BOC-HR-GORA Response

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rawumy County puaru v1 Commissioners Human Resources Watson Government Complex 240 Constitution Boulevard, Dallas, Georgia 30132 770-443-7521 + as = $292 Dee ——.. June 10, 2015 Gilbert Freeman, Jr. PO Box 1691 Austell GA 30168 RE: Response to Open Records Act Request Dear Mr. Freeman: This letter is in response to your payment agreement, received June 10, 2015 (copy attached), confirming that you are agreeable to paying the estimated fees for search, retrieval, redaction, and/or copying previously set forth in the County’s initial response letter dated June 10, 2015. A copy of your June 5, 2015, Open Records Act request is attached. As previously notified, this office is in possession of records responsive to your request. Pursuant to Georgia law, the following categories of information have not been produced, via redaction or removal, to the extent a statutory exclusion is directly applicable (exemptions that apply have been marked with an “X”; if no boxes are marked, no exemptions have been claimed): 7 Records consisting of confidential evaluations submitted to, or examinations prepared by, a governmental agency and prepared in connection with the appointment or hiring of a public officer or employee. O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(7). C Records consisting of material obtained in investigations related to the suspension, firing, or investigation of complaints against public officers or employees until ten days after the same has been presented to the agency or an officer for action or the investigation is otherwise concluded or terminated. O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(8). (1 Pending, rejected, or deferred sealed bids or sealed proposals and detailed cost estimates related thereto until such time as the final award of the contract is made, the project is terminated or abandoned, or the agency in possession of the records takes a public vote regarding the sealed bid or sealed proposal, whichever comes first. 0.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(10).. (5 Records that reveal an individual's social security number, mother's birth name, credit card information, debit card information, bank account information, account number, utility account number, password used to access his or her account, financial data or information, insurance or medical information in all records, unlisted telephone number if so designated in a public record, personal e-mail address or cellular telephone number, day and month of birth, and information regarding public utility, television, Internet, or telephone accounts held by private customers, provided that nonitemized bills showing amounts owed and amounts paid shall be available, O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(20)(A). C. Records concerning public employees that reveal the public employee's home address, home telephone number, day and month of birth, social security number, insurance or medical information, mother's birth name, credit card information, debit card information, bank account information, account number, utility account number, password used to access his or her account, financial data or information other than compensation by a government agency, unlisted telephone number if so designated in a public record, and the identity of the public employee's immediate family members or dependents. ‘This paragraph shall not apply to public records that do not specifically identify public employees or their jobs, titles, or offices. OCGA. § 50-18-72(@)(21). © Records consisting of questions, scoring keys, and other materials constituting a test that derives value from being unknown to the test taker prior to administration which is to be administered by an agency . .. if reasonable measures are taken by the owner of the test to protect security and confidentiality. O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(38). C Records containing communications subject to the attorney-client privilege recognized by state law. O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)(41). (1 Peace officer applications required by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards & Training Council. 0.C.G.A. § 35-8-15(b). (1 Birth Certificates. 0.C.G.A. § 31-10-25(a). C Records of participation agreements, payroll deductions, investment options, and other individual account information for deferred compensation plans. O.CG.A. § 45-18-36(6). (1 Driver's histories obtained from the Department of Driver's Services which are not otherwise a part of an initial incident report, initial arrest report, or part of an ongoing criminal investigation or prosecution. 0.C.G.A. § 40-5-2(b). Paulding County Board of Commissioners Human Resources ‘Watson Government Complex 240 Constitution Boulevard, Dallas, Georgia 30132 770-443-7521 + www-paulding. gov a! ql Brian Acker, SPHR, Director Tune 10, 2015 Gilbert Freeman, Jr. PO Box 1691 Austell GA 30168 RE: — Response to Open Records Act Request Dear Mr, Freeman: This letter is in response to your Open Records Act request dated June 5, 2015 (copy attached), and received by the Open Records Officer for the Paulding County Human Resources Department on June 5, 2015. This office is in possession of records responsive to your request. However, the Open Records Act authorizes the County to impose a reasonable charge for the search, retrieval, redaction, production, and/or copying costs for this request. As to responsive documents, the following fees are an estimate of the costs that would be incurred in fulfilling your request: ESTIMATED COPYING CosTS Type of Copies | Price per Copy ‘Number of Copies Cost ‘Standard Copies ‘$0.10 3 5050 (4x11 or 11x14) ‘Non-standard 30.00 0 3 0.00 Copies _| 0.00 $0.00 0 $0.50 Subtotal $050 ESTIMATED SEARCH, RETRIEVAL, & REDACTION COSTS Hourly Rate Hours Tneurred Cost (2.50 Total Hours minus 25, since first 15 minutes are free) F 316.69 2.25 $37.55 ESTIMATED GRAND TOTAL $38.05 Search, retrieval, redaction, production, and/or copying of your responsive documents has been deferred until such time as you notify the undersigned in waiting that you are agreeable to paying the above-stated estimated grand total. You may do so by contacting the undersigned at Upon receipt of your agreement to pay the above estimated grand total, processing of your request will resume. Please bear in mind that the above is a good faith estimate, and you will be billed for the actual costs incurred which may be more or less than the estimate, Sincerely, Acker, SPHR Human Resources Director Open Records Officer, Paulding County Human Resources Department Gilbert Freeman, Jr. PO Box 1691 er Austell GA 30168 Home Phone Ena ernie Friday, June 05, 2015 cP? Brian Acker Pre ig Paulding County Board of Commissioners Vv A K o! Human Resources Departinent a ov P 240 Constitution Boulevard & a Dal Ca a2 a\ 7 Prone (770) 443-7521 & Fax : (770) 443-7558 B ° RE: Georgia Open Records Request Superior Court Judges’ Offices Employment/Applicant Inquiry Dear Mir. Acker, Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Law (0.C.G.A. Section $0-18-70 et soq.) (the "Law", you are hereby requested to ‘uke available for review and copying the following public records of the Paulding County Board of Commissioners, Human Resources Departinent for noncommercial review: ‘+ In spreadsheet formet, please provide a list of all minority applicants including their county of residence, position applied for, pay grade, criminal record (yes/no) race and gender of each minority applicant forthe offices of the three superior court judges of Paulding County over the period of five years beginning from the current date. ‘¢ In spreedsheet format, please provide a list of all minority employees including their county of residence, date of hire, position held at the time of hire, current position, pay grade, criminal record (yes/no), race and ‘gender of each minority employee for the offices ofthe three superior court judges of Paulding County over the period of tive years beginning from the current date, ‘¢ In spreadsheet format, please provide @ list of all non-minority applicants including their county of residence, position applied for, pay grade, criminal record (yes/no), race and gender for the three superior ‘court judges of Paulding County over the period of five years beginning ftom the current date, + In spreadsheet format, please provide a list of all non-minorty employees including their county of residence, position held atthe time of hire, current position, pay grade, criminal record (yesino), race and gender forthe thee superior court judges of Paulding County over the period of five years begining from the current date [this request is denied in whole or in part, Task that you cts in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law. I also ask that you release all separate portions of otherwise exempt material, Please waive ‘any costs associated with this request, of first inform me about such costs as required by Georgia law. ‘As you are aware, the Law requires a respose by you within three business days of your receipt of ths letter and provides sanctions for non-compliance. Thank you in advatce for your prompt attention to this matter. Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at your leisure. He Gifbert Preefnan, Jr Court Admi plicants: Pay Grade 22/ Posting Date 6/2012: [Last Name: [First Name: [Date: Vacancy: [Gender: Race: [anole ashy losnsiia _[reacraccaasaalr er Frank Josoari2 _|rzonccarsanlw ater IMcbast —_osriara —_fzomsccassan|u Bis [any osetia [eonraccaosanlr erigtinan [Ryan etart2_|reoccansaaha foasn vie Josie frzaraccaasenlr Foser [Lorena __Josnaria_raavaccaaseal [Fann [Rhona Josnart2 _[ranreccaos appant 6 notprovde area tei osnsri2 | romaccnsan]F lw ison ——_[lawa ooart2_[romaccaosanr Iw. oh Denetia _losoria _fizowaccaasae ia ison [onana eamart2——neaconstae le a Joararia _fraoweccaase|appicant a notre Hcheson _[Stansice _Josrtarta _[reuraccansnlr iB Ikncaa ken arena | romaccuosan|r [ata nt provide Kosring [Simone __Jostiri2___[ranraccusan|F Iw. 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Pre-Trial Director Applicants: Pay Grade 12/ Posting Date: 1/2015, [Last Name: First Name: [Date: Vacancy: [Gender [Race: Chester Mate Noted [16-0068 CTORAG pleat dit provide lEdwars am owners —_[is0088 CTOEAG IM lw Evotoson Wie iors [is 00ea CTa6AG append nat rove ore Christopher o1eaii5 _[150068.CTO6.AG lw lw Haris [tee o1narts 1800580705 AG F lo Foti [amanda Owens [15.0068 CTOBAG Fr we [ren [Thomas owas | 50068 OTORAG o Iw. sing [amend Owais [150068 OT0EAG IF Iw ater oscar Oia [50088 0706 AG IM iB ere Hamas Oizaris _fisonea cToe AG o Ina fone isa o1rarié | 160058.CTOBAG F lw Page [sco oiaris [1s-058.CTOBAG [Recaro roe Podge [vor Dias [1.0068 CTOBAG ha Ww Podge [vor orang [15-068 CTORAG Iv Iw Robinson Neer oirarts [160088 OT0EAG [Aopen dd nt oe Rebison Not oinens [150088 CTO6AG F [pleat dnt provi isbey Ronald onars [10088 OTUEAG I Iw Water [rears o1aaris [160058 705.AG 0 IB [warn Nera o12a7i5 | 150058. CTOBAG F le ts Losers Ores _|10058.OTOBAG F o nnd [oennie bias [rs.068.cTOE AG ha fe County of residence I not requested for employment purposes. Ctimial History Record information is exempt per $§ OCGA 35-3.34 35-3.35(4); 35.3.3 z Le/70 2 YOVRLBLAF POOTHHAL WoL nee aE yl BHE OF cellent HY FU SINISE © sob IDI DIO 2277? fe PLY LI Ye ODL2I7P BAe Sree sOL BWLLE UF waza] 702 aud @ od easimie Hy ray) Axw7e ) @Q Ss2rzarA 5 sy? 0 OPEL S Oe AY CPIM A SMAALLIS AS ey wer Tafel) FPO7 Le? 17d ff DLILIDI? 10139 BY Criminal History Record Information. O.C.G.A. §§ 35-3-34; 35-3-35(d); 35-3-38. As to responsive documents, the following are the fees incurred in fulfilling your request: ESTIMATED COPYING Costs Type of Copies | Price per Copy ‘Number of Copies Cost Standard Copies 30.10 3 3 030 (4x Mor 11x14) ‘Non-standard 30.00 0 5 0.00 Copies 30.00 30.00 L 0 3030 Subtotal 3030 ESTIMATED SEARCH, RETRIEVAL, & REDACTION COSTS Hourly Rate Hours Incurred Cost (2.00 Total Hours minus .25, since first 15 minutes ae free) 6B LS $29.20 ESTIMATED GRAND TOTAL $29.50 ‘When you come to pick up your documents, you will need to bring either cash or a check payable to “Paulding County” in the amount of $29.50. You may pick up your documents at the Paulding County Human Resources Department located at 240 Constitution Boulevard, Dallas, Georgia 30132, between the hours of 8:00 a.m, and 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Thope you find this responsive to your request. Sincerely, Brifin Acker, SPAR ‘Human Resources Director Open Records Officer, Paulding County Human Resources Department

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