administrative task of the Ministry of Culture.
In respect to the characteristics of the administrative framework of preservation, one can
outline 4 recent periods: until 1990, 1990-1994 1994-1996 and since 1996. I will call them:
the totalitarian period, the romantic period, the neo-centralised administrative period, and the
de-centralisation period. Every one of these periods has its own characteristics in respect to
the public involvement in historic properties conservation and management.
The totalitarian period (until 1990) was characterised by: highly political influence in
listing, conservation and management, care for historic structures somehow limited at major
architectural achievements, absent public support, and, since 1977, by quasi-absent
scientific involvement (as after 1977 central political institutions monopolised the decision in
the field). The results were some 5,000 listed buildings and just several Transylvanian
medieval intra-muros historic districts designated as conservation areas. The discretionary
attitude of the state towards the protection of the historic monuments was revealed by the
1977-1989 demolitions of churches and historic quarters, to make room for the new socialist
development. Social concern was not an issue in listing and preservation, so neither the
public's nor the specialists protests against historic monuments demolition were taken into
The romantic period (1990-1994) is to be assessed through the evaluation of the social
and political context of the period. As soon as fall 1992, the list of historic monuments grew
to 22,000 items, comprising historic buildings, archaeological sites, sculptures, architectural
reserves (roughly correspondent to the English conservation areas) as well as the sites of
the recently demolished monuments (Table 1). This dramatic increase is due to a sort of
socio-psychological reaction to the disaster the cultural heritage had faced only few years
earlier. Romanian architects, historians, planners or art historians, employees of local
architecture offices or museums, academics in the field, they all contributed to the listing
process, together with important specialist support from abroad, especially from France,
Germany and Hungary. The so recently acquired freedom seemed to the newly re-instated
National Commission for Historic Monuments and Sites as an universal panacea to
everything related to historic monuments preservation. The ownership status of the new
listed monuments was still public (between 1990 and 1994, excepting agricultural land and a
few small industrial facilities, no major privatization affected the real estate). In this process,
the influence of listing upon the public budgets was not assessed nor was public support for
conservation considered a criteria for listing. The largest amount of the new entries in the list
comprised XIXth century civil architecture, meaning mostly dwellings.
The neo-centralised administrative period (1994-1996) had two characteristics: a
centralisation of the decisions related to historic monuments (a shift from the professional
commission to the administrative body of the Ministry of Culture) and a scarcity of the
financial means allocated in respect of the actual conservation needs. Related to listing this
period was confronted with no significant new entries but to several hundreds of requests for
de-listing. This was due to the fact that the Parliament issued the law entitling the tenants of
the nationalized dwellings to apply for buying their flats, except for those inhabiting historic
monuments. In this respect, de-listing the building was a pre-requisite for the tenants
becoming owners of their flats. Political pressures were directed towards the National
Commission for Historic Monuments, local politicians being the bearers of the tenants
applications for de-listing. Some 400 applications were accepted, in many cases the
specialists having to admit that the buildings had been over-estimated during their appraisal
for listing.
In the field of urban planning, a large number of planning applications, together with the
legal provisions demanding every local authority to ellaborate structure and development
plans lead to the need to establish the limits and the contents of the protected and protection
areas. This made the research of such issues a priority [photo 1]. The conservation
perimeters established through structure plans forced both planners and local authorities to
bear attention to the heritage and its protection [photo 2]. One should admit that for the
majority of the local authorities, outlining the historic centre or the protected areas is
especially important for their freedom of decision outside the limits of such areas [photo 3].
In a very peculiar way, this phenomenon somehow displays for the first time a sense of
social-responsiveness of the specialists decision in listing and preservation processes. The
specialist had to confront with the local authorities, with local pressure groups and a
comprehensive study of the local architectural heritage was sometimes his sole partner
[photo 4]. Even though the interest for a wide scale preservation of old buildings is legitimate
for the architectural historian, the conservationsists learned for the first time that the public
support for what is called the public interest in historic monuments conservation is essential
for a sustainable process.
In this respect, the present-day period (the de-centralisation period, 1996-,) tries to rebuild the relationship between central administration and local governments, between
specialists and public, taking in account the legitimate interests of local councils for
sustainable development and the citizens fundamental right to private ownership. Therefore
new laws or amendments related to local administration, planning and cultural heritage
preservation were proposed to or already issued by the Parliament. The project of the law for
the preservation of historic monuments was approved and issued as a Government
Ordinance . A new law concerning the local administration was approved recently by the
Parliament, as well as a new law concerning the restitution of the nationalized properties. All
these three acts allow a much wider participation of the public in the processes related to
historic preservation, planning and decision making, allowing a larger access to ownership of
historic proprieties.
10. The Typology of the Historic Centers of Romania 2
The main features of the historic centers built heritage are related to their economical,
political, cultural or social background, to their different birth or historic evolution, or to the
specific traditions of urban or land management. The cultural stamp of the Hungarian and
Austrian domination in Transylvania, compared to the Balcanic cultural roots for the other 2
historic regions (Vallachia and Moldavia) leads to a regional specificity for the historic centers
of Vallachia (southern part of Romania), Moldavia (North-Eastern part of Romania) or
Transylvania (North-Western part of Romania).
Vallachian and Moldavian historic centers are the built remnants of settlements of
special political or commercial status. Being either a princely residence (Bucharest - [photo
5], Targoviste, Campulung, Radauti, Siret, Suceava, Iasi), bishop or metropolitan chairs
(Ramnicu Valcea, Buzau) or merely market towns (Craiova, Botosani or Pitesti) they
developed into urban settlements from fabrics profoundly market by the balcanic specific. In
such cases, excepting the parish churches or the very rare cases in which some areas of
housing with gardens and courtyards are still to be seen, the historic centers are outlined by
the remaining archaeological remains of XVI-XVIII cellars or by the historic urban fabric and
buildings of mid XIXth century. Fortifications are rarely the limits of these historic quarters as
in Vallachia fortifications were banned by the Ottoman Empire (Targoviste is the sole case of
walled city in Vallachia, Suceava - [photo 6], or Piatra Neamt in Moldavia - still display their
citadels). In this cases, the private ownership of historic buildings is composed largely of
XIXth century one family merchant houses.
The historic nuclei of the majority of Transylvanian towns, either developed from roman
settlements (Cluj Napoca, Orastie, Alba Iulia) or of medieval origin (Brasov, Sibiu, Bistrita,
Timisoara, Oradea), still display something of their walled city specific. In respect to the
present day outlining of their historic city centers, the concern is, contrarily to the situation of
the extra-carpathic towns, not to restrain their historic conservation area and the emphasis
for preservation to the ancient limits of their fortifications, as various valuable developments
had happened in those cases (industrial faubourgs were added to the medieval or XVIIth
century city, etc.). Nevertheless, outstanding architectural heritage like the citadel of Arad
[photo 7] and Alba Iulia [photo 8], the historic centre of Sibiu and Oradea , were the targets
of specific rehabilitation or revitalization programmes, more or less successful.
GO 228/2000 concerning the preservation of historic monuments, published in the Official Journal
(Monitorul Oficial) 616/30 November 2000
Quotations from the author's "Complex Operations of Rehabilitation of the Urban Architectural
Heritage", Phd thesis, University of Architecture and Urban Studies "Ion Mincu", Bucharest, 1999
Largely, the historic centres are marked by the presence of outstanding historic
buildings like cathedrals (Bistrita, Cluj-Napoca - [photo 9], Brasov, etc.), town halls (Brasov ),
citadels housing princely or bishop residences (Sighisoara, Suceava, Targoviste). In some
cases, the architectural heritage of the historic centers defines a landmark route, preserving
the historic urban fabric, inside the major urban one. In some cases a single, outstanding
monument (Brasov - the Black Church, Bistrita - the Lutheran Church) dominates the historic
Historic centers like those of Sibiu, Sighisoara, Piatra Neamt, Botosani, Alba Iulia or
Bucharest display another form of architectural heritage: the urban group of buildings,
cohesive with public areas like streets, largos or squares. In these cases, we deal with
ensembles of religious buildings (The Metropolitan ensemble of Bucharest, The Bishopry
ensemble of Oradea, etc.), administrative buildings (The Town Hall Plaza of Targu Mures), or
civil commercial and residential buildings (The 3 squares ensemble of Sibiu - [photo 10], the
Main Square of Medias, The High Street of Botosani or the Lipscani Street area of Bucharest
- [photo 11], etc).
Nevertheless, the so-called minor heritage, gathering dwellings, small commerce areas
or workshops, form the bulk of the architectural heritage of the historic centres of Romania.
As, excepting churches, the central or local authorities are often the owner or the
administrator of the major monuments, the minor heritage of the city centres is somehow the
neglected component of the built heritage. This is not due to its rather minor cultural
importance, but to the fact that its ownership status is scattered between many private
owners, very often with little economic potential. Until now the state didnt pay much interest
to the support of restoration or renovation work for such patrimony, even though it forms a
large part of the urban landscape.
The social-economical relevance of the minor architectural heritage lies in its capacity of
housing a large number of the historic quarter inhabitants. This peculiar heritage establishes
the main features of the social life of the historic centre. What should be perhaps added to
this is the fact that, wherever socialist development trauma didn't happen on large scale, the
urban historic areas retained their urban pattern, as one of their valuables of either regional
or national interest.
The new law on Historic Monuments Preservation emphasizes upon the link between
monuments and owners or local communities much more than the former regulations did.
This is materialized in defining more precisely the relevance (national and local) of the listed
buildings1, in improving the responsibility of local administration in listing and preservation.
Owners and the public as well are entitled to participate in the listing process, as they can
make proposals for listing, proposals that have to be taken into account by the county
services of the Ministry of Culture2. On the other hand, the owner of a building proposed to
be listed or rejected for listing is entitled to appeal against the decision3. Provisions entitling
the owner to receive scientific, technical, material and financial support for the conservation
and restoration of his monument, bring the public deeper and more effectively into the
process of both listing and preserving historic monuments. This involvement will be
strengthened throughout the de-centralization of the procedures related to listing and historic
preservation, so that owners and public will be able to get information and support from the
local services of the Ministry of Culture and, as well, from the special departments instated in
the local councils. The central authorities in historic preservation (The Ministry of Culture and
the National Commission for Historic Monuments) will retain their role in approving the listing
according to the documents and proposals made by the local services, delegating the
GO 228/2000, Section 15
From the social and economic point of view, romanian historic districts are facing
several phenomenon and are bearing the following characteristics:
1. The Social Dimension of Historic Centres
The main demographical features of the historic centers of Romania are:
The inhabitants of the historic districts are rarely the former owners or the native
population of these areas.
Due to these characteristics, the effects upon the built cultural heritage are:
An alienate relationship between the inhabitants and their amenities causing a lack
of maintenance and local government commitment to the preservation and
enhancement of the architectural heritage.
2. The Economic Life of the Historic Centers
The relevant economic context of the historic centers lies in the trends of the economic
activities, in the trends of the employment and in the evolution of economical mechanisms.
Now days these trends are:
a) Trends of the economic activities :
b) Trends in employment :
The system of listing process and responsibilities, as well as the system of inspection, monitoring
and granting support is presented in the Schemes 1 and 2.
The GNP decreased constantly between 1990 and 1999, to a limit of some 60% of the 1989 value.
The privatization of the building industry and the withdrawal of the public
authorities from the real estate market.
a large gap between the quality of the commodity and the claimed selling price,
a lack of coherence of the public authorities in their actions on the real estate
(social housing) market,
A certain part of the building stock is exempted from the real estate market
(dwellings nationalized being listed as historic monuments);
An exaggerate selling price for buildings which have been several times acquired
and re-sold;
Certain buildings are bought at the price of the development land underneath,
than let to decay for demolishing permit.
This leads to the following effects upon the protection of ancient building in historic
districts and the historic environment of the historic centers:
Having few buildings (for social housing or retail) in their administration, the local
authorities cant compete the speculative trend of the market,
In lack of public funding, the local authorities cant cope with the need for
maintenance or refurbishment or renovation work it has to carry for their own
Some of the buildings of architectural merit of the historic centers are left in
decay for demolition and redevelopment purposes,
An important stock of dwellings are housing poor tenants who can not afford
restoration work or are not interested to maintain properly their tenancies.
Nnational figures display an average of 10%, but there are regions were the unemployment reaches
35% and towns were the majority of the population lives on welfare.
Several negative trends in the economic field are superposing in historic centers,
leading to a maximization of their nuisances (economic recession, important
unemployment rate, speculative pressure).
The case studies presented below are to be considered and evaluated in the context of
that background.
Just recently, for example, new small bed and breakfast facilities were developing in several historic
city centers, especially along European routes.
The colloquy's full title: Sibiu/Hermannstadt, European Confluences. Sibiu / Romania, May 1998,
under the aegis of UNESCO & the Council of Europe.
elaborating the technical specifications for the erection of some 200 social
Restoration of one of the XVIIIth century landmarks of the city and its transformation
as a cultural centre (Luxemburg contribution [photo 14]),
Elaborating a study of the city's and region's potential for sustainable development
(Flemish contribution ) , and
The urban rehabilitation programme lead and financed by the German Development
Agency (GTZ) .
GO 5/1999
A video tape with the documentary "Sibiu/Hermannstadt", Director Dumitru BUDRALA, was
produced by the MoC and performed on national and international TV networks, and displayed at
international events.
The launching in Sibiu of the Campaign of the Council of Europe "Europe, a Common Heritage" (12
September 1999) was a formal recognition of the succesf of the campaign to introduce Sibiu as a
European heritage project.
Council of Europe Institut of Coultural Routes, Luxemburg, with the support of dr. Hermann FABINI,
arch, Sibiu
Both projects supported heavily by the Service des Sites et Monuments Nationaux, Georges
CALTEUX, Director
Sibiu/Hermannstadt - Romania, Towards a Sustainable Rehabilitation and Development Plan for The
Historic City, study report, Groep Planning, Bruges, January 2001
GTZ Project 95.4808.2.-026.00, co-ordinated by Arch. Steffen Mildner, Leipzig, FRG
Gathering all relevant data upon actors and their involvement in activities targeting
the rehabilitation of the Sibiu historic city centre , and
- Church
Partially renovated
- Private owners
Fully renovated
- Others
Partially renovated
Partially renovated
Town Hall
Partially renovated
Fully renovated
Density (persons/room)
1 person dwelling
2 persons/dwelling
Partially renovated
3 persons/dwelling
Fully renovated
4 persons/dwelling
5 persons/dwelling
Private owners
Partially renovated
Size of dwellings
As from the Report on the GTZ Mission for the preparation of the orientation phase, July 1999
As December 1999
Fully renovated
Up to 30 sq.
30 60 sq.
60 90 sq.
Partially renovated
Fully renovated
Gr. B- 44%
Gr. A- 43%
Gr. C- 13%
Partially renovated
Gr. A- 51%
Gr. B- 38%
Gr. C- 10%
Gr. A- 64%
Gr. B- 31%
Gr. C- 5%
Number of persons/dwelling
1 person
Livingroom / bedroom
446 units
2 persons
Kitchen / bedroom
52 units
3 persons
Other / bedroom
15 units
4 persons
5 and + persons
Roof repair
Exterior re-plastering
Bathroom renovation
Repairwork initiated by
The owner
The owner-occupier
The tenant
Done by himself
Commissioned to a firm
Roof repair
Security systems
Larger dwelling
Sound construction
Bathroom renovation
Cheaper housing
Garden renovation
Neighborhood associations
In the countryside
Other places
Unsatisfactory sanitation
The conclusions of the orientation phase were contained in a Charter for the
Rehabilitation of the Historic Center, a document drawn together with the local experts, the
representatives of local and central authorities, and submitted to the approval of the
Committee Sibiu 2000, a co-ordination board established by the GO 5/1999. The Charter
was also meant to be a guideline for further planning and building approvals, until the new
building regulation for the city centre will be enforced. The newly elected Mayor (June 2000)
endorsed the principles of the Charter and promised his support for implementing it.
10.4.3 The Charter for The Rehabilitation of The Historic Centre
The Charter was initiated in March 2000, as a document leading to a strategic approach
in the city's centre rehabilitation. After having considered the opinions and the expertise of
conservationists, architects and art historians, local planning and local heritage protection
authorities, local representatives of trades, businesses and development agency, elaborated
in close co-operation with the Flemish planning group "Groep Planning" and with the support
of the Romanian Ministry of Culture, the Charter was the subject of a workshop (3rd and 4th of
April 2000) that gathered also the important local stakeholders, as the representatives of the
Evangelic Church, one of the important landowners in the city. It was also a subject of media
debate. The principles of the Charter were presented at an international colloquy on historic
preservation in Transilvania on the 27th of April 2000, in the presence of HRH The Prince of
Wales. Most of all, the Charter established a platform of consensus between the candidates
at the mayorship of the city in the local elections of June 2000.
Following the conclusions of the 1998 Sibiu International Colloquy, the Charter asses
that the ultimate purpose of the rehabilitation is to preserve the liveability of the heritage and
to convert it into a base for sustainable development.
Several basic principles were set up for the rehabilitation programme, structured as
1. Conservation of the townscape through:
Build an advisory and support system for a careful, gradual and cost saving
approach in rehabilitating the dwellings
Stimulate vertical mix of functions around public spaces and commercial streets
The follow-up consisted in establishing a sequence of steps and mechanisms the private
owner has to follow in order to get advice and planning approval from the City Hall (who
organized a specific planning department to deal with the issues of the historic centre) and
financial and technical support from the GTZ program.
10.4.4 The Consultation and Grant for Restoration Programme
The implementation phase consists firstly in developing local professional and
administrative capacities, initiating and managing rehabilitation actions in the city centre, as
well as maintaining momentum for such initiatives. This was thought to be obtained
throughout medium size interventions in partnership with the local and central authorities
(infrastructure repair, tourism development, demonstrative projects at major landmarks of the
City [photo 15]).
Also, it comprised a system of consultation and grant for restoration programme:
Both owners and tenants are eligibile for receving such grants, their amount being up to
50% of the total cost but no more than 500 Million Lei (18,000 USD).
In 2001, 10 demonstrative projects of dwelling rehabilitation will be financed, as well as
25 conservation work at historic gateways or porches. Up to now, owners and tenants came
to seek advice and financial support, and a programme of short up-grading courses in
building conservation techniques is underway.
10.4.5 A political failure: The revitalization of Bucharest's City historic centre
The Lipscania is the area were formerly the city of Bucharest was founded. It gatherers
on a 1,25 sqkm area the archaeological remnants of neolithical and bronze settlements
underneath a historic built up area which was mainly erected mid and late XIXth century,
after the great fire of 1849 [photo 16]. Among merchant houses, retail premises, small pubs
and restaurants and bank headoffices, three churches from mid XVIth up to early XVIIIth
century and the remains of the Princely Court [photo 17] mark the place were Bucharest
became the capital of vallachia and next the modern Romania.
The population of the area counts for 4,500 people (1,445 families) living in 1,380
apartments [photo 18].
The area still retains its commercial traditional status , togather with a new financial
district feature, both stimulated by the central position in the city [photo 19].
Initiatives in revitalization
Even though several restoration work were carried out during the 70s, the area was
doomed by the socialist regime. Not suprinsingly, immediately after 1990, several appeals for
the rehabilitation of the area were made by architects, conservationists, historians and
A mission of technical assistance was assigned by the British know-how fund in 1993,
seizing the potential for revitalization and suggesting some immediate and medium term
measures to be taken.
In 1995, a foundation was established by the local banks, togather with the National
Bank and the municipality, in order to raise funds and implement conservation and
revitalization measures. A comprehensive study about the characteristics and the potential of
Some 2,000 people earn their lives in the area, besides the financial institutions.
A study performed in 1996 showed that the City Council administrated then built up areas in
Lipscania as follows:
1232 mp
16.825 mp
41.622 mp
13.616 mp
3.350 mp
47.181 mp
268.318 mp
GO 129/1998
the site was carried out and handed-out to the City Hall. In the same period, a study for the
local development plan and a study for the traffic improvemenrt were started.
In early 1996, a mission of the City Council performed a study tour in Great Britain, in
order to find out the practical means and the results of inner city revitalization programmes,
targeted to the issues displayed by the Lipscania.
In the same period, a PHARE Application was drafted for the establiushment of a local
Regeneration Agency.
The local conflicts of interest inside the City Council, the local election campaign (MayJune 1996) and next the general elections (October/November same year) made a halt in the
process of establishing and implementing a strategy of regeneration for the area. A
Governmental Ordinance issued to establish 2 agencies for the area , one for the
development of the modern city centre, the other for the conservation of the historic city
centre, never had any consequences, until January 2001 when it was aborted. Neither today,
the political disputes between the local and the central government allow at east a fresh start
for the regeneration of the area [photo 20].
Table 2, chart 1
Annex 1
1. Urban historic center conservation areas in Romania
1. Alba Iulia
28. Deva
2. Abrud
56. Rasnov
3. Aiud
30. Fagaras
57. Reghin
4. Anina
31. Falticeni
58. Resita
5. Arad
32. Fieni
59. Roman
6. Bistrita
33. Gherla
60. Rupea
7. Blaj
34. Giurgiu
61. Sacele
8. Botosani
35. Harsova
9. Brad
36. Hateg
63. Sebes
10. Braila
37. Husi
11. Brasov
38. Iasi
65. Sibiu
12. Bucuresti
39. Ineu
66. Sighisoara
13. Busteni
40. Lipova
67. Sinaia
14. Buzau
41. Medgidia
68. Slatina
15. Buzias
42. Medias
69. Suceava
43. Nadlac
70. Sulina
17. Caracal
71. Targoviste
18. Caransebes
45. Oradea
19. Cernavoda
46. Orastie
20. Cisnadie
47. Oravita
21. Cluj-Napoca
48. Pancota
22. Codlea
49. Pecica
76. Timisoara
23. Colibasi
77. Tulcea
24. Comarnic
51. Pitesti
78. Turda
25. Constanta
52. Ploiesti
79. Vaslui
26. Craiova
53. Pucioasa
54. Radauti
81. Zarnesti
Annex 2
List of laws, ordinances or by-laws having relevance with the preservation of the urban
architectural heritage (1990-1999)
Title and date of enforcement
Decree 187/1990
Acceptance of the Convention on the
Preservation of the Cultural and Natural
Heritage, adopted by the UNESCO
Law 50/1991
Concerning Building Permits and Housing
Law 18/1991
Agricultural Land
Law 69/1991
Local Public Authorities
Government Ordinance GO 27/1992
Concerning Provisional Regulations in
Respect to the Preservation of the Cultural
Heritage (Approved through Law 11/1994)
Law 33/1994
Compulsory Purchase
Government Ordinance GO 68/1994
Concerning the Preservation of the Cultural
Heritage (Approved through Law 41/1995)
Law 27/1994
Local Taxes
Law 112/1995
Concerning the Legal Status of
Nationalized Dwellings
Government Ordinance GO 24/1997
Regarding supplementary provisions for the
protection of the cultural heritage (modifying
L41/1995), approved by Law 56/1998
Law for the ratification of the Council of
Europe Convention (revised) on the
protection of Archaeological Heritage (La
Valetta) L 150/1997
Law L 157/1997 for the ratification of the
Council of Europe Convention for the
Protection of the Architectural Heritage of
Europe (Granada Convention)
Governmental Ordinance 43/2000
concerning the preservation of
archaeological heritage and issueing
archaeological priority research areas
Regulation of
Participation of Romania at the UNESCO World
Heritage Convention
Authorization of constructions, including work at
historic monuments and approval of work in
conservation or protection areas
Public ownership of the land underneath historic
General duties of local authorities in respect of
the preservation of the natural and cultural
Establishing the regulations concerning the
outlining of the protection zones of the historic
monuments and issuing the compulsory
planning approval for developments in protection
Allows the State or the Counties to consider
compulsory purchase for the protection of built
cultural heritage
Issuing Architectural and Urban Reservations as
complex historic areas; establishing the tasks of
the National Commission on Historic
Monuments (NCHM) and of the Ministry of
Culture (MoC)
Exempts the owners of historic monuments from
taxes on buildings and land underneath,
providing that the historic monument is not used
for commercial purposes.
Exempts the nationalized dwellings - historic
monuments from being acquired by their tenants
Defining operations of enhancement of the built
cultural heritage, co-financing of restoration work
and announcing the possibility to finance works
of conservation at privately owned historic
Implementing the European standards of
protection of the archaeological heritage into
Romanian legislation.
Implementing the European standards of
protection of the architectural heritage into
Romanian legislation.
Set-up a comprehensive system of preservation
for the archaeological heritage from areas of
archaeological potential and from the urban
development areas, establishing the tasks of the
relevant scientifical and administrative bodies
involved, complying with the provisions of the
CoE Convention of La Valetta (1992)
Listed buildings
Art monuments
Urban settlements
Towns with protected areas of natl.
Antique settlements
Antique fortifications
Industrial heritage
Churches, monasteries
Civil architecture
Castles, palaces
Fortified churches
Princely courts
Local auth.
MoC County
for Cultural
for Historic
Official Gazette
Works approval:
Works approval:
Financial support:
Financial support: