High Level FPGA Modeling For Image Processing Algorithms Using Xilinx System Generator

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International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications [Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014]

High Level FPGA Modeling for Image Processing

Algorithms Using Xilinx System Generator
ISSN 2047-3338

Alareqi Mohammed1, Elgouri Rachid1,2 and Hlou Laamari1


Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Energy System.Faculty of Sciences,Ibn Tofail University,Kenitra, Morocco
National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA), Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco
alareqi_mohammed@yahoo.com, elgouri.rachid@yahoo.fr

Abstract This paper presents concept of hardware

software co-simulation for image processing using Xilinx
System Generator (XSG). This technique, provides a set of
Simulink blocks (models) for several hardware operations that
could be implemented on various Xilinx FPGA. This paper
presents an efficient architecture for various image processing
algorithms for negatives, image enhancement, contrast
stretching, for grayscale and color images by using fewest
possible System Generator Blocks. Performances of theses
architectures implemented in FPGA card XUPV5-LX110T
prototyping Virtex5 were presented.
Index Terms Image Processing, Xilinx System Generator
and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)



PGAs have demonstrated many benefits in applications

involving large and independent data sets as wells as
the acquisition of the digital data itself. One
fundamental use of an FPGA is digital signal processing
(DSP).Traditionally, DSPs are implemented using ASICs
however, many are now being replaced by FPGAs due to
the decreasing cost and re-configurability.
As FPGAs continue to increase in chip density in
accordance with Moores law, the potential use has also
expanded. The latest boards are equipped with a variety of
I/O ports, AD/DA converters as well as a soft or hard core
microprocessor; this allows the device to act as a system on
chip. Furthermore, software/hardware co-designs are
becoming increasingly popular as a solution to some very
complex and intensive computations using FPGAs.
FPGAs are widely used to design applications that
require high speed parallel data processing, such as image
processing. Image processing on a computer allows for the
manipulation of pixels within a digital image and can be
altered to serve several purposes.
Application areas of signal processing have grown
dramatically in importance in recent times, in parallel with
the growth of powerful and low-cost processing chips. This
has led, in turn, to many new applications, including
multimedia delivery and hand-held communications

Journal Homepage: www.ijcst.org

delivery. Image processing is one an important

application among them, which has a strong
mathematical basis.
The quality of image is enhanced by using the image
processing technique which is widely used in many areas
such as medical, video surveillance, target recognition and
robotics application.
The need to process the image in real time, which is
time consuming, leads to this implementation in
hardware level, which offers parallelism, and thus
significantly reduces the processing time. FPGAs are
increasingly used in modern imaging applications image
filtering [1], [2], medical imaging [3], image
compression[4],wireless communication[5]. The drawbacks
of most of the methods are that they use a high level
language for coding. In this paper, we study digital images
and its processing techniques, specifically point processing
algorithms. Digital images are electronics snapshots
taken of a scene or scanned from documents, such as
photographs, manuscripts, printed texts, and artwork. The
digital image is sampled and mapped as a grid of dots
or picture elements (pixels). The digital image is picture
information in digital form. The image can be filtered to
remove noise and obtain enhancement [3]. It can also be
transformed to extract features for pattern recognition. The
image can be compressed for storage and retrieval, as well
as transmitted via a computer network or a communication
system. Digital image processing has found application in
wide variety of fields of human endeavor.
There are number of well defined processes which go to
a typical image application. Acquisition,
Enhancement, Restoration, Segmentation and Analysis
are the steps needed by just about every application
which involves image processing [4]. Once images are
inside the computer system, or more specifically, once they
are read inside a program, the images are nothing but
matrices Hence, all the operations that can be applied
to matrices should theoretically be applicable to the
images as well. Image arithmetic is the implementation
of standard arithmetic operations, such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division for images.

Alareqi Mohammed et al.

Image arithmetic has many uses in image processing,
both as a preliminary step in more complex operations and
by itself [5]. DSP functions are implemented on two
primary platforms such as Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
and FPGAs [6]. FPGA is a form of highly configurable
hardware while DSPs are specialized form of
microprocessors. Most engineers prefer FPGA over
DSP because of massive parallel processing capabilities
inherent to FPGA and time to market make it the better
choice. Since FPGAs can be configured in hardware,
FPGAs offer complete hardware Customization while
implementing various DSP applications.
System Generator [7] is a DSP design tool from Xilinx
that enables the use of the Mathworks model-based
design environment Simulink for FPGA design. It is a
system level modeling tool in which designs are captured
in the DSP friendly Simulink modeling environment
using Xilinx specific Blockset. All of the downstream
FPGA implementation steps including synthesis and place
and route are automatically performed to generate an
FPGA programming file. System Generator provides
many features such as System Resource Estimation to
take full advantage of the FPGA resources, Hardware
Co-Simulation [8] and accelerated simulation through
hardware in the loop co-simulation; which give many
orders of simulation performance increase [9]. This
objective lead to the use of Xilinx System Generator (XSG),
a tool with a high- level graphical interface under the
Matlab, Simulink based blocks which makes it very easy to
handle with respect to other software for hardware
description [10].


System Generator is a DSP design tool from Xilinx that

enables the use of the MathWorks model-based Simulink
design environment for FPGA design [11]. The design tools
facilitate the design processes by obscuring the technical
knowledge necessary for FPGA a Register Transfer Level
(RTL) design. Instead, a design is modeled using the
intuitive visual environment within Simulink that uses
several specific block sets accelerate the development.
Additionally, System Generator can perform the FPGA
implementation steps: synthesis, mapping, and place and
route to generate the FPGA executable file.

Figure 1: model system generator within Simulink

The Fig. 1 illustrates how a project could be modeled

within Simulink. The Gateway In and Gateway Out blocks
define the input and output from the FPGA respectively.
Outside of this region, Simulink can be used to send
customized signals and data into the simulated FPGA to
observe the results. The System Generator block defines
which type of FPGA board will be used, as well as provide
several additional options for clock speed, compilation type
and analysis.
With a library of over 90 DSP building blocks, System
Generator allows for faster prototyping and design from a
high-level programming stand point. Some blocks such as
the M-code and Black box allow for direct programming in
MATLAB M-code, C code, and Verilog to simplify
integration with existing projects or customized block
behavior. System Generator projects can also easily be
placed directly onto the FPGA as an executable bitstream
file as well as generating Verilog code for additional
optimizations or integration with existing projects within
the Xilinx ISE environment.



For accomplishing Image processing task using Xilinx

System Generator needs two Software tools to be
installed. One is MATLAB Version R2011a or higher and
Xilinx ISE 14.1. The System Generator token available
along with Xilinx has to be configured to MATLAB. This
result in addition of Xilinx Block set to the Matlab Simulink
environment which can be directly utilized for building
algorithmic model.
The algorithms are developed and models are built for
image negative, enhancement etc using library provided
by Xilinx Blockset. The image pixels are provided to
Xilinx models in the form of multidimensional image signal
or R|G|B separate color signals in the form of vector in
Xilinx fixed point format.
These models are simulated in Matlab Simulink
environment with suitable simulation time and simulation
mode and tested.
The reflected results can be seen on a video viewer. Once
the expected results are obtained System Generator is
configured for suitable FPGA board. FPGA board that used
here is Virtex5. I/O planning and Clock planning is done
and the model is implemented for JTAG hardware cosimulation. The System generator parameters are set and
generated. On compilation the netlist is generated and a
draft for the model and programming file in VHDL is
created which can be accessed using Xilinx ISE. The
module is checked for behavioral syntax check, synthesized
and implemented on FPGA. The Xilinx System Generator
itself has the feature of generating User constraints file
(UCF), Test bench and Test vectors for testing architecture.
Xilinx System Generator (XSG) has created primarily to
deal with complex Digital signal processing (DSP)
applications, but it has other application of this theme such
as image processing also work with it. Bitstream
compilation is done which is necessary to create an FPGA

International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications [Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014]
bit file which is suitable for FPGA input. The Fig. 2 shows
the Design flow for Xilinx System Generator.

are discussed. Input images which could be color or

grayscale are provided as input to the File block.

Figure 2: Design flow for Xilinx System Generator

Figure 4: Image Pre-processing unit




The image processing method need to be implemented in

hardware in order to meet the real time applications. FPGA
implementation can be performed using prototyping
environment using Matlab/Simulink and Xilinx System
Generator tool. The design flow of hardware
implementation of image processing using XSG is given
in Fig. 3.
Image source and image viewer are simulink block sets
by using these blocks image can give as input and output
image can be viewed on image viewer block set. Image preprocessing and image post-processing unite are common for
all the image processing applications which are designed
using Simulink blocksets.

B. Image Post-Processing Unit

Image post processing helps recreating image from 1D
Post-processing uses (Fig.5):
Data type conversion: It converts image signal to
unsigned integer format.
Buffer : Converts scalar samples to frame output at
lower sampling rate.
Convert 1D to 2D: Convert 1D image signal to 2D
image matrix.
Video viewer: It is used to display the output image
back on the monitor.

Figure 5: Image Post processing unit

Figure 3: Design flow of hardware implementation of image processing

A. Image Pre-Processing Unit

Image preprocessing in Matlab helps in providing input to
FPGA as specific test vector array which is suitable for
FPGA Bitstream compilation using system generator.
Resize: Set Input dimensions for an image and
interpolation i.e. bicubic it helps in preserving fine
detail in an image.
Convert 2-D to 1-D: Converts the image into single
array of pixels.
Frame conversion and buffer: It helps in setting
sampling mode and buffering of data.
The model based design used for image preprocessing is shown in Fig. 4. The blocks utilized here




Development of models is based on algorithms used for

Image Processing. Some of Basic Algorithms that are
mentioned above are described below. Once the FPGA
have been established using the Gateway
blocks, the DSP design can be constructed using blocks
from the Xilinx DSP block set.
A. Algorithm for Negative Image
The negatives digitized images are useful in many
applications, such as medical imaging and representation in
photographs of a monochrome screen with films with the
idea of using the resulting negative slides as normal.
Inverting the sample values in image produces the same
image that would be found in a film negative (Fig. 6). In

Alareqi Mohammed et al.

Matlab this operation can be obtained by XOR function
block or simple Inverter block or by Add sub block.
1. Image Negative using XOR Operations

of a certain value can be found by applying XOR function.

Almost a negative image produced by XOR with 255
to the image. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, show the results of an
image with XSG bloc.

The Exclusive OR function sets bits that are the same in

each operand to 0 and bits that are different to 1. All pixels

Figure 6: Algorithm for Image Negative using XOR Block XSG

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 7: Results for Grayscale Image Negative

2. Image Negative using NOT Operations

In order to see the negative of the image, we need to change
the values in the image matrix to double precision (invert all
pixel of matrix). This is done to invert the color matrix, so we

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 8: Results for color Image Negative

can achieve this by using the gate NOT which available in

Xilinx system generator. Fig.10 and Fig. 11 show the results
of an image with XSG blocks.

Figure 9: Algorithm for Image Negative using NOT Block XSG

International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications [Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014]

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 10: Results for color Image Negative

3. Image Negative using Add sub Block

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 11: Results for Grayscale Image Negative

The equation is as follows:

The negative transform exchanges dark values for light

values and vice versa. This is the complement of a grayscale
image like a photographic negative.

Image Neg. (I, J) = max _ gray - image (I, J)


Figure 12: Algorithm for Image Negative using Add sub Block

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 13: Results for Color Image Negative

B. Algorithm for Image Enhancement

In this we shows that how image can be enhanced by
adding a constant to each pixel values. Image filtering can

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 14: Results for Grayscale Image Negative

also be done using model based design different filtering

architecture can be defined and Xilinx block can be created.
Figure 15 to Figure 18 show the simulation model with its

Alareqi Mohammed et al.

Figure 15: Algorithm for Grayscale Image Enhancement

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 16: Results for Grayscale Image Enhancement

Figure 17: Algorithm for Color Image Enhancement

C. Algorithm for Image Contrast stretching

The contrast of an image is its distribution of light
and dark pixels. To stretch a histogram, contrast stretching
is applied to an image to fill the full dynamic range of the
image. We can stretch out the gray levels in the center of
the range by applying piecewise linear function according to
the equation.
New pixel = 3 (old pixel-5) + 2
Input Image

Output Image

Figure 18: Results for color Image Enhancement


where new pixel is its result after the transformation.

Fig.19, 20 and 21, shows the XSG blocks for the above
contrast stretching to the image and the results respectively.

International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications [Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014]

Figure 19: Algorithm for image Contrast stretching

a compilation type under Compilation. Steps Followed in

Hardware Co-simulation System generator is configured as:
A. Choosing a Compilation Target
Part: Defines the FPGA part to be used (Virtex5
XUPV5-LX110T). Resulting library is created as

Input Image

Output Image

Figure 20: Results for Grayscale Image Contrast stretching

Figure 22: Hardware co-simulation block

Synthesis tool: Specifies the tool to be used to

synthesize the design.
Hardware Description Language: Specifies the HDL
language to be used for compilation i. e Verilog.
Create test bench: This instructs System Generator to
create a HDL test bench.
Design is synthesized and implemented.
Input Image

Output Image

Figure 21: Results for color Image Contrast stretching


Once your hardware board is installed, the starting point
for hardware co-simulation is the System Generator model
or subsystem you would like to run in hardware. A model
can be co-simulated, provided it meets the requirements of
the underlying hardware board. This model must include a
System Generator token; this block defines how the model
should be compiled into hardware. The first step in the flow
is to open the System Generator token dialog box and select

B. Clocking Tab
FPGA clock period(ns): Defines the period in
nanoseconds of the system clock
Clock pin location: Defines the pin location for the
hardware clock.
C. Invoking the Code Generator
The code generator is invoked by pressing the
Generate button in the System Generator token dialog

Alareqi Mohammed et al.


C.John Moses, D. Selvathi, S.Sajitha Rani, FPGA

Implementation of an Efficient Partial Volume Interpolation
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[4]. M.F. Bin Othman , N. Abdullah, and N.A. Bin Ahmad
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FPGA Implementation IEEE Symposium on Industrial
electronics & Applications (ISIEA),pp.623 628, Oct. 2010.
[5]. H. Taha, A.N.Sazish, A.Ahmad, M. S.Sharif, and A. Amira,
Efficient FPGA Implementation of a Wireless
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[6]. M.Ownby and W.H.Mahmoud,A design methodology for
implementing DSP with Xilinx System Generator for
Matlab, IEEE International Symposium on System Theory,
pp.404-408, March 2003.
[7]. Xilinx Inc., System Generator for Digital Signal
Processing: http://www.xilinx.com / tools / dsp.htm.
[8]. T. Saidani, D. Dia, W. Elhamzi, M. Atri and R.Tourki,
Hardware Co-simulation for Video Processing Using
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[9]. P.Karthigaikumar, K.Jaraline Kirubavathy and K.Baskaran,
FPGA based audio watermarkingCovert communication,
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[10]. A. T. Moreo, P. N. Lorente, F. S. Valles, J. S. Muro and C.
F. Andres, Experiences on developing computer vision
hardware algorithms using Xilinx system generator
Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 29, pp.411-419
November 2005.
[11]. Xilinx System Generator User's Guide, www.Xilinx.com.

The Xilinx System Generator tool is a new application in

image processing and offers a friendly environment design
for the processing, because processing units are designed by
This tool support software simulation, but the most
important is that can synthesize in FPGAs hardware, with
the parallelism, robust and speed, this features are essentials
in image processing.
In this paper, a real-time image processing algorithms
are implemented on FPGA. Implementation of these
algorithms on a FPGA is having advantage of using
large memory and embedded multipliers. Advances in
FPGA technology with the development of sophisticated
and efficient tools for modeling, simulation and
synthesis have made FPGA a highly useful platform.
The design architecture used in this paper can be used for
all Xilinx FPGA Kit with proper user configuration in
system generator block and could be extended to real time
image processing.


S. Hasan, A. Yakovlev, and S. Boussakta, Performance

efficient FPGA implementation of parallel 2-D MRI image
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International Conference on Communication Systems
Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), pp.
765769, July2010.
R. Harinarayan, R. Pannerselvam, M. Mubarak Ali, and D.
Kumar Tripathi, Feature extraction of Digital Aerial
Images by FPGA based implementation of edge detection
algorithms IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology (ICETECT),
pp.631 635, March 2011.

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