Bantu Rosetta Stones Part B
Bantu Rosetta Stones Part B
Bantu Rosetta Stones Part B
Indelible evidence
Ancient Egyptian: MT 4 MALE, MAN
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The word cognate derives from the Latin cognatus born together.
Therefore cognates are those words that derive from a single earlier
common ancestor or original form of language. These words have
diversified into similar forms in contemporary languages. My research will
demonstrate the sound and meaning relationships between the two
languages thus further establishing a linguistic link. The more pairings of
similar sound/meanings words which can be identified between languages
the greater is the likelihood that languages are related.
According to the linguist Russell Schuh, when comparisons are made
between languages which are supposedly genetically related one must look
for a good number of words which give clear sound/meaning relationships.
Stable vocabularies between languages consist of items which do not exhibit
much change over time and these might include a possible collection of the
following words:
(2) Terms used for parts of the body such as throat, arm leg, hand,
eye, nose, ear', mouth'
(3) Universal environmental terms such as words used for sun, moon,
water, fire.
(4) Verbs referring to basic life functions which may consist of the
following words: die, eat, drink, smell
Faulkner 32
Gardiner 555, (I 6)
The word for a shield is derived from the root of the Zulu-Bantu word
khomo which means a beast, or a cow which provides a formidable barrier.
The word for a shield consists of the prefix um-giving um-khomo. Thus the
prefix um- is equivalent to the Ancient Egyptian prefix i-
Example 3: COW
Gardiner 492, N41
Faulkner 169
Budge 481
{o z!
Ancient Egyptian: hm-t ! cow ! cow
Tsonga-Bantu: Homu = cow
This is a variation on the word for a cow. Again the ending in t is a feminine
marker. These two sets of hieroglyphics are meant to be the same, but there
seems to be some confusion with regard to their interpretation. Both
Gardiner and Faulkner give the meaning as a cow, since the determinant
represents the uterus of a heifer seen here o Refer to Gardiner page 492,
N41 and also page 466, F45. In this instance the pronunciation of the word
changes, to give the Tsonga-Bantu word for a bovine animal such as a cow
as homu.
There are many meanings attached to the word mori. Mori is a strong
portion of medicine administered to produce anger or ferocity. In the
Sesutu-Bantu language more is a drug or medicine.
M !
Budge has the set of hieroglyphics mr-t M ! on page 314 consisting
of the feminine ending t. This translates as mori, a heifer, a young cow in
the Kiswahili-Bantu language whilst in the Kuria-Bantu language a heifer is
known as emoori.
This also translates as mori. The Ancient Egyptians used the ending w as
the plural form for the word mori. The ending w could be approximated to
wao, meaning those. In other words it may be interpreted as those belonging
to mori, the bulls, that is, mori-wao.
The collective in -t are written as plural strokes. In these two examples the
words for cattle or a herd appear to be duplicated. The word for a domestic
animal which includes sheep, goat or ox in the Luvale-Bantu language is
given by using the prefixed word chi-muna. This is clearly shown in the set
of hieroglyphics given by Budge on page 299 as seen below. In the
Oshindonga-Bantu language muna means, raise, rear, breed livestock.
. . ! !6 ..! !
mnmn-t t t cattle, mnmn-t t t 5 herd
Luvale-Bantu: Chi-Muna, domestic animal such as sheep, goat or ox
The two sets of hieroglyphics are identical and covey similar meanings.
They show an enclosure for cattle, or a stall for containing cattle. The
Kiswahili-Bantu word chaa defines a stable or enclosure for cattle and m-
chaa would mean the stable. The ending t signifies that the Ancient
Egyptian word is a feminine noun and does not detract from the
sound/meaning of the word.
The sounding of the word chaa is given by the serpent seen here, i and
is to be pronounced as a dj sound according to Gardiner. Meanwhile
Budge gives the sounding as a tch sound. In either case the Kiswahili-
Bantu sounding is equivalent to the j or ch sound and is in accordance
with the Ancient Egyptian sounding of the word.
Example 9: GOAT
Gardiner 459
Faulkner 15
The Proto-Bantu term budi used for a goat in many Bantu languages may be
pronounced differently depending on the ending of the word. A kid is a
young goat hence the word for a goat could be a suitable substitute for the
word kid.
Here are a few Bantu pronunciations: m-bushi, m-buzi, m-buti, m-budzi,
pudi. M-bui is the closest match with the Ancient Egyptian word. It is
derived from the Ki-Kamba-Bantu language. Note the Ancient Egyptians
used the prefix i instead of the Bantu prefix m. Thus it is clear that the
Ancient Egyptian word would be pronounced as i-bui instead of m-bui.
Compare the prefix i with the prefix for the word for dog, i-waa shown
Example 10: DOG
Gardiner pg 459 E 14
Faulkner pg 12
Ancient Egyptian: iw
) K . dog
Luvale-Bantu: Ka-wa = the dog, the barker
The word for a dog is derived from the repeated sound, wa,wa,wa made by
a barking dog. The Proto-Bantu word for a dog is bua. In the Luvale-Bantu
language the root is -wa and the prefixed by ka- to give ka-wa, The
barker, a dog. The form u-wa means the state of being a dog. Clearly the
Ancient Egyptian letter i acts as a formative prefix to derive the word i-wa
for a dog. Thus the Bantu prefix ka is equivalent to the Ancient Egyptian
prefix i. Other Bantu forms of the word for a dog are mb-wa, or emb-wa.
Example 11
Faulkner 285
Ancient Egyptian: ky
? 1 1 @ monkey
Kiswahili-Bantu: kima, monkey
Proto-Bantu, kima, monkey
The word for a monkey seems to be derived from the word for tail of a
monkey. M-kia means tail and seems to fit in with ideas about a monkey
having a long tail. Hence the word 'tail' for a monkey.
[The cat = miaow or niau (nyau)]
How does one pronounce the characteristic high-pitched cry of a cat? Is it a
miaw, miaow, or miau? The word for a cat in Southern Africa is
synonymous to the cry of a cat and is pronounced with the consonant n
instead of the consonant m giving a niau or nyau sound. The Kiswahili-
Bantu and Bemba-Bantu word nyau or niau mimics the cry of a cat and is
used as the word for a cat. Below are three forms which describe possible
pronunciations of the word for a cat. The last set of hieroglyphics consists of
the feminine form ending with the consonant -t. If one assumes the form
miaow instead of the form niau then the feminine form would be given as
mi ]1-cat
Bemba-Bantu; Kiswahili-Bantu: The cat = niau (nyau)
Ancient Egyptian: pnw t b K ] mouse
Kiswahili-Bantu = pania (panya), rat, mouse
This is a good example which shows the interchange between the equivalent
consonants p for b and d for t. The Bantu word for a duck is bata, Proto-
Bantu baata. Its Ancient Egyptian pronunciation would be apada. Other
Bantu words for a duck include pato, mbata, bakha, libata, ombaka, li-
Example 15: SNAKE
Raymond Faulkner 126,
Budge 345b
Christian Jacq 149
Ancient Egyptian: nik
1 m serpent
Kiswahili-Bantu nioka, nyoka = Snake, Serpent
This word has been mentioned before. The word for serpent or snake in
Bantu languages is derived from the Proto-Bantu joka, nyoka, root -oka.
By using different prefixes attached to the root one arrives at different
pronunciations. As an example the word used in Luvale-Bantu is li-noka.
Other examples are ey-oka, nj-oka, noha. In the Kiswahili-Bantu language
the word is given as ny-oka or ni-oka. The word ni-oka gives an exact
match in sound and meaning with the Ancient Egyptian word, nik.
khkh B neck, throat.
Ancient Egyptian: khn t b direct ones hand
Kiswahili-Bantu: The lower arm and hand = kono
The Proto Bantu root kono means forearm, arm, hand or leg. In the
Kiswahili-Bantu language the word m-kono is used for the lower arm and
hand and the form kono means something that projects or sticks out such as
the hand, handle or the shoot or sprig of a plant. The hand is often used to
guide or indicate direction in the sense, this way please! This fits in with
the Ancient Egyptian meaning of khono, to direct ones hand.
Ancient Egyptian: khn t clap of hands
Faulkner 192
In this instance the Ancient Egyptians used the Proto-Bantu and Kiswahili-
Bantu word kono to indicate the clap of hands, or beating time as may be
seen by the forearm with the palm of hand in a downward position.
B I!
Ancient Egyptian khn t rebel
Ancient Egyptian khnd t f o tread down foes, tread ways
Kiswahili-Bantu: Ku-unda = to tread down, to tread ways
Example 22
Gardiner Page 577b
Ancient Egyptian: Ra 4 Sun
The Bemba-Bantu word for the Sun is given as ka-suba derived from the
Proto-Bantu word for the sun juba, ba means shine. By definition the sun is
a star that is a source of heat and light in the solar system. Ka- is a prefix of
the word suba, which denotes shine, hence ka-suba
The Kiswahili-Bantu word for the sun is jua or juwa, derived from the word
waa, or baa, shine brightly. The Proto-Bantu word for the sun is juba.
There are several combinations of Bantu forms derived from this word. Here
are a few examples. In Shona-Bantu it is zuva. In Luganda-Bantu it is
njuba. In Chichewa-Bantu it is dzuwa. In Silozi-Bantu it is liyuwa. The
Ancient Egyptians made use of the root waa or ua as in juwa or jua. If one
considers the word for the sun in the Kikamba-Bantu language one obtains a
good approximation of the Ancient Egyptian word for the sun. The Ki-
Kamba-Bantu word for the sun is syua or siua.
Example 27: WATER
Faulkner 105
Ancient Egyptian: mw t water, rain
Gardiner 572
Budge 400
t t
Ancient Egyptian: nt !
t water
Zulu-Bantu: nto = dripping water
The word nwa, nywa, is derived from Proto-Bantu nu or nyo and means to
drink, suck up or consume liquid. The Ancient Egyptians used the Bemba-
Bantu or Oshindonga form, nwa.
The Proto-Bantu word nuuk, means smell, stink. The consonants h and k
may be interchanged. In the Kiswahili-Bantu language nuka means smell,
give out a smell. Notice the ending ka. The question one poses is this: does a
Bantu language exist giving a similar sound meaning relationship to the
Ancient Egyptian language? Fortunately yes, for the Tsonga-Bantu language
provides us with the exact word which fits the sound meaning relationship.
It is nuha, to stink. Thus this is a fitting example which shows that the
consonants h and k are interchangeable.
I hope these few findings will prompt your imagination and stir you forward
towards the advancement of the Ancient Egyptian language. If you find any
errors in the work please feel free to let me know. I look forward to hearing
from you.
The next instalment of the Rosetta Stones is currently being prepared.
Just Enjoy!!
Researched by FERG SOMO July 2008