Black Thraceo Macedonians
Black Thraceo Macedonians
Black Thraceo Macedonians
In Middle English the word was spelt as blaec same thing as the modern word
black, only at that time, around 1051 AD, it still meant a fair skin, or so-called white
person. The words blacca an Old/Middle English word still resonates with blanke
the Dutch-Germanic term for white people of today.
Black in Old and Middle English
Thus, we can see that the Old English blc was relative to its blac origin as it was
predominantly used as an adjective to describe colour pertaining to matter that was
colourless. Other cognates of blac include examples like: Bleak, Blake, Bleach,
Good examples of the use of blac as something that meant blond or fair can be
seen in Old English literature such as K. lfreds Bda from c.890 where the
following phrase can be found: hfde blc feax meaning have blond hair.
Blacks Semantic Shifts
It was not till the sixteenth century that the semantic broadening of black occuredboth figurative connotations as well as literal.
From blac, blake, bleaken, blaccen and their literal meaning to bleach out or make
white, blond or pale came the figurative meaning to stain someones reputation, or
defame or darken. Literally blac by that time came to mean night-like colour, dark.
One can say a very dramatic shift indeed. It was also the era, when the Vandals and
the Goths were busy writing themselves into history and writing out the European
Mauros (melan-chros or melanin people) out of history.
These additional meanings however was purely negative and as their influence
broadened, the semantic shift of black began to mean having malignant or deadly
purposes and even pertaining to or involving death- black curse(1583), and from
previous centuries The Black Death.
Blac underwent a final shift as a K was added to the end of the word and it became a
new insulting manner to address the Moors (todays so-called Blacks) a people that
had lived for thousands of years in Europe and around, but were now hated and
hounded. They were called the Queens Black enemies, the blacca moors and finally
just the adjective used as a noun, blacks.
It should be noted for the records that word used to describe the colour black in
historical and classical Europe was the word Moor (also Melas). First used in Europe
by the Greeks, as Mauros. Its cognates are found in every European language even
if variant spellings are used. Thus you have Mohr (German), Maure, Mire, (French),
Moor (English), Moros (Italian/Spanish), Mor (Old and Middle English). All those
variants meant the same thing, the colour today known as black.
The Europeans took away our names, called us niggers, coloureds, blacks, negros,
Africans, subsaharans, etc. All those are insulting names. We are none of those. Not
Jamaicans, not Nigerians, nor Americans.
We are Moors, from the most ancient time. Umoros, Umorus, Muurs, Mawus, the
children of light, the bearers of civilization and compassion, the golden ones, the first
people, Ethiopians, Mauritanians and Mauritians.
Check ancient history, you will hear of the Moors, but you will not hear about negros.
The pale ones (the blanks) stole our names, and pretended it referenced only some
Arab Muslim conquest of Spain.
Nooooo! The Greeks knew the Muurs, the Romans knew the Muuros, the ancient
Indians and the Chinese too. Because ancient Egyptians called their land Ta-Meri, or
Ta-Muri, the land of the Muurs. They were the sea-men who navigated the globe and
brought the light to all.
We are those Muurs. We are their descendants. We are not the blacks. The blancho
people, the so-called white people of today, they are the blaccas.
Oguejiofo Annu
nowadays a somewhat restricted meaning , it may be better to take the old fashioned
blackamoor ,as the nearest English rendering of maurus signifying thereby any
black, or brown skinned man.
2. Vol II Page 87
.One division of the posterity of this powerful black king, of the tenth century,
became known to Gaelic-speaking people as MAGA DUBH ( Mc Duff) or clan of the
black , see also Vol I page 161-162
3. Vol I, page 214 :
And in the diction of the past, A black man was a moor.
MacRitchie speaks of :
- Xantochroid : White,
- Melanchroid (Xantochroid , mixed with Austroloid i.e blacks)
- Austroloids
But Also :
- Blackamoors (Moors)
- Black People of scotland (Duine Dubh = Black Man in scottish gaelic ) : Vol I page
- Black people of Ireland (Duine Gorm = Black Man in Irish Gaelic) : Vol I page 47
- Moravia or river of the moors : Vol I p 49 ( one of the tribe was called Quadi and
fought the romans)
- Black people of Wales (Bwabach, Coblynau, Adhach Dubh or Avagddu) : Vol I page
- Black Knight of Lancashire : Vol I page 158
- Black Scandinavians (Thorfinn and Thorhall) : Vol I page 117
- Black Scandinavians (DUBH-LOCHLINNEAICH ) and White scandinavians (FIONNLOCHLINNEAICH ): Vol I page 117
Romans found black people in britain :
- Vol I P 45: Pliny described them as AETHIOPIUM
- Vol I P 46-47 : Claudian described them as blackamoor
Etc, etc and many more : Scotland, Spain, France, England, Ireland, Denmark etc
- Volume I : pages 21,121,131
- Volume II : pages 17,20,27,87,102,107,112,113,127,188-189,297,322,328329,360,392
24 November, 2011
brought the human seed, culture and agriculture, from Africa into Europe via the
Levant, Anatolia, and Spain.
Right down to the time of Roman Empire, those tribes of black people otherwise
known as Mohrs, or Moors, lived all over the expanse of area now known as Western
Europe including Germany.
Those Muurs were called various pseudonyms by later writers including such names
as Celts, Picts, Fomorians, Vikings. The key is understanding that many old
aboriginal Europeans were Muurish Africans by bloodline and appearance.
In understanding the present ethinc composition of Europe, it is good to bear in mind
historical accounts from the times of the Romans reminding us of the invasion of
Europe by many nomadic tribes of central Asia. This included the Huns, the Mongols,
the Goths, the Suebians, the Angles and Saxons, the Slavs, etc.
The new intruders changed the population demographics of Europe, by the sheer
size of their number, and over years and centuries of internecine hostility and
bloodshed. In the end, Europe is no different from the conquered land of the black
Olmecs, and the Mayans, the black Caribes, the Seminoles, the black Hawaiians and
other indigenous peoples who lost their land and heritage, before the onslaught of
the central Asian tribes now erroneously known as Europeans.
Below, we present a few pictures of artefacts, dating from 1 B.C.E. to 200 A.D., to
illustrate the original population types who by right owned Europe, but especially
Little Black people of the Rhine Forest, Mainz Germania:
Small black people are well known in German myths and are connected to the
treasures of the earth, and the original people. They were recognized as miners, and
smiths, workers of iron and mystics. It should be recalled that the Romans, and the
Greeks who lived then in Germania also had this custom of venerating dwarfs,
possible a nation of African Sans (so-called Pygmies), and followed a certain mystical
practice possibly introduced by those little peoples. The God Bes of Egypt which was
universally worshipped in the then ancient world, was from such a nation.
Libyan Ammon Ra in a lamp in Augsburg Germany. Ammon Ra is the God of the Ethiopians
from where his veneration spread to Egypt unto Libya:
Tiber(ius), Lusitanorum: Tomb stone of an Afro-Roman military elite
Germania: Muurish-Roman:
Legionnire Mainz:
This is the tombstone of Gnaeus Musius, standard bearer of the Fourteenth. Musius
tombstone shows him with the standard (the eagle). He died at the age of 32 after
fifteen service years (CIL 13.6901).
Germanic Warrior on Trajan Column. Note their hair and their faces:
All of the above pictures of ancient Germania region is the reason why the rest of the
Europeans secretly make gossips about the Germans with black blood. That is why you
heard them call Germans derogatory names like Huns (Huns were black Asian tribes that
conquered Europe)during the WWI and WWII. Benjamin Franklin of the American revolution
fame confirmed that in German, there was an enduring Muurish root-gene from time
immemorial. Mr. Franklin as a result did consider many areas of Germany as black or mixed
with the exception of Saxony and Coburg-Gotha areas. This is the reason one will find
Cartoons like the one below. Note the colours
Whatever be the truth in all these theories, what cannot be denied is that there are
black people, a Muurish people living today in the remote areas of the Russian
Caucasus region, whose ancestry go back hundreds of years and of whom the world
rarely acknowledges.
They might actually be the original Caucasians since every other neigbouring tribe
came in way after the time of Herodotus, who testified to the presence of Muurs in
Abkhazia at least 2000 years ago.
Oguejiofo Annu
April 25 2012
Cetinje, 1915
In any event the Gothics were immigrants to Europe, and the Wealas were
aboriginal. None gothic people.
Consequently, if we hear that people were called Nigri latinis, or black Vlach, or
Mauros Vlach, we know automatically that such people were:
1. Black in complexion
2. Moorish in Nationality
3. Of pure Latini origin
4. Aboriginal
5. European.