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16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


Kulturportale Virtual Cultural Heritage


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Lost historic and cultural benchmarks are a loss of urban memory?

The urban planners dilemma
University Spiru Haret, Bucharest

Abstract: The rehabilitation of the historic centre of Bucharest brought to light valuable fragments of
medieval, modern and contemporary structures as they had been successively covered in time. Latest
excavations in the city centre known as the University Square have been prompted by the city councils
decision to create an underground parking garage. The findings revealed the scope of one of the most
important religious and cultural centres of Bucharest. They provided valuable information on the whole



ensemble of the early 19 century, as well as on other important layers dating back to the 16 and 17

The recently launched international contest aims at adapting the space and image of the Square to the new
functional and technical constraints, and creating a fully pedestrian area with adequate contemporary
elements, while integrating the original statues in the newly created environment. The new prospective
layout of the University Square is supposed to enhance the image of the University, eliminating current
aggressions like car parking, lack of green areas, etc.
The paper aims at raising a number of questions and inviting reflection on:
how to avoid irreversible actions in the future (demolition) where important landmarks of the cultural
patrimony are concerned;
how to increase the transparency of decisions, in order to balance private investment criteria, the
preservation of the national built patrimony and the quality interests of the urban community at large.
how to secure and preserve historic sites as initial points in the upgrading processes of the city.
Most important is to strengthen the inter-professional collaboration between archaeologists, architects,
landscape specialists and engineers in analysing the potential of valorisation of cultural/historic patrimony in
the contemporary urban structure.

Keywords: built patrimony, historic and cultural landmarks, urban structure.

All big European cities developed as palimpsests, where beneath the contemporary fabric of the city there
are many layers witnessing their transformation along the centuries. Contemporary developments boosted
preventive archaeology as against classical archaeology. Development programs in Europe and around the
world benefited from preventive archaeology in concert with the developers, as was the case for the TGV
tracks, canals, highway building. As in other countries, preventive archaeology in Romania accounts for
about 80% of all archaeological investigations. Preventive archaeology unearthed valuable objects and
artefacts later scattered in various museums around the country. Recently they were assembled in the
international exhibition The Lost World of Old Europe in the Danube Valley (first in New York then in Oxford

Creanga / Nemteanu / Budisteanu / Costea, Sibiu

and Athens). The exhibition assembled over 250 archaeological objects of more than 6,000 old with the
participation of 20 museums from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova. By the visibility thus
gained they established the existence of a neo-eneolitic culture in the lower Danube area in the years 5,000
3,500 BC.
Our paper deals with recent developments in the central core of Bucharest namely the University Square,
one of the emblematic quality public spaces of the city. Our aim is to raise a number of questions inviting to
reflection on how to go on with the modernisation of our public spaces, how to strengthen inter-professional
collaboration between archaeologists, architects, landscape specialists and engineers when adapting
cultural/historic patrimony to the contemporary requirements of urban environment.

The context
The historic center of Bucharest bears witness of the successive layers of developments over the last
centuries, not unlike in other cities like Strasbourg and Vienna. Extended to the North of the princely
residence (Palatul Voievodal) the area had a predominantly commercial character, with one-two story
building with shops at ground level.

Fig. 1 Current layout of the historic center of Bucharest (General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest).

The rehabilitation of the historic centre of the capital brought to light valuable fragments of medieval, modern
and contemporary structures as they had been successively covered in time (Fig. 1). Excavations carried out
at the University Square in the last couple of years by teams of archaeologists confirmed the existence and


enabled the precise location of buildings from late 18 and early 19 centuries, which previously were known


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

only from cartographic documents. The findings showed also the layout of the early city fabric, before the
vast haussmanian-type modernisation of the city centre when the North-South axis of the city had been cut

A short history of the University Square

The University Square epitomizes the successive stages of the urban development of the capital city of
Romania. As we know it now, it is one of the major public spaces of Bucharest an important landmark of the
citys contemporary fabric (Fig. 1).
The existence of the first University in Romania has mainly been documented in a number of historic studies
and partial investigations. The plans drafted by major Boroczyn (in their 1846 and 1852 versions) provided

information concerning the changes and modernization attempts of the area in the middle of the 19 century
(Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Layout of the Academy of the University (fragment of the Boroczyn plan of Bucharest).


In the 16 century the area under scrutiny was situated at the northern edge of the town. The Sfantul Sava

Monastery built in the area will become the core of a complex development. In the 17 century the first high
school came into being, with teaching in Greek language, first in the buildings of the Monastery, later in its

own construction. In the middle of the 19 century an academic institution was built named the Academy of
the University.

Creanga / Nemteanu / Budisteanu / Costea, Sibiu

The church of the Sfantul Sava Monastery would be demolished in 1870 to open up the area to a new urban
environment. This was when the first modern East-West boulevard of the city was cut out from the medieval
urban fabric with the aim to creating a representative urban square in front of the new Academy

(MUCENIC 2004). All along the second half of the 19 century the building of the University numerous
alterations/enlargements (Fig. 3, 4 and 5).

Fig. 3 The University cca 1857 (OAR Lascu, N).

Fig. 4 The University cca 1870 (OAR Lascu, N).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 5 The University cca 1890 (OAR Lascu, N).

The newly created University Square proved to be an opportunity to create a quality public space first by
locating a representative public monument (the equestrian statue of Mihai Viteazul), later to be completed
with to other monumental statues of illustrious Romanian intellectuals (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 The University Square around 1930 (C. MUCENIC 2004: 89).


Creanga / Nemteanu / Budisteanu / Costea, Sibiu

The final current shape of the University Square was approved in 1906, while in 1912 the landscaping
project approved by the City Council gave the square the look it has today (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 The University Square as part of a larger protected area (The General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest).

The University Square will further be undergoing changes with the extension of the University in the 1930s
and the reconstruction that followed WWII and with the cutting of the North-South boulevard of the city.
Currently at the Northern side of the square is the faade of the Bucharest University (Fig. 8) and the

Southern side there are financial buildings built in the first half of the 20 century (Fig. 9).

Fig. 8 Layout plan of the proposed parking garage and of the excavations (red line) (Documents of the Competition).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 9 Overall view of the excavations (photo R. Nemteanu).

All the above emphasized the importance of the area which was the location of the first institution of higher
education around which the University Square would develop and grew into the landmark of the modern
town. As shown in Fig. 10 the University Square is part of a larger central area including a great number of
historic and cultural buildings (shaded in grey).
as a special presence in the urban environment ... reflecting ... a unitary spatial approach in the respect
of urban development plans completed with representative objects (MUCENIC 2004).

Fig. 10 Overall view of the excavations (photo R. Nemteanu).


Creanga / Nemteanu / Budisteanu / Costea, Sibiu

A new stage in the modernization of the University Square

The decision of the town hall to further modernise the area and create an underground parking-garage
prompted archaeological excavations between November 2010 and March 2011 (Fig. 11). The
archaeological research provided valuable information as to the precise location of the components of the
compound of the Sfantul Sava Monastery, revealed the scope of the cultural and religious center and

provided valuable information on the whole ensemble of the early 19 century. The whole compound
included the first university (a listed building by law), an important library, the first museum and also a
botanical garden. The excavations shed light to the relative chronology of the findings and their relation to
the existing documents.

Fig. 11 Aerial vue from the University of the innerpartitions (photo R. Nemteanu).

Fig. 12 Aerial vue from the University of the innerpartitions (photo R. Nemteanu).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The findings represent remnants of the church of the Sfantul Sava Monastery, remnants of the area
surrounding it: the precise location of buildings, their inner division, structural elements, a necropolis etc., as


well as other important layers dating back to the 16 and 17 centuries.

Were also brought to light elements of pavement, finishings, fragments of walls, water pipes and other
fragments of the buildings of the monastery compound etc. The excavations also revealed the original layout

of the streets structure, before modernisation in the 20 century. They are all part of the particular historic
and cultural imprint of Bucharest among European cities.

The new function of the University Square a competition

The decision to create an underground parking garage beneath the University Square and the technical
requirements of the project made it necessary to open up the archaeological site we discussed about above.
Meanwhile this proved to be an opportunity to refurbish the existing space of the square so as to adapt it to
the new function of the parking garage meanwhile creating a new urban environment.
The international competition launched aims at adapting the space and image of the Square to the new
functional and technical constraints, and creating a fully pedestrian area with adequate contemporary
elements while and integrating the original statues in the newly created environment. The new prospective
layout of the University Square is supposed to enhance the image of the University, eliminating current
aggressions like car parking, lack of green areas, etc.

Fig. 13 Layout plan of the competition area (OAR Concurs de solutii Amenajarea spatiului suprateran Parcaj Universitate, 2011).


Creanga / Nemteanu / Budisteanu / Costea, Sibiu

Recent developments and projects at the University Square in Bucharest may be seen as an example of
chain reaction where areas laden with centuries of history are dealt with. They invite to reflection as to how
to reconcile the conflicting views of purists that would impede on modernization and progress while
promoting development along the requirements of further modernization.
Further subject to reflection should be:
how to avoid irreversible actions in the future (demolition) where important benchmarks of the cultural
patrimony are concerned;
therefore it is necessary to increase the transparency of decisions, in the respect of legality (in
accordance with the official listing of monuments);
how to balance private investment criteria, the preservation of the national built patrimony and the quality
interests of the urban community at large;
how to secure and preserve historic sites as initial points in the upgrading processes of the city.
Preventive archaeology is often being criticized for the speed it has to work due to the developers pressure.
It has to be carefully weighed who is to loose and who is to gain where there is conflict between the interests
of developers to speed up the procedures of preventive archaeology and the need to fully document and if
the case is to preserve national values of patrimony.
Most important is to strengthen the inter-professional collaboration between archaeologists, architects,
landscape specialists and engineers in analysing the potential of valorisation of cultural/historic patrimony in
the contemporary urban structure. So as the winner be the urban community at large!

LASCU, N. (2011). Studiu istoric, in: OAR Concurs de solutii Amenajarea spatiului suprateran Parcaj Universitate.
MUCENIC, C. (2004). Strazi, piete, case din vechiul Bucuresti, Ed. Vremea: 8596
ORDINUL ARHITECTILOR DIN ROMANIA (2011). Concurs de solutii Amenajarea spatiului suprateran Parcaj Universitate.
TURLEA, C. (2011). Centrul istoric financiar-bancar al Bucurestilor, Bucuresti, Cadmos.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Virtual reconstruction of monumental painting of the Church Spas-naNereditse in the city of Novgorod the Great
Tatiana LASKA / Irina TSIMBAL / Sergey GOLUBKOV / Yulia PETROVA
Faculty of Arts, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

Abstract: There are many architectural monuments and old relics, the restoration of which is an unrealizable
task. This may be due to the difficulty and complexity of the work, lack of information about the object and
other reasons. In such cases, the 3D reconstruction is an effective tool.
Saint-Petersburg State University developed a method of restoration of partially or completely lost
monumental paintings. As an example and a practical application of new technology there a virtual
reconstruction of fresco paintings of the Church Spas-na-Nereditse in the city of Novgorod the Great was
The church was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. According to the old drawings it
appeared to be possible to reconstruct an architectural view of the church, but rare frescos of the XII century
had been irretrievably lost. The extant parts of frescoes consist of 325,000 pieces and its manual restoration
is still very far from completion.
In this case the method of computer-based reconstruction is much more efficient. The process of 3D
reconstruction is always reversible, it provides several plausible variations and helps to find a compromise a
decision on the issue of reconstruction or restoration of the object.
The method of computer-based reconstruction was used together with analog pictorial reconstruction. The
first method provides plausibility, whereas the second method helps us to simulate the ancient process of
painting, to convey the artists style, to reproduce the form, direction and strength of the artists touch and
texture of the frescos. The basis for all works were archaeological materials, archival and contemporary
historical, architectural and art papers, scientific research in this field.

Keywords: virtual, reconstruction, restoration, monumental, painting.

Reconstruction of Art and Cultural Monuments

Historical sites of the Russian monumental art, due to their centuries-long life, undergo inevitable changes in
color and structure of frescoes, destruction or alteration of the original architecture. Numerous natural,
climatic and anthropogenic factors cause considerable changes, partial or complete destruction of works of
art. Despite the fact that it has been 65 years since the end of the Second World War, many ancient Russian
art masterpieces still have not been restored to an acceptable display state. A considerable amount of
materials is stored in museums waiting to be reinstalled in interiors of churches.
Nowadays wide experience in the exploration and restoration of monuments, as well as modern technologies
allow to integrate the information in specific areas of knowledge, making it easily accessible to the public. In
our case, we refer to architectural monuments of ancient Russia. Information about this objects is dispersed


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

across many sources: books, articles, drawings and sketches, located in different storage locations, and
sometimes even in different countries. All available information can be presented in an integrated database.
Single information source, based on results of reconstruction will help to understand the historical context
and conditions under which the object was built, to reproduce the lost and missing data on each monument,
and to update the existing traditional art databases. With enough data it becomes possible to present a
monument at various stages of its construction and development, to analyze and demonstrate options for its
reconstruction, to illustrate the features and history of its painting. The method of sequential computer
reconstruction allows not just to review the virtual model of the monument, but also to get details, associated
with the whole life of the object.
Creation and demonstration of historical reconstructions, as a progressive method of presentation of ancient
exhibits, makes it possible to achieve a new level of preservation and transmission of cultural heritage.

About the Nereditsa Project

The Nereditsa. Link of Times research project currently takes place under development in the St.
Petersburg State University.
Major museums and cultural institutions, such as: the State Russian Museum, the State Historical and
Architectural Reserve-Museum of Novgorod the Great, the Institute of History of Material Culture of RAS,
and Ilya Repin St. Petersburg State Academic Institute Of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture take part in
this research.
The project is dedicated to a unique monument of ancient architecture and art, the Church of the
Transfiguration of Our Saviour on Nereditsa Hill. In 1992 the Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour on
Nereditsa Hill was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List, along with several other monuments of
Nov-gorod the Great and its surroundings (http://whc.unesco.org/).
The Church on Nereditsa Hill is one of the most famous monuments of ancient Russian culture. It was built
by Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovichs order in 1198 and a year later, in 1199, its interior was decorated with
fresco paintings. Exceptional art value, unusual unique iconography of the monument have earned it a
worldwide fame.
Like the Saint Sophia Cathedral, representing the XI century, and the St. George Cathedral of the St.
George's Monastery, representing the early XII century, the Church on Nereditsa Hill is considered to be a
typological and stylistic architectural standard of the late XII century (KOMECH 1991).
During the Second World War, the temple was almost destroyed. Only half of masonry and 15% of frescoes
were preserved. According to old drawings it was possible to restore an upper part of walls, arches and
dome, but the rare frescos which had covered the entire church until the twentieth century, have been
irretrievably lost (BULKIN 1994).
Archival material contains of:
preserved fragments of frescoes;
photos interior of the temple;
detailed descriptions of the monument, made by experts from the State Historical and Architectural
Reserve-Museum of Novgorod the Great and historians from Saint-Petersburg State University;


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

copies of frescos, carefully preserved in the State Russian Museum.

In combination with modern technologies these materials provide a unique opportunity for a virtual revival of
the lost masterpieces of ancient art frescoes of the Nereditsa Church.
The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour on Nereditsa Hill has been an object of scientific art
research at St. Petersburg State University for many years. As a result, a lot of research materials about the
history of the church, its architectural features and frescos has been collected. Scientific research of this
monument has been provided at the St. Petersburg State University, Novgorod State Museum, State
Russian Museum for several years.
The first expedition was organized by Saint-Petersburg University and Russian Archaeological Society in
1910. After the architectural restoration in 19031904, a number of scholars, including M. I. Artamonov
(ARTAMONOV 1939), turned to studying its paintings. After being almost destroyed by the Nazis, the Church
was restored in 1958, and researchers attention was again focused mostly on the architecture (SHTENDER
Many thousands of fragments of frescos have been collected during restoration, architectural and
archaeological work. At present, they are kept in museum collections. It does not seem possible to restore
the fresco decoration in its original form (LUTSIY and JAWORSKI 2004). But using methods of virtual
restoration, we can achieve significant results in solving this problem. Three-dimensional graphics
technology, art modeling and virtual reality provide artistic reconstruction of the lost (partially or completely)
cultural heritage with any specific scientific precision.

Virtual Reconstruction of the Church on Nereditsa Hill

In 2008 the materials describing the history of the Church, stored in various museums and archives, were
collected and investigated under the "Nereditsa. Link of Times" project.
In 2009 the main publications on the history of the Church were collected and digitized, its frescos were
analyzed and its restoration history was described.
In 2009 a three-dimensional model of the Nereditsa Church as well as artifacts and household objects
associated with the history of the Church of Our Saviour on Nereditsa Hill were produced (Fig. 1).
At the present time the frescos are being restored. Restoration of this paintings is a serious problem. The
extant parts of frescos are strengthened and preserved. Many thousands of fragments, which were collected
in the course of restoration, architectural and archaeological works are kept in museums collections.
The extant parts of painting consist of 325,000 fragments, and now they are being on restoration, which is
still far not complete (Fig. 2).
According to enormous complexity and lack of effectiveness of the "manual" method of search and selection
of fragments, it was decided to use a computer re-construction of the fresco. This method allows to avoid
mistakes and find a com-promise decision on the issue of reconstruction or restoration of the object.
The choice of virtual reconstruction is appropriate according to practical needs of science and education.
One of the most important points of the whole research is the question of choosing the method of
reconstruction - analogue or computer reconstruction.


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

Fig. 1 A three-dimensional model of the church Spas-na-Nereditse (virtual restoration, provided by department of information
technologies in arts and humanitarian sciences SPbGU, completed by S. V. Shvemberger and E. V. Logdacheva in 2009).

Fig. 2 The process of frescos restoration (result of scientific research, provided by Novgorod Museum, T. A. Romashkevich, T. A.
Fedorenko, S. A. Lutsiy).

1-st method a documentary historical reconstruction (virtual restoration).

In this case, reconstruction is the creation of a virtual object model, based only on extant fragments. This
model can be completed with some objects (fragments of frescos, interior objects stored in museums funds
and collections), if they are mentioned in archival documents.
This method provides keeping historical accuracy, and it abandons reconstruction of the lost fragments by

16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

2-nd method analog reconstruction.

Extant ancient monuments, even preserved and restored, are often partially lost. Because of the lack of
documentary evidence their recovery is a problem, that could be solved only through art and historical
analysis. This ensures the authenticity of reconstruction. But in this case, the result can not pretend to be
absolute reproduction of the original.
Moreover, it should be clear that, based on various documentary sources of in-formation, we can reach
several possible versions of the analog reconstruction, and all of them will be equally grounded on theory.
Practical implementation of analog reconstruction requires involvement of experts in different fields of
knowledge not only specialists in computer graphics, but, first of all, artists, architects and archaeologists.
In fact authentic virtual analogue of the object can not be created without deep understanding of its
architecture and proportions.
This work requires high professional theoretical and practical knowledge of all project developers.
Starting working on restoration of the murals, we need to develop a methodology for recovery of losses,
combining two methods using of documentary materials and restoration of color and form, based on the
study of analogues.
Specialists are attempting to determine the role of reconstruction in preservation and promotion of
monuments. It is important to develop main principles of virtual reconstruction, such as:
Applying the method of complex restoration, when the monument is taken as a system of architectural,
painting, interior and exterior spaces.
Development of main theoretical principles of admissibility and limits of application of modern
technologies in recreating monuments of historical and cultural heritage in terms of ethical, legal and
aesthetic aspects of reconstruction;
Providing further reconstruction in accordance with these formulated principles on the basis of archival,
historical, design, technical, literary, scientific, restoration, art, copied and other materials using computer
These main principles are being tested on the example of reconstruction of the lost paintings of the Church
of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa in Novgorod the Great.

Reconstruction Method for the Church on Nereditsa Hill

Collecting Supporting Information for the Project
First stage includes searching, analyzing, structuring of archival, historical, technical, literary, scientific, art
and other documents which contain any information (photos, drawings, pictures, descriptions) about the
frescos of the church.
Basic historical materials of the Nereditsa Church are kept at the State Russian Museum, the Novgorod
State Museum, the Institute of History of Material Culture Sciences, methodological foundation of the State
Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin. The leading experts are:
historians, art historians, restorers, muralists, keepers of these organizations have assisted authors of the
project and helped to find, analyze and collect a lot of important information.


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

At the stage of collecting information about the object it is very important to find as much facts about the
monument as possible, to make the fullest possible description. Qualitative archival photographic and
illustrative material, knowledge of the exact coloring of paintings, permanent free access to all fragments of
the frescos make the process of reconstruction more accurate, correct and fast.
Over a thousand archival photos of the church were investigated. Most of them are stored in the Novgorod
State Museum. These photos capture all stages of restoration of the temple, which took place at the
beginning of XX century.
Collections of unique architectural details and structural elements of the temple, such as plinfy, brick, stone,
etc. were analyzed in the Novgorod State Museum. According to the curvilinear shape of the wall surface,
these materials are needed for correct scaling of photos and liquidation of distortions. Also this in-formation
is important to analyze the character of wall surface as a basis for painting.
Authors have carefully studied unique materials fragments of frescoes, collected in the restoration
workshops of the Novgorod Museum, which present the process of actual restoration of the frescos of the
Archival material stored at the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences
were also studied by authors this material consists of negatives and photographs taken in the church
before the Second World War.
Watercolors that have been stored in collections of the Russian Museum appeared to be the main source of
information about the coloring of Nereditsa paintings. These images are in fact the copies of frescoes, made
before the war.
Copies of frescoes, created in various Russian churches, are stored in the methodological foundation of St.
Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. These materials are also
necessary for recreation of color palette of fresco painting.

Measurements of the Existing Interior and Exterior

Before starting any restoration it is required to measure the object and to make various photographic images
from different sides.
Complex building measure includes:
front, side, back elevation measure;
measurements of the inner space of the building;
measurements of interior objects.
Available measure technologies:
combination of methods of laser scanning and digital photogrammetry (for exterior and interior measure,
architectural details measure and drawings);
combination of methods of laser tacheometry and laser scanning (for measure drawings, section
drawings, sweeps).
Exterior and interior of the Nereditsa Church were completely measured. In the result we presented drawings
of the building and its interior (drawings were pre-pared in AutoCAD and have same system of axis,
coordinates and heights).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Making Photographs of the Existing Interior

The whole interior of the church and extant fragments of frescos were photo-graphed. It was important to
take all photos frontally, using the same scale, so that afterwards they can be easily inserted into single
picture without distortions.

Making Photographs and Scanning of Extant Fragments of Fresco, Kept in Museum Collections
Elements of paintings, which were kept in museums collections were also studied and photographed.
In the process of analog fresco reconstruction photographs of existing fragments are used as main working
material. Considering dependence of the fresco appearance and church lighting, we cant obtain objective
impression of fresco colors. Thus all fragments should be photographed with the lighting, most similar to
natural church lighting.
At the same time we use ordinary scanning as another method of copying of fragments. This method helps
to avoid size and color distortion, typical for photography. Using color and densitometer scales, we can avoid
color distortion, dimensional scale helps to avoid size distortion.
Technical and technological features of painting are especially important for restores. Materials, obtained by
scanning, can be enlarged and studied in detail. This study helps to bring out special features of texture and
materials, direction of brushstroke and stylistic manner, to analyze the morphological characteristics of the
fragments. High resolution of modern monitors provide capability of multiple scaling, further reduction in
graphics editing programs allows to detect almost in-visible elements, which could not be recognized by
human eye.

Making a Single Tone Image Based on Archival Photographs

The next stage of the process is making a single image of the wall, based on archival documents.
Firstly we need to produce a monochrome image of the wall with extant frescos it illustrates current state of
the wall surface and it is a basis for the whole further reconstruction. This image consists of obtained photos
of the church and it is adjusted according to drawings, produced on the stage of measurements (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Monochrome image of the wall with extant fragments.


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

Then we start to complete this image with fragments, obtained from archival photographs. All of them are
carefully adjusted to extant frescos.
Efficiency of this stage depends on the number of fragments remaining on the wall (reference points). In
practice, it turned out that the majority of black-and-white photographs, completed before 1941, were not
frontal, and they had distortions, so it made the work more difficult.
The monochrome image, completed with fragments from photographs is the documentary base for further
reconstruction of color and pattern of lost parts (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Monochrome image of the wall, completed with pictures from archival photographs.

Creation of scheme of estimated authors drawing

From this monochrome image we can get outlines of authors drawing. Outlines are put on monochrome
sweep, and then basis is removed, thus we obtain outline image of estimated authors drawing (Fig. 5). This
image provide us with exact data about width of strokes, pleats on clothes, boundaries of light and dark
areas, boundaries of lost fragments.

Makimg sweeps of walls with extant fresco fragments, obtained from museums collections
The next task was to put on estimated authors drawing extant parts of frescos, kept in museums collection. It
is important to find exact place of each fragment on the wall, according to produced drawing.
Signs, which help to recognize exact location of the fragment:
obvious morphological signs (proper for large fragments);
color of composition;
obvious coincidence of fragments outlines.
Obvious morphological signs are:
coincidence of fragments of holy faces;
coincidence of fragments of pleats;
coincidence of specific ornaments and patterns;


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

coincidence of architectural elements, fragments of landscape and greenery;

coincidence of all graphical elements, which could be easily recognized.

Fig. 5 Estimated authors drawing.

Actually most of the fragments do not have obvious morphological signs. For example parts of background
or self-colored clothes, parts, that had been already damaged when they were photographed. Location of
such fragments can be de-fined according to direction and texture of brushstroke (this method is very
efficient for parts of fresco background, where texture is well-defined).
Sometimes, but quite rarely, compilation of fragments can be provided according to contour of object, like
parts of mosaic.
Previously prepared materials: high resolution photos and quality scanned images of fragments provide
successful compilation of fragments. Reduction in graphical editing programs allows enlarging fragments and
recognizing direction and intensity of strokes, tonal and color peculiarities. Sometimes smallest detail, which
can seem to be inconsiderable, such as part of pleat or contour of figure, helps to define location of the
Deep study of background fragments helps to recognize even specific traces of bristle brush. Authors
strokes differ in strength, amount of paint, direction. To de-fine location of fragments we can use these
parameters as alternate. Thus the more parameters would match, the more accurate location of the fragment
would be found.
Color variety of fresco fragments is another very important aspect of compilation. State of fragments can be
different: they could have been stored in museums halls or in cellars and warehouses. Two fragment of the
same fresco can vary in color because of different storage conditions. Moreover Nereditsa paintings have
very complicated color and have lots of shades. Even inside one fragment of fresco color can variously
change from warm to cold shades.


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

Background, earth, water and other one-colored objects of image can occupy quite large area of the whole
painting. They can include considerable color trans-forming, for example, blue background, denoting sky,
can vary in shade from warm to cold inside one composition.
Process of fragments compilation requires participation of experts, such as artists and restores, who have
wide experience in working with the particular church. Free access to all materials provides efficiency of
compilation process. Digital copies of fresco fragments make the whole work much easier and help to reduce
time needed for searching for proper fragment.
In fact in graphical editing program all fragments are arranged on different transparent layers and its location
is defined by moving them according to concerned authors drawing and searching for coincidence of all
It should be understood that if a fragment is installed into church wall improperly, in real life its dismantling
would lead to further destruction of fragment. Whereas working with digital copy cant bring any harm to
extant part of fresco. This method provides iterative approach, searching for the most suitable fragment and
its substitution can take place at any stage of working.

Fig. 6 Extant fragments of fresco from museums collections, put on estimated authors drawing.

The result of this stage is image, on which extant fragments of frescos are put on estimated authors drawing
(Fig. 6). For restores this image functions as a map of the whole fresco composition. Along with black-andwhite sweep of the wall made from archival photos it becomes a basis for further artistic reconstruction.
Created materials may help restorers to project the image on the wall and to draw the contour of the lost
mural, so that it would be a base for collecting separated fragments of frescoes.
It is necessary to emphasize that at this stage there is no artistic interference. From this moment all activities
can be called the analog reconstruction.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Producing of coloristic painting map

The next important stage is producing of technological coloristic map of murals.
Color reconstruction is one of the most complicated and one of the most interesting tasks. Variety of
characters, their spirituality, unique relations between cold and warm shades, simplicity and at the same time
impressive complexity, strength and monumentality of Nereditsa murals cant be transferred by copies or
Artistic character consists of many components: texture of the wall, stylistic manner of painting, order of
application of paint, execution of details, but certainly color is the strongest means of expression.
We can obtain coloristic data from:
Extant fragments of paintings from the walls of the church and from museums collections;
Historical descriptions of colors of frescos;
Chemical research of pigments;
Historical artistic copies of the church interior.
Also we can take information about color from iconographic canon. Tradition-ally symbolism of painting is
transfused by canon signs. Conventional color is typical for monumental painting, and canonical color is
typical for icons. Thus us-ing these prescriptions we can define color of clothes, background and separate
elements with much authenticity.
Study of coloristic system of painting and creation of color palette these are main tasks of this stage.
Color is very specific characteristic of painting. Even if a fresco was entirely preserved, over the years its
color certainly must have changed. An example is monumental painting of Mirojskiy monastery. These
frescos are deeply studied: iconography, stylistic manner, all elements and even smallest details
everything can be investigated. Certainly some fragments or top slice of painting can be damaged, but these
changes do not influence so much on visual impression of the whole composition.
Discoloration is caused by chemical modification of paint. This process affects the whole picture. Color of
ancient fresco cant be interpreted as original. This is the theme of individual scientific research in the field of
monumental and easel painting. Modern technologies provide real opportunity to study this problem and find
Color also changes because of different storage conditions. After Nereditsa destruction some fragments
were left on the walls and undergone climate impact, others were left at earthen cellars of the church.
From documents about restoration of Nereditsa Church: At winter and spring 1970/71 drying of fragments,
gluing of fresh destructed fragments and boxing were completed Paint was covered with thick dirty layer.
Commission from the Novgorod Museum fixed 90% destruction of paint layer. Fragments of holy faces were
not found.
Reasons for discoloration:
Actual destruction of bottom stucco layer base for painting;
Chemical modification of pigments;
Lightning impact;
Technical and physical impact (splits, scratches, graffiti, etc);
Dust and micro particles from the air;
Storage conditions: temperature and humidity variance; inappropriate monument ventilation;


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

Latest restorations;
Destruction or thinning of separate painting layers (top ceruse layers, thin glazing layers).
Graphical editing program allow changing hue and saturation of image and help to return estimated original
A very important question is whether authors should restore estimated original color (as in 1199) or color
before destruction (in 1941), or color as it could have looked if painting had not been destroyed. Finally it
was decided to restore color as it could have looked today.
After finishing reconstruction, color of obtained images can be edited in graphical program. So it is possible
to show gradual color modification from 1199 to nowadays. Thus virtual reconstruction gives an opportunity
to show painting in definite time period as well as to show all changes of whole coloristic system of the
fresco. This is a big advantage of virtual method, because we dont have to draw manually several versions
of painting, related to different time periods.
Chemical analysis showed that ancient painters used quite many different pigments. Only natural ingredients
were available and even in original version colors could be very different. Mixing of paint pigments could give
even more various colors. It means that color variation was provided not only by visual effect of complex
shades relations but also by using rich palette.
Authors have studied all characteristics of fresco color system and produced palette of painting, as it could
have looked nowadays if the church had not been destroyed (Fig. 7). This palette became a basis for further
artistic works.

Fig. 7 Coloristic painting map of murals.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Producing of linear patterns at a scale 1:1 (performed only in artistic reconstruction, as the basis for
After this stage we begin an analog reconstruction of frescos, which is actually a process of painting of all
lost fragments, based on archive materials and analogues. We create several templates with outlines,
produced at a scale 1:1. These templates repeat the expected author's drawing, produced on the six stage of

Creation of artistic coloured cardboards the same size as real frescos or smaller (working models)
The task of this stage is to find appropriate technology of painting, artistic manner, drawing system.
According to restoration documentation, there was no preparative drawing. It means that ancient painters
worked in natural, free and unschooled manner. Images are very lively and inimitable. Every composition
and all figures have its own artistic singularity.
Study of painting technology is an important task. The question is which particular paints should be used to
archive most authentic result. Composition of modern polyvinyl-acetated and tempera differs very much from
ancient paints, which were used for Nereditsa frescos.
Usually pigments consisted of natural ingredients: minerals, clay produced in the region of construction. Very
rarely some pigments (rare blue and green colors) were delivered from Byzantium.
In fact our research is not a factual reconstruction and our aim is to restore painting style, color system and
general visual impression. Thus punctual copying, according to ancient technologies of XII century appears
to be inexpedient.

Fig. 8 Fragment of analog reconstruction.


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

Fig. 9 Fragment of analog reconstruction.

Experience of such reconstruction is not wide. Most of such woks are painting sketches, reduced against
original. These images give only general information about composition, iconography and color of fresco. In
such works color is very approximate.
Other examples are images, edited in graphical programs. Probably this method is theoretically possible, but
usually in result digital copy loses artistic singularity and impression of original. It is impossible to imitate
manual drawing automatically, without perception and deep understanding.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

When painting is created manually, artist puts his feelings and mood into picture. All small complicated parts
of painting are drawn very precisely. And at the same time all details are parts of whole composition, which
leave strong impression, that can not be transmitted by digital copy.
When final versions of all artistic cardboards are ready (Fig. 8, 9), they can be put into single image.

Making sweeps of the walls

After the reconstruction of frescos it was made a sweep of the western wall of the church (Fig. 10). Lost
elements of the interior were also reconstructed (Fig. 10, 11). The basis for the reconstruction was results of
scientific research and archival material.

Fig. 10 A sweep of the western wall of the church (analog reconstruction).

Fig. 11 Western wall of the church (result of reconstruction).


Laska / Tsimbal / Golubkov / Petrova, Virtual reconstruction

Visualisation, producing of three-dimensional colour modeling

The final stage of work is three-dimensional color modeling (Fig. 11). In future static images, video,
interactive models, which allow a user to choose the viewing angle of architecture and frescos are planned to
be made up.
So, step by step, we have accurately recreate the frescos of the Church on Nereditsa Hill, which seemed to
be lost forever.

Two main methods of reconstruction: a technology of computer graphics and analog pictorial reconstruction
are used at the same time. Both of them have its advantages and disadvantages. The method of computer
reconstruction provides maximum documentary accuracy all manipulations with shapes and colors are
made strictly in accordance with historical documents. In addition, each operation can be fixed at any stage
of work. At the same time this method cant help us to convey the artist's style, to reproduce the form,
direction and strength of the artists touch and texture of the frescos.
So, especially when we deal with completely lost fragments of frescos, it is better to use the method of
pictorial reconstruction. The main disadvantage of this method is its complexity. It is very difficult to provide
exact documental accuracy and to find appropriate authors stylistic manner at the same time. Painting has
become cyclic: some fragments were redrawn several times according to produced template until reaching
expected result.
Virtual reconstruction may be used as the basis for making in future: for producing static images, videos,
interactive models enabling users to choose a camera and viewing angles when browsing through
architecture and artistic decorations.
In contrast to the widespread practice of relative approach to documentary materials, a specific feature of the
project is maximum approximation of the model to the actual original appearance of the monument.
Documentary precision of the material provide usage of the results in practical work for the restoration of the
object in future. Moreover, the method used in the project may open new possibilities to solve restoration
problems of other fresco ensembles of the medieval Novgorod, also lost during the War.
The results of the project can be used for further practical work for the restoration of Nereditsa Church.
Virtual model of the church may be used in future as a basis for producing virtual exhibition. Using modern
technologies, such as multi-projection systems, holograms, and augmented reality systems, information
about the monument can be produced in interesting interactive form. Such information center can be
organized in the Nereditsa Church, the Novgorod State Museum or any other complex.
The results of the work are presented at the educational portal of St. Petersburg State University
http://sakai.spbu.ru/portal/site/169dd5df-93bd-4150-9a01-86f567045218 or http://www.nereditsa.ru in the
form of educational resource Nereditsa.

ARTAMONOV, M. I. (1939). Craftsmen of Nereditsa, in: Novgorod Architectural Collection. Issued in Novgorod the Great: 3347.
BULKIN, V. A. (1994). Two episodes from the history of Novgorod architecture of XII century, In: Monuments of Medieval Culture:
inventions and versions. St. Petersburg.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

KOMECH, A. I. (1991). Novgorod architecture of XII century, in: Actes du XVe Congres International dEtudes Byzantines. Athenes,
Part 2.
LUTSIY, S. A. and JAWORSKI, L. A. (2004). Review of methods of icons recognition applied to problems of compilation of the fresco
fragments - Dep. VINITI 1159-V2004 on 07/06/2004.
PIVOVAROVA, N. V. (2002). Frescos of the church Spas-na-Nereditse in Novgorod. St. Petersburg.
ROMASHKEVICH, T. A. and LUTSIY, S. A. (2009). Computer reconstruction of monumental painting of the church Spas-na-Nereditse,
In Novgorod museum.
SHTENDER, G. M. (1962). Restoration of Nereditsa, in: Novgorod Historical Collection. Issue 10. Novgorod the Great: 169205.


Mazzei / Pecchioli, A tool in Cultural Heritage

A tool in Cultural Heritage:

the web application for the Museum of the sculpture in the Basilica of St. Silvestro
at the Catacombs of Priscilla


Responsabile Settore Restauro, Musei e Archivi Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra, Roma, Italy /

Seminar for the Languages and Cultures of the Near East Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg,

Heidelberg, Germany

Abstract: The paper refers to a project in progress of a museum of sarcophages: the sculptures of the
basilica of Saint Silvestro at the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome. The treatment of information and the usage
of an interactive 3D web application represent in this context an innovative approach in Cultural Heritage and
in particular in archaeology. The museum presents about 700 pieces of sarcophages dated between the
beginning of the III century and the first half of the IV century. Recently, the sculptures were restored and in
the inventory archived following the standard of the ICOM-CIDOC (International Committee for
Documentation of the International Council of Museum). Our choice has been to maintain the pieces in their
original context of the basilica and improve the accessibility: through an architectural project, using QR-code
for warding to pages accessible from the local wireless network of the museum and a web-application based
on a method called ISEE.

Keywords: interactive 3D, sarcophages, catacomb, web-application.

The development of tools in the Cultural Heritage has increased in the last years. The choice of which
instrument one should use is not always easy due to the variety available in the market. Sometimes the
projects invest many resources on the development of new softwares that not adapt to other projects. For
instance the usage of G.I.S.s (Geographic Information Systems) for Spatial Analysis in archaeology has
become a common instrument in the research to record 3D location (APOLLONIO et al. 2012; STANCO et
al. 2012). The application of spatial technology in archaeology can be classified into three categories:
visualization, data management, and spatial analysis. In particular the representative visualization, as the
production of either a direct representation of archaeological evidence or the reconstructions of past places
or objects (PAKKANEN 2008; ALAMOURI and PECCHIOLI 2010; KULITZ et al. 2006), can be an useful
instrument for the common user to understand and involve him/her in the visit.
However reconstructions in three dimensional environment are not always manageable and the information
connected cannot be visualized, but the research is improving in this discipline (VERDIANI et al. 2011).
The virtual world offers interactive or immersive representations of the reality with a whole host of new
choices in terms of the viewers perspective, the choice of what to present and the form in which to present it
(WINTERBOTTOM and LONG 2006). We are likely on the verge of an era of better, more accessible and


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

more creative virtual reproductions as the Internet evolves toward Web 2.0 applications, resources and
services. This technology is reaching avenues of representations that might otherwise have been limited to
desktop applications.

The context
Our project is aimed at exposure archaeological material within the context of discovery. The context is
therefore itself an archaeological object with critical access and specific need for enhancement. It is an
archaeological context, partly used for liturgical celebrations and partly transformed into a place to preserve
a collection of fragments of sarcophages, as well as being an area of transition and connection to the
underground catacombs.
The Basilica of Saint Silvestro above the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome was built in 1907 over the
foundations of two ancient constructions: one of the end of the III century and the other of the mid-fourth
century (DE ROSSI 1890) (Fig. 1). The original building were incorporated in a funerary enclosure and
surrounded by many mausoleums. The floor of both buildings has been tapped for the insertion of earthen
tombs and along the walls were piles of arcosolia. In the fourth century, in the oldest one were transferred
the bodies of two martyrs Felix and Philip and buried on the pope Silvestro (+ 335) (MARUCCHI 1906).
In all of the funerary areas many sarcophages were placed and this artefacts were found in the excavations
of the beginning of the XX century (TOLOTTI 1970). The marble fragments were hung on the walls of the
reconstructed building, following the iconographic criteria (Fig. 2).

Fig. 12 Roma. The St-Silvestro Basilica in the 1907 and in the 1970 (Photo Archive PCAS).

The first activity of the project involved the excavation of the archaeological structures located below the
previous floor of the basilica to retrieve the context of the place. The findings led to the choice to build a
glass floor to view the structures and leave at the same time act as a laying surface for the sculptures.
The second step was the restoration of more than seven hundred fragments of sarcophages. The sculptural
heritage was almost unknown and the restoration showed many very interesting news. In the past, the stone
had been placed on the walls of the rooms of the basilica, according to an exhibition criterion based on the


Mazzei / Pecchioli, A tool in Cultural Heritage

iconographic subjects. This caused the dispersion of materials threatening the integrity of the works, which
are now finally reassembling.
The third phase was the classification of marble fragments using ICOM-CIDOC standards. The ICOMCIDOC is the International Guidelines for Museum Object Information. The aim of the project is to create a
common language to share the information of the museum worldwide. Accurate and accessible
documentation is an essential resource for collections management, research and public services and a
museum documentation standards are necessary to enable information exchange and integration between
heterogeneous sources of cultural heritage information.
The arrangement of sculptural materials was organized by the type of sarcophages in accordance with the
iconographic subjects represented. The seven identified sections also allow you to follow the evolution of
ancient funerary sculpture and the change of topics from first to fourth century. For each section a fragment
was identified significantly more that will guide the understanding of variations. In the last section introduces
the necessary criteria illustrations highlight recent additions to Christian art, while creating an introduction to
the visit of the underground catacombs.

Microclimatic monitoring
The two buildings were positioned so as to incorporate two of the stairways leading to the underground
catacomb, and this accessibility was thought to allow the pilgrims to visit the whole environment.

Fig. 3 The current work in the Basilica of St. Silvestro (Photo Archive PCAS).

Today, the proximity between the external environment and the underground sites causes many problems to
the microclimate of the basilica. The relative humidity values are consistently over 90% and the winter


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

temperature remains constant at around 12 C. The conditions described leads to a high chance of
These microclimatic factors have been carefully studied to find compatible solutions with the current project
and the archaeological context (Fig. 3).

Our aim
The goal is to enhance the environment and the relative graves rebuilding its historical identity through a
museum where the fragments of sarcophages can be highlighted. The museum has been thought and
developed using the technology since the beginning. The accessibility of information and the data
management contribute to our interdisciplinary collaboration.
In a previous phase a 3D model has been created from the laser scanner for several uses: it has been used
by the different professional figures involved in the project, architectural and illumination planning (Fig. 4).
With it one will be able to perform a virtual visit using a web application, giving access to more people. A
purely virtual visit can improve the microclimatic situation, but an important application is to augment the real
visit by allowing the visitor to find information that cannot be directly retrieved in the real environment.

Fig. 4 Section A: AREA 3D (Arch. A. Peruzzi and Arch. M. Pucci).

3D Web application
The approach has been to maintain the pieces in their original context of the basilica through a project and a
web-application based on a method called ISEE (the name of the method that means I see). Its intuitive
interface allows the user to navigate in the model and retrieve the information when he/she is looking. The
basic idea of the ISEE software is to enable information retrieval by simply viewing inside a 3D environment,
since moving and looking in the real world are basic modes which all viewers use. ISEE software ranks the
relevant information by means of its position/orientation in 3D space as a viewer. The ranking algorithm that


Mazzei / Pecchioli, A tool in Cultural Heritage

we developed matches the intuitive expectation of users as verified by means of formal usability tests
(PECCHIOLI et al. 2007).
The method ISEE is the attempt to connect different fields of research with modern technology through its
intuitive approach and its versatility (Fig. 5).
We use the Unity 3D technology (http://unity3d.com) to visualize and interactively navigate 3D models. The
Unity plug-in is available for all the major browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) and platforms (Windows, OsX).

Fig. 5 3D Model imported in Unity3d.

Archaeology and 3D technology

In the virtual visit the user has two access levels: common user and researcher. The different interface will
be structured using the intuitive and user-friendly interface of the system (Fig. 6). We are testing in these
months the types of interface for the usability test.
The space of the museum does not allow to show all the information available, but only a synthetic
description and a number of archive. To allow the user to view more information also a QR-code is printed.
This connects the information available in the purely virtual visit to the real visit so that the user can read the
information for each fragment in detail. The added information will be provided inside the basilica using a
local network and the user will be able to read through his/her mobil device using QR-code. The platform is
being developed and followed from an interdisciplinary team.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 6 Example of ISEE interface: Zafar Virtual Museum, Yemen (in collaboration with Prof. Paul Yule, Heidelberg University,

ISEE and Arachne Database

Some of the sarcophages of the basilica of Saint Silvestro are already catalogued in a database called
Arachne. Arachne represents a central object-database of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). In the
2004 the DAI and the Research Archive for Ancient Sculpture at the University of Cologne (Germany) joined
the effort to support Arachne as a tool for free internet-based research. Arachne is intended to provide
archaeologists and Classicists with a free internet research tool for quickly searching hundreds of thousands
of records on objects and their attributes.
In ISEE database the information is stored as normal files into folders and the so-called metainformation
(created by, modified by, the name and a short first description) also in a relational database which allows
the user to quickly query the data.
The information is archived in its original format (xml, jpeg, tiff, txt, mov, etc.). All data relative to the same
piece of information is recorded in a folder, which contains also the meta-information recorded in the
database in a special file in xml format.
The most users have familiarity with this type of structure: for its in the management of folders and files, the
ease accessibility to data for controls and in particular backups. Often the data entered in the relational
database are registered in a format that depends on its version, and need special tools to be copied, which
can hinder future accessibility. Our approach tries to combine the advantages of database and filesystem
ISEE contains a minimum set of information which may be extended: name of the file, path, a field of
description, the reference date, inserted by, coordinates the location information and a view in the model.
In this project for more in depth information ISEE database relies on Arachne and the ICOM-CIDOC
archiving standard.


Mazzei / Pecchioli, A tool in Cultural Heritage

The team developer is realizing for the next May a new version, ISEE v. 3.0 with major changes which
improve the usability (http://isee.kitabi.eu). The web application will take place in the site of the Pontificia
Commissione di Archeologia Sacra to be accessible using the modern browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) together
the photographic archive and a history digital archive. The architectural project and the web application
interact with each other.

Our interdisciplinary collaboration is a contribute to try an innovative solution for the accessing and managing
the information in its context. The museum is inserted in a new tour of the catacombs of Priscilla which
contributes to improve its cultural value. The different level of accessibility for the user through Internet, and
that in situ using mobile devices, improve and integrate the data, giving to the visitor expanded range of
choice and knowledge in a particular field of the archaeology.

Acknowledgements to AREA3D (Arch. Alessandro Peruzzi and Arch. Mirco Pucci), Prof. Giorgio Verdiani for
the laser scanning measurement technologies.

ALAMOURI, A. and PECCHIOLI, L. (2010). ISEE: retrieving information navigating in the historical Baalbek, in: ISPRS Proceedings of
the 5th 3D GeoInfo Conference, 3-4 November 2010, Berlin, Germany.
APOLLONIO, F. I., GAIANI, M. and BENEDETTI, B. (2012). 3D reality-based artefact models for the management of archaeological
sites using 3D Gis: a framework starting from the case study of the Pompeii Archaeological area, Journal of Archaeological Science,
Volume 39, Issue 5: 12711287.
DE ROSSI, G. B. (1890). Novelle scoperte nel cimitero di Priscilla presso la basilica di S. Silvestro, Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana
V, 1: 140146.
KULITZ, I., FERSCHIN, P. and MATEJOWSKY, P. (2006). 4D Visualization Methods in Archaeology, in: Proceedings Archologie and
Computer, Kulturelles Erbe und Neue Technologien, Workshop 11, Wien, Austria.
MARUCCHI, O. (1906). Relazione degli scavi eseguiti nel cimitero di Priscilla dal gennaio al giugno 1906, Nuovo Bullettino di
Archeologia Cristiana XII: 565.
PAKKANEN, J. (2008). Documentation and computer reconstruction strategies in the study of architecture at the sanctuary of Poseidon
at Kalaureia, Greece, in: W. Brner and S. Uhlirz (Eds.), Workshop 13. Archologie und Computer. Kulturelles Erbe und Neue
Technologien 0305. November (CD-edition, ISBN 978-3-85161-016-1): 9 pages.
PECCHIOLI, L., MOHAMED, F., CARROZZINO, M. and LEITNER, H. (2008). A Method to link data in a 3D Environment, in:
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 26 April 2007,
Berlin, Verlag A. Posluschny/K. Lambers/I. Herzog ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-7749-3556-3.
STANCO, F., TANASI, D., BUFFA, M. and BASILE, B. (2012). Augmented Perception of the Past: The Case of the Telamon from the
Greek Theater of Syracuse, in: MULTIMEDIA FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE Communications in Computer and Information Science,
Volume 247, Part 3, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27978-2_11: 126135.
TOLOTTI, F. (1970). Il cimitero di Priscilla, Studio di topografia e architettura, Citt del Vaticano.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

VERDIANI, G., DI TONDO, S., FANTINI, F. and PUCCI, M. (2011). Il ritorno all'immagine, nuove procedure image based per il Cultural
Heritage (Ed. Lulu).
WINTERBOTTOM, S. J. and LONG, D. (2006). From abstract digital models to rich virtual environments: Landscape contexts in
Kilmartin Glen, Scotland, Journal of Archaeological Science 33: 13561367.


Petrova, Virtual Museum of the Delta of the Neva River

Virtual Museum of the Delta of the Neva River

Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

Abstract: The main objective of the virtual museum of the Neva delta is Russian city Saint-Petersburg,
which is located on the banks of this river. The project focuses on the urban development of SaintPetersburg, implement of modern architecture projects in the city and preservation of its cultural heritage.
Nowadays in Saint-Petersburg there are several museums devoted to its historical and cultural development.
Recently many virtual projects, such as online museums and virtual galleries, have been produced by
different developers. But at the same time these sources often give incomplete information and occasionally
seem to be avocational. Typical museum projects focus on certain aspects of city life and do not develop a
theme of urban planning.
According to the dynamic growth and rapid development of Saint-Petersburg, problems of modern urban
planning appear to be very important and even urgent.
Comprehensive approaches to construction of new architectural ensembles, modern architectural objects
and reconstruction of old buildings in historic districts these problems are very important not only for St.
Petersburg, but also for other cities in Russia and all around the world.
St. Petersburg needs a new complex urban museum and cultural center, which would combine a classic
exhibition with modern exposition halls, equipped with facilities for the most effective presentation of
information: projection screens, interactive panels and equipment for presenting holographic images, based
on three-dimensional architectural models, and other devices.
Such museum complex can be supplied with online museum, available for visiting by any Internet user.
Virtual Museum of the Neva delta, produced as a website can exist as an addition to a real museum
complex, but also may be a single source of information.
Today the layout and content of the online museum are already completed, and the complex urban museum
is at the concept and design stage.

Keywords: urban museum, virtual reconstruction, Saint-Petersburg.

Museum concept
Nowadays process of development of modern cities and reconstruction of its historical areas is very fast and
sometimes insufficiently controlled. Thus problems of modern urban planning are extremely important.
Formation of new architectural ensembles, reconstruction of obsolete buildings, implementation of modern
architectural objects into historical areas these problems are very important not only for St. Petersburg, but
also for other cities in Russia and all around the world.
The pace of our life demand modernization of transport infrastructure, old architectural objects obtain new
functions and shape. Sometimes this transformations appear to be successful, but very often they seem to
dissonant with historical urban environment.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

In St.-Petersburg situation in this field is very complicated because architectural intervention into the existing
urban environment is often spontaneous and not well-regulated by city-planning organizations.
There is no single concept of urban development of St. Petersburg, there are no strict building regulations,
that would help to avoid urban planning mistakes (ROMANOV et al. 2010).
According to fast development of citys territories and specific character of this process, researches,
connected with conservation of historical monuments and cultural heritage appear to be very important. We
need to form a new modern image of Saint-Petersburg as a city with long rich history, to attract public
attention to the problems of conservation of historical urban environment.
Currently, there are quite a lot various museum complexes, which focus on the history and culture of the city.
Also, a lot of different virtual resources, sites and forums have appeared, where users discuss problems
urban planning of St.-Petersburg and criticize new controversial architectural projects. This shows, that
public interest in city-building process is very high today. At the same time these resources do not deeply
investigate the problem.
St.-Petersburg needs a brand new museum and cultural center that would unite classic exhibition along with
modern exposition halls, equipped with facilities for the most interactive presentation of information:
projection screens, interactive panels, holographic images based on three-dimensional architectural models,
and other devices. Use of new technologies helps to create absolutely new museum tours and virtual
educational programs (LEBEDEV 2007: 35).
In addition to this museum complex a single virtual resource can be created. It is going to be a website
published on the internet and accessible for any user from any part of the world. Virtual museum of the delta
of the Neva, produced as a web site, can exist as a supplement to the real museum complex, but also may
be a single information resource, which would focus on all aspects of development of Saint-Petersburg and
river Neva. Today there are quite many different websites devoted to various aspects of city life, but there is
no complete virtual museum of St. Petersburg, no global project, containing various information about
history, development and current problems of the city.

Museums purpose
Main aim of creation virtual museum of the river Neva is attraction of attention of public society to the city and
problems of its urban planning. We need to create new modern image of Saint-Petersburg as a city with long
eventful history.
Another aim of the project is creation of structured data bank, which would contain various information about
the Neva delta, and could be completed with new data at any time.

Study of Analogues
At the first stage of the project we need to produce a concept of the museum complex. At the same time we
start to collect information about other similar project, already produced in other countries. One of the largest
museum complexes of urban planning is Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center.
It is a six-storey building, in which visitors can study all stages of urban development and future plans of
Shanghai. Models of modern Shanghai and its urban planning are the largest and most interesting museum


Petrova, Virtual Museum of the Delta of the Neva River

exhibits. Each room is dedicated to specific issues of urban development: resettlement of old districts,
installation of new communications, transport and other themes. Almost all rooms are equipped with
workstations with interactive touch-screens, allowing visitors to get acquainted with the information in the
form of virtual tours and computer games (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Model of modern Shanghai and its urban planning at Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center.

Beijing Urban Planning Exhibition Center focuses on similar subjects. Historical drawings and plans of old
Beijing are stored here as well as general plan of Beijing of 2020 year. Some exhibits tell us about Olympic
games 2008. The most interesting part of exhibition is model of modern Beijing, made in a scale 1:750.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Another interesting project is Singapore City Gallery, where a scaled model of the city is also performed. The
museum exhibit shows the stages of development of Singapore, shows special features of the city which is
at the same time a whole state. Exhibition Centre offers visitors a virtual interactive tours, panoramic video,
game tours.
In many European cities there are special architectural exhibition centers, where temporary exhibitions are
being organized. The aim of these projects is to present and discuss new trends in urban architecture. For
example, such centers are in London (www.architecturecentre.co.uk), Copenhagen (Danish Architecture
Center, english.dac.dk) and other cities and countries. Main theme of these projects is studying of modern
urban architecture and discussion of innovative projects and future development plans.
Also there are some other museum projects, which focus mostly on historical development of different cities.
For example, museums of Prague (http://www.prague.net/prague-city-museum), Copenhagen
(http://www.copenhagen.dk/), Wroclaw (www.muzeum.miejskie.wroclaw.pl).
Museums in Prague and Copenhagen, along with the classic exhibits offer visitors to explore the medieval
city model and reconstructed models of individual buildings and interiors. Museum of Wroclaw is also
produced in the form of website (www.muzeum.miejskie.wroclaw.pl/vr/ratuszvr.html), where visitors can take
a virtual walk through the halls and exhibits on-line (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Virtual tour of Wroclaw museum web-site.


Petrova, Virtual Museum of the Delta of the Neva River

Many cities have their own websites. Most of them are produced in the form of on-line travel guide ((Vienna
www.wien.gv.at, Berlin www.berlin.de, London www.londontown.com, Prague www.prague.net, Paris
www.paris.fr, etc.). But there are also more serious projects of urban virtual museums, which include virtual
tours, interactive photo galleries, panoramas, maps, game tours and other techniques, which help to make
operating with virtual museum much more convenient and effective. In such projects information content is
also different, more attention is paid to historical, geographical and cultural aspects of urban development,
these projects are complex, they to be a kind of encyclopedia of the city. Examples are on-line museums of
London (www.museumoflondon.org.uk), Copenhagen (www.copenhagen.dk), Moscow
(www.mosmuseum.ru). On-line museum of London includes virtual tours, some educational tours, realized in
the form of small games and other virtual exhibits (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Educational games of London on-line museum.

As for the projects, dedicated to St. Petersburg, they are: the State Museum of history of St. Petersburg
(www.spbmuseum.ru), website "virtual walk in the Russian Museum" (rmtour.ru), virtual tours of the
Hermitage (www.hermitagemuseum.org).
Museum of history of Saint-Petersburg offers visitors permanent and temporary exhibitions, which illustrate
historical development of the city. There are some special tours and educational programs for children.
Museums website along with other information offers an interactive map and the panorama of the fortress.
Project "virtual walk in the Russian Museum" as well as website of the State Hermitage Museum offer users
interactive panoramas of museums halls.
Analyzing existing urban planning museums, we can formulate the following BASIC PRINCIPLES OF


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Complex approach;
Creation of complete information database;
Study of new trends in urban planning, analysis of new architectural projects;
Creation of social cultural center as an integral part of museum complex where conferences, seminars
and symposiums about urban architectural projects and development plans can be organized and take
Use of various methods of presenting information.
Modern urban museum should present not only historical past of the city, but actual problems of its further
development. It should be an architectural center with temporary and permanent exhibitions, conference
rooms and halls with all necessary equipment.

Creation of On-Line Version

On-line version of museum is also required. Producing of website can be a basis for real complex urban
center. On-line version should cover all aspect of development of the city: its history, geography, culture,
social life. This may be a kind of encyclopedia of the city, which would expand and develop simultaneously
with the city. Website would attract new visitors and tourists, it can improve an image of the city. Not
everyone has an opportunity to visit the museum in real life, and virtual version is accessible to anyone, who
has access to the internet. Modern museum is a kind of social institution and it is important to make it
accessible to a wide range of visitors.
Modern museum has also cultural and educational functions. Today it is very important to socialize problems
of urban planning, especially among young people (NIKISHIN 1999: 75). Innovative approach in education,
development of distant learning option, alternative methods of presentation may improve classical
educational programs and attract public interest to urban architectural problems.
Now the on-line version of urban museum of Saint-Petersburg is being developed at Saint-Petersburg State
University. The project is called "Virtual Museum of the delta of the Neva". During working under this project,
a version of website was produced. The most important purpose was to work out museum structure and
main themes of virtual exhibit.
Main themes of virtual museum should be selected in accordance with the interests of users. Virtual museum
of the Neva delta is focused on everything that concerns to the past, present and future of the Neva and
Saint-Petersburg, but modern development of the city and delta is the most important theme.
As for historical development of the city, it is very interesting to study previously unexplored facts and events.
For example, unrealized architectural projects, lost or rebuilt monuments.
Also it is interesting to show how special geographical location has influenced development of SaintPetersburg. Actually Neva is a young river and it appeared only 3000 years ago and the process of its
formation can be shown using technology of virtual reconstruction.
An interesting feature of this project is a special role of water infrastructure of the city. Delta of river Neva is a
whole system of canals and islands, and the special geographical location of Saint-Petersburg has certainly
affected its urban development. Neva has been a transport way and has defended city for centuries. For


Petrova, Virtual Museum of the Delta of the Neva River

many years Saint-Petersburg developed in the context of Neva delta, that formed its structure, influenced life
of citizens. In the project Neva and Saint-Petersburg are treated as a single system.
Another themes are:
Ancient human settlement on the banks of the Neva river
Flora and fauna of the Neva delta
Archaeological research and finds in the area of the Neva river
Ecology of the Neva delta and Saint-Petersburg
Navigation on the river Neva
Literature and references about the Neva river, myths and legends about St. Petersburg
Virtual museum has no limits, virtual exhibits do not need any space at museums halls. That why exhibition
themes are not limited. Virtual museum of the delta of the Neva is a flexible system which can be completed
with new information at any time.
Actually users can take part in creation of information content of the museum themselves, for example by
means of forums or e-mail messages. Thus the main task is to develop a clear and logical structure of virtual
museum, based on themes of virtual exhibition (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Structure of virtual museum of the delta of the Neva river.

As for informational content of virtual museum it is planned to develop:

Virtual tours of the city in different historical periods
Virtual excursions along the Neva river;
Kid's virtual tours, games and educational programs, concerned to St. Petersburg, its history, geography,
population and other themes;


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Three-dimensional models of architectural monuments and ensembles;

Virtual models of unimplemented projects and lost monuments;
Virtual models of modern architectural projects;
Visualization of the Neva river flooding;
Visualization of the formation of the Neva delta;
Interactive historical and modern maps of the city;
Videos, presentations, printed materials.
A part of museum content has been already created, but this work is far not complete and it continues.
For example, an unimplemented Leblonds project was produced in the form of three-dimensional plan
(Fig. 5).
The basis for this reconstruction was historical plan of 1716 year, made by Leblond when he was chief
architect of Saint-Petersburg (SEMENTSOV et al. 2004: 57).

Fig. 5 Section of virtual museum of the delta of the Neva river Leblonds Petersburg.

Another interesting virtual exhibit is reconstructed three-dimensional plan of St.-Petersburg in the times of
Peter-the-First. This reconstruction was also based on the historical documents maps of Saint-Petersburg
from 1714 to 1725 and more detailed map of 1738 (although second map refer to later period, it was also
used as a basis because some objects mentioned in documents were absolutely indistinguishable on the
first map) (Fig. 6).


Petrova, Virtual Museum of the Delta of the Neva River

Fig. 6 Section of virtual museum of the delta of the Neva river Petersburg of Peter-the-First.

As well as the map, some buildings of this period were also virtually reconstructed. Sources for this
reconstruction were publications and illustrative materials XVIII century, especially important were historical
panoramic views of the XVIII century, made by Zubov A.F. and Marselius C. (ST. PETERSBURG IN

Fig. 7 Example of reconstructed historical object - Palace Embankment in 1720s: reconstructed general view, basis panoramic view,
made by Zubov A. F. in 1725, reconstructed sweep.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Reconstructed objects are: shopping arcade, Peters gates, Palace Embankment, Winter Palace of Peter I,
typical houses (Fig. 7). A section of the museum focuses on geography of the city and Neva river flooding.
Actually these tragic events were really dangerous and only in 20 century the problem was solved by
building dam (Fig. 8). Some other sections of the museum were also developed: three-dimensional models
of modern delta (Fig. 9), historical maps and plans and some others. The project is being currently
developed, and researchers continue working on it.

Fig. 8 Virtual reconstruction of the flooding in 1724, the most wrecking in the history of St.-Petersburg.

Fig. 9 Three-dimensional models of modern delta.

LEBEDEV, A. V. (2001). Museum of the Future. Information Management. Moskow: Progress-Tradition.
LEBEDEV, A. V. (2007). Information Technologies and Modern Museum Exhibit, Russian Expert Review 6 (23) 2007. SaintPetersburg: 3035.
NIKISHIN, N. A. (1999). Museum and New Technologies, in: On the way to the Museum of the XXI century. Moskow: ProgressTradition.
NOL, L. Y. (2007). Information technology in museum work. Moskow.
ROMANOV, O. S., NIKONOVA, A. A. and BAKAYUTOVA, L. N. (2010). About Urban Museum, in: World of Excursions. SaintPetersburg.
SEMENTSOV, S. V., KRASNIKOVA, O. A., MAZUR, T. P. and SCHRADER, T. A. (2004). St. Petersburg on the Plans and Maps of the
First Half of XVIII Century. St. Petersburg: Travel Ltd and Cultural Center Eclectic.
(2009). St. Petersburg: Arch.
ST. PETERSBURG - 300 YEARS ON THE PLANS AND MAPS. CD-ALBUM (2002). St. Petersburg: Department of Mapping St.
Petersburg Public Library.


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16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


Streets, Roads and Squares Development, Function and Conversion


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places in

Muzeul Naional al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Romania

Abstract: The paper analyses the roman Dacia open spaces architectural programms, such as principia for
the military camps and fora for the civilian settlements, and their transformations during the medieval and
modern times periods in some important urban centers of the province. First of all, the the paper intoduces
the definitions of the roman open space architectural programm for principia and forum, closely connected
one another as responding to a common functional purpose : both were public assembly places. The next
step is to see how these architectural programms were reconsidered (if they were) after the roman period.
The paper presents next some case studies for the most important urban centers from Dacia, focusing on
the central market place, and the way it was transformed or completely abandonned during the medieval and
modern times. The analyse, the first one of this kind, is based on archaeological excavations results, several
cartographic and litterary sources, ancient photos, etc. In order to have a complete image of the urban
evolution phenomenon in Transylvania.

Keywords: principia, forum, Dacia, Transylvania.

The art of laying out towns with due care for the health and comfort of inhabitants for industrial and
commercial efficiency and for reasonable beauty of buildings is an art of intermittent activity. (Francis John
Haverfield, Ancient Town Planning, Oxford, 1913)
When Francis John Haverfield published in 1913 his famous book from which we quote this paragraph, the
world was already aware of the great importance of the urban classical tradition in the art of town planning.
In fact, the major part of the European modern cities were built according to some basic classical urban
principles, one of them being the permanence of the public open space right in the middle of it.
The medieval cities of Transylvania, one of the most important provinces of the east European area, knew
this town planning principles right from the very beginning. But first of all it would be very interesting to find
out what is Transylvania.

From Transylvania to Siebenburgen

When the ancient governor of Macedonia province in 7573 BC, Gaius Scribonius Curio, tried to reach the
region surrounded by the Carpathian mountains, known at that time under the name of Dacia, he was afraid
of the deep forests he met there Curio Dacia tenus uenit, sed tenebras saltuum expauit (Florus, Epitome
of the Histories of Titus Livy). At that time Transylvania was two thirds of the roman province of Dacia and it
was almost reputed for its dreadful woods. In fact Transylvania or Ultrasilvania as it was known in the


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

medieval sources, meant exactly the country beyond the forests. Besides, the other name of this province
according to the hungarian sources, Erdly, meant also forest, from hungarian erd.

Fig. 1 Transylvania today 10 departments and the Banat Bihor Zarand and Maramures counties (ancient Partium).

Fig. 2 Transylvania-map from 1635.

Siebenbrgen was a medieval noun of Transylvania but there are still several theories explaining what it
meant exactly. According to some XIII-th c. sources, Siebenbrgen has to be considered in close connection
to seven village fortresses in Sibiu area, where the first saxonians colonists settled in 1247. The problem in


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

this case is that in Sibiu neighborhood more than ten village fortresses were attested at that time. Another
theory, which seems to be more plausible, found support in a XV-th letter belonging to Aeneas Silvio
Picolomini, the Pope Pius II, mentioning seven medieval cities Sibiu, Cluj, Sighioara, Sebe, Media,
Braov and Bistria which were the most important of the whole province at that time.
Transylvania province today includes 10 departments Alba, Bistria, Braov, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita,
Hunedoara, Mure, Slaj, Sibiu and a region which was called in the medieval documents as Partium
partium regni Hungariae dominus including actually Maramure, Bihor, Zarand and Arad counties. The whole
surface is actually of 100.293 km and represents about 42% from the whole country of Romania (Figs. 1, 2).

Forum principia and the medieval market place, symbol and meaning
There are close connections between open spaces meanings in civil or military roman settlements and those
existing in the medieval cities which could be discussed here because they represents one of the most
important aspects of the urbanism principles. First of all, it is interesting to point out that the forum, in the
roman civil settlements or principia, in roman camps, had in fact a common functional purpose, i.e. they were
both public assemblies open spaces situated right in the middle of the streets network. The forum was the
roman city headquarters at the cardo and decumanus maximus crossroads and an important temple,
dedicated to the capitoline triad, was built usually on the opposite entrance side. Several roman municipii or
coloniae were founded exactly on this public open space consecrated to all kind of trades, justice, or general
assemblies where crucial decisions for the public wellfare were taken. The presence of the capitoline temple
emphasized exactly the important meaning of this sacred public open space.
The principia was the roman camp headquarters situated at the via principalis and via praetoria crossroads
and a legion chapel (aedes legionis) was built on the opposite entrance side (Figs. 3, 4).
This general central open space plan organised under a sacred authority, as the capitoline temple or the
legion chapel, kept the same meaning during the medieval time when the cathedral replaced the roman
monuments cited above. Furthermore, in some very few cases which will be discussed here, the public
medieval market places have been developped on the ancient roman forum-principia locations or in their
close neighborhood.

Fig. 3 (left) The roman forum/principia at the crossroad of principal axes cardo-decumanus maximus/via principali.via praetoria.
Fig. 4 (right) Principia and aedes legionis (red) from V Legion Macedonica camp in Turda (Potaissa).


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

The first medieval cities of Transylvania and the occidental workshops

First of all we have to establish a proper term used to indicate the medieval settlements which will be
discussed in this paper. According to the Cambridge English Language Dictionary city is supposed to be a
large town and espeacially any town which has a cathedral so we are right to call by this term the major part
of the medieval towns of Transylvania.
Urban life in medieval Transylvania was organized primarily around a few Roman abandoned settlements,
whose walls were sometimes used as refuge citadels. One could cite about it some typical situations where
the ancient walls of Roman times were used as refuge points for temporary communities settled outside the
Turda, the oldest medieval town in Transylvania, is attested for the first time in 1075 and it is located at the
foot of a hill where was built the ancient Legion V Macedonian Roman camp. However, the Roman camp
was not rebuilt or refurbished to a stable activity within the walls, as in Alba Iulia, whose first documentary
attestation dates from 1097. Unlike Turda, the camp of the Legion XIII Gemina Alba Iulia was completely
rebuilt in the X-th c. and its walls were used until the end of the XVII-th c, when the new Vauban fortification
would replace and encompass the medieval fortress, built over the Roman foundations of the camp.
A third well attested medieval city is Oradea, but no Roman camp is known there. Its first documentary
attestation dates from 1091, and it was at that time one of the most prestigious religious places from
Transylvania, as the Romanesque cathedral built by King Ladislau (10771095) was supposed to house the
royal necropolis of the prince family. Even if the ancient monument has been destroyed, new Gothic
cathedral was built on the same spot, between 1342 and 1372. This is suposed to be the first hallenkirche
(hall type cathedral) of Transylvania. As we know by the documentary sources, just in front of its west portal,
in the main square, there were the bronze statues of Hungarian kings and saints Stefan, Emerich and
Ladislau, made by George and Martin, whose works were highly appreciated throughout Transylvania and
Hungary. Unfortunately, in the XV-th and especially during the XVI-th c. the cathedral has fallen into ruins
and the remains were totally abandoned.
Some documents from 1113 mention another important center of medieval Transylvania under the name
of Castrum Clus. This one also indicates the role played by the ancient Roman ruins of Cluj, the ancient city
founded during emperor Hadrian reign known under the name of Napoca. The oldest monument of the
medieval city, mentioned by the documentary sources, is a Benedictine church, built in 1222, completely
destroyed in the XV-th century. On its foundations was originally built another church, entirely restored in the
XIX-th c. which still retains a small trace of the earlier monument.
Another issue that deserves special attention is that of the urban typology developed in Transylvania.
We should discuss first the geographical and historical conditions of the location of the new medieval cities.
In both situations the cases analyzed in Cluj and Alba Iulia, the medieval walls were built completely on the
Roman principia, belonging to military camps, although for Cluj this problem is not yet definitely resolved. It is
unclear, for example, what was really the armys role in the founding of the Roman settlement in Dacia.
Besides, all other important medieval cities, most founded by the Saxons, arose on virgin land.
The development of medieval cities in Transylvania should be interpreted in the context of the massive
Saxon colonisation which took place mainly between 1150 and 1220. This had an immediate effect because
starting with the XI-th c. three major Catholic dioceses have been created: in Cenad, founded by bishop

16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Gerardus, in Oradea, founded by king Ladislau himself, and in Alba Iulia. Thus the religious transformations
had an important impact on the cities developpement plans because the cathedrals belonging to these three
dioceses concentrated around them the urban city life. We will see further which were the most important
Transylvania medieval cities and how their plans have been changed during modern history.

In 1091 Oradea became one of the most important medieval cities from Transylvania because of the great
roman cathedral supposed to be the royal necropolis for the hungarian kings (Fig. 5). The original roman
monument was completely distroyed and in 13421370 on its place was raised a huge hallenkirche (hall type
cathedral) the biggest ever built in Transylvania. Destroyed during the XVI-th c. the vestiges of this important
monument were integrated in the precincts which were raised at that time and restored later, in the XVIII-th
c., in a Vauban style manner.

Fig. 5 Oradea Josephinian Landesaufnahme 1769,


Turda is the present day name of ancient Potaissa, an important roman military center where the Romans
brought in 168169 A.D the Vth Legion Macedonica. The legion camp was built outside the city, on a
isolated hilltop which ensured a very good strategic position (Fig. 6). The camp was never affected by
medieval or modern transformations and still preserves the major part of its vestiges. The medieval city has
been developped at the foothill were the legion camp was built and its perimeter was temporarly used by the
city inhabitants as a refuge spot during some very short periods of time. The first city medieval precincts
were raised all around the foothill area during the second half of the XIIth c. but they were completely


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

destroyed in the XVth c. During the XV-th c. a new gothic cathedral was raised with a small public open area
all around, both severely transformed during the XVIII-th c. In 14581504 a second gothic cathedral known
as the Big Cathedral, became the city central area, with the city hall and the market place in its close
neighbourhood, were still in place until the XVIII-th c. The place is no longer available today due to modern
transformations of the area but the major part of the monuments are still functionning our days.

Fig. 6 Turda today Vth Legion Macedonica roman camp (red) and its principia (yellow).

In Cluj, probably a military camp existed inside the modern city which became later the roman town known
under the name of Napoca, as it was attested by a milliarium (mentionning the distance Potaissa Napoca).
However, the forum supposed to be under the medieval and the modern city place, is not clearly
determinated (Fig. 7). As principal moments of the city history in 1173 the documents mentioned a castrum
Clus(i), whose precincts were built mainly on the roman city walls. In 13491450 was raised the gothic
Cathedral St. Michael, one of the most important gothic monument from Transylvania. Its plan and the
monumental decoration were inspired by a famous gothic workshop, coming probably from St. Elisabeth
cathedral from Kosice, actually Slovakia, but several restaurations during the XVIth and the XVIIIth c. altered
the original image of the monument. The medieval city place was built during the XIVth c. and is still in place


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 7 Cluj today Medieval precincts (red) and the market place (yellow).

Fig. 8 Braov today In the center the Black Church and the city market place.


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

The city of Brasov knew an important developement starting with the XIIIth c. when the first precincts with
defensive towers were built mainly by different kind of the city guilds, as in Sibiu, Sebe, Bistria, as we shall
see further. Starting with 1383 until the XVIIth c. was built, during several periods of time, the Black Church,
the biggest gothic cathedral of Transylvania, probably as big as the one from Oradea, which has been
destroyed (Fig. 8). The works began under the authority of a certain Thomas Szes, son of Mathew, an
important merchant of the city, as it was mentioned on a document from 1377. The monumental decoration
was made by a workshop coming from St. Elisabeth Cathedral from Kosice, which has been active also in
Cluj. During the XIV c. was built the city hall and in its close neghborhood the market place. The ancient city
center is still functional today.

Fig. 9 Sebe Josephinian Landesaufnahme 1769 Medieval precincts and the city market place,

Sebe became an important medieval city starting with 12301235 when a roman cathedral, continued by
gothic forms (Cistercian) specific for Cra workshop was raised. Because of serious lack of fonds and turks
raids in the region the monument initial plan was abandoned and the chorus was transformed in the XIV-th
c., according to the mature gothic influence, probably under the authority of a famous workshop of that time,
lead by Peter Parler from Gmund. The gothic cathedral was raised in the same time with the city precincts,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

i. e. during the XIV-th c., financed by different guilds as in Sibiu, Bistrita or Brasov (Fig. 9). At the beginning
of the XV-th c. in front of the cathedral chorus was organised the city market place, which is still functioning

In 1361 is mentioned a so called civitas Bistritz (today Bistria) and its first city precincts, financed by
different guilds. Before that, during the second half of the XIII.th c. was built a franciscan cathedral, under the
cistercian gothic influence, severely affected later on by utterly massive interventions (Fig. 10). The
monument entirely transformed as it is today became an orthodox church. In the second half of the XIV-th c.
a new gothic cathedral was raised in the middle of the city, several times afected by subsequent
restorations. The most important interventions were those from 15601563, under the influence of a
Rennaissance workshop lead by Petrus Italus from Lugano (Petrus Italus da Lugano). A small market place
was organised around the cathedral which is still functioning today.

Fig. 10 Bistria Josephinian Landesaufnahme 1769 Medieval precincts and the city market place,

In 1322 a document issued by the pope John the XXII, authorising the transfer of certain private lands under
the bishop Olmutz authority, attests the existence of Hermannstadt (today Sibiu) (Fig. 11). The city gothic
cathedral, one of the most important from Transylvania, knew three major phases. These were also closely
conected with the market place evolution, enlarged in the same time as the cathedral was transformed. The
first phase dates back from the XIV-th c. when the chorus, with its central apse, and the major part of the
naves were built. In 1424 the cathedral has been enlarged with a new west side wing, known as galilee or
kirchevorraum, and a tower. Finally, between 1470 and 1520 the monument became a hallenkirche (hall


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

type cathedral) as the north and the south naves were enlarged and mounted by tribunes. The market place,
enlarged as the cathedral was transformed, has been fulfilled in the XVIth c. and is still functioning today.

Fig. 11 Sibiu Map from XVIIIth c. In the center the city cathedral and the market place as it has been enlarged (yellow, red, green).

Fig. 12 Sighioara Josephinian Landesaufnahme 1769. The Hill Church, the ancient market place (yellow) and the present market
place (blue), wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GrandDuchyOfTransylvania_Josephinische_Landaufnahme.jpg.

In Sighioara the city precincts were raised during the middle of the XIVth c. around a hill with a very good
strategical position. On the highest terrace of this hill were built the foundations of a cathedral, known under
the name of the hill church (Fig. 12). Between 1450 and 1600 the monument became a hallenkirche and
suffered several restaurations during the XVIIth c. The city market place could not find a good location


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

around the church because of space contraints and in the XVIth c. the first city market place was organised
in the middle of the city area near the main entrance but inside the precincts. In the XVIIth c. a new market
place raised outside the precincts, in front of the main entrance which still exists today.

The city of Media is attested by a document from 1247 but the precincts were built later on, during the XIVth, when the St. Margaret cathedral has been raised in the center. The public market place was also
organized in its close neighborhood and it is still functioning today (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13 Media Josephinian Landesaufnahme e 1769. In the center the cathedral and the city market place,

Alba Iulia
The evolution of the city of Alba Iulia is better known due to three plans made in 1687, 1711 and in 1769, the
Josephinian Landesaufnahme which is one of the most valuable sources for this investigation. On the first
plan, known under the name of Pianta di Alba Iulia we have a clear image of the medieval fortification
which was raised right on the XIII Legion Gemina roman camp foundations (Fig. 14). Three axes are
important to be stressed out because they still kept the principal roman camp ground structure. Thus, on the
E-W direction we have the ancient via praetoria and via decumana and on the N-S via quintana and via


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

principalis obviously the main axes of any roman camp. On the second plan, made by the arhitect Giovanni
Morando Visconti, the roman camp main axes were still evident but on the south side the ancient via
quintana was partially erased because of a new bulding, the Catholic Bishopric Palace (Fig. 15). On the
Josephinian Landaufnahme, from 1769, we can observe the same major streets trama structure. The roman
camp axes were preserved, i. e. via praetoria, via decumana and via principalis, and some new medieval
streets were built partially on the ancient via quintana direction (Fig. 16). Actually we still do not have
sufficient arguments in order to establish eactly where the public market place would have been located on
this final city plan. A large open space is still evident on the middle, where the roman camp principia used to
be, but it is still difficult to say if this was the medieval city market place at that time.

Fig. 14 Pianta di Alba Iulia, 1687 The XVIth c. precincts an the XIIIth Legion Gemina roman camp with its principal axes via
principalis (yellow) via praetoria/via decumana (red).

At the end of this presentation some conclusions are self evident.
In three cases the medieval cities were implemented, more or less, on or near the roman military camps:
Turda (Potaissa) the roman camp is located outside the medieval city precincts. On the other two cases we
have roman camps which were superposed by the medieval precincts and the market places were organized
right in the middle, on the principia location.
Cluj (Napoca) probably the medieval city market place was built on the roman principia military camp but this
hypothsis has to be proved by more excavations all around the area.
In Alba Iulia a medieval public open space eventually a market place is still difficult to establish, but anyway it
was organized on the roman legion headquaters (principia).
All the others medieval Transylvania cities were founded on vergin lands where no roman significant
presence was attested. In these cases the church was the medieval city core. From a simbolic point of view


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

the medieval cathedral sacred the city public open place as in the roman camp, principia was sacred by the
chapel legion (aedes legionis).
Finally, around the church were built defensive precincts or the church itself had some defensive elements
(the chorus and the west towers mainly). However, these defensiv elements are much more evident to the
medieval Transylvania villages.

Fig. 15 Alba Iulia, Plan made by Giovanni Morando Visconti in 1711 Medieval precincts and the roman camp with its principal axes
via principalis (yellow), via praetoria/via decumana (red).


Ciobanu, From roman Dacia principia and fora to public market places

Fig. 16 Alba Iulia Josephinian Landesaufnahme 1769 roman camp principal axes (yellow) and the medieval trama (red),


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The tripartite fora of the Augustan age in Lusitania

University of vora, Centro Interdisciplinar de Histria, Culturas e Sociedades (CIDEHUS), Portugal

Abstract: This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the Roman cities of the ancient province of
Lusitania. At the current state of studies, the archaeological excavations have brought to light monumental
centres of the same type, which is the so called tripartite forum or basilica-type forum. The attention is
focused on six towns: Augusta Emerita, Ebora Liberalitas Iulia, Ammaia, Pax Iulia, Sellium and Bobadela.
Although the fragmentary and incomplete knowledge that still characterizes the monumental centres of
Lusitania does not allow a global view of the topic, these fora are compared in order to understand their
similarities and differences.
One of the case-studies analyzed is placed in the archaeological park of Ammaia, in the municipality of
Marvo (Alto-Alentejo): this site has been chosen as research centre by the Marie-Curie IAPP project
Radio-Past, whose team is currently applying a combination of non-destructive technologies. The
integration of the results from the stratigraphic archaeological excavations, started in 1994, with the results
from the topographic fieldwork and the geophysical prospections carried out in these years are providing
interesting data about the forum area.
The aim of this comparison is to understand the original settings and later transformations of the
monumental centres under investigation, but especially to delineate common developments in architectural
project and chronological phasing. This paper concludes that the great amount of similarities among the
Roman fora examined is probably due to the fact that all towns were founded in the Augustan age.

Keywords: forum, temple, Lusitania, Augustan age, town.

The topic that will be discussed in this paper is part of an on-going research project, started in March 2010,

concerning the Roman monumental centres of the Iberian Peninsula . I will focus this contribution on the fora

This study has been performed under a biennial post-doc grant by Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia (FCT) of Portugal, that I

kindly thank for the great opportunity it gave me. I cannot forget to express appreciation also to the Centro Interdisciplinar de Histria,
Culturas e Sociedades (CIDEHUS) of the University of vora. This work is strictly connected with the researches carried out in the
archaeological site of Ammaia by the Marie-Curie IAPP project, under the scientific direction of proff. Cristina Corsi (University of
Cassino) and Frank Vermeulen (University of Ghent), in close collaboration with the University of vora (which is the Coordinator
Institution) and the Fundao Cidade de Ammaia. I thank proff. Cristina Corsi and Frank Vermeulen for kindly allowed me to publish
some data acquired during the recent excavations at Ammaia. I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Cristina Corsi, without which
this work would not have been possible: she has supported me with her great knowledge, priceless advice and unending patience. It is
an honor for me to thank prof. Jos Encarnao (University of Coimbra) for giving me crucial suggestions. I am indebted to many
colleagues for providing a stimulating and fun environment in which to learn and grow: some of them are part of the team of the
Radiopast Project, as drs. Dimitrij Mlekuz and Paul S. Johnson. I would like to show my gratitude to the collaborators from the University
of Ghent: Lieven Verdonck for furnishing his processed GPR data and interpretations of the forum of Ammaia and Devi Taelman for his


Persichini, The tripartite fora


of ancient Lusitania, the westernmost province of the Roman empire established by the 1 century BC and

spread over large portions of modern Portugal and Spain (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Map of Lusitania, with the names of the towns discussed in the text underlined in red (EDMONDSON 1990).

The type of monumental centre that I intend to analyze is the tripartite forum or forum block (WARDPERKINS 1970: 119), which is also called double- or compound-forum. It is general knowledge that this
kind of complex was characterized by the combination of three sectors with different functions: a temple or a
aedes, often raised on a platform; a central courtyard; a basilica hall (GROS 1996: 212213). This basic
model, characterized by the temple facing the basilica from the opposite end of an elongated rectangular
valuable collaboration in the study of the just mentioned monumental centre. I am also grateful to Jeroen Verhegge for supplying the
geophysical data acquired during his Master. I offer special thanks to Dr. Marianna Norcia, with whom I had the pleasure of supervising
the students from the Unversity of Cassino during the excavations 2010 in Ammaia. Finally, I have to sincerely thank my Portuguese
colleagues drs. Jos Carlos Quaresma, Vitor Manuel da Silva Dias and Catarina Alves for offering their great cooperation with my
investigations at Ammaia.

See, among others, RICHARDSON 1996; OSLAND 2006.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

forum enclosure, had a long period of elaboration, probably starting with the Augustan age, which led to a lot
of different adaptations. It spread throughout the Roman Empire, including Lusitania. Unfortunately in this
province the knowledge about the Roman monumental centres is still poor and fragmentary, especially as
several ancient towns have remained in occupation, removing much of the old evidence or burying it under
modern structures.
Although this analysis is strongly conditioned by vast gaps in our knowledge, also due to the fact that only
some cities have been excavated and published, we think that the complexes which can be identified as
tripartite fora (or basilica-type fora) in Lusitania are the following: Ammaia, Augusta Emerita, Ebora
Liberalitas Iulia, Pax Iulia, Sellium and Bobadela. This does not mean that they are the unique cases of
tripartite fora in Lusitania, but only that, among the centres till being investigated in that province, they have
provided more archaeological data and so the reconstruction of their plans seems to be more reliable than

I will start from the case-study of the Roman town of Ammaia, because I took part to the excavations carried
out in its forum in the last two years under the scientific direction of Proff. Cristina Corsi and Frank
Vermeulen and thus the reconstruction of this monumental centre is playing an important role in my research
project. Ammaia is located in the current municipality of Marvo, district of Portalegre, within the region of
Alto Alentejo, on the western slope of the fertile valley of the Sever River. It may have been founded ex nihilo
early in the first century AD, possibly during the reign of Augustus (VAN ROODE et al. 2011: 433). It was
conferred the status of municipium by the time of Lucius Verus, as indicated by an inscription preserved in
the nearby town of Portalegre (CIL II, 158 = IRCP, 616) (VAN ROODE et al. 2011: 433434).
Thanks to the recent geophysical surveys carried out by the researcher P.S. Johnson in the framework of the
Marie-Curie IAPP project Radio-Past, whose results will be presented in a forthcoming publication (CORSI
et al. forthcoming), the regular urban planning of Ammaia has been reconstructed. It has been hypothesized
that its small urban area extended over circa 22 hectares (VAN ROODE et al. 2011: 433) and it was
composed of rectangular insulae: the forum likely occupied the area of about two of them, fitting well within

the rectangular street pattern of the city . In fact, the road running immediately outside the monumental
centre, along its longitudinal eastern side, can be interpreted as the main northsouth axis (the so-called
cardo maximus), which was clearly connected with the excavated southern gate of the city (named Porta
Sul) (VERMEULEN and TAELMAN 2010: 315) (Fig. 2).



Persichini, The tripartite fora

Fig. 2 Archaeological map of the urban centre of Ammaia with the reconstruction of its orthogonal plan: F. Location of the forum; T.
Thermae; S. Porta Sul (elaboration of Corsi C.).

The monumental forum measures about m 65 by 90: these are not usual dimensions for a Lusitanian city,
but they correspond to the proportions 2:3 suggested by Vitruvius (De Arch., 5, 12) (MANTAS 2010: 175)
(Fig. 3).
The complex was originally located on a considerable slope with a predominant NE-SW orientation: this is
the reason why it was partially built on an artificial terrace to overcome leveling problems. The sacred part of
the forum was dominated by a probably capitolium-type temple, which was erected on a large podium with a
monumental staircase on its short south-eastern side, directed towards the square. The podium of the
temple, still standing above ground and preserved to a height of about 2.50 m, was about 9 by 17.30 m (Fig.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 3 Image of the GPR survey carried out in 2008 in the forum area of Ammaia and its nearby thermae (depth of) ca. 70 cm below
the surface): 1. Portico, 2. Temple, 3. Tabernae, 4. Basilica, 5. Forum square, 6. Temple platform, 7.-9. Streets, 10. Bathouse, 11.
Modern road, 12. Modern field boundary (VERDONCK et al. 2008).

Fig. 4 View from the south on the preserved remains of the temple podium before the 2010 excavations (VERMEULEN et al. 2012).


Persichini, The tripartite fora

It was built in opus caementicium, originally almost completely covered with lost granite blocks on three
sides, while the frontal wall was maybe constructed in opus incertum. There are few remains on the upper
part of the podium, which was divided into the pronaos and the cella by a still visible wall: the former was
7.50 m long, while the cella was 9.50 m long.
The fieldwork conducted in the temple area in summer 2010 and 2011 concentrated in the north-eastern part
of the portico and especially south to the temple, where two small trenches were opened near the south-east
and south-west corners of the podium, in order to investigate the topography and architectural setting of the
temple area and the connection with the adjoining central forum square (VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 128
129). These investigations have revealed that the southern part of podium was flanked by two rectangular
foreparts, attached to the two pars antica corners (so that they have a sort of thick L shaped plan). The
area immediately in front (SE) of the Ammaia temple and directly south-east of it revealed several traces of
more solid architectural intervention, such as a drainage floor made of river pebbles that surrounded the
foundations of a monument (VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 131). The temple was plausibly surrounded by a floor

of beaten earth , as no traces of stone flooring were found in the limited excavation areas (VERMEULEN et
al. 2012: 130) (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Excavated structures in the temple area of the forum: A. Temple; B. Forepart and staircase; C. Portico SW wing; D. Portico NW
wing; E. Portico NE wing (VERMEULEN et al. 2012).

The use of only a beaten earth floor around the forum temple was also observed in other fora of Lusitania, such as in Conimbriga

(ALARCO and ETIENNE 1977), although some of the best preserved and studied monumental fora in Roman Lusitania, such as those
of capital Augusta Emerita (AYERBE VLEZ et al. 2009) and of Aeminium (ALARCO et al. 2009), display more sturdy floors.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

All the data acquired seem to suggest that in the temple area there were two different building phases, but
this topic is still under examination.
Another information acquired thanks to the excavations is that the temple seems not to be built on an
artificial platform. Actually a possible long wall, in front of the staircase, appears south of the podium in the
geophysical surveys, especially magnetometer and earth resistance readings, but it has not been discovered
in the excavations performed till now. A likely explanation is that it is placed more to the south than earlier
presumed and if so, the higher temple area may have been separated by the central forum square
(VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 131).
The excavations performed in summer 2010 have supplied relevant information about parts of the portico
and the cryptoporticus surrounding it (the northern part of the forum). The portico, which had an average
internal width of 4.40 m, was used to create a more or less horizontal surface for the forum walking area. Its
north-eastern side, in particular, served as a terrace wall for the whole complex, as this was the lower part of
the slope. Around the temple area only the north-eastern wing of the portico was exploited as a
cryptoporticus with two levels of use, while the other wings acted as simple porticoes with only one level of
real use (Ibid.). The standing walls were made in opus incertum with a facing of roughly cut granite building
blocks of unequal sizes.
With regard to the central square of the forum, the south-eastern part seems to have less free space,
because it is m 32 wide, in comparison with the north-western sector around the temple, which is m 53,5
wide. The reason is that the central square was flanked by two rows of tabernae: they were 20 symmetrically
positioned shops (VAN ROODE et al. 2011: 436) and both blocks of tabernae opened onto a corridor, which
was likely colonnaded towards the square.
Furthermore, smaller monuments and several structures have been observed within the inner open area of
the monumental centre: some could be related to water supply and drainage (aqueduct, sewers, cistern,
fountains?), while others are bases for small public monuments or statues. The linear trace deviating from
the towns orthogonal pattern has been identified as a drain or part of the aqueduct: it likely ran under the
forum squares surface and it could be connected with the eastern basin supposed in the temple area
(VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 131).
One of the most important points to stress is that the geophysical prospection definitively proved the
presence of a monumental basilica on the south-eastern side of the forum: this building has not been
excavated, but parts of the north-eastern wall can still be seen in the bank created by the construction of a
modern road. The basilica, an elongated rectangular building measuring some 46 by 17 m, was
characterized by a double row of internal roof-supporting columns (VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 129), spaced
about every 4 m. The naves were perhaps unequal in width and the central aisle was about 7 m wide. On the
short south-western side the building was flanked by three elongated rooms, whose function is still unknown,
but it is believable that they were linked with the administrative functions of the building (Ibid.). One of them
may have been an aedes augusti, or sanctuary for the emperor, as found elsewhere in Iberia and Lusitania
(KEAY 1995: 308).The basilica probably had a few entrances: the main access was plausibly in the northwestern longitudinal wall (VERMEULEN and TAELMAN 2010: 315) and it was likely accessible from both the
forum square and the street outside.


Persichini, The tripartite fora

In conclusion, although the exact chronology of the forum of Ammaia is still unknown, a remarkable element
comes from the preliminary study of the materials collected in the excavations 2010: the building chronology

seems to start around the mid 1 century AD, probably under the reign of Claudius, while a phase of
renovation of the complex can be possibly dated in Flavian times (last quarter of the 1st century AD)
(VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 131). However, we expect further information from the study of the materials
collected during the excavation 2011, which are still under investigations.

Augusta Emerita
It is generally known that the colony of Augusta Emerita, corresponding to the current Mrida, in
Extremadura, was a foundation ex nihilo established by Augustus on the right bank of the river Guadiana
probably between 25 and 19 BC (Dio Cassius, 53, 26, 1). It is clear that Rome planned Augusta Emerita this
provincial capital as a mirror-image of Rome itself, because it was designed as a symbol of Roman power on
the periphery of the Empire.

Fig. 6 Colonial forum of Augusta Emerita: reconstructive plan of the central platform in the Augustan age (AYERBE VLEZ et al.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The town had an orthogonal plan from the beginning and it had a double monumental centre: a colonial

forum and a municipal one . The colonial forum, which was located in the eastern sector of the ancient city,
had three different monumental precincts or temenoi, but in this paper we will focus only on the central
platform, not only because it was the real core of the complex, but particularly because it had the typical plan
of a tripartite forum. It is important to stress that, in the second half of the 1st century AD, the whole area of
the colonial forum underwent a deep renovation and an enlargement of its precincts, especially on the
eastern side. Thus, it had two different building phases: the first in the Augustan age and the second one in
the Flavian age.
The central platform occupied the crossing between the two main urban axes: in fact, it was bounded on the
north by the so-called decumanus maximus and on the west by the so-called cardo maximus, where there
was an entrance with a monumental arch (AYERBE VLEZ et al. 2009: 807809).
In this platform there is the so-called temple of Diana, but actually the deity to whom it was consecrated is

still unknown . It was an impressive building, oriented NE/SW: it was constructed on a platform 2 m above
the surrounding area and it was raised on a podium 3.25 m high (Fig. 6).
Like most of the forum temples in Lusitania, it was built with local granite covered by stucco. This building
was a peripteral and pycnostyle temple: the six columns of the short sides and the eleven columns of the
long sides were topped with marble Corinthian capitals. The temple had the main entrance to the south,
where there was a frontal staircase, flanked by two smaller side stairways, which encased a tribune or a
platform (AYERBE VLEZ et al. 2009: 672-673). It has been hypothesized that this temple, with a tribune on
the faade, belonged to the typology of the templa rostrata, such as that of Venus Genetrix in Rome
(AYERBE VLEZ et al. 2009: 674675). In the Flavian age, an exedra was added to the tribune: in this way,
the frontage of the temple was completely closed towards the square.
The symmetrical position of the two large and equal piscinae placed along the two long sides of the temple is
worthy of note : it is believed that they were built in the Augustan phase of the forum and their presence
stressed the religious function of this area, as it has been hypothesized in the case of temple area of
Ammaia. The temple was surrounded on all four sides by a temenos (m 59.06 by 49.20), bounded on three
sides by closed walls, without porticoes. These walls delimited a double building: they were two adjacent
structures, which ran parallel to each other; they were an inverted U shape and their function is still
The archaeological excavations have also revealed that under each of these buildings there was a shaped cryptoporticus: both of them had a rectangular plan and were divided into two naves by a line of
pillars supporting a vaulted roof (Fig. 7). We still ignore the use of these structures, but we cannot exclude
the possibility that they were exploited as public storage, such as has been observed in other similar

For the fora at Augusta Emerita see: MATEOS CRUZ and PALMA GARCA 2004; NOGALES BASARRATE and LVAREZ MARTNEZ


With regard to this temple, see LVAREZ MARTNEZ and NOGALES BASARRATE 2003.


Persichini, The tripartite fora

Fig. 7 Section of the temple area of the central platform at Augusta Emerita (AYERBE VLEZ et al. 2009).

According to the traditional model of the tripartite forum, in Augusta Emerita the basilica was placed on the
opposite side of the temple and the administrative area was separated by the sacred sector. Unfortunately,
due to the lack of systematic excavations in this area, it is not possible to reconstruct the appearance of the
basilica of the Augustan age. We only know that, during the Flavian remodelling of the forum, the sector of
the big basilica was deeply monumentalized and new buildings were erected: in addition to the basilica, also
the curia and a possible aerarium or carcer have been identified. The Flavian basilica, built in opus incertum,
was divided into three naves by ten columns on the long sides and four columns on the short sides.

Ebora Liberalitas Iulia

The Roman town of Ebora, the current Evora, in the Alentejo region, received the status of oppidum Latii
antiqui / veteris Latii from Octavian between the years 31 and 27 BC (PL., Nat. Hist., 4, 117); then, it might
have been promoted to municipium in 12 BC (FARIA 2001a: 352). Although it was not a civitas ex novo, it
had a regular pattern and the forum was placed on the highest point of a hill, to the north of the crossroads of
the two main urban axes.
The dating of the forum is still a matter for debate: it was completed or remodelled in the late first century AD,
in the Flavian age, along with the forum of Conimbriga. But William Mierse (MIERSE 1999: 99, 102) has
suggested an earlier date for the restoration of the temple in the reign of Claudius and Vasco Gil Mantas
(MANTAS 2010: 174) has stated that the temple was reconstructed later, between the 1st and 2nd centuries

e.g. under the reign of Trajan.

The forum, which had a NS orientation, was built on a wide platform measuring 63.74 by about 120 m.
Although most of it is today buried under some later buildings, a relevant part of the plan can be
reconstructed (Fig. 8).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 8 Plan of the forum at Ebora (HAUSCHILD 1994).

The temple, located on the northern side of the complex and surrounded on three sides by a -shaped

cryptoporticus that held up a portico, was perhaps devoted to the imperial cult (HAUSCHILD 2010: 28) . The
podium, constructed of large stone blocks encasing opus incertum, stands roughly 3.45 m above the level of
its surroundings. The base of the structure and its cornice were constructed with large granite blocks, such
as in Ammaia (HAUSCHILD 2002: 218). It was a peripteral hexastyle temple, quite large for Lusitania: it had
six columns along the front and the rear, plus nine or, more probably, ten other columns along each side
(Ibid.). Today, only fourteen are still in position: these columns, are topped with marble Corinthian capitals,
which can be dated back to a period before the Flavian age, but the exact date is uncertain (HAUSCHILD
2010: 28) (Fig. 9).

About the temple see also: HAUSCHILD 1982; HAUSCHILD 1994.


Persichini, The tripartite fora

Fig. 9 3D Reconstruction of the forum temple at Ebora (HAUSCHILD 2010).

Some traces of plaster are still visible on portions of the temple walls and on the granite columns, indicating
that the whole structure may have been plastered and painted in ancient times.
The temple was surrounded on the three sides (west, north and east), by a big water tank, about 5 m wide
and 1 m deep: it probably belongs to a different building phase than the podium (Ibid.) and it was likely
finished in the mid 1st century AD.
Originally, a front staircase provided access from the south of the temple, but later it was replaced by two
lateral ascents, allowing the construction of a pilastered block wall, which cut across the faade of the
sanctuary (HAUSCHILD 2010: 2830). This transversal wall extended for 20 m and it had a thickness of
1.43 m. It could be coeval with the water tank because they were made with a mortar of the same quality
(Ibid.). Its function was to separate and support the temple precinct (temenos) and the square located at a
lower level. In this way, it served to raise the temple precinct above the rest of the forum, just like the front
wall of the temple of Diana at Augusta Emerita.
On the western side, the presence of side porticoes and a series of buildings or halls, such as curia,
comitium and tabernae, has been hypothesized: they probably departed from the western portico of the
temple precinct and extended until the area today occupied by the museum of Evora.
The exact location of the basilica is still uncertain, but it is conceivable that it was on the southern side of the
complex, according to the typical model of the tripartite forum. In fact, evidence relating to this building has
been discovered in a room in the southern sector of the museum, where there is still a large Ionic capital,
which was reused inside a medieval burial (HAUSCHILD 2010: 34).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Pax Iulia
One of the forums that show a similar architectural setting to that of Ammaia is Pax Iulia, a Roman town
corresponding to the current Beja, in the Alentejo region (PLIN., Nat. Hist., 4, 117): it was founded under
Augustus between the years 31 and 27 BC (FARIA 2001a: 351352) and was chosen as the capital of the
Lusitanian conventus called Pacensis. The town, which was situated on a hill, underwent a significant urban
improvement campaign in the early years of the first century AD. The forum probably had two different
building phases: one in the Augustan age, when the city was founded, and another maybe in the last third of
the 1st century AD (HAUSCHILD 2002: 49).
The monumental centre was placed within the confines of the modern Praa da Repblica, at the highest
point of the city. Since it is mostly unexcavated and the relationships between all the structures brought to

light are not clear, it is impossible to reconstruct the general plan of the complex . It was probably crossed by
the so-called cardo maximus, which coincided with its short axis (ALARCO 1990: 49) and it has been
suggested that the so-called decumanus maximus coincided with the eastern limit of the forum, but at
present this is only an hypothesis (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Reconstruction of part of the urban layout with the location of the forum at Pax Iulia (PONTE 2002).

The most prominent remain of this tripartite forum is the temple, which was unearthed in 1939 (VIANA 1942;
VIANA 1947): the building, with a northsouth orientation, was slightly larger than that of Ebora, measuring
29 by 16.50 m (ALARCO 1990: 48). Unfortunately, the podium and some Corinthian capitals were all that
remained of the building at the time of its discovery. Hauschild has suggested to identify it as a hexastyle
prostyle temple (HAUSCHILD 2002: 219), but not everybody agrees and Alarco (ALARCO 1990: 49) has

See LOPES 2002.


Persichini, The tripartite fora

suggested that it was a pseudo-peritperal building. As the forum temple at Ammaia, the sanctuary of Pax
Iulia had a front staircase flanked by two side foreparts. Unfortunately, not much remains of the cella.
The temple was surrounded on three sides by a floor made of a concrete, which has been wrongly qualified

as opus signinum: the technical term used in Italian is cocciopesto . The presence of this hydraulic mortar,
4.5 m wide, suggests the existence of a water tank, which was a strong structure (Ibid.). It was 7.20 m long,
2.40 m wide and it had an average thickness of 20 cm (LOPES 2010: 193194) (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 Hypothetical reconstruction of the temple area at Pax Iulia (LOPES 2010).

Alarco (ALARCO 1990: 49) has hypothesized that the basilica was a big rectangular building, measuring
80 by 160 m (in the proportion of 1:2) and that the curia was a rectangular bulding (25 m long), adjacent to
the outer long side of the basilica.
Recent excavations have brought to light two other buildings, whose function is still unknown (LOPES 2010:

The current city of Tomar, situated in the district of Santarm, in the Ribatejo region, was founded by
Augustus on the left bank of the River Nabo. Although we still do not know the juridical-administrative status
of the town under Augustus, Vasco Gil Mantas (MANTAS 1989: 33) has supposed that it was one of the 34

Cocciopesto is often confused with opus signinum, but they dont have the same composition: the former is an hydraulic mortar

composed of a compact mix of crushed terracotta and lime; it was applied as an impermeable layer in the structures exposed to water.
By reading carefully the ancient sources, as Vitruvius and Pliny the Elder, it is possible to understand the difference between them (for a
description of opus signinum see VITR., De Arch., 8, 6, 14) and this distinction has been recently stressed by R. Ginouvs and R. Martin
(GINOUVS and MARTIN 1985, I, s. v.); GIULIANI 1985: 171174.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

oppida stipendiaria established between the years 16 and 13 BC and that it received the Ius Latii probably
during the Julio-Claudian age (under Tiberius or Claudius). It likely obtained the municipal status in the
Flavian age and it became the capital of the Conventus Scallabitanus under Vespasian (PONTE et al. 1993:
Although it has been estimated that the Roman town extended over an area of about 37 ha (PONTE 1989b:
27), only a small part of this wide surface has been unearthed and only the southern area of the forum has
been excavated. Nevertheless, it is plausible that the sacred area was located in the northern portion of the
complex, on the opposite side to the basilica.

Fig. 12 Plan of the forum at Sellium (PONTE 1989a).

As testified by the finding of a monumental head of Augustus (about 2.90 m high), datable to the 1st century

the construction of the complex was started by Augustus in the first half of the 1st century BC, probably

between the years 16 and 13 BC (PONTE 2010: 325326) . However, some archaeological remains have
suggested a Tiberian date for the completion. Unlike other cities, such as Conimbriga, in Sellium there is no
evidence of a deep renovation of the forum in the Flavian age: if it were remodelled, it is more likely that it

The posthumous portrait confirms the existence of the imperial cult of Augustus at the time of Tiberius, probably in honor of the

founder of the civitas.


Persichini, The tripartite fora

happened later, maybe between the end of the 1st century AD and the beginning of the 2nd century AD
(ALARCO 1990: 52). However, at present, there are no archaeological data documenting two building
phases with certainty.
The monumental centre was fitted into the orthogonal urban plan carried out by Augustus and it was located
in the north-east corner of the crossroads between the two most important city streets: the axis which is
usually named decumanus maximus ran to the south of the basilica and the so-called cardo maximus ran
along the western side of this building (PONTE 1989c: 100). It is conceivable that the access to the
monumental centre was made through galleries or porticoes, which crossed the basilica and the square to
the west and to the east. In fact, some evidence of the foundation walls of the basilica have made possible
the reconstruction here of the entrance to the complex. On the western side there was probably a series of
tabernae opening towards the forum precinct (PONTE 1989a: 12).
The basilica was a large rectangular hall of m 18,20 by 54.60, so that its long side was equal to the short
side of the forum (PONTE 2010: 327) (Fig. 12).

Fig. 13 3D Reconstruction of the known part of the forum at Sellium (PONTE 2010).

It had an inner portico with twenty columns, probably eight along the long sides and four along the short
sides; thirteen of these columns are still preserved (ALARCO 1990: 50). The tribunal was placed on the


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

western side of the building, while the doorway to the curia and to the two adjacent rooms (tabularium and
aerarium) was placed on the southern wing. It has been calculated that the approximate height of the
basilica may have been about 11,21 m (Ibid.) (Fig. 13).

The current village of Bobadela is in the district of Oliveira do Hospital, north-east of Coimbra, in Central
Beira. One inscription (CIL II, 397) defines the Roman town splendidissima civitas and its Latin name may
have been Elbocoris or Velladis (ALARCO 20022003). It was first a civitas and then a municipium. The
town was probably a civitas ex novo founded by Augustus, but we are still ignorant of the exact date of the
deductio. We also do not know if it obtained municipal status in the Julio-Claudian age or in the Flavian
With regard to the forum and the temple, the chronology remains somewhat insecure. We only know that in
the Julio-Claudian age there was much expansion work in the monumental centre, which peaked under the
Flavian emperors with a great urban renovation (FRADE 2010: 54). Recent excavations have confirmed that
the monumental centre was a typical tripartite forum, with the main temple on the opposite side to the
basilica. It had an approximately square plan with a northsouth orientation and it measured 56.20 m (170
pedes) by 45.30 m (153.5 pedes) (FRADE 2010: 48) (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14 Plan of the forum at Bobadela (FRADE 2010).

There were three temples in this monumental centre, but the main one, dedicated to the imperial cult, was
centrally located: it was a prostyle tetrastyle temple, which was 20.70 m (70 pedes) long and 8.18 m (27.5


Persichini, The tripartite fora

pedes) wide (in the proportion 1:2) (FRADE 2010: 50). This rectangular building, with a northsouth
orientation, had the frontage facing the north and the pars postica leaning against the southern wall of the
monumental centre. A central staircase located in the northern frontage led to a platform: it corresponded to
the pronaos, which was decorated with six Ionic columns. The cella was built on a high podium, which may
have had a crypt below (Ibid.).
Thanks to the discovery of two inscriptions, we know that one of the other two smaller temples was
dedicated to Victoria (CIL II, 5245) and the other one to the municipal Genius (CIL II, 401), but unfortunately
only one of them has been brought to light.
The archaeological excavations have uncovered the remains of a portico located east of the temple: oriented
in a north-south direction, it was 8 m wide (27 pedes) and it had a double colonnade: one located in the
middle of the construction and another one resting on the western wall.
There are few remains of the basilica, placed on the opposite side of the main temple: even if there is no
evidence of a colonnade inside, we can suppose that it existed.

Comparisons among the examined fora

As the excavations at Pax Iulia, Bobadela and Sellium were only partial and limited, our knowledge about
their monumental centres is incomplete, but on the other fora we can make some assumptions. One of the
first elements that these Roman towns have in common is the urban layout: although only three of them
were foundations ex nihilo (Augusta Emerita, Ammaia and Bobadela), almost of all them had an orthogonal
plan. It is not a coincidence that all these cities were founded in the Augustan age, because it is general
knowledge that this typical urban layout reached its full development under Augustus and it spread rapidly in
the urbanization of the West during the later part of the 1st century BC (MIERSE 1999: 92). In this
perspective, the forum became the organizing device for the new foundations, as an imposed element, such
as for the rebuilt older cities, where it was inserted into existing urban units (MIERSE 1999: 55).
Furthermore, all the cities examined in this paper testify that the forum had a strict connection with at least
one of the two main urban axes, even when the complex was not centrally located (such as at Ebora and
Pax Iulia).
Other features that the examined fora share are the following: (with the exception of Ammaia) the location on
the highest areas of the towns; the construction of the temples on high podia, often with a central staircase;
the frequent separation between the sacred area and the administrative and commercial sectors. In fact, with
regard to Augusta Emerita (such as at Barcino), Mierse has suggested that the religious aspect was
predominant over the administrative and commercial functions (MIERSE 1999: 98). This hypothesis may or
may not be shared, but it is quite clear that in this monumental centre the architects placed emphasis on the
temple as the primary structure of the complex (Ibid.). The validity of this theory could be confirmed by some
changes carried out in the forum of Conimbriga in the Flavian age: in that period the basilica and the
tabernae were destroyed and matching porticoes were erected over them (MIERSE 1999: 214). The aim of
this modification was to remove the civic and administrative roles from the monumental centre and to focus
attention on the temple at the northern end (Ibid.). In the central platform of Augusta Emerita the role of the
temple was stressed through its elevation above the rest of the forum: the dividing line between the two


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

areas was first marked by a raised platform and later accentuated by adding to it an exedra. Something
similar was made at Ebora, where the separating wall between the sacred sector and the lower square was
transformed by covering it with a decoration of large marble slabs (HAUSCHILD 2010: 28). Unfortunately,
the results from the recent excavations have not clarified whether the Ammaia forum had direct access to the
temple area or not: actually, as stated above, the fact that the ritual part of the complex was cut from the
more profane part by a long wall is only a mere hypothesis at the moment (VERMEULEN et al. 2012: 131).
In conclusion, five of the six described temples (with the exception of Sellium, about which there is no
evidence) were rectangular buildings, located in central positions and standing on high podia. With regard to
the dimensions, the temple of Augusta Emerita was clearly the largest: it is worthwhile stressing that it was
roughly the same size as the temple of Barcino (32.80 by 21.90 m) (MIERSE 1999: 99). The ones of Ebora
and Pax Iulia were a bit smaller and they had similar dimensions, while the temple of Ammaia was most
certainly the smallest. It is interesting to underline that three of these buildings, the largest, were all hexastyle
temples, with columns decorated by Corinthian capitals: Augusta Emerita, Ebora and probably Pax Iulia.
There is another relevant common element among the examined fora: if we exclude the two cities only
partially excavated, Pax Iulia and Sellium, where this kind of structure has yet to be discovered, in all the
other four towns the temple was enclosed by porticoes (like in Conimbriga and Aeminium). They sometimes
hosted tabernae, like at Ebora and Ammaia, or they could have religious functions. In addition, at Augusta
Emerita, Ebora and Ammaia there were cryptoporticoes: these underground constructions had different
locations, dimensions and also functions in these three cities, but it is important to stress that in all these
cases they caused elevation of the overlying structures and were sometimes used to compensate for
differences in levels and inclinations. This solution links the Iberian architecture with the Roman models:
maybe it is not a mere coincidence that the colony of Norba Caesarina was probably founded by italic
Another noteworthy element is the common presence of hydraulic systems: in Lusitania and the Iberian
Peninsula there are several examples of hydraulic systems connected to the temple areas and perfectly
integrated into the sacred complexes. Among the examined towns, we can mention the two piscinae of
Augusta Emerita, the two pools of Ebora, the water tank of Pax Iulia and maybe the possible basin at
Ammaia. This means that in all the cities where more extensive investigations have been carried out, the
forum and the temple area in particular were characterized by structures in cocciopesto, used for water
conservation. The presence of water was obviously connected with worship and probably with the religious
ceremonies. It is interesting to stress that there are many other similar examples, not only in Lusitania, but
also in the rest of the Iberian peninsula: Civitas Igaeditanorum, Conimbriga and Colonia Augusta Firma in
Lusitania; Ampurias, Astigi, Barcino, Baelo Claudia, Bilbilis, Clunia, Valeria, Termes and Carteia in Hispania.
The use of water tanks in the temple area is well documented also in Italy and it has been suggested that it
is connected with the temples of Imperial cult, as testified by the forum temple of Ostia (PENSABENE 2004:
Most of the described monumental centres share also the large dimensions of the basilica halls: at Pax Iulia,
in particular, this building perfectly matched the Vitruvian model: as we have seen, it measured 80 by160 m
on average and it was separated by a quadrangular curia. Also the basilica of Augusta Emerita had an exact


Persichini, The tripartite fora

proportion of 1:2, but it is different from the others due to its huge dimensions: about 2.000 m , which is a
similar size to the buildings of Tarragona and Clunia.
Another common element is the use of the granite, a very solid material that abounds in the central and
northern part of Portugal: in Lusitania it was often employed in the opus quadratum and in the opus incertum
(which was often covered by plaster) (HAUSCHILD 2002: 215). The use of this local stone is certainly
documented at Augusta Emerita, Ebora, Pax Iulia and probably Ammaia. In the monumental centre of these
three towns, the excavations have documented a second building phase, which coincides with the
introduction of marble in the decorative programme of the complex (NOGALES BASARRATE 2009: 140).
The paving of the various areas of the forum represents a different matter, because poor materials like floor
tiles were more often used than marble slabs.
Finally, it is quite certain that in all the described complexes there were two building phases: the later
transformations often date back to the Flavian age and more rarely to the post-Flavian age. It is is due to the
fact that the changes of the juridical-administrative status of a town often corresponded to the renovation of
the monumental centre. At Augusta Emerita, Ebora and Pax Iulia the excavations have documented that this
second building phase coincides with the introduction of marble in the decorative programme of the
monumental centre (NOGALES BASARRATE 2009: 140). With regard to Ebora, for example, Hauschild
(HAUSCHILD 2010: 28) has stated that the wall that divided the temple area from the lower square was
decorated with large marble slabs in a later construction phase (HAUSCHILD 2010: 28).
We can conclude that the great amount of similarities among the examined Roman fora is probably due to
the fact that all towns were founded in the Augustan age: it cannot be a mere coincidence the fact that the
deductio of all these towns and sometimes also the construction of their monumental centres dates back to
the same period, between the years 31 and 13 BC. From the available evidence we can deduce that even the
Roman fora erected in remote parts of the empire underwent a monumentalization, which in Lusitania
coincided with the administrative reorganization carried out by Augustus.
At the current state of the studies, it is quite difficult to apply this hypothesis to other Roman centres of the
Iberian Peninsula, particularly of the Augustan age, and especially for sites still to be excavated. With regard
to Lusitania, Ammaia is the only case study where the reconstruction of the Roman town has been made
possible via the integrated use of non-destructive technologies (geophysical prospection, LiDAR survey,
geomorphological observations and low-altitude aerial photography). In the rest of the Iberian Peninsula the
use of these kind of methods has been employed in a very few cases, especially located in the province of
Baetica. Munigua, at a site today known as El Castillo de Mulva (about 60 Km northeast of Seville), is one of
these centres, but its monumental centre does not belong to the typology of the tripartite forum and the
chronology of the first phase of the complex is still uncertain. At Italica, which is north of the modern city of
Santiponce (9 km northwest of Seville) and was the earliest Roman settlement founded in Spain (206 BC),
the researchers have not discovered archaeological evidence of a forum erected in the Augustan age. At
Baelo Claudia, located near the village of Bolonia (Cdiz), close to the Straits of Gibraltar in the western part
of Andalusia, geophysical prospection have been performed in order to investigate the ancient earthquakes
and the forum complex has been completely exposed and examined. It has two construction phases: the first
one during the Claudian age (likely between 40 and 60 AD) and the second one in the Flavian period. It is a
typical tripartite forum with some elements in common with the monumental centres of Lusitania (regular


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

urban layout, separation of the sacred area from the profane sector, presence of hydraulic elements, etc.).
However, it must be said that in the few archaeological sites of the Iberian Peninsula where geophysical
prospection have been employed, there are several uncertainties about the chronology of the visible
structures. This means that data collected in the Roman towns where extensive and systematic
archaeological excavations have been performed are absolutely necessary to understand the information
acquired in other sites through the non-destructive technologies.

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VERMEULEN, F., DE DAPPER, M., CORSI, C. and DEPREZ, S. (2005). Geoarchaeological observations on the Roman town of
Ammaia (Alentejo, Portugal), Internet Archaeology 19 (http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue19/corsi_index.html).
VERMEULEN, F. and THEMUDO BARATA, F. (2009). Hidden landscapes and ancient landmarks: some theoretical and
methodological issues of studying early historical landscapes in SW-Iberia, in: A. Orejas, D. Mattingly and M. Clevel-Lvque (eds.),
From Present to Past through Landscape. Madrid: CSIC: 6984.
VERMEULEN, F. and TAELMAN, D. (2010). From cityscape to landscape in Roman Lusitania: the municipium of Ammaia, in: C. Corsi
and F. Vermeulen (eds.), Changing Landscapes. The impact of Roman towns in the Western Mediterranean. Bologna: Ante Quem:
VERMEULEN, F., CORSI, C. and DE DAPPER, M. (2012). Surveying the townscape of Roman Ammaia in Portugal: an integrated
geoarchaeological investigation of the Forum area, Geoarchaeology 27: 123139.
VIANA, A. (1942). O templo romano de Pax Iulia, Museu 1: 197207.
VIANA, A. (1947). Restos de um templo romano em Beja, Arq. Beja 4: 7788.
WARD-PERKINS, J. B. (1970). From Republic to Empire: reflections on the Early Provincial Architecture of the Roman west, JRS 60:


Popovi / Breier, Tracing Byzantine Routes

Tracing Byzantine Routes

Medieval Road Networks in the Historical Region of Macedonia and Their
Reconstruction by Least-Cost Paths

Mihailo St. POPOVI / Markus BREIER


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Byzantine Studies (Adolf Holzhausen Legat) / University of

Vienna, Department for Geography and Regional Research

Abstract: The reconstruction of medieval road networks in the southern Balkan peninsula has often been
focused on the well documented Via Egnatia between Dyrrachium (Durrs) and Constantinople (Istanbul),
which led to a marginalisation of adjacent routes. This can be explained by the fact that in comparison to the
rich variety of written sources as well as of archaeological evidence concerning the Via Egnatia we simply
lack useful data for other routes in the region.
This article shows that the existing gap can successfully be bridged by the application of two methods. One
has been used on the macro-level of historical geography, the other on the micro-level. In the first part M.
Popovi analyses the development of routes as well as their importance (centrality) on the whole territory of
the (Former Yugoslav) Republic of Macedonia with the means of network analysis. In the second part M.
Breier is focusing on the micro-level of historical geography with a case study on a specific route between
the towns of tip, Strumica and Petri by using GIS-based applications (least-cost paths) to predict a
medieval road, which is in fact attested by the medieval written sources, but cannot be localised on the basis
of archaeological findings.
Both methods (network analysis as well as least-cost paths) constitute the latest innovations in the field of
computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology. The achieved results show clearly that our
lack of sources can be compensated to a certain extent by computer-based models, which have the potential
to enhance the scientific work of archaeologists in the future and to familiarise the wider public with complex
historical interrelations through visual representations/reconstructions.

Keywords: Byzantium; Historical Geography; Routes; Network Analysis; GIS.

The Historical Region of Macedonia and Network Analysis

In 1969 Francis W. Carter published an article entitled An Analysis of the Medieval Serbian Oecumene: A
Theoretical Approach, in which he applied graph theory to urban places of the mediaeval Serbian state
during the reign of Stefan Uro IV. Duan (13311355). He came to the conclusion that Skoplje was not the
ideal site, in terms of linkage, for Duan to have had as his capital, Pritina or Prizren would have been
better and [] that the capital should have been either Pritina or Prizren, based on the most efficient use
of route linkage and centrality in the state (CARTER 1969: 53 f.).
On the basis of Carters approach I would like to contribute with my part of this article to the reconstruction of
the transportation networks in the historical region of Macedonia, namely on the territory of todays (Former
Yugoslav) Republic of Macedonia for the time being, and to its evaluation with network analytical tools.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Firstly, I referred to the monograph written by the Serbian scholar Gavro krivani, which is entitled Putevi u
srednjovekovnoj Srbiji (Routes in mediaeval Serbia) and which was published in 1974 (KRIVANI 1974).
krivani reconstructed the transportation network in the above-mentioned area on the basis of written
sources, archaeological data and surveys.
Secondly, I have recently found a historical map of the entire historical region of Macedonia in the Woldan
Collection of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which is entitled Marsch-Karte von Mittel-Europa
entworfen vom k.k. Generalquartiermeisterstabe and dated to 1848, that is before industrialisation
commenced in South-East Europe and railways substantially changed the pattern of transportation.
In a first step, I compared both in order to see if the mediaeval routes reconstructed by krivani were still in
use in 1848. Thus, I created a transportation network of the matching routes, which I visualised via Google
Earth (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 The Transportation Network in the Historical Region of Macedonia.

Thereafter, I proceeded by introducing the Knig number (Knigs theorem) as index of centrality. According
to Wagstaff The Knig number is derived from counting the number of edges in the shortest path between
any given node and the node furthest away from it. [] Low Knig numbers indicate greater centrality in the
network (WAGSTAFF 2006: 81). The achieved results based on a pen and paper calculation showed
clearly that the node of Skopje is the most central one followed by the nodes of tip and of Veles.
What has changed significantly since the pioneering work of Carter in 1969, are the technical innovations to
compute and to illustrate results deriving from network analysis by using powerful hardware and complex
software applications like Pajek, *Ora, Spatial Analysis on a Network (SANET) by Okabe or to a certain
extent ArcGIS.


Popovi / Breier, Tracing Byzantine Routes

My next aim was to recheck this stringent calculation based on the Knig number with one of the complex
software applications mentioned above. Would my result on centrality be confirmed, if I transferred the
described network into *Ora Version 2.2.9 (see Fig. 2)?

Fig. 2 The Same Transportation Network in *Ora Version 2.2.9.

What can be seen in Fig. 3 are the results in the category Closeness Centrality. It shows the average
closeness of a node to the other nodes in a network. Closeness is the inverse of the average distance in the
network between the node and all other nodes. The city of Skopje has the highest value in this measure
followed by tip and Veles.

Fig. 3 The Results in the Category Closeness Centrality (*Ora Version 2.2.9).

The introduction of the category Betweenness Centrality contributed to gaining an in depth and more
sophisticated picture of vital nodes within the road network (see Fig. 4). The Betweenness Centrality means
that a node v in a network is defined as follows: across all node pairs that have a shortest path containing v,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

the percentage that pass through v. Therein, the city of Skopje has the highest value followed by tip and

Fig. 4 The Results in the Category Betweenness Centrality (*Ora Version 2.2.9).

If we take a look at the category Total Degree Centrality, we recognise that Skopje has the highest value
(see Fig. 5). The Total Degree Centrality of a node is the normalised sum of its row and column degrees.
Those nodes which are ranked high on this metrics have more connections to others in the same network.

Fig. 5 The Results in the Category Total Degree Centrality (*Ora Version 2.2.9).

It becomes clear that my results deriving from the application of the Knig number are confirmed. Skopje is
the most central node in the whole network. Additionally, I was able to obtain further sophisticated data with
the manifold applications offered by *Ora. Compare for example the Betweenness Centrality. In the near
future I will enrich my scholarly results by incorporating mediaeval and preindustrial itineraries as well in
order to analyse the shifting importance of routes.
At this point I would like to leave the macro-level of historical geography and draw the attention of the reader
to the second part of this article written by M. Breier. It focuses on the micro-level of historical geography with
a case study on a specific route between the towns of tip, Strumica and Petri by using GIS-based


Popovi / Breier, Tracing Byzantine Routes

applications (i.e. least-cost paths) to predict a medieval road, which I have found attested by the medieval
written sources in the 13th and 14th centuries, but which cannot be localised on the basis of archaeological
findings (POPOVI 2010).

The Basilikos Dromos in the Strumica Valley a reconstruction by least-cost paths

Within the transportation networks in the historical region of Macedonia the road between tip, Strumica and
Petri is of special interest. It is mentioned in written sources from the 13th and 14th century and is
described as basilikos dromos, which translates as emperors road (POPOVI 2010). The road is situated
in the eastern part of the present-day (Former Yugoslav) Republic of Macedonia and Western Bulgaria (see
Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Overview of the area of interest.

Research questions
The name of the road and the fact that it is mentioned in more than one medieval document leads to the
assumption that the road was not only relevant locally, but on a larger scale as well. It was most likely part of
a connection between two important trade routes, the Via Egnatia and the Via Diagonalis. Therefore, it is
desirable to include the road in the maps of the Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB). However, there are no
archaeological remains of this road, or at least they have not been found yet. Therefore, least cost path
calculations are a method for calculating a model of this road.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Least cost paths

Least cost paths are a method of finding the route over a surface from point A to B which has the least cost
accumulated along the way. However, cost does not necessarily mean financial cost, but can also be some
composite measure which is not constant across the area of interest. Therefore the term friction is often
used instead of cost (DE SMITH et al. 2011: Chapter 4.4.2).
The basis for the computation of a least cost path is a cost of passage map or friction map, which is usually a
raster representation of the area of interest. Each raster cell is assigned a value, which describes the cost of
traversing that cell. The cost can depend on many factors defined by the attributes of that cell (e.g. slope,
land cover) but also on the mode of movement (e.g. walking, driving) (CONOLLY and LAKE 2006: 215).

Data Situation
The data situation for this project is rather complicated. Since it is a research regarding the historical
landscape, it would be ideal to have data representing this historical landscape rather than data just
representing the contemporary landscape. However, digital historical geodata does not exist and even
historical maps of the area are difficult to come by.
Although the river regulation of the Vodocnica and Strumica took place in the first half of the twentieth
century, it was not possible to source any maps showing the situation before the regulation. The available
map sketches drawn by Austrian officers in the 1830s only show parts of the landscape and do not line up
properly with contemporary geodata. Furthermore, high quality large scale geodata from mapping agencies
is still confidential in this area.
Budgetary restrictions further limit the available geodata. Therefore, primarily freely availably geodata was

Cost factors
The cost factors for this project are derived from the relief and the rivers. From the relief, the effective slope
was derived by the least cost algorithm of ArcGIS. The cost values are assigned to the slope values
according to the energy expenditure during walking, based on the calculations of van Leusen, as shown in
Fig. 7 (VAN LEUSEN 2002).
Further cost factors for the research are based on considerations by Dietrich Denecke. He states that
medieval routes tended to follow the relief, staying roughly at the same height (DENECKE 1979). Therefore,
the height above or below the riverbed is also included as cost factor.
For the rivers no exact hydrographical data beside the geometry is available; therefore rivers were assigned
a unified cost, making them barriers in the landscape. Only the river section where the known ford is situated
is assigned a lower cost. More detailed hydrographical data would be desirable, but, as aforementioned,
historical hydrographical data is not available for the area of interest.


Popovi / Breier, Tracing Byzantine Routes

Fig. 7 Energy expenditure during walking (based on VAN LEUSEN 2002).

Data acquisition and preparation

Two sets of digital elevation models (DEM) are used within this research. The SRTM (Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission) data with a resolution of 90 meters and the newer ASTERDEM (Advanced Spaceborne
Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Digital Elevation Model) with a resolution of 30 meters are
used to compare the effects of the resolution on the final results. Both datasets are available from their
project sites.


For the hydrography, the watercourses from the Vector Map Level 0 (Vmap0, formerly known as Digital
Chart of the World) are used. This dataset is compiled by the national mapping agency of the USA and is in

the public domain . However, the geometry of the data is generalized for a scale of 1:1,000,000. Therefore
the data has to be adjusted to the DEMs. These adjustments are done manually; using hill shaded
renderings of the DEMs as well as scanned maps at the scale of 1:200,000.
Furthermore, additional point data of towns, fords and monasteries were recorded using a GPS receiver
during a field trip in July 2010.
All datasets were projected into the UTM coordinate system and clipped to the same extent. They were
adjusted to each other, in order to create a consistent database.

For the rivers, a buffer of 100m was created to prevent artifacts during the conversion into raster data. The
least cost path algorithm would interpret these artifacts as places where the river could be traversed very
easily (see Fig. 8). To model the rivers as effective barrier, the costs factor assigned to the rivers is 50.


SRTM: http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org; ASTERDEM: http://www.gdem.aster.ersdac.or.jp/index.jsp (accessed: 16/01/2012).


Downloaded from http://geoengine.nga.mil/ftpdir/archive/vpf_data/v0eur.tar.gz (accessed: 16/01/2012).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 8 Artifacts of the conversion to raster data. In diagonal direction, rivers are no barrier at these points.

According to the aforementioned cost factors, the DEM has to be reclassified. Since tip as well as Petri
are beneath 300m above sea level, higher areas are assigned a higher cost. Therefore, the cost duplicates
for every 100m above 300m (Tab. 1).

Height above sea level

Cost factor

up to 300m




more than 600m


Tab. 1 Costs according to height above sea level.

This cost factor ensures that the calculated path stays in the valleys. Without the inclusion of these costs, the
path would leave the valley shortly after tip and take a more direct course over the mountains. The results
of the preliminary calculations including these factors seem to create a more likely path model than without
these factors.

Calculations of the basilikos dromos

The isotropic (direction independent) cost factors are combined into a single cost of passage map using the
map algebra functions of ArcGIS by multiplying the cost of the rivers with the cost according to the height
above sea level.


Popovi / Breier, Tracing Byzantine Routes

The anisotropic (direction dependent) cost of the slope was calculated within the path distance function of
ArcGIS. Input data for this calculation is the DEM (from which the slope is derived) and the function of the
cost assignment to the slope. Here, the function for the energy expenditure during walking (see Fig. 7) is
All calculations are done with ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10, using the modules path distance and cost path.
Preliminary calculation
The first calculations are conducted to tweak the cost factors and test the viability of the model. From the
written sources, it is known that the basilikos dromos passes between the town of Kalugjerica and the
Strumica as well as between Vladevci and the Strumica, before reaching the Ford of Stavrak (POPOVI
For the testing of the cost factors, tip was chosen as starting point and the Ford of Stavrak as end point. No
points in between were included in the calculation. The preliminary calculation is based on the SRTM data.
The result of these calculations is shown in Fig. 9. Although neither Kalugjerica nor Vladevci are included in
the calculation, the calculated path passes near them. This is almost consistent with the written sources,
although Vladevci is bypassed on the wrong side, but not far off. However, this result shows the viability of
the cost factors and the model.

Fig. 9 Preliminary calculation.

Final calculation
For the final calculation, more waypoints are included. From the written sources it is known that the basilikos
dromos bypassed Petri on the other side of the river, therefore, a point in this area is chosen as the end


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

point. Further waypoints are chosen between Kalugjerica and the Strumica and between Vladevci and the
The calculation of the final model is done in four sections: tip Kalugjerica, Kalugjerica Vladevci,
Vladevci Ford of Stavrak, Ford of Stavrak Petri. All four sections are calculated once with the SRTM
data and once with the ASTERDEM data.

The output of the cost path module is a raster dataset. For cartographic representation as well as
comparison between the SRTM and ASTERDEM based results, vector based datasets are more suitable.
Therefore, the results are converted into shapefiles. To further enhance the cartographic representation,
generalized datasets were derived. These generalized results are shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 Final model of the basilikos romos.

Comparison SRTM and ASTERDEM

The calculation of the basilikos dromos is done twice. One route is based on the SRTM data, which has a
resolution of 90m, the other one is based on the ASTERDEM data, which has a resolution of 30m. With both
DEMs, the course of the basilikos dromos is roughly the same. The largest deviations are between tip and
Kalugjerica (Fig. 11). At point A, the deviation is about 500m, at point B it is about 470m, at point C about
570m and at point D about 480m. After Kalugjerica, the differences between the two courses are
insignificant. For a better estimation an extensive evaluation of the whole model would be necessary.


Popovi / Breier, Tracing Byzantine Routes

Fig. 11 Comparison of calculations based on SRTM data (green) and ASTERDEM data (red).

Conclusion and Outlook

Least cost paths present a viable possibility to model medieval roads of which no known remains exist.
Although only physical cost factors are included in the analysis, the calculated road matches the estimated
course of the road. The calculations are based upon freely available and very basic geodata.
Due to a tight schedule and budgetary restrictions, this research is more a feasibility study than an extensive
research project.
Further evaluation of this model by calculating comparable, but known roads, would be necessary. This
would also allow further refinement of the cost factors. Furthermore, the influence of the resolution of the
input data could be tested more thoroughly.
It would be desirable to use more detailed geodata, like hydrographical data, as well as historical data.
Furthermore, the introduction of social geographic as well as political and military factors should be
The road is calculated using the algorithm included in ArcGIS. Different algorithms, however, produce
different results (GIETL et al. 2008). It would also be interesting to test various path finding algorithms with
the basilikos dromos.

CARTER, F. W. (1969). An Analysis of the Medieval Serbian Oecumene: A Theoretical Approach, Geografiska Annaler, Series B,
Human Geography 51/1: 3956.
CONOLLY, J. and LAKE, M. (2006). Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

DENECKE, D. (1979). Methoden und Ergebnisse der historisch-geographischen und archologischen Untersuchungen und
Rekonstruktion mittelalterlicher Verkehrswege, in: H. Jankuhn (ed.), Geschichtswissenschaft und Archologie. Sigmaringen: 43384.
GIETL, R., DONEUS, M. and FERA, M. (2008). Cost Distance Analysis in an Alpine Environment: Comparison of Different Cost
Surface Modules, in: A. Posluschny, K. Lambers and I. Herzog (eds.), Layers of Perception. Proceedings of the 35th International
Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Berlin, Germany April 2-6, 2007: 342.
POPOVI, M. (2010). Altsraenforschung am Beispiel des Tales der Strumica bzw. Strumenica in sptbyzantinischer Zeit (12591375/76), in: M. Rakocija (ed.), Ni i Vizantija. Osmi naucni skup, Ni, 3-5. jun 2009, Zbornik radova VIII: 41732.
KRIVANI, G. (1974). Putevi u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Turistika tampa, Beograd.
DE SMITH, M. J., GOODCHILD, M. F. and LONGLEY, P. A. (2011). Geospatial Analysis. http://www.spatialanalysisonline.com/,
accessed: 23/02/2012.
VAN LEUSEN, P. M. (2002). Pattern to process: methodological investigations into the formation and interpretation of spatial patterns in
archaeological landscapes, University Groningen, Dissertation. http://irs.ub.rug.nl/ppn/239009177, accessed: 30/09/2011.
WAGSTAFF, M. (2006). Network Analysis and Logistics: Applied Topology, in: J. F. Haldon (ed.), General Issues in the Study of
Medieval Logistics. Sources, Problems and Methodologies (History of Warfare 36). Leiden-Boston: 6992.


Seppnen, Lost but found underground

Lost but found underground

Construction, development and maintenance of medieval streets and squares of
Turku (Finland)
University of Turku, Finland

Abstract: Due to the preservation and availability of the material, the studies of medieval town and urbanity
in Finland are concentrated in Turku, which was one of the biggest towns of the Swedish realm and the most
important town situated in the area of the present-day Finland. Until recently, the conceptions of the
medieval streets and squares of Turku (Finland) have been based on unproven notions, on the oldest town

chart from the 17 century and on few street names mentioned in preserved written sources. These
conceptions have changed notably due to archaeological excavations conducted in the medieval town area
in the past few years.
This study focuses on the constructing activities of the medieval squares and streets of Turku discussing the
factors and consequences of this development. On the basis of the preserved material, it seems that the
streets of Turku have been paved earlier and more systematically than previously stated and attention was
also paid to the maintenance and sanitation of the streets and squares. All in all, the construction activities of
streets and squares seem to relate closely to the growth of the town as well as its building activities
indicating that they played an essential role in the development of the town structure. Since medieval streets,
their maintenance and paving were on the responsibility of the owners of the plots adjacent to the street,
they did not represent only towns public space and routes of transportation, but acted also as social forums
for households and individuals.

Keywords: street, square, Middle Ages, Turku, Finland.

The starting point for the study



Turku was founded according to the present knowledge in the turn of the 13 and 14 century on the south
west coastline of the present-day Finland. It is the oldest town of Finland and during the Middle Ages it was
one of the biggest and most important towns of the medieval Sweden forming an important gateway to the
East (SEPPNEN 2009: 243). When the urban environment and construction activities of Turku are
examined, we need to turn for the answers to archaeological evidence, since there are only a small number
of written sources from the Middle Ages which have survived until now, and on the basis of those it is
impossible to get a picture of the environment and physical structure of the town.
For example, the medieval sources reveal only seven street names, of which the oldest mention comes from
1426 (KOSTET 2011: 43). These documents do not reveal the location of the streets or any activities
connected with their construction or maintenance. Nor do we have many visible signs of medieval streets in
todays townscape either, since the last tracks of the medieval town were destroyed in a big fire in 1827 in
which 75 % of the town completely demolished. The reconstruction of the city brought along substantial


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

changes in the layout of the medieval town area. Two squares, Market Square and School Square (later Old
Great Square and Academy Square) remained composing a part of a larger open area of squares and parks
in the vicinity of the cathedral. Medieval streets were deserted, and only a passage of Convent Street (Fin.
Luostarin vlikatu) leading originally from Market Square to Dominican Convent was spared partially
maintaining the sense of the medieval atmosphere (Figs. 1 & 2).

Fig. 2 Excerpt from a map from 1897 presenting Turku with the new layout of the town after the fire 1827. By the order of the Governor
General, the streets were to be wide and straight, the blocks divided into four lots with wide gardens separating the buildings. The
Cathedral became a monument standing aloof on its hill, open from all directions surrounded by parks. The main idea of the new plan
was to prevent the spread of fire, but also to distinguish the most esteemed buildings of the town. Additional markings circled on the
map: 1) Old Great Square / medieval Market Square, 2) Academy Square / medieval School Square, 3) Convent Street (Copyright of
the map: City of Turku, Environmental and City Planning Department).

This fire of 1827 was, however, not the only one that had consumed the medieval atmosphere. For example,


during the 15 and 16 centuries the town was confronted with the fire possibly 16 times with major or minor
destructions (KUUJO 1981:180; RUUTH 1909: 152157). One of the most disastrous fires took place in
1546, which demolished the majority of ecclesiastical buildings and burgher houses in the central town area.
The consequences of the fire have not been recorded nor saved in detail for posterity, but the fact that King
Gustav Vasa urged administrators and decision-makers of the region to consider a completely new location
for the town tells something about the scale of the fire (NIKULA 1987: 7174; RUUTH 1916: 156). Anyhow,
the town was rebuilt, but it remains for archaeological excavations to find out the changes this reconstruction
work caused for the layout of the town.

The medieval layout of Turku has been a target of study mainly for historians since the early 20 century.
The medieval streets have been localized on the basis of their names carrying topographical information and
known from historical sources. The most illustrative source of information, however, has been the oldest map
of the town made in 1634 (RUUTH 1909). Although the map has been drafted nearly nine decades after the

fire of 1546, the layout it presents is probably quite the same as it was in the 16 century and possibly even
earlier, since the reformations designed by the Governor General Per Brahe were conducted in the mid 17



Seppnen, Lost but found underground



century and in this phase chiefly on the other side of the river inhabited mainly during the late 16 early 17

century (PIHLMAN and KOSTET 1986: 2729, 62). Despite the inaccuracies, the map offers a valuable tool
for the inspection of the medieval layout of the town and a practicable baseline for archaeological discoveries
concerning the streets (Fig. 3. About the precision of the map TUOVINEN 2010: 127130).

Fig. 3 Only a short passage of medieval Convent Street (Fin. Luostarin vlikatu) has been preserved from destructions and
reconstructions. The street lead from medieval Market Square to Dominican Convent leading today to Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova-museum
(Copyright: Liisa Seppnen).

The contribution of archaeology for the study of medieval streets has been non-existent before the 1990s,
and so far only one square has been a target of excavations reaching the layers from the Middle Ages
(SALORANTA 2007). Although only some minor parts of few streets have been unearthed in excavations
(Fig. 3), the findings seem to confirm the general idea based on observations in other towns that the most
important streets have stayed unchanged in spite of destructions and reconstructions the town has
encountered over the centuries. Consequently, the network of streets and squares has represented one of
the most lasting elements of a town and the changes can be combined with the comprehensive and largescale alterations of the town catalyzed most often by a fire or annihilation followed by complete
reconstruction activities. In Turku, it seems that the main features of the street network constructed in the

Middle Ages have remained the same until the 17 century and the most strategic streets remained
unaltered until the big fire in 1827 when a completely new layout was created.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 4 The oldest map of Turku from the 1630s with following additional markings by the author: 1) Cathedral, 2) The area of
Dominican Convent, 3) Market Square, 4) School Square; af) parts of the streets found in recent excavations (Copyright of the map:
The Museum Centre of Turku).

Structured development by design

The streets have played a salient role in the development of the town. This is manifested by the fact that the
network of streets composed of the main street(s) and cross streets, has been valued as one of the criteria
for the emergence of the town. Consequently, the question what catalyzed the construction of the streets?
is in principle equal to the question what catalyzed the construction of the town? The process of formation
of the streets has also been closely entwined with the structural development of the town, and accordingly,
the construction of the streets, the changes in their course and alterations to the network are related to other
building activities of the town.
It is quite apparent, that the topography of the area must be considered vitally important when we are tracing
the factors, which guided the formation of streets and layout of the town. In Turku, this means that the first
streets were adjusted to the course of the river Aura still running across the present-day town area and two
narrow streams, which started from the lake nearby and ran through the area flowing eventually into the
river. The oldest town area was also framed by a chain of hills, which formed a distinctive relief at the
landscape in the Middle Ages. Since then the relief has lost its topographical distinction and the lake and its
streams have vanished so that their course and location are unidentifiable in the townscape of today (About
the different interpretations regarding the course of the streams GARDBERG 1969: 1820; KOSTET 1989:
24; KUUJO 1981: 176; PIHLMAN and KOSTET 1986: 150151, 153; VALONEN 1958: map by A. Kosonen


Seppnen, Lost but found underground

1941). Besides, the construction of the streets was affected by land ownership and different principles and
goals set for the construction of the town, influenced by the other towns in the Baltic area. The geometrical
symmetry and regularity, which traditionally have been considered as evidence for the planned and
controlled construction of the street network, were not among these goals and principles during the Middle
Ages (LILLEY 2002: 152153, 158, 168).
Thus, the conceptions about the natural, evolutional development of the medieval streets based on the
irregularity and dissymmetry of the layout can be challenged for a good reason (About these conceptions
see KOSTET 1989: 38; 2011: 45). The idea of planned layout and regularity of the streets of Turku was
presented for the first time in 1969 by C. J. GARDBERG (1969: 3637). His ideas were not, however, based
on any evidence. Written and cartographical evidence about the systematic design of the medieval streets of
Turku is non-existent and it was not before at the end of the 1990s and 20052006 when the first
archaeological evidence of this matter came into daylight. The unearthed streets and remains of houses
have proofed that the streets were constructed either simultaneously with the adjacent buildings or right after
their erection (RATILAINEN 2010: 33; SEPPNEN 2012). After the inspection of the building remains and
street surfaces, it seems to be very likely that there has been a plan of construction including both streets,
squares and buildings, which had been created before any actual construction work was carried out. Thus,
the streets and squares formed a central component in the construction of the medieval town indicating
when the town was founded and how it grew and developed.
We can start tracing this plan by looking at the location of the major roads, which led in or out from the
town. When we look at the oldest map of Turku, we can see that the main roads connecting the town to its
surroundings met each other at Market Square, which would have formed the starting point for the network
of streets. These roads streets within the town area were made when the town of Turku was established
on the eastern bank of the river Aura (About the earliest phases of the town e.g. SEPPNEN 2009: 242
243; 2011). This situation is in a slight contradiction to the older hypothesis, according to which the roads
leading to the east and southeast would have met each other originally on the other square, Horse Square,
situating south-east of the cathedral. According to this hypothesis, the course of streets would have been
altered after the sack caused by the troops from Novgorod when the new square, Market Square, would
have been formed (GARDBERG 1971: 267268). The earliest phases of these squares have not been
solved yet, but the earliest construction phase of the Town Hall situating at the eastern end of Market Square

has been dated to the early 14 century (UOTILA 2003: 123126) when the town of Turku was taking shape.
Besides, also Church Street (Fin. Kirkkokatu) running between Cathedral and Market Square has been

dated to the first years of the 14 century (Fig. 4, F; RATILAINEN 2010: 33). Consequently, it is very likely,
that Market Square would have existed already at this phase in the very same place where it still standing
I am inclined towards another hypothesis suggesting that originally these roads would have started from
Market Square, which would have acted as a nucleus in the town plan and formed a starting point to other
main streets of the town as well. The symmetry and radiality of the main streets support this idea and they
would have led to the most important buildings of the town built probably simultaneously with the streets. The
streets from the main square would have led to the cathedral, the Dominican convent, the guildhall of St.
Nicholas, and to a large building build probably by the Germans. The function of this building is uncertain,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

but it could have been some sort of an assembly hall for German merchants, built according to

dendrochronological datings in the early 14 century (VALONEN 1958: 7489; ZETTERBERG 1990; Fig 4).

Fig. 5 The symmetry of the main roads leading out from the town (AD) supports the idea of a planned town with Market Square as a
starting point. The main streets parallel to the river (EI) led to the important buildings and places of the town: 1) Cathedral, 2) the area
of Dominican Convent, 3) a large building from the beginning of the 14th century built probably by the Germans, 4) a possible Guildhall
of St. Nicholas. The plausible inhabited area in the beginning of the 14th century is marked with vertical stripes. Diagonal stripes mark
the area of uncertain inhabitation at this time (Copyright of the map: The Museum Centre of Turku).

This hypothesis is also supported by the fact that the names of the streets have changed seen from the
borders of the square although the parallel course of the street would have enabled the use of the same
name. However, there is an earlier suggestion that during the Middle Ages at least the streets next to the
river would have been known by the same name only (River Street), and that the two branches of the street
line would have been separated by different names not before the early modern period (PIHLMAN and
KOSTET 1986: 6061; RUUTH 1909, 72). The suggestion is leaning to the first preserved mentions of the
street names since River Street (Fin. Jokikatu, Fig. 4, E) is known from the sources earlier than Convent
Riverfront (Fin. Luostarin jokikatu, Fig. 4, G). It is very unlikely, however, that the name Convent Riverfront,
which was leading from Market Square to the convent area of Dominicans would have been taken into use in
the dawn of Reformation, and at the time when the convent had already lost its glory and practically torn into
pieces and its materials were reused for the construction of castles (SEPPNEN 2012). On the basis of
preserved documents, we are not able to conclude the construction time and order of naming the streets,
since the written sources concerning the medieval Turku are small in numbers and defective in their


Seppnen, Lost but found underground

representativeness. For example, provided that we look at the preserved written sources only, the Town Hall

would have appeared in the townscape in the early 15 century (REA 1996: 449) and Church Street in 1443.

Archaeology has, however, proofed that the history of both can be traced to the first years of the 14 century.
The manifested discrepancy between the information revealed by written sources and archaeological
evidence on the other hand demonstrates only that there has been many eventful decades and construction
phases in Turku in the times between.
If as I am suggesting the streets of Turku would have been constructed systematically according to a
plan and simultaneously during the first years of the town, this means that also the inhabitation and buildings

would have followed the same process at the beginning of the 14 century. According to this idea the first
settlement of the town would have reached from the cathedral to the Dominican Convent of St. Olav and
from the benches of river Aura to the main road (Hmeentie) leading to the northeast to Tavastland (Fin.
Hme, Fig. 4). The archaeological evidence unearthed from the town area by now does not contradict with
this idea, but it must be noted that the excavated areas within these limits are still quite small. Regarding the
southern limit of inhabitation it would be essential to find out the earliest construction phases of the convent
with new excavations. During the second main phase of the construction of the town in the late 1360s, the
inhabited area extended beyond these limits to the north, east and west, and new side streets were added to
the network of streets (SEPPNEN 2009).

Appearance and maintenance of streets and squares

Street surfaces
It was not only the amount of streets and geography in the town area, but also the way, how they were
constructed and maintained which was related to the building activities of the town. According to the present

knowledge, the oldest street of Turku is dated to the first years of the 14 century (RATILAINEN 2010: 33).
All the evidence of the streets of this phase comes hitherto from Church Street (Fin. Kirkkokatu) which was
running between Cathedral and Market Square (Fig. 4, F). Its location must have made it the most important
street in the town area, which is good to remember when comparisons are made with other streets. The
oldest surface of this street consisted of a layer of sand as a foundation laid on top of the natural clay and
the actual topmost surface was made of chips of wood, waste from the woodworking, when new wooden
houses had been built along the streets. This wooden refuse was also used on yards as a resist against

dampness until the early 15 century. In the 1340s, the street was paved with gravel, but it was not until the


end of the 14 or the beginning of the 15 century when Church Street got a surface made of logs (Fig. 5.;
RATILAINEN 2007: 17; SALORANTA 2010: 64; SEPPNEN 2012).
Nevertheless, Church Street was not a pacesetter as far as paving was concerned. The first streets with log
pavement have been found in those areas of the town that were inhabited at the end of the 1360s (See Fig.
3, d). The streets of these areas have been surfaced with logs already at this phase and soon after the first
buildings of this area have been ready. So, these streets did not have any predecessors with a soil surface.
On the basis of this, we get an impression that the habit of paving the streets with logs was first introduced
into new areas of inhabitation and thereafter the paving activities of this kind would have been targeted at the
older streets of the town, too. Interestingly, Church Street was not among the first streets that were paved


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

with stones either. The pioneers can be found in the same area that was leading the way for log paving too.
This development took place after the big fire of 1429. After the fire, some streets were paved completely
with stones using bigger stones in the side gutters and in the axis of the streets. From this period there is
evidence at least of one street that was divided longitudinally in two so that the other half was paved with
logs and the other half with stones. Consequently, the quality of the paving of the street has not always been
the same for the whole length or width of the street.

Fig. 6 Church Street (Fin. Kirkkokatu) which was running between Cathedral and Market Square was paved with logs for the first time
in the end of the 14th or at the beginning of the 15th century. The width of the street was at least 3 m. The cut in the middle of the street
visible in the lover part of the photo is a younger ditch. The pavement and the level of Cathedral Square of today can bee seen on the
top part of the picture (Copyright: Pivi Repo).

Stone pavements were not the only innovation introduced with the re-construction of the area, but it included
also new kinds of houses like semi-detached houses and masonry houses, which were built along these
stony streets. Unfortunately, the written sources reveal nothing about the social structure or professions of
the people inhabiting this area in the Middle Ages. From the whole quarter, the sources mention only 15
people including both men of Church and laymen whose status and professions have not been revealed
(KOSTET 1989: 16, 2425). On the basis of the buildings and find material it seems that they have belonged
at least to the middle class of the society. Before the fire, activities related to handicrafts, shoe making,
dyeing and weaving are traceable in the material, but there is no clear evidence of any certain professional

activities after the fire. The first written sources of the people in this area are dated to the 18 century when
some of the most exalted craftsmen and burghers are mentioned among the inhabitants (SEPPNEN 2012).
Anyhow, it seems that in the medieval Turku the streets have not been paved according to the importance of
the street, but the new surface whether it was made of wood or stones was first presented on those


Seppnen, Lost but found underground

streets that had to be constructed or re-constructed because of the destruction or expansion of the town.
Some of the streets that were paved with stones during the first phase had wooden predecessors but some
of them were completely new constructions. The order of paving could have been related to the dampness of
the area too, but probably, the most important factor for paving the streets were the people who lived along
the street. Neither can we exclude the intensity of the traffic and the importance of the street for
transportation when reasons for paving are considered (about the situation in Lbeck e.g. MHRENBERG
2001: 18). Studies in medieval towns in Sweden have, however, proofed that even the most insignificant
streets in this respect and the narrowest streets of the town have been paved at the same time or quite
simultaneously with the broadest and most centrally situated streets. Consequently, it hasnt been only the
importance of streets that has set the pace for paving activities (ANUND et al. 1992: 224225; FERENIUS
2002: 67; JRGENSSEN 2008: 553; SDERLUND 2004: 483).
Although it seems that all streets in the central area of Turku have been paved at the latest at the beginning

of the 16 century, it is quite probable, that not all the streets of the town were paved during the Middle Ages,
but some of the streets in the marginal areas of the town remained unpaved until the early modern period.


The paving with stones seems to become more general in the 16 and 17 century, but some new streets
constructed in this phase, however, were made without wooden surfaces or stone pavements.
In many towns the paving of the streets with stones has been connected to the same period when wooden
houses have been replaced with masonry buildings. On the basis of this observation, a conclusion has been
made that paving activities would have been introduced at first to those streets lined with the first buildings of
stone and brick. In Stockholm, however, the first paving phase has included some streets lined with wooden
houses, too. In general, paving the streets can be connected to the time when the use of stone and brick as
a building material increased in every respect, including the houses and their interiors and yards and
outbuildings too (MOLAUG 2004: 507; SDERLUND 2004: 483; WESTHOLM 2004: 502). All in all, there
have been many factors behind the paving activities of the streets, and not the least of these has been the
fact that during the Middle Ages the maintenance of streets including paving has been controlled by the
superiors and city officials (HOLMBCK and WESSN 1966: 89). Paving activities of the streets proof for the
fact that the sanitation and tidiness of the environment has been attended in Turku during the Middle Ages
like in many other towns as well.

Square surfaces
In Sweden, at least in Stockholm and in Visby, the pavement of squares has been closely connected to the
pavement of streets (SDERLUND 2004: 483; YRVING 1986: 320). Therefore, this could presumably have
been the state of affairs also in Turku, which was one of the most important towns of Sweden. The
excavations conducted in the vicinity of Cathedral in 20052006 revealed several surfaces belonging to
medieval School Square (Fig. 3, 4). On the basis of these excavations, the oldest square in this area dates

to the mid 15 century. Its surface consisted of tightly packed soil, sand, chips and cuts of wood and pieces
of leather waste and broken stave dishes, which had been used for drying the dampness of the soil.
At least the other margin of the square was lined at this phase with a passageway paved with stones and
lined with longitudinal logs. The width of the passageway was c. 2.5 meters, which was the same as the


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

width of the narrowest medieval side streets of the town. When the buildings next to the passageway burned
in a fire, the square was expanded to this area but the passageway remained where it was so that its
location shifted towards the centre of the square (Fig. 6). In the third phase, in the latter part of the 15


century, this passageway was replaced with another pathway, which was only half as wide as its
predecessor (1.2 meters). This passageway was also lined with logs, but the surface was made of bricks
some of which were profilated and originated possibly from the Cathedral nearby. This passage replaced the
old one probably after the fire 1464, which caused severe damage to Cathedral launching reconstruction

activities in this area. For the first time, the whole square was paved with stones in the late 15 or early 16


century (SALORANTA 2007: 27, 2930; SEPPNEN 2009) (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 In the mid 15th century, School Square had a soil surface with waste of wood and leather used as a resist against the dampness
of the area. A passageway with a pavement of stone lined with logs on both sides led to Cathedral and Cathedral School (Copyright:
Pivi Repo).

The earliest surfaces of the medieval Market Square of Turku are unfortunately still unknown. The first
mentions about the stone pavement of the square date from 1737 (BRUSILA 1988: 142), but it would be very
strange if Main Square of the town had been paved more than two hundred years later than School Square

nearby Cathedral. Therefore, it would be reasonable to think that Market Square was paved in the late 15 or

early 16 century at the latest, since this was the time when also the streets in the central town area leading
to Market Square have been paved with stones. More information about the surfaces and construction of
squares of Turku can be achieved with new archaeological excavations only.

Acts of maintenance cleaning and repairs


There is clear evidence for the cleaning of the streets from the early 14 century onwards and the same
concerns also the cleaning of the squares since the early days of their history. First of all, there have been
no rubbish layers of nearly any kind on top of the surfaces when they have been unearthed in excavations.
Furthermore, the stratified material generally represents a short period of time. Even if there would have
been a thick rubbish layer with material extending for a longer time, this does not necessarily mean that the


Seppnen, Lost but found underground

rubbish would have been cumulated while the street was in active use. It would have been quite practical to
level and fill the old surface with rubbish when the new layer was build on top of it. Anyhow, in Turku litter
has not been systematically used in filling layers, but most often the foundations and filling layers consisted
of clean sand or construction refuse (chips, cuts, mortar and bricks). Also the remains of broken broomsticks
integrated into the soil surface of School Square proof for cleaning activities of the squares.

Fig. 8 Probably after the fire in the 1460s, the passageway made of stones was replaced with another one made of bricks. School
Square was completely paved with stones at the end of the 15th or in the early 16th century (Copyright: Pivi Repo).

The surfaces of streets and squares were renewed from time to time no matter they were paved or not. Even
the soil surfaces were renewed with new layers of sand and gravel, chips and scraps of wood. The logs
might have been changed and a new wooden surface has been constructed on the top of the old one. Stone
streets have been quite longlasting, which together with cleaning activities causes some difficulties, when
we try to date their earliest phases. Anyhow, we should not restrict the examination of surfaces to preserved
constructions only, because the same logs and stones might have been used more than once so that they
have been removed before the new filling layer has been levelled and the usable material has been replaced


on top of the new layer. For example, the pavement of School Square laid at the end of the 15 or early 16
century had been removed nearly completely before the new pavement was laid in the first half of the 17


century (AINASOJA et al. 2007; see also REISNERT 2004: 466; SDERLUND 2004: 483). Consequently, it
is important to pay attention not only to surfaces but also to the filling layers underneath with possible
differences in composition and stratification even though the differences may be very slight and


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Paving and cleaning activities of the streets and squares can be seen as expressions of the same idea and
attitude that catalyzed the introduction of latrines and prives too. In Turku, these attitudes became more

evident from the 14 century onward with general improvement in the environmental and sanitary conditions
of the town. From other towns of the medieval Sweden, there is evidence of pavement activities already from


the 13 and early 14 century onward (ANDRN 1986: 260265; ANUND 2004: 441; REISNERT 2004: 465;
SKOV 2004: 561; SDERLUND 2004: 482483; WESTHOLM 2004: 498, 501).

From the mid 14 century onward, also the Swedish legislation was paying attention to the maintenance and
surfaces of the streets. The town laws by King Magnus Eriksson ordered files for the townspeople, who had
not cleaned their streets (or parts of the streets) by certain dates. The fines were also given to those plot
owners who had not paved their shares of the streets by the given dates (HOLMBCK and WESSN 1966:
89). All in all, archaeological evidence shows that the orders were generally followed. Even though the owner
of the plot was mainly responsible for taking care of paving and cleaning activities, the work itself at least
the paving could have been left, however, to professional pavers as has been reported for example in
Stockholm and England. The salary of the craftsman has been collected from the plot owners with respect to
the length of the plot (JRGENSEN 2008: 556557, 561, 564567). There is no reason to think that this
practise would not have been known in the medieval Turku although the earliest written information about

hiring the street makers comes from the end of the 16 century (NIKULA 1987: 8990).
Unlike previously thought, the streets did not represent only towns public or semi-public space, but they were
closely related with individual plot owners, who were in charge for the construction, cleaning and
maintenance of them although this responsibility was controlled, supervised and even promoted by town
officials (GLSER 2004, passim; JRGENSEN 2008; MHRENBERG 2001b: 18). This responsibility was
taken obviously very conscientiously, thus the costs caused by these obligations were notified and counted
in last wills and testaments too. This means that the streets could have acted as expressions of the plot
owners authority, status and social value. The more so, whether the streets were privately owned and thus
beyond the official supervision. Consequently, the streets acted in a very concrete way as forums for
individuality and social relations and social ambition. They cannot thus be ignored when peoples social rank,
value and importance are being estimated (ANUND 2004: 445; JRGENSEN 2008: 547551, 554558;
MACIAKOWSKA 2011: 258; MOLAUG 2004: 507; SDERLUND 2004: 482; WESTHOLM 2004, 498499).

The excavations conducted in Turku during the past 15 years have changed the old ideas of the paving and
maintenance of the medieval streets. According to the old conceptions, there would not have been such
activities in the town before the 1640s (BRUSILA 1988: 142; NIKULA 1970: 44, 102105; RANTA 1975a:

5660). Although these activities have become general in the 17 century, it has been found out that also the

first, soil surfaced streets of the town of the early 14 century have been cleaned, repaired and maintained.
The first streets paved with logs appeared in the townscape of Turku at the end of the 1360s and 1370s,
when the population of the town increased substantially and new areas were inhabited. According to the
present knowledge, the first stone streets were built after the fire of 1429 when some parts of the town were
reconstructed, and an opportunity was afforded to present the new techniques of construction and new


Seppnen, Lost but found underground

house types as well. These innovations were adopted in the areas that had been forerunners also then when
the first wooden surfaces of the streets were constructed. This area, however, has not been considered as a
central area of importance of the town, but rather as a marginal area of lower status and significance.
According to the recent findings, the area has been inhabited by people belonging to the middle class of the
society at the very least. Nevertheless, the reforms and innovations concerning the streets were not
introduced first in the central areas generally considered as the most important parts of the town.
The quality of the paving of the street has not always been the same for the whole length or width of the
street, which is a concrete proof for the divided responsibility of the plot owners regarding the maintenance
of the streets. Also the legislative orders in Sweden did pay attention to the condition of the streets from the

mid 14 century onward, but seemingly the people had adopted this environmental attitude already before it
was dictated by sovereignty. The paving of the streets in all parts of the town seems to become more


general in the 16 and 17 century, but some of the streets made at the end of the Middle Ages and in the
Early Modern Period might have had only a surface of soil in the first phase of their existence.
The oldest square of Turku is probably Market Square existing and known today as Old Great Marked
Square. The earliest dating and development of the square are still unknown, but it seems to be very likely
that the square had a central role when the plans for building the town and its network of streets were made.
According to the theory presented in this article, the first streets of the town would have been constructed
systematically and radially from Market Square leading to the most important places and main roads of the
town. The evidence of the surfaces of the squares derives from the other square, School Square, from the


vicinity of Cathedral. The square was paved with stones for the first time in the late 15 or early 16 century,
when the paving of the streets had become more general. Earlier, the surface of square consisted of wooden
chips and scraps with only a narrow passage offering a better walkway through the square. First this
passage was covered with stones and later on with bricks most of which were in secondary use.
The surfaces, paving and maintenance activities of the streets and squares of the medieval Turku constitute
one evidence proofing for the fact that the medieval town of Turku on the fringes of the Hanseatic sphere
was more controlled and environmentally conscious both internally rising from the people and externally
controlled by sovereignty than previously considered. In this respect too, Turku seems to redeem its
position as one of the most significant towns of the medieval Sweden.

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RUUTH, J. W. (1916). bo stads historia under medeltiden och 1500-talet. Tredje hftet. Bidrag till bo stads historia. Helsingfors:
Utgifna p franstaltande av bestryrelsen fr bo stads historiska museum, andra serien, XII.
SALORANTA, E. (2007). Akatemiantorin alueen varhaisia vaiheita, in: HIT History in Turku: tietoja, taitoja ja lytj. Nyttely Turun
linnassa 15.6. 23.9.2007. Nyttelyesite 42. Turku: Turun maakuntamuseo: 2431.
SALORANTA, E. (2010). Puurakentaminen ja puurakennukset Turussa 1300-luvulla, in: Varhainen Turku. Raportteja 22. Toim. M.
Sderstrm. Turku: Turun museokeskus: 5777.
SEPPNEN, L. (2009). Town in Transition Outlining the Construction Activities in Medieval Turku, in: Maasta, kivest ja hengest, Earth,
Stone and Spirit, Markus Hiekkanen Festschrift. Ed. H-M. Pellinen, Turun yliopisto: Kulttuurien tutkimuksen laitos, arkeologia; Helsingin yliopisto:
Taiteiden tutkimuksen laitos, taidehistoria; Helsinki: Suomen kirkkohistoriallinen seura; Turku: Suomen keskiajan arkeologinen seura: 240249.
SEPPNEN, L. (2011). Stadskulturens djuprotare rtter ligger vid Aura s strnder, Finsk Tidskrift 10/2011: 475487.
SEPPNEN, L. (2012). Rakentaminen ja kaupunkikuva keskiajan Turussa erityistarkastelussa bo Akademin prakennuksen tontin arkeologinen
aineisto. University of Turku. (PhD-thesis, manuscript accepted for printing in May 2012.)
SKOV, H. (2004). The Infrastructure in rhus between 900 and 1600 AD, in: GLSER 2004: 551566.
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WESTHOLM, G. (2004). Sanitary infrastructure in Mediaeval Visby Waste Disposal and Town Planning, in: GLSER 2004: 491
ZETTERBERG, P. (1990). Turun Itisen Rantakadun / Tuomiokirkkosillan arkeologisen kaivausalueen rakennuslydn (ns. Valosen Drakennus) inmritys, dendrokronologiset ajoitukset FIT1801FIT1814. Joensuun yliopisto, Karjalan tutkimuslaitos, Ekologian osasto,
Dendrokronologian laboratorio, ajoitusseloste 65.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


Streets, Roads and Squares Continuity versus Discontinuity


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Retrogression, transformation and restart

Various aspects of streets and squares in Viennas first district from the Roman
period to modern times
Stadtarchologie Wien Vienna

Abstract: Very similar to a town itself streets and squares can offer examples of discontinuity as well as for
very different ways of continuity. Stating discontinuity might cut the discussion short, stating any way of
continuity is just the starting point for proceeding on a very complex and multi-levelled/multilayer body of
In the case of explicit discontinuity the main task lies in describing the end of one continuous development
and describing the beginning of a new and different process. Searching after the terminus and arguing about
the reason/s for a hiatus in use and probably expansion or replacing is of the essence.
Continuity contains far more questions und needs more in depth explanation.
Continuous and unchanged use of an area might be one manifestation. Another option might be open space
nearly undiminished in its expanse, but passing through different forms of utilization.
Viennas 1st district offers various examples, ranging from perfect continuity in the strictest sense of the
meaning as exemplified in the Herrengasse, to complete discontinuity on all scales displayed at the
Michaelerplatz. In the first case a street simply remains a street while Roman remnants in the surrounding
area are purposeful elected to be transformed into the foundation of a medieval town. Secondly the
Michaelerplatz a square emerged as the result of various different processes, embodying the very essence
of discontinuity.

Keywords: Structural changes, continuity/discontinuity, Roman period to Middle Ages.

Viennas densely build urban surface embodies various and sometimes even diverging examples of very
different types of continuity and discontinuity. To give at least a few carefully chosen areas a closer and
more differentiated look, it might be beneficial to commence with a few methodical considerations.
The Latin word continuatio mean uninterrupted chain as well as sequel. This does not communicate quite
the same content, but sufficiently defines the range of variations in understanding and interpreting the term
adapted to archaeological questions.
Proving continuity or discontinuity of settlement is a comparatively simple task to accomplish. Archaeological
evidence can be excavated, a hiatus can be established through archaeological research and appears, for
example, in the shape of dark earth bare of artefacts. In this case the lack of archaeological items figures as
the indispensable marker of an interruption of settlement activities (Fig. 1).


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

Fig. 1 An example for dark earth from the Judenplatz, 1st district. Photo: Stadtarchologie Wien.

Continuity or discontinuity of streets and squares is much harder to cope with and de facto nearly
improvable. Only regular use of streets leaves traceable marks. Ongoing but irregular or low-frequent use
remains practically invisible without taking samples for further analysis, especially when the street itself is
degraded from a well preserved body of material provided, constructed and laboriously preserved for its very
function, to a function bare of securely discernable maintenance work.
Squares defined as open places/spaces of considerably different and varying use, embedded in a pattern of
changing structures are even harder to grasp.
This makes the one dimensional use of the terms continuity and discontinuity due to failure.
It might help to think in multiple layered terms such as: continuity of use, function and outlines.

The Tuchlauben From Roman to medieval street

The modern Tuchlauben stretches from a square called Hoher Markt through the innermost core of Vienna,
meeting the Graben just where the Kohlmarkt is about to begin (Fig. 2). Various segments of this street
are referred to in written sources from the year 1278 onwards. Although bearing different names all theses
terms are closely connected to the cloth makers handcraft (PERGER 1991: 145146).
The Tuchlauben clearly is not Roman so the pressing question is, if the clearly medieval outlines of the street
we look at nowadays have or have not changed during the Middle Ages.
The research of the last decade gives clues, that besides the leap from Roman rectangularity to medieval
point to point connection (Fig. 3), the street underwent another change as well, although slight and therefore
difficult to prove.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 2 The outlines of the Tuchlauben. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.



While the street marking outlines of the buildings in the 13 to 14 century can be clearly discerned by
observing the narrow sides of the houses Tuchlauben 17 und 19, we are generally ill-informed about the 11



and 12 centuries. The few archaeological features excavated at T17 (Fig. 4) dating before 1200 suggest
that the street was probably more removed from its present location and therefore more closely attached to

the former Roman structure. A Roman wall, for example, was reused in the 12 century by refurbishing the
abandoned Roman structure with a mortar floor. There is no hint, that building structures reached the

kerbside of the modern street as they did half a century later. In the 13 century the above-mentioned
Roman wall was demolished and the mortar floor was neglected for the benefit of a restructuring process


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

comprising the whole parcel. At this time we have proof of stone buildings flanking at least this side of the
street, freezing its course to that which still exists (GAISBAUER 2001: 220222).

Fig. 3 The Tuchlauben compared to the Roman street system. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.

What still has to be researched is the question of whether this slightly differing orientation goes hand in hand
with an overall change of settlement structures in Vienna further research will indicate if we are observing a


development that occurred in larger parts of the town at the turn of the 12 to the 13 century, resulting at
least for one reason from a different handling and reuse of Roman remnants in the growing medieval town
(GAISBAUER 2010: 149153).
As long as we are focusing primarily on the usability of at street ignoring the totally different organizational
background, we are observing some kind of continuity. Nonetheless it is doubtful whether this phenomenon
resembles anything more than a mere reflex, a street or better to say a moving device, sticking out at
random, for unfathomable reasons to a partly (this does affect the segment between the so called Hoher
Markt and the area of Tuchlauben 8) similar route from Roman to modern times.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

On the other hand a change in the precise outlines can be observed and, more importantly and inextricably
from this mutation of outlines, the whole underlying scheme. A formerly military complex becomes a civilian
settlement. The straight-lined Roman street becomes a primarily functional route through a settlement area.
Its main purpose now lies as a convenient connection between a very important market place to one of the
settlements main gates.

Fig. 4 Roman remnant incorporated into a medieval building and the changes in settlement structures from the 12th to the 13th century.
Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

Spacial continuity with a late distinctive change of function

The Graben: from being part of two different fortifications to a late medieval/early modern
street/square crossover
During the Roman period, the fortress was defended by extensive fortifications, consisting of a wall and a
number of ditches differing in form from flank to flank as well as changing with time. In the late Roman
period, the fortress relied on a deep and especially broad trench to the sout-east and south and a system of
three differing trenches to the south, being naturally protected by the Ottakringerstream and an arm of the
Danube to the west and north (MOSSER 2004: 212223). More recent research has only carried out on the
southern side and here the work focused on the middle ditch (Fig. 5). Archaeological observations were as
well forced into action as they were limited by the construction of the subway track und station area
(GAISBAUER 2004: 230).

Fig. 5 Location of the excavated part of the first medieval moat. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The unearthed features represented nothing less than an apparently high medieval moat situated more
within than above the roman trench, close enough to the roman creation to think of a term such as reusing
and re-unearthing of this predecessor. This hypothesis is supported by a few written sources reporting the
long lifespan of the Roman wall in medieval and even early modern Vienna the most precious
archaeological proof towards the reuse of Vindobonas fortification in Vienna. Decayed Roman strategies of
border security, contorted by changed political and social structures, remained important probably because
of the urgent need for safety (GAISBAUER 2004: 230233).
This period of extensive fortification work based on Roman remnants must have taken place sometime


between the very beginning of medieval settlement in the 10 century and the end of the 12 century. The

moment of the next step in township development is treated as a certainty. Between the late 12 and the

beginning of the 13 century a new, and in this case complete, medieval fortification incorporating large parts
of nowadays first district was planned and implemented in stages (GAISBAUER 2004: 225227) (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 The marked areas display reuse of Roman structures. They also show the section of the Roman trench/medieval moat where
the functional change from being part of the fortification to becoming a wastewater ditch can be observed. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.

The old wall and moat, still displaying the Roman outlines, declined in significance and use. The wall seems
to have become a stone pit, supporting the growing number of stone buildings. At least parts of the moat
where used as a wastewater trench (GAISBAUER 2004: 228229).


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

We do not know exactly, when the moat was filled in, changing its destination and function one more time. It
was transformed from a wastewater trench into a distinctive if not prominent free space to an elongated
square or shortened street, depending on the point of view (GAISBAUER 2004: 228229) (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 The end of the high medieval wastewater dither was the birth hour of the place called Am Graben. Wien Museum Inv.-Nr.

There are at least two elements of continuity in this process.

The first is less important but which should not to be forgotten is the continuity of free space. Duration of
open space bare of any buildings can be seen as a somehow continuous state with its own quality especially
if it lasts from Roman to modern times.
Much more important is the process of functional continuity we are confronted with in the light of partial reuse
of Roman fortification elements in the very first effort to fortify medieval Vienna.
On the other hand the Graben is also an example for different ways of discontinuity.
It has to emphasised that even maintaining parts of the roman fortresses fortification and reshaping this
construction into the first town wall seems to be a perfect act of harking back on Roman perfection, but we
are in fact looking at totally changed structures. Thus even the functional reuse of Roman remnants
demonstrates social, political and economic discontinuity.
The change in medieval times is easier to categorize as multilayered discontinuity when the former moat
becomes a wastewater trench and then, in a final transformation, a well used open square.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

While archaeological research on the Tuchlauben as well as on the Graben was limited to very small
portions of the whole structure, the Michaelerplatz was extensively explored and the results were published
in full extent a few years ago. The outcome of these results will be summarized due to their significance to
the main topic as the findings portray development through all periods due to superior research possibilities
based on the large scale excavation.

The Michaelerplatz
The Michaelerplatz is situated in the centre of Viennas first district, directly opposite to the town-side
entrance of the Hofburg. The surrounding area has always been a hot spot being situated as it is in the
centre of urban life. From 1990 to 1991 excavations took place at the Michaelerplatz prior a complete
reshaping of the square. Included in the find results are the prominent remnants of several buildings dating

from the Roman Period to the 19 century (DONAT et al. 2003 and 2005; GAISBAUER et al. 2007; KRAUSE
et al. 2008) (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Aerial image of todays Michaelerplatz, BEV 2011. Vervielfltigt mit Genehmigung des Bundesamtes fr Eich- und
Vermessungswesen in Wien T2011/72344.

The situation during Roman Times

Already in Roman times the area offered some specifics. To mention first, it was part of the canabae legionis
situated only 250 meters from the porta decumana, the southern entrance of the legionary fortress of
Vindobona. Secondly, there was a crossroad between two important long distance roads, the limes road
(SAKL-OBERTHALER 1999), which connected the Roman castles situated along the southern bank of the


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

Danube and the route which exited the legionary fortress continuing the via decumana-via praetoria as a
connection to the west (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Topographical position of the Michaelerplatz within the Roman settlement of Vindobona. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.

In 1990/1991 the basements of at least three Roman houses were excavated. One of these examples had
evidently served as a blacksmiths workshop. This workshop was in use from the late first century up to the
end of the fourth century A.D. This fact may be a hint to the importance of the place even during antiquity.
The area was thus situated directly at the main axis of the canabae legionis in relation to all elements of the
Roman settlement. Another interesting fact is, that, although the larger part of the canabae legionis was
abandoned during the second half of the third century, being replaced by burial grounds (KRONBERGER
2005), this probably did not happen to some parts this domain. Whereas the houses seem to have vanished
during late antiquity, the blacksmiths workshop continued in use (DONAT et al. 2003: 2831) (Fig. 10).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 10 Construction phases of the Roman remnants excavated at the Michaelerplatz. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.

Development during the Middle Ages (AUTORENTEAM MICHAELERPLATZ 2007) (Fig. 11)
As an archaeological documentary of the hiatus between antiquity and the Middle Ages (in case of the


Michaelerplatz we are talking about a gap between the 5 and 11 century) there exist only two spots, where
traces of post Roman soil development (dark earth) could be identified (GAISBAUER et al. 2007: 4549).

These features are amended by a few potsherds dating into the late 11 century (KALTENBERGER 2007:
7278). Furthermore a few features were unearthed, documenting some activities in the Later Middle Ages:
there are two pits (GAISBAUER et al. 2007: 4953) filled with potsherds of the late 15th century
(KALTENBERGER 2007: 8294). Beyond that parts of the cellars below the buildings that stood in the
northern part of the area are of medieval origin (GAISBAUER et al. 2007: 5360).


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

Fig. 11 Medieval remnants excavated at the Michaelerplatz. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.


In the early 13 century, during the expansion of the town carried out by the Dukes of Babenberg, a new
surrounding wall was constructed. It seems to have replaced the rotten walls of the Roman legionary fortress
which had, until then, served as the first medieval fortification (GAISBAUER 2004; OPLL 2010) (Fig. 12). In
this period the area was definitely integrated into town (KRAUSE 2007). Abstracting the written sources
dealing with the domain, two important topics are mentioned: in 1216 a street named alta plataea
(Hochstrae/High street) is mentioned. Furthermore, written sources of the years 1255 and 1304 point out a
forum lignorum which means a market where charcoal and wood were sold. This leads to the conclusion,
that the present name Kohlmarkt dates back to this medieval charcoal market which can be translated into


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 12 Topographical situation of the Michaelerplatz in reference to the Roman Legionary Fortress and to the medieval as well as to
the present shape of the town. Plan: Stadtarchologie Wien.


The parish church of St. Michael also was built there in the first half of the 13 century as a consequence of
the expansion of the town. Its graveyard is alluded to for the first time in 1310. There were also private
houses standing in the surroundings of the church (KRAUSE 2007) (Fig. 13). However, the most important
element was the Hofburg, as it was the residence of the sovereign. It was erected there as a medieval fort

(Fig. 13) during the first half of the 13 century according to the latest results of construction research and it

remained a fortress up to the 16 century (MITCHELL 2010). Its existence once more points out the
outstanding topographical position of the area in medieval times. Again, the location was situated near two
important centrelines of the urban road system: the former Limes road, in the Middle Ages called alta plataea
(Hochstrae/High street), nowadays called Herrengasse/Augustinerstrae/Reitschulgasse and the former via
decumana, medieval forum lignorum, now Kohlmarkt.
To summarize the topographical situation during medieval times one must realize that, concerning the alta
plataea (Hochstrae/High street) there is continuity of form and function. In the case of the Kohlmarkt/forum
lignorum (former continuation of the via decumana) the situation is a little bit more complicated: evidently
there is perfect continuation of form, since the course and even the amplitude of the street have been
preserved even to the present time. However there has to be noticed a change concerning function from a
simple road into a street market. It has to be added, that there is nothing known about the condition of these
roads during the early Middle Ages. It is most likely that topographical reasoning provides the impetus for the


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart


restart in the 13 century. The Hofburg e. g. was constructed there in order to protect the town-side flank of
the city (MITCHELL 2010: 35).
Development in post medieval times (KRAUSE 2007)
From the beginning of the post medieval times the dominating architectonical element was the
Paradeisgartel constructed (after 1480) in a raised position as a part of the imperial gardens (Fig. 13).
Moreover it replaced some of the former private buildings. From this time onwards the expansion of the
Hofburg as the imperial residence formed the shape of the domain.

Fig. 13 Detail of the plan of Bonifacius Wolmuet 1547, copy of A. Camesina. Wien Museum Inv.-Nr. 31.021.

Later absolutism became a stimulus for new representative buildings (BSEL and BENEDIK 1991). Under
the reign of Emperor Karl VI (17111740) the Imperial Chancellery (17231730) and the Winterreitschule
(17291734) which replaced the Paradeisgartel were constructed (Fig. 14). Charles VI also planned, and
started to construct, a new noble entrance to the Hofburg following the baroque sense of representation. His
doughter Maria Theresia (17401780) stopped the project in favour of building the Hofburgtheater instead
(KRAUSE 2007: 26-27; KRAUSE et al. 2008: 94104).
At that time a row of private houses was still standing directly vis--vis the entrance of the Hofburg (Fig. 15).
Incidentally, the name MichaelerPlzl is mentionend for the first time in 1766.
Finally Emperor Franz Joseph I (18481916), more than 150 years later, gave the Michaelerplatz todays
shape, when he decided to build the Michaelertrakt (Fig. 16 and Fig. 8). After demolishing the
Hofburgtheater and the Stckelhuser its shape was finalized in 1893, and with this last step the area
transformed into a presentable urban square. So, in conclusion, one may say that the development of the
Michaelerplatz from a crossroad into a square again is an example for discontinuity of shape. Moreover it is


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

an illustration of the manifold facts which are able to impact on areas of high importance in urban spaces
(KRAUSE 2007: 36).

Fig. 14 Detail of the birds eye view map of Joseph Daniel Huber (17691776). Wien Museum Inv.-Nr. HMW 196.846. A =
Winterreitschule, B = Hofburgtheater, C = rotunda, part of the new entrance, planned by Charles VI, D = Stckelhuser.

Fig. 15 View onto the Stckelhuser about 1989. Photo Wiha, Wien Museum Inv.-Nr. 40990/2.


Gaisbauer / Sakl-Oberthaler, Retrogression, transformation and restart

Fig. 16 View onto the Michaelertor, in front of it the so called Archologiefeld, where parts of the excavations of 1990/91 have been
preserved. Photo: Gertrud Gruber.

Finally there is one definite conclusion to be drawn. Discussing questions of continuity and discontinuity must
never become a process of trading one dangerously simplified concept against the other. As demonstrated
none of the examples referred to embodied exclusively one or the other extreme. In all cases different ways
of continuity and even discontinuity with varying background scenarios coexisted. The only way to deal with
this mixture of aspects is to separate them from the beginning. Defining and analysing each of them with
accuracy is of the essence before daring any kind of all embracing explanation.
As for Viennas first district, a certain pattern of changing motivation for shaping settlement/building
structures seems to emerge. In Roman times a stringent military concept supports building measures of the
most practical, logical and thoroughly projected kind, especially inside the fortress. Things are quite different
in high medieval times, except for one fact. The urge for creating functional structures remains, even without,
or better to say because of the lack of the immense support and dense conjunction of Roman times. The
Tuchlauben, becoming the shortest route from marketplace to one of the settlements main gates
demonstrates this effort to fulfil basic needs. Lastly the Michaelerplatz shows a third aspect besides Roman
planned functionality and high medieval necessarily functional thinking. At some stage of urban development


the aspect of representation gained importance. In the 17 and 18 century the Michaelerplatz was designed
as an open space mostly because of the wish to present the faade of the Hofburg, which was hidden
behind houses. The shaping of a square in this case does not grow from the planning of a military


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

background or the civilian need for a marketplace. It has finally become a tool to visualise and represent

AUTORENTEAM MICHAELERPLATZ (2007). Zusammenfassung der Analysen der mittelalterlichen Befunde, Fundort Wien. Berichte
zur Archologie 10: 128-132.
BSEL, R. and BENEDIK, Ch. (1991). Der Michaelerplatz. Seine stdtebauliche und architektonische Entwicklung. Vienna. Kulturkreis
DONAT, P., SAKL-OBERTHALER, S. and SEDLMAYER H. (2003). Die Werksttten der canabae legionis von Vindobona. Befunde
und Funde der Grabungen Wien 1, Michaelerplatz (1990/1991) Teil 1, Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie 6: 457.
DONAT, P., SAKL-OBERTHALER, S. and SEDLMAYER, H. (2005). Die Wohnbereiche der canabae legionis von Vindobona. Befunde
und Funde der Grabungen Wien 1, Michaelerplatz (1990/1991) Teil 2, Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie 8: 2490.
GAISBAUER, I. (2001). Ein Beitrag zu sptantiker und erster mittelalterlicher Besiedlung. Am Beispiel der Grabungsergebnisse in Wien
1., Tuchlauben 17, Beitrge zur Mittelalterarchologie in sterreich 17: 215222.
GAISBAUER, I. (2004). Von Mauer und Graben berlegungen zur ersten mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigung Wiens, Fundort Wien.
Berichte zur Archologie 7: 224233.
GAISBAUER, I. (2010). Der derzeitige Forschungsstand der Stadt-Archologie zum Wiener Siedlungsbeginn, in: F. Opll and Ch.
Sonnlechner (Eds.), Europische Stdte im Mittelalter. Forschungen und Beitrge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte 52: 141153.
GAISBAUER, I., REICHHALTER, G. and SAKL-OBERTHALER, S. (2007). Mittelalterliche Befunde der Grabungen Wien 1,
Michaelerplatz (1990/1991), Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie 10: 4465.
KALTENBERGER, A. (2007). Die mittelalterliche Keramik aus den Grabungen Wien 1, Michaelerplatz (1990/1991), Fundort Wien.
Berichte zur Archologie 10: 72126.
KRAUSE, H. (2007). Von der Straenkreuzung zum Platz die Geschichte des Michaelerplatzes vom Mittelalter bis ins 20.
Jahrhundert,Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie 10: 442.
KRAUSE, H., REICHHALTER, G. and SAKL-OBERTHALER, S. (2008). Neuzeitliche Befunde der Grabungen Wien 1, Michaelerplatz
(1990/1991), Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie 11: 86131.
KRONBERGER, M. (2005). Siedlungschronologische Forschungen zu den canabae legionis von Vindobona. Die Grberfelder.
Monografien der Stadtarchologie Wien 1. Vienna. Phoibos.
MITCHELL, P. (2010). Die Hofburg als Festung (13.-16. Jahrhundert), sterreichische Zeitschrift fr Kunst und Denkmalpflege 64 Heft
1/2: 3544.
MOSSER, M. (2004). Befunde im Legionslager Vindobona. Teil III: Das Lagergrabensystem, Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie
7: 212223.
OPLL, F. (2010). Schutz und Symbol. Zur Stadtbefestigung von Wien vom Hohen Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts,
sterreichische Zeitschrift fr Kunst und Denkmalpflege 64 Heft 1/2: 1221.
PERGER, R. (1991). Straen, Trme und Basteien. Das Straennetz der Wiener City in seiner Entwicklung und seinen Namen - ein
Handbuch. Forschungen und Beitrge zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte 22.
SAKL-OBERTHALER, S. (1999). Untersuchungen zur Limesstrae in Wien-Simmering,Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archologie 2:110


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

From Tergeste to Trieste

Lines of urban development
DiSCAM Dipartimento di Storia e Culture dallAntichit al Mondo Contemporaneo University of Trieste

Abstract: The archaeological surveys taken over the last two decades in the heart of Trieste, especially in
the neighborhood of Cittavecchia from Piazza Cavana along the ridge of via dei Capitelli, permit to
reconstruct the various stages of development of the Roman city from the first century B.C. until late
By creating an archaeological map implemented in a GIS, it was possible to understand the development
guidelines that dictated the organization of the urban fabric of the ancient city, which occurred more
markedly especially during the first century A.D.: in early stages of this expansion, the northern slopes of the
hill of San Giusto, the higher area which hosted the first plant of the city, have been affected by a specific
urban planning that had two clear guidelines; this system was insomuch as solver to affect subsequent
stages of urbanization, so as to be visible in the city today.
Similarly, the approaches to the city and the roads inside the city respected this project and, even today, is
possible to pick up their tracks in many modern roads.

Between the III and the IV century A.D., the city suffered a substantial contraction, the construction of a new
surrounding wall led to a new urban structure that partially influenced the citys development in later periods
and of which, once again, is possible to find several traces in the articulation of the modern city.
The huge development of the city from 1700 onwards, with the construction of new neighborhoods outside
the historical center of Cittavecchia and San Giusto hill, has allowed the preservation of the ancient village
and in some cases has respected the ancient access to the city which remained in use even in the medieval

Keywords: GIS, ancient topography, Trieste, archaeology, ancient roads.

Last year the project Ancient Trieste: applications and information systems for the archaeological map was
ended as part of a PhD in Geomatics and Geographic Information System held at the University of Trieste
and ended in 2011.
The project involved the systematic collection of topographic data useful for the reconstruction of the


different stages of development of the roman city from I BD till the VI AD and the first centuries of the
Middle Ages; through survey activities in the field during archaeological investigations that have concerned
the city center, particularly the neighborhood of Cittavecchia and through the collection of archival data, an
archaeological map on digital support has been done, geo-referenced to various cartographic systems using
the structural and urban profiles of the modern city.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 1 Final map of the forum and the basilica (STICOTTI 1934) and the Propylaea (PAVAN 2006).

A database has been connected to the cartography with all the data regarding historic, archaeological and

topographic information collected from 18 century to our days, constituting in this way a large computer
archival merged into a GIS, which system of analysis and research permitted to review the several phases
that marked the urban development of the ancient city.

Fig. 2 The archaeological map and the database.

From this project several researches and analysis have been elaborated: between them, the one dedicated
to the reconstruction of the ancient road network and the urban developments in the roman period
constitutes a significant part of the studies regarding history, archaeology and topography of Trieste.

Brief studies of urban development of the city

For a better understanding of its urban events, its important to remember that Trieste, the roman Tergeste,
is a high ground built-up area that overlooks the gulf at the north east end of the Adriatic sea; this
geomorfological situation determined the adoption of a flexible model of urban planning, as is clearly visible
in the archaeological map. The examination of this map shows that there isnt a single urban planning but
many coexist, although its possible to suppose a sequence of them.


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

Fig. 3 Location of Trieste in Italy.

The first attempt to a general reconstruction of Tergeste was made by Pietro Kandler in1856 (ZORZON
1989). Others works about the topography of Trieste are those of V. Scrinari in 1951 (SCRINARI 1951;
SCRINARI et al. 1990), F. Maselli Scotti in 2001 (MASSELLI SCOTTI 2001), M. Verzar Bass in 1999
(VERZAR BASS 1999), P. Ventura in 1996 (VENTURA 1996) and G. Meng (MENG 1999). A recent
publication is the ones from C. Morselli, reconstructing the entire sequence of the development of a sector of

the city from I B.C. until the 20 century (MORSELLI 2007).

Fig. 4 Urban development of the city.

Following the development of the urban center in the roman times its possible to recognize three different


moments covering the period between the I century BC to the VI century AD: in a first stage, attributable to
the first system of the urban fabric, the city developed on the top of the hill of San Giusto, probably


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

continuing a pre-roman settlement mentioned in ancient sources but for which no traces has yet been found.

In a second phase in the early decades of the I AD, it expanded outside the original late republic city walls
along the slopes of the same hill to the west and south west mainly, towards the sea.

In the third phase during the late antiquity, from the IV AD, its possible to see a narrowing of the urban
area, whose areal extent affected again the top of the hill of San Giusto that, from this moment on, will be the
core of the city until 1700. In this period, with the creation of new districts (Teresiano, Franceschino and
Giuseppino) due to the economic growth of the city inside the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with the final
destruction of the medieval city walls, the area of Cittavecchia, become simply one of the district of the new
city, underwent a gradual defection and degradation lasted to the 1900.

Fig. 5 The four districs: Cittavecchia (yellow), Teresiano (blue), Franceschino (red) and Giuseppino (green).

Ancient roads
Through the analysis of survey data its obvious that the first urban plan received a specific urban planning
whose generative road axis were set to the cardinal points: this structure is still evident in the road system
and in the buildings distribution that occupy the upper part of the slopes of the hill of San Giusto.
The current roads of via della Cattedrale, via del Castello and via dellOspitale, all oriented in the east west
direction, with the perpendicular via delle Monache, are the re-proposition of the original roads that
intersected the urban plan in the I BC, immediately west to the monument which occupied the top of the hill
of San Giusto, consisting of the civil basilica, the area of the forum and the Propylaea.
This building was presumably the monumental entrance to a temple, whose traces have been completely
erased from the construction of the castle that has definitely influenced the upper part of the hill, and whose

construction dates back to the early XIV century.


Today, the remains of the Propylaea are included inside the Basilica of San Giusto, a XIV century building,
result of previous articulated structural phases; as today via della Cattedrale is axial to the Basilica, in the
same way in the Roman period the road of which via della Cattedrale proposes the modern re-proposition
led to the front of the Propylaea themselves.


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

Fig. 6 Guidelines set to the cardinal points.

Fig. 7 Road system and buildings distribution on the hill of San Giusto.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 8 The remains of the Propylaea.

The astronomical orientation of this sector of the city is also confirmed by the structures highlighted during
the several archaeological investigations carried out in this area, primarily the Roman Civil Basilica itself and,
indeed, the Propylaea.

With the growth of the city during the I century AD, orography strongly influenced the urban plan, insomuch
as downstream in the west part relative to the top of the hill, the lines of urban planning and development left
the classic chessboard scheme and were set on a two generator axis generally oriented 59 east in the
northern sector and 53 east in the southern; in the contact areas between these two sectors an overlap
between these two system has been found, probably the result of subsequent urban re-orders and

Fig. 9 Distribution of guidelines and overlap between guidelines.

This overlap is evident near the Arco di Riccardo, a monumental transit during the I AD which replaced and
original opening into the republican city walls.
The road that crosses this passage still remains in use as a road to the top area of the hill coming from east;
this transit has also been used in recent centuries: as examples of that the several ancient prints depicting
the Roman structure in the various historical moments.


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

Fig. 10 The street under the Arco di Riccado.

Just next to the Arco di Riccardo arrives another road axis whose route originated in a phase of expansion of
the Roman city: the present via dei Capitelli, important east-west route linking the district of Cavana
downstream with the central part of the district of Cittavecchia upstream, roughly follows a previous axis
which traces have been highlighted both downstream, in correspondence with an important area excavated
in 2003/2004, and upstream in front of the afore mentioned Arco di Riccardo.

Fig. 11 Via dei Capitelli.

From the archaeological and topographical data acquired in recent years, is was possible to suppose the
existence of a commercial forum near the coastal area, in axial position in respect to the route proposed now
by via dei Capitelli and downstream this one; the shift from the downstream sector that had commercial
nature to the upstream sector that had monumental and public nature, was emphasized by the presence of a

four pillars monument, probably an arch dated to the I AD, under and alongside of which the first stretch of
the road departs.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 12 The commercial area.


This road was, during the late antiquity, around the end of the IV AD, the basis of the route of the new city
walls that delimited the city extension excluding in fact the southern districts.
The route of the city walls in this area was joined to the persistence of the ancient road, which from being an
urban route became external to the new city walls and tangent to them; in the medieval period, with the
construction of the new city walls further south west, along the present via delle Mura, the road that later
became via dei Capitelli regained its original function as an urban link between the downstream urban area
and the upstream hill of San Giusto, which acquired during the medieval period, respectively, the names of
Cavana and Caboro.
Perpendicular to the current via dei Capitelli another important road develops, whose origins date back to the

I century AD roman urbanization: its via di Crosada and its westward prosecution called via del Pozzo di
Crosada, for the presence of an important medieval point of water supply.
The name Crosada refers to the word cross, that is crossroad: the toponym emphasize in fact the
importance of the intersection between this road and via dei Capitelli.
The road layout of the roman period that is presented again by these streets today, was clearly identified
westernmost in really recent excavations carried out following the building recovery in the district of Santi
Martiri. In this area a log stretch of a road in excellent condition has been highlighted in different moments,

following the advancement of the coast line, made in the first decades of the I century AD.

In the area in which this stretch of road has been brought to light, the XVIII centurys urban organization has
completely deleted its original route, following the achievement of Borgo Giuseppino, even if the original
name Santi Martiri refers to the presence of a really important sepulchral area of the late imperial period
which evolved just along the road: in recent excavations several and very important traces were found which,
following the tradition, would be related to the grave of San Giusto, the citys patron saint martyred in the

early IV century AD.


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

Fig. 13 Via di Crosada and Via del Pozzo di Crosada.

The persistence in the use of such a coastal route from the roman to the late ancient period and then also in
the following periods, is testified by the presence, just in correspondence to the already mentioned crossroad
between via di Crosada and via dei Capitelli, of one of the fortified gates of the IV AD city walls highlighted in
the late 1990s; this structure shows on one hand the will of keeping the south-west north east coastal route
even through the new cut done by the walls, and on the other the need to a fortified control in this important
part of the city.
The projection to east of this road leads straight to the already mentioned via del Pozzo di Crosada and via
Crosada and, continuing in nearly straight line further north east, reaches the area of the roman theater,
whose post scaenam was built just on this road.
This road, in fact, was a kind of coastal ridge, oriented south west-north east, joined the two extremes of the
city along the seaside and, heading north, went on to Aquileia crossing a bridge, whose structures were
highlighted immediately northbound the roman theatre during the first years of the XX century.
The demolitions of this area of the historic center done during the 1920s following the urban redesign of this
part of the city during the fascism completed partially but sufficiently to permanently change the structural


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

aspect, completely erased the medieval route of via di Riborgo which re-proposed roughly speaking the
roman coast route; through the virtual reconstruction of the demolished structures and the suggestion of the
road network that defined it, it was possible to verify the partial continuity between the probable roman route
and the following medieval road arrangement.

Fig. 14 Via di Riborgo.

Today, the medieval via di Riborgo is covered by via del Teatro Romano along which there still are some of
the buildings demolished in the 20s.
Returning to the east and going up the first slopes of San Giusto hill long this side, behind via del Teatro
Romano, starts via di Donota which origin may be contemporary to the very first roman city plan, if not
earlier. The current road, in its most downstream, goes from the back of the theater cavea to westward until it
inserts, with a strong curve southward, to the already mentioned via delle Monache that we have just seen
its oriented according to the cardinals points.
Just at that curve, in conjunction with a part of the late republic city walls highlighted in this area, it has been
partially identified an opening that opened in an oblique way referring to the road, following the construction
typology typical of that period.
This road was the entrance from north to the top of san Giustos hill. In the downstream of via Donota, next
to his initial part, just behind the roman theater, a burial area has been excavated which during the II



century AD took the place of a domus dated back to the I century AD: this situation testifies how in this
period this part of the city was considered suburban.

The burial area was used until VI century AD, the road instead continued to exist also in the following
centuries; particularly in the medieval period was built the Donota gate which gave his name to the street
and that was placed side by side to a tower, partially conserved, and proposed in several vintage prints.


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

Fig. 15 Via Donota as its nowadays.

Suburban roads
In conclusion, a brief but necessary mention to the suburban roads that connected Tergeste to Aquileia, the
eastern inland and Istria.

Fig. 16 Topographic analysis.

Already in 1800 important topographical and archaeological studies promoted, among others, by Pietro
Kandler, proposed the layout of these roads especially on the basis of the discovery of burial areas near the
town; recent topographic studies permitted with the use of spatial analysis to propose interesting hypotheses


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

about the extension of these routes farther than the ancient city and to verify the continuity of use in the

following centuries, until their transformation in urban streets during the 1800 century.
This is the case of via Udine which, from the part of the city immediately north of the Borgo Teresiano which

occupied in 1700 century the salt flat, continues north west to reach Strada del Friuli whose name refers
precisely to the ultimare goal of this track; this is the road that, along the karst edge reached the river Timavo
and then proceeded to Aquileia, joining the via Gemina that connected Aquileia to Emona, todays Ljubljana.

Fig. 17 Via Udine.

The track that is now trade out by via Settefontane is probably the one that led to the eastern inland: this
route passed over the hills immediately behind the city heading, east to the todays district of Cattinara and
continuing until it found the via Gemina.

Fig. 18 Via Settefontane.


Gonizzi Barsanti / Braini, From Tergeste to Trieste

Finally, just south east of the San Giusto hill, started the road that connected Tergeste to Istria: todays via
Bramante, via San Giacomo in Monte and Strada Vecchia dellIstria, from west to east, are the modern route
which follows the ancient; this road was the part of via Flavia, built during the emperor Vespasiano between
78 and 79 AD nearest to the city.

Fig. 19 Via Bramante and the ancient via Flavia.

Today, the modern road that follows the route of the ancient, has the same name, via Flavia and, continuing
towards Muggia and Istria, is still a very important link road to Trieste, as it was two thousand years ago for
the ancient Tergeste.

In conclusion, the creation of the archaeological map on digital support and the implementation of the GIS
not only allowed the collection of heterogeneous data favoring the study and the research, but are a great
tool for the analysis of the ancient structure of the city. Allowing to overlap different kind of data, the GIS map


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

permit to better understand the several changes occurred during the entire life of the roman city and also the
reasons why, during the growth of the town, the topography changed so significantly.
Furthermore, overlapping different types of cartography and creating thematic maps, it was possible to
observe how often the modern streets follow the route of the ancient ones, thanks also to the placement of
the several archaeological finds that were along the city and above all suburban roads.

The authors would like to thank Dr Maselli Scotti and Dr P. Ventura of the Superintendence for
Archaeological Heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia for the possibility of reaching the data archive and professor
G. Manzoni and C. Morselli of the University of Trieste for their collaboration during the PhD dissertation.

BRAINI, M. (2003). Trieste antica. Nuovi dati per la forma urbis, tesi di laurea in topografia dellItalia antica, Universit degli Studi di
BRAINI, M. (2011). Trieste antica: applicazioni e sistemi informativi per la carta archeologica, tesi di dottorato in Geomatica e Sistemi
Informativi Territoriali, Universit degli Studi di Trieste.
MASELLI SCOTTI, F. (2001). Edilizia abitativa a Tergeste: esempi recenti, Antichit Altoadriatiche I, XLIX, Trieste (Italy): Editreg.
MENG, G. (1999). Dalla groma al satellite. Tecniche moderne di rilievo applicate allurbanistica di una citt sepolta: Aquileia, Antichit
Altoadriatiche XLV, Trieste: Editreg.
MORSELLI, C. (2007). Trieste antica. Lo scavo di Crosada, Fonti e studi per la storia della Venezia Giulia, Trieste (Italy): Universit
degli Studi di Trieste, Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Venezia Giulia, Editreg
SCRINARI, V., FURLAN, G. and FAVETTA, B. M. (1990). Piazza Unit dItalia a Trieste, Trieste (Italy): Edizioni B&MM Facchin.
SCRINARI, V. (1951). Tergeste (Trieste). Regio X Venetia et Histria, Roma.
VENTURA, P. (1996). Tergeste romana, elementi per la forma urbis, Archeografo triestino s.4, 56 (104) Trieste (Italy): Societ di
VERZAR BASS, M. (1999). Il teatro romano di Trieste. Monumento, storia, funzione. Roma: Istituto Svizzero di Roma.
ZORZON, S. (1989). Pietro Kandler. Albo storico topografico della citt e territorio di Trieste, Trieste (Italy): Edizioni Italo Svevo.


Onogda, Late Medieval Layers of Kyiv

Late Medieval Archaeological Layers of Kyiv and Their Key Role in

Studying City Structures (13th15th cent.)
Institute of Archaeology, NAS of Ukraine


Abstract: Period from second half of 13 to 15 cent. is very special in the history of Kyiv for all the aspects
of city life, including its historical topography. The importance of its studying is actualized due to further
reasons: almost total absence of written and cartography sources which highlights the role of archaeological
data, and the fact of quite late including of those layers into the sphere of scientific interest (central city
districts previously has been regarded as almost totally ruined by Mongol invasion of 1240).
Thus, studying the archaeological evidence opens the way to deeper investigation of Kyiv historical
topography development. It includes the quantity of objects and materials found, the capacity of cultural
layers, quality parameters of archaeological objects, the level of artifacts collections representativeness, and
all the possible remains of districts and streets existence.


First full data summarizing of 13 15 cent. materials has been published by Prof. G. Ivakin in 1996. Since
that, lots of archaeological excavations have been conducted. They included finds of various housing, utility
objects, cultural layers and district structures in all the main Kyiv districts: the Upper City, Podil and
Topographical concentration of the mentioned period objects is different for various parts of the city and
concerns the streets structure investigation. Main archaeological data comes from the monastery areas
which formed cores of city patterns. One of the most interesting facts is development of Pechersk formerly
a peripheral district which, during Late Middle ages, started transforming into one of the important
urbanization centers of Kyiv.


So, accumulation of archaeological data for Kyiv of the 13 15 centuries is a key instrument for studying
urban patterns, including streets system development.

Keywords: Kyiv, Late Middle ages, archaeological investigations, districts, streets.

During Middle Ages Kyiv was known as one of the largest cities in the world, inhabited by more than one
hundred thousand people. In 1240 it has been seriously destroyed by Batu Khan
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batu_Khan) who led the Mongol invasion. After this, during Golden Horde
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde) period, Kyiv was being administered not directly by Horde, but
through the local noblemen. The city was laid under big tribute, and the period of decline started. Later, after
Syniovodska Battle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blue_Waters) in 1362, Mongol domination was
stopped. Kyiv and surrounding areas were incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Lithuania) by Algirdas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algirdas),
Grand Duke of Lithuania. Nevertheless, Kyiv still have been constantly ruined by tartar minor invasions. The
hardest of those took place in 1482, when the Crimean Tartars sacked and burned much of city. Thus,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

period from the 2




half of 13 to 15 centuries (or after-Mongolian period) is one of the most interesting

and least known stages of city evolution. The question of streets and squares continuity/discontinuity is one
of many unclear areas of Kyiv history. The object of the paper is to find out its actual condition and interpret
accessible archaeological data.

Historical evaluation of the period went through different stages. Until the mid 20 century, city life continuity
in general has been doubted by a number of researchers. This situation was rooted in further reasons: 1) the


heavy lack of written sources for 14 16 centuries; 2) there existed theory of almost total ruination caused
by the invasion, which prevailed in historical thought for a long time. The last one also included statements
about population change and views on invasion as a source of total influence on history flow in general.

Understanding of the period started changing since the second half of 20 cent., and the concept of total
decline was disproved. Nevertheless, the ruinations by Mongols and Tatars has seriously damaged Kyiv and
slowed its evolution, including social, economical and cultural processes. Those processes, as well,
influenced city structures development. Metaphorically, mentioned times could be named as Dark Ages,


especially when speaking about the second half of 13 up to first half of 14 centuries. But the city life was
not interrupted.
Concerned period is still extremely poor for all types of historical sources, especially comparing to earlier and
later periods. It complicates studying of streets and squares development. Written sources are basically
represented with short mentions, which do not give us any information about city structures. Cartographical
sources also dont lighten the situation. The earliest one is a plan of the city by Athanasii Kalnofoisky
(Pechersk Monastery monk), created later, in 1638 (fig. 1). More precise plan was composed by Colonel Ivan
Ushakov in 1695. Both were not based on scale and instrumental measurements. Still, they can be used
retrospectively as an important source for reconstructing earlier periods. More accurate plan was created by
architect Andrii Melenskyi in 1803. It is instrumentally precise and helps in studying city structures, which

were principally changed later in 19 cent. (IVAKIN 1996).

Such situation with historical sources actualizes the role of archaeological data for Late Middle Ages Kyiv
history. Its potential was put into attention quite recently, due to objective and subjective reasons.
Objectively, the cultural horizons are thin due to the lower intensity of life after Mongol invasion and Tatar
ruinations. Reduced intensity and quality of life caused the weakness of archaeological layers. Secondly, the
Late Middle Ages materials were getting diffused into highly developed layers of intensively developed
periods: Kyiv Rus below, and Modern times above. Finally, they were seriously damaged by building

activities of later times, especially in 1921 cent. Subjectively, as mentioned above, the results of Mongol
invasion and Tatar ruinations were overestimated for a long time. Scientists remained inattentive to the Dark
Ages. Furthermore, chronological differentiators were hardly known; sometimes the materials could have

been attributed in a wrong way, or attributed in too wide chronological scope. After the mid 20 century
archaeological evidences were found more and more often within the city. During recent decades,
archaeological investigations of Late Middle Ages have got transformed into an independent branch of Kyiv
archaeology and key source of historical reconstructions. Archaeological evidence opens the way to deeper
investigation of city historical topography development. It includes further aspects:
the quantity of objects and materials found,
the capacity of cultural layers,


Onogda, Late Medieval Layers of Kyiv

quality parameters of archaeological objects,

the level of artifacts collections representativeness,
all the possible remains of districts and streets existence.

Fig. 1 Plan of Kyiv by A. Kalnofoisky. 1638 (Copyright: G. Ivakin, 1996).



First full summarizing of data on 13 15 cent. archaeological materials has been published by Prof. Glib
Ivakin in 1996. This work has proved wrong the theory of city total ruination and revealed the main aspects of
Kyiv history. The author showed the picture of citys historical development and answered many disputable
questions. The results of investigation proved that all main historical districts of the city survived and
continued their development, although it was slowed down. Not less than a half of stone buildings have got
through the invasion. Most of those conclusions were based on archaeological materials (IVAKIN 1996).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Since that, lots of archaeological excavations have been conducted and published. During the latest decade,
they revealed various housing, utility objects, cultural layers and cemeteries in all the main Kyiv parts: the
Upper City, Podil and Pechersk (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Topography of 13th15th centuries archaeological objects (Copyright: O. Onogda).


Onogda, Late Medieval Layers of Kyiv

Unfortunately, due to the mentioned above reasons, the archaeological layers are quite weak. The absolute
majority of finds consists of household and utility complexes which are the most representative category of

archaeological sites. Cultural layers are being found more seldom. Recently, 5 complexes of 1315 cent.
were found in the upper city. A range of objects was found on the territory of Mykhailivski Golden Dome

Monastery in late 1990s. Those materials have been dated by the finds of numismatics from 14 and 16


cent. At least 2 objects were found in Podil (Lower City). Big concentration of Late Middle Ages objects is
known for the territory of Pechersk. These ancient outskirts of Kyiv were named after Pechersk Monastery,
founded here earlier. Later, it transformed into a powerful structure and one of the cores of city development.
4 complexes have been excavated on the territory of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra recently. Archaeologial
investigations nearby, on the territory of former Voznesensky Convent, revealed a complex of about 20




objects dated from 14 to 16 centuries. Some of those have been dated by the finds of 15 early 16 cent.
coins. Majority of the objects from Voznesensky Convent were represented with stratigraphically thick
constructions deepened into solid ground (fig. 3). Such sickness is not typical for the cultural layers of Late
Middle Ages (ONOGDA 2009).

Fig. 3 XV early XVI cent. object: fragment of stratigraphy. Excavations on the territory of former Voznesenskyi Convent (Pechersk
district of Kyiv), 2005 (Copyright: A. Chekanovskyi).



So, in general, the archaeological sites of the second half 13 15 centuries are inconsiderable in number, if
compared to earlier and later periods. They are being fixed in the form of separate spots, located
segmentary in the main historical and topographical components of Kyiv. Cultural layers are being hardly
fixed. Unfortunately, the remains of streets are not traced alongside those objects, and we got no straight
evidence of roads as well. Archaeological objects mostly are represented with the soil underground parts of


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

household and utility objects. Collections or archaeological materials from the objects filling consist mostly of
pottery. It actualizes working out pottery classifications. Up to date the Late Middle Ages pottery is
represented with several types of pots and other minor forms. They belong to several technological traditions
which co-existed during the Dark Ages:

pots of primitive forms and technology which remind of forms from 11 cent. Those are being associated
with the economical decline of the period;
pots which represent evolution of the local Kyiv Rus tradition; they give evidence of technological

changes and beginning of use of a high-speed potters wheel in 15 cent

pots which are analogical to the types of pottery from neighboring regions and represent minor and
temporary influences on the ceramics production (fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Main types of pots. Kyiv, XIV XV cent. Voznesenskyi Convent, 2005 (Copyright: O. Onogda).

Reconstruction of city historical topography, thus, is available only by fixing the cores of life development in
different areas. The general picture of city life, traced by excavations results, shows that archaeological sites
are represented better and more completely on the monastery territories. Those include Pechersky,
Vydubytsky, Mykhailivsky Monasteries and former Voznesenskyi Convent, which were mentioned above.
These territories have higher concentration of housing and utility objects, as well as much higher
representativeness of archaeological collections. Pechersk suburban area later even transformed into one of


2 main centers of city agglomeration in 16 17 cent (KLYMOVSKYI 2002). Opposite to secular parts of the
city, monastery territories have got agglomerations of various objects. On the one hand, it could be explained
by the fact of more purposeful and large-scale investigation of monastery territories. But on the other hand,
we should take into consideration historical facts, not only such formal specifics of field investigation. It is


Onogda, Late Medieval Layers of Kyiv

known that conquerors (at least Mongols for sure) were tolerate to religions of the won countries. They
treated local church organizations in a tolerate way (IVAKIN 1991). It could have affected better preserving
of monastery complexes during invasions and their further transformation into bases of social and
economical revival.
So, the cores of city districts development are quite clear for the Late Middle Ages period, but the evidence
of streets structure archaeologically remains unclear. In this situation we can look for the patterns from
earlier periods. Data of archaeological investigations was summarized by S. Taranenko who has gathered


known street remains of 11 13 cent. They were correlated with the plan of Kyiv from 1803 (TARANENKO
2010). Such method gave important results. It has shown that majority of archaeologically known streets and

roads coincide either fully, or in the direction, with the street structure of early 19 cent. It has also proven
the fact of their localization continuity during a long period of time. This situation is quite typical for Eastern
Slavic city centers.
Considering these facts, we can assume retrospectively, that while city planning structure has survived
during such a long period within the lower city, the situation with other districts remained more or less the


same. As we trace the city cores by the concentration of archaeological sites of 13 15 centuries, they
belong to well-known centers of city life. And there is almost no hesitation that through the period of


economical decline in 13 15 centuries, there were no reasons and resources for changing the streets
system. The only example of a totally new city structure, which was built during the Dark Ages period, is
building of a new castle on a big separate residual mountain which rose above Lower city for about 7080 m.

It was constructed here probably during the times of count Volodymyr Olgerdovych (mid 14 cent.) and later
gave name to the hill Zamkova Hora (Castle Mountain). The castle included residency of the count,
permanent garrison, military depots and houses of noblemen. The inner part of the castle was firmly built up
(IVAKIN 1996). The defense wall was constructed of timber and has got towers. There were two big gates
Voievodska and Drabska, and small gate which led to Lower City. All of those must have been connected
with roads to the city. The castle was built in earlier Kyiv Rus traditions with maximum usage of relief, free
planning organically combined with the form of the hill, and construction of timber-soil defense buildings (fig.

5). Later in 16 cent., with the development of fire engines and changes of military strategies, the
topographical situation of the castle stopped being so advantageous. It started regressing. Archaeological
investigations on the territory of former castle were sporadic. They have shown only some remains of


defense constructions and some household objects from 14 15 cent.



Summarizing, wed like to state further: the period of 13 15 centuries really lacks all types of historical
sources for studying city development. The most important and informative are the archaeological materials,
which were taken into scientific consideration very late. They, on the one hand, help reconstructing some
aspects of Kyiv development and show that city was not totally ruined, but still was seriously damaged. On
the other hand, they remain weak as for investigating such problems as development of streets and roads.
Without doubts we can trace only the cores of city development which are being shown in objects
concentrations in main historical districts. Investigations of other periods let us assume that street patterns
development was conservative, and remained more or less the same form Kyiv Rus times up to early 19


century, including Late Middle Ages period. It gets more evident when we consider the social and
economical processes, which show that there were no reasons to change the system during the period of


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

decline after Mongol invasion and later through the Dark Ages. Of course, we really hope for any kind of
streets remains to be found in future, which will provide archaeological evidence for our assumptions.

Fig. 5 Old Kyiv Hill and Castle Hill pictured by M. Gruneveg in 1584 (left; copyright: G. Ivakin 1996), reconstruction of Voievoda Palace
in Kyiv Castle, by P. Iurchenko (right; copyright P. Iurchenko).

IVAKIN, G. IU. (1991). Kievo-Pecherskii monastyr v XIII XV vv. // Dukhovnaia kultura naselenia Ukrainy s drevneishyh vremen. Kyiv:
MO Kievo-Pecherskii gosudrastvennyi istoriko-kulturnyi zapovednik.
IVAKIN, G. IU. (1996). Istorychnyi rozvytok Kyeva XIII seredyny XVI st. Kyiv: IA NANU.
KLYMOVSKYI, S. I. (2002). Socialna topografia Kyeva XI seredyny XVII storichchia. Kyiv: Stylos.
ONOGDA, O. V. (2009). Do pytannia pro stan zberezhenosti kulturnogo goryzontu drugoi polovyny XIII XV st. u Kyevi // Mogylianski
chytannia 2008. Kyiv: Natsionalnyi Kyevo-Pecherskyi istoryko-kulturnyi zapovidnyk.
TARANENKO, S. P. (2010). Davnioruski dorogy ta vulyci z rozkopok Podolu Kyeva // Bolkhovitinovskyi shchorichnyk. Kyiv: KZhD
Sophia: 260268.


Taranenko, The street network of Kyiv Podil

The street network of Kyiv Podil in XXIII centuries by the

archaeological records
Research fellow of the Centre of Kyiv Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology of the National Ukrainian
Academy of Science

Abstract: Streets and roads are among the main components of the city structure. Because of the small
amount of the historical records on street network of the Kyiv Podil in XXIII century, the problem of street
network in Kyiv could be solved with archaeological investigations.
The history of archaeological investigations of the Kyiv Podil has about 80 years. Over 160 excavation sites
were organized during this time. 24 parts of streets and roads were excavated. The roads (12.5%) are the
carriageways without the building and fences from both sides. Streets (78.5%) are the carriageways with the
fences from both sides. Usually fences separated the roads and the households.
Two types of streets and roads are identified by the width: 2.63.7m (80%) and 4.56.0m (20%). Another
two types of streets are identified by the morphology of pavement. These are the unpaved roads (83%) and
the bridge roads (17%).
The modern map of Kyiv Podil and the map dated by 1803 that was created before the Podil redevelopment
were compared. Four groups of streets and roads are identified. Streets and roads of the first group (38%)
have the same location and direction. The objects of the second group (37%) have the same direction and
parallel location. Streets and roads of the third group (4%) have the same location and some deviations in a
direction. Streets and roads of the fourth group (21%) have different location and direction.
This analysis gives a possibility to outline that the street network of Kyiv Podil has not been changed before
the fire in 1811. The results may finish the long discussion on this problem.

Key words: archaeological investigations, street, Kyiv Podil.

Podil is a very good place for the settlement location, and that was understood well by the ancient population
of the Middle Dnieper region. The hills located south and south-west from Kyiv make this place, the first and
the second terrace, and the terrace above the floodplain, defended enough. Podil lowland unites grasslands,
rivers and lakes from the west. The so called Upper-City, administrative and religion center, was located at
the hills Starokyivska, Zamkova and Dytinka (Fig. 1).
Some versions of the city origin were proposed, starting by the IX century and finishing by the official date
482. We accept the first date for the origin of Kyiv Podil. The earliest date we know for this part of the city is a
dendrochronological date 887 year, coming from the excavation-site at Zhytnij Rynok (SAGAIDAK 1991).
These excavations were provided in 197276. The cultural layer was lying 1012 m below modern Kyiv
(Fig. 2). The remains of ten homesteads and about fifty buildings were excavated at that time.
The dendrochronological date presents only the time of the earliest blockhouses building. Therefore the
formation of the city street network we date by the X century. However, the earliest settlement also had to


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

have a planning order, and the first streets probably were the base of future street network system. Tatars
and Mongols destroyed Kyiv in 1240. Therefore the middle XIII century is a latest date for Kyiv as the Kyiv
Rus capital. It would be the chronological border of our investigation.

Fig. 1 Fragment of the topographic map of Kiev, 2001.

Fig. 2 The excavations on Kontraktova square in 1972 (Copyright: GUPALO and TOLOCHKO 1975).


Taranenko, The street network of Kyiv Podil

The streets and roads are the main components of the city planning structure together with the fortification,
markets, temples and palaces. We should define what the streets are and what the roads are correctly.
Well known philologist I. I. Sreznevskij proposed the great variety of the street meanings: the square, the
passage between the houses, the passage, the gates and the row. The definition of the term road is
very simple. It means the way (SREZNEVSKIY 1903).
Ukrainian dictionary proposes the following meanings of the street and road. Road is a space for
walking and riding, bounded by the two rows of houses, or two rows of houses with a passage between
them. Road is a part of a land for walking and riding; or a part of a land with the traces of somebodys or
something moving; or a place for walking and riding (1971).
The problem of the Kyiv street network was not developed well because of the absence of archeological
information. That is why the scholars were very careful about it just before the latest quarter of XX century:
Of course, there were streets, because people had to ride and walk; there were squares also. But nobody
knows how they were looking like (IVANTSOV 2003). The streets had so small wide that it was difficult to
ride for the two wagons. It seems unlikely that the streets before the Mongols time had a bigger wide
The papers that summarized the research of the city by 1970ies were dealing with the homesteads and
streets also. Scholars were very careful with the parallels between the planning structure of the Late
Medieval city and citys modern planning structure. The question of the preservation of Ancient Rus
traditions of the Podil planning in XVIIXIX ct. is still open (GUPALO 1982). Only the excavations could
answer this question.
Archeological investigation of the Kyiv Podil was started by the All-Ukrainian Archaeological Committee
surveys in 19251929. For the first time the cultural layer 8.3 m deep was analyzed in Kyiv (IVAKIN 2010).
V. Bogusevich organized the first excavations in 1950 and discovered the components of the Posad massbuilding dated by XXIII century. Most of the information came from the large-scale excavation at the time of
metro building. Because of the incorporation of Podil to preservation territory Ancient Kyiv in 1972 and the
modern mass building, Podil Standing Expedition was organized in 1984.
Over 160 excavation-sites and surveys were organized in this part of the city between 1950 and 2008. We
may point out 62 excavation-sites were the components of mass-building and city planning structure of X
first half of XIII century were found. The roads were found in 24 cases at 19 excavation-sites. Let us analyze
some examples.
Three blockhouses, the XXI century crossroads with wooden fences across the streets were excavated at
Heroiv Trypillia in 1972. One of the roads, that were going parallel to the bank of Dnieper, was 6 m wide and
another one, which was going from the hill to Pochaina, was 3 m wide. The dirt road had no tracks (GUPALO
and TOLOCHKO 1975) (Fig. 3).
The part of the road, 14 m long, was excavated at 42, Nyzhnij Val in 1989. Four layers of the road are
represented by humus layer with the remains of wood and charcoal. The road was uneven and had the
wheels tracks. The entire road was covered by charred wood. Most probably there was a wooden platform
there that did not live long. Drainage ditches 0.250.35 m wide and 0.30.4 m deep were found across
form the both sides of the road. The road lies at the XXIII centuries horizons. That means that the street
network was standing during three centuries as a minimum (BOBROVSKIY et al. 1989) (Fig. 4).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 3 Plan of the X ct. homestead. Excavations at Horyva str. Heroiw Trypillia str., 1972 (Copyright: GUPALO and TOLOCHKO

Fig. 4 The excavation-site at 43, Nyzhnij Val, 1989; XI ct. Layer (Copyright I. I. Dopira).


Taranenko, The street network of Kyiv Podil

The remains of the wooden church that was found in Kyiv for the first time, the cemetery and the part of the
road dated by XII century excavated at 3/7, Mezhygirska. The carriageway was made from ground and had
the wheels traces 0.020.05 m wide and 0.1 m deep. This part of the road was 9 m long and 33.3 m wide.
The borders were marked by the fences (ZOTSENKO and TARANENKO) (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 The excavation-site (2) at 3/7, Mezhygirska str., 2003. XII ct. layer (Copyright O. Yu. Zhuruhina).

Fig. 6 The excavation-site at 14, Skovorody, 2006. XIXII ct. Layer (Copyright D. M. Peftits).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The remains of three homesteads dated by XIXII century were found at 1416, Skovorody in 2006. There
borders were marked with the fences. This part of the road, 10.25 m long, was 5.25 m wide in its largest part.
The distance between the tracks was 22.10 m wide. The remains of the fence were found from the north.
Two layers of the road and the drainage ditch were investigated. The direction of the street did not change. It
just moved south for one meter (IVAKIN and PEFTITS 2009) (Fig. 6).
The fence with the drainage ditch and the track excavated at 14, Skovorody in 2006. Another drainage ditch
and the track located south from them. The chronological difference between these roads is about 2040
years (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Stratigraphy of the part of the road. The excavation-site at 14, Skovorody, 2006 (Copyright D. M. Peftits).

Let us analyze the streets and roads. By the roads we mean the parts of carriageways without the houses
and fences across them. Three roads were found at 68, Verkhnij Val; 30 Shchekavytska; and 12, Obolonska.
By the streets we mean the carriageways with the fences and homestead across them (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Correlation of the excavated streets and roads.

The wide was counted in fifteen cases. Two groups of streets may be separated. The first group includes the
streets 2.63.7 m wide; the second group includes the streets 4.56 m wide. Therefore we may separate the
main lines and the lanes (Fig. 9).


Taranenko, The street network of Kyiv Podil

Fig. 9 Correlation of the carriageways wide.

Fig. 10 Correlation of the carriageways by their morphology.

According to their morphology another two groups of carriageways may be separated. They are the dirt
roads and the paving. By the paving we mean the roads with the wooden constructions (Fig. 10).
The paving were built from two to for lags perpendicular to a carriageway. We know only one example of the
paving made from six ones. They were joined with the wooden piles. The lags were 0.20.35 m wide. The
drainage ditches were located across the carriageways and were 0.70.8 m wide and 0.4 m deep. There
were fences across the streets. Most of wooden constructions were made from pine.
Archaeological data made possible the analysis of the street network of Ancient Rus Podil and its comparing
to the medieval and contemporary street networks. V.O. Kharlamov and G.V. Alferova proposed to analyze
Podil planning structure basing on the XVII century data, i.e. the plan made by colonel Ushakov in 1695
(ALFEROVA and KHARLAMOV 1982) (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 Plan of Podil made by colonel Ushakov in 1695 (Copyright ALFEROVA and KHARLAMOV 1982).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

As we may see on a Fig. 11, the plan made in 1695 is a small-scale plan. It is rather a scheme of the city,
than a map. However, it shows the general character of building, blocks configuration and the defense
system. It should be noted that the problem of the city planning structure was open and the mentioned paper
is just one of the first attempts of the analysis of Kyiv planning structure.
I used the experience of architect Paskevich and compared the recent topographic plan with the plan made
in 1803. That was the last plan made before the re-building after the fire in 1811, which destroyed almost the
whole Podil. Streets and roads found at the excavation-sites were pointed on this common plan
(TARANENKO 2010) (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12 Plan of Kyiv Podil (contemporary plan and the street network in 1803) with the parts of streets and roads, XXIII ct (Copyright
Taranenko, 2010).
1. Heroiw Trypillia str. Khoryva str., 19721973. 2. Verhniy Val and Nizhniy Val streets, 19741975. 3. Investigations at the heating
main building at Heroiw Trypillia str., 1983. 4. 1416, Voloska str., 1987. 5. 1416, Voloska str., 1988. 6. Obolonska str., 1988. 7. 43,
Nyzhniy Val str., 1989. 8. 43, Mezhygirska str., 1989. 9. 18, Sagaidachnogo str., 1991. 10. 12 (P-2), Obolonska str., 1993. 11. 7/10,
Shchekavytska str., 1998. 12. 27, Khoryva str., 1999. 13. 3/7, Mezhygirska str., 2004. 14. 1618, Sagaidachnogo str., 2004. 15. 68,
Verhniy Val str., 2004. 16. 8, Illinska str. 17. 27/44, Pochaininska str., 2006. 18. 1416, Skovorody str., 2006. 19. 30, Shchekavytska str.


Taranenko, The street network of Kyiv Podil

Four groups of streets and roads may be separated. Streets and roads of the first group (38%) have the
same location and direction. The objects of the second group (37%) have the same direction and parallel
location. Streets and roads of the third group (4%) have the same location and some deviations in a
direction. Streets and roads of the fourth group (21%) have different location and direction (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13 Correlation of the streets and roads dated by XXIII ct. and 1803.

This analysis lets to outline that the street network of Kyiv Podil has not been changed before the fire in
1811. The results may finish the long discussion on this problem. The analogies are coming from the Ancient
Novgorod were multi-layer paving were excavated, Ryazan, Suzdal, Vitebsk, Minsk and other Ancient Rus

Fig. 14 Digital map of Kyiv Podil mass-building on a contemporary topographic map (Copyright S. P. Taranenko).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The interactive digital map was created with this database. All the components of mass-building, buildings,
fences, streets and roads, were pointed on a map. The digital map of Kyiv Podil mass-building was made on
a contemporary topographic map. As of today, 62 excavation-sites with 547 components of the massbuilding and planning structure of X first half of XIII century are pointed: houses and buildings (348), fences
(175), streets and roads (24). The objects that had an important place in the planning structure are pointed
also: churches (5), cemeteries (10), hydro-technical buildings (3) and streams (4) (Fig. 14).
Figure 15 presents the fragment of the digital map with following excavation-sites.
1. Excavations at 2, Heroiw Tripillia-Horyva, 1972.
2. Excavations at Kontraktovaya Square metro station, 1976.
3. Excavations at 3/7, Mezhygirska (R-2 and R-3), 2003.
3.a. Excavations at 3/7, Mezhygirska (R-4), 2003.
4. Excavations at 13/11 Horyva, 2010.

Fig. 15 Fragment of digital map of the Kyiv Podil mass-building on a contemporary topographic map (Copyright S. P. Taranenko).

Green lines and dotted lines are the borders of the excavation-sites or the borders of the net of fixation. Red
lines are the remains of wooden constructions. Brown lines mark the carriageway. Blue lines are the pits
within the household complex of the homesteads. Black and brown lines are the fences. Sure, these colors
may be changed. As one can see, the parts of the Ancient Rus street that were found at three excavationsites are joined together. They are dating by Xsecond half of XII century.
Work with this map as with a new source provides lots of possibilities of the Podil investigation. Now we may
analyze the Ancient Rus blocks starting from the homestead as a main building constant. This approach may


Taranenko, The street network of Kyiv Podil

be useful for counting the number of homesteads in a different time (X, XI, XII, and XIII centuries) and the
calculation of the approximate population number. In general, this map is the base of real scientific
reconstruction of Kyiv Podil in XXIII centuries.

ALFEROVA, G. V. and KHARLAMOV, V. A. (1982). Kiev in the second half of the XVII century. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.
BILODID, I. K. (1970). Ukrainian Dictionary. Vol. II. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.
BILODID, I. K. (1971). Ukrainian Dictionary. Vol. I. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.
BOBROVSKIY, T. A., ZOTSENKO, V. N. and TRUKHAN, A. P. (1989). The Report on the Archaeological Investigations of the
Pochaininskiy Crew of the Podil Standing Expedition of the IA AS USSR in 1989 at 43, Nyzhniy Val (a manuscript). Kyiv: IA AS USSR.
GUPALO, K. M. (1982). Podil in the Ancient Kyiv. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.
GUPALO, K. M. and TOLOCHKO, P. P. (1975). Ancient Rus Podil in the light of the new archaeological investigations, in: P. P.
Tolochko (ed.), The Ancient Kyiv. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka: 4079.
GUPALO, K. M., IVAKIN, G. Yu. and SAGAIDAK, M. A. (1979). The investigation of the Kyiv Podil, in: P. P. Tolochko, Archaeology of
Kyiv. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka: 3861.
IVAKIN, V. G. and PEFTITS, D. M. (2009). On archaeological investigations of the Podil Standing Expeditio in summer and autumn,
2006 at 14, Skovorody, Kyiv, in: Archaeological researches in Ukraine in 20062007: 147.
IVAKIN, V. G. and IVAKINA, I. Yu (2010). Archaeological investigations at the Kyiv Podil in 19201940, in: V. M. Kolpakova (ed.),
Mohylas Presentations. Kyiv: Fenix: 25764.
IVANTSOV, I. A. (2003). The Ancient Kyiv. Kyiv: Fenix.
SAGAIDAK, M. A. (1991). The Ancient Kyiv Podil. Problems of the topography, stratigraphy and chronology. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka.
(2004). The Report of the Mezhigirskiy Crew of the Podil Standing Archaeological Expedition in 20022004 at 3/7, Mezhygirska (a
manuscript). Kyiv: Scientific Archive of the IA NUAS, 2004/236.
SREZNEVSKIY, I. I. (1903a). Materials to the Ancient Rus Language Vocabulary. Vol. I. Sankt-Peterburg: Typography of the Imperators
Academy of Sciences.
SREZNEVSKIY, I. I. (1903b). Materials to the Ancient Rus Language Vocabulary. Vol. III. Sankt-Peterburg: Typography of the
Imperators Academy of Sciences.
TARANENKO, S. P. (2010). The Ancient Rus roads and streets form excavations at the Kyiv Podil, in: K. Krainiy (ed.), Bolhovitinovskiy
Yearbook. Kyiv: Sofia: 24050.
TIHOMIROV, M. (1956). The Ancient Rus Cities. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Politicheskoy Literatury.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


Pre-Excavation Strategies


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Survey and Data Integration in the Amstelland Atlas Project



Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands / Amsterdam City Archives, The Netherlands

Abstract: Researchers of the Cultural Heritage Department of the Netherlands and Amsterdam City
Archives are engaged in an interdisciplinary research project on the subject of Amstelland, the area south of
the city of Amsterdam. In this project, the result of which will be a GIS-based atlas, an interdisciplinary
approach to landscape is followed. The central theme of the Amstelland study is the interdependence of the
city and its surroundings, the mutual influence of urban and rural landscapes over time. This article starts
with a description of the main characteristics of the Amstelland territory. It is followed by some
methodological remarks about the research project, which involves the integration of data from many
different sources and historical periods and therefore can be characterized as a survey of surveys. This
multi-layered approach is demonstrated on the basis of analysis of both historic surveying and modern data
about the archaeology and built heritage of the Ronde Hoep polder, one of the most remarkable landscape
structures of the area.
The Amstelland Atlas Project aims to get a grip on landscape dynamics by constructing a multi-layered
survey, in which the layers are interconnected. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate historical knowledge by
understanding that every layer of archaeological, archival or historical data, has gone through its own
process of formation. Only by seeing through this process, a genuine understanding of this complex
datascape is possible.

Keywords: Amstelland, The Netherlands, urban and rural landscapes, peatland archaeology, Ronde Hoep

In 2010, the Landscape Research Department of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands was asked
to conduct a research project of the Amstelland area, located to the south of Amsterdam. This request was
the direct result of the publication of another landscape study by the department, which was aimed at the
Bretten area, west of the centre of Amsterdam (ABRAHAMSE et al. 2010). This earlier study was carried out
in close cooperation with Erik Schmitz, researcher at the Amsterdam City Archives, who also agreed to
contribute to the Amstelland Atlas project. Both studies are conceived along the lines laid out in recent years
by the development of the method of landscape biography. The Amstelland Atlas project can take
advantage of the experience of the Bretten area project, as well as the lessons learned from other recent
research projects (see, for instance: NEEFJES et al. 2011). Landscape biography was developed to conduct
interdisciplinary research of landscape, with the intention of integrating knowledge and putting research to
the use of landscape management (for some more information about the method of landscape biography
and its use in the Netherlands, see for instance: SPEK et al. 2006; ABRAHAMSE et al. 2008). The
Amstelland Atlas is expected to be published in the autumn of 2012.


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

The Amstelland Area

Amstelland is not a clearly defined administrative region. Amstelland is the territory located to the south of
the city of Amsterdam, in the municipalities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Uithoorn, Diemen, Ouder-Amstel,
Abcoude and De Ronde Venen. It consists of a series of polders on both sides of the river Amstel, the basin
of which lies in a rapidly urbanizing area (Fig. 1). Not only urbanization, but also the layout of new
infrastructures, the changes in agriculture, such as the discontinuation and new use of farms, the increase in
scale in agriculture and the development of new, man-made nature areas have caused radical changes in
the landscape and will presumably keep on doing so in the future.

Fig. 1 Recent aerial photograph of the Amstel area (copyright: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Amstelland was first put to agricultural use during what is generally called The Great Reclamation of the
peat moors in the western part of the Netherlands, which took place in the Middle Ages, roughly during the


10 and 11 centuries. To make agriculture possible, the peat moors had to be drained by digging parallel
ditches, usually at a more or less right angle to a river or other reclamation base (Fig. 2). These ditches
served for drainage and were property lines at the same time. The medieval landscape structure of
elongated parcels is still visible in the parts of Amstelland that have an agricultural use and have not been
built in.

Fig. 2 The grand-scale reclamation of the peat bogs in the western part of the Netherlands took place in the 10th and 11th centuries
(copyright: Rob van Eerden).

From the moment these peat moors were drained, the soil started to sink, because of a process of oxydation
and settling of the peaty underground. This process is constant and irreversible; as the soil sinks, deeper
drainage is necessary for agriculture, which causes further settling and the need for ever deeper draining.
This process resulted in the need for protection of the low-lying areas from flooding. As early as the 13


century, the Amstelland area had to be protected from flooding by building river and sea dikes around it. The
dam in the river Amstel to which Amsterdam owes its name, was also built in this period as a part of the
effort to preserve the costly agricultural land, which was the result of considerable investment over time,
which also included the building of windmills. At first, individual farmers built their own small mills to be able


to control the water levels on their lands. During the 16 and 17 centuries, this effort was taken over by
waterboards and polder administrations, who built fewer but much larger windmills.


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

Urban Influence
Over time, the influence of the city over its periphery, and also over Amstelland, grew stronger. From the
middle ages onwards, agricultural produce went to the citys markets. The rural economy was oriented on
the demands of the ever growing city. Considerable tracts of agricultural land were owned by the citizens of
Amsterdam or by urban institutions, such as convents, hospitals and orphanages. In the Dutch Golden Age,
urban influence grew stronger over time. The city grew rapidly, from a small merchant town along the river

Amstel in the late 16 century, to one of the largest cities in Europe, in the 1660s. Its built surface was

multiplied by a factor of five during the 17 century (ABRAHAMSE 2011). Many rural estates were bought by
Amsterdam residents (SCHMIDT 2011). Mansions along the rivers Amstel and others waterways were built
and inhabited by Amsterdam merchants and regents. The building of mansions started during the first

quarter of the 17 century, and took off after 1648, when the war against Spain came to an end. During the

18 century, even more mansions were built outside the city, in Amstelland as well as elsewhere. The river
itself became a place of recreation. A yaught harbor was laid out before 1672 on the bank of the river, near
the citys edge, and on summer days the Amstel must have been the place where many citizens went rowing
and sailing.

Modern Urbanization
The urbanization that took place in Holland during the Golden Age, with Amsterdam as a culmination point,
might have been stunning to both contemporaries as well as modern researchers, proved to be next to


nothing when compared to 19 and 20 -century urban development. After a period of stagnation,
Amsterdam started to grow rapidly from the 1870s onwards. Ever larger city extensions followed each other

in rapid succession. The citys extensions of the 19 century were the result of private investment. From the

early 20 century, the government played a prominent role in urban projects of an ever expanding scale.
H.P. Berlages Plan Zuid (Plan South) was an urban design that in which monumental blocks and streets
were the central elements. After the Second World War, modernist urbanism and road infrastructure took
over. Amsterdams General Extension Plan of 1935 (Fig. 3) led to the layout of huge, spacious districts, in
which the traditional urban block was traded in for an open structure of freestanding buildings, surrounded by
extensive public parks and gardens (JOLLES et al. 2003). Large sections of the farmlands in Amstelland
were absorbed by the city of Amsterdam, with suburban communities, such as Amstelveen and Diemen, in
its tracks.
Together and in close relation to the citys extension, the General Extension Plan provided for large green
and recreation areas. Most of these were meticulously designed and planned and took the form of huge
public parks. The Amstel river borders however, kept on being used as agricultural land. A few areas were
designated for new nature areas, which have a profound impact on the open Amstelland landscape.
Over the past decades, Amstelland has become surrounded by huge urbanized areas. The overall surface
area of the farmlands has decreased significantly. But besides this rapid urbanization at the borders, smallscale urbanization has had profound effects inside the area.
At the same time, the urban influence has become ever stronger. Farms and other agricultural complexes
were transformed into or replaced by residential buildings, while most of the grounds kept being used for


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

agriculture. Only a small minority of the inhabitants of Amstelland is not dependent on work in the city.
Amstelland as a whole has kept its rural character, but the areas along the main infrastructures, such as the
river Amstel, have to a considerable extent changed into suburban housing areas and undergone a process
of gentrification. The management of the farms that kept being in operation, has changed profoundly: in
addition to the original agricultural activities, many farmers are engaged in recreational and educational
activities. These creeping processes have been going on for decades now, and are no less influential than
the citys extensions itself. When compared to the other green areas around the city, Amstelland over time
has gotten some of the characteristics of space left over, of an unplanned peripheral zone. Because of the
openness of the landscape, these small-scale changes tend to stand out.

Fig. 3 Cornelis van Eesterens General Extension Plan of Amsterdam, 1935.

A Survey of Surveys
An atlas like the one that is being produced during the Amstelland project, is an attempt to describe and
analyze the multi-layered and dynamic cultural landscape of the western part of the Netherlands, as it was
formed and transformed constantly during the last millennium under the influence of man. Therefore, a
chronological series of maps will be compiled on the basis of a GIS (geographical information system).
These series of maps will be complemented with extensive explanatory notes and illustrations. The GIS
system is made on the basis of landscape reconstructions from different periods, historical maps and
landscape and urban history research. On the basis of this chronological series, another map is compiled


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

which contains an overview of the existing archaeological and built heritage and landscape structures. The
combination of this heritage map with an overview of future plans for the area, gives insight in the potential
future destruction and degradation of heritage and can contribute to landscape and urban planning
(ABRAHAMSE et al. 2010).
Basically, a landscape study like the one of Amstelland that is in the making now, is an extensive survey of
the area, based on recent literature and research of earlier archival documents. In a way, it is a survey of
surveys, that reflects the making of the landscape by man and the archival records that have come down to
us from various periods in history.

Fig. 4 Manuscript map, drawn as a first topographical survey in the mid-19th century.

The Character of Survey

The character of these surveys has changed over time. From medieval times onwards, when the first settlers
undertook to reclaim the wilderness in the west of the Netherlands, techniques were used to measure the
uncultivated lands and divide them into regular parcels for agricultural use by the locatores of the landlords.
Medieval cities were laid out according to plan, in the realisation of which surveyors were involved


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

(BOEREFIJN 2010). These early surveys have only scarcely come down to us in the form of archival


material, but their results are visible on topographical maps from the 19 and 20 centuries and (partly) in
the existing urban and rural landscapes (Fig. 4).
During early modern times, surveyors played an essential role in the great city extensions, such as the
Amsterdam canal belt, but also in the lake drainage, polder and canal projects that were undertaken during
the Dutch Golden Age.
But surveying was in no way limited to the planning and realization of urban and landscape projects. Before
the emergence of the first modern cadastral registry maps, local public authorities and polder administrations
had surveys made up for the purpose of property management and tax collection, while large landowners,
especially religious and charitative urban institutions like convents, orphanages, hospitals and old mens
homes, created extensive administrations as a means of managing their properties in and outside of the city.
Often these include maps, that were in some cases assembled to make up atlases.
When regional planning and modern urbanism were introduced in the Amsterdam region in the early
twentieth century, the concept of survey the English word was also used in Dutch now took on a new
meaning. Modern planning was based on tabula rasa, empty space. The existing agricultural landscape and
its regular, medieval structure disappeared under thick layers of sand. Before designing their world famous
General Extension Plan for Amsterdam (1935), the urbanist Cornelis van Eesteren and his researcher
Theodoor van Lohuizen carried out an extensive scientific research project, which generated all data judged
necessary: population prognoses, land use data, and spatial demands for a range of urban functions. In this
period, surveying was not only broadened, but it was also more integrated in the urban planning process.

Archaeological Surveys
Archaeological surveying of the area around Amsterdam has been conducted over the last decades. In the
peatbog area of Waterland, north of the city, an overview of field surveys has been combined with historical
research of field names in the late seventies and eighties, thus providing a multi-layered approach to
settlement history (BOS 1988). In Amstelland, large-scale archaeological survey took place during the
1980s, as part of the Regional Archaeological Archiving Project, or RAAP (DATEMA 1987). An historicalgeographical survey of Amstelland was conducted as a part of the restructuring of the agricultural area in the
eighties (VERVLOET and MULDER 1983). Apart from this, the Diemen-North area, at the east of the city,
was researched in the eighties and nineties by amateur archaeologists (WOLTERING 1988; BLOK et al.
2009). The Archaeological Service of the Municipality of Amsterdam carried out excavations in the hamlets
of Oud-Diemen and Overdiemen (LAGERWEIJ and VEERKAMP 2009). To the west of the city, they
excavated several sites in and around the mediaeval village of Sloten (BAART 1987; BAART 1989; BAART
1992). Apart from these surveys, many scattered archaeological observations were published. Since the
signing of the Valletta Convention in 1992, archaeological research is linked to disturbances of in situ
archaeological archives. This seems to have resulted in an approach that is guided by predictive cartography
(which, by the way, is seldom up to date and often based on desktop research, and on observations that
have not been related to geological and historical processes) and which is resulting in the collection of
scattered and diverse data that hardly contribute to our understanding of formative processes of landscapes


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

and settlements. An extreme example of random data collection and subsequent misunderstanding and
misinterpretation is to be found in the desktop research of the northern part of the Ronde Hoep (MULDER
2006; see also: DE BONT 2009: 562565). Mulder comes to the conclusion that a large lake came into

existence after the reclamation of the Ronde Hoep, only to be drained in the second half of the 18 century.
This is in flagrant contradiction with any archival sources about the area.
After the decline of functionalist urban planning in the 1970s, the significance of historical data in our
interaction with the cultural landscape has become stronger. In present-day planning, the concept of multilayered cultural landscape has taken the place of tabula rasa. The concept of survey has become an even
broader denotation. We might safely say that the type of research of Amstelland that is being conducted
now, is an example of the next generation of survey, which aims at the integration of data about cultural
landscapes, built heritage and archaeology, for both research as well as planning purposes.

Fig. 5 The Ronde Hoep Polder is located ca. 9 kilometers from the centre of Amsterdam.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The Archaeology of the Ronde Hoep Polder

A multi-layered approach can be demonstrated by the example of the Ronde Hoep Polder, a more or less
egg-shaped grassland area, situated approximately nine kilometers from the centre of Amsterdam. Today,
the Ronde Hoep is highly valued as an empty space: an open area in between urbanized areas (Fig. 5).
Compared to Amstelland as a whole, its structure is largely untouched by modernisation or urbanization.
Standing at the southern edge of the polder, one has panoramic views in all directions.
The Ronde Hoep, like the rest of Amstelland, was reclaimed during the tenth or early eleventh century. Its
landscape structure is the result of more or less simultaneous reclamations from the east and the west sides,
that were separated from each other by the meensloot or common ditch that basically cuts the polder in
two even parts. The reclamation from the east, from the Waver river, is somewhat irregular compared to the
western parts, which might point towards an earlier date of reclamation. The western part seems to have
been a part of a larger reclamation that was carried out on both sides of the river Amstel.

Fig. 6 The wedge-shaped part of the Ronde Hoep Polder opposite to the village of Ouderkerk (copyright: Paul Paris).


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

The noticeable wedge-shaped structure of the parcels on the northern side (Fig. 6) is no more a coincidence
than the structure of the other parts. It is located opposite to the mediaeval settlement of Ouderkerk, the site
of the oldest known church of the whole of the Amstelland area (VAN DER WAALS and VAN REGTEREN
ALTENA 1961; NUMAN 2005: 4142, 162163) and also the residence of the Van Amstel family. The first
Van Amstel, Wolfgerus, was mentioned as early as the year 1105. He was a ministerialis of the Bishop of
Utrecht, and probably supervised reclamations of parts of the area, and also was the representative of the
Bishop in the judicial sense.
From ca. 1500 onwards, the city of Amsterdam started to extend its influence over this region, first by
reorganizing the drainage in 1525 and then by buying the seigniorial rights from the Count of Brederode in
1529 (SMITH 1939: 8182).
One of the oldest maps showing the Ronde Hoep Polder dates from 1555 (Fig. 7). The area is marked by
two cows cattle farming was the main agricultural activity at the time. The map was drawn up to serve in a
judicial case about the turnip and hemp tithes, which was the result of a conflict between the Kapittel van
Sint Marie (St. Marys Chapter) in Utrecht and the City of Amsterdam, as the legal successor of Reinout,
Count of Brederode (BAKKER and SCHMITZ 2007: 8384). In itself, this indicates a shift in the balance of
power in the Amstelland region, where the city not only takes the place of the nobility, but right away gets
into conflict with another powerful party from an already waning era.

Fig. 7 Map of Amstelland, 1555. The city of Amsterdam, in the north, is on the left edge (copyright: Stadsarchief Dordrecht/DiEP).

In 1637, it became necessary to reorganize the drainage system of the Ronde Hoep polder. At that time,
every farmer had to rely on his own small windmill for drainage, numbering 36 in total. Three new big


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

windmills were built, large ditches were dug, and the dikes along the rivers were raised (BORDING 1983).
This involved city-based knowledge and financing and the involvement of modern surveying techniques. The
1640 survey consisted of a map and an accompanying register by surveyors Lucas de Hoij and Steven
Pauw. The map is kept at the archives of the Amstelland waterboard, whereas the register is at the archive
of the Amsterdam Hospitals, at the City Archives. Better drainage aimed at raising the production of dairy
farms, which produced milk, butter and cheese for the expanding city. During this time, Amsterdam
institutions, like the Hospitals, built modern farms to add value to their property of agricultural lands.
The 1640 survey provides a list of all landowners in de Ronde Hoep polder. We can use these data in two
other ways: to look back and forward in time (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Map of the Ronde Hoep Polder, 1640. The north is at the left. Land owned by Amsterdam citizens is marked in red, land owned
by urban institutions in green, and by a citizen of Dordrecht in yellow (color indications were added for this article).

Looking backwards, land owned by the city of Amsterdam stems from the 1529 overtaking of the seigniorial
possessions of Reinout van Brederode. As we have seen, this indicated a shift from noble to civil powers
shaping the countryside. The land owned by the Amsterdam Hospitals was originally owned by monasteries
and secularized in 1578, along with all other ecclesiastical properties. In some cases, linking Hospital
property to convent property extends our historical scope to the beginning of the fifteenth century (Fig. 9).
Looking forward in time, the 1640 survey can also be used to follow the changes in landownership up to the
present time.
We can also link the 1640 survey to modern data. For instance, we can take a look at the list of protected


monuments. The Ronde Hoep polder contains a number of listed buildings. Two 16 17 century farms are


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

situated on land formerly owned by Amsterdam institutions (Fig. 10). One of them was supposedly built as a

part of the 17 -century farm building scheme by the Amsterdam Hospitals (Fig. 11), one other might. Since
these institutions took good care of their built property over time, it is not so surprising that these farms made
it to the heritage lists. These modern heritage lists in themselves are a reflection of a historical process.

Fig. 9 Charter from 1418. Jan Eggert, lord of Purmerend, grants the Amsterdam Old Nunnery Convent 9 morgen land in Jan Betten
zate (the seat of Jan Betten) and the half part of a house and yard on this property. This land can be localized in the northern part of
the Ronde Hoep, opposite the village of Ouderkerk, and was later owned by the Amsterdam Hospitals, indicated in green on Fig. 7
(copyright: Amsterdam City Archives).

Fig. 10 Map showing city-based landownership in the Ronde Hoep Polder in 1640 (cf. Fig. 8) and protected monuments in 2011.
Farms are indicated separately (copyright: Menne Kosian/Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 11 17th-century farm built by the Amsterdam Hospitals, today a listed monument (copyright: Erik Schmitz).

Fig. 12 Archaeological finds in the Ronde Hoep Polder and surroudings (copyright: Menne Kosian/Cultural Heritage Agency of the


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

Another example of the layering of data involves modern archaeological surveying. In the 1980s the
Amstelland area was archaeologically surveyed by the RAAP project. The overall conclusion was that
Amstelland is a relatively empty area. Most of the evidence of mediaeval habitation lies hidden under
farmsteads dating from a later age and also close to and under the river dikes. If we take a look at the
archaeological data from the Ronde Hoep polder, we see in the eastern part more developed river banks,
causing a pattern of shifting dikes and dike roads and more dispersed finds. In the west, the river banks are
much smaller. There, traces of mediaeval occupation are likely to be hidden under the dikes and later
farmsteads (Fig. 12). Two excavations show that this is the case. The first example is located on the
opposite bank of the river Bullewijk, at the north-east of the Ronde Hoep polder. During the rebuilding of the
front part of a farm called De Leerspiegel in 1986, mediaeval floor layers and a hearthplace were
discovered. They were situated under the dwelling space of the farm, close to the river dike. Occupation

seems to have started in the 12 century (DATEMA 1988). The farm was listed as a monument of national
importance, and has curiously remained so even after demolition and reconstruction (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13 The farm De Leerspiegel. Its situation right next to the river dike is an indication of the old age of this farmyard (copyright:
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands).

The second example is an excavation by the Archaeological Service of the Municipality of Amsterdam in the
hamlet of Overdiemen, along the river Diem, in 1992. At the site of a farmstead that was abandoned in the

18 century, traces of mediaeval habitations were came to light (Fig 14). The oldest farm at this site was


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

situated on the river bank. Only the rear part could be excavated; the remaining part was located under the
river dike. Two pieces of construction wood from the building were dated to the year 1033 by
dendrochronology (LAGERWEIJ and VEERKAMP 2009: 66). This is actually one of the oldest traces of
reclamation activities in the Amsterdam area.

Fig. 14 Excavation of an 11th12th-century site close to the Diem river dike (copyright: BMA Amsterdam/Wiard Krook).

The results of the R.A.A.P. archaeological survey and the above-mentioned excavations were not taken into
consideration prior to large-scale dike reinforcements in the Amstelland area. Relatively small, steep dikes
were covered by much broader, gently sloping dikes. In this process, much of the archaeological records
were either destroyed by the digging of new ditches along the land sides of the new dikes (Fig. 15), or
covered by the new dikes themselves (Fig. 16). The replacement of farm buildings by villas or other new
buildings proved another destructive force in the archaeology of Amstelland. Short time memory loss has
caused long time memory loss. The Ronde Hoep is rapidly turned into an empty space, not only as a
landscape to the unsuspective visitor, but also in an archaeological sense. Tabula rasa was abandoned as a
planning doctrine, but it remains an imminent threat because of the erosion of archaeological and historical
The Amstelland Atlas Project aims to get a grip on the landscape by constructing a multi-layered survey. It is
necessary to evaluate historical knowledge by understanding that every layer of archaeological, archival or
historical data, has gone through its own process of formation. Only by seeing through this process, a
genuine understanding of this complex datascape of interconnected layers is possible.


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

Fig. 15 Section of a mediaeval farmstead during dike reinforcement. At the top left we can see the destruction of mediaeval habitation
layers by a newly dug dike ditch. The protruding wood in the center indicates the rear part of a farm and was dated to the year 1033
(copyright: BMA Amsterdam/Wiard Krook).

Fig. 16 Dike works at the south side of the Ronde Hoep Polder, 1987 (copyright: Erik Schmitz).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 17 The Ronde Hoep Polder seen from ots southern edge (2011) (copyright: Erik Schmitz).

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ABRAHAMSE, J. E, BRINKKEMPER, O. and SPEK, Th. (2008). Integreren met de landschapsbiografie, Rooilijn 41: 272279.
ABRAHAMSE, J. E., KOSIAN, M. and SCHMITZ, E. (2010). Tussen Haarlemmerpoort en Halfweg: Historische atlas van de Brettenzone
in Amsterdam, Bussum: Thoth.
BAART, J. M. (1987). Amsterdam: Sloten, in: P. J. Woltering, Archeologische kroniek van Holland over 1986, I Noord-Holland,
Holland 19: 301303.
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Holland 21: 301.
BAART, J. M. (1992). Amsterdam: Sloten, in: P. J. Woltering, Archeologische kroniek van Holland over 1991, I Noord-Holland,
Holland 24: 330331.
BAART, J. M. (1993). Diemen: Overdiemerweg, in: P. J. Woltering, Archeologische kroniek van Holland over 1992, I Noord-Holland,
Holland 25: 311312.
BAKKER, B. and SCHMITZ, E. (2007). Het aanzien van Amsterdam, Panoramas, plattegronden en profielen uit de Gouden Eeuw,
Bussum: Thoth, Amsterdam: Stadsarchief Amsterdam.
BLOK, H., KROOK, W., VAN REENEN, P. and WIGGERS, R. (eds.) (2009), Diemen in het land van Amstel, Amsterdam: De
Bataafsche Leeuw.


Abrahamse / Schmitz, Datascape

BOEREFIJN, W. (2010). The Foundation, Planning and Building of New Towns in the 13th and 14th Centuries in Europe: An
Architectural-historical Research into Urban Form and its Creation, Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam PhD Thesis.
DE BONT, C. (2009). Vergeten land. Ontginning, bewoning en waterbeheer in de westnederlandse veengebieden (800-1350),
Wageningen: diss. Wageningen University.
BORDING, J. (1983). Ontwatering en maaiveldverlaging in het landinrichtingsgebied Amstelland, afgeleid uit archivalische bronnen, in:
J. A. J. Vervloet and J. R. Mulder, Cultuurhistorisch onderzoek landinrichting Amstelland, STIBOKA rapport 1681, Wageningen:
Stichting voor Bodemkartering (appendix).
BOS, J. M. (1988). Landinrichting en archeologie: het bodemarchief van Waterland, Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 6,
Amersfoort: Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek.
DATEMA, R. R. (1987). Amstelland, een archeologische kartering, inventarisatie en waardering, R.A.A.P.-rapport 4, Amsterdam:
Stichting R.A.A.P.
DATEMA, R. R. (1988). De Leerspiegel: bewoningscontinuteit langs de Bullewijk, R.A.A.P.-Notitie 13, Amsterdam: Stichting R.A.A.P.
JOLLES, A., KLUSMAN, E. and TEUNISSEN, B. (2003). Planning Amsterdam 1928-2003: Scenarios for Urban Development,
Rotterdam: NAi Publishers.
LAGERWEIJ, A. and VEERKAMP, J. (2009). Een 12e-eeuwse overstroming in de hoofdrol. Archeologisch onderzoek van een
middeleeuwse dorpsterp te Oud-Diemen, in: BLOK et al. 2009: 3074.
NEEFJES, J., BRINKKEMPER, O., JEHEE, L. and VAN DE GRIENDT, W. (eds.) (2011). Cultuurhistorische atlas van de Vecht:
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SMITH, E. (1939). Koop of spel: Eenige aanteekeningen uit de geschiedenis van den aankoop door Amsterdam der
ambachtsheerlijkheden van Amstelveen, Sloten, Sloterdijk en Osdorp van Reinout van Brederode, in 1529, Jaarboek Amstelodamum
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Developments and Future Prospects, Illustrated by Three Dutch Case Studies, Berichten van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig
Bodemonderzoek 46: 331354.
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VERVLOET, J. A. J. and MULDER, J. R. (1983). Cultuurhistorisch onderzoek landinrichting Amstelland, STIBOKA rapport 1681,
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WOLTERING, P. J. (1988). Diemen: Diemerpolder, Archeologische kroniek van Holland over 1987, I Noord-Holland, Holland 20: 300


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Archaeological predictive model of an urban area. The study case of

Pisa, Italy
Francesca ANICHINI / Gabriele GATTIGLIA
University of Pisa, Italy

Abstract: The Department of Archaeological Science of the University of Pisa is undertaking a research
project aimed at the creation of a predictive model for urban areas. The case study is the town of Pisa, but
the aim is to realize a replicable model useful for similar urban areas. Through the use of spatial and
geostatistical analysis, the cooperation with geologists to analyse to ancient surrounding environment and
with mathematicians to elaborate a specific algorithm, we want to realize an Archaeological Information
System able to define the specific nature of archaeological practice. Pisas AIS was developed to manage
heterogeneous data, which drawn the urban archaeological complexity, and to develop effective predictive
tools, working on an intermediate scale which allows to analyse how the geographic space have influenced
the economic, political and logistic choices. This has led to the need to work with both topographical
(geomorphologic, hydrographical, toponymic data, etc.) and urban data (archaeological stratifications,
buildings, road network, hypotheses of historians and archaeologists, etc.), combining inter-site analysis and
archaeological excavation GIS resources. To combine multi-temporal and multi-scale data, it was necessary
to provide for digital data conversion and georeferencering of archaeological excavation data acquired at
different times and different scales and the integration and overlap of data obtained with different techniques
and diverse topographical reliability and precision. The particular attention to the aspect of management of
the archaeological raw data, that is all the excavation and fieldwork recording (planning of context, context
recording sheet, photographs, findings quantification sheet), suggested the necessity to realize an open
digital archive and to provide possible standardization of digital formats, metadata records and
archaeological data recording, so as to allow the comparison between the data.

Keywords: Predictive archaeology, open digital archive, urban area, algorithm.

MAPPA project: Methodologies Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity

Like many other Italian cities, Pisa (Italy) is a settlement that goes well back into history, so its an excellent
case study. Its subsurface conceals the remains of walls, floors, tombs and roads, as well as the fragments
of tiles, vases, lamps and sculptures: briefly, the more or less solid traces of the lives of the people who have
inhabited the city over its almost three thousand years of history. By studying the citys archaeological
artefacts and its pollen, coal and human/animal bone remains and by analysing the areas geological and
geomorphological features and its resources, it is possible to reconstruct the landscape, or better the
landscapes, that have evolved over time and have influenced the citys economic and cultural development,
and in turn have been influenced by them.


Anichini / Gattiglia, Archaeological predictive model

Fig. 1 Pisa, Italy (copyright MappaProject Universit di Pisa from Google Maps).

The ground on which we walk, build and live today is an extraordinary palimpsest where uncountable traces
that have been left by our predecessors evolve, merge and overlap. Yet since these traces lie under the
ground, the vitally important needs of the citys life and development need to be taken into account:
safeguarding archaeological heritage does not mean fighting development, on the contrary, sustainable
management models should be proposed and solutions should be studied which do not simply safeguard but
enhance archaeological heritage in terms of cultural enrichment and of further development of the supply of
tourism services. They should also aim to recover technological experience and rediscover traditions and
trades which could be extremely helpful to todays community. As a consequence of the entry into force of
the Law on preventive archaeology (Italian Legislative Decree 195/2006), evaluating archaeological potential
has finally become a key issue. It guides operational decisions during work on sites involving construction or
environmental transformation: knowledge of the areas archaeological potential allows the authorities
responsible for protecting the territory (Superintendencies) and for planning its development (Municipalities,
Provinces and Regions) to provide more knowledgeable opinions and to immediately inform the interested
persons on the chances of finding buried remains during excavations. This can all be done before opening
the building site, without stopping the building works or definitely blocking any projects already under way.
The Map of Archaeological Potential is an answer to the problem of finding appropriate tools for making
archaeological research demands coexist with present day and future needs. The map stems from the
common archaeological map and combines archaeological-historical information with data resulting from
geological and geophysical surveying and prospecting, geomorphologic reconstructions, historical mapping


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

and registers, toponymic data, and analysis of urban construction elements. Further processing, carried out
on the basis of coded interpretative models, will allow us to make assumptions on the greater or lower
chance of archaeological remains in areas of which we have no existing information today. In other words,
the map is a predictive map. Evaluation of the possibility that certain areas may conceal archaeological
remains of which we have no news is achieved by projecting knowledge regarding neighbouring areas on
them, with a degree of approximation that varies according to the quantity and quality of data available. It
can be said, therefore, that the Map of Archaeological Potential is a new-generation tool that helps gain
knowledge of the local area and whose advantages cover many scopes of application. A further aspect must
not be underestimated: the creation of a Map of Archaeological Potential is not only a vital tool to learn and
safeguard archaeological heritage and to fully enhance its resources; it is also the first step to raising new
collective awareness of the importance of becoming familiar with this heritage, which is imperative to any
kind of archaeological protection.

Fig. 2 The red rectangle define a 32 square kilometers area around the urban center of Pisa, Italy (copyright MappaProject
Universit di Pisa).

The project
The project started on July 2011 and will end on June 2013 and its being carried out by the Dipartimento di
Scienze Archeologiche (Department of Archaeological Sciences), the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
(Department of Earth Sciences), the Dipartimento di Matematica (Department of Mathematics) with the
external collaboration of the Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Toscana (Regional
Directorate for Cultural and Landscape Heritage of Tuscany), of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici


Anichini / Gattiglia, Archaeological predictive model

della Toscana (Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany), of the Soprintendenza per i Beni
Architettonici, Paesaggistici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici per le Province di Pisa e Livorno (Superintendency
for Architectural, Landscape and Ethno-anthropological Heritage for the Provinces of Pisa and Livorno), of
the Comune di Pisa (Municipality of Pisa), of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (National
Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology), of the Aerofototeca Nazionale (National Aerial Photograph
Archive), of the Laboratorio di cultura Digitale CISIAU Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi Informatici per
lArea Umanistica (Digital Culture Laboratory CISIAU Interdepartmental Centre of Information Services for
the Humanities).

Fig. 3 The Mappa project timeline: the project started on July 2011 and it will end on June 2013 (copyright MappaProject Universit
di Pisa).

Fig. 4 Archaeologists, geologists, mathematicians: a dynamic group of researchers who are convinced that a multi-disciplinary
approach and free access to knowledge can propel innovation and research development (copyright MappaProject Universit di Pisa).

Unlike famous international examples, research dealing with these problems and their focal issues is highly
disadvantaged in Italy. Although many projects have been funded over the past years regarding the
introduction of highly advanced technologies, a common and systematic multi-disciplinary approach has not


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

yet been developed which aims at managing buried archaeological heritage in terms of planning and
safeguarding. The project intends to achieve the following objectives:
Enhancing the development and research of archaeology by fostering collaboration with experts from
different research sectors (earth sciences and mathematics). By developing a common language and
observing from different perspectives, the project will especially aim at achieving a methodological
development of the issues tackled in the project and at increasing the progress and competitiveness of
the individual disciplinary sectors. Within this context, we seek to develop and test predictive
mathematical models applied to archaeology which will have a social impact in terms of archaeological
heritage protection, territorial planning and historical knowledge.
Creating a repeatable model that may be applied to all multi-layered urban centres in order to facilitate
land use decisions regarding archaeological heritage management and protection issues. This will
mitigate impact on heritage and promote the sustainability of territorial planning processes. We firmly
believe that university research must be at the service of civil society and provide its results in the form
of exploitable tools, with effects both on citizens and on cultural heritage.
Providing a standardised protocol of Operational Guidelines, drawn up with measurable and repeatable
criteria. A further objective consists in providing local governmental and protection institutions with an
integrated package that will make urban planning easier during the planning phases and optimise both
financial resources and implementation time. The system also represents a valid tool for supporting
private development projects since it facilitates archaeological impact assessment procedures and
safeguards cultural heritage.
Creating a standardised, digital and user-friendly (i.e. open data) archaeological data archiving model,
which may be applied to all Tuscan and Italian urban contexts after it has been tested on samples in
Pisa. The implementation of a system such as this (the only one in the country to date) will promote the
communication and diffusion of the research results and the direct transfer of technological innovation
via web.
Training and professionally qualifying new R&D experts with a multi-disciplinary approach in order to
develop a competitive system model. We aim to create new experts with strong specific skills but at the
same time capable of speaking a common inter-disciplinary language. We firmly believe that this is a
qualifying element for the professions involved in the project and for the development of a knowledgebased society that is capable of integrating topics that differ by scientific approach and method, and of
developing a highly competitive system model.
Pisa has a very special environmental context, characterised by numerous watercourses and wetlands
which have frequently changed over the centuries and significantly altered the territory. For this reason,
we believe that a detailed geomorphological reconstruction is of vital importance, especially with regard
to the diachronic migration of natural watercourses in the urban area and identification of the artificial
canals connected to them. Furthermore, it will help us interpret the dynamics of urban settlement over
various historical periods (ANICHINI et al. 2011a).


Anichini / Gattiglia, Archaeological predictive model

The data model

MAPPA Data Model is developed to manage heterogeneous data, which drawn the urban archaeological
complexity, and to develop effective predictive tools. This has led to the need to work with both topographical
(geomorphologic, hydrographical, toponymic data, etc.) and urban data (archaeological stratifications,
buildings, road network, hypotheses of historians and archaeologists, etc.), combining inter-site analysis and
archaeological excavation GIS resources.

Fig. 5 The 4 level archaeological data model (copyright MappaProject Universit di Pisa).

The archaeological data model is a 4 level model which combine raw data and interpreted data. The model
goes from less synthetic data (i.e. the context level) to the more synthetic data. This model suits the
Relational DataBase Management System and the GIS Geodatabase. The centre of the model is the
archaeological intervention. To enable proper processing queries, its necessary a comprehensive
geographical and archaeological data entry, according to a consistent use of geometric primitives for
reproducing vector objects. As a general principle it was decided to use polygons for georeferencing all data
location. Archaeological excavation data entry was based to the principles of archaeological stratigraphy,
archaeological plans coming from a complete archaeological dataset or from a partial archaeological dataset
have been addressed through an identical graphical representation, but using different files. Deposits and
cuts are drawn as polygon, symbols as line.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 6 To summarize the model includes: geographical/geomorphological data; urban data; historical cartography data; all
archaeological data from occasional findings to stratigraphical excavations; obtained or secondary data (copyright MappaProject
Universit di Pisa).

The Data model also includes:

filing of published data, of archive data and of data resulting from building archaeology, and data
georeferencing and vectorisation in order to understand urban fabric development and the level of
architectural heritage preservation;
the collection of written, published documentary sources with the aim to locate no longer existing place
names, production activities, infrastructures and topographic structures;
the computerised acquisition of historical mapping to trace urban transformation throughout the modern
and contemporary ages;
finally, mapping of stratigraphic gaps by recording the thick network of underground environments
including cellars, garages, cisterns, basement areas, underground services, as well as the portions
already subject to archaeological excavations which have led to the removal of stratigraphic deposits.

Definition of Archaeological Potential

The archaeological potential of an area represents the possibilities that a more or less significant
archaeological stratification is preserved. Archaeological potential is calculated by analysing and studying a
series of historical-archaeological and paleo-environmental data retrieved from various sources, with a
degree of approximation that may vary according to the quantity and quality of the data provided and their
spatial and contextual relationships. The archaeological potential of an area is, in itself, a factor independent
of any other following intervention that is carried out, which must be regarded as a contingent risk factor. The
process for defining overall urban archaeological potential consists in drawing up a series of predictive maps
relating to the citys historical periods. For this reason, the parameters required for the predictive definition of
the city throughout its historical periods had to be defined to begin with, followed by the parameters needed


Anichini / Gattiglia, Archaeological predictive model

for calculating the archaeological potential. This phase of the process required the contribution of the
different disciplines involved in the project. In terms of subsurface geology, the criteria for determining the
parameters for the predictive definition of the city throughout its historical periods basically refers to the
distinction between river channel areas and extra-channel areas. The latter include wetlands and (dry)
floodplain areas, in a broad sense. Paleo-depositional reconstruction of the uppermost subsurface, through
facies analysis of a series of stratigraphic sections, will consequently allow the areas crossed by channels
(prevailing lithology: sand), marshes (prevailing lithology: organic lime and clay with low consistency, peat
and sand) and dry floodplain areas (prevailing lithology: consistent lime and clay, interrupted locally by thin
sand layers) to be distinguished. The different settlement potential that these areas and their relations
represent throughout the various periods helps predict the probable presence of settlements. This general
criterion is applicable to all the stratigraphic intervals that we will be able to reconstruct, and must naturally
be integrated with both archaeological and geomorphological data: geological maps define stratigraphic units
and sedimentary bodies, geomorphological maps show relief forms and define the geomorphic processes
responsible for their genesis, in addition to recent modifications. In order to define the values of
archaeological potential on the basis of geomorphological data, therefore, it is necessary to understand,
together with the archaeologists, the settlement criteria for a certain area during the various cultural phases.
Generally speaking, each morphological unit (or morphotype) can be more or less suitable for settlements.
Indeed, certain cultures prefer wetlands, others favour flat areas, while others have a preference for topographic summits. Geomorphological surveying, therefore, must be based on a detailed definition of the
morphological units of the current landscape and on the identification of their spatial position. Particular
attention must be given to their extension in order to outline their limits with relative accuracy. Subsequently,
with the help of stratigraphic data regarding the uppermost subsurface, the diachronic evolution of the forms
must be characterised. A distinction must be made particularly for cases presenting:
continuity, over time, of geomorphic processes, yet spatial variation of forms (e.g. river processes
continue to prevail yet the position of the riverbeds changes);
geomorphic processes that follow on from the previous due to climatic modifications and/or crustal
dynamics (e.g. marshes transformed into lagoons due to coseismic subsidence);
geomorphic processes that commence or end by human intervention throughout the territory (e.g.
deforestation, reclamation, etc.).
Determination of the criteria for a geomorphological-based predictive definition must also take into account
the limits of paleo-topographic reconstruction connected to the compacting of sediments and to subsidence,
which tend to reduce the differences in height between the morphological units. It must also be different for
each historical period and strictly relate to the archaeological data.
In archaeological terms, the following parameters will be taken into consideration for the predictive definition
of the city throughout its historical periods:
typology of finds, inferred on the basis of the interpretation of the archaeological records appropriately
standardised in categories;
quality and quantity of the archaeographic data;
spatial relations between the finds, which allow identification in probabilistic terms of the presence of
further finds in areas that have not been archaeologically investigated;


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

typological relations between the finds, which allow identification in probabilistic terms of the presence of
further finds in areas that have not been archaeologically investigated;
expert judgment: the experience of experts will be a useful tool for determining the possible existence of
archaeological remains since their statistic and mathematical evaluation will use knowledge which would
otherwise be difficult to manage.
land use: it is important to consider all anthropic traces including traces that are not strictly connected
to constructions or settlements, such as agricultural and/or farming practices and to assign a different
parametric value to them.
historical data from written sources and maps, thanks to which it is possible to reconstruct the city
environment, both in the presence and (especially) absence of archaeological records.
The final phase of analysis focused on defining the overall parameters that best determine urban archaeological potential and are based on a period predictive model. The following parameters were identified:
type of settlement: the presence of settlement structures and their different typology directly contribute to
determining the level of archaeological potential;
density of settlement: the topographic concentration of the settlement directly contributes to determining
the level of archaeological potential;
multi-layering of deposits: the greater or lesser archaeological diachrony directly influences the level of
archaeological potential;
removable or non-removable nature of the archaeological deposit: the presence of a deposit that cannot
be removed has a direct impact on the level of archaeological potential;
degree of preservation of the deposit: calculated according to the presence of anthropic and natural
removals and, therefore, to the presence of documented stratigraphic gaps, it directly influences the level
of archaeological potential;
depth of the deposit: this is a controversial parameter and its use alongside the other parameters
mentioned above will be evaluated during the course of the project. We are quite aware that this is a
highly risky issue because it appears to be strictly related to the contingency aspects of the project
execution and could be confused with the calculation of archaeological risk. Instead, the parameter that
will be measured is related to whether the deposit is superficial or not and to the higher or lower
possibilities of it being intercepted. The depth at which we expect an archaeological deposit to be
preserved could represent a valid parameter within a decision-making tool. Consequently, the depth of
the deposits could inversely have an impact on the level of archaeological potential (ANICHINI et al.

The Page Rank model

The few examples of existing Maps of Archaeological Potential are based on the statistical analysis of known
data from which predictive data on archaeological potential are inferred non-empirically and nonsystematically. Highly advanced mathematical theories, which are mature enough to significantly contribute
in areas commonly considered as falling outside their scope of application, have never been used or have
been unjustifiably used so far in many research sectors (especially in the field of historical-archaeological


Anichini / Gattiglia, Archaeological predictive model

studies). This is also due to the general difficulty of communication between experts belonging to different
disciplinary areas and, consequently, to the scarce amount of inter-disciplinary research activities. One of the
approaches used in literature (probably the simplest) to predict archaeological potential consists of a
predictive model capable of generating a decision rule. The input needed to determine this rule may be, for
instance, land configuration (plain/slope), the presence of nearby water sources or soil type. Variants to this
approach may include assigning weights to the different conditions, so that more importance is given to
some conditions and less to others. At the same time, significance tests may be used to evaluate whether
the proposed predictive model may be associated to the presence of archaeological sites within a certain
confidence intervale (CUMMING 1997; WHEATLEY and GILLINGS 2002). Models based on these rules are
very easy to implement; however, they provide on/off results for example, the presence or absence of an
archaeological site and do not go further than simply juxtaposing a number of easy rules. In other words,
they do not exploit the power of a mathematical model or the computing capabilities of a computer. Literature
also provides another approach for determining archaeological potential (WHEATLEY and GILLINGS 2002),
based on the application of linear (or logistic) regression. This approach arises from the need to reply to
questions that the above-described method cannot answer. For instance:
How can a predictor influence the model?
How can continuous quantities instead of discrete quantities be predicted?

Fig. 7 Page rank at work(copyright MappaProject Universit di Pisa).

Linear regression can be used to answer these questions, and is an easy approach, both in terms of its
implementation and from a mathematical viewpoint. Several variants may also be introduced in the regressive models (single or multiple regressions, non-linear regressions, statistical regressions, etc.)
(SHENNAN 1997; WESCOTT and BRANDON 2000). Although the approaches based on linear regression
have the benefit of using variables to predict further variables, the model they implement is too simple and
does not take into account the great complexity that must be considered when determining archaeological
Based on the discussions between the mathematical team and the archaeological and geological teams, an
analogy arose between the criteria used for attributing archaeological potential and the criteria used for


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

assigning importance to web pages in search engine algorithms. When determining archaeological potential,
geo-morphological and archaeological data are first integrated with an interpretation process in order to
assign groups and then through analytical work to creata the different maps of archaeological potential
for historical period. Finally, the different historical periods are overlapped to reach the final result. The
interpretation process of the context consists in achieving a stratigraphic categorisation from a series of
archaeological and geological data, based upon the spatial and functional relations among the various finds.
This process becomes further evident when determining the groups, and also with the construction of the
map of potential by archaeological period. The key issue of this analysis from an abstract viewpoint is the
identification of the relations that exist among the various finds, both in spatial terms and in functional terms.
In other words, the presence of a particular find near another that has already been discovered could
strengthen or weaken the probability that they will form a more complex structure, and so strengthen or
weaken the archaeological potential of the area itself. This is exactly the criteria upon which page ranking
algorithms are based, whereby each web page attributes importance to the web pages it points to (via a link)
and, in turn, receives importance from the web pages it receives a link from. A page that has a link to other
pages, distributes its importance in equal parts to the other pages and therefore gives part of its importance
to the pages it points to. Starting from this criterion, and applying it to every page, the importance of each
page is assigned according to the weight attributed to it by the other pages; vice versa, it assigns importance
to the pages it points to. Application of these operations results in a linear system comprising an extremely
large number of equations (in the case of web pages, around 40 billion): the result of this system of
equations, after it has been solved, is the importance of each single page. Indeed, if suitably modelled, the
criteria used for attributing archaeological potential are particularly reminiscent of the criterion used to assign
importance to web pages, since each archaeological find/ object gives importance to those nearby, from
which, in turn, it receives importance. Consequently, the importance of a find and the archaeological
potential of a point in the subsurface basically depend on the relevance of the finds and on the
archaeological potential of nearby areas, and vice versa. In order to adapt a page rank model to the
determination of archaeological potential, variants need to be created that take into account some of the
problems characteristics. The subsurface will be modelled as a set of cells in a three-dimensional space;
importance will be transferred from one cell to the others on the basis of a categorisation of finds. The
strategy that will be implemented to adapt the page rank model is the following:
a three-dimensional grid will model the subsurface of the urban area of Pisa. The single cell of the grid
will act as the web page, and the importance of the cell, determined at the end of the procedure, will be
the archaeological potential;
the archaeological potential available for a cell will be used in a twofold manner: in a relative manner to
build the elements of the matrix that controls the transfer of importance of the cells, and in an absolute
manner, providing a value of importance to the specific cell where an archaeological find is present;
the part regarding the construction of the matrix that controls the transfer of importance will be carried
out on the basis of categories used for classifying the archaeological finds; in particular, each category
will characterise the geometry of the distribution of importance;
finally, the part regarding the specific importance of the single cells will determine the actual value of
archaeological potential; in fact, the matrix controlling the transfer of importance will determine the


Anichini / Gattiglia, Archaeological predictive model

archaeological potential of one cell instead of others, however, in order to provide an absolute value, a
base value must be assigned to certain cells, essential for calculating all the other values.
Geological information, regarding the presence of watercourses or specific land configuration, will be used in
a binary manner, i.e. it will be used as a necessary condition for a value of archaeological potential greater
than zero (BINI et al. 2011; BINI et al. 2012).

Dissemination: MAPPAgis and the open digital archaeological archive (MOD)

All data spatial data included in MAPPA Data Model will be published through a web GIS called MAPPAgis.
The first release is now (June 2012) online (http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/?page_id=452&lang=en).
Currently, its possible to navigate the archaeological intervention layer and the aerial photography layer.

Fig. 8 The MAPPA project web GIS (copyright MappaProject Universit di Pisa).

The archaeological data will be also disseminated as open data through Mappa Open Data (MOD) an
archeological open data archive that will be introduce on June 9, 2012 at the Opening the Past Conference
(http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/?page_id=1258&lang=en). There are currently no existing open digital
archives in Italy: the greatest problem lies in making the archaeological community accept such a
revolutionary instrument, which is often more intent on protecting data for future publications. Furthermore,
complete research on archaeological documentation is missing in Italy: although the methodological and
procedural debates were definitely closed at the start of the 1990s, technical and IT progress, alongside the
growth of professional archaeology, make them highly relevant. The increasingly varied archaeological
community in Italy, which includes government agencies, research institutions and professional
archaeologists, makes this issue an ever more urgent matter. Indeed, archaeographic data must be created
by a plurality of subjects that must actively take part in the creation of good practices and standards for
collecting archaeological data. Such standards represent the professional consent to common practices and
are of use when checking the compliance of working and/or organisational processes within a professional
community, at least on a national scale. Data sharing depends on standards (GATTIGLIA 2009). The open


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

digital archive intends delivering bottom-up initiatives that will involve the entire archaeological community,
forcing it to change habits and to impose necessary standards. The open digital archive goes hand in hand
with data publication and the protection of the individuals who have collected the data. Archaeography is a
research activity, consequently sharing the raw data will be considered a scientific publication, through the
use of specific copyright/copyleft licences (CC BY). Finally sharing means being able to analyse the data and
generate new archaeological interpretations, allowing research to grow with a collaborative approach.

PARIBENI, E., SARTI, G. and STEFF, S. (2011a). MAPPA Project. Methodologies Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity,
MapPapers I: 2343.
Definition of the parameters of the Archaeological Potential of an urban area, MapPapers I: 4749.
BINI, D., DUBBINI, N. and STEFF, S. (2011). Mathematical models for the determination of archaeological potential, MapPapers I:
BINI, D., DUBBINI, N. and STEFF, S. (2012). On the two main issues about the application of page rank for the determination of
archaeological potential, MapPapers 2 II: 4550.
BROGIOLO, G. P. (2000). Urbana, Archeologia, in: R. Francovich and D. Manacorda (eds.), Dizionario di archeologia, Roma Bari:
Laterza: 350355.
CUMMING, P. A. B. (1997). An assessment and enhancement of the sites and monuments record as a predictive tool for cultural
resouce management, development control and academic research, Ph.D. thesis, University of Southampton.
GATTIGLIA, G. (2009). Open digital archives in archaeology a good practice, Archeologia e Calcolatori 20: 4963.
SHENNAN, S. J. (1997). Quantifying archaeology, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
WESCOTT, K. L. and BRANDON, R. J. (2000). Practical applications of GIS for archaeologists - A predictive modeling kit, New York:
Taylor and Francis.
WHEATLEY, D. and GILLINGS, M. (2002). Spatial technology and archaeology - the archaeological applications of GIS, London: Taylor
and Francis.


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

The London Crossrail project, desk study, reconnaissance and

evaluation. Data sources and outcomes
Liverpool Street a case study



BaHons/MIFA, Project Archaeologist, Crossrail, London, UK / BScHons/MIFA, Senior Archaeologist, URS


Corporation, London, UK / BSc (Hons), Museum of London Archaeology, London

Abstract: Crossrail is a brand new 118km urban railway being constructed across central London, UK. It
comprises 56km of new and refurbished line, 37 station upgrades and six major new central London
underground stations. The new underground railway passes through the heart of the West End of London
and along the north edge of the Roman and Medieval city where deep excavation for the construction of
several new central London stations has required the careful assessment and evaluation of the
archaeological deposit sequence. The surviving archaeology is anticipated to extend to up to 6m in depth
below the modern surface and provide an urban archaeological record from the 1st to 3rd centuries AD
Roman city (Londinium) right through the post Roman and medieval periods to the recent past.
This paper looks at how a wide variety of desk study sources, reconnaissance exercises, ground deposit
modeling and site testing evaluation methods has allowed the development of an informed project design to
be developed for detailed excavation, recording and presentation of results at Liverpool Street, one of the
main new station sites in central London. Interdisciplinary liaison with other professional teams has allowed
archaeologists to build a comprehensive understanding of the actual research potential at this site.
Outcomes from site investigations are reviewed and a commentary provided on how effective or not each
stage was, and what lessons may be applied to similar situations.

Keywords: Project Design; Multidisciplinary; Data Integration; Site evaluation.

Its not just underground, its under control
This phrase is infamously quoted by a North American utility management company (Bloodhound Inc.
http://www.bhug.com/). Its a confident statement in the ability of the technology tools they have available to
identify, locate and manage the complex labyrinth of underground services, some of which have been
forgotten and abandoned and entered, in effect, the archaeological record. As professional archaeologists
we would want to be able to give our clients equally robust answers when they ask us what we expect to
find, how long will it take to excavate, and what impact the finds will have on the design of the project,
construction methods and the project programme. To address this challenge archaeologists need to develop
multi-disciplinary methods for reconnaissance and site evaluation that not only tell us what new knowledge
we shall gain from a research investigation, but how we can achieve it (methods), how quickly we can
achieve it (programme),and how it will affect others in our multi-disciplinary teams (technical and financial).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

As inevitably these objectives compete, robust predictive information gives the archaeologist an equal seat
at the negotiating table. Developer clients, whether public or private need assurance. Archaeologists should
use all the tools at their disposal to provide a professional project design that meets the research objectives
and the programme, technical and financial concerns of teams that deliver infrastructure and building
projects. Historic and more recent documentary sources are particularly relevant in the urban context.
Combining these results with reconnaissance surveys (often undertaken by engineering teams, but utilised
by archaeologists) enable archaeologists to plan meaningful site investigations to inform a fully detailed
predictive deposit model that can be used as the essential framework of the project design. Going beyond
the traditional desk based assessments, to envision below ground conditions, and their complex impacts in
their entirety, provides that assurance. This paper focusses on the new Crossrail Station, Liverpool Street, as
a case study of a major central London development in one of the citys busiest business districts. The
investment in a thoroughly meticulous methodology, has allowed a fully collaborative project design for
evaluation to be achieved, and the objectives of all parties to be realised in good time to mitigate the effects
of unanticipated or unexpected finds.

Location and context

Crossrail is a major new 118km railway that connects the Thames Valley towns to the west of Greater
London (including Heathrow Airport) in the existing western rail corridor, through central London in a new
underground railway (Fig. 2, Fig. 3), with new stations at several new interchanges with mainline railway
stations and the London Underground. It continues out to eastern counties of Kent and Essex north and
south of the Thames estuary. See the Crossrail Project Website for further details.

Fig. 2 UK location plan (Reproduced from Ordnance Survey map data by permission of the Ordnance Survey Crown copyright


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

Fig. 3 Central London Crossrail route map and location of Crossrail Stations (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd.).

The major areas of archaeological impact are at the new underground station sites in central London; at the
portals where the surface railway enters the twin tunneled sections; and where access shafts are required to
build and operate the new railway. Eight new stations are being built, five main access shafts and seven
portals are being constructed. All of these locations present a risk of encountering significant archaeology
and a major opportunity to develop new research knowledge. When the archaeology programme is complete
around 40 separate excavations are expected to have been completed (CARVER 2010).

Fig. 4 Phases of data integration (by J Carver: Copyright: Crossrail Ltd.).

This paper looks at the data sources available to develop the project design and research process through
five distinct phases (Fig. 4). The preliminary assessment (Desk Study Phase 1) of the sites took place within
the framework of the project environmental impact assessment (CROSSRAIL 2005a/b). A detailed desk
based assessment was then carried out for specific locations during development of the final engineering
design resulting in a general deposit model (COURT 2008). The Desk Study Phase 2 phase expanded the


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

specific understanding of the deposit model through monitoring and review of additional documentary
sources and site specific reconnaissance surveys. This led to the refined deposit model and project design
for archaeological evaluation (COURT 2010).
In common with other European historic capitals, London has a wealth of historical data for the medieval and
post medieval periods and a documented understanding of the layout and urban density of the Roman
(ROWSOME 2011) and medieval city (COURT 2008). Phase 1 was therefore able to draw on a welldeveloped urban archaeological deposit model for London and follow well established methods for
archaeological research (NIXON et al. 2002; COL n. d).

Desk Study Phase 1 The EIA stage sources

The preliminary assessment phase relied on the national heritage dataset provided by ENGLISH
HERITAGE. Accessible online, this provides the definitive GIS data for nationally designated heritage assets
including Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields
and Protected Wreck Sites. Further areas are designated and managed by local government authorities
include Archaeological Priority Areas (or Zones) and Conservation Areas (http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/caring/listing/local/conservation-areas/). All the above spatial data was copied as point,
polyline and polygon elements to the project GIS and formed the cultural heritage baseline for progressing
the preliminary vertical and horizontal alignment for the railway.
The next phase of data integration comprised compiling a preliminary understanding of the archaeological
character of around 100 locations required for construction purposes. Two key databases are available in the
Greater London area to achieve this. The Greater London Historic Environment Record database (GLHER)
(http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/advice/our-planning-role/greater-london-archaeologyadvisory-service/sites-and-monuments-record/) is the most complete computerised database of designated
and non-designated sites of archaeological and historic importance within Greater London. The information
includes historic and antiquarian findspots, identifies the location of key historic features derived from (noncomprehensive) historic mapping research and summarises of the results of all previous archaeological
investigations in the city. A summary version of the database is accessible online though the national
Heritage Gateway (http://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/gateway/) in common with many regionally based
HERs throughout the UK.
An essential supplement to the GLHER is the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre (known
as LAARC), provided by the Museum of London. The LAARC online catalogue holds summary and archive
information on several thousand archaeological investigations that have taken place in Greater London over
the past 100 years (http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/laarc/catalogue/). Datasets from both the above
sources were retrieved and cleaned for inclusion in the project GIS. The potential for the many construction
sites to encounter human remains from disused and now built over burial grounds was recognised early on
by the archaeologist undertaking the EIA. GIS polygons for all previous burial grounds and cemeteries where
therefore created from historic map evidence to enhance the baseline dataset (Fig. 5).


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

Fig. 5 Phase 1 data sources GIS integration (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd.).

The General Deposit Model

The historical and archaeological baseline and inferred range of archaeological potential at any particular
location was established by the data collated in Phase 1 as described in the previous section. The next step
was to determine a general deposit model through the assimilation of further site specific datasets within a
detailed desk-based assessment. This was not undertaken for every location. It was necessary only where
the inferred significance and/or complexity of archaeology at a particular site location suggested that a better
understanding of the site geometry was essential to determine an appropriate strategy for site evaluation and
mitigation design. This was generally the case within the central zone of the City of London and its
immediate hinterland where deeply stratified urban sequences were expected.
The detailed desk based assessment added a number of data layers to the site model requiring in depth
assessment and analysis, including integration of: all historic map data (Fig. 5) for spatial and (where
available) height data; geotechnical borehole logs (Fig. 6); datum levels extracted from Phase 1 data records
(such as recorded from nearby previous archaeology investigations Fig. 7); research at the City of London
Metropolitan Archives
out_LMA/) to review further historical data concerning land use and detailed historical building plans and
foundation design drawings; and Crossrail technical engineering reports and drawings that described the
form and location of existing utility services and building foundations (COURT 2008).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 6 Historic Map evidence with site areas overlaid.

The datasets were added to the project GIS and allowed development of a general deposit model soil profile
showing the expected depth, complexity and geometry of archaeological deposits at each site (Fig. 8).
Although the generalisations presented in Figure 8, on the type and quality of expected archaeological
deposits and expected depths of deposit sequences derived from these data, are a useful advance from the
Phase 1 desk study data, in our case study, centered on a busy City of London highway, they provided
insufficient detail to plan evaluation investigations in detail and integrate then with the project programme. To
progress to a refined deposit model, actual site observations through reconnaissance surveys and additional
documentary ground data that became available during development of the detailed engineering design
were utilised (Desk study Phase 2). This put the team in a position to design site specific evaluation
methods, moving from predictive archaeological potential informed by the general deposit model to the
actual potential, opportunities and constraints present at specific sub sites.

Fig. 7 Monitoring of geotechnical boreholes in Liverpool Street (Copyright Crossrail Ltd).


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

Fig. 8 Detailed integration of previous excavation data in GIS (Copyright Crossrail Ltd.).

Fig. 9 General deposit model for Liverpool Street Broadgate subsite (Drawn by M Court: Copyright: Crossrail Ltd.).

Site location and historic setting

Our specific case study is the new Crossrail station at Liverpool Street. The site is within the central city of
London district, within the extra-mural zone of the Roman and Medieval city. Four separate sub sites are
being investigated at Moorgate, Finsbury Circus, Blomfield Street and Liverpool Street itself (Fig. 9).
The sites are located to the north of the Roman and Medieval City wall. Residual prehistoric finds from the
Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age have been common, although no major prehistoric site has been
discovered in the immediate vicinity to date. Roman roads leading out of the city, Moorgate and Bishopsgate,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

are associated with Roman cemeteries and sporadic burials. Extra mural settlement and many Roman finds,
buildings, minor roads and quarrying evidence are all known from previous investigations, for example at
Moor House adjacent to the Moorgate site (BUTLER 2006). A historic tributary of the Thames, the
Walbrook, is anticipated to divide the site along Blomfield Street. The river has been placed in a below
ground culvert for some centuries and John Stow, writing in AD1598, describes how the course had been
buried below ground and vaulted over with brick (STOW 1598). From previous antiquarian sitings and
excavations in the 19th and 20th century the course of the tributary is fairly well understood, and it is
expected to pass along the line of Blomfield St. To the west of the Walbrook, the area known as Moorfields

was a marsh or boggy area that hypothetically developed outside the Roman town wall in the 3 century AD
as a result of the town wall disrupting the natural drainage from the higher ground to the north, creating an
area that was regularly flooded. Certainly the area remained boggy for several centuries and buildings
constructed on the area in the 18th century suffered documented foundation problems and subsidence.

Fig. 10 Case study location map (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Desk study Phase 2 Refining the deposit model

The Phase 1 desk study (Fig. 8), tells us much about the character and general archaeological potential of
the area. The known historic, geotechnical and archaeological data shows that the Thames Terrace Gravel
terrace, the Taplow Terrace, dating to approximately 280128,000 years BP (Before Present) is present
uniformly at around 67m below the existing ground level. Overlying this is a mixed undifferentiated alluvial
sequence, interpreted as the Moorfields marsh deposits. The evidence also identifies a post medieval layer
above this that coincides with the general levels at which the post medieval urban development occurred.
Above this is the modern and 20th century made ground.
However the general deposit model raises several key questions that require a more intensive analysis of
the actual character and geometry of archaeological survival to develop a refined deposit model for each sub


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

What impact had existing and historic buildings and utility infrastructure had on the stratigraphic
Could building records, architectural drawings and foundation designs be studied to confirm the levels of
truncation across the site?
Could study of utility records clarify the level of truncation within the key site at Liverpool Street?
What reconnaissance surveys could be carried out to validate the refined deposit models and in
particular differentiate and quantify the Roman, Medieval and post-medieval stratigraphy?

Building plans, architects drawings and site visit

Fig. 11 Use of historic building records to establish foundation and basement details (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Fig. 12 Use of historic building records to establish extent of underground structures (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 13 Use of 20th century historic maps to map recent building impacts (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Fig. 14 Integration of data on below ground obstructions and geotechnical records in Crossrail Maps project GIS (Copyright:

Basement Levels were recorded during a Crossrail site survey and this data was compared to historic (i.e. of
previously demolished) buildings plans and section profiles to inform the predictive model. Foundation
design data was also sourced for existing buildings and structures (Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13) on the sites and
analysed to understand impact from previous piles, deep foundations and underground structures. This
stage required persistence in research as the records relating to previous buildings had not been centrally
archived and came from several sources. In particular the London Metropolitan Archives were extremely
helpful in tracking down records of existing buildings. The results allowed locations to be categorized for


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

archaeological risk. Low Risk, where previous construction levels would have removed all of the
archaeological deposit; Medium Risk, where a majority proportion of the archaeological deposit will have
been removed, and High Risk, where minimal truncation of archaeological levels could be expected. All
below ground data was processed and included in the Crossrail specific GIS Crossrail Maps for easy desk
top reference (Fig. 13).

Integration of utility records

The next phase of data integration required interdisciplinary liaison with other professional teams. Detailed
surveys for existing obstructions and utility services within the highway were under taken by our engineering
colleagues to determine the scope of necessary diversion works. The survey data was processed to
determine an accurate 3-d spatial record of the location and type of existing utility infrastructure within the
site area (Fig. 14). This information was crucial in informing what opportunities and constraints existed for
intrusive site investigations prior to the diversion of utility services that we knew overlaid and, had to some
extent, truncated the latest post-medieval archaeological horizon.

Fig. 15 Analysis of ground penetrating radar surveys in GIS (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

As discussed earlier, boreholes for geotechnical surveys had been monitored by an archaeologist (Fig. 6) to
inform the general deposit model. In the case of Liverpool Street that exercise had also confirmed that
human remains were present in the soil sequence in two locations. The next phase, site validation of the
radar data to determine the required utility diversions at the site, was also closely monitored by an
archaeologist to investigate if the spatial distribution of human remains in secondary (disturbed) context was
consistent across the site as was expected from the historic map evidence (Fig. 15).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 16 Archaeological monitoring of utility investigations allowed spatial distribution of disturbed human remains to be recorded
(Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Data integration and project design

All of the detailed desk based assessment and reconnaissance survey datasets were assimilated in the
project GIS to allow presentation of the refined deposit model (Fig. 16) The refined deposit model allows a
full quantitative and qualitative risk assessment and scope and specification for works to be prepared in
advance of actually testing the full site sequence in an archaeological evaluation. In our case study, the
sheer density of existing utilities in the street meant that the highly accurate radar survey data allowed the
size and location of evaluation holes to be placed in the least constrained positions therefore saving the
wasted time and resources in opening up and relocating the investigation to an alternative place when an
obstruction was encountered. Also crucial was the ability of the deposit model to provide data to estimate
accurate volumes of material of the different archaeological horizons, allowing reliable human resource,
equipment, programme and cost forecasts to be set out prior to work starting. The substantial depth of the
sequence (up to 6m below ground level) required an engineer to carry out temporary works designs to
determine the safest method of earthworks support, access arrangements for people and soil removal,
ground gas monitoring, and any predicted ground settlement effects on utilities and nearby structures (such
as gas mains or adjacent buildings).
The refined deposit model allowed an informed strategy for site evaluation to be planned. The project design
for the evaluation focused on three main research questions (Fig. 17) addressing the character and dating of
the Roman period levels, what happened in the post Roman period and the suggested silting up of the area
with marsh deposits caused by the early 3rd century city wall construction, and the condition and survival of
the post-medieval cemetery and the character and type of inhumations present. A fourth key question
addressed the quantification of the resource to determine (taking account of the three primary research
questions) what sample sizes may be required in any further detailed excavation works and the time and


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

resources needed to fulfill a revised set of research aims. A careful record was therefore made during the
actual investigations to record time and motion data for the excavation of each archaeological phase, and
the effect of any difficulties encountered.

Fig. 17 Extract from refined deposit model for Liverpool Street (Drawn by Jay Carver and Mike Court; Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Fig. 18 Liverpool Street archaeology site evaluation. The grey boxes show the proposed trial trench locations inserted into areas with
least surface constraints (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Nine trial investigations were completed in Liverpool Street in 2011 (Fig. 18). An essential undertaking was
to ensure that, at least in a selection of locations, the full sequence to the natural pre-Roman levels was
investigated to fulfill the research aims above and fully test the refined deposit model. This was completed in
four of the holes and required excavation to c. 6m below ground level and the full recording of the later parts
of the sequence. In the remaining holes investigation excavation was limited to either the upper surface of


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

the in-situ burials, or the upper surface of the post Roman, pre-cemetery deposits. This approach allowed us
to strike a balance between a full evaluation of the resources and the need to avoid unnecessary excavation
(at this stage) within the confines of the small investigation holes that were typically 4m in length by 2m wide.

Fig. 19 Liverpool Street archaeology site evaluation in progress 2011. The works were done in two phases to allow traffic to continue
to use one lane of the highway (Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

Outcomes from site evaluation were found to closely match the predictions set out in the refined deposit
model. As anticipated, the protecting environment of Liverpool Street itself (a highway since remodeling of

the area in the 18 century) had effected very good preservation of the archaeological sequence. Aside from
truncation by utility infrastructure within the top 1.5m below ground level, and occasional deeper impacts
from adjacent basements and an underground public WC, the archaeology is essentially intact with good
bone preservation, less preservation of softer organics (wood etc.) and evidence for structures with the
cemetery. Some 4000 inhumations are anticipated from extrapolation of the evaluation data to the final
development area. The Roman and post-Roman sequence broadly suggests residential roadside settlement
rather than industrial or cemetery use. The full results of the work shall be made available via the Crossrail
website in due course.
Several critical factors have informed the level of data integration undertaken for this project. The presence
of a potentially deep sequence and extensive cemetery and its associated public sensitivities, combined with
a construction programme which is fully exposed to the public (as is typical with public infrastructure projects)
to tight progamme and budget constraints, right in the heart of London. All possible lines of evidence may
therefore be critical in this context to understand how archaeological finds could affect project performance,
professional reputation, and the needs of the public, well in advance of the main construction phase of the
project. Whilst the documentary sources may be studied with minor investment to great effect, the advanced
investigation in the public highway required agreement with the City of London Highway office to divert bus


Carver / Court / Elsden, The London Crossrail project

and taxi routes, and to commission multi-disciplinary teams to plan and execute the work alongside the
archaeological contractor. The investment therefore was significant. However, we suggest that it is justified.
We have considered that the impact of delays and unexpected finds on multi-million euro construction
contracts can lead to delay damages of extraordinary sums that have to paid for by the public purse.
200,000 per day can be expended to cover the cost of major plant and construction teams stood still. The
exercise of full data integration and site specific investigation for large engineering projects in areas with
complex archaeology is therefore a risk management tool and an insurance policy for the funding agency; as
well as fulfilling the public agenda to know and appreciate the value of archaeological remains in advance of
large public projects going ahead.

Fig. 20 Liverpool Street archaeology site evaluation in progress 2011. The works required significant temporary sheet piling. Despite
the careful siting of the investigation holes the density of cables and pipes on the site often meant cramped working conditions
(Copyright: Crossrail Ltd).

The authors would like to thank: Peter MacLennan (Head of News at Crossrail Ltd) for reviewing the paper
and permission to publish; the Local Organising Committee and Scientific Committee of the conference for
their help and feedback on a draft version of this paper; and staff and colleagues within all the organisations
mentioned in the text.

BUTLER, J. (2006). Reclaiming the Marsh: Archaeological Excavations at Moor House, City of London. Pre-Construct Archaeology
Monograph 6. London.
CARVER, J. (2010). The urban archaeology of the London Crossrail Project. Approach, organisational management, and challenges of
integration, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies.
http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at: 518537.
COL (n. d.). Archaeology in the City of London. Planning Advice Note 3. www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/plans.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

COURT, M. (2008). Archaeological Detailed Desk Based Assessment Liverpool Street Station, Unpublished project report for Crossrail
(Report No. CR-SD-LIV-EN-SR-00001).
COURT, M. (2010). Crossrail Liverpool Street Station Archaeology Site-Specific Written Scheme of Investigation. Unpublished project
report for Crossrail (Report No.C138-MMD-T1-RST-C101-00001).
CROSSRAIL Project website: http://www.crossrail.co.uk/delivering/environment/managing-environment/archaeology-heritage/.
CROSSRAIL (2005a). Environmental Statement, http://www.crossrail.co.uk/railway/getting-approval/crossrail-bill-supportingdocuments/environmental-statement.
CROSSRAIL (2005b). Crossrail Technical report Assessment of archaeology impacts, http://www.crossrail.co.uk/railway/gettingapproval/crossrail-bill-supporting-documents/specialist-technical-reports/.
ENGLISH HERITAGE. The National Heritage List for England, http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/.
GLAAS (2009). English Heritage Guidance, http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/advice/our-planning-role/greater-londonarchaeology-advisory-service/.
IFA (various dates). Institute for Archaeology Standards and Guidance, http://www.archaeologists.net/codes/ifa.
NIXON, T., MCADAM, E., TOMBER, R. and SWAIN, H. (2003). A research framework for London archaeology 2002, MoLAS, London.
ROWSOME, P. (2011). Londinium: A New Map and Guide to Roman London. Published by Museum of London Archaeology. London.
STOW, J. (1598). A Survey of London: Written in the Year 1598.


Faulstich, Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

Utility trenches through villages as archaeological prospection
Elisabeth Ida FAULSTICH

Abstract: Villages are generally less well researched than towns. Their history often begins only with their
first documentary reference. Do archaeological findings confirm this or are the villages older? Prehistoric
remains are often found underneath medieval site settlements.
Many examples from the south of the German Federal State of Brandenburg show that the history of the
villages stretches much further back in time. Archaeological interventions continue to reveal prehistoric and
early historical sites. In many cases the villages histories go much further back than their first mention in a
foundation charter. Evidence for this is often produced by archaeological projects monitoring the narrowest
of utility trenches.
Over the last 10 years an excavation company carried out more than 200 archaeological interventions in the
South of Brandenburg, which provides the basis for archaeological evidence for the real age of many
villages. These interventions included trenches for electricity cables usually no more than 30 cm wide and
6080 cm deep, that give us a glimpse of the structure of the layers in the soil. Archaeological findings are
truncated or even completely destroyed by them. Larger projects such as drains for rain water and sewage
or gas pipes are also monitored for archaeological remains. They usually provide a complete overview of the
historical stratigraphy of the settlement.
Completely unexpected findings will be presented. A statistical analysis of trenches for electricity will show
the necessity of archaeological monitoring of small linear projects.

Keywords: urban archaeology, village archaeology, archaeological monitoring, archaeological prospection.

Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

Is archaeological monitoring of small linear projects in villages worthwhile?
Villages are generally less well researched than towns. Their history often begins only with their first
historical record and continues with a seemingly fragmented history marginally mentioned in the context of
important historical events. Archaeological reports about villages were for a long time rare in scientific
research. The villages and also smaller towns with less historical importance did not seem to deserve closer

attention by archaeologists. The last decades of the 20 century brought a change in Germany. New and
revised laws were legislated for heritage, especially in the east of Germany after 1989. The main aim of the
law in the so-called Neue Lnder is to protect the archaeological remains. Where this is impossible the
remains have to be excavated and the costs for this have to be paid by the awarding authority. In this context
archaeological monitoring was introduced and is being practiced frequently until today.
Projects such as drains for water and sewage, gas pipes or renewal of roads are being archaeologically


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

In the city of Lbben in the state of Brandenburg (Germany), founded in the Middle Ages, a road was rebuilt
(fig. 1; LEHMANN 1979).


Although the buildings along the street and the street itself are new,

archaeological finds have remained undiscovered until today. Despite the fact that the archaeological
remains have been partly damaged and destroyed, they still provide enough substance for scientific
examination. Only about half a meter below the modern street level an ancient construction was found. It
was a wooden substructure for a medieval road. The archaeological remains were examined while the street
was being modernized at the same time.

Fig. 1 Lbben, wooden structure (E. I. Faulstich).

There are also smaller projects than street modernization where monitoring can provide us with new or
additional information about already well known sites like the Roman castellum and vicus from
Grokrotzenburg (WOLFF 1903). Grokrotzenburg was founded in the Roman period at a strategically

Results of the excavation in the archive of Ortsakten, Archiv Wnsdorf.


Faulstich, Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

important place. It is situated at the site where the Limes changes over from the built construction to a
natural border, the river Main. The ancient name of the settlement is unknown. After the Roman period
Grokrotzenburg became a small medieval village within the walls of the castellum. An enormous increase of

the settlement area in the 20 century resulted in the ancient castellum and vicus being completely covered.
Despite the building boom in the last century archaeological remains were found in 2010, when gas pipes
were laid in an already disturbed ground. An example of these remains is a Roman pit (fig. 2). In order to
record this archaeological feature the construction work was interrupted so that the archaeologists could take
photographs, measure, draw plans and sections and do all the necessary work to save the archaeological
record and avoid the finds being destroyed by the digger.

Fig. 2 Grokrotzenburg, roman pit (E. I. Faulstich).

The examples of Lbben and Grokrotzenburg show the necessity of archaeological monitoring during road
modernisation projects and the laying of gas pipes and rain water drains. However, there are even smaller


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

trenches for electricity cables (fig. 3). The dimensions of these trenches are about 30 cm wide and about 60
to 70 cm deep.

Fig. 3 Hindenberg, electricity cable (I. Ertner).

It is difficult to imagine that a small trench like this can reveal any archaeological finds at all.
Examples only of the smallest trenches will show that archaeological interventions in these cases do
make sense. If they are useful in getting archaeological information all the bigger trenches, such as for gas
and water, must be equally important.

Since the last quarter of the 20 century nearly all modern power cables have been laid underground. Any
remaining power masts will disappear in the future. This work is being carried out by the big energy
companies, such as Eon, Vattenfall and RWE. In Brandenburg these energy companies are obliged to pay
for any archaeological projects. The lengths of these projects differ and can take between one day and over
two weeks, with an average between 5 and 10 days.
The studied region called Niederlausitz is located between Berlin and Dresden and is very close to the
Polish border. The area is about 80 km long and 60 km wide. Over the last 10 years the archaeological
company Freies Institut fr Angewandte Kulturwissenschaften (FIAK) Cottbus carried out archaeological
watching briefs in 57 villages of Niederlausitz. These watching briefs were done in parallel with the laying of


Faulstich, Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

power cables (fig. 3). The total number of watching briefs in the region was higher however: 57 watching
briefs carried out by FIAK, which should be a strong enough sample for statistical analysis. A few of these
villages and especially their small trenches for electricity cables will be introduced in the following part.
The first example is a cable trench in the village of Saleben.


It shows a rather common stratigraphy (fig.


Fig. 4 Saleben (E. I. Faulstich).

The brown layers on the top are the result of this floor level being used as a road for two centuries without
any construction material. The grass above is from the last 10 years. It is the result of changing the course of
the old road and renewing it. Below the layers from the 18th and 19th century there is a grey layer.
Chronologically, it belongs to the layers above, although the soil contained medieval finds. These medieval


finds within the grey soil were brought here from near the center of the village in the 18 /19 century. The

Saleben, Ortsakten Archiv Wnsdorf.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011



bottom layer is just made up of sand. This means that a road was constructed in the 18 /19 century and the
medieval ceramic found in the layers belonged to the earliest settlement of the village nearby.
As a result of this watching brief in Saleben it was possible to determine the size and extension of both the

medieval and the later village. The second example is the village of Gro Leuthen , which was first

mentioned in historic records in the 14 century. However, due to a general assumption of the village being

older than the 14 century archaeological monitoring was required.

The construction works of the past had already destroyed the historical stratigraphy (fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Gro Leuthen (S. Nitzschke).

On top of this modern intervention is the modern pavement. A backfilled modern trench can be seen on the
left. Fortunately, in spite of the construction works from the past years, some archaeological finds remained
undisturbed. In Gro Leuthen layers from the late Middle Ages and the late Bronze Age were found,
including ceramics of both cultures. Prior to this archaeological watching brief two years ago a Bronze Age
settlement was unknown.
Another example is Horlitza. In written documents Horlitza was mentioned in 1540 (LEHMANN 1979).


During the archaeological monitoring it was noticed that most of the archaeological stratigraphy had been
destroyed. Remains of a prehistoric layer were preserved only at the bottom of the trenches (fig. 6).


Ortsakten Archiv Wnsdorf.


Results of the excavation in the archive of Ortsakten, Archiv Wnsdorf.


Faulstich, Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

Fig. 6 Horlitza (I. Ertner).

The ceramics found in this layer suggest a date in the early Iron Age. However, not only was a prehistoric
layer found remains of a prehistoric settlement were discovered in a half-destroyed pit measuring about
60 cm in diameter (fig. 7).
The center of it is darker, which is due to small remains of organic material. Another new finding was that
Horlitza is older than 1540. Archaeological evidence ceramics found in medieval layers suggests that the

village must have been founded around the 14 century. Like in Gro Leuthen the prehistory of Horlitza had
been unknown; but thanks to the archaeological investigations in 2008 we now have evidence of human
activity in Horlitza from as early as the Iron Age.
In most cases the archaeological remains are not well preserved. This is due to past building works in the
surrounding area that did not involve an archeologist. Preventing the archaeological evidence from being
destroyed by modernizing roads or digging trenches is one of the main aims of the heritage preservation
trust that has been active in several countries over the last decades. Although a lot of archaeological
evidence has been destroyed there are still notable remains. Similar to the previous examples of Horlitza
and Gro Leuthen with little evidence of the past, is the village of Lauchhammer.
archaeological findings a prehistoric post was found in Lauchhammer (fig. 8).


Ortsakten Archiv Wnsdorf.



Among other

16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 7 Horlitza (I. Ertner).

Fig. 8 Lauchhammer (N. Schmidt).


Faulstich, Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

The prehistoric post was partly cut by a modern trench, which was dug to lay gas pipes. Above the
prehistoric post and on either side of and above the modern trench there is a modern grey layer with
pebbles and organic particles.

Fig. 9 Milkersdorf (N. Schmidt).

Generally, it is easy to find prehistoric settlements in villages, because their stratigraphy is relatively noncomplex. At the same time, the risk of destroying them by modern construction works, even by power cables,
is rather high. The same observation can be made in medieval settlements. In villages the medieval period
did not leave a dense stratigraphy like in historically important cities, where a stratigraphy of two meters and
more can often be seen. The number of medieval layers in the villages is small and often consists of only
one layer. Villages tended to expand outwards and they were not restricted by a city wall. A typical example
of medieval layers can be found in Milkersdorf.


Milkersdorf appeared very late in history. It is first


mentioned in the 17 century. A few fragments of medieval ceramics were found in the past without any
stratigraphical link. In 2008 the first medieval pit and other archaeological remains were investigated (fig. 9,
10). In addition, prehistoric evidence could be documented.
Even walls can be found in these narrow cable trenches. This might not seem to be an important
archaeological find, but walls like this are not that often found in villages. The cable trenches can provide


Ortsakten Archiv Wnsdorf.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

important clues when piecing together a villages history. The remains of walls can be used to reconstruct
dwellings or historic buildings that are no longer visible today.

Fig. 10 Milkersdorf (N. Schmidt).


The final example of the 57 villages is Schwarzbach , first mentioned in the Late Middle Ages (fig. 11).
On top of the stratigraphy the well-known modern layer can be seen. Below the modern layer we have grey

soil with organic material, which dates between 17 and 18th century. During this time the area was used as
a settlement. The original extension of this layer remains hypothetical because of modern construction works
in the past century, which destroyed the original historical layer. The layer underneath is a blow sand or blow
sand layer without any finds in it. We think that this layer represents a period of time in the villages history,
when the settlement became smaller or was abandoned sometime between the Middle Ages and the
industrial era. During this period of desertion sand was blown onto the medieval settlement, which is well
preserved at the bottom of the cable trench containing dark organic material.


Ortsakten Archiv Wnsdorf


Faulstich, Urban Archaeology Village Archaeology?

Fig. 11 Schwarzbach (Chr. Britze).

The results of each watching brief are written up in a report supported by photographs, drawings and plans.
Over the last 10 years our field unit carried out archaeological watching briefs of electricity cables in 57
villages in the south of the German Federal State of Brandenburg.
The results of archaeological monitoring of electricity cable trenches are (fig. 12):
In 17 villages the historical date of foundation has been confirmed.
In 23 cases we found out that the villages were actually older than previously assumed consulting the
first historical record; this is more than 45 %.
In 22 villages the archaeological finds are of a younger age than the historical record.
In only 12 cases the stratigraphy was too damaged for us to be able to identify any original
archaeological layer. Older trenches had already destroyed any archaeology.
In 16 of the villages nearly 25% we discovered a new archaeological site.
In 5 villages we even discovered 2 new archaeological sites.

When comparing the different data sets (historic records about the foundation of villages, finds, excavation
reports, maps and photos) statistically; one notices an interesting accumulation of data.
In the late Middle Ages villages were founded on prehistoric settlements, especially on settlements founded
in the Bronze Age. Though not true for all villages, this phenomenon occurs predominantly in the 15


century. Prehistoric settlements were obviously favorable at that time. The reason is perhaps the change of
climate the so-called little ice age at the end of the Middle Ages which made higher areas preferable for
settlements. This is only a hypothesis, but it would be interesting to do further research on this subject not


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

only on the change of climate, but also on the villages in general. There is no doubt that this will shed even
more light on the villages history.

Fig. 12 Statistic of archaeological monitoring of electricity cables in the south of Brandenburg (E. I. Faulstich).

Carrying out watching briefs in these extremely narrow cable trenches is not a beautiful archaeology; it is
quite unattractive from a practical point of view. There is a lot of debate about whether this kind of
archaeology is necessary or useful for the scientific research.
Clearly, you need a lot of experience to be able to recognize the archaeology in such confined spaces.
Perhaps, one might argue, it is more difficult to understand the archaeological context when presented with
such small pieces of evidence as opposed to excavating a big prehistoric settlement.
It is my opinion that this archaeological work has to be done, because modern construction work has a
deeper impact into the ground than in the past. Every day we lose archaeological substance, which is then
irretrievable. However, being able to use small or bigger trenches cutting through villages and towns as a
means to carry out archaeological surveys we are able to deepen our knowledge about history.

LEHMANN, R. (1979). Quellen zur Geschichte der Niederlausitz, Bd. 3, Bhlau.
WOLFF, G. (1903). Das Kastell Gro-Krotzenburg. Der Obergermanische-Raetische Limes des Roemerreiches, Abt. B, Bd. II A Nr. 23.


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project: a tunnelvision




Corresponding author, Maastricht / Projectbureau A2Maastricht, Maastricht

Outline: In the city of Maastricht (NL) a tunnel is to be constructed. In this project archaeology is in a difficult
position. On the one hand it is almost impossible to attain data from traditional prospection methods due to
the fact that the project is lying in an urban environment and on the other hand it will be impossible to stop
the caterpillar train of the constructors of the tunnel due to the expensive consequences. How to tackle this
as an archaeologist?

Abstract: On the route from Amsterdam to Milano (Italy) on the national motorway A2/E25, drivers are
confronted with 6 traffic lights. 4 of them are in Maastricht! Time to dig a tunnel to secure an improvement of
the traffic flow. The tunnel covers approximately two kilometres. After decennia of negotiations the works will
start in 2012. Archaeology was and is a main condition of this gigantic infrastuctural project, right from the
start. The problem is however that this project is lying in a former alluvial plain and that the most part of it is
in an urban environment, full of buildings and infrastructure.
The main part of the project is in and on the border of a former late Dryas Maas river channel. This itself is
difficult enough to predict where archaeology can be found considering the possibilities of erosion and
sedimentation. Archaeological research in similiar settings revealed a broad and rich spectrum of sites from
different periods in different stratigraphies.
How do you tackle this as an archaeologist without frustrating the very expensive building of a tunnel and
with hardly the possibility of using traditional prospection methods as archaeological drillings? Which
information sources are available and do they give enough information to come to a deliberate strategy for
A research framework on landscape archaeology and the use of different geophysical methods such as
seismic research, geotechnical drillings and gis applications will hopefully reveal the expected archeological
results. In 2012 we know if we were right!

Keywords: prospection, tunnel, urban environment, alluvial floodplain.

The city of Maastricht is well known for its Treaty in 1992. Accidentally 1992 is also the year the Valletta
Treaty was signed. The archaeology and history of Maastricht go back to the middle palaeolithic site of
Belvedre (KOLFSCHOTEN and ROEBROEKS 1985; ROEBROEKS 1988), followed by neolithic
settlements and graves (MEURKENS and VAN WIJK 2009), settlements and graves from the Bronze Age
and Iron Age (MEURKENS and VAN WIJK 2009), a Roman settlement with a bridge over the River Maas
(PANHUYSEN 1996), an early medieval central place to, ultimately, a high medieval religious centre (DE
JONG et al. 2001). Maastricht is situated at the cross-point of three landscapes being the Belgian Ardennes,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

the Dutch and Belgian Campina sand plateau and the Maas valley (Fig. 1). The River Maas originates in
France at the Plateau de Langres and ends near Rotterdam in the North Sea. The transition of the foothills to
the lightly undulating river valley makes Maastricht such an interesting archaeological location.

Fig. 1 Digital Elevation Model of North-western Europe landscapes (Used with kind permission of Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel

When travelling from Amsterdam to Milano by car, taking the E25/A2 via Maastricht, one will encounter only
six traffic lights of which four are in two kilometres of Maastricht territory. For about 30 years numerous
different governments debated about the traffic jams and considered only a handful alternatives. In 2004 the
decision was made to build a tunnel.
In this paper we aim at describing the way archaeology is integrated in the 165 hectare tunnel project, which
includes not only the tunnel itself (Fig. 2) but real estate, nature, reconstructed highway junctions and new
public space (Fig. 3). Secondly, we describe how we assessed and reconstructed complex archaeologicalhistorical landscapes in a true urban environment thus fulfilling the legal, Maltese task of incorporating
archaeology in spatial developments.


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

The Tunnel Project

The aims of the A2 Maastricht project (www.a2maastricht.nl) are optimizing both A2 traffic and the
accessibility of Maastricht, promoting the quality of life and creating opportunities for urban development.
The project organisation consists of the Municipalities of Maastricht and Meerssen, as well as The Ministry of
Transport, Public Works and Water Management (RWS). Three consortia were invited to subscribe for the
works. Ultimately Avenue2 (www.avenue2.nl) was awarded the assignment for having the best overall plan.

Fig. 2 Artist impression of the A2 tunnel and public space.

Infrastructural projects initiate works that require entering the soil thereby disturbing or destroying potential
archaeological remains. Therefore, right from the start archaeology was considered an important aspect,
condition or environmental issue of the project, which had to be properly dealt with. To protect the different
interests all three involving parties the A2 project organisation (being the appointing authority), the
contractor (Avenue2) and logically the competent authority (the Municipality of Maastricht) have their own
archaeological consultant. The interests differ since Avenue2 focuses on limiting the cost of archaeological
research, whereas the project organisation aims at getting it all done within the time frame. Finally, the
Municipalitys interest is the quality of the research executed, being responsible for correct heritage


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 3 Plan area plotted on elevation model (After QUADFLIEG and VISSER 2008). Brown (relatively high), Green (relatively low). In
blue the approximate location of the Heugemse Maas.

Process and organisation

Because the necessary (e.g. legal) preparations started already in 2005, we were given ample time to follow
the process of Archaeological Heritage Management prescribed and followed in The Netherlands (Fig. 4).
For example, a project of such a scope is legally bound to execute an environmental impact assessment
(2007). This assessment (MER in Dutch) lead to the not surprising conclusion that the planned
infrastructural, civil, real-estate and landscape interventions and works in the area would have a large


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

negative impact on the earth-scientific, geological and cultural-historical values. Furthermore, the obligatory
Alignment Memorandum was signed in 2010.
The archaeologist from the project organisation formulates requirements and research designs, directs the
fieldwork and assesses the archaeological reports. The decision what archaeology is ultimately worth
preserving is left to the competent authority, the Municipality of Maastricht. The Competent Authoritys task is
to look after and guard the archaeological interests in the project and to ensure that the contractor follows
the steps of the so-called Archaeological Heritage Management process.
The framework for the archaeological process is on the one hand formed by the factors money (in Dutch
state-governmental projects frequently archaeological budget is 1% of the total project costs, in this case that
would be ca. 6 million euros) and time as imposed by the A2 project (the infrastructure has to be ready
before 2017), and on the other side by the Archaeological Research Framework (Dutch: WOK) as drawn up
in close consideration with the archaeologists of the Municipality of Maastricht (QUADFLIEG and VISSER
2008). In this framework we have chosen for an area-specific, landscape-archaeological approach. This
means that when an area is assessed, the extent to which the archaeological-historical landscape is still
available and in tact, is of great importance. The main criteria for assessing the areas of intervention were
therefore the geological values, the development of the landscape and the influence of people on this biotic
and a-biotic landscape.

Fig. 4 Process of Archaeological Heritage Management (AHM) in The Netherlands.

The project follows the research steps of the Archaeological Heritage Management process (Fig. 4). After an
inventory phase, including mapping with boreholes and valuation by trenching, an assessment is made of
the archaeology worth preserving. From that a selection of sites and landscapes is made. Finally, measures
have to be taken to actually preserve the selected archaeology and landscape: in situ conservation by


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

environmental planning or applying archaeologically friendly building practices, or otherwise ex situ

conservation by excavation or supervision. Focus is on the conservation of archaeological values in situ.

Landscape archaeology
The archaeological scientific objectives of the A2 Maastricht project are the following:
The archaeological research must result in a more complete overview of, and a better understanding of
the occupation and the utilization of the landscape of the Holocene and Pleistocene Maas valley in the
past. In other words: the aim is to fill archaeological gaps in the research area;
Wherever possible, the outcome of the archaeological research must lead to effective and durable
conservation and management of archaeological values in the plan area and the adjacent area;
The research results from the Maas valley can be linked to those of other areas and features of the
landscape, so that ideally an integrated picture of occupation and other land utilization in the past can
The landscape archaeological perspective that enables us to achieve the scientific objectives is defined as
the combined physical-geographical, archaeological and historical-geographical research, which aims at
describing the development of, and consistency between culture and the physical landscape in the Maas
valley through time. More specifically, the research aims at studying the relation and interaction between
people and biotic and a-biotic landscape and the changes that occurred from the earliest occupation up to
recent times.
Important advantages of such an integrated, interdisciplinary approach are:
Landscape archaeology combines the landscape genesis with human occupation during a very long
period of time. It does therefore not aim on a specific period, but on the total time depth of human
presence in the Maas valley. The approach enables a broad and coherent insight in occupation and land
utilization in the Maas valley by people in the past;
The results of landscape archaeological research can be studied and interpreted in a supra-regional
context. The research can contribute to the reconstruction of the occupation history and adjacent areas.
The Maas valley is no autonomous landscape entity, but a part of the environment in which pre - and
proto-historic people lived;
The results of landscape archaeological research can be used in an appropriate manner to indicate
where site- or area specific management and conservation of archaeological values in the direct
surroundings of the plan area are advisable.
As points of interest and research topics, we defined (1) development of the biotic and a-biotic landscape,
with special attention for the dynamics of the Maas, (2) different types of sites, such as settlements and
burial forms, and other forms of land utilization (for example fields and meadows) and their mutual relations,
both in synchronous and in diachronical respect, (3) synchronous and diachronical relations between
occupation and other forms of land use and the presence of natural sources, (4) changes in occupation and
other forms of land use in the course of time, (5) the infrastructural role of the Maas and (6) hoards in, and
directly adjacent to the Maas and affluents.


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

The physical landscape

In addition to the research of the former topics, descriptions of the physical landscape and
palaeogeographical reconstructions are essential components of area-specific archaeological research.
They are preconditions for the research of the relation between mankind and its natural environment and for
the description of the occupation history in various areas. After all, the physical landscape forms the setting
in which people lived in the past (Fig. 5). From an archaeological perspective, especially the LatePleistocene and Holocene landscape developments are important. Three types of landscapes can be

Fig. 5 Simplified geomorphological map (after QUADFLIEG and VISSER 2008). Holocene flood plain (green), Late Pleistocene river
terraces (brown), Middle Pleistocene river terraces (purple), Alluvial valleys (white). Dots represent archaeological sites. Note the fault


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The Late-Pleistocene terrace landscape (braided river deposits) on both sides of the Holocene Meuse
The landscape of late glacial and early Holocene alluvial clays;
The Holocene landscape of point bars, marshes and channels (meandering river).
The aim of the physical landscape research is primarily obtaining insight in (changes in) the geological,
geomorphologic, pedological and hydrological qualities of the areas during successive phases of human
occupation. Among other things, the results of the research are important for the reconstruction of the
topographical position of settlements, burial places, and other land use related features in the former
landscapes. Secondly, it aims at obtaining insight in the spatial potentials for human occupation and

Risk management
The area-specific, landscape archaeological approach sounds scientifically fantastic but how does one value
an archaeological and historical landscape? In this project the landscape is an alluvial plain, hard enough on
itself to predict where archaeology is to be found considering the landscape dynamics of sedimentation and
erosion. In a project like this they, that is to say the people responsible for all the building and constructing
activities, want to know right from the start (1) where archaeology is at stake, (2) whether archaeology will
remain within the financial limits and (3) whether there is a risk of delay. With other words, it is necessary to
predict not only how the process will evolve in terms of time and money but also where the archaeological
sites are and how to make sure archaeology wont interfere with the building activities. In other words, risk
management! So, our task was to predict the location of the archaeological sites in an as early as possible
stage of the project and deal with it.
At first we had of course the information from our Archaeological Research Framework (QUADFLIEG and
VISSER 2008). This framework it is not only a scientific statement. It is also a state of the art inventory of
archaeological sites for the Maastricht and adjacent area, including information on historical, geological and
geomorphological features, such as river terraces and the recent alluvial plain. The framework was our
starting point and we had to test hypotheses from the framework with each investigation. As we already
knew right from the start, there was a great difference between the southern part (90% roads, buildings,
houses and pavements) and the northern part of our research area (90% grasslands, pastures and
woodland) in terms of possibilities for research (see also Fig. 3).

Plan area
At first, focus was at the northern part, the so-called Mansion zone. Here, traditional prospection methods
could be applied easily. Furthermore, there was ample time to execute our research following the
Archaeological Heritage Management process: Desk-research (NALES et al. 2005), corings (VAN DIJK
2007; PAULUSSEN et al. 2010), trial trenches (MEURKENS et al. 2009) and ultimately excavations (HAZEN
and VANNESTE 2011). The research revealed an extended and divers landscape including an old branch of
the river Maas acting as an old floodplain (the Heugemer Maas), terraces, riverbanks and small streams. The
landscape contained several archaeological sites spanning different periods and being different in nature


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

and origin: from Mesolithic and Neolithic flint, via Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements, Roman infrastructure
(the Roman highway from Bavay to Cologne and two diverticulae), settlement structures and graves to early
and high medieval structures. The research showed how rich this research area is, and not likely to stop
where the recent urban settlement starts.
In the southern part of the project, the so-called N2 Corridor, the actual 2300 meter long tunnel is planned.
On average it is only ca. 100 meters wide. The N2 Corridor is an urban environment with buildings and
infrastructure situated on the former alluvial plane of the Heugemse Maas, mentioned before. Obviously,
there is hardly any room for traditional prospection (without blocking the intense 24 hour traffic flow). So, the
main issue is how does one predict the archaeological potential (in terms of probability and value) of an
urban environment like that of the N2 Corridor?

Methods and some results

The key product of our landscape archaeological approach is the palaeogeographical reconstruction of the
landscape. But what exactly are we going to reconstruct, and how? What information did we have to
reconstruct the landscape in this area? What did we need to come to a reliable reconstruction? What
sources of information are available and what possibilities do we have to get new data?

Fig. 6 Un-interpreted seismology and tomography. Example of geotechnical data, used in this project. Used with kind permission by
DMT GmbH & Co.

The main question was the exact location and dimensions of the Heugemse Maas. At the start of the project
only little was known about this phenomenon. Ultimately we discovered that this former (palaeo)channel of
the Maas developed when at the Pleistocene (Palaeolithic) Holocene (Mesoltithic) transition the aggrading
braided river Maas gradually changed into a incising (eroding) meandering river as a result of the well-known


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

climate change (e.g. BECKERS and ZUIDHOFF 2011). The river responded to climate-induced changes in
the discharge, sediment load and vegetation by incision of the braided river deposits. Possibly, two or three
channels in the braided plain incised, of which the present-day Maas ultimately became the actual active
river. The incision that led to the Heugemse Maas lasted briefly leaving an incised palaeochannel parallel to
the then and now active Maas river channel. Thus, the Heugemse Maas may be considered an active river
channel from the end of the Late-Dryas period up into the Mesolithic. From then on, it started to fill up and silt
up with fine-grained sediments introduced by the active Maas at peak flows. The Heugemse Maas meanders
through the landscape and probably there were several branches lateral to each other. But how did we come
to this reconstruction and where was the Heugemse Maas located?
For the reconstruction, we first of all needed information about the top of the braided river deposits (primarily
gravels). With this information it should be possible to reconstruct the exact location of the incision. However,
how do we map these gravels in our urban environment? Luckily, there was geophysical research carried
out, not for archaeology, but for assessing the geotechnical problems due to underground faults to be
encountered during construction of the tunnel. The available sonic drillings, up to 35 meters deep, gave an
insight in the structure of the geology and soil. Furthermore, seismic measures, so called CMP-Refraction,
Refraction Tomography and Seismic Reflection, gave a clear picture of the required top of the gravels
(Fig. 6). Together with very precise actual altitude data (Dutch: AHN), the geotechnical information gave us
an indication where to locate the Heugemse Maas.

A complicating factor was a flood channel created in the 19 century, the Overlaat, partly dug and partly
being the palaeochannel of the Heugemse Maas. Sometimes the two features got mixed up in the discussion
about the palaeogeographical landscape and genesis. Both features are of course affected by the building

activities of the 20 century, but we were not sure in which degree. It was for that reason and the urge for
information about the depth of (sub-)recent soil distortion due to e.g. sewer pipes, cables and pipelines and
foundations that we executed a research with historical maps, documentary of the building activities and
known geological data as stated before (Fig. 7). The desk research by Orbons (2010) showed that initial
ideas on the location of the Heugemse Maas, as described in our Archaeological Research Framework,
could be questioned.
Next, we initiated a geo-archaeological coring program to prospect the location of the incision and with that,
the archaeological potentially rich riverbanks (BECKERS and ZUIDHOFF 2011). During one night, traffic was
redirected and coring took place along the future tunnel. Ultimately, we reconstructed the profile of the
Heugemse Maas and its banks at different places (Fig. 8).
Furthermore, at some spots where an investigation with trial trenches was possible during construction
activities, we were able to check some of our hypotheses on the expected location of the Heugemse Maas.
We also organised an expert meeting with physical-geographers and archaeologists to check if we were on
the right landscape track. Our picture and ideas on landscape development altered slightly after a day of
fruitful discussion.
The integration of the seismic information, the deep geotechnical and geo-archaeological corings, the
trenches, documents and also the historical maps, gave us a sound idea where archaeology could be at
stake when building the tunnel and related and adjacent construction works. The palaeogeographical


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

reconstruction showed that the position of the Overlaat did not coincide with that of the Heugemse Maas
(Fig. 9).

Fig. 7 Examples of various map analyses (ORBONS 2011).

In other words, more intact locations were to be expected, where archaeology could be present and wellpreserved. The main part of the tunnel lies in the old Heugemse Maas stream and therefore is considered to
have a relatively low archaeological potential. On the other hand, a significant part of the plan area (500 m)
covers the banks of this stream. We know, from the excavation in the Mansion Zone, that the banks may
contain sites from different periods.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 8 Litho-genetical cross-section based on borehole data. Orange: Late Dryas braided river deposits (gravels). Dark green: Early
Mid Holocene infilling after down cutting (BECKERS and ZUIDHOFF 2011).

Fig. 9 Height of gravel in meters above sea level based on geotechnical and borehole data (used with kind permission of Bjorn Vink,
Projectbureau A2Maastricht). Brown tones, 47 m above sea level; green to purple: 41 to 47 m above sea level.

Final words
By combining various research techniques we are able to predict where archaeology is at stake in the true
urban environment of Maastricht and preserve a truly rich archive by excavation and supervision. Mission
accomplished! Unfortunately, there will be almost no chance of investigating during construction. The way
the tunnel is constructed is in a tight scheme and there is hardly any (safe) room or possibility to intervene


Soeters / Isarin, Archaeology in the Maastricht A2 project

for research. If we would do so the risks for the projects are immense, in terms of (delay) time and money.
The question we asked ourselves was: is it that necessary to investigate in the tunnel? Our answer was a
no. We can answer a lot of the questions we defined in our Archaeological Research Framework in the
adjacent areas where new buildings (the real estate programme) or new infrastructure for cables and
pipelines are and will be constructed. And of course, when there is an incredible archaeological find during
tunnel construction, we have the legal opportunity to stop the process (that is to say at our costs!!) assess
and if necessary excavate properly. The construction of the tunnel will start early 2012 and will continue until
2016. All the activities related to the tunnel in the adjacent area will take place simultaneously. The new real
estate and public space will be realised after the construction of the tunnel. It is then that we will have some
new opportunities to test if our hypotheses were right.
When the project is ready and all the work is done, somewhere after 2022, we have a clear understanding of
the landscape and occupation history of the eastern bank of the present-day river Maas. Ultimately, we will
connect all our new insights and knowledge to create a new picture of Maastricht through time. Then after
all, that is our job: to create new stories of our history and not to get caught up in a tunnelvision!

The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for the useful comments on an earlier version of
this paper. We further thank Bjorn Vink (Projectbureau A2Maastricht) and the communication department of
the Avenue2 consortium for their help realizing the 2011 presentation in Vienna and this paper. Finally, Henk
Baas of the RCE provided the Digital Elevation Model of North-western Europe landscapes (Fig. 1).

BECKERS, I. S. J. and ZUIDHOFF, F. S. (2011). A2-Traverse te Maastricht. Een inventariserend veldonderzoek in de vorm van een
geoarcheologisch booronderzoek, ADC Report 2709, Amersfoort.
DE JONG, M., THEUWS, F. and VAN RHIJN, C. (eds) (2001). Topographies of power in the early Middle Ages, p.164. Leiden.
HAZEN, P. L. M. and VANNESTE, H. (2011). Maastricht A2 Landgoederenzone Evaluatie- en selectierapport, ADC, Amersfoort.
MEURKENS, L. and VAN WIJK, I. M. (2009). Wonen en begraven op de Caberg van het vroege neolithicum tot en met de vroege
middeleeuwen. Inventariserend Veld Onderzoek van een cultuurlandschap te Maastricht-Lanakerveld, ARCHOL Report 100, Leiden.
MEURKENS, L., HEUNKS, E. and VAN WIJK, I. M. (2009). Bewoning, infrastructuur en begraving van IJzertijd tot de Middeleeuwen in
het toekomstige trac van de A2-passage bij Maastricht. Een inventariserend veldonderzoek door middel van proefsleuven, ARCHOL
Report 120, Leiden.
NALES, T., WILLEMS, J. M. J., SMITS, E. R. A., GRUBEN, R. J. W. M. and KWAKKEL, D. M. (2005). A2 passage Maastricht/Ruimte
rond de A2, Inventariserend Archeologisch en Cultuurhistorisch Bureauonderzoek, BAAC Report 05.195, Den Bosch.
ORBONS, J. (2010). A2-Stadstraverse Maastricht, gemeente Maastricht, bureauonderzoek GIS-verwerking beschikbare data,
ArcheoPro Report 10150, Maastricht.
PANHUYSEN, T. A. S. M. (1996). Romeins Maastricht en zijn beelden (Roman Maastricht reflected in stones). Bonefantenmuseum,
PAULUSSEN, R., KOOT, C. and WIJNEN, J. (2010). Verkennend Booronderzoek in de Landgoederenzone/rijksweg A2 te Maastricht,
Zuidnederlandse Archeologische Notities, 242 Amsterdam.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

QUADFLIEG, B. I. and VISSER, C. A. (red) (2008). Wetenschappelijk kader voor het archeologisch onderzoek in het A2-project,
gemeenten Maastricht en Meerssen, Vestigia Report V410, Amersfoort.
ROEBROEKS, W. (1988). From find scatters to early hominid behaviour. A study of Middle-Palaeolithic riverside settlements at
Maastricht-Belvdre, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 21: 197 pp.
VAN DIJK, X. C. C. (2007). Project A2 te Maastricht, gemeente Maastricht; archeologisch vervolgonderzoek: een inventariserend
veldonderzoek, karterende fase, RAAP Report 1530, Weesp.
VAN KOLFSCHOTEN, T. and ROEBROEKS, W. (eds.) (1985). Maastricht-Belvdre: Stratigraphy, Palaeoenvironment and
Archaeology of the Middle and Late Pleistocene deposits, Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst 39 (1), 1121, Haarlem.


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16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques to communicate the past

A study about the Homeric Epic
Architect of Mandarino Blu

Abstract: Even though in our time the traditional drawing has been left backward by the computer graphic,
the research presented here is a full fusion and interaction between digital and manual artistry techniques.
The traditional approach will give a legacy of tension, warm signs, expressive traces, while the digital
approach will allow rethinking, unlimited attempts, rich variation and higher performance.
The direct reference at the base of this work is the art from eighteenth century artists inspired by
archaeological discoveries, represented in their lost time, with a great richness of details, capable to
communicate the deep meanings of that age. Thanks to the experience of those painters it is possible to talk
about an archaeological image, developed starting from the information coming from the knowledge of the
ancient times.
Taking from them the importance of lighting and the scenic level of detail, this research tries to underline how
an image can evoke the sense of sublime and inspire the observer behind the simple sight of the shape
and size of a town or of an armor in a reconstructive representation.
Originally developed as the authors degree thesis in Architecture, under the direction of prof. Giorgio
Verdiani and prof. Anna Margherita Jasink, this research has been taken to the world described by Homer in
the Iliad and Odyssey to follow an articulated path between drawing, representation, architectural and
archaeological studies to define a sort of image periegesis, going behind the narrative aspect to underline
and to bring back the cultural depth needed to create a real learning experience.

Keywords: representation, reconstruction, traditional drawing, digital drawing, computer graphic.

Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques to communicate the past

A study about the Homeric Epic
Outline the main objective, ideas of the project/work:
The contemporary digital solutions for the representation allow an almost real way to show the image of the
past; this can be done creating realistic environments aimed to virtual or static image creation. This process
allows a better and enhanced approach to the learning of the past and at the same time, when combined to
the tools for the investigation and for the analysis, creates the conditions to go forward in the knowledge
about an age or a period or even about a single fact or item. The object remains to find the best learning
path using various learning tools, in the pure spirit of multimedia, which means the total interaction between
multiple media in a single environment. The approach proposed here will not be limited to the simple use of
digital graphic tools, but it will include the traditional drawing techniques enhanced in the computer graphic
environment to create livelier, more suggestive and communicative representations. At the same time, the


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

development of common and intelligent representation rules becomes quite important while this must be
balanced between the language of archeology and the architecture one. In this research, the world from the
ancient Greece, narrated by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey, will be the ideal base ground to develop a
special experience aimed to produce high quality representation, supported by a correct scientific

Fig. 1 Ancient navigation in the Bronze Age (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Fig. 2 Various reconstructions (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The setting of the Homeric Epic has always been a fascinating matter for intellectuals of every period (Fig.
1). Even though this argument is one of the most well-known and analysed topics, the intent of our research
is that of up dating the information available with the use of new graphic instruments (the contemporary
digital solutions).
The different type of competence, an architectural point of view, offers a new possible approach to the
matter, which at present is almost exclusively archaeological (Fig. 2).
The graphic method and the architectural approach to the structures, can help to fill the gap in the available
information (Fig. 3). The aim of this new representation, together with the use of the computer, is to produce
credible virtual or static reconstructions.

Fig. 3 Salamina Building IB (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Although in our time the traditional drawing has been left backward by the computer graphic, the research
presented here is a full fusion and interaction between digital and manual artistry techniques. The traditional
approach will give a legacy of tension, of warm signs, of expressive traces, while the digital approach will
allow change of mind, unlimited attempts, rich variation and higher performance (Fig. 4).
This process allows a better and enhanced approach to the learning of the past, and at the same time, when
combined to the tools for the investigation and for the analysis, create the conditions to go forward in the
knowledge about an age or a period or even about a single fact or item. The final purpose is to find the best
learning path using various tools, in the pure spirit of multimedia, which means the total interaction between
multiple media in a single environment.


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

Fig. 4 Digital and manual artistry techniques (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

The direct reference at the base of this work is the art from the eighteenth century artists inspired by the
archeological discoveries, with a great richness of details, capable to communicate the deep meanings of
that age. Thanks to the experience from those painters it is possible to talk about an archaeological image,
developed starting from the information coming from the knowledge of the ancient times. The main examples
come from the work of Lawrence Alma-Tadema, John William Waterhouse, William Bouguereau, and from
all the artists of the cole de France in Rome taking part to the Grand Tour. All their work, great example of
quality in communication and an incoparable experience, creating a sort of image periegesis. Taking from
them the importance of lighting and the scenic level of detail, this research aims to underline how an image
can evoke the sense of sublime and to inspire the observer behind the simple sight, of the shape and size
of a town or of an armour in a reconstructive representation.
There are several instruments including: a vast bibliography with appropriate guide lines for the research,
various notions learned on site, free-hand drawings and computer graphic with tablet which together may
produce the creation of 3D models compatible with the evidenced hypotheses of reconstruction.
During the elaboration, both virtual and graphic, several problems have to be faced and well-interpreted (Fig.
5). In the past, during the studies of this argument, some typological choices have been made in order to
identify a better approach. In a field where there is scant archaeological evidence and the possibility of
various interpretations, it is really necessary to have specific skills. A collaboration for a more modern and
scientific archaeology is very important, giving voice to specialists of different fields.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 5 Digital and manual artistry techniques (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

In the first part, our research aims to select a bibliography which reduces to the minimum the contrasting
opinions, so as to choose the guide-lines for the reconstruction. In this way all the information obtained can
contribute to the development of various topics.
According to recent studies, we have been made virtual reconstructions in 2D and 3D. Remembering that,
these places are alive, rich of history twisted with myth, characterized by their heroes, whose deeds are
often plaited with the common people, with their own customs and traditions. All these aspects have been
expressed in each drawing, trying to restore the mood of the place, the soul that characterizes the
environment and makes it alive with little signs. It is part of the mood of the place the people who live, and
also crossing gives a happy proportion, a human scale. Only the birds flight in the distance give us a sense
of depth, or a sword or a jar left in the ground are perfect to communicate one of the aspect of the settlement
(Fig. 6).
The single results will produce tables that are merely graphic and which are not the the final result but just a
step in the attempt of putting in evidence the typological choices carried out.
The historical period being analysed comprehends the events that paved the way to the War of Troy (which
took place in 1200 B.C. ca.). Therefore the reconstructions will deal with a period of time going from one
hundred years before and one hundred years after the presumed fall of Troy.
The elements to be analysed are various like: the common houses (Fig. 7), the Palace with the megaron, the
fortifications, the monumental necropolises, the peoples customs and finally the City as a whole.
A corrected city by the reconstructive point of view may be obtained (Fig. 8):


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

Fig. 6 House of Lebes building of the Neopalatial period of Haghia Triada (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Fig. 7 The common houses of Bronze Age (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 8 Reconstruction of Athens around 1200 b.C. (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Generating a terrain with the level.

For terrain modeling in 3D, we started from a basic cartography found on specialized texts, proceeding with
the acquisition and import into AutoCAD.
The contour lines and the plants have been thoroughly redesigned, taking into consideration not only maps
but also the aerial photographs of archaeological surveys more targeted (for buildings of particular
importance as the megaron).
Once obtained the complete acquisition 2D, at each contour line has been assigned a height scale, thus
creating a vector model of the ground. Exported to other programs, this model has allowed a threedimensional reconstruction, easily accurate (Fig. 9).
Through the programs used for modeling and photorealistic rendering we made other tests in Bryce,
Terragen, Prosite, and finally 3DStudio Max and Rhinoceros. These last two programs were found to be
more flexible to make and integrate the city's reconstruction.

Creating maps of the latest archaeological discoveries.

An operation similar to that for the realization of the contour lines was made through AutoCAD. We started
from obtaining archaeological detailed plants with larger scale. With the use of Photoshop, the plants were
integrated by the details of small excavation (the scale of single unit) to the scale of the city (the whole area
inside fortification walls). The final result was a collage of plants of different detail, returned in the same scale
(Fig. 10). Finally, the plant was imported on vector program for redesign the sectioned and sometimes even
not sectioned.


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

Fig. 9 Generating a terrain with the level (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Fig. 10 Creating maps of the latest archaeological discoveries (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Deepening the documentation with proposals reconstructions (Fig. 11).

The modeling was made entirely on AutoCAD, through major commands extrusion and boolean operation.
Only a few details have been changed more rapidly after importing the model Dwg of 3DStudio Max, acting
on modifiers of solids.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 11 Deepening the documentation with proposals reconstructions (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

One of the first phases of the project concerns the creation of 3D terrain. Once imported the layer contour
lines as splines, using the command generates a terrain mesh surface that reproduces the ground. To this is
applied a modifier UVW map with planar mapping, which allows to place correctly the texture. The mesh,
finally, is associated with the texture prepared with Photoshop. This is made entirely with the help of the
tablet, using a Dwg base of the level curves obtained with the Cad. In this way you can save time during
application and sizing of the texture, maintaining excellent and professional results. In addition, retouching by
hand is useful to give at the map some details, like rocks, rivers and roads, respecting the shape of the
territory (Fig. 12).
The maps, once finalized, are used on the channel specifically dedicated of 3DStudio Max. Each has its
place: in the diffuse channel is added the colored texture (which becomes the basis for the map), to
accentuate the effect of material relief is used the channel with a bump map similar (in size and detail) to the
previous one but appropriately retouched, in black and white. Other channels may be used, but of great
visual impact is the displacement channel maintained on very low values, or exponentially increase the
duration calculation.

Creating photographic texture on site.

Starting with photographs of the materials made in situ, with the help of digital camera, through Photoshop,
cutting out the portion in frontal axis, when adjusted by the Lens Correction filter. Sometimes it's necessary
to proceed with rectification with ImageAlign Pro, a specific program for this type of treatment (Fig. 13). Cut
the useful part is passed to the correction and contrast color to make the photo more readable, by the


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

method Color Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, Selective Color Correction. Then it makes
perfectly seamless textures, clipping small portions of the side and using the clone stamp element to
stabilize the joint. The result is a map that does not present the classic effect of repetition in the render.
We create a separate bump map, usually by changing the image to grayscale, then adjust the
Brightness/Contrast or Levels, trying to obtain an effect that shows the depths and heights of the relief
material. Additionally you can proceed with the Burn and Dodge Tools to enhance or reduce relief.
The map can be modified to add elements not in the picture (in the map of the Cyclopean walls was added
on the crest of a mud-brick trim).

Fig. 12 Creating texture map with some real details (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Fig. 13 Creating photographic texture on site (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Generating the render with high resolution.

An important phase is the final render. At first you must do several tests (using low resolution for the
calculation) to create the desired environment in the reconstructions, placing correctly the maps and give the
better lights and shadows. Later, once established the view through the use of the camera, you decide the
window size. The calculation procedure is laborious for the computer and the devices to be used are many.
First of all, it creates a 3D model with fine detail displayed only in the view. We use a good quality rendering
engine, reduces the calculation parameters for the lights and shadows, using the Global Illumination for
intermediate parameters, and avoids the Caustics (not necessary for the materials used here), the
vegetation is excluded from the model, made separately and then placed on Photoshop.

Ending retouch of the image.

A process that should not be underestimated is the rendering post-production. The image obtained by the
rendering engine sometimes has defects, which are here adjusted appropriately. It is not, however, only with
corrections, each work must be enhanced through the implementation of details and effects (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14 Retouch of the image of Mycen around 1200 b.C. (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

At the end, the image will be transferred on Photoshop and almost indispensable, the tablet must be followed
by retouching itself. The colors are correct, the method with Color Balance, Brightness/Contrast,
Hue/Saturation, Selective Color Correction. The errors will be masked with the Clone stamp tool. With Burn
and Dodge Tools you reduce or accentuate highlights and shadows. Finally, you add details that are
primarily for the mood of the place like: people, vegetation, animals and objects.
After this procedure we are ready to deliver the final image.
However simplified, a corrected illustration by the historian point of view (Fig. 15):
Studing equipements and customs narrated by Homer and ancient sources.
Searching archaeological material.
Studing iconographic sources, ancient and modern.
Finally, creating a sketch, a drawing with colour on a software of retouch image.
Adding various techniques of texturing (Fig. 16).


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

Fig. 15 Example of reconstruction of Ajax Telamon and Agamemnon (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

Fig. 16 Example of reconstruction of Clytemnestra with techniques of texturing (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Originally developed as a degree thesis in Architecture, under the direction of prof. Giorgio Verdiani and prof.
Anna Margherita Jasink, this research moves within the world described by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey.
Our proposal is to follow an articulated path between drawing, representation, architectural and
archaeological studies to define a sort of image periegesis, going behind the narrative aspect, to underline
and to bring back the cultural depth which is necessary to create a real learning experience, supported by a
correct scientific background.
This work is also connected with MUSINT (interactive museum of Aegean collections in Tuscany) of which
Anna Margherita Jasink spoke in a previous lecture in this Conference. In that section you have seen the
drawing and 3D dimensional of two Minoan sites: Phaistos (Fig. 17) and Haghia Triada (Fig. 18). Now you
have seen Mycenaean sites. In this way, you have an idea of the palatial buildings and the people's customs
in the Aegean civilizations of the Greek areas in the Second Millennium before Christ.

Fig. 17 Portion of the Protopalatial period palace of Phaistos (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).


Kruklidis, Multimedia Reconstruction Techniques

Fig. 18 Villa of the Neopalatial period of Haghia Triada (copyright: Panaiotis Kruklidis).

All images are property of the author Panaiotis Kruklidis. Many of this are visible on his personal blog:

Selected Bibliography for the study of the ancient city of Athens and his hero:
CASTLEDEN, R. (2005). Mycenaeans. Abingdon/New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
CIOTTA, G. (2005). Architettura Egea. Genova: De Ferrari & Devega S.r.l. Editoria e Comunicazione.
CULTRARO, M. (2006). I Micenei. Roma: Carocci Editore.
FIELDS, N. (2004). Troy c. 1700-1250 BC, Osprey: Fortress 17.
HIGGINS, M. e R. (1996). A Geological Companion to Greece and the Aegean. New York: Cornell University Press.
HOPE SIMPSON, R. (1981). Mycenaean Greece. Park Ridge: Noyes Press.
HOPE SIMPSON, R. (1998). The Mycenaean Highways, chos du monde classique/Classical Views: XLII, n.s. 17: 239260.
HOPE SIMPSON, R. and HAGEL, D. K. (2006). Mycenaean Fortifications, Highways, Dams and Canals. Studies in Mediterranean
Archaeology CXXXIII, Svedalen: Paul strms Frlag.
HURWIT, J. M. (1999). The Athenian Acropolis/ History, Mythology, and Archaeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
IAKOVIDIS, S. E. (1983). Late Helladic citadels on Mainland Greece. Monumenta Graeca et Romana: 4.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

IAKOVIDIS, S. E. (2001). Gla and the Kopais/in the 13th Century B.C. Athna: Library of Archeological Society of Athens 221.
IAKOVIDIS, S. E. (2006). The Mycenaean Acropolis of Athens. Athna: Library of Archeological Society of Athens 240.
IMMERWAHR, S. A. (1971). The Neolithic and Bronze Ages. The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American
School of Classical Studies at Athens: XIII.
JASINK, A. M. (2004). Una rilettura della Potnia micenea, Kadmos 43: 185195.
KORRES, M. (1994). The History of the Acropolis Monuments, in: AA.VV., Acropolis Restoration/The CCAM Interventions. London:
Academy Editions.
MOUNTJOY, P. A. (1995). Mycenaean Athens. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature: 127. Jonsered: Paul strms
PAPATHANASSOPOULOS, G. (1991). LAcropoli/Nuova guida dei monumenti del museo. Athna: Edizioni Krene.
WRIGHT, J. C. (1994). The Mycenaean Entrance System at the West end of the Akropolis of Athens, Hesperia 63, No. 3: 323360.

Primary sources:
VITALI, G. (tr.) (1956). Iliade. Torino: G. B. Paravia & C.
MONTI, V. (tr.) (1958). Iliade. Firenze: Felice Le Monnier.
CALZECCHI ONESTI, R. (tr.) (1990). Iliade. Torino: Enaudi.
CIANI, M. G. (ed.) (2000). Iliade. Venezia: Marsilio Editori.
CALZECCHI ONESTI, R. (tr.) (1989). Odissea. Torino: Enaudi.
CIANI, M. G. (ed.) (2000). Odissea. Venezia: Marsilio Editori.
Apollodoro, Epitome (web consultation).
Diodoro Siculo, Biblioteca Storica (web consultation).
VASTA, E. (ed.) (2004). Teogonia. Milano: Mondadori Editore.
BEDROSIAN, R. (tr.), Eusebio di Cesarea, Cronaca (web consultation).
Giorgio Sincello, Selezione di cronografia (web consultation).
Igino, Favole (web consultation).
RIZZO, S. (ed.) (1991). Pausania, Viaggio in Grecia. Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli.
Plutarco, Teseo (web consultation).
Strabone, Geografia (web consultation).


Niedermair / Ferschin, Augmented Reality Framework

An Augmented Reality Framework for On-Site Visualization of

Archaeological Data
Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Architectural Sciences, Digital Architecture and Planning

Abstract: This work is focused on using augmented reality (AR) technologies for visualizing information in
the context of urban sites. After a brief overview of several approaches to implement AR-applications we will
concentrate mostly on the vision based approach. We established a prototype platform for onsite augmented
reality visualizations that meet different levels of presentations. This applies for information such as simple
points of interest, displayed as overlay symbols over the perceived camera image. These displayed points of
interests can be used as a user interface to explain certain findings with texts and images. A more advanced
presentation technique will be the implementation for complex 3d models that can be placed at the actual
location of the archaeological site. The Unity3d game engine is hereby used as the main development
environment because of its high graphical 3d performance, the possibilities to implement interactivity and
multimedia content and to publish the final application to different mobile platforms. Our prototype
implementation is demonstrated with the location and content from the site of Michaelerplatz, Vienna.
However the framework can easily be adjusted for different locations and different content using a webbased database.

Keywords: Information Visualization, Augmented Reality, Archaeological Visualization, Location Based


The analysis and interpretation of an archaeological site is a complex process and many layers of data and
interpretations of it are generated while performing an excavation and studying the findings afterwards. Very
often at urban sites, the excavation is closed again and most of the data is represented in publications, the
findings themselves may be exhibited in different locations or are stored in special archives. To visualize the
complexity of all available information at the context of the site is very difficult. The idea of blending the
perceived remains of a site digitally with computer rendered images is the key element for the use of
augmented reality technology within an archaeological context. As the available AR-devices get more
accessible for archaeologists as well as for an interested public audience, because of the wide availability of
smart phones and tablets, this technology could generate many new and different applications for on-site

Augmented Reality as a Visualization Technique

Nowadays new media and technologies get more and more accepted in museums and play an essential role
in many modern archaeological exhibitions. Furthermore a lot of research has been done in projects such as


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

ARCHAEOGUIDE a system offering augmented reality tours on archaeological sites (VLAHAKIS,

IOANNIDIS et al. 2002; VLAHAKIS, KARIGIANNIS et al. 2002), ARCO a one-stop-solution for museums to
create, manage and present both content and context for virtual exhibitions (WHITE et al. 2004;
WOJCIECHOWSKI et al. 2004), LIFEPLUS a project adding realistic renderings of virtual flora and fauna
to historical sites using AR technologies (PAPAGIANNAKIS et al. 2004) and (MAGNENAT-THALMANN et al.
2006) or AR-View an AR device for digital on-site reconstruction (LIU and WANG 2009) showing how
technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality, 3D simulation and other tools can be used to present
archaeological content to the audience inside museum environments as well as on site. While for museums
and archaeological parks these technologies seem feasible, the necessary hardware and infrastructure is
clearly a limiting factor when it comes to showing archaeological content in an urban environment.
With a constantly growing distribution of smart phones and tablet computers containing the necessary
technical infrastructure for augmented reality applications and multimedia content we therefore tried to create
a framework suitable for archaeological AR on-site visualization in an urban environment running on
consumer devices. In order to build such an AR application there are three generally necessary steps. First
evaluation of the current position of the users camera, second rendering of the content that should be
displayed from the current point of view and third merging camera live view and virtual content and
displaying the augmented view. To do this today mainly two different methods are used that vary in the way
the current position of the camera is calculated. These methods are called sensor based AR and vision
based AR and will be described further below.

Location Based Augmented Reality

This method is most common at the moment. It requires input from multiple sensors to evaluate the position
and rotation of the camera used for the background image in space (SUTHERLAND 1968). A stationary
system using this approach was built in AR-View giving visitors of the site of Yuanmingyuan, China, the
possibility to see a 3D stereoscopic reconstruction of destroyed elements from a fix point of view. The user
could thereby rotate the viewing device horizontally and vertically which was measured to calculate the
current camera orientation.
More mobile AR systems running on contemporary smart phones usually use the built in sensors like GPS,
compass and accelerometer or gyroscope to calculate the camera pose. The main field of application of this
method is to present roughly positioned GPS-referenced information about certain topics. Layar and
Wikitude, two among smart phones widely available augmented reality browsers, are examples for platforms
showing GPS positioned info tags, loaded from a database at runtime. While both of them have a very
limited amount of datasets (so called layers or worlds) dedicated to archaeological content available, the
main source for that kind of information in both applications is Wikipedia.
The biggest advantages of sensor based AR are its simplicity and reliability as well as the fact that it can be
used globally as long as a GPS signal or any other technology to calculate the current position of the user is
available. However the main problem about this solution is the inaccurate positioning of the augmentation.
GPS on contemporary smart phones typically has accuracy of just about 10 meters. In more problematic


Niedermair / Ferschin, Augmented Reality Framework

situations like inside a city the accuracy is often even less and the necessity to combine it with other sensor
data comes with additional possible sources of errors.

Vision Based Augmented Reality

Vision based AR uses a different technology to determine the current camera orientation. By applying
computer vision (CV) algorithms the current camera image is processed in order to find known patterns.
Once such a pattern is found the spatial relation between it and the camera can be calculated. In
ARCHAEOGUIDE a vision based approach was used to present 3D reconstructions of Greek monuments in
Ancient Olympia, Greece at their exact position in the natural scene using a wearable computer and a headmounted display.
On mobile devices mainly two subcategories of this technology are used relying on either artificial markers or
natural features.
Vision Based AR with markers
The patterns searched for in this method are predefined 2D markers (REKIMOTO 1998). These markers are
usually black and white patterns that follow certain rules, in some cases QR codes have been used as
markers. Due to their unique shapes they can be detected very easily and in some sorts of markers like QR
codes further information can be embedded. AR functionality using markers has been implemented for
example in the previously mentioned ARCO project as part of an Augmented Reality exhibition (WHITE et al.
2004). While it delivers by far more precise results in calculating the current position of the camera compared
to using GPS, the necessity to apply artificial markers to the environment in order to use this method is a
Vision Based AR with natural features
The advantage of this solution is that it allows using a textured planar target, preferably a contrast rich
image, as references to calculate the camera position (WAGNER et al. 2008). This implies that this system is
not bound to predefined patterns or QR codes. It gives the possibility to use basically any planar surface as a
reference as long as it contains a certain level of detail. Also offering a very high level of accuracy this
method seems to be well suited for inner urban AR visualization.

Urban Archaeology Site Michaelerplatz, Vienna

As the site for our demo application we chose Michaelerplatz. Situated at the intersection of Schauflergasse,
Herrengasse, Kohlmarkt and Reitschulgasse Michaelerplatz is a calm, generous and beautiful square in the
first district of Vienna surrounded by a handful of interesting buildings. Because of its location and historic
background it is a frequently visited hotspot for tourists. The history of the area however goes back as far as

to Roman ages where in the 1 Century it was part of the so called canabae legionis which was part of the
Roman camp Vindobona and was located at the intersection between two important streets at that time.

After the Romans left the area around Michaelerplatz in the 5 Century it seemed to be abandoned until it

was included in the medieval city in the 13 Century and the Church St. Michael was built before 1525 as a
second church besides St. Stephan. After that the slow development to an actual square was characterized


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

by imperial-private and public use until the Loos-House concluded the development into a square
(RANSEDER et al. 2011).

Fig. 9 Panoramic image Michaelerplatz, Vienna (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair).

a. Hofburg Michaelertrakt (Hofburg Palace St. Michael's Wing)

As a part of the Hofburg the wing oriented towards Michaelerplatz was intended to be a representative
entrance form the city center. Planned by Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach, who followed Johann Lucas
von Hildebrandt as lead Architect, the southern part of the St. Michaels wing was built between 1728 and
1734 as seat of the Winterreitschule. After running out of money the rest of the wing stayed unfinished until
the years 1818 to 1824, when the gate was built. The rest of the building was finished between 1889 and
1893 mainly following the original plans by Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach but a dome was added on
top of the rotunda (KRAUSE 2007).
b. Palais Herberstein
Palais Herberstein was built in 1879 by Architect Carl Knig and commissioned by the counts of Herberstein
and replaced the Dietrichsteinpalais after it was bought by them in 1861. The building played an important
role in the development of the square in the late Historicism and was criticized for stylistically referring to the
palace rather than the church and the other buildings around the square (KRAUSE 2007).
c. Loos-Haus (Loos house)
Built between 1909 and 1911 by Architect Adolf Loos the so called Loos-House contained business and
living areas for the tailor company Goldman & Salatsch. Loos used real marble for the lower floors where the
business rooms where situated while he used simple plaster for the facade of the living floors which gave a
clear visual differentiation between the two areas. While there was criticism about the facade at first
nowadays it is recognized as one of the most important buildings of early Modernism and was declared
cultural heritage in 1947 (KRAUSE 2007).
d. Groes Michaelerhaus (Big Michaelerhouse)
This house is a high baroque apartment building built by the Barnabites as a way to earn some money for
their Order. Its ground plan is already visible in a plan from 1710 (KRAUSE 2007).
e. Michaelerkirche (Church St. Michael)
The Church itself goes back to the 13th century and got its name from Saint Michael. After parts of the
church got destroyed several times through fires and an earthquake its nowadays appearance is mainly


Niedermair / Ferschin, Augmented Reality Framework

based on the state of the 16th century. The porticus for the main entrance was added in 1724 and the facade
was redesigned in an early classicistic style in1792. Since 1626 the church belongs to the Order of
Barnabites which was an important impulse for the development and design of the complex (KRAUSE 2007;
RANSEDER et al. 2011).
f. Kleines Michaelerhaus (Small Michaelerhouse)
This house is a high baroque apartment building built in 1732 which still exists with minor modifications and it
was topped in 1848. The Small Michaelerhouse was commissioned by the Barnabites as part of the building
complex including the Church St. Michael and the Big Michaelerhouse (KRAUSE 2007).
g. Excavation Site Michaelerplatz
In 1990 and 1991 Vienna Urban Archaeology made two excavations to investigate the remains under the
square. During these excavations parts of buildings and basements that helped to understand the history
and development of the square from Roman and medieval times until the modern era have been
documented. Besides that numerous other items of daily use have been found. Among these findings are
pottery, coins, glass, jewelry and different items made of bone from different epochs (RANSEDER et al.

Natural Feature Tracking for Inner Urban Augmented Reality

The goal of our application will be to display accurately positioned information about the archaeological site
and the surrounding buildings indicated by tags as well as 3d models overlaid on the live image provided by
the phones built in camera in order to allow the user to explore Michaelerplatz with the help of his own
mobile device.
In order to do this we have chosen to use natural feature tracking, as sensor based AR alone is too
imprecise to achieve accurate positioning of the virtual content over the natural environment. While marker
based tracking would deliver precise enough results, in most scenarios it is not feasible to apply large scale
markers to a public environment like Michaelerplatz.

Photographing Facades as Reference Images

Even though the facades of buildings are typically not perfectly planar surfaces in most cases the majority of
their elements are almost part of a single plane. Considering this, planar trackables can be generated from
orthographic images of the facades of a building.
The common approach to get these images would be to take a picture of the facade and apply distortion
correction techniques to it. This however results in a quality loss due to unequal pixel distribution over the
image. In our project orthographic photos of the facades have been taken directly by using a digital camera
together with a tilt-shift lens, providing a high quality, distortion free image.
A high amount of contrast rich points, so called feature points, is essential for natural feature tracking to
deliver good results. Because of that additional contrast enhancement using image processing software
might be necessary to increase the performance for tracking.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 10 Orthographic pictures for trackable facades. Left: normal lens; right: tilt-shift lens (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair).

Fig. 11 Image of a facade with indicated feature points (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair, QCAR web service).

Technical Background
The framework we built for on-site visualization consists of the game engine Unity as the main development
environment together with the Qualcomm Augmented Reality (QCAR) plug-in (aka Vuforia). The QCAR plugin provides a very user friendly way to take advantage of its great natural feature tracking capabilities and
therefore seemed ideal for our case. The first tests with the application however showed that even though
many of the facades around Michaelerplatz delivered sufficient tracking capabilities they were by far not
perfect. Therefore also some sensor based AR features were implemented as a backup in case vision based
AR is not available.
In vision based AR the 6 necessary degrees of freedom (DOF) of the camera position in x-, y- and z-axis
as well as rotation around x-, y- and z-axis are calculated by the QCAR plug-in. Considering that a typical
user would stand somewhere on the square it proved to give a more pleasant experience to set the y-value
(height) of the camera to 1.5 m above the ground, which is about the height that a typical user would hold his


Niedermair / Ferschin, Augmented Reality Framework

device in resulting in a system with just 5 DOF. Therefore as long as facades in the surrounding are
recognized and vision based AR is available the user can move freely on the square. As soon as the tracking
is lost the position of the camera is considered as static and the accelerometer or if available the gyroscope
of the device is used in a sensor based approach in order to keep track of the users rotation in a system with
just 3 DOF. Convincing AR at that point is still possible as long as the user doesnt change his position by
more than about a meter. Therefore once the user changes his position without being in vision based AR
mode the application has to recognize one of the facades again in order to deliver precise positioning.

Creating a 3D Model as Spatial Reference

In order to build a spatial reference between the real world environment and the 3D scene in Unity the whole
surrounding of the square was rebuilt with trackables representing the single facades.
Based on the previously mentioned orthographic facade images the trackables themselves were created by
the Qualcomm Target Management System. It requires images in PNG or JPEG file format and a file size not
larger than 2MB. The system then automatically evaluates and processes the images uploaded and gives
feedback on the quality of the trackables. Contrast enhancement of the pictures increased the available
feature points for tracking. Once the Qualcomm web service reported sufficient tracking quality, the
processed files could be downloaded and directly imported into Unity.
The actual spatial layout of the 16 single trackables for Michaelerplatz was based on the multipurpose map
of Vienna (Mehrzweckkarte, MZK provided by MA41), a digital plan containing all the necessary elements
for this task. While all referenced facades contribute to the positioning in the final application early tests
showed that only some of them were actually suited for initial detection and therefore to start the vision
based AR. Additionally an almost frontal position (+/- 20) and a distance of at least 15 m to these facades
were usually necessary in order to recognize them. Considering those restrictions vision based AR can still
be started from almost everywhere on the square (Fig. 4).
Referenced to this model of the surrounding different types of content can then be placed either in direct
spatial relation to one of the facades or anywhere on the square (Fig. 5).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 12 Trackable layout and AR capabilities at the site (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair, based on data from: Stadt Wien ViennaGIS, www.wien.gv.at/viennagis/).

Fig. 13 3d layout of referenced facades and information to display based on MZK provided by MA41 (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair).


Niedermair / Ferschin, Augmented Reality Framework

An Augmented Reality Cultural Heritage Information System

Once the application is started on a mobile device the user will see a start screen asking him to start the AR
functionality by pointing the devices camera at one of the previously described facades to start the vision
based positioning. As soon as one of these facades is recognized by the application, which in most of our
tests didnt take more than a few seconds, the system is running and the user can start to explore his
surroundings. The user can thereby see different types of information, texts, images, videos, web pages and
3d models that are related to the historical development of the square, indicated by info tags for each
category (Fig. 6). While the user moves and typically rotates around to see all the available information the
tags stay at their right position (Fig. 7).

Fig. 14 Info tags for different content from left to right: text, image, video, website, 3d model (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair).

Fig. 15 Running application showing 2d info tags (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair).

To find out more about one of the tags the user has two interaction possibilities. The first way is to rotate the
device towards a particular marker bringing it into the center of the monitor which will change the marker to a
preview of the available content if available. In addition to that further information about the item is displayed
in an info-box at the lower end of the screen (Fig. 8, left). The user can then either click on that preview or


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

directly on a tag to get access to the whole information. Depending of the type of content this is done in
different ways. While texts and images are displayed in a pop-up window (Fig. 8, right) videos can either be
played by the devices integrated media player or they can be streamed from the internet using a platform like
YouTube or Vimeo. Web pages, typically linked to Wikipedia or other articles will be opened in the standard
web browser. For 3D models we have to differentiate between two different types. Findings from the site will
be opened in a new window allowing the user to further investigate it using standard gesture controls to
rotate it as well as to zoom in and out. Models like building reconstructions etc. from the site will be shown as
part of the augmentation over the camera image. This is the most critical case for calculating the position as
it requires the model to be placed very exactly in three dimensions (Fig. 9).

Fig. 16 Screenshots of the application showing image preview (left) and detailed view (right) (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair; Museen
der Stadt Wien Stadtarchologie).

Fig. 17 Running application showing 2d info tags and 3d content (Copyright: Stefan Niedermair).


Niedermair / Ferschin, Augmented Reality Framework

We were able to implement a solution for on-site visualization of archaeological content in an urban
environment. Our approach used natural feature tracking with facades which was demonstrated on the site
of Michaelerplatz, Vienna and allowed precise positioning of 2D and 3D content.
While the tracking system in most cases worked quite well we encountered a number of issues that need
further development. One of the most critical factors for the system is the lighting condition. A bright,
overcast sky resulting in diffuse light and almost equally light facades delivered a high accuracy and
robustness of the visual tracking system while especially a strong direct sunlight causing hard shadows and
changes in brightness on the facades made it in some cases almost impossible to deliver a sufficient user
experience. Thereby it took either quite long (more than 10 seconds) until the first facade was recognized or
the system delivered inconsistent positioning data resulting in incorrectly positioned elements, an effect that
increased with distance to the trackables. Furthermore due to limitations of the camera it is currently not
possible to use the system in the dark. Other issues that came up during our tests were temporary
architecture occluding parts of the facades or changes in a facade making it necessary to take new
reference images.
Currently our system is not capable of visualizing elements that are located under the pavement so a
solution for such cases has to be developed.
Even though it is not yet a perfect system, using AR with facades as a reference for inner urban visualization
of archaeological data seems to be a very promising approach and opens a wide range of new possibilities.

The authors would like to thank Stadtarchologie Wien, in particular Sylvia Sakl-Oberthaler and Wolfgang
Brner for providing us with the archaeological information about the site, the Institute of History of Art,
Building Archaeology and Restoration and the Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics for supporting us with
technical equipment and the team at Qualcomm Research Austria for valuable discussions and feedback.

KRAUSE, H. (2007). "Von der Straenkreuzung zum Platz Die Geschichte des Michaelerplatzes vom Mittelalter bis ins 20.
Jahrhundert", Fundort Wien 10/2007. Berichte zur Archologie. Vienna: Phoibos Verlag: 442.
LIU, Y. and WANG, Y. (2009). "AR-View: An augmented reality device for digital reconstruction of Yuangmingyuan", in: 2009 IEEE
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Arts, Media and Humanities: 37.
MAGNENAT-THALMANN, N., FONI, A. E. and CADI-YAZLI, N. (2006). "Real-time animation of ancient Roman sites", in: Proceedings
of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia - GRAPHITE
06. New York: ACM Press: 1930.
PAPAGIANNAKIS, G. et al. (2004). "Real-Time Virtual Humans in AR Sites", in: IEE Visual Media Production (CVMP04). London: 273
RANSEDER, Ch. et al. (2011). Wien Archologisch, Band 1, Michaelerplatz Die archologischen Ausgrabungen 2nd ed., Vienna:
Stadtarchologie Wien.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

REKIMOTO, J. (1998). "Matrix: A Realtime Object Identification and Registration Method for Augmented Reality", in: Proceedings. 3rd
Asia Pacific Computer Human Interaction. IEEE Comput. Soc: 6368.
SUTHERLAND, I. E. (1968). "A head-mounted three dimensional display", in: Proceedings of the December 911, 1968, fall joint
computer conference, part I - AFIPS 68 (Fall, part I). New York: ACM Press: 757764.
VLAHAKIS, V., IOANNIDIS, M. et al. (2002). "Archeoguide: An Augmented Reality Guide for Archaeological Sites", IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, 22(5): 5260.
VLAHAKIS, V., KARIGIANNIS, J. et al. (2002). "Personalized augmented reality touring of archaeological sites with wearable and
mobile computers", in: Proceedings. Sixth International Symposium on Wearable Computers. IEEE: 1522.
WAGNER, D. et al. (2008). "Pose tracking from natural features on mobile phones", in: 7th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Mixed and Augmented Reality. IEEE: 125134.
WHITE, M. et al. (2004). "ARCO An Architecture for Digitization, Management and Presentation of Virtual Exhibitions", in: Proceedings
Computer Graphics International, 2004. IEEE: 622625.
WOJCIECHOWSKI, R. et al. (2004). "Building Virtual and Augmented Reality museum exhibitions", in: Proceedings of the ninth
international conference on 3D Web technology - Web3D 04. New York: ACM Press: 135.

MZK: Multipurpose map of Vienna provided by MA41.

QCAR: Plug-in for Unity providing natural feature tracking capabilities for mobile platforms. https://ar.qualcomm.at/qdevnet/.
UNITY: Game Engine supporting multi platform publishing. http://unity3d.com/.


Pfarr-Harfst, Documentation system for digital reconstructions

Documentation system for digital reconstructions

Reference to the Mausoleum of the Tang-Dynastie at Zhaoling, in Shaanxi Province,

Abstract: The starting point for the researches about a documentation system for digital reconstruction as a
contribution to the preservation of knowledge within the digital cultural heritage was the Charta For the
Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage issued by UNESCO in 2003.
Digital reconstruction is a digitally based reproduction of a no longer visible or no longer existent building,
urban complex, structural environment or events influencing structural environment. It is based on scientific
findings and other sources of human knowledge. According to this and the UNESCO Charta, digital
reconstructions are regarded as part of digital cultural heritage.
Based on a basic theoretical study of the science of documentation, the digital reconstruction and
investigation of past reconstruction projects an appropriate system of documentation was developed. It is
called Four-Level-System and it includes all necessary levels of a digital reconstruction project and leads to
a complete, transparent and editable documentation.
The Four-Level-System as a common documentation system for digital reconstructions was transferred into
a reference project the digital reconstruction of the Mausoleum of the Tang-Dynastie at Zhaoling, China, a
subproject of the main project The Digital Reconstruction of the Imperial Tombs of Xian, realized at the
Department of Information and Communication Technology in Architecture at Technische Universitt
The result is a first detailed documentation of a digital reconstruction. All sources, references, background
informations and the project process are shown by this documentation. This new developed methodology of
documentation makes the knowledge of a digital reconstruction available for subsequent generations of
researchers.The results of a digital reconstruction can thus be reviewed at any time and the current state of
knowledge to be adapted.

Keywords: Digitale heritage, digital reconstruction, documentation system.

The UNESCO Charta

The Charta For the Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage issued by UNESCO in 2003 was the starting
point for the researches about a documentation system for digital reconstruction as a contribution to the
preservation of knowledge within our digital cultural heritage.
The UNESCO Charta defined digital cultural heritage as follows: Digital heritage consists of unique sources
of human knowledge and human means of expression. It encompasses sources from all areas of daily life
that are available in digital form (UNESCO 2003).
Furthermore in this Charta the UNESCO has clearly warned against the loss of this knowledge and has
called for the development of strategies and solutions for its preservation (UNESCO 2003).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Digital reconstructions
According to this UNESCO definition, digital reconstructions are regarded as part of digital cultural heritage.
They are essential for the preservation of the knowledge contained therein. As a crossing point of various
scientific disciplines, especially architecture, history of architecture and archaeology, they consolidate
knowledge and become a scientific tool and a medium for cultural heritage.
In effect, the definition of digital reconstructions and reflection upon their fundamental principles underscore
their affiliation with cultural heritage.
Digital reconstruction is a digitally based reproduction of a no longer visible or no longer existent building,
urban complex, structural environment or events influencing structural environment. It is based on scientific
findings and other sources of human knowledge. The extensive interest in the architectural structures to be
reconstructed, the fusion of sources as well as discussion among experts is the content basis, while the
technical system consisting of hardware and software is the technical basis. Digital reconstruction is a
synthesis of sources from the historical and cultural context, the project background and the process of
reconstruction. All available information is collected, consolidated, filtered and assembled into a coherent
picture. The result is a digital dataset that can be processed for research as well as for the transfer of
knowledge (GRELLERT 2007; KOOB 1995; PFARR 2010).
A short cross-section of digital reconstructions from the Department of Information and Communication
Technology in Architecture at Technische Universitt Darmstadt will illustrate in terms of context, goals and
project partners how much expertise exists here.
First example is the project: Ephesus during the Byzantine Period, following project partners were involved:
Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Romano-Germanic Central Museum,
Mainz, Technical University Munich, Vienna University of Technology (TU DARMSTADT, FG IKA 2010).
The main goals of this project were to bring together all information like text sources, archaeological findings,
drawings, plans to consolidate and visualize knowledge garnered in 100 years of excavations and at least to
substantiate the level of knowledge on the basis of digital models (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Basilica St. John in Ephesus (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2010).


Pfarr-Harfst, Documentation system for digital reconstructions

The project Reconstruction of the Dresden Castle (TU DARMSTADT, FG IKA 2011) is the next example
and here were involved: State Art Collections Green Vault, State Office of Historical Preservation, Saxony
and Archaeological Heritage Office, Saxony and others. To visualize the castle from 1678 and six further
stages of construction was the goal of this project (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Dresden Castle 1678 (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2011).

Fig. 3 Crystal Palace in London (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2011).

The newest project and the last example of a scientific digital reconstruction shown here is the project
Digital reconstruction of the Crystal Palace in London (TU DARMSTADT, FG IKA 2011). Here the goal was
the visualization of a no longer extant building and a spatial perception that would have been fascinating at


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

the time by means of a film using 3-D technology. The main project partner was the Art and Exhibition Hall
in Bonn.
The knowledge potential of digital reconstruction has become even clearer through these three examples of
a scientific digital reconstruction (Fig. 3).
This knowledge contained in such digital reconstructions as described before has to be served through an
appropriate system of documentation in terms of the UNESCO Charta.

The documentation system

The lack of strategies for knowledge retention promotes the loss of knowledge on the level of content as well
as on the technical level. For that reason on the level of content the verification of the sources and the
derivation of the results must be guaranteed, on the technical level the backup of date. Keyword: long term
A basic structure for the new documentation system has been developed for the retention of knowledge. It
encompasses all components of digital reconstruction and is based upon the basic principles of scientific
documentation (GAUS 2005; HENZLER 1992). An example for this is the principle transparent
documentation, that in the case of digital reconstructions would mean that all sources, decisions, workflow,
possible misinterpretations and methodology must be presented comprehensibly (PFARR 2010).
The so called Four-Level-System (PFARR 2010) arises as documentation structure for digital reconstructions
results from this transfer. In the first level, called Level 1, the background with general information and
parameters for the reconstruction project are comprised. After that level 2 contents basic and important
information about the project from the cultural, historical and architectural point of view. The third level
involves the methodology, the specification of individual provisions such as nomenclature, classifications and
structuring, which must be coordinated with the question at hand. The fourth level is the level of objective
evidence that constitutes the focal point and that fulfils the demand for scientific documentation, first of all the
clear correlation of object and document. In the case of digital reconstructions the object is the building, the
complex or structure to be reconstructed and the document consists of the scientific sources. The focal point
of the documentation system, the level of objective evidence, contents three main parts. The starting point is
the text-based building description, an overview of the most important parameters of the building with crossreferences to the two other main parts, the source catalogues and the methods catalogues.
In the source catalogue (Fig. 10) of each individual building the source is directly assigned to the object and
in the methods catalogue the object is assigned to the sources and the process (Fig. 11).
The level of objective evidence is based on a functioning methodology with regard to the objects and
sources. So an appropriate nomenclature for all objects and documents that means for all buildings, sources
and the process has to be developed and defined.

The reference project

The Four-Level-System as a common documentation system for digital reconstructions was transferred into
a reference project the digital reconstruction of the Mausoleum of the Tang-Dynastie at Zhaoling, China
(Fig. 4).


Pfarr-Harfst, Documentation system for digital reconstructions

Fig. 4 Area of the Mausoleum Zhaoling (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2006).

In this case level 1 contents the project background and is the incorporation of the subproject Zhaoling
Mausoleum in the major project The Digital Reconstruction of the Imperial Tombs of Xian (TU
DARMSTADT, FG IKA 2006). The goal of the major project was to visualize the immense spatial dimensions
of the area and the archeological sites in situ. The results were shown in an exhibition in the Federal Art and
Exhibition Hall in Bonn. The project partners are important, as well, and can be found at this level, too.
The second level, the project context, includes a brief side trip into Chinese history, architecture and the
prevailing conception of the hereafter, for without a comprehension of these aspects, because it is
impossible to reconstruct Chinese architecture and burial complexes.
The systematic of the documentation especially for the reference project is established in Level 3. The main
structures of the 3d model and the scientific sources were transferred into appropriate classifications and
nomenclature. The focal point of the documentation in case of the reference project is also the level of
objective evidence, level 4.
The burial site consists of the complex as a whole with four major sectors and a total of 29 individual
buildings. A documentation was conducted for all of these buildings at the objective evidence level. That
amounts to the entire complex including the 187 ancillary graves (Fig. 4) and the four main sectors, the North
Ceremonial Complex with 11 buildings (Fig. 5), the South Palace with 12 buildings (Fig. 6), the South Gate
with 6 buildings (Fig. 7), and the grave itself within the mountain (Fig. 8).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 5 North Ceremonial Complex (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2006).

Fig. 6 South Palace (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2006).


Pfarr-Harfst, Documentation system for digital reconstructions

Fig. 7 South Gate (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2006).

Fig. 8 The grave (Copyright TU Darmstadt, FG IKA, 2006).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

These buildings and complexes were provided with appropriate nomenclature to facilitate a clear assignment
of object to document. For example, the nomenclature for the North Ceremonial Complex is nz, because in
German it is called Nrdliche Zeremonialanlage. After that the numeral of the building is added. The
buildings of each sector of the complex were brought together in a building catalogue, a sort of index. The
catalogue provides an identity number for the building and gives further information, for example about the
shape of the roof and the number of storeys (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Building Catalog (Copyright Mieke Pfarr-Harfst, 2010).

In addition to the objects, that is the buildings, the documents or sources were structured and divided into
classification and groupings of sources. The most frequent source groupings are in case of the reference
project archeological findings, drawings and comparable structures. The nomenclature follows the German
version of the words. The classifications of the sources are hard and soft sources. Hard sources are the
primary sources such as archeological findings, soft sources, such as comparable structures, are subject to
interpretation. This structuring of sources was transferred into an appropriate nomenclature which indicates
the part of the complex, the source classifications, the source groupings and the number of the data.
The definitive assignment of document to object takes place in the source catalogue (Fig. 10).
The source with its nomenclature and designation can be found here and information as to its significance
and application as well as its origin. Information concerning source classification and source grouping can be
found here as well.
The results of a digital reconstruction can be made comprehensible, in addition to sources, only through the
disclosure of the reconstruction process. However, in order to be transferrable, the reconstruction process
must first be generalized within a sort of guideline. The process consists of the four working phases:
preparation, reconstruction, verification and finishing. The preparation phase includes preliminary work
concerning content, administration and technology. The reconstruction and verification phases are run


Pfarr-Harfst, Documentation system for digital reconstructions

through several times during the procedure and are in a process of constant change. The development of
the finishing phase is based on the goal and purpose of the project. A film requires a different approach than
a creation of a plot model. The four project phases were adopted for the reconstruction process of the
reference project. The reconstruction and verification phases were run through several times. An appropriate
nomenclature was defined that demonstrates the relationship to the complex, the process, the project phase,
as well as to the type of data.
The summary of the reconstruction process is given in the methods catalogue (Fig.11).

Fig. 10 Source Catalog (Copyright Mieke Pfarr-Harfst, 2010).

The sources, the individual operations and their results are displayed in terms of input-output diagrams.
For purposes of clarification on a specific example, the Imperial Towers of the North Ceremonial Complex,
the way through the system will be demonstrated.
Using the building catalogue of the Northern Ceremonial Complex the identification number of the building
will be found, and besides, that the building consists of three parts and has a simple Xieshan roof shape
(Fig. 9). The function of the towers as a characteristic trait of an imperial complex as well as its position in the
compound and further background information is contained in the building description. Certain sources and
milestones in the reconstruction process as well as the source catalogue and methods catalogue are also
referred to.
The source catalogue for the building (Fig. 10) indicates the actual on-site situation. Only the plinth is
verifiable through excavation findings. The wooden construction above it is based on comparable structures
as well as outlines from the archeologist in charge. The methods catalogue of the building (Fig.11) contains
the different working phases, the inputs and the results the various stages of the model which become
increasingly detailed.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 11 Methods Catalog (Copyright Mieke Pfarr-Harfst, 2010).

The three sections of the documentation level, the building description, as well as the source and the
methods catalogues of all 29 individual buildings are available in a digital attachment a sort of data bank
that includes all digital data.

Through the documentation of the reference project the complexity of a digital reconstruction and the
contained knowledge have become clear. All described levels of the documentation structure are important
and indispensible from the scientific point of view. The demonstration of the reconstruction process is
essential, as well as the clear interpretation of the underlying sources. Prof. Zhang, the Chinese
archaeologist of the reference project tellingly summed this up at the end of our joint efforts: In such
visualization projects we do not simply reconstruct, but we also do research together. Thus new research
develops in the form of new knowledge. (Prof. Zhang, February 2006 in Xian). This makes digital
reconstructions part of the digital world cultural heritage and thus a comprehensive retention of knowledge in
the form of documentation become indispensible.
The described documentation system represents a basis for further absolutely necessary research in the
area of digital reconstruction. This maximum of documentation must now be minimized in order to become
more usable. The documentation system will be further developed in a large-scale research project that
includes project partners from various scientific disciplines and institutions and then transferred into a
practicable methodology. Practicable in this case means easy to use without requiring additional staff and
financial resources. In future the problems of technical retention of knowledge through archiving,
administration and processing of data can only be solved within an interdisciplinary team.


Pfarr-Harfst, Documentation system for digital reconstructions

However, as long as there is no change of awareness among all parties involved with regard to the
impending loss of knowledge, the number of digital reconstructions will increase and knowledge will rapidly
be lost.

BEGAND, C. (2008). Virtuelle Gebuderekonstruktion. Virtuelle Archologie. Anwendung und Erstellung von 3D-Rekonstruktionen
historischer Gebude.
BMBF und NESTOR (Hg.) (2003). Memorandum zur Langzeitverfgbarkeit digitaler Informationen in Deutschland. Online:
GAUS, W. (2005). Dokumentations- und Ordnungslehre.
GRELLERT, M. (2007). Immaterielle Zeugnisse. Synagogen in Deutschland. Potentiale digitaler Technologien fr das Erinnern
zerstrter Architektur. Bielefeld.
HENZLER, R. (1992). Information und Dokumentation. Sammeln, Speichern und Wiedergewinnen von Fachinformationen in
KOOB, M. (1995). Architectura Virtualis. Konzept fr das 1. Digitale Architekturmuseum, ein Wissenschaftsort fr Forschung und
Dokumentation der Kunst der Bautechnik im dritten kulturellen Weltgedchtnis.
KOOB, M. (1995). Architectura Virtualis. Projekt Weltkulturerbe.
PFARR, M. (2010). Dokumentationssystem fr digitale Rekonstruktionen am Beispiel der Grabanlage Zhaoling, Provinz Shaanxi, China.
Online: http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/2302/.
ARCHITEKTUR (2006). Das Grab des Ersten Kaisers Qin Shihuangling (DVD).
ARCHITEKTUR (2006). Die Grabanlage Zhaoling (DVD).
ARCHITEKTUR (2011). Das Dresdner Schloss 1678 (DVD).
ARCHITEKTUR (2011). Raum ohne Grenze, Der Kristallpalast in London (DVD).
UNESCO (Hg.) (2003). Charta zur Bewahrung des digitalen Kulturerbes, verabschiedet auf der 32. Generalkonferenz der UNESCO am
17. Oktober 2003. Online: http://www.unesco.at7user/texte/docs/charta_digitales_kulturerbe.pdf.
ZHEWEN, L. (1993). Kaiser- und Knigsgrber der chinesischen Dynastien. Beijing.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Recording Excavations with a Metrology Tracking System


Maarten SMEETS / Geoff AVERN


Studiebureau Archeologie bvba, Belgium / Visiting Fellow, University of Southampton, U.K., and Nikon

Project Partner
Abstract: This paper is both theory and application in that we begin by reviewing one of the authors
search for better recording instruments for excavations and finish with the other authors experiences of
applying the resulting technology to commercial archaeology.
The second author (GA) has worked for over a decade on digital instruments for improving the recording of
archaeological excavations and creation of 3D digital excavation models. Recently, technology from Nikon
Metrology looked like it might provide a significant breakthrough in the acquisition of digital excavation data.
The author will describe his aims, the workings of the newly applied technology and the results of the first
field trials.
As a consequence of these field trials Nikon Metrology released a new version of their tracking system called
the iSpace for Archaeology, specifically for making excavation drawings. We will describe its current
functioning and briefly consider its potential future uses.
The first author (MS), in his capacity as director of the company Studiebureau Archeologie, conducted an
excavation of a housing development site with remains of a 13th Century Beguinage in Tienen (Belgium,
prov. Vlaams-Brabant). This was the first commercial excavation to use the new Nikon iSpace for
Archaeology recording system, by which it was possible to reduce the duration of the excavation from (a
projected) 50 days to 30 days. The author will discuss aspects of using the iSpace recording system on the
excavation including learning to use the system, the speed of data acquisition, how the data is used, time
savings that were realised and his views on the potential impact of the system for urban and commercial

Keywords: digital, drawing, excavation, commercial, archaeology.

While computing has had a large impact on the way we work with the records originating from excavations
(site databases, intrasite GIS analyses, web pages and excavation blogs, etc.), it has made far less of an
impact on the way we actually make these records at the excavation, despite attention to this field by authors
over the last decade or more. Since at least the turn of the millennium, many authors have sought to make
the creation of the graphical records of excavations faster by using digital acquisition methods such as
photogrammetry (BARCELO et al. 2002), orthocorrection of photographs (REALI and ZOPPI 2001), tracing
from photomosaics (AVERN 2001a), using total station points for drawings (SCHAICH 2002), 3D Modeling
(AVERN 2001b) and laser scanning (DONEUS and NEUBAUER 2004). Yet none of these methods have
become mainstream techniques because, we suggest, none have proved to be a complete solution in terms


Smeets / Avern, Recording Excavations

of speed, simplicity, accuracy and affordability, leaving many, if not most, excavations resorting to the
traditional tools of permatrace, pencil, drawing frame, string line and tape measure.
One of the authors has previously proposed a theoretical recording system (AVERN 2001a) which attempted
to address these issues (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Theoretical 3D recording system incorporating 1) hand-held laser scanner, 2) large-volume tracking system (set up around
excavation trench), 3) dedicated data processor, 4) laptop for viewing results. From AVERN 2001a.

This system would have acquired the topography and colour information to record archaeological contexts
with a hand-held laser scanner whose position and orientation would determined through time by an
accurate large-volume tracking system. At that time, an appropriate tracking technology was not available to
realise the concept. However, today there is a system which meets these needs. It is the iSpace tracking
system from Nikon Metrology NV (a branch of the Nikon Corporation). This system is most commonly used
in the aerospace and automotive industries, where precise setting-up of the system results in measurements
accurate to 0.2mm.
One of the authors (GA) reasoned that this tracking system alone, without any laser scanner, could still be a
very useful tool for archaeology for both surveying and drawing. For surveying, a single receiver unit would
report its position in 3D space at a single point in time. For drawing, the receiver would continue reporting its
position as it was used as a digital pencil to trace the lines, boundaries and interfaces that the
archaeologist wishes to record.
Further, it seemed that the system would have four significant advantages over other drawing methods:
the very rapid speed at which drawing might be done,
the greater accuracy of the system and the resulting drawings,
drawings would be inherently geo-referenced since they would be composed of thousands of georeferenced 3D coordinates,
the very simple and intuitive recording tools used to gather the data.
An approach to Nikon Metrology NV (Leuven, Belgium) to explain the potential application met with
enthusiasm and led to one of the authors trialling the iSpace system for excavation drawings at the


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

excavations Mont Beuvray (ancient Bibracte), France. The results (AVERN and FRANSSENS in press)
demonstrated that we could draw 10x faster than the archaeology students and at least twice as fast as the
experienced excavators. From this successful trial, Nikon Metrology has developed an archaeology-specific
version, called Archaeology iSpace.
These results also suggested that Archaeology iSpace should be of interest to commercial excavation
companies who might stand to gain significantly from its high recording speeds. One of the authors (MS)
represents the first commercial archaeology company to use the Archaeology iSpace system.
In the following, we describe how the system functions and report on our experiences of using this new
archaeological recording tool in the area of commercial archaeology.

The Nikon Archaeology iSpace system

The Archaeology iSpace, was released by Nikon in April 2011. It is a large-volume, outside-in tracking
system. Four tripod-mounted transmitters are set up around the area to be recorded. They can cover an area
up to 50m x 50m. Two probes, which carry arrays of sensors, are the hand-held digital pencils which will
record up to 40 coordinates per second with sub-millimetre accuracy.
The great value of an outside-in system is that many hand-held probes can be used simultaneously within
the transmitter space (the theoretical number is in excess of 100 probes). The volume of the Transmitter
space can be increased by simply adding more transmitters. In practice, there is no limit to the number of
transmitters used.

Timing Signals and Determining Coordinates

Each transmitter emits two infrared signals; a pair of rotating infrared fans and a strobed timing pulse. The
fans are projected at 30 from horizontal (Fig. 2). Additionally, each is tilted 30 from vertical, one clockwise,
the other anticlockwise (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2 Transmitters emit a fan of infra-red light, 30 from the horizontal projection axis.


Smeets / Avern, Recording Excavations

Fig. 3 The two laser fans are also rotated by 30 from vertical in opposite directions. The time difference between detection of each
fan is a function of the vertical angle from the horizontal projection axis to the sensor.

Fig. 4 The time between the strobe pulse (left on the graph) and the mean of the signals from the two rotating fans (to the right of the
graph) is a function of the position of the sensor relative to the transmitter and gives the azimuth.

Fig. 5 Sensors lie along a calculated ray from each transmitter. The position of the sensor will be at the intersection of these rays.

Given the fixed rotational velocity, the measured time difference between detection of the two rotating fans
gives the vertical angle (elevation) between the transmitter and the receiver.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The horizontal angle (azimuth) is calculated from the time difference between the 40Hz strobed timing pulse
(visible for 360 around the transmitter) and the mean of the two timing fan signals as they rotate (Fig. 4).
Together, these two angles provide a ray from the transmitter, along which the sensor must lie. The sensor
will lie at the intersection of two or more of the four calculated rays (Fig. 5).
While, technically, only two rays are needed to obtain a result, a third ray gives veracity to the measurement
and allows an estimate of the accuracy of the calculation. A fourth ray allows for any occasional or temporary
line-of-sight between a sensor and any of the transmitters. The archaeology version of iSpace manages submillimetre accuracy, far greater accuracy than dGPS and standard total station theodolites.

Fig. 6 The iJavelin is a 1m configuration of 4 sensors, a trigger and radio communications, under which is fitted a 1m-lomng probe tip.


Smeets / Avern, Recording Excavations

The sensors are small, lipstick-sized cylinders connected to radio frequency transmitters. They convey
timing data, collected from those transmitters to which they have line of sight, to a tablet workstation for
calculation of the rays from each transmitter and the coordinates of the point at which the rays intersect.
Coordinates are calculated 40 times per second (this can be reduced in the proprietary workstation

Fig. 7 The iProbe is a smaller configuration of 4 sensors with trigger and radio communications, under which a 40cm-long probe tip is
fitted (Photograph: Antoine Mailler, BIBRACTE EPCC).

Hand-held Probes
The iSpace system comes with two hand-held probes, both fitted with 4 sensors in a fixed and calibrated
configuration, meaning that the system calculates not just the positions of the four sensors but also the
position of the probe tip and the orientation of the probe (measurement with 6 Degrees of Freedom).
Accordingly, the probes do not need to be held vertically and so eliminate the major source of error in using
the traditional total station with staff-mounted prism. The probes are also fitted with buttons to trigger
recording episodes. Recording can done in two modes; single point mode (for surveying, taking spot heights,
find localities, etc) or in continuous mode (for tracing around outlines of contexts or features).
The two probes differ in their size; the 2 metre iJavelin, which is convenient for point surveys and for
working in holes or pits (Fig. 6), and the 40cm iProbe, useful for drawing contexts, features, sections, etc.
(Fig. 7).


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Drawing Software
Archaeology iSpace currently includes an iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch application called MobiGage for
Archaeology from Titansan Engineering Inc. which allows data to be attributed as it is collected and the
result exported as an AutoCAD .dxf file. Clearly, while iSpace saves time on drawing, the attributed .dxf files
save further time in comparison to the digitising of hand drawings and adding of attributes.

Nikon iSpace in Commercial Archaeology

Government Requirements
Commercial archaeology in Flanders (Belgium) is very young, having begun in 2005. Although a legal

framework was available since the Decree of the 30 of June 1993 regarding the protection of the
archaeological patrimonial, the Flemish government only started in 2005 to set the conditions for each
archaeological excavation done in advance of commercial or community developments. Importantly, these
conditions include the methodology to be used, the number of excavators and the expected duration of the
Clearly, time is money for construction companies and there is considerable opportunity for commercial
archaeology companies who are able to shorten the length of excavations. All parties should, therefore, be
interested in techniques that make excavations shorter.
Studiebureau Archeologie bvba had the opportunity to renew contacts with Nikon Metrology while tendering
for a big project in the grounds of the Great Beguinage of the city of Tienen (VANDER GINST and SMEETS
2011). Time was a major problem with this project as the Flemish government had projected the excavation
to last 50 days, while the construction company wanted to commence building after only 32 days. The
Flemish government was approached with a proposal to use Nikon Archaeology iSpace as a means of
reducing the recording times and, hence, the total excavation time, and Studiebureau Archeologie was
awarded the contract. Archaeology iSpace exceeded the expectations in cutting the recording times and the
project could be finished in just 30 days, that is, 40% faster that the expected time.

Old Drawing Methods

Before Archaeology iSpace, plans were registered manually or by drawing with a robotic total station.
Clearly, registering plans on paper takes a long time in the field (usually by at least two persons) and even
more time to make a digital, geo-referenced plan which can be used in publications. For example, in an
excavation at the Fochplein in Leuven, registration of all the traces and the walls took about one third of the
total work (28 days) while the subsequent digitalization of the drawings took about 40 days. As much as 50
days might have been saved if iSpace had been used on this excavation.
The use of a robotic total station is usually much quicker than manual drawing. It can be done by one person
and a digital plan is available very soon after the data is gathered. The downside is that the accuracy of the
system is affected by the experience of the topographer and the correct use of the measuring rod (and
hence it is quite slow if very precise drawings of complex traces are required), and there remains a lot of
work in the subsequent editing of the plans. At the site of Kontich-Babbelkroonbeek, the registration of 2500


Smeets / Avern, Recording Excavations

square meters took 3 days (from a total of 21 working days) and the editing another 2 full days. The
expectation is that the recording time would have been halved if the iSpace was used.
However, it is necessary to point out that the big advantage of the robotic total station is its range; for work in
very long trenches, it is arguably still the best tool.

Experience of using iSpace

At the beginning of May, 2011 Studiebureau Archeologie purchased the Nikon Archaeology iSpace as a
means of measuring and drawing on commercial excavations. As mentioned previously, it was first used on
the site of the Great Beguinage in the city of Tienen (Fig. 8, 9).
From May until November 2011, it has been used on twelve other commercial excavations in central and
eastern Flanders (Tab. 1) including excavations inside churches, in constricted urban sites and in open rural
sites up to 6 hectares in size. Traces have ranged in period from Bronze Age to Iron Age, Roman and
Mediaeval. With such extensive experience with this new recording system, Studiebureau Archeologie feels
well-qualified to comment on its performance compared to other recording techniques.

Great Beguinage, Tienen

Medieval beguinage

Saint-Jacobschurch, Leuven

2 by 8 meter trench

Emblem-Campus Vesta

Iron Age site. approx. 3000m


Iron Age/Roman site. approx. 3000m


Medieval site, approx. 1.6ha, rural

Saint-Willibrordchurch, Meldert

Church interior and exterior


Medieval site, approx. 2.2ha, rural


Bronze Age to Medieval, > 6ha

Minderbroeders, Mechelen

Part of medieval monastery


Iron Age cremation burials


Roman, 2000m

Saint-Gudulachurch, Hamme

Church interior


Tab. 1 Commercial excavations recorded with Archaeology iSpace, May to November, 2011.

While Archaeology iSpace has a slower setup time than the robotic total station (one person can do this in
around 20 minutes), drawing is done much faster. It is quite possible for one person to use iSpace but we
find it easier to work with two.
Importantly, any drawing of a trace with Archaeology iSpace is far more accurate than other ways of
drawing, both because each point is measured far more precisely and because the drawings contain an
order of magnitude more coordinate points, or more, than would be used to make both manual drawings or
with the robotic total station.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Fig. 8 Archaeology iSpace in use at the excavation at the Great Beguinage, Tienen.

Fig. 9 Archaeological plan of the excavation at the Great Beguinage, Tienen, recorded with the Archaeology iSpace.


Smeets / Avern, Recording Excavations

A big advantage is that the plan drawings are immediately available as a .dxf file. If any mistakes are made
or traces missed, they can be added while the setup remains in place during check-up. Later the plan is put
upon the iPad for consultation on site. The plan is inherently geo-referenced since each point in the drawing
is a geo-referenced coordinate. This assumes the transmitter arrangement was geo-referenced in the setup
stage but, if that was not the case, the plan can be geo-referenced later by measuring interim survey points
that are subsequently established by a topographer.
The very fast speed of drawing with iSpace has seen the archaeologists establish a new routine at the
excavation sites. They are able to open up a zone on an excavation, to plane it by shovel, then to register
the entire area in just the last hour of the day ready for cross sections of traces to be done at the start of the
next day. With some good planning, it is even possible to do the recording of 2 (and on one occasion even 3)
different sites on one day.
In open, rural excavations the transmitters are placed in the trenches in a rough square (up to 50 meters
between transmitters). The excavators have experienced the problem of the sensors being flooded by the
strong signal when the probes are used within 1,5 meter of a transmitter, resulting in no measurement. The
solution is to mask that signal by placing yourself between the transmitter and the probe and relying on the
signal from the other 3 transmitters to determine the probe coordinates.

Fig. 10 The use of the Archaeology iSpace inside a building. The transmitters are placed to look down into the trench.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

In urban excavations there is seldom space in the trenches for the transmitters, so they are placed outside
and angled down so that they look into the trench (Fig. 10). Since the surface area of urban excavations is
usually much less that 50m x 50m, it is possible to repeatedly set the transmitters at the same fixed points
which can be easily be geo-referenced.
Although Archaeology iSpace comes with a long and a short probe, in 95% of the cases, the archaeologists
of Studiebureau Archeology are using the larger iJavelin (in the streaming mode of measuring) like a giant
pencil (Fig. 11). The Javelin can be used in a standing position and so is more ergonomic than using the
smaller iProbe, which is only used for drawing in more detail, as for individual stones of a wall, skeletons, etc.
Over 40 points each second are measured, but the software is adjusted only to keep 4 per second. Even for
a relatively small trace, like the circumference of a large posthole, this means that around 50 points are
recorded to make the drawing. This would be unrealistic to attempt by hand or by robotic total station.
During the measuring it is possible already attribute traces, walls, loose findings, etc. to separate layers in
the CAD file. This forces the archaeologists to think more about what they are excavating during the
registration. The main benefit of attributing traces to layers at the recording is that it dramatically reduces
post-processing and makes it a lot quicker to finish a plan. So just minutes after coming off the site, a plan is
finished and imported into the global plan, as at the site of Maasmechelen-Mottekamp, where new site plans
are available for use on site barely minutes after the excavator had finished drawing the traces, because the
plans are imported into the iPad on the field.

Fig. 11 The use of the iJavelin as a giant digital pencil.


Smeets / Avern, Recording Excavations

The Archaeology iSpace makes the drawing of excavations very much faster as well as much easier and
more accurate. It provides the archaeologists with an updated site plan almost immediately. It makes them
think more about, and understand better, the archaeology they are recording. It has proven itself over many
excavations to record much faster than other methods and reduce the total excavation time.
For Studiebureau Archeologie the purchase of Archaeology iSpace has proven a good investment which has
paid for itself because of the ability to estimate for shorter periods of excavation and thus winning more
contracts and giving a distinct competitive advantage over other commercial archaeology companies.

AVERN, G. J. (2001a). High-resolution computer imaging in 2D and 3D for recording and interpreting archaeological excavations,
Doctoral thesis. Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique.
AVERN, G. J. (2001b). A New Technique for Recording archaeological Excavations: Research Progress Report, in: Z. Stani and T.
Veljanovski, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 28th Conference, Ljubljana, April
2000, BAR International Series 931: 37.
AVERN, G. and WOUTER, F. (in press). A Digital Drawing Tool for Recording Excavations: the Nikon iSpace System, in: Computer
Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 39th Conference, Beijing. April 2011.
BARCEL, J. A., DE CASTRO, O., TRAVET, D. and VICENTE, O. (2002). Towards a 3D Representation of Archaeological Layers, in:
Workshop 6 Archologie und Computer, 56 November 2001, CD-ROM, Phoibos Verlag, Wien.
DONEUS, M. and NEUBAUER, W. (2004). Digital Recording of Stratigraphic Excavations, in: K. Fischer Ausserer, W. Brner, M.
Goriany and L. Karlhuber-Vckl, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 31 st Conference,
Vienna, Austria, April 2003, BAR International Series 1227: 113116.
REALLI, E. and ZOPPI, T. (2001). Computerised Techniques for Field Data Acquisition, in: Z. Stani and T. Veljanovski, Computer
Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 28th Conference, Ljubljana, April 2000, BAR International
Series 931: 1317.
SCHAICH, M. (2002). Computer Supported Excavation Documentation in a Network of Electronic Surveying, Photogrammetry, CAD
and Databases, in: Workshop 5 Archologie und Computer, 2000, CD-ROM, Phoibos Verlag, Wien.
VANDER GINST, V. and SMEETS, M. (2011). Archeo-rapport 64: Het archeologische vooronderzoek in het Groot Begijnhof te Tienen,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance in Late Formative Peru

The Case of Jatanca



University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology, Architectural and Spatial Archaeology Laboratory /

University of Kentucky, Department of Anthropology

Abstract: Quantitative analysis of architectural spaces designed for ritual or ceremonial purposes has the
potential to reveal the intended physicality of these spaces while elucidating the ideological structure of a
given community. As has been widely established, the retroactive application of space syntax methods to
archaeological settings is notoriously difficult, with the notable exception of a handful of uniquely well
preserved sites such as at Pompeii and Akrotiri that have attracted much attention. When available avenues
of quantitative spatial analysis are applied to the two-dimensional plans of architectural remains from most
archaeological contexts, the results have proven to be equally as flat and theoretically reductive. This paper
utilizes DepthMap software in a manner that treats quantitative output not as final result, but as an
interpretive layer within a three-dimensional consideration of ritual architectural space as emotive places
imbedded within the topography of a surrounding landscape. By building fully navigable three-dimensional
digital models of the complex ceremonial compounds of the Late Formative Period (ca. 500BC1AD) early
urbanized site of Jatanca in northern Peru, the output of DepthMap analysis within these spaces is applied
as the floor level of the models. This allows for a qualitative and quasi-experiential comparison of the
quantitative computational results as they relate to the landscape that was clearly fundamental to the
experience of these spaces. Considering the importance of mountains and astral alignments to Andean
cosmology, the orientation of these compounds in relation to their terrestrial and celestial setting is
considered using Google Earth, highly accessible software that is capable of recreating the position of the
sun and stars at any time of day and any date throughout the year. With movement through these
ceremonial compounds as highly choreographed, this study tests the interpretive potential of computational
approaches to the analysis of architectural remains in archaeological settings beyond the limits of the built
environment, opening a dialogue on the need for increased consideration of three and four dimensional
aspects that largely go unattended in current spatial analyses.

Keywords: Pre-Colombian Andes, Ceremonial architecture, Landscape archaeology, DepthMap, Threedimensional modelling and analysis, Phenomenology.

Structural approaches in archaeological theory have established that many ancient cities, particularly those
that were central capitals, were built landscapes that instantiated and expressed key elements of the
dominant social order and cosmology (WHEATLY 1971; ELIADE 1959). In efforts to analyze the architectural
remains of ancient cultures without the filter of modern architectural conventions and Western concepts of
spatial use, there is a clear need to develop a method by which the architecture of a given culture can be


Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

quantified and thus compared consistently throughout the corpus of research dedicated to that group. As will
be discussed in the subsequent sections of this paper, my approach to this fundamental concern involves
the application of particular elements of the suite of quantitative methods known together as space syntax
analysis to a collection of ritual complexes at the site of Jatanca, a site dating to the Late Formative Period
(ca. 500BC1AD) in the Caoncillo region of Northern Peru.
Developed by sociologists Bill Hillier and Juliette Hanson, space syntax analysis considers that the
organization of the built environment reflects the social, economic and cultural characteristics of a society
(HILLIER and HANSON 1984; HILLIER 1996). Space syntax analysis is a method by which the internal
organization of a given structure or urban network can be quantified and thus compared to others in a more
removed and unbiased manner than by visual comparison and interpretation alone. By mapping distinct
points in space on structural floor plans or maps generated following excavation or survey, the relative
interconnectedness and the ease of movement between rooms or distinct areas can be quantified,
presenting a unique design signature that can be compared to other similarly mapped spaces.
Although space syntax analysis has been applied to archaeological contexts since the early 1980s, most of
these studies have exploited this potentially valuable tool to analyze and compare only the most well-defined
and fully excavated architectural contexts. Limited not only by the state of preservation of archaeological
remains, the prohibitive expense and considerable effort required to properly uncover buried architecture on
a scale necessary for meaningful analysis, the practicality of space syntax analysis for most archaeological
investigations is perpetually questionable. With increased interest in the application of space syntax analysis
to a variety of fields, a number of computer programs and practical theories have been developed in recent
years, mainly within architectural community. As a quantitative system designed and elaborated on by
contemporary sociologists and architects, conclusions drawn from these analyses cannot avoid being based
on very modern spatial concepts that likely have no relation to those in antiquity. However flawed in their
application, these same tools have been used retroactively by archaeologists seeking to define lost cultural
ideals through the analysis of architectural remains. The following study joins a growing body of scholarship
that attempt to use elements of space syntax analysis and its variants to bridge a fundamental conceptual
gap regarding the built environment across a wide range of temporal and geographic settings. With initial
and continuing exploitation in diverse areas of the Old World (BANNING 1996; BANNING and BYRD 1989;
BONANNO et al. 1990; CUTTING 2003; FAIRCLOUGH 1992; FOSTER 1989; LAURENCE 1994;
PLIMPTON and HASSAN 1987; PERDIKOGIANNI 2003; THALER 2005), New World archaeology has risen
to adopt similar methodologies seeing increasing application in areas ranging from the Canadian Arctic
(DAWSON 2002), Mesoamerica (HOPKINS 1987; HOHMANN-VOGRIN 2005) and South America (MOORE
1992, 1996a; CZWARNO 1989; SPENCE-MORROW 2009) with particularly strong emphasis in the
American Southwest (BRADLEY 1992, 1993; BUSTARD 1996, 1997; COOPER 1995, 1997; POTTER 1998;
SHAPIRO 1997, 1999; VAN DYKE 1999).
I will limit my discussion of the details of the mathematics on which space syntax analysis is based, as
through the use of computer software called DepthMap developed at the University College London, there is
relatively little contact with the computational inner workings of this analytical system. As such, simplified
plan drawings of structures are processed so that the results of the various forms of spatial analyses, namely
Visibility Graph Analysis (VGA), Axial Analysis and Agent Analysis, are depicted graphically in a manner that


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

groups value ranges along a colour-based scale that allows for intuitive visual comparisons between specific
tests as will be explored in the results section of this paper.
Theoretically, the methods and rationale of space syntax analysis presents itself to archaeologists as an
incredible tool with great potential to clarify the internal dynamics of the ancient built environment. However,
the computational nature of this technique seems to draw too heavily on culturally normative assumptions
about how people interact with space that entirely disregards the impact of the topographic and geographic
setting of the built environment. Although this is a major concern for any practical application of these
methods, the information generated is still of considerable use as a viable tool to guide and inform
interpretation, as will be attempted in the following comparative investigation of the ceremonial complexes at
Jatanca as anthropomorphically situated constructions that are fundamentally inseparable from their
landscape, both topographic and celestial.

Fig. 1 Context map showing the location of the site of Jatanca in the greater Caoncillo region (yellow) within the Province of La
Libertad (Red) in northern Peru (Google Earth).

The Jequetepeque Valley and the cultural-historical context of the study

The Jequetepeque Valley is located on the North Coast of Peru 600 km north of Lima, a landscape that is
characterized by a rich archaeological record and one of the highest concentrations of ancient urban centres
in South America (CASTILLO 2010; DILLEHAY and KOLATA 2004a; DILLEHAY et al. 2009; DONNAN
2007; DONNAN and COCK 1986, 1997). Irrigation agriculture supported high population densities in an
otherwise extreme desert environment, and inhabitants of this region contributed to the florescence of pancoastal cultural traditions since the Formative Cupisnique (Guaape) Period (1500300 BC) (BURGER
1992; KOSOK 1965). The valley is situated at a critical geographical and cultural juncture, forming an


Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

important route to the highlands and representing a purported cultural frontier separating the northern and
southern sub-regions during Moche times (ad 100800) (CASTILLO and DONNAN 1994; MCCELLLAND et
al. 2007; KOSOK 1965).
The architectural data base for the following analysis derives from the Late Formative centre of Jatanca, a
component of the larger urban settlement system of Caoncillo (Fig. 1) (DILLEHAY et al. 2009; WARNER
2010). The greater Caoncillo region covers large portions of the Pampa de Mojucape, an area of more than
25 square kilometres on the southern bank of the Jequetepeque Valley. It comprises diverse and interlocking
landscapes, including contiguous domestic zones, large-scale relic fields and irrigation systems, and the
administrative-ceremonial centres of Jatanca, Huaca Colorada and Tecapa (DILLEHAY et al. 2009; ELING
1987; HECKER and HECKER 1990; UBBELOHDE-DOERING 1960, 1967; SWENSON et al. 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011; WARNER 2010). Jatanca, located in the central area of the Pampa de Mojucape, consists of a
ceremonial core of roughly 3 sq.km and is made up of seven principal monumental compounds surrounded
by a dense residential area that dates to the end of the Formative Period (300100 BC) (WARNER 2006,
2010) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Map of the monumental core of the site of Jatanca showing the relative locations of compounds discussed in the text (Warner


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

The horizontally configured compounds contain a mass of rectilinear chambers, patios, corridors and large
plazas delineated by solid walls built of poured adobe (called tapia) with contemporaneous canals
meandering between the five principal complexes (ELING 1987; WARNER 2006). Beyond this central
nucleus, contiguous domestic zones, canals and relic fields cover much of the dunated plain and date
predominantly to the Lambayeque and Chim Periods (ad 11001450). Recent dissertation research
conducted by John Warner confirms UBBELOHDE-DOERINGs earlier reconnaissance work (1960, 1967)
suggesting that the site is associated primarily with material culture traditionally identified as Salinar and
Gallinazo and reached its height at the end of the Late Formative Period (300100 BC) (WARNER 2006,
2010). Radiocarbon dates obtained by Dillehay and Kolata, Warner and Swenson confirms that the site was
occupied 23002100 years ago (DILLEHAY and KOLATA 2004b: 277; WARNER 2006, 2010; SWENSON et
al. 2010). Warners seminal study was the first to systematically map and interpret Jatancas elaborate
spatial layout, and subsequent research directed by Edward Swenson, Jorge Chiguala and Warner
represents the first-large scale excavation of the settlement that clarified many of the emerging architectural
patterns and exposed nine structures with ramps, the principal architectural subject of this paper
(SWENSON et al. 2008, 2009, 2010).
Jatancas horizontally-configured architectural ensemble, characterized by northern plazas, long corridors,
multiple quadrilateral rooms, baffled entries and inner courtyards, is enigmatic, for it appears strikingly
precocious and is much more reminiscent of later Chim architecture of the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries
than the vertically-oriented tapia pyramids of the Gallinazo heartland located in the Vir and Moche Valleys
more than 100 km to the south (MILLIAIRE 2009; WARNER 2006, 2010). Indeed, Jatanca has been the
source of considerable confusion among archaeologists, several of whom have attributed its construction to
the Late Intermediate Period (ad 11001400) (HECKER and HECKER 1990; WARNER 2010).
The five largest constructions at Jatanca comprise expansive and elongated north plazas circumvallated by
high walls built of poured adobe that conjoin multichambered precincts to the south. These open plazas
(ranging from 80 40 m to 60 35 m in area) could have contained hundreds of spectators. Although the
easternmost structure, the so-called Acropolis (UBBELOHDE-DOERING 1967), has been considered the
ceremonial nexus of Jatanca given its elevated preeminence and the likely presence of ancient burials
(HECKER and HECKER 1990: 27), the large rectilinear compounds to the northwest share similarities in
spatial layout and orientation, suggesting interrelated ritual and administrative functions. In fact, despite
discrepancies in size and internal configuration, strict adherence to established spatial codes dictated the
construction and use of five major ceremonial structures at Jatanca. For instance, the expansive north
plazas characterize the Acropolis and four of the other major compounds to the west. Proceeding south
through the plaza of the five major constructions, one invariably comes to a demarcated elevated terrace that
separates the large open court from the mass of internal rooms, corridors and patios that constitute a
considerable volume of each complex (WARNER 2006, 2010) (Fig. 3).
These elevated terraces (occupying an area of 15 20 m to 25 32 m in area) housed two platforms with
ramps in mirror opposition and served as the ceremonial nerve-centre of Jatancas separate compounds;
their liminal placement connecting (or separating) the vast public plazas from the more private and exclusive
suite of internalized rooms signals the political and ritual preeminence of this mediating space. Elaborate but
constricted ramped passages often connect the plaza to this ceremonial strip, further highlighting the pivotal


Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

and threshold-like symbolic qualities of this ritual stage. In truth, Jatancas ceremonial architecture can be
accurately described as scenographic, and this centrally-placed staging area is somewhat analogous to a
proscenium in Greek theatrical architecture (SWENSON 2011) (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3 Comparison of the plans of Compounds II, III, and IV (WARNER 2010).

Evidently important political and religious ceremonies were orchestrated here (with the principal performers
possibly entering from the private sectors to the south) in full view of a large assembled crowd in the plaza
(WARNER 2010). The platforms, which measure roughly 914 m long on average, form paired dyads and
prominently overlook the plazas at their southern terminus. In the four compounds situated to the west of the
Acropolis, they are constructed facing each other on either ends of the elevated stage.
In Compound 2, an anomalous platform with central ramp is directly associated with the open court but abuts
the northern wall of the closed plaza. A dyad of two ramped structures also frames the narrow and restricted
doorway leading to the enclosed plaza of Compound 3. These platforms are the only examples not
constructed on the staging terrace, and they likely regulated movement in and out of the monumental courts.
The platforms built on the staging terrace and overlooking the plazas undoubtedly staged important religious
and political rites given that similar structures with ramps would become prominent spaces of ceremonialism
in both urban and rural settlements during the Late Moche and Lambayeque Periods (SWENSON 2004,
2006, 2007, 2008). In fact, comparable platforms are depicted as keys arenas of elaborate ritual events in
both Late Formative and Moche ceramic art (WIERSEMA 2010: 262).
It is noteworthy that a salient progression from inclusive to more exclusive space is experienced in every
compound as one proceeds south from the monumental plaza through the staging ground with platforms and


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

into the internal mass of labyrinthine chambers, corridors, and patios. In fact, recent excavations have
revealed that this pronounced spatial gradation corresponds with salient functional differences; the four
principal architectural zones (plaza, staging area, internal southern rooms aligned with the public plaza, and
peripheral southern rooms) were consistently associated with distinct features and artifacts.
Recent excavations have further revealed that Jatancas monumental architecture is marked by the intense
nesting of ceremonial space (SWENSON et al. 2009). Compounds 3 and 4, for instance, located in the
western portion of the site, are defined by two interconnected plaza complexes with their own separate
stages, each associated with dual ramped platforms placed in mirror opposition. In other words, the two
westernmost precincts are distinguished by a duplication of Jatancas iconic ceremonial space. The
replicated and scaled-down plazas are smaller in size than their larger counterparts and are situated at a
greater depth within their respective compounds. Therefore excavations demonstrate that the reiteration or
replication of key rites in a formalized spatial and temporal sequence characterized the orchestration of
spectacle at Jatanca (WARNER 2010; SWENSON 2011) (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Architectural plans of Compound 3 (upper) and Compound 4 (lower register) at Jatanca, illustrating the nested relation of
northern plazas to opposed ramped platforms with the stage areas of each precinct (WARNER 2010).

In both complexes, the smaller plaza and associated staging strip could only have been accessed by
proceeding initially through the larger courts to the north. The architectural design of these precincts appears
ideally suited to stage rites of procession and perhaps even initiation, wherein the built environment was
complicit in conferring distinctions, shaping identities and creating or transforming subjectivities. The greater
depth and seclusion of the internal plaza of Compound 3, for instance which would have held three to four


Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

times fewer individuals than the great court dominating the north of the complex reveals that movement
through the enclosure became increasingly more restricted. Space becomes even more exclusive and
elaborate as one moves south from this internal plaza into smaller, higher and more secluded precincts in
the southern extreme of the compound (that are directly aligned with the more public ceremonial spaces to
the north). In these chambers excavation revealed an enclosed patio associated with two aligned daises and
an elevated bench-like platform. Large Spondylus shell beads that originate from the warm waters off of the
coast of Ecuador and are known to have served as a sacred dedicatory material were placed in postholes
within this precinct, and Warners traditional space syntax gamma analysis demonstrates that this sheltered
space was associated with a high depth value that is often interpreted as a marker of social exclusivity
(WARNER 2010). To reiterate, it could only be reached by passing through the interconnected chain of
monumental plazas. The intimacy and secrecy or mystery of ritual performances would have intensified as
individuals moved from the sole entrance at the north end of the vast open plaza through the concatenation
of nested ceremonial arenas to the south. Although lacking a replication of plazas with opposed ramped
platforms, a similar architectural pattern was identified for Compounds 1 and 2 to the east.
Centrally placed chambers in the more private, southern sectors that lie on direct axis with the northern
plazas are consistently associated with elaborate furnishing, specialized activities and high-status artifacts.
These include: Spondylus shell bead caches; monumental roofs as indicated by large aligned postholes;
circular dimples built into plastered floors to support ceramic vessels; baffled (indirect) entries; raised daises
or benches; thickly plastered walls; and, in one instance, a sub-floor burial (SWENSON et al. 2008, 2009).
Finally, the standardized compartmentalization of activities at Jatanca is further corroborated by the
excavation of nine of the ceremonial platforms overlooking the monumental plazas. Unlike the plaza or
excavated rooms in the compounds southern sectors, evidence of burning and accumulated detritus was
rare on the tested platforms.
Comparative excavation of the ramped complexes reveals that these focal ceremonial structures were kept
clean and free of debris. This evidence supports the argument that these elaborate structures served first
and foremost as veritable, open stages of ceremonial performance. As mentioned above, these platforms
closely resemble the depiction of ramped structures in Moche ceramic art and iconography suggesting that
these paired and opposing structures served as important ritual foci, a highly charged spatial bottleneck of
sorts as elemental to the highly choreographed movement though the nested plazas of the compounds.
Elevated as they are above the northern plazas of Compounds II, III and IV, it is the view from these
particular vantage points on the opposed ramped platforms that becomes the principal focus for the
remainder of this paper. The interpretation of these platforms as being powerful locales of high emotive value
is undeniable and likely speaks not only to our own contemporary spatial sensitivities. As will be made clear
in the remaining section of this paper, this interpretation is further supported by the quantitative measures
that are detailed below, tools that attempt to mitigate western spatial ontological biases to a degree by
clarifying and quantifying the underlying structure of the built environment.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

Practical and Theoretical Foundations of the DepthMap Program

Woven together from two strands of thought, the original concept behind DepthMap was based on a
combination of isovist analysis (BENEDIKT 1979) with space syntax analysis (HILLIER and HANSON 1984).
Benedikt created maps of properties of the visual field at points within plans of buildings. He drew contours
of equal visual area within the plan and called the resulting map an `isovist field', believing that these maps
would give an insight into how people navigate actual buildings. Since closely packed contours would
indicate a rapidly changing visual field, he reasoned that these would indicate decision points within the
building. Independently, Hillier and Hanson developed the theory of space syntax in which they created
various representations for the components of space, drew maps of these components, and crucially, the
relationships of the components with each other. Within the present space syntax academic community, the
representation that has become most used is the axial map. The actual mathematical derivation of an axial
map is quite complex, but essentially it involves drawing a set of lines through the open space of an
architectural plan. Hillier and Hanson then created an interesting twist to established theory at the time. They
created a graph using the axial lines themselves as nodes, so that each line was considered connected to
others that it intersected. From this graph, they calculated how well `integrated' each line was with respect to
all the others in the graph, that is they calculated a measure of the average number of steps it takes to get
from one line to any other within the axial map. The integration of axial lines is of particular interest to
researchers as it correlates well with the number of pedestrians found to be walking along the axial line
(HILLIER et al. 1999).
Since Benedikt had theorized that isovist fields would correspond in some way to movement patterns of
people and Hillier et al. had shown that the relationship between lines through the space does correspond
with movement patterns within space, it was decided to combine isovist fields with space syntax to provide a
measure of how well integrated isovists themselves are within a plan of an environment (TURNER and
PENN 1999). The methodology was later formalized more simply as Visibility Graph Analysis (VGA)
(TURNER 2001). In VGA, a grid of points is overlaid on the plan. A graph is then made of the points, where
each point is connected to every other point that it can see. The visual integration of a point is based on the
number of visual steps it takes to get from that point to any other point within the system (TURNER 2004).
Various graph measures, not just integration, may be made. The idea was that all possible occupiable
locations within the built environment would be categorized by their visual relationships to other occupiable
spaces through a continuous map. Due to its providence, it was hypothesized that VGA would give a good
indication of how people might interact with space either moving through it (DESYLLAS and DUXBURY
2001), standing, or generally occupying a space.
DepthMap was the tool created to perform these analyses by Alasdair Turner and his team at the VR Centre
for the Built Environment in the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies at the University College London.
Whether or not VGA actually succeeds in its aims is open to debate. For people movement, a recent study
has shown that other methods based on space syntax seem to correlate better with pedestrian count rates in
cities (TURNER 2003), although an earlier result from a large department store was promising (CHAPMAN
et al. 1999). Regardless of the outcome of the debate, there does appear to be a promising avenue of
research for modeling people movement that uses the visibility graph at its core, if not a direct measurement
of the graph. PENN and TURNER (2002) proposed an agent-based analysis with an underlying visibility

Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

graph. In this analysis, agents (automata within a computer representing people) are released into a plan of
the environment and navigate using the visibility information directly available to them through the visibility
graph. A simple method of path selection which approximates choosing the longest line of sight as the
direction of travel is applied (TURNER 2005). The results of the analysis have correlated well with pedestrian
movement both within a building environment (TURNER and PENN 2002) and within an urban environment
(TURNER 2003). The agent-based analysis proposed by Penn and Turner has been produced as a plug-in
module to DepthMap and will be employed in this study to compliment both VGA and axial analyses.
With these three analytical avenues at our disposal, the following section will briefly outline the method and
workflow by which three compounds were digitized, analyzed, reconstructed, georeferenced and compared
in relation to their actual geographic settings over time in terms of solar position. Due to the similarity of the
layouts of Compounds II, III and IV in regards to the position of the ramped platforms in relation to the
northern plazas in these three compounds were chosen for analysis, however as will be seen, it is very likely
that the same observations would be made in every compound of Jatanca if analyzed in the same manner.

1) All plans of the three target compounds (II, III, IV) were digitized as vector graphics in Adobe Illustrator.
2) Resulting plans were converted into the vectorized .DXF file format required by DepthMap.
3) All plans imported into DepthMap where each was scaled appropriately followed by the definition of open
navigable space within the compounds.
4) Visibility Graph Analysis, Axial Analysis and Agent Analysis were conducted for each compound and the
resulting analyses exported as separate .JPG files.
5) Using these analytical results as the basis for 3D reconstruction, each plan was imported into Google
SketchUp Pro 8 wherein all walls, ramps and platforms were reconstructed in a simplified manner that
reflect the likely wall heights of the original construction (WARNER 2010).
6) Completed 3D models were then imported into Google Earth, where each model was appropriately scaled
and georectified in their exact geographic and topographic position.
7) By using the walkthrough tools in Google Earth, particular target areas were chosen as specific vantage
points within each compound, positions that were informed by the results of DepthMap analyses.
8) With the Sun tool turned on, the position of both sunrise and sunset at various dates throughout the year
were observed from those target areas of the compounds in relation to the surrounding landscape, and
similarities noted.

Results and Discussion

When the resulting DepthMap analyses were compared over all three compounds, it was clear that with
minimal variations, similar patterns of visibility, axiality and agent movement arose. In terms of the VGA
output, the highest levels of visual integration (shown in red in Fig. 5) occurred in the space located directly
between the opposing ramped platforms at the southern end of the northern plazas in all compounds. From
these positions, an individual moving from the plaza onto the raised stage would be able to see the entire
plaza while having a privileged view of both ramps. As the plans analysed did not take the changes in


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

elevation into account as per the limitations of the software itself, one could imagine that the level of visual
integration from the elevated position of the stage and platforms would be even higher than depicted.

Fig. 5 Results of the Visibility Graph Analyses (VGA) of Compounds II, III and IV.

Fig. 6 Results of the Axial analyses of Compounds II, III, and IV.


Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

Mirroring this finding, the results of the axial analyses of the compounds clearly shows that the longest
unbroken lines (shown in red in Fig. 6) in every case would have led ritual participants directly down the
centre of the northern plazas through the central ramp of the stage and between the opposed ramped
platforms found there.
Finally, the results of the agent analyses strongly support the marked separation of the exterior/inclusive
plaza spaces from the interior/exclusive inner sanctums to the south of each compound. As indicated by
colour in the agent maps, with grey being areas being those left unexplored, blue as lightly travelled and
green and yellow areas seeing the highest traffic, showing that the plazas were by far the most accessible
areas of the compounds (Fig. 7). Not surprisingly, it is clear that all of these findings support the initial
qualitative interpretations of structure and function the compounds as controlled ceremonial spaces that
exploited increasingly nested inclusion along a distinct route. However, when results are considered from
within the 3D reconstructions produced of each compound, new interpretations come to light that elucidate a
potential function of these spaces, with particular focus on what can be seen from the opposed ramped

Fig. 7 Results of the Agent Analyses for Compounds II, III and IV.

With the bounding walls of each compound limited to a height of approximately 22.5m in each of the 3D
reconstructions when imbedded into their proper position in Google Earth, it is clear when standing within the
centre of the plaza of each compound, these walls restricted the view of a participant to focus on the plaza
alone, effectively removing the most notable feature of the surrounding landscape, the Caoncillo mountain
range located directly east of Jatanca, from the field of view. It is only when one exits the plaza and onto the
stage area to the south that the change in elevation allows for a glimpse of the upper reaches of the
Caoncillo range over the top of the easternmost walls. This privileged view of the mountains becomes even


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

more distinct if one were standing on the western ramped platform facing east, a position that allows the
entire range to be seen while still restricting any view of the rest of the landscape, effectively directing and
focusing ones gaze on the mountain exclusively (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Google Earth view looking East towards Cerro Caoncillo from the western ramped platform of Compound II as indicated in the
architectural plan seen on the right side of the figure, with the results of the agent analysis as floor level.

Fig. 9 East-facing view of Cerro Caoncillo from the western ramped platform of Compound II (see Fig. 8 for position) illustrating the
position of the sunrise above the mountain range on the summer solstice (A), autumn equinox (B), winter solstice (C) and vernal
equinox (D).


Spence-Morrow / Swenson / Warner, Modelling Urban Ceremonial Performance

As Cerro Caoncillo is by far the most distinct topographic feature in the immediate area, it is not surprising
to note that the highest peak of this range (at an altitude of approximately 400masl) is known to have been
considered a local huaca, a term used to describe distinct sacred objects or places across the Andes, both
ancient and modern (BASTIEN 1978). Due to the close proximity of the compounds to each other on the
Pampa de Mojucape, this unique view of the mountain from the western ramped platforms of each
compound considered in this study was nearly identical in each case.
Appreciating the enduring importance of calendric rituals that continue to be celebrated on the solstices and
equinoxes throughout the Andes (SEOANE 2011; COOK 1977, 1990; BAUER and DEARBORN 1998;
KOLATA 1993, 2003), by toggling the date and time in Google Earth the changing positions of the sunrise
over the year in relation to the Caoncillo was investigated. As can be appreciated best from figures 9 and
10, it appears that from the privileged viewpoint of the western ramped platform of each compound that
directs the gaze due east towards the rising sun, the portion of the horizon over which the sun rises
throughout the year is framed perfectly by the full visible extent of the Caoncillo range. Following this
hypothesis, it was observed that the sunrise on the summer solstice (December 21 in the southern
hemisphere) was directly over the southernmost peak of the Caoncillo range (Fig. 9A, Fig. 10 right arrow),
and the winter solstice (June 21) occurring directly over northernmost peak of the range (Fig. 9C, Fig. 10 left
arrow) with sunrises of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes occurring over precisely the same valley between
the central peaks of the mountain (Fig. 9B, 9D, Fig. 10 central arrow). As such, one could suggest that the
position of the rising sun in relation to particular peaks and valleys of the range could easily serve as an
accurate calendric guide used to observe and control closely correlated ritual and agricultural cycles over the
course of the year. It is only from this very specific part of the Pampa de Mojucape that this relationship
between the sunrise and mountain range can be seen, suggesting that the placement and orientation of the
compounds of Jatanca is related to this particular observational vantage point. As mentioned, all of the
compounds are quite close to one another, appearing almost crowded together in a manner that perhaps
exploited the unique observational viewpoint from that general area to unify the communities that likely used
these structures as places of communal gathering throughout the year (Fig. 10). Notably when considering
the same hypothesis from a viewpoint less than 200m east of the ceremonial core of Jatanca towards the
base of Cerro Caoncillo near to the later Moche period site of Huaca Colorada, the resulting view creates a
completely different vista that does not exploit the natural features of the Caoncillo range in the same ways,
with the sun rising midway along the mountain at the summer solstice.
As this preliminary interpretation only considers the position of the rising sun, similar investigations could be
undertaken that investigate possible architectural and topographic alignments with the position of the setting
sun on the horizon, events that would be visible from the opposed eastern ramped platform. More elaborate
studies in future could extend investigations to consider the position and phase of the moon or particular
constellations at various positions along the horizon in relation to architectural and topographic elements.
Such studies could further develop an understanding of the potential relationship between architectural and
ideological structures as they are oriented to and designed to reflect the situated bond between geographic
locales and natural cycles that may define them as places of social and ritual importance. This interpretation
would not have been possible without the use of the various computer programs used, however it must be
stated that although these tools have become increasingly more accessible to the archaeological community,


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

they must be exploited as interpretive guides, not definitive measures that reduce exceedingly complex
social systems to quantitative spatial abstractions. The role of the archaeologist should not focus on
technical or methodological aspects of research without very specific interpretive questions in mind. By
bogging ourselves down with the daunting task of maintaining enormous data sets within powerful yet
somewhat obtusely complicated computer programs such as ArcGIS and GRASS, often more time is spent
processing the output of analysis than seeking creative ways to combine more accessible programmes and
avenues of investigation that would lift the gaze and consideration of the researcher from reductive statistical
measures to the situated and observational. As an experimental example of this sort of theoretical and
methodological direction, by expanding upon traditional survey, excavation and interpretation to inform twodimensional spatial analyses based on measures of visibility and movement, this paper begins to address
the need for a form of three-dimensional spatial analysis that considers built and natural environments in

Fig. 10 East facing oblique aerial view of the Cerro Caoncillo range illustrating the relationship between the monumental core of
Jatanca (in blue) to the locations of the sunrise on the summer solstice (right arrow), autumn and vernal equinoxes (central arrow) and
winter solstice (left arrow).

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16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011

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COMPUTATIONAL PROGRAM: UCL DepthMap 7.12.00d. Copyright University College London 20012007. All rights reserved.
Program by Alasdair Turner. With thanks to Alan Penn, Chiron Mottram, Maria Doxa, Dave Chapman, Space Syntax Limited, and the
staff and students of the MSc AAS at UCL. Developed at the VR Centre for the Built Environment. Bartlett School of Graduate Studies.
University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT.


16th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies Vienna, 2011


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