The document contains log messages from Telegram Desktop recording details of its launch and operation. It logs the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices initialized, and issues encountered like bad messages being received and errors getting the current version. The logs indicate Telegram Desktop was launched and operated normally, recreating the audio device periodically and receiving some bad messages and a version check error.
The document contains log messages from Telegram Desktop recording details of its launch and operation. It logs the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices initialized, and issues encountered like bad messages being received and errors getting the current version. The logs indicate Telegram Desktop was launched and operated normally, recreating the audio device periodically and receiving some bad messages and a version check error.
The document contains log messages from Telegram Desktop recording details of its launch and operation. It logs the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices initialized, and issues encountered like bad messages being received and errors getting the current version. The logs indicate Telegram Desktop was launched and operated normally, recreating the audio device periodically and receiving some bad messages and a version check error.
The document contains log messages from Telegram Desktop recording details of its launch and operation. It logs the version launched, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices initialized, and issues encountered like bad messages being received and errors getting the current version. The logs indicate Telegram Desktop was launched and operated normally, recreating the audio device periodically and receiving some bad messages and a version check error.