Hu Et Al, 2007 - Food Allergies (Qualitative Article) - ..
Hu Et Al, 2007 - Food Allergies (Qualitative Article) - ..
Hu Et Al, 2007 - Food Allergies (Qualitative Article) - ..
Objective: To examine information needs and preferences of parents regarding food allergy.
Design: Qualitative study including in-depth semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. Data
were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using the constant comparative method, aided by
participant checking of interview summaries, independent reviewers and qualitative analysis software.
Participants: 84 parents of children with food allergy.
Setting: Three paediatric allergy clinics and a national consumer organisation.
Results: Most parent participants had received third level education (72%) and 39% had occupational
backgrounds in health and education. Parents experienced different phases in their need for information: at
diagnosis when there is an intense desire for information, at follow-up when there is continuing uncertainty
about allergy severity and appropriate management, and at new events and milestones. They preferred
information to be provided in a variety of formats, with access to reliable individualised advice between clinic
appointments, within the context of an ongoing relationship with a health professional. Parents wished to
know the reasoning behind doctors opinions and identified areas of core information content, including
unaddressed topics such as what to feed their child rather than what to avoid. Suboptimal information
provision was cited by parents as a key reason for seeking second opinions.
Conclusion: Parents with children with food allergies have unmet information needs. Study findings may assist
in the design and implementation of targeted educational strategies which better meet parental needs and
Families were recruited from three paediatric allergy clinics in
New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Together, these clinics
provide the bulk of such services in NSW, which has a
population of 6.7 million.19 In common with a worldwide
shortage of allergy services,20 families wait up to 6 months for
appointments at these clinics, where typically, 30 min is
allocated for initial medical consultations.
Families presenting with a child for evaluation of food allergy
were sampled purposively to include a range of allergy types
and severity, childrens ages and length of time since diagnosis.
Of 48 families invited to participate, four refused or were
excluded from involvement as it emerged that their child did
not have an allergy. Within a month of the clinic visit, in-depth
semi-structured interviews were audio-recorded with parents
concerning their childs food allergy, usual management
strategies, what they had learned from the clinic visit and
suggestions for improving information provision. Summaries of
these interviews were returned to parents for checking, with a
follow-up interview to ensure coverage of all key concerns. To
confirm and extend findings, four focus groups were held with
parents who were members of the consumer organisation
Anaphylaxis Australia Incorporated (AAI). AAI is the peak
Australian consumer body for food allergy and anaphylaxis
awareness, consumer support and education. All parent groups
who were invited agreed to participate, and all participants had
attended at least one of the three clinics. These discussions
covered similar topics to those in the interviews and were
audio-recorded. Following qualitative data collection, a brief
survey was administered to all parents regarding demographic
details, the childs food allergy characteristics and sources of
food allergy information.
All audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim and imported
into MAXqda2 (VERBI Software, Berlin, 2004) for analysis
using the constant comparative method.21 The data were read
repeatedly and codes developed from units of meaning as
expressed by participants. These codes were refined through
comparison between cases with contrasting and similar
attributes, such as stage of diagnosis. From these, thematic
categories were developed, from which data were systematically
coded. Sampling of families continued until theoretical saturation, or no new themes were found. To validate the thematic
categories, a selection of contrasting cases was independently
read by six expert reviewers from allergy and non-allergy
specialist, general practice, sociology, consumer and lay backgrounds. The study was approved by the human research ethics
committees at all three clinics and written informed consent
was obtained from all participants prior to interview.
A total of 84 parents drawn from 44 clinic recruited and 25
consumer organisation families participated. Tables 1 and 2 list
23 to 55 years
37.9 years
*Parents were asked which culture they identified with. Using standard
Australian Bureau of Statistics terminology, Australian was the most
commonly identified English-speaking background, and South European
the most commonly identified non-English-speaking background.
the parent could not be present and had to entrust the care of
their child to another.
Information content needs
Parents described needs regarding two aspects of information
content. The first concerned the reasoning behind the doctors
judgments about their childs allergy, including the likelihood
of anaphylaxis, and the recommended management. When
parents did not understand the basis of the doctors opinion,
they would continue to speculate after the consultation, for
example by presuming that the size of the skin test correlated
with the risk of anaphylaxis and requirement for an autoinjector.
The second type of information concerned basic medical facts
and practical advice related to daily management. These core
areas, as identified by parents, are listed in table 4. These needs
clearly persisted after the clinic visit, with the interview
triggering queries about topics such as techniques for using
the autoinjector, the meaning of skin test results and the need
for follow-up visits. Most of all, parents whose children had
significant food allergies talked at length about needing
information regarding what they should feed their child, as
distinct from what they should avoid. Dietary management was
one of the most life-changing aspects of food allergy and there
was continual concern over the effect of restrictive diets on the
childs nutritional status and growth. There was also considerable confusion over the extent to which parents should exclude
allergens from the childs diet and environment. Examples
included whether foods labelled may contain traces should
be avoided, or whether all foods from a group (eg, tree nuts),
should be avoided if there was an allergy to one food (eg,
peanut). A minority (n = 6, 27%) of newly diagnosed families
had been referred to a dietician.
This study has shown that parents with children with food
allergies have unmet information needs which continue after
clinic visits. In common with other qualitative studies
concerning parental experiences with allergic conditions,17 18
the study has found persistent uncertainties concerning the
daily management of allergies. There are also similarities with
findings from interview studies conducted with parents of
children with non-allergic long-term conditions, where participants preferred information provision to be part of a trusting
and ongoing relationship with health professionals.22 23 Our
The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge Anaphylaxis Australia
Incorporated (AAI) for their assistance with this study.
Authors affiliations
What this study adds
Many parents experience persistent uncertainty regarding the appropriate balance between keeping their child
safe from accidental allergen exposures and not restricting their childs growth, nutritional status and social
Important content areas for information provision include
what to feed the food allergic child, rather than what to
avoid, and the basis for doctors judgements concerning
the childs risk of anaphylaxis.
dietician or nurse-led education session, greater utilisation of
these services may better meet information needs. Previous
studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of multidisciplinary approaches in improving parental knowledge.29 30 Given the
proportion of parents who access the internet for health
information both in this study and more generally,31 it could
be better utilised by providing guidance to trustworthy
websites. For example, a trained allergy nurse could use email
to answer queries and provide reliable individualised information between clinic visits. Streamlining clinic procedures and
suggesting that parents attend with another adult for childminding may reduce parental distraction by children and
improve the effectiveness of doctorparent communication.
Our study findings also suggest that the rate of second opinion
seeking may be reduced by better meeting parental information
preferences and by addressing discrepancies between parental
and allergist views of the risks. The latter are known to differ,32
supporting parental preferences for doctors to explain the
reasoning behind their opinions. Longitudinal studies of clinic
populations have had differing results concerning the effectiveness of parent education. One study found that parental
education at the time of autoinjector prescription was followed
by use of the device in only 29% of anaphylactic reactions.7
Another study found that detailed advice, written information
and regular follow-up was associated with a reduction in the
severity and frequency of acute reactions to food in children.33 An
explanation for these discrepancies, as suggested by this study, is
that it is not only the quantity and quality of information
provision, but also the extent to which it matches parental needs,
which will determine its effect.
The information needs of parents with children with food
allergies vary over time but parents consistently request more
information provision from their specialist. This has resource
implications, but these may be minimised through alternative
strategies to provide information. More time spent initially or
through more frequent follow-up consultations may also
compensate for an even greater use of resources if second
opinions are sought. Parents prefer information to be delivered
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