User Manual: Seasonal Adjustment Interface For Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima
User Manual: Seasonal Adjustment Interface For Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima
User Manual: Seasonal Adjustment Interface For Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima
User Manual
Release Version 2.0 (Service Pack 1)
May 2002
Based on:
Tramo (March 1999)/Seats (May 1998)
X-12-Arima (Release Version 0.2.8)
the Statistical Office of the European
by Vctor Gmez and Agustn Maravall
by the US Bureau of Census
CHAPTER 1 : WHAT DOES DEMETRA? ...................................................................................................4
1.1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................5
1.1.1. Overview..........................................................................................................................................5
1.1.2. Origins ............................................................................................................................................5
1.1.3. Platforms accessed...........................................................................................................................6
1.2. ABOUT DEMETRA ....................................................................................................................................7
1.3. OVERVIEW OF THE MODULES ...................................................................................................................8
1.3.1. Automated module ...........................................................................................................................8
1.3.2. Module for detailed analysis of single time series .............................................................................9
CHAPTER 2 : HOW TO INSTALL DEMETRA?.......................................................................................10
2.1. TYPICAL USER INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................12
2.2. SERVER-BASED INSTALLATION ...............................................................................................................13
ALLOWING A WINDOWS ME/98/95 PC THE ACCESS TO ITS FAME DATABASES ...............................................14
ALLOWING A WINDOWS XP/2000/NT/ME/98/95 PC THE ACCESS TO ITS FAME DATABASES...........................16
CHAPTER 3 : DESCRIPTION OF THE AUTOMATED MODULE .........................................................18
3.1. DEMETRA PROJECT WIZARD .................................................................................................................. 19
3.1.1. Selection of the input database .......................................................................................................19
3.1.2. Input from text files and from MS-Excel files...................................................................................20
3.1.3. Input from Fame databases ............................................................................................................ 20
3.1.4. Input from Oracle Express databases .............................................................................................22
3.1.5. Selections for the types and names of result time series ...................................................................24
3.1.6. Selection of the output database .....................................................................................................26
3.1.7. Rules for the quality check..............................................................................................................27
3.2. SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT PROCESSING WIZARD ...................................................................................... 32
3.2.1. Statistical tools...............................................................................................................................32
3.2.2. New automatic modelling ...............................................................................................................32
3.2.3. New customised modelling .............................................................................................................34
3.2.4. Parameters from a model file for a new modelling .......................................................................... 41
3.2.5. Use of previously defined and saved modelling settings including already estimated ARIMA and
regression coefficients .............................................................................................................................41
3.2.6. Use of previously defined and saved modelling settings but with re-estimation of the ARIMA and
regression coefficients .............................................................................................................................42
3.2.7. Saving of new parameter sets to the database .................................................................................42
3.2.8. Automatic processing of SA-methods .............................................................................................. 43
3.3. PROJECT MAIN VIEW .............................................................................................................................. 44
3.3.1. Project status table.........................................................................................................................46
3.3.2. Graph view ....................................................................................................................................52
3.3.3. Table Information on Models .....................................................................................................53
3.3.4. Table Information on Diagnostics .............................................................................................. 53
3.3.5. Comments ......................................................................................................................................54
3.4. IMPROVEMENT OF REJECTED ADJUSTMENTS ............................................................................................ 55
3.4.1. Meaning of significant diagnostic statistics.....................................................................................57
CHAPTER 4 : DESCRIPTION OF THE DETAILED ANALYSIS MODULE .........................................58
4.1. GENERAL OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................59
4.2. DEMETRA PROJECT WIZARD .................................................................................................................. 60
4.3. PROJECT MAIN VIEW .............................................................................................................................. 61
4.3.1. More details on the table Information on Models........................................................................66
4.4. GRAPHICAL COMPARISON TOOL ............................................................................................................ 69
4.4.1. Selection of (result) series ..............................................................................................................69
4.4.2. Zooming of graphs/customised scaling ...........................................................................................70
4.4.3. Customised series pattern...............................................................................................................70
Chapter 1 :
What does Demetra?
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Overview
Demetra was developed first for Eurostats internal needs that encompassed several aspects.
However, it is freely available to other users in statistical organisations.
It should ease access of non-specialists to TRAMO, SEATS and X-12-ARIMA and improve largely
their user-friendliness. However, it should not just consist of nice window representations for the input
of the parameters and for some output. Demetra is a tool for statistical production in a large-scale
environment imposing a recognised seasonal adjustment policy. It seasonally adjusts large-scale sets
of time series, checks the quality of the results, improves the stability of the models, automatically
improves rejected adjustments and assists the user in all the treatment. Additionally, it allows detailed
analysis on single time series. The interface mainly uses the statistical algorithms included in the SA
methods X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS. It is a fully menu driven package, using general statistical
vocabulary for parameters, models and functions except for very advanced usage.
Demetra includes an I/O interface with FAME, SAS and ORACLE EXPRESS databases, formatted
ASCII files and MS-EXCEL worksheets. The "namelist" object of FAME can be used for selecting
large-scale sets of time series. Demetra defines a special format to store seasonal adjustment
parameters in the I/O files (databases) but the parameters can be saved as well in the original format
of the seasonal adjustment methods.
1.1.2. Origins
Eurostat has compared carefully several methods for Seasonal Adjustment (DAINTIES, SABL, BV4,
It has decided to focus its attention in the future on two SA methods:
TRAMO/SEATS, an ARIMA model-based method, written by A.MARAVALL and V.GMEZ
X-12-ARIMA of the US Bureau of the Census
An internal task-force has conducted several in-depth comparisons and evaluations of different
aspects of these two methods:
comparison of the pre-adjustment (in X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO)
comparison of short-term revisions (in X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS)
measurement of regularly changing seasonality (in X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS)
short-term fluctuations due to the filters (in X-12-ARIMA)
non-admissible decomposition (in SEATS)
robustness in the estimation of ARIMA models (in X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO)
robustness vis--vis non-linearities (in TRAMO).
long-term revisions in SEATS
robustness of SEATS vis--vis the identification/estimation of ARIMA models.
TRAMO and SEATS are very robust and computationally efficient products for the use of ARIMA
model-based seasonal adjustment with a high quality.
X-12-ARIMA adapts fairly well to many different situations, provided the user is sufficiently skilled.
These studies and the interfaces as mentioned below have been presented and distributed to National
Statistical Offices and Central Banks of the European Union. The reaction of the delegates from these
organisations gave the impression that:
written in Greek.
spoken/written Demeter in English.
the Roman Ceres.
the Greek goddess of earth and grain (agriculture).
also considered a goddess of fertility and harvests, most specifically her symbol is wheat.
the patron goddess of the ancient city of Eleusis in Greece.
the founder of the Eleusinian Mysteries that were held in Eleusis in her honor each year.
the daughter of the titans (in some references).
the mother of Kore/Persephone (Roman Prosperina) by Zeus.
One day while Persephone was picking flowers in a sunny meadow, the earth opened up, and a
chariot appeared. The chariot was driven by Hades (Pluto), the god of the dead. Hades swept her out
of the meadow, and carried her deep into the underworld.
Demeter soon realized that her daughter was missing, and searched for many days and nights, but
was unable to find Persephone. Finally she went to Zeus, the king of the gods, to ask where her
daughter had gone. He replied that Hades had been struck in love by Aphrodite, the goddess of love,
and that Hades had taken Persephone for his bride. The thought of Persephone in the kingdom of the
dead was too much for Demeter to bear. Persephone was happy and full of life, and the underworld
was dark and full of death.
Demeter mourned for her daughter for an entire year. During her mourning, she did not bless the
crops. The crops did not grow, and food became scarce. Finally, Zeus had to put an end to the
starvation. If all the mortals died, there would be no one left to worship the gods! He knew that
Demeter would not let the crops grow as long as Persephone was away from her, so he ordered
Hades to return Persephone.
Hades did not want to anger Zeus, but before returning Persephone to the world above, he made her
eat a seed from a pomegranate - the food of the dead. When Persephone returned to her mother, the
reunion was joyous. Persephone told her mother everything that had happened to her. When Demeter
learned that Hades had forced Persephone to eat a pomegranate seed, Demeter grew sad once
again. She knew that anyone who had eaten the food of the dead was doomed to return to the
But Zeus took pity on them, and struck a compromise. Because Persephone had not eaten the seed
willingly, she would only have to return to the underworld for part of the year. During the months when
Persephone was away from her, Demeter mourned and did not allow the harvests to grow. This is why
we have winter. The rest of the year, when Persephone is back with her mother, the earth is fruitful
and the harvests grow.
That is the reason of the seasons, and that is why Demeter is the perfect goddess for seasonal
The text/picture above were taken from the document created by Persephone
At the first run and then once a year, use the default or customised parameters to calculate and fix
the series-specific modelling parameters
After an update of the series, apply the fixed modelling parameters time series in a regular
adjustment procedure
Chapter 2 :
How to install Demetra?
2. Execute the file "Demetra_Install.exe" and follow the instructions on the screen.
After the installation, a reboot of the PC might be necessary.
The file "Demetra.hlp" in the installation directory also provides detailed on-line help for the use of the
software and the preparation of the input data.
Remarks: Demetra 2.0 will not be able to load projects saved with beta versions of Demetra (earlier
than 1.4) because important changes have been made to the programme structure. However,
seasonal adjustment parameters saved by Demetra to the databases can still be used as usual.
It is easy to uninstall the software by using the "Control panel" function "Add/Remove Programs".
However, a manual deletion of the home directory of Demetra ("C:\Program Files\Demetra") with
some result files left will be necessary.
Demetra 2.0 (Service Pack 1) does not necessarily need anymore an installation of the Demetra
Fame Server on Windows NT/2000/XP-based servers with Fame when accessed from another
Windows NT/2000/XP PC. The service will invoked automatically be invoked on the users PC.
Destination path
<UNIXSERVER>/opt/Demetra (or other)
On the common file server, the appropriate file access rights must be set. Normally, general reading
access would avoid users interactions.
On the local users PC, the installing institution should create the following installation procedure:
- create a program icon in "Program Folder" or "Start Menu Folder" linked
- create registry keys:
"home path" = "<USER-PC><INSTALLDIR>\"
"HomePath" = "<USER-PC><INSTALLDIR>"
These options ensure that Demetra uses as working directory this local path, and not the common
directory on the server to store user-specific files.
1. Login:
Login into your Windows NT PC as "administrator" or user with administrator rights
2. Uninstall previous SUN RPC application versions (as included in Demetra) if necessary:
Perform the following steps only if you previously installed and used the SUN RPC application
(portmapper) on Windows NT PC's to get access to its FAME databases:
Open the "Services" viewer in the control panel
Check that the "Portmapper" service is installed (if not listed, you can stop here)
Stop the "Portmapper" service
Close the "Services" viewer
Open the "Add/Remove Programs" function in the control panel
Uninstall the "Portmap" programme
Close the "Add/Remove Programs" function
Delete the subdirectory "Win NT" in the home directory of Demetra (e.g. "C:\Program
Reboot the PC and login as yourself (usual login and password) if necessary
3. Stop the old " Portmap Service (Demetra)..." and "Demetra Fame Server" services:
5. Execute the file "Demetra_Install.exe" and follow the instructions on the screen.
9. Reboot:
Reboot the PC and login as yourself (usual login and password)
*//' -e 's/
case "$1" in
. /opt/Demetra/dmtenv
# Start the Demetra_server deamon
if [ -d /opt/fame ] ; then
echo "starting Demetra_server"
/opt/Demetra/Demetra_server &
# Stop the Demetra_server deamon
if [ "${pid}" != "" ]
echo "stopping Demetra_server"
/usr/bin/kill ${pid}
echo "usage: /etc/init.d/Demetra {start|stop}"
1 root
Note: The "Demetra_server" programme can also be started and stopped manually by a nonsuperuser:
6. Check with "rpcinfo" to see if the Demetra UNIX FAME server is running:
---> Type "rpcinfo". You should get something like (also as non-superuser possible):
program version netid
portmapper superuser
ticotsord \000\000\021\310
Chapter 3 :
Description of the automated module
Demetra currently provides access to time series in formatted TEXT, MS-EXCEL files, FAME, SAS or
ORACLE EXPRESS databases. Choose one of the corresponding buttons to select your data. See
below for special information on the input from these databases.
Remark: In one Demetra project, you can only use one type of database. Once you have selected
time series from one type of database you will not be able to add other time series from another
database type and vice versa.
It is possible to delete some of the selected time series (or FAME lists of time series) by highlighting
them and using the "Remove selected items" button.
You can also define a sub-range of the time span to which all chosen series will be limited: Just enter
a personalised starting period/year and/or ending period/year. However, you can not change the
periodicity of any time series.
Demetra automatically searches for stored parameters sets (if they have been previously saved by
Demetra) and loads them too. The format for the storing of the parameters must be respected if you
perform manual modifications in the databases. For more details, see page 107: Definition of the
format of Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima parameters (input and output).
In the both file types, the time series are identified by their names. While loading the time series,
Demetra searches for the characteristics of the data (data periodicity, starting period/year, ending
period/year, number of observations) and the time series data themselves. All time series contained in
the selected file are loaded.
A possibility to easily select sub-sets of time series in an ASCII text file or an EXCEL file is given by
the wildcard selection option. Type a wildcard name by using the letters that are the same in all time
series to be selected. Letters that can be different from one time series to another must be replaced by
the symbol '^'. Any chain of letters after a certain position in the time series names can be replaced by
ending the wildcard name at this position with the question mark '?'.
An Ascii text file contains the following time series: ABC, ABCDEF, ABCXYZ and XYZDXF.
The wildcard name 'ABC^^^' will select ABCDEF and ABCXYZ.
The wildcard name '^^^D^F' will select ABCDEF and XYZDXF.
The wildcard name 'ABC?' will select ABC, ABCDEF and ABCXYZ.
Tip: To easily copy a long name of a time series from the series list to the wildcard edit box just
move the mouse over the time series name and click on the right mouse button.
Note: All UNIX connection parameters are CASEsensitive. Take care with CAPITEL or small
FAME gives the possibility to create lists of time series ("namelists") that can be used to easily select
subsets of time series from a FAME-database. This facility can be applied in Demetra for the selection
of large-scale sets of time series by selecting just one single list containing the names of these time
Remark: You can not select both FAME types (time series and lists of time series) at the same time
in one project. If you add a different type of input to your project, previously selected items will
automatically be discarded. However, it is possible to select time series (respectively lists of time
series) from different databases in one project. Also, the result time series could be saved into
different databases if they are already indicated in the processing options of the original time series
(See page 98: Format for the storing of parameters in the FAME databases). In this case, the
series must already have been adjusted once before.
Another possibility to easily select large sets of time series is given by the wildcard selection option
that just works as its equivalent function in FAME. Type a wildcard name by using the letters that are
the same in all time series to be selected. Letters that can be different from one time series to another
must be replaced by the symbol '^'. Any chain of letters after a certain position in the time series
names can be replaced by ending the wildcard name at this position with the question mark '?'.
A Fame database contains the following time series: ABC, ABCDEF, ABCXYZ and XYZDXF.
The wildcard name 'ABC^^^' will select ABCDEF and ABCXYZ.
The wildcard name '^^^D^F' will select ABCDEF and XYZDXF.
The wildcard name 'ABC?' will select ABC, ABCDEF and ABCXYZ.
Tip: To easily copy a long name of a time series from the series list to the wildcard edit box just
move the mouse over the time series name and click on the right mouse button.
To verify your selection use the bottom "Show contents of a selected item" (or double-click on an item)
that allows viewing the data of a time series or the list of time series in a Fame namelist.
In the series view, highlight all the items (time series and formulas, or namelists) you want to treat with
Demetra and accept your choice by clicking on "Continue". If your wildcard returns exactly the series
wanted, than check the box "Use all time series or lists of time series from the wildcard selection" on
the bottom of the screen. This will disable the series view and accept the complete selection when you
click on the "Continue" button.
Clicking on the "Continue" button brings you back to the former screen showing your selection.
If the total number of selected items exceeds 1000, Demetra proposes to build a special project for
very large-scale datasets. If you accept, Demetra will not load the time series data themselves
immediately. The series will be loaded one by one during the seasonal adjustment processing or for
the graph display, and unloaded after their use. That allows for a minimal memory use and reduced
waiting times. However, you will not be able to graph the result time series as these are immediately
saved to the result database and cleared from the memory.
The dialog provides edit boxes for the entering of the (remote or local) host, directory, database, and
of any subset of the time series (for UNIX servers at least a login and password are required):
Note: All UNIX connection parameters are CASEsensitive. Take care with CAPITEL or small
3.1.5. Selections for the types and names of result time series
The result time series are the series that can be produced by the SA-methods, like the seasonally
adjusted series or the trend series.
Demetra provides list boxes to select the result time series to be saved to the result database or result
data file. You can select more than one list-box item (result time series) at a time. The SHIFT and
CTRL keys can be used together with the mouse to select and deselect items, including non-adjacent
items. Clicking or double-clicking an unselected item selects it. Clicking or double-clicking a selected
item deselects it.
Attention: The selection of a result time series does not mean that this series will necessarily be
saved to the database/file. The SA-methods Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima only produce the results
that correspond to the regression- and ARIMA-model used (factors or components that represent
the effects/terms included in the model). Only these results can be saved to the database/data file.
Missing results are therefore (in most cases) not an error of Demetra.
A special option allows transforming the decomposed factors from Seats (for multiplicative modelling)
from percentages (values around 100) to ratios (values around 1).
At the bottom of the dialog, an edit box is provided for customising the suffixes of the names of the
result time series used for the saving. First choose the type of result time series in the left combo box,
then modify the corresponding suffix that are proposed to you using the right edit box. The default
construction rule of the names consists in adding a default suffix to the name of the original time
series. See below for a list of default suffixes. To give you an idea how the name will look like, an
example is shown below the edit box using the first original time series and the currently selected type
of result time series.
Tip: Starting the customised suffix by "#" means deleting letters at the end of the name of the
original time series before adding the suffix. This can be useful if a suffix specifying an original
series should be replaced by a suffix specifying a result time series.
Default suffix
Final Components
Final Seasonally Adjusted Series
Final Trend
Final Seasonal Factors/Component
Final Irregular Factors/Component
Final Transitory Factors/Component
Business Cycle (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Final Long-Term Trend (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Business Cycle (from H-P filter) + Irregular
Forecasted Final Components
Forecasted Final Seasonally Adjusted Series
Forecasted Final Trend
Forecasted Final Cyclical Factors (Comp.)
Forecasted Final Seasonal Factors (Comp.)
Forecasted Final Irregular Factors (Comp.)
Fcstd. Business Cycle (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Fcstd. Final Long-Term Trend (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Fcstd. Business Cycle (from H-P filter) + Irregular
Forecasted Original Uncorrected Series
Preliminary Result Series
Seasonally Adjusted Series
Cyclical Factors (Component)
Seasonal Factors (Component)
Irregular Factors (Component)
Linearised series
Interp. Series Corr. for Calendar Effects
Standard Error of Seasonally Adjusted Series
Standard Error of Trend
Standard Error of Seasonal Factors/Component
Standard Error of Transitory Factors/Component
Forecasted Preliminary Result Series
Forecasted Seasonally Adjusted Series
Forecasted Trend
Forecasted Cyclical Factors (Component)
Forecasted Seasonal Factors (Component)
Pre-adjustment Factors (or Components)
Aggregate Pre-Adjustment Factors (Component)
Aggregate Outlier Effects
Transitory Changes
Level Shifts
Aggregate Trading Day Effects
Easter Effect
Non-Alloc. User-Regr. Effects (Sep. Comp.)
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Seas. Comp.
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Trend
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Irreg. Comp.
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Seas. Adj. S.
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Cycle
Residual Autocorrelations:
Ljung-Box Statistic on two years of autocorrelations.
Demetra tests if the Ljung-Box statistic is smaller than m , . The value m , depends on and m,
where m is the degree of freedom (2 times the periodicity of the time series minus the number of
ARIMA coefficients). You can select between different probabilities (e.g. between 10%, 5%,
2.5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.2% or 0.1%).
If =5%, the time series has a monthly periodicity (12), and a ARIMA-model with 1 coefficient has
been identified (m=24-1) then Ljung-Box<35.2 must be satisfied.
Extract of the table of the 2 distribution:
2 ,
Residuals Independence:
Ljung-Box Statistic on two years of autocorrelations of squared residuals.
Demetra tests if the Ljung-Box statistic is smaller than m , . The value m , depends on and m,
where m is the degree of freedom (2 times the periodicity of the time series minus the number of
ARIMA coefficients). You can select between different probabilities (e.g. between 10%, 5%,
2.5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.2% or 0.1%).
Box-Pierce Statistic on first two seasonal lags of autocorrelations of squared residuals.
Demetra tests if the Box-Pierce statistic is smaller than 2 , . The value 2 , only depends on .
You can select between different probabilities (e.g. between 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%,
0.2% or 0.1%).
Residuals Normality:
Normality test.
Demetra tests if the Normality statistic is smaller than 2 , . The value 2 , only depends on .
You can select between different probabilities (e.g. between 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%,
0.2% or 0.1%).
Residual Asymmetry:
Skewness (3rd central moment).
z 2
) is
produced by Tramo and Seats, where n is the length of the time series. The value z
2 only
depends on . You can select between different probabilities (e.g. 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 2%, 1%,
0.5%, 0.2% or 0.1%).
If =5%
I Skewness I<0.537=1.96
must be satisfied.
Kurtosis of Residuals:
Kurtosis (4th central moment).
Demetra tests if the Kurtosis statistic is inside the interval ( z
z 2
( ) is produced by Tramo and Seats, where n is the length of the time series. The value z 2 only
depends on . You can select between different probabilities (e.g. 10%, 5%, 2.5%, 2%, 1%,
0.5%, 0.2% or 0.1%).
Number of Outliers:
By default, the interface uses the five statistics both Ljung-Box, both Box-Pierce and the Normality
statistic based on the 2 distribution for the decision rules 2 and 3:
S > m, 0.001 .
2 There is at least one of these five statistic (called S ) for which:
S > mi , 0.05 , i .
3 There are at least three of these five statistics (called S i , i = 1,2,3 ) for which: i
Residual Autocorrelations:
Ljung-Box Statistic on two years of autocorrelations.
Demetra tests if the Ljung-Box statistic is smaller than m , . The value m , depends on and m,
where m is the degree of freedom (2 times the periodicity of the time series minus the number of
ARIMA coefficients). You can select between different probabilities (e.g. between 10%, 5%,
2.5%, 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.2% or 0.1%).
If =5%, the time series has a monthly periodicity (12), and a ARIMA-model with 1 coefficient has
been identified (m=24-1) then Ljung-Box<35.2 must be satisfied.
Extract of the table of the distribution:
2 ,
Forecast Error:
Size for the average percentage standard error in within-sample forecasts over the last year.
The interface tests if this value is smaller than . The user can select between different limits
(e.g. between 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%). This test is also used for the choice of the ARIMA model: The
one is chosen with the smallest forecast error.
Number of Outliers:
Ad-hoc statistics:
You can customise the diagnostic statistics that the interface should use to control the quality of
adjustment and to accept adjustments, and the significance levels, the number of outliers which will be
accepted, etc. as described above. Demetra automatically rejects adjustments (according to these
default or user-defined decision rules) ) that can be further treated in the Assisted treatment of
rejected adjustments (see page 55).
Once you have made the selections for the diagnostics statistics to use, Demetra will be able to finish
the creation of the project.
Of course, one of the seasonal adjustment methods TRAMO/SEATS or X-12-ARIMA must be chosen
first. The set of default parameters includes:
pre-test for a logarithm transformation (multiplicative/additive modelling)
a mean correction (if necessary)
a new ARIMA model identification/selection and estimation
pre-tests for Easter and one of four different trading day effects (including country-specific holidays)
an automatic detection and correction for outliers over the whole time series length
an interpolation of missing observations
an ARIMA forecast at the end of the series
an automatic decomposition.
5 different trading day options are possible:
No trading day effect
Test for working day effect: There are no differences in the economical activity between the working
days (Monday to Friday) but between these and non-working days (Saturday, Sunday). Hence, the
varying number of these days is considered.
Test for working day and length-of-period effect: As before, but also the total number of days per
period is considered.
Test for trading day effect: There are differences in the economical activity between all days of the
week. Hence, the varying number of these days is considered.
Test for trading day and length-of-period effect: As before, but also the total number of days per
period is considered.
Since TRAMO/SEATS and X-12-ARIMA do not decide between these types of trading day effects,
either the user must do this choice depending on the mean time series length and on the user's
knowledge about the type of time series (e.g. trade, employment, production index, accounts, etc.) or
leave the choice up to Demetra (option Allow reducing the number of trading day regressors) that is
based on the overall quality of the different adjustments.
In general, very short time series should rather be adjusted with few trading day variables (1 or 2),
whereas longer time series may be better adjusted using 6 or 7 trading day regressors. In the case of
a doubt try several options and decide yourself for the best one (e.g. using the number of rejected
adjustments found or the goodness of the diagnostic statistics for each trial) or leave the choice up to
The corresponding regression variables are automatically created by the programme that incorporates
the calendar for the years from 1901 to 2099. Specific holidays (e.g. depending on regions or
Of course, one of the seasonal adjustment methods TRAMO/SEATS or X-12-ARIMA must be chosen
You can change the modelling time span for TRAMO/SEATS as well as for X-12-ARIMA. Note, that
only the model identification and estimation are limited to that span. The series will then be adjusted
over its full time span using the fixed model settings.
A set of default parameters is proposed to the user that may be changed in a suite of dialog boxes:
pre-test for a logarithm transformation (multiplicative/additive modelling)
a mean correction (if necessary)
a new ARIMA model identification/selection and estimation
pre-tests for Easter and one of 4 different trading day effects (including country-specific holidays)
an automatic detection and correction for outliers over the whole time series length
an interpolation of missing observations
an ARIMA forecast at the end of the series
an automatic decomposition.
Log Transformation:
Transformations can be appropriate if the amplitude of the seasonal fluctuations of the series are
correlated to the level of the series. This indicates a multiplicative relationship between the
components of the series that can be logarithmically transformed to obtain an additive structure
necessary for the decomposition.
Pre-test: The programme tests for the necessity of a logarithm transformation of the original series
(TRAMO: based on a trimmed range-mean regression, complemented with the BIC values, X-12ARIMA: based on the AICC values). No transformation is performed if a original series contains
zeros or negative values.
Yes: The logarithm transformation is performed if the original series does not contain zeros or
negative values.
No: The logarithm transformation is not performed.
Pre-test: The programme tests for the necessity of a correction for trading day (or working day)
effects in the original series (TRAMO: by running a regression on the Airline model, X-12-ARIMA:
based on the AICC values) using the specified type of trading day effect.
Yes: The correction for trading day (or working day) effects is performed using the specified type of
trading day effect.
No: A correction for trading day (or working day) effects is not performed.
Remark: If your series are stock series then switch off the trading day correction, because the
trading day variable for stock series (of X-12-ARIMA) can not be accessed from the automated
module. Single stock series can be adjusted for the trading stock effect using X-12-ARIMA in the
detailed analysis module.
Easter Effect Correction:
Economical activities can be influenced by the varying number of Easter preceding days (with higher
economical activities) that fall in either of the months March and April. In order to improve the
seasonal modelling and the trend estimation, such an effect should be eliminated before the
The number of Easter affected days per year may be adapted to the type of time series if the user
possesses more detailed information on the economical background. However, a default value that
results from many practical experiences is given.
The corresponding regression variable is automatically created by the programme that incorporates
the calendar for the years from 1901 to 2099.
Pre-test: The programme tests for the necessity of a correction for the Easter effect in the original
series (TRAMO: by running a regression on the Airline model, X-12-ARIMA: based on the AICC
Yes: The correction for the Easter effects is performed.
No: The correction for the Easter effects is not performed.
ARIMA Model:
An ARIMA model is identified (TRAMO/SEATS) or selected from a list of default models (X-12-ARIMA)
and estimated for each time series in order to perform the forecast and (for Tramo/Seats) also the
decomposition on the forecasted time series. Alternatively, no identification/selection is done, simply
the AIRLINE model (0 1 1)(0 1 1) is estimated. Of course, one expect much better results using
specific models adapted to each of the time series. However, under some circumstances the user
might want to use the robust AIRLINE model what highly speeds up computer time. In general, very
short time series can often sufficiently be well modelled with the AIRLINE model.
Automatic identification (TRAMO) or selection (X-12-ARIMA) of a time series specific ARIMA model
and its estimation
Estimation of a specific ARIMA model (uses by default the robust AIRLINE model (0 1 1)(0 1 1))
Mean Correction:
The residuals of the ARIMA model are supposed to follow a normal distribution that includes a mean
of zero. Hence, a preceding mean correction may be adequate. TRAMO will anyway set this option to
"No" if the mean correction is not necessary.
the normal decomposition into trend-cycle, seasonal factors/component and the irregular
factors/component. Trend-cycle and irregular factors/component build together the seasonally
adjusted series.
the reduced decomposition without seasonal adjustment: only the trend-cycle is computed leaving
apart the irregular factors/component.
Correction for Level-Bias:
The programme can correct for the bias that may occur in multiplicative decomposition when the
period-to-period changes are relatively large when compared to the overall mean. This bias implies an
underestimation of the seasonally adjusted series and of the trend in levels, caused by the fact that
geometric means underestimate arithmetic means. 3 choices for the bias correction are available:
Full sample mean: A correction is made for the overall bias for the full length of the series and the
forecasting period (only with TRAMO/SEATS and only for logarithm transformed series)
Annual mean: For TRAMO/SEATS, a correction is made so that, for every year (including the
forecasting period), the annual average of the original series equals the annual average of the
seasonally adjusted series, and also (very approximately) equals the annual average of the trend.
For X-12-ARIMA, the seasonally adjusted series will be modified to force the annual totals of the
seasonally adjusted series and the original series be the same. The difference between the annual
totals is distributed over the seasonally adjusted values in a way that approximately preserves the
period-to-period movements of the original series.
Remark: The bias correction procedure is not recommended if the seasonal pattern is changing or
if trading day adjustment is performed.
For TRAMO/SEATS only: When the average value of the differences (in absolute value) between the
annual means of the original and seasonally adjusted series is larger than the maximum deviation, the
bias correction for annual means is automatically enforced. The maximum deviation to enter is
expressed in percent points of the level of the series.
Further Smoothing of the Trend for SEATS:
For the AIRLINE model, a facility has been introduced into SEATS to obtain a smoother trend without
significantly affecting the seasonally adjusted series. This is done by simply decreasing the value of
the first coefficient of the moving average (MA) factor in the ARIMA model.
When the first MA coefficient is larger than the maximum value ("degree of smoothness"), it is
If the first MA coefficient is smaller than or equal to the maximum value, nothing is done since the
trend is already smooth enough.
No: No further smoothing is done.
Business-cycle analysis (Hodrick-Prescott filter parameter ):
Specify here the Hodrick-Prescott filter parameter for one of the 3 time series periodicities. Demetra
will automatically calculate the adequate parameter (Lambda) for the other series periodicities.
Even if your time series periodicity is not included in the 3 examples, Demetra will calculate the
corresponding parameter:
Practically, Demetra first obtains the equivalent period (Tau) that is the maximum length of the cycles
Within this dialogue, the user can control the execution of the SA-methods. Errors and warnings are
also reported to the log file Demetra.log. The processing of each time series by the SA-methods is not
interactive. However, you are permanently informed about the progress in the execution of all series
and you can stop, restart or quit the processing at any time (after the SA-method has returned of
course from the execution of one series). In rare cases of a hung-up of the SA method, Demetra
automatically stops the SA method, issues an error message and continues with the next series.
During the processing, the diagnostic statistics of each time series are automatically computed and
checked using the decision rules as defined in Criteria for the automatic quality check of time series
(see page 27).
In the automated module, an adjustment is automatically added to the list of rejected adjustments, if it
turned out to be difficult. It can be treated later in Assisted treatment of rejected adjustments (see
page 55).
For rejected adjustments, no result time series or parameters are immediately saved to the database.
In opposite, if the diagnostic statistics chosen are not significant then the model for the time series is
accepted and the result time series and the corresponding set of parameters are saved directly to the
databases or data files.
New icons are shown that indicate the use of the tool for the automatic reduction of trading day
regressors, Demetras stability analysis and Demetras expert system (for the automatic treatment of
rejected adjustments).
- New Project: Creates a new project using Demetras New Project Wizard. First, you will be asked to
select the module (Automated or Detailed Analysis) for the new project.
- Open Project: Opens an existing project in a new window. You can open multiple projects at once.
Use the Window menu to switch among the multiple open projects.
- Save Project: The complete project is stored in a Demetra project file named by the user that can be
re-opened at a later point in time. This option also facilitates the re-using of the project in regular (e.g.
monthly) adjustments.
- Close: Closes an open project. Use this command to close all windows containing the active project.
Demetra suggests that you save changes to your project before you close it. If you close a project
without saving, you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.
Save Saves an open project using the same file name.
Save As...
Saves an open project using a specified file name.
- Exit: Exits Demetra.
- Print Report, Print Preview, Print Setup: Printing of quality reports for several time series
- Copy(/paste) the quality report for a single series as a picture
- Customise project properties (title, author, keywords, comments)
- Access to general Demetra options: working directory, log file settings, auto-recovery settings,
language settings, and others
- Customisation of holiday sets
- Customisation of Demetras Stability Analysis and Expert System
- Access to project settings: customisation of the rules for the quality check, selections for the type and
name of result time series, selection of output databases, selections for the saving of parameter sets
- Access to Seasonal Adjustment Processing Wizard
Redo Adjustment:
- Window menu: It offers the following commands, which enable you to arrange multiple views or
multiple projects in the application window. Attention: the use of multiple projects is not tested yet and
should be done with care.
New Window: Creates a new window that views the same project: Opens a new window with
the same contents as the active window. You can open multiple project windows to display
different parts or views of a project at the same time. If you change the contents in one
window, all other windows containing the same project reflect those changes. When you open
a new window, it becomes the active window and is displayed on top of all other open
windows. If you close one of these windows, the whole project will be closed.
Cascade: Arranges multiple opened windows in an overlapped fashion.
Tile: Arranges multiple opened windows vertically or horizontally in non-overlapped tiles.
Arrange Icons: Arranges icons for minimised windows at the bottom of the main window. If
there is an open project window at the bottom of the main window, then some or all icons may
not be visible because they will be underneath this project window.
Window 1, 2, ...: Goes to specified window. Demetra displays a list of currently open project
windows at the bottom of the Window menu. A check mark appears in front of the project
name of the active window. Choose a project from this list to make its window active.
- Contents and Index: Offers you an index to topics on which you can get help. Use this command to
display the opening screen of the Demetra Help. From the opening screen, you can jump to step-bystep instructions for using Demetra and various types of reference information. Once you open Help,
you can click the Contents button whenever you want to return to the opening screen.
- About Demetra: Displays the copyright notice and the version number of your copy of Demetra.
The following information is given:
At the status bar at the bottom of the Demetra application frame:
- Number of series with accepted/finished adjustments
- Number of series with rejected/erroneous adjustments
- Number of not processed series
See below for the explanation of this type of time series.
Note: The time series of the different types are only shown in table if the corresponding check
are clicked. If you cannot see any time series in the table verify that the check
boxes are clicked.
For very-large-scale datasets (projects with more than 1000 time series), only 1000 (configurable
within the Demetra options) time series are shown at the time. Use the buttons
previous or next block of series.
to select the
Tip: To easily select a large amount of rejected adjustments, unclick all types of time series at the
top of the dialog box except the check box for rejected adjustments. Then, only rejected
adjustments are shown in the table and one can select them all together using the key combination
"Shift" + "End" + "Down".
ARIMA model: short write form for the orders (zeros or positive values) of the computed and applied
seasonal ARIMA model "(#AR #I #MA)(#SAR #SI #SMA)", e.g. the Airline model can be written as
"(0 1 1)(0 1 1)"
#AR: order of the regular autoregressive factor
#I: order of the regular differentiation
#MA: order of the regular moving average factor
#SAR: order of the seasonal autoregressive factor
#SI: order of the seasonal differentiation
#SMA: order of the seasonal moving average factor
Higher the order more complicate is the model. High model orders may signify non-parsimonious
models, lead to highly correlated coefficient estimators, and penalise forecast accuracy. Model orders
over (3 2 3)(2 1 2) would be certainly inappropriate. The Airline model (0 1 1)(0 1 1) is a simple, robust
and very common model.
Note: If the seasonal part only contains zeros (x x x)(0 0 0), a non-seasonal model is used. If
SEATS uses such a model no seasonal factors/component and seasonally adjusted series are
computed. In fact, the seasonally adjusted series is equal to the original series.
Diagnostic Statistics:
Ljung-Box on residuals: diagnostic statistic based on the ARIMA residuals in the form
"#A [#B, #C] #D", e.g. "26.81 [0, 33.90] 5%"
#A: statistic
#B: lower confidence limit
#C: upper confidence limit
#D: confidence level in %
A statistic outside the confidence interval (limited by both confidence limits) signifies that there is
evidence of autocorrelations in the residuals (of the ARIMA model fitting). A linear structure is left in
the residuals.
Ljung-Box on squared residuals: format as the former statistic
A statistic outside the confidence interval signifies that there is evidence of autocorrelations in the
squared residuals (of the ARIMA model fitting). A non-linear structure is left in the residuals.
Box-Pierce on residuals: format as the former statistic (only for TRAMO/SEATS)
A statistic outside the confidence interval signifies that there is evidence of autocorrelations in the
residuals (of the ARIMA model fitting) at seasonal lags. A linear seasonal structure is left in the
Box-Pierce on squared residuals: format as the former statistic (only for TRAMO/SEATS)
A statistic outside the confidence interval signifies that there is evidence of autocorrelations in the
squared residuals (of the ARIMA model fitting) at seasonal lags. A non-linear seasonal structure is left
in the residuals.
Easter effect:
Economical activities can be influenced by the varying number of Easter preceding days (with higher
economical activities) that fall in either of the months March and April. In order to improve the
seasonal modelling and the trend estimation, such an effect should be eliminated before the
The number of Easter affected days per year should be adapted to the type of time series if the user
possesses more detailed information on the economical background.
Yes (#A day(s)): The correction for the Easter effects is performed. #A days before Easter are
considered in the Easter effect regression variable.
No: The correction for the Easter effects is not performed.
Outliers are "historically unexpected" values (data irregularities) in the time series that result either
from real extraordinary economic effects or from the modelling: some few values may not "follow" the
ARIMA model chosen and are therefore excluded from the modelling. Unfortunately, often these real
extraordinary economic effects are unknown, and the corresponding time series values are often only
detected because they fall out of the structure (modelled with the ARIMA technique) contained in the
other values.
#A is the number of outliers, the #B's, #C's and #D's are the type, date and observation number of
each outlier. #B can have the entries "AO" (additive outlier), "LS" (level shift), "TC" (transitory
change or also known as temporary change), "RP" (ramp effect) or "IO" (innovational outlier). An
additive outlier is able to catch a single point jump in the data, a temporary change and a ramp
effect is a single point jump followed by a smooth return to the original path, and a level shift is a
permanent change in the level of the series. Since innovational outlier (especially at the beginning
of the series) may have very drastic effects on the level of the series, they should not be
None: A correction for outliers is not performed or no outliers were found.
Missing observations:
None: There is no missing observation.
#A is the number of missing observations, the #B's and #C's are the date and observation number
of each missing observation.
Other regression effects:
The user might have included user-defined (fixed) regression effects like intervention variables into the
None: There are no other regression effects.
"#A Regressor(s)": #A is the number of user-defined (fixed) regression effects (variables).
ARIMA decomposition:
In the case of TRAMO/SEATS, the programme gives more detailed information on the performance of
the ARIMA decomposition.
None: SEATS is not used. No seasonal decomposition is performed.
Exact: SEATS used the ARIMA model provided by TRAMO for the decomposition. Hence, the
models for the pre-adjustment and for the decomposition are the same.
Seasonal component made zero: SEATS eliminated the seasonal part of the ARIMA model
provided by TRAMO because the seasonality is not strong enough for decomposition. Hence, the
models for the pre-adjustment and for the decomposition are not the same. The decomposition is
limited to the estimation of the trend and of the irregular factors/component. No seasonally adjusted
series is computed since it is equal to the original time series. However, the results are normally not
impaired by this change.
Approximated: SEATS changed the ARIMA model provided by TRAMO because e.g. the
decomposition of this model was not admissible. Hence, the models for the pre-adjustment and for
the decomposition are not the same. However, the results are normally not impaired by this
Not admissible: The SEATS decomposition of the ARIMA model provided by TRAMO was not
admissible. The parameter settings forced SEATS not to try to find an adequate model to replace
the former one. Hence, no decomposition was done. By default, the series is considered as difficult.
To overcome this problem, use the Demetra defaults as parameter settings (it forces Seats to find
an adequate replacing ARIMA model). Or, if you use the statistical tool 1 or 2 loading previous
modelling settings, manually define a decomposable ARIMA model in the series-specific parameter
item in the database (see page 107: Definition of the format of Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima
parameters (input and output)).
X-11 decomposition:
In the case of X-12-ARIMA, the programme gives more detailed information on the performance of the
X-11 decomposition.
With ARIMA forecasts: X-12-Arima could use or successfully select an ARIMA model for the time
series and use it to compute forecasts that are added to the time series before the decomposition.
This noticeably improves the decomposition quality at the recent end of the series since ("more")
symmetric filters are used.
Without ARIMA forecasts: The automatic ARIMA model selection procedure did not find an
acceptable model for the time series in the list. Reasons are the failing of at least one of the tests
for an evidence of non-seasonal overdifferencing, for the size of the average absolute percentage
error in within-sample forecasts, and for the Ljung -Box Q chi-square probability for each model.
This may noticeably harm the decomposition quality at the recent end of the series since
asymmetric filters are used.
X-11 seasonal filter:
In the case of X-12-ARIMA, the programme gives more detailed information on the seasonal filter
used. The filter might be fixed in advance (by choosing the appropriate option while defining a
customised project) or selected by X-12-Arima using the moving seasonality ratio procedure of X-11ARIMA/88.
3xX MA: X-12-ARIMA used a 3xX moving average (MA, also called seasonal "filter") whereby X
can be one of the numbers 1, 3, 5, 9 or 15. 3xX MA means that an 3-term simple average is taken
of a sequence of consecutive X-term simple averages. The same MA is applied to all calendar
Broadly speaking, long filters (high numbers X) are adequate for stable seasonal movements in the
time series while short filters (low numbers X) are more appropriate for unstable, fast evolving
Stable: X-12-ARIMA used a stable seasonal filter: A single seasonal factor for each calendar period
(e.g. months or quarters) is generated by calculating the simple average of all values for each
period (taken after detrending and outlier adjustment). The stable filter is applied to all calendar
periods (e.g. months or quarters).
X-11 default: A 3x3 moving average is used to calculate the initial seasonal factors in each
iteration, and a 3x5 moving average to calculate the final seasonal factors. This seasonal filter is
applied to all calendar periods (e.g. months or quarters).
Depending on period: The user specified in the parameter item that was loaded with the time
series, different seasonal filters for different calendar periods (e.g. months or quarters).
X-11 trend filter:
In the case of X-12-ARIMA, the programme gives more detailed information on the trend filter used.
The filter might be fixed in advance (by choosing the appropriate option while defining a customised
project) or selected by X-12-Arima based on statistical characteristics of the data.
X-term Henderson MA: X-12-ARIMA used a X-term Henderson moving average for the detrending
whereby X can be any odd numbers from 3 to 101.
Broadly speaking, long filters (high numbers X) are adequate for stable trend movements in the time
series while short filters (low numbers X) are more appropriate for unstable, fast evolving patterns.
This item gives more information on the seasonal structure of the time series or the type of ARIMA
model (seasonal/non-seasonal) used for the adjustment. This is an indication if seasonal adjustment is
adequate or actually performed.
Seasonal model used: A seasonal ARIMA model was automatically identified by TRAMO/SEATS. If
SEATS was used it did accept the seasonal model and actually perform a seasonal adjustment.
Non-seasonal model used: A non-seasonal ARIMA model was automatically identified by
TRAMO/SEATS, or imposed by SEATS that could not identify significant seasonality in the time
series. A seasonal adjustment was NOT performed. If no other adjustments are performed (e.g.
calendar adjustment), the seasonally adjusted series would be the same as the original time series,
and is therefore not computed and saved to the database.
Seasonal model imposed: A seasonal ARIMA model was imposed by the user or by the modelling
settings saved in the databases. If SEATS was used it did accept the seasonal model and actually
perform a seasonal adjustment.
Non-seasonal model imposed: A non-seasonal ARIMA model was imposed by the user or by the
modelling settings saved in the databases. A seasonal adjustment was NOT performed. If no other
adjustments are performed (e.g. calendar adjustment), the seasonally adjusted series would be the
same as the original time series, and is therefore not computed and saved to the database.
To be checked: The seasonal adjustment procedure did not yet get to the normal end.
Significant: X-12-ARIMA identified significant seasonality in the series. A seasonal adjustment is
Probably present: X-12-ARIMA identified some uncertain seasonality in the series. A seasonal
adjustment is might be recommended.
Not significant: X-12-ARIMA did not identify significant seasonality in the series. Even though a
seasonal adjustment was not recommended or useful, the seasonal adjustment was performed (if
so specified). If a pre-adjustment (correction of calendar-effects, outlier correction) is performed, a
non-seasonal RegARIMA model should be considered.
Input location:
This indicates the place (computer, directory, database) where the original time series was taken from.
The database extension indicates the database type (e.g. db: FAME, xls: MS-EXCEL, txt: ASCII).
Output location:
This indicates the place (computer, directory, database) where the result time series were saved to.
The database extension indicates the database type (e.g. db: FAME, xls: MS-EXCEL, txt: ASCII).
Result time series saved:
This indicates the already saved result time series. If this field is empty, no results have been saved
yet during the current adjustment. The list contains the type of the results (e.g. fa: final seasonally
adjusted time series, ft: final trend series) and the series-specific name of the series as used for the
saving. For a complete list of types of result time series and their abbreviations see page 107 for the
Definition of the format of Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima parameters (input and output).
Use the right-mouse click to access a special context-sensitive menu proposing several very useful
- The contents of the status table can be exported to a text or an Excel file, copied as formatted text or
as picture or printed.
Export table: Sometimes, it can be useful to have all the information contained in the table of the
Status of the Project in another format or saved to a special database for filing reasons. This option
writes the information for all the series contained in the table to a text file named by the user. It is a
simple tab-separated ASCII file. It can easily imported e.g. in MS-EXCEL. The information is added to
Use the right-mouse click to access a special context-sensitive menu proposing several very useful
- Selection of the series to be graphed (Be sure to select them at least once before the processing).
- Configuration of the axis scaling (zoom)
- Configuration of the graph styles (line pattern)
- Adding/removing a legend (relationships between series names and line pattern used)
- Export of graphed values into text file
- Printing of the graph
- Copy the graph as a picture (copy/paste into other working documents)
Use the right-mouse click to access a special context-sensitive menu proposing several very useful
- Customisation of the model name.
- Visualisation of a selected parameter set with the original parameter formats of the interface
seasonal adjustment methods (in a text file)
- The contents of the table can be exported to a text or an Excel file, copied as formatted text or as
picture or printed.
Use the right-mouse click to access a special context-sensitive menu proposing several very useful
- Customisation of the model name.
- The contents of the table can be exported to a text or an Excel file, copied as formatted text or as
picture or printed.
The window in the lower right corner of the project main view shows the information on diagnostic
statistics in text form for the currently selected time series in the status table. An explanation is given
for all significant statistics as well as an overall conclusion for the acceptance of the adjustment. In the
tool for the improvement of rejected adjustments, several parameter sets (models) can be contained
in the table.
The screen shows similar windows to the once of the Automated Module main project view.
The interface works in the following way: Using the menu functions you can create new parameter
sets to perform new automatic modelling or new customised modelling.
If one takes any of the actions listed above, then Demetra re-runs the seasonal adjustment method
(TRAMO/SEATS or X-12-ARIMA) as used in modelling set 1. It uses the automatic processing
options plus the modified parameters for trading day correction, logarithm transformation, the
critical value for outliers or others.
The model obtained from the new adjustment is has a different name. The new result series graphs,
specification and diagnostic results of the new adjustment are displayed. The automatic processing
option can be used only once for a series.
If a new model for a series passes the diagnostic tests, then the user can accept this model
the interface saves the output (result time series) and the corresponding new set of parameters
directly into the databases or data files. The series is removed from the list of rejected adjustments.
The other options are:
Treat series with Detailed Analysis Module:
If selected so in a confirmation dialogue, stop the
treatment of the active series with a rejected adjustment. This series will not be treated anymore within
this project using the large-scale module. This series is better treated using the Detailed Analysis
Skip Series:
Stop the treatment for the active series with a rejected adjustment. Continue with the
next series or close this view if all selected series are treated. The skipped series can be treated later
Stop Treatment of Rejected Adjustments:
Stop the treatment of the active and all the remaining
series with an rejected adjustment. Go back to the project main view. All the skipped series can be
treated later again.
Number of outliers
Chapter 4 :
Description of the
Detailed Analysis Module
- Left areas:
- Upper right area:
- Middle right area:
- Lower right area:
Graph of the original time series and graph of residuals or other result time
series produced by the seasonal adjustment methods (if available)
Table of modelling specifications for each modelling set (modelling
specifications/statistical treatment)
Table of diagnostics for each modelling set
Text message referring to significant diagnostic statistics for each modelling
set with conclusion
Note: To see relevant data in these windows (except the graph of the original time series), you
need to create at least one model.
The module for detailed analysis is build with the aim to allow in-depth comparisons of different
variants (sets) of seasonal adjustment parameters and adjustment methods for single series of
particular interest. Demetra provides tools to:
Tip: You can also change the name of a model later if you click in the columns of the modelling
sets in the tables for "Information on Models" or "Information on Diagnostics".
Specifications Modelling...
Specifications Statistical Treatment...
Demetra allows modifications of the specifications of the "Modelling..." and "Statistical Treatment..." of
one of the models already created. Select the model for which you want to change some parameters
and customise the settings for the
- "Data Handling" (transformations, interpolations, mean correction),
- "Regression Variables" (trading day and Easter effect, outliers),
-"ARIMA Model Specification" or "Automatic Model Identification/Selection" and
- "Model Estimation"
- or "Decomposition" (ARIMA-model based method or MA-based procedure "X11") and
- "Forecasting"
- Revision History Analysis (only for X-12-Arima)
- Sliding Spans Analysis (only for X-12-Arima).
For more information on this topic, see pages 72 to 87.
Remark: The changes to the parameters will only be applied, if you quit the dialog boxes using the
"OK" button. No modifications will be applied if you quit with "Cancel". You will only be able to
perform parameter modifications after having created at least one "model". See the paragraph just
above for more about how to create a new model.
Demetra allows the a-priori selection of the result time series that should be produced by the seasonal
adjustment methods, and that should be saved to the result databases when the adjustment is finally
accepted. Make your choice before you run the seasonal adjustment methods!
Attention: The selection of a result time series does not mean that this series will necessarily be
created: The SA-methods Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima only produce the results that correspond to
the regression and ARIMA model used (factors or components that represent the effects/terms
included in the model). Only these results can be obtained. Missing results are therefore not an
error of Demetra.
See the Project Wizard for more information.
Use the pull down menu item "Rules for Quality Check..." to select the diagnostic statistics that
Demetra should use to control the quality of adjustment like significance levels, the number of outliers
which will be accepted, etc.
For more information, see page 27 for the Criteria for the automatic quality check.
Run the seasonal adjustment methods (TRAMO/SEATS) on the loaded time series using one of the
models in the project. You can run the methods several times on the same model even if you don't
change any parameters. TRAMO/SEATS and X-12-ARIMA can return new modalities of parameters
and therefore change the model, e.g. the option for a pre-test of log-transformation will result in a
decision: a model with or without log-transformation.
After the seasonal adjustment, you can save the results time series (e.g. trend or seasonally adjusted
series) for a given model to the database, you can save the parameters of a model to the original time
series (The saved parameters can be used again in the automated module in statistical tool 1 or 2
using "Previous model settings"), and you can export the information on the time series like model
specifications and diagnostic statistics to a text file (Use this function to create or update summary
tables (for filing)- the format used is very convenient for an import in MS-Excel (tab-separated format).
This function corresponds to the export of text information in the dialog box "Status of the Project" in
the automated module.
Remark: In some cases, the treatment with the SA-methods can be very long, especially if you
have a relatively rejected adjustments and options for new estimations. Please be patient and wait
for the return of the programme. Demetra will normally tell you if any error occurred.
Demetra only saves the result time series that have been selected previously to the execution of the
seasonal adjustment method, and that have actually been calculated by them. Make this choice at the
beginning of your work before you run the seasonal adjustment methods because subsequent
selections have no influence anymore!
Before saving the result time series, Demetra will request for the place of saving (name and location of
result ASCII file, EXCEL file or FAME database).
Use the different pulldown menus in "Window" and "Help" to manipulate the different windows and
project views, to run the Demetra Help or to call the "About Demetra..." dialog box as usual just as in
other standard MS Windows software.
- Clicking on the different model names in the column titles of the tables for "Information on
Models" or "Informations on Diagnostics" changes the model of the result series (e.g. residuals)
shown in the upper right area.
- Clicking inside the different columns of the tables for "Information on Models" or "Informations on
Diagnostics" invokes a dialog box that let you customise the name of the corresponding modelling
Using the menu, you can customise the degree of detail in this table to: brief list, most important
specifications and complete list.
Time Span (n of obs.)
Mean Correction
Mean value
Mean standard error
Mean t-value
Correction for Trading Day Effect
Trad1 value
Trad1 standard error
Trad1 t-value
Correction for Easter Effect
Easter effect value
Easter effect standard error
Easter effect t-value
Correction for Outliers
LS May 1980 (5) value
LS May 1980 (5) standard error
LS May 1980 (5) t-value
X-11 Decomposition
Seas. filter Q1
3x3 MA
3x5 MA
3x9 MA
3x15 MA
X-11 default
#-term Henderson MA
Seas. comp. made zero
Not admissible
To be tested
Not significant
Probably present
Seasonal model imposed
Non-seasonal model imposed
To add a series to the graph shown in the corresponding area of the Graphical Comparison Tool, you
must precise your selection up to the level 3! Otherwise an error message "You need to select a
model." will be shown. Than click on the "Add to plot" button.
Remark: Demetra will take care about the compatibility of the time series chosen since only time
series of the same type can be shown in one single plot. If you select series that can not be plotted
in the same graph, an error message "Incompatible graph types for overlay" is shown.
To remove a series from the graph shown in the corresponding area of the Graphical Comparison
Tool, select the series in the lower listbox. Than click on the "Remove from plot" button.
To completely clean the corresponding graph area of the Graphical Comparison Tool, click on the
"Remove all" button.
Finally accept your choice with the "OK" button.
You can cancel the function with the Cancel button.
A transformations can be appropriate if the amplitude of the seasonal fluctuations of the series are
correlated to the level of the series. This indicates a non-additive relationship between the
components of the series that are adequately transformed to obtain an additive structure necessary for
the decomposition.
Logarithm: The logarithm transformation is performed. Choose this option if the time series graph
visually showed the mentioned behaviour.
None: No transformation is performed. Choose this option if the time series graph does visually not
Mean Correction
The residuals of the ARIMA model are supposed to follow a normal distribution that includes a mean
of zero. Hence, a preceding mean correction may be adequate. TRAMO will set this option to "No" if
the mean correction is not necessary.
Mean Correction
Yes: Perform a mean correction (for TRAMO: only done if necessary)
None: Do not perform a mean correction
Default value: Yes
Significance Level for Excluding the Mean or the ARIMA Parameters From the Model (t-value) (only
This value is used in the last step of the automatic model identification in TRAMO.
Default value: 1.0
Missing Observations
In X-12-ARIMA, when the programme encounters a missing value in the original series, it inserts an
additive outlier for that observation time into the set of regression variables, and then replaces the
missing value code with the value "Initial Replacement Value for Missing Observations" that should be
large enough to be considered an outlier during model estimation. After the regARIMA model is
estimated, the program adjusts the original series using factors generated from these missing value
outlier regressors. The adjusted values are estimates of the missing values. Thus, the interpolation for
missing values requires a regARIMA model to be estimated.
The following options can be set for TRAMO/SEATS.
Interpolation for Missing Observations
AO approach: Missing observations are treated as additive outliers (initial values are constructed
as the sum of the two adjacent observations; interpolation is always performed).
Skipping approach: Interpolation of unobserved values and missing observations treated using the
Correction in the Determinantal Term of the Likelihood (when interpolation with AO approach) (only for
Default value: Yes
Note: If the "Correction in the Determinantal Term of the Likelihood" and the additive outliers
approach are selected, the determinantal term in the function to be minimised is adjusted so that it
coincides with that of the function used in the skipping approach.
The automatic model identification facility of Tramo can be used in the presence of outliers only if
these are treated with the additive outliers approach. When this is the case, in order to identify the
degree of differencing, the missing observations are first replaced with tentative values which are
the sum of the two adjacent observations. Then, for ARMA model identification of the differenced
series, the program estimates all regression parameters, included those of the missing
observations. In this way, the missing observations are implicitly estimated as the difference
between the tentative value and the estimated regression parameter of the additive outlier.
Advanced Parameters (only for X-12-ARIMA)
Perform length-of-month adjustment on monthly data (2), length-of-quarter adjustment on quarterly
data (3), leap year adjustment of monthly or quarterly data (4), or do neither (1). Do not use the adjust
argument if a trading day correction with 7 variables is specified.
Default value: 1
number > 0
Defines the difference in AICC needed to accept no transformation when the automatic transformation
AIC test is invoked (pre-test for log-transformation).
Default value: 2.0
Remark: The changes to the parameters will only be applied, if you quit the "Specification" dialog
boxes using the "OK" button. No modifications will be applied if you quit with "Cancel".
Specific holidays
This dialog allows specifying a particular holiday set (e.g. depending on regions or economical
activities like banking) to improve the internally generated trading day variables. These parameters are
currently only available in TRAMO/SEATS.
DEMETRA includes predefined holidays sets for the main Western-European countries, Japan and
the USA. You can modify and save them if necessary. It is possible to redefine these sets to their
Demetra defaults by clicking on the "Delete set" button. They are automatically reset in this case, but
you cannot completely delete them.
It is possible to define additional holiday sets for your own series, country or branch.
Ash Wednesday
Select this option, if the specific calendar contains this movable holiday.
A movable holiday (or Moveable Feast day) changes the date every year. It has always the same
distance (in days) to the Easter Sunday.
For more information about the determination of the Easter Sunday date, please see the help for
Easter Monday.
Maundy Thursday (Easter Thursday)
Select this option, if the specific calendar contains this movable holiday.
A movable holiday (or Moveable Feast day) changes the date every year. It has always the same
distance (in days) to the Easter Sunday.
Type a name for the holiday set in the dialog box and choose "OK" to save the set under this name.
Click on "OK" to accept your choice. Click in the upper right corner of the dialog box to discard the
function and close the dialog box.
The lower buttons have the following meaning:
II : jump to today
> : jump to the same day in the next month
< : jump to the same day in the previous month
>> : jump to the same day in the next year
<< : jump to the same day in the previous year
Please refer to the manual of TRAMO/SEATS for more information on the parameter modalities and
Remark: The changes to the parameters will only be applied, if you quit the "Specification" dialog
boxes using the "OK" button. No modifications will be applied if you quit with "Cancel".
You can add or remove fixed outliers or user-defined intervention variables (you may have detailed
information on economic events e.g. strikes that effects the time series and that can be modelled by
appropriate outliers or intervention variables). Even if your time series is monthly, please enter a
concrete date when you add a new fixed outlier.
Please refer to the manual of TRAMO/SEATS respectively X-12-ARIMA for more information on the
parameter modalities and meanings (especially about the construction of user-defined intervention
Remark: The changes to the parameters will only be applied, if you quit the "Specification" dialog
boxes using the "OK" button. No modifications will be applied if you quit with "Cancel".
You can add or remove user-defined regression variables (you may have detailed information on
economic events that effects the time series and that can be modelled by appropriate regression
variables). You must create these variables yourself and save them in the same way as your input
series (as time series with an appropriate format - understandable by Demetra - in a database of the
same type as the input series). The button Add/Remove Variables will lead to the following screen:
All time series that are shown in this screen are loaded and used as regression variables. To add
other time series use the one of the four buttons at the top that is enabled. To remove time series,
select them by clicking with the mouse (you may use the SHIFT, CTRL, HOME or END key or
combinations of them) to select several time series), and use the button Remove selected items.
All possible modalities of an X-12-ARIMA parameter can be found in Demetras formats of the X-12Arima parameters (see page 110) .
To modify a parameter, select it with the mouse and click the "Set" button.
Accept your modifications with the "OK" button.
You can discard all your modifications with the Cancel button.
To modify a parameter, type the new value in the edit box. Accept your modification with the "OK"
button. You can discard your modification with the Cancel button.
Number of forecasts
Specify the length of the 1 step ahead forecasts produced using the estimated Regression-ARIMA
model for each time series.
Forecasts are very important to improve the estimation of the series components (trend, seasonal
factors) at the recent end of the series.
Please refer to the manual X-12-ARIMA for more information on the parameter modalities and
Please refer to the manual X-12-ARIMA for more information on the parameter modalities and
Chapter 5 :
Special tools
AutoRecover tool
Time interval for AutoRecover savings in minutes
Demetra saves a backup of all currently open Demetra projects after the expiration of a certain time
interval that can be customised here. By default, all 30 minutes, a backup is made.
If the system becomes unstable or crashes, Demetra will automatically recover the backup of the
projects that were not properly closed at the next new execution.
Other options
Maximum number of time series shown in the Status Table
For projects with very-large-scale datasets (more than 1000 time series), the time to display of the list
of series in the Status Table (upper left window in the main view of the Automated Module Project) can
be reduced by limiting the number of series listed. On PCs with high performance the default value of
1000 might be most suitable. On less performing computers this value should be decreased.
Time-out for stopping SA methods
Demetra is an interface to the independent seasonal adjustment methods Tramo/Seats and X-12Arima. The processing of these methods is controlled by Demetra, and if for any reason the seasonal
adjustment processing does not finish after the specified time interval, Demetra will stop it. The most
suitable time-out depends on the speed of the computer. It should be long enough to allow finishing
the processing of very long time or difficult time series, but also so short that the user must not wait
too long if a real hang-up occurs.
The default is 60 seconds.
Use the local settings for the month names
That is a simple option allowing switching between the use of month names in all tables, graphs and
reports in local or English language.
Reset to Default Options
Activating this button resets all parameters in this dialog box to the Demetra default settings.
For all newly rejected adjustments during an adjustment run, Demetra will try to change some of the
automatic (!) parameters to obtain an improved modelling, for instance, when the following options
were specified:
- Pre-test for the log-transformation (multiplicative modelling): Demetra will compare the range-mean
regression slopes for the (currently) linearised series (which is outlier corrected!) and its logtransformed counterpart, and choose the option that corresponds to the smallest slope.
- Pre-test for the correction of trading days and the optimisation (reduction) of the number of trading
day regressors was allowed: Demetra will compare the diagnostic statistics for the adjustments with
stepwise-reduced numbers of regressors.
- Automatic critical value for the detection/correction of outliers: Demetra will try to optimise this value
depending on the number of outliers currently found.
- Automatic identification/selection of the ARIMA model: Demetra will loop through a certain set of
combinations of ARIMA model orders.
- If nothing else helped and if specified so in the Expert System options, Demetra will stepwise (yearwise) cut the modelling span at the beginning of the time series down to minimal 4 years, and stop if
an acceptable adjustment is found.
statistic j optimalval ue j
limitvalue j optimalval ue j
limitvalue j : The limits of the confidence intervals for the concerned test statistics (with highest
confidence levels)
optimalval ue j : The optimal values for the concerned test statistics
statistic j : The test statistics obtained from the seasonal adjustment methods
weight j : A weighting factor for each statistic used (see dialog). The default values are 1 and have
thus no effect.
penalty : The expected values of the absolute terms vary from 0 (optimal value) to infinity (worst
value) whereby 1 corresponds to a value of the test statistic that is just on the confidence limit. The
penalty term will gradually disadvantage/advantage bad values. The default is 1 and has thus no
The values of the TotalModelQuality can also vary from 0 (optimal value) to infinity (worst value). If the
value exceeds the number of test statistics used in the check (lets denote it M), at least one statistic
must have been significant, and thus the adjustment rejected. The TotalModelQuality of accepted
adjustments is thus smaller than M. This value is reported in the log file for each shortened model if
the corresponding printing option is set.
For Demetras Stability Analysis, an additional weighting term punishes too old models and gives
advantage to models that occurred more often. That is done in the following way:
In the Stability Analysis, the modelling span is stepwise shortened on either end (up to one year of cut
values). Shorter the modelling span is more will the model be punished.
- 0 periods cut
historicweight = 1 + (k mq )
- 1 period cut
- ...
- (mq-1) periods cut
historicweight = 2 + (k mq )
historicweight = mq + (k mq )
+ k mq 2
When a new model (unique ARIMA model orders, mult./add.type, mean correction, trading day
correction, Easter correction, and X11 seasonal and trend filters) is found during the run, it is attributed
a maximum value of
NbrofStats (mq + 1)
+ k mq 2
For each similar model that is found in the run, the term
is subtracted.
K is the importance of history. Its default value is 0. No additional importance is granted to historical
The final value for each type of model is the one used in the choice for the best model in the Stability
Analysis. For the best model type the model with the longest modelling span is used.
Algorithms of the Expert System
The systems runs until an acceptable model was found.
- Range-mean regression test
For the linearised series as well as the log-transformed linearised series, Demetra calculates a simple
moving average and a moving range (mean distance from moving average) with lengths of one year,
for which it receives the correlation coefficients and the test statistic for linear relationships. If the test
statistic for the linearised series is higher than the one for the log-transformed linearised series then
the multiplicative model is used and vice versa.
If the log-transformation option is different from the regular run then the automatic optimisation of the
number of trading day regressors is applied.
- Improvement of VA value
If there are too many outliers, then the critical value for outliers is increased up to the smallest t-value
of all outliers and the methods are run again.
If there are not too many outliers then the critical value is decreased to the smallest possible value
(Tramo: 2.0, X-12-Arima: 2.8). This step is only done once.
- Improvement of ARIMA model orders
The regular autoregressive and moving average orders p and q are varied from 0 to 3 with the
condition that p+q<4. All the other model orders are held fixed at the values of the first regular run. For
each ARIMA model type, the procedure for improving the VA value is called.
- Stepwise shortening (by 1 year) of the series
This step is only performed if especially specified by the user. All other algorithms are run again.
Chapter 6 :
Preparation of input
and interpretation of output
Calculated parameters
for updating procedure
Demetra has defined a default name for the attribute used. It is:
Warning: Please, be careful with the following commands that modify the contents of the database.
You can destroy very important information and data structures. Demetra may be unable to find the
necessary information.
* set string_attribute_names={OTHER_ATTRIBUTE(S), Demetra_SAIP_ISPO}
Modifies the list of attributes of type string used in the database currently opened
* attribute Demetra_SAIP_ISPO(name_of_time_series)=
DIR=C:\Program Files\Demetra\data\,
Updates the contents of the attribute defined by Demetra for the given time series
Remark: With the vertical format a maximum of 255 time series with a maximum length of 600
observations can be treated.
If the cell "A1" has the entry "Horizontal" or the cell "B1" contains a date, then the time series must be
given in horizontal format:
one series in one row, the name of the series in the corresponding cell of the first column
Demetra automatically finds the last time series in the sheet, if the following first row cell (the time
series name) is empty
the first row must contain the corresponding dates (the cells must be date formatted)
the time series values must correspond to the date row; leave the cells of the time series row for
the dates empty for which no data is available (before the time series start or after the time series
end); fill not available data inside the time series span with "-99999.0", ".", "#N/A" or leave them empty
these values are automatically treated as missing values.
the column that immediately follows the end of the last date in the date column can be used for the
parameters: Demetra or the advanced user may write here for each series in the corresponding
column the parameter string like '[TRAMO/SEATS SAIP: ...] [ISPO: ...]' or '[X-12-ARIMA SAIP: ...]
[ISPO: ...]'. The parameter option will only be used if the first cell in this column has the text entry
"Parameters". If this parameter item is not set, then the parameters will be read and written from and
to a separate sheet in the same EXCEL file called "Demetra_Parameters".
Example of an input file with horizontal format:
Remark: With the horizontal format a maximum of 65535 (16383 if version < 8.0) time series with a
maximum length of 254 observations can be treated.
For more information on the format of the adjustment parameters, see page 107 Definition of the
format of Tramo/Seats and X-12-Arima parameters (input and output). The best way to learn more
about the format required is to leave the parameter cells empty and to perform a new automatic
adjustment: The new parameters calculated by the SA-methods can then be found after the automatic
Warning: Do not define the parameters yourself if you are not sure about the meaning or the
format. In an extreme situation, this can lead to an instability of the programme.
6.4. Definition of the format of TRAMO/SEATS and X-12ARIMA parameters (input and output)
The way the parameters are stored as text into the FAME attribute, into the MS-EXCEL file or into the
ASCII text files (in-between the two dollar signs ($$)) allows you to manually define or modify them. It
is mainly based on the format of the parameter specification used in the original DOS programmes of
Note: If fixed outliers are specified, they must all be given together using one single REG keyword
with "iuser=2". This REG keyword must be the last of all REG keywords entered for one time
Final Components
Final Seasonally Adjusted Series
Final Trend
Final Seasonal Factors/Component
Final Irregular Factors/Component
Final Transitory Factors/Component
Business Cycle (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Final Long-Term Trend (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Business Cycle (from H-P filter) + Irregular
Forecasted Final Components
Forecasted Final Seasonally Adjusted Series
Forecasted Final Trend
Forecasted Final Cyclical Factors (Comp.)
Forecasted Final Seasonal Factors (Comp.)
Forecasted Final Irregular Factors (Comp.)
Fcstd. Business Cycle (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Fcstd. Final Long-Term Trend (from Hodrick-Prescott filter)
Fcstd. Business Cycle (from H-P filter) + Irregular
Forecasted Original Uncorrected Series
Preliminary Result Series
Seasonally Adjusted Series
Cyclical Factors (Component)
Seasonal Factors (Component)
Irregular Factors (Component)
Linearised series
Interp. Series Corr. for Calendar Effects
Standard Error of Seasonally Adjusted Series
Standard Error of Trend
Standard Error of Seasonal Factors/Component
Standard Error of Transitory Factors/Component
Forecasted Preliminary Result Series
Forecasted Seasonally Adjusted Series
Forecasted Trend
Forecasted Cyclical Factors (Component)
Forecasted Seasonal Factors (Component)
Pre-adjustment Factors (or Components)
Aggregate Pre-Adjustment Factors (Component)
Aggregate Outlier Effects
Transitory Changes
Level Shifts
Aggregate Trading Day Effects
Easter Effect
Non-Alloc. User-Regr. Effects (Sep. Comp.)
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Seas. Comp.
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Trend
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Irreg. Comp.
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Seas. Adj. S.
User-Regr. Effects Allocated to Cycle
Forecasted Pre-Adjustment Factors (or Components)
Forecasted Aggregate Pre-Adj. Factors (Comp.)
Forecasted Aggregate Outlier Effects
Forecasted Transitory Changes
Forecasted Level Shifts
Forecasted Aggregate Trading Day Effects
Forecasted Easter Effect
Fcstd. Non-Alloc. User-Regr. Effects (Sep. Comp.)
Fcstd. User-Regr. Effects Alloc. to Seas. Comp.
Fcstd. User-Regr. Effects Alloc. to Trend
Fcstd. User-Regr. Effects Alloc. to Irreg. Comp.
Fcstd. User-Regr. Effects Alloc. to Seas. Adj. S.
Fcstd. User-Regr. Effects Alloc. to Cycle
After the abbreviations, you have to precise a (default or customised) name which will be used for the
storing of the result time series. You can do this using the procedure Selection of result time series. By
default, the names of the result time series (e.g. final trend, final SA series) are created by adding a
specific suffix to the name of the original time series. The default suffix corresponds to the above
given abbreviations.
You can also replace the suffix of your original series by a customised suffix of the result series. This
can be done in the following way: When you enter a user-defined suffix for a result time series, start
this suffix with as many "#"-characters as the suffix of the original series is long. Each "#"-character
deletes a letter from the end of the name of the original series. Add then the new suffix for the result
time series.
- name of the original series: "MYSERIES.ORIG", default suffix of trend series: ".ft", resulting name of the
trend series: "MYSERIES.ORIG.ft"
- name of the original series: "MYSERIES.ORIG", user-defined suffix of trend series: "####TREND", resulting
name of the trend series: "MYSERIES.TREND"
(default value in bold)
Format in Demetra
12 | 4
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
# spectrumtype
arspec | periodogram
# diffspectrum
yes | no
# saveprecision
integer from 1 to 15
controlled by Demetra
LAM={ 1 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 4 | -1 }
LAM={ 5 }
POWER={ 0.0 }
ADJUST={ 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 }
temporary | permanent
'( valid FORTRAN format )' | '1r' | '2r' | '1l' | '2l' | 'cs'
| 'datevalue' | 'x12save' | 'tramo'
ADJFACMODE(1,2)={ 0 | 1 | 2 }
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
# aicdiff
X11={ 1 | 0 },
only called if X11 = 1
LAM={ 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | -1 }
MODE={ 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0}
SEASONALMA={ 7 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 } or
SEASONALMA(1,,MQ)={ 7 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
3|4|5| 6}
TRENDMA={3 | | 101 | 0 }
controlled by Demetra
yes | no
controlled by Demetra
yes | no
X11EASTER={ 1 | 0 }
# forcestart
sa | summary | trend
TYPE={ 0 | 1 | 2 }
ADJFINALAO={ 0 | 1 }
ADJFINALLS={ 0 | 1 }
ADJFINALTC={ 0 | 1 }
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
# keepholiday
yes | no
# calendarsigma
CALENDARSIGMA={ 3 | 2 | 4 | 1 }
# sigmavec
SIGMAVEC(1,...,MQ)={ 0 | 1 }
# itrendma
centered1yr | cholette2yr
ITRENDMA={ 0 | 1 }
# taper
TAPER={ 1 }
# trendic
TRENDIC={ ... }
# sfshort
yes | no
SFSHORT={ 1 | 0 }
# print1stpass
yes | no
# spectrumaxis
yes | no
[none] | const
IMEAN={ 0 | 1 }
FSE={ 0 | 1 | -1 }
FSEFREQ(1,...,mq/2)={ 0 | 1 }
ITRAD={ 0 | 6 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 15 | 10 | 0 },
TDSTOCK={ 0 | 0 | ... | 1 to 31 },
ADJUST={ . | . | . | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | . },
TDINEX={ 0 }
ITRAD={ 0 | 9 | 9 | 9 }, LOM={ 0 | 0 | 1 |
1 }, MQ={ . | . | 12 | 4 }
[none] | aodate
[none] | lsdate
[none] | tcdate
[none] | rpdate-date
IREG={ 0 | 1 | },
[REG: iuser=2, nser={ 1 | 2 | ... },
pos(1,2,...,nser)={ },
type(1,2,...,nser)={ AO | LS | TC },...,]
TDINEX={ 0 | 1 }
[none] | easter
IEAST={ 0 | -1 }
EASTINEX={ 0 | 1 }
[none] | user
yes | no
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
# noapply
[none] | td
NOAPPLYTD={ 1 | -1 }
[none] | ao
NOAPPLYAO={ 1 | -1 }
[none] | ls
NOAPPLYLS={ 1 | -1 }
[none] | tc
NOAPPLYTC={ 1 | -1 }
[none] | holiday
NOAPPLYHOL={ 1 | -1 }
[none] | userseasonal
NOAPPLYSEA={ 1 | -1 }
[none] | user
NOAPPLYUSR={ 1 | -1 }
# tcrate
# aicdiff
INIC={ 0 | 3 }
IDIF={ 0 | 3 }
only called if INIC = 0 and IDIF = 0
(p d q)(P D Q)
{ default: (0 1 1)(0 1 1) }
P={ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }
D={ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }
Q={ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }
BP={ 0 | 1 | 2 }
BD={ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }
BQ={ 0 | 1 | 2 }
controlled by Demetra
INIC={ 0 | 3 }
IDIF={ 0 | 3 }
only called if INIC = 3 and IDIF = 3
both | fcst
AUTOMDL={ 2 | 1 }
IFAL={ 1 | 0 ]
MDLFILE={ "x12a.mdl" }
PCR={ 0.95 }
FCSTLIM={ 15.0 }
BCSTLIM={ 18.0 }
XL={ 0.9 }
all | first
IDENTIFY={ 0 | 1 }
yes | no
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
MAXIT={ 200 }
TOL={ 10e-5 }
fixed | estimated
ma | arma | none
EXACT={ 0 | 1 | -1 }
yes | no
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
# file
# fix
IATIP={ 0 | 1 }
only called if IATIP = 1
none | ao | ls | tc | ao ls | ao tc | ls tc | ao ls tc (or:
AIO={ 0 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 }
addone | addall
IMVX={ 1 | 0 }
VA={ }
VA2={ }
VA3={ }
(startdate, enddate )
INT1={ }
INT2={ }
LSRUN={ 0 | 1 | ... }
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
# tcrate
CHECK = { 0 | 1 }
only called if CHECK = 1
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
NPRED={ 0 | 1 | ... }
MAXBACK={ 0 | 1 | ... }
PROBA={ 0.95 }
controlled by Demetra
controlled by Demetra
Ad-hoc statistic, test for the combined Q statistic, 30
of single time series (Instructions), 58
of single time series (Overview), 9
Application-specific options, 92
ARIMA model missing (X-12-Arima), 29
ASCII data files
format for input and output of time series and parameters, 101
Attributes, object in FAME databases used for storage of parameters, 98
Automated Module
options for a new completely automatic seasonal adjustment, 32
options for a new customised seasonal adjustment, 34
Backup of input ASCII data files (that are used for output), 103
Box-Pierce statistic
on first 2 seas. lags of autocorr. of squared res., 27
on first 2 seasonal lags of autocorr, 27
BV4, 5
of different modelling variants for single time series, 9
of different modelling variants for single time series (Instructions), 58
of seasoanal adjustment programmes, 5
Configuration required for the Demetra installation, 12
Customised seasonal adjustment, 34
Dainties, 5
Detailed analysis
Use of the module for detailed analysis of single time series, 58
Detailed Analysis
description of the table Information on Models, 66
Detailed analysis module (Instructions), 58
Detailed analysis module (Overview), 9
Detection of rejected adjustments, 27
Diagnostic statistics, 27
for a wildcard selection in ASCII, 20
for a wildcard selection in Fame, 21
for customising extentions (suffixes) of result time series, 25
for specifying fixed outliers and intervention variables in a parameter set, 108
for the customisation of the suffix of result time series, 110
of a complete parameter specification for a time series, 110
of a filled FAME attribute (storing of parameters), 99
of an ASCII data file (for input/output), 102
of an MS_EXCEL file with horizontal format (for input/output), 105
of an MS_EXCEL file with vertical format (for input/output), 104
of the test of the Ljung-Box statistic, 27, 30
of the test of the Skewness statistic, 28
Expert system, 94
Extensions of result time series, customising, 24
FAME databases
access, 6
commands for displaying and modifying parameter sets, 99
storage of parameters, 98