Ia Checklist PDF
Ia Checklist PDF
Ia Checklist PDF
Question must be focused and not ambiguous in any way
Hypothesis state first & then give a logical rationale
Variables chart identifying Independent, Dependent, & Controlled Variables
Protocol Diagram draw & label a diagram which best shows the protocol you used
Photograph of Lab Setup (optional) annotate this to show how variables were instituted,
especially the controls. Do not just label equipment.
Procedure Numbered steps that give enough detail that the experiment can be repeated!
Be sure to emphasize how many times each data set is being repeated (5 is minimum).
Checklist for design
Aspect 1: defining the problem and selecting variables
I have identified a focused problem or a specific research question. I have done this by, for example,
stating a clear aim, a clear hypothesis, and clearly defining the variables.
I have identified and stated the independent variable and the dependent variable, and I have listed the
controlled variables
Aspect 2: controlling variables
I describe a method for the effective control of the variables. In particular, I describe how the
independent variable is manipulated and how the controlled variables are maintained at constant values
I list all the apparatus and materials used, including the volumes of tubes and cylinders, the
concentrations of solutions, the model and manufacturer of any complex apparatus, etc.
I state the level of precision of the values for the independent variable
Any standard methods that I use are fully referenced in a footnote
follow good standard rules for doing graphs (valid title, axis labeled including units, etc.) Weak
experimental design can sometimes limit you to pie graphs and/or bar graphs; avoid this by good
experimental design in which you have a quantitative independent variable (with well chosen values)
as well as a quantitative dependent variable.
Checklist for data collection and processing
Aspect 1: recording raw data
I have recorded my data independently
I have data which is quantitative (numerical)
I have chosen a suitable format in which to record the raw data
The variable that is measured or recorded is clearly stated (e.g. in the column heading in a table)
The units are given for every variable (e.g. in any column headings)
An indication is given of the uncertainty of measurements (e.g. in any column headings)
A complete and descriptive title is given to any table that is used
The same level of precision (number of decimal places) is used for all the items of a variable
Aspect 2: processing raw data
I have decided on a suitable manner in which to process the raw data, so that I may fully test the
hypotheses or fulfil the aim (this may involve a mathematical processing, statistical analysis, or
transforming the data into a suitable graphical representation)
All of the raw data has been processed to a suitable extent
The raw data has been processed correctly
Any raw data plotted onto a graph includes a line of best-fit
Aspect 3: presenting processed data
I have decided upon a suitable format in which to present the processed data.
There are clear, unambiguous headings for calculations, tables or graphs
Any graphs have appropriate scales, labelled axes with units and accurately plotted data points with a
suitable best-fit line or curve
The data has been presented so that all the stages to the final result can be followed
Metric/SI units are included for the final results
The final results are shown expressed to the correct number of significant figures
The uncertainties and errors associated with the raw data have been taken into account and this is shown
in some manner (e.g. error bars may be used, as appropriate)