04 Matrix Modifiers For Graphite Furnace Analysis

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Feb 2002


This article is a guide regarding the use of MM in GFA. Although it is derived from
several sources, it is not comprehensive and final. As could be seen, more than one type of MM
can be used for each element. End-users are encouraged to try out the various types of MM, the
appropriate MM concentration as well as the furnace temperature program to suit the various
sample matrixes.



Aluminium (Al)
*City H2O
10 ppm Mg(NO3)2 or 10 ppm NH4Cl;
sample : modifier = 1:1

Serum and blood

Dilute Triton X-100

Effective with alloying.

Antimony (Sb)
Cu best, Ni, Pt also effective
*City H2O
10 ppm Pd using Pd(NO3)2 or
10 ppm Ni using Ni(NO3)2;
sample : modifier = 1:1
Electrolytic copper ore
200 ppb La from La(NO3)3

50-1000 ppm Ni(NO3)2


Permits a higher ashing temperature,

stabilises and enhances the signal.

100 ppm Pd(NO3)2 with 2.5% ascorbic


500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances the analyte signal.

Use secondary wavelength or Zeeman

background correction if interference is
expected from high Pb concentration which
may cause a measurable spectral interference
at 217.6 nm.

Arsenic (As)
Pd best, Mo, Zr, Ba also good

Mg(NO3)2, Ni(NO3)2

Coexistence with Ni is effective.

Production of As2O6 seems to be effective.

Increase ashing temperature.



Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore



Arsenic (As) (cont)

*City H2O
10 ppm Pd using Pd(NO3)2 or
10 ppm Ni using Ni(NO3)2;
sample : modifier = 1:1
Electrolytic copper ore
200 ppb La from La (NO3)3
10 ppm Ni from Ni(NO3)2
100-2000 ppm Pd or 10 l of 500 ppm
Pd or 100-2000 ppm Pt or 50 ppm Ni or
500-2000 ppm Pd solution + reducing
agent such as ascorbic acid

Nickel nitrate

Formation of nickel arsenide which is stable

up to 900oC so that higher ashing temperature
can be used.

Permits higher ashing temperature and

enhances signal.

Samples may be subjected to losses of As

during sample preparation as elemental As and
many of its compounds are volatile. Process
spiked samples and relevant standard
reference materials to determine if the chosen
dissolution method is appropriate.

Employ with caution the selection

temperatures and times of drying and ashing

To minimise volatilisation losses during

drying and ashing.

Employ simultaneous background correction

to avoid erroneously high results due to severe
non-specific absorption and light scattering
caused by matrix components during
As analysis is particularly
susceptible to these problems because of its
low analytical wavelength (193.7 nm).

Use Zeeman background correction or any

appropriate background correction technique
to overcome severe positive interference
caused by Al, especially when using D2 arc
background correction.

Clean tube by operating the furnace at full

power at regular intervals to remove memory
effect caused by analyte that is not completely
volatilised and removed from furnace during


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Barium (Ba)

Effective with alloying.

Formation of less volatile barium carbide can

cause losses of sensitivity and memory effects.

Optimise furnace parameters to minimise

severe physical and chemical interferences
caused by long residence time and high
concentration of the analyte in optical path of
graphite furnace.

Do not use N2 as purge gas because of

possible chemical interference.

Do not use halide acids.

Beryllium (Be)

Effective with alloying.

Optimise furnace parameters to minimise

severe physical and chemical interferences
caused by long residence time and high
concentration of the atomised sample in
optical path of graphite furnace.

Require simultaneous background correction

to avoid erroneously high results due to severe
non-specific absorption and light scattering
caused by matrix components during

Bismuth (Bi)
Electrolytic copper ore
200 ppb La from La (NO3)3

1000 ppm Ni or 1000 ppm Pd

Boron (B)

500 ppm Ca

100 ppm Ba(OH)2 or 100 or

1000 ppm La(NO3)3/LaCl3

MIBK extract.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances signal.

May enhance sensitivity.

Enhances signal.

Cadmium (Cd)
Blood, serum, urine
Pd(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 ;
(NH4)2HPO4 + HNO3
Mg(NO3)2 ;
(NH4)H2PO4 + HNO3 or Mg(NO3)2

1% (NH4)2HPO4

ppb level
Effective with alloying.
Addition of F, SO42-, PO43- effective.

Ashing temperature can be increased. (PTO)


Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore



Cadmium (Cd) (cont)

*City H2O
10 ppm Pd using Pd(NO3)2 or
10 ppm NH4NO3;
sample : modifier = 1:1
*Environmental H2O; Wastewater
Vegetables, fruits, grains, beans,
potatoes, meat, fish, fats, oils, dairy
products, spirits, alcoholic beverages,
processed food
*10 ppm Pd using Pd(NO3)2;
sample : modifier = 1:1

1% (w/v) (NH4)2HPO4 or
1% (w/v) (NH4)SO4 or
0.1% (w/v) (NH4)MoO4.4H2O or
1% (v/v) H2SO4 or H3PO4 can be
substituted for ammonium salt solutions.

Excess NaCl
2% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

By the addition of phosphate ions, ashing

temperature can be increased due to the
formation of cadmium phosphate which is
stable up to 650-800oC.

To aid in low temperature removal of NaCl

through formation of NH4Cl and NaNO3
(reduction in non-atomic absorption).

2% (NH4)H2PO4 or 2% NH4 oxalate

3% H3PO4 or 1-2% (NH4)H2PO4 ;
40 l modifier added to 20 l sample.

Plant tissue
2% H3PO4 or 2% (NH4)H2PO4 ;
40 l modifier added to 20 l sample.

Whole Blood
2% (NH4)2H2PO4

Infant formula, skim milk powder;

Streams, Effluents
0.5% (w/v) (NH4)H2PO4

1000 ppm H3PO4 or

1000 or 5000 ppm (NH4)H2PO4

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Conversion to less volatile phosphate so that

higher atomisation temperature can be used
and ensures a smooth peak.

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Require simultaneous background correction

to avoid erroneously high results due to severe
non-specific absorption and light scattering
caused by matrix components during

Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore

Cadmium (Cd) (cont)






To minimise loss due to excess chloride

which may cause premature volatilisation of

Use Cd-free pipette tips.

Cesium (Cs)

0.2% (v/v) H2SO4

Chromium (Cr)
*City H2O; Environmental H2O;
10 ppm NH4Cl; sample : modifier = 1:1

1% Mg(NO3)2 or 1% HNO3

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

Serum and blood

Dilute Triton X-100

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Calcium nitrate

Cobalt (Co)

0.5% Fe(NO3)2

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Effective with alloying.

Reduces background



Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Low concentrations of Ca and/or phosphate

may cause interferences. At above 200 mg/L,
Cas effect is constant and eliminates the
effect of phosphate.

Do not use N2 as purge gas because of a

possible CN band interference.

May require background correction because

non-specific absorption and scattering can be
significant at analytical wavelength.

To prevent coexistence of halogenide.

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Verify that interference caused by excess

chloride is absent by standard additions.

Copper (Cu)
Soil with excess NaCl
40 l of 1% NH4NO3 added to 20 l of

Effective with alloying.



Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore



Copper (Cu) (cont)

Water and seawater

3000 ppm Na2O2

Substantially reduces interferences caused

by NaClO4; alkali metal halides; Al and Mg

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

Excess NaCl
2% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent e.g. ascorbic acid

To aid in low temperature removal of NaCl

through formation of NH4Cl and NaNO3
(reduction in non-atomic absorption).

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

May require background correction for nonspecific absorption and scattering which can
be significant at analytical wavelength.

Gallium (Ga)
500 ppm Pd or 5 l 100 ppm Pd or
1000 ppm Ni(NO3)2

Ni checks GaO production and avoids

inorganic matter interference.

Permits higher ashing temperature, enhances

signal and increases sensitivity.

Germanium (Ge)
500 ppm Pd or 5 l of 100 ppm Pd

Permits a higher ashing temperature,

enhances signal and improves sensitivity.

Gold (Au)

0.25% Ni(NO3)2

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as Acorbic acid

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Indium (In)
1% (w/v) ammonium fluoride, NH4F

1000 ppm Pd or 5 l of 1000 ppm Pd

Pd checks production of InO sublimation.

Higher ashing temperature can be used.

A higher ashing temperature can be used and

improves sensitivity.

Iron (Fe)

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

As Fe is a universal contaminant, great care

should be taken particularly at low levels.


Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore



Lead (Pb)
La(NO3)3 ; Pd, Pt (g level)
*City H2O
10 ppm Pd from Pd(NO3)2 or
10 ppm NH4Cl;
sample : modifier = 1:1
*Environmental H2O; Wastewater
Vegetables, fruits, grains, beans,
potatoes, meat, fish, fats, oil, dairy
products, spirits, alcoholic beverages,
processed foods
*10 ppm Pd from Pd(NO3)2;
sample: modifier = 1:1
Electrolytic copper ore
200 ppb La from La (NO3)3

10 ppm Pd from Pd(NO3)2

Excess NaCl
2% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

10% ascorbic acid

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

0.1% Triton X-100

Infant formula, skim milk powder;

Streams, Effluents
0.5% (w/v) (NH4)H2PO4

1000 or 5000 ppm H3PO4 or

5000 ppm (NH4)H2PO4

0.5-1% (v/v) EDTA or

0.5-1% (v/v) citrate or
0.5-1% (v/v) oxalate

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Phosphoric acid

Coexistence with NaCl, KCl, MgCl, etc

prevents PbCl2 sublimation.
Effective by addition of HNO3, high
sensitivity obtained by alloying.

To aid in low temperature removal of NaCl

through formation of NH4Cl and NaNO3
(reduction in non-atomic absorption).

Suppresses matrix interferences.

Dispersing agent -facilitates dispersing.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

stabilises the signal.

Stabilises Pb which atomises at a lower

temperature than does a nitrate or chloride

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Require background correction.

May be necessary if poor recoveries are


Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore



Manganese (Mn)


Effective with alloying.

Ashing temperature can be increased from

1100 to 1150oC.

*City H2O; Waste H2O

10 ppm Mg(NO3)2 or 10 ppm NH4Cl;
sample : modifier = 1:1

10% ascorbic acid

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

Serum and blood

Dilute Triton X-100

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Suppresses matrix interferences.

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Must use background correction.

Mercury (Hg)
Organic acid (succinic acid, tartaric acid)
Sulfide + HNO3
HCl + H2O2
K2Cr2O7 + Na2S
Au, Pt, Pd (g level)
Ammonium Sulfide

For diluent, use:

1) 1000 ppm Te in 1% HCl or
2) 0.1% K2Cr2O7 in 0.5% HNO3
Organo-sulfur compounds such

Excess (NH4)2S
500-2000 ppm Pd solution +
reducing agent such as ascorbic acid or
1000 ppm Pd


Volatization prevention as HgS.

For prevention of reduction in vaporisation as
To prevent volatization by amalgamation.

Volatization prevention as HgS which is

stable at 150oC to prevent loss of mercury
vapour during drying cycle.

As complexing agents to increase ashing

temperature to 500oC to minimise chemical
and bulk matrix interference.

Stabilises the signal.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances the signal.

Molybdenum (Mo)
*City H2O
10 ppm asorbic acid;
sample : modifier = 1:1

10% ascorbic acid

Suppresses matrix interferences.



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Molybdenum (Mo) (cont)


Use pyrolytically coated graphite tube as Mo

is prone to carbide formation.

May require cleaning of furnace after

analysis of more concentrated samples or
standards as memory effects are possible.

Nickel (Ni)
*City H2O
10 ppm Mg(NO3)2 or 10 ppm NH4Cl;
sample : modifier = 1:1

1% Mg(NO3)2 or 1% HNO3

2-10% NH4NO3 or 2% NH4 oxalate

500-2000 ppm Pd solution +

reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Reduces background



Permits a higher ashing temperature.

recommended as Ni can suffer from severe
non-specific absorption and scattering caused
by matrix components during atomisation.

The use of separate graphite furnace tubes

and contact rings from those used in analysis
of As and Se where nickel nitrate MM is used
is strongly recommended to minimise severe
memory effects.

Phosphorus (P)

La(NO3)3 e.g. $0.1% La from La(NO3)3


0.2% from nitrate

200 ppm Ni from Ni(NO3)2 or

2000 ppm Ni from Ni(NO3)2

5 l of 1000 ppm La

Sensitivity improves 6 times.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

improves precision.
Higher ashing temperature can be used.

Improves precision.

Selenium (Se)
Al, Cu, Ni, Pd, Pt

Cu, Mo and Ni
*City H2O
10 ppm Pd; sample : modifier = 1:1
10 ppm from Ni(NO3)2

Coexistence with Ni is effective (NiSe

Pd particularly good, PdSe produced.

Ashing temperature can be increased from

1000 -1100oC.

Formation of nickel selenide which is stable

up to 900 or 1000oC.


Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore




Selenium (Se) (cont)

Whole blood
Dilute blood 5 times in diluting agent
consisting of:
0.5% Triton X-100
+ 0.125% Dow Corning Antifoam B
+ 0.25% ascorbic acid.
Add 0.05% Pd as MM.

1% Ni(NO3)2 or 10 l of 500 ppm Pd

Nickel nitrate

1% Ni from nickel nitrate

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances the signal.

Samples may be subjected to losses of Se

during sample preparation as elemental Se and
many of its compounds are volatile. Process
spiked samples and relevant standard
reference materials to determine if the chosen
dissolution method is appropriate.

Employ with caution the selection of

temperatures and times for drying and ashing

To minimise volatilisation losses during

drying and ashing.

correction to avoid erroneously high results
due to severe non-specific absorption and light
scattering caused by matrix components
during atomisation because of its low
analytical wavelength (196.0 nm).

Zeeman background correction is useful

when high Fe levels can give overcorrections
with D2 background.

Clean tube by operating furnace at full power

at regular intervals to remove memory effect
caused by analyte that is not completely
volatilised and removed from furnace during

To lessen interferences caused by chlorides

(> 800 mg/L) and sulfate (> 200 mg/L).

Silicon (Si)
2 ppm Ba and 100 ppm La, both from
chloride salts

Effective with alloying.

Minimise silicon carbide formation and
ashing temperature can be increased to


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Silver (Ag)

1% (NH4)H2PO4

500-2000 ppm Pd +
reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Employ simultaneous background correction

to avoid erroneously high results due to severe
non-specific absorption and light scattering
caused by matrix components during

Should clean tube by operating furnace at

higher atomisation temperature to remove
memory effect caused by analyte that is not
completely volatilised and removed from
furnace during atomisation.

Store Ag standards in brown bottles as they

are light sensitive and have the tendency to
plate out on container walls.

Avoid HCl as silver chloride is insoluble

unless the Ag is already in solution as a
chloride complex.

Tellurium (Te)

10 ppm Ni from Ni(NO3)2

0.1% or 1% Ni(NO3)2
5 l 1000 ppm Pd

To maximize ashing temperature.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and
enhances the signal.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances the signal.

Terbium (Tb)

0.02 mg Ni from Ni(NO3)2

Thallium (Tl)
Pd + HClO4

1% H2SO4

500-2000 ppm Pd +
reducing agent such as ascorbic acid

Coexistence with ascorbic acid is effective, Pd

checks TlCl production.

Stabilises the signal.

Permits a higher ashing temperature.

Require background correction.

HCl or excessive chloride will cause
volatilisation of Tl at low temperature. Verify
that losses are not occurring by spiking
samples or using standard additions method.

A suitable MM.



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Tin (Sn)
Mg(NO3)2, (NH4)2HPO4
NH4NO3, (NH4)2C2O4
Spirits, alcoholic beverage, processed
10 ppm Pd using Pd(NO3)2
0.2% (w/v) K2Cr2O7 + 1% HCl or
3% HNO3 + 10% (1 : 1) NH4OH

0.1% diammonium hydrogen citrate


500-2000 ppm Pd solution + reducing

agent such as ascorbic acid

500 ppm Pd or 5 l of 100 ppm Pd

Use with ascorbic acid to prevent interference.

Effective by alloying.
Sensitivity improves remarkably but chloride
interference exists.
No chloride interference.

Complexes with Sn and enhances


Stabilises the Sn in solution and facilitates

production of a single peak.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances the signal.

Permits a higher ashing temperature and

enhances the signal.

Vanadium (V)

10% ascorbic acid

Suppresses matrix interferences.

Require background correction.

Clean furnace before and after analysis as Va
is refractory and prone to form carbides.

Do not use N2 as purge gas.

Yttrium (Y)

0.02 mg Ni from Ni(NO3)2

Zinc (Zn)
Succinic acid, oxalic acid

MaCl2 produces ZnCl2 and sublimation.

Organic acid checks it.

Should use background correction.

As Zn is a universal contaminant, great care

should be taken.

The information is mainly taken from Shimadzu AAS Cookbook Section 2. The rest are taken
from the following:

Shimadzu AAS Cookbook Section 4 (Measuring Conditions of Elements of

Furnace Analysis Method)
Shimadzu AAS Cookbook Section 5 (Water Analysis and Air Analysis)


Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore

Notes (cont):



Shimadzu AAS Cookbook Section 6 (Foodstuffs Analysis, Fertilizer and Feed

Shimadzu AAS Cookbook Section 8 (Non-ferrous Metals Analysis)
Shimadzu AAS Cookbook Section 10 (Medicines and Biological Substances)
CRC Handbook Of Furnace AAS
Analytical Methods for Zeeman Graphite Tube Analysers
Continue on following page

For seawater, NH4NO3 is added to aid in the low temperature removal of NaCl by the formation
of NH4Cl and NaNO3.


Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, Singapore

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