Chapter 12 - Biogeography of The Earth

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Biogeography of

the Earth

CHAPTER 12: Biogeography of the Earth

Sunset in the Everglades

Courtesy U.S. National Park Service
The distribution of biotic systems is related to the variation in climate, soils, and topography
on Earth. Over eons of time, plants and animals have occupied and adapted to the particular
environmental conditions in which they live. The giant saguaro cactus stores water in fleshy
stems to nourish itself in the hot desert, while the heavy, shaggy coat of the musk oxen helps
protect it from the cold arctic wind.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Biogeography of the Earth Outline

Fundamentals of Biogeography and
• Biogeography and ecological
• Biogeographical realms
• Habitat occupation
• Habitat Degradation and Human
Energy Flow Through Ecosystems
• Energy capture and use
○ Photosynthesis
○ Respiration
○ Transpiration
• Biomass Productivity
• Trophic Levels and Food Chains
Ecology of Vegetation and Plant Succession
• Principal Adaptive Strategies of Vegetation
• Plant communities
• Principle of Limiting Factors
• Plant Succession
Earth Biomes
• Forest Biome
○ Tropical Forests
 Species Endangerment in Tropical Forests
 Deforestation in Tropical Forests
○ Midlatitude Forests
○ Northern Forests
• Savanna Biome
○ Tropical Savanna
○ Thorn Tree Tropical Scrub
○ Midlatitude Savanna
○ Human Activities and the Savanna biome.
• Grassland Biome
○ Fire and the grassland biome
• Desert Biome
○ Dry Desert
○ Midlatitude Shrub Desert
○ Desertification
• Tundra Biome
○ Arctic
○ Alpine
○ Global Warming and Arctic Habitats
Review and Resources

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Fundamentals of Biogeography and Ecosystems

Biogeography and ecological systems
Biogeography is the study of the geographical patterns of plant and animal species. To
understand the distribution of plant and animal species on Earth, a fundamental knowledge of
ecology and ecosystem dynamics is required. Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms. An ecosystem is a functioning entity of all the organisms in a biological system
generally in equilibrium with the inputs and outputs of energy and materials in a particular
environment. It is the basic ecological unit of study. There are two kinds of ecosystems,
aquatic and terrestrial. An ecosystem is comprised of habitats, biological communities, and
A biome is often referred to as a global-scale community of plants and animals and is the
largest subdivision of the biosphere. A biome may contain many different kinds of smaller
ecosystems. Biomes are typically distinguished on the basis of the characteristics of their
vegetation because it makes up the largest portion of biomass. Biomes are subdivided
by formation class, vegetation units of a dominant species.
Plants and animals disburse across the Earth and occupy habitats favorable for their survival.
A habitat is the specific, physical location of an organism-- it's where they live. Most
African elephants live on savannas and in dry woodlands. Bass prefer a habitat of warm,
calm, clear water and is usually found in slow-moving streams, ponds, lakes, and reservoirs.
Habitats can be identified at different spatial scales.Macrohabitats are delineated by climate
and subdivided on the basis of their vegetation. Microhabitats are smaller in size, such as the
habitat along a stream channel or a layer within the canopy of a rain forest. Each species has
specific habitat parameters (temperature, moisture and nutrient availability).
Within a habitat, organisms "occupy" a niche. A niche is the function or occupation, of a
life-form within a community. An organism's niche incorporates the physical (habitat),
chemical, and biological factors that maintains the health and vitality of the organism. An
organism's interaction with the abiotic factors of its environment (heat and moisture) defines
its niche. The food requirements, and those that prey on it, are part of the organism's niche. A
niche, therefore, is the sum of an organism's physiological adaptation to and interaction with
its physical environment.
Biogeographical Realms
Habitat occupation may be "limited" due to the ability for plants and animals to disperse
throughout the environment. Even though a habitat is available for occupation, barriers to
diffusion may prevent organisms from inhabiting them. Habitat occupation may depend on
several factors. First is the location of centers of evolution called biogeographical realms.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE. 1 Biogeographical Realms

Biogeographical realms are geographical regions out of which particular assemblages of
plants and animals evolved and dispersed. The Nearctic realm possesses a great diversity of
biomes including the tundra, grassland, deciduous and coniferous forest, chaparral, and desert
biomes. The Nearctic realm has been separated from Neotropical by deserts, and until
recently, an absence of a land bridge between them. ThePalaearctic realm is very similar to
the Nearctic in terms of the diversity of biomes including tundra, grassland, deciduous and
coniferous forest, chaparral, and desert biomes. The Neotropical realm is dominated by
tropical forests, savannas, and deserts. The Afrotropical realm is inhabited by tropical
forests, savannas, and deserts. It is separated from Palaearctic realm by the Sahara desert;
previously separated by an arm of the sea. The Australian (or Australasian) realm has a
desert core, surrounded by tropical forest and savanna. The Australian realm boasts a unique
variety of plants and animals as they have evolved in isolation from outside influence.
Pouched marsupial mammals, like the Kangaroo, are found in the Australian realm.
The Indomalayan realm is nearly exclusively tropical forest. It was isolated from the
Palaearctic by the Himalayan Mountains. The Indomalayan realm was previously separated
by a sea lane that has subsequently been closed by continental drift. The Antarctic
realm exhibits a diverse set of ecosystems from temperate forest and grassland in New
Zealand to tundra and ice sheets in Antarctica. Many of New Zealand's mammals are like
those frequenting Antarctic shores. Finally the Oceanian realm is dominated by tropical
forests. Physical barrier are often the most imposing barriers to diffusion. Impassable
topography, large water bodies, and unsuitable climates are all impediments for the dispersal
of plant and species.
Habitat occupation
The effectiveness of an organism to occupy a habitat depends in part on its means of
transportation. Animals must use their own locomotion, while plants disperse by wind,
running water, ocean currents, and animals. Thus, climate and topographic barriers are more
of an impediment to animals than plants. For either, continental drift poses a significant
barrier to diffusion. The separation of continents has isolated plants and animals in the past
thus preventing their complete occupation of a suitable habitat. Continental collisions have
opened land bridges for habitat occupation. Sea level changes have similarly affected plant

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

and animal distributions. Lowered sea level, as what occurred during the last ice ages,
resulted in chains of islands being connected opening migration routes for animal and plant
species. Sea level rise during post-glacial times isolated habitats. Isolation thus prevented
plant and animal migration. Presently, trends in global warming are affecting the distribution
of parasites carrying infectious diseases. In a June 2002 All Things Considered report it was
noted that malaria-bearing mosquitoes from lower elevations are invading mountain
ecosystems at higher elevations as temperatures rise, affecting Hawaiian bird populations.

Figure BE. 2 Influence of sea - level fluctuation on dispersal of species

Sometimes humans aid in the dispersal of plants and animals. Humans have intentionally or
unintentionally introduced species into habitats that they would otherwise not have been able
to on their own, sometimes with disastrous effects. The inadvertent introduction of the
African Honey Bee in South America is a notable example. Imported to spur production of
honey by mating with other native species, this aggressive bee was accidentally released.
With few natural predators, populations exploded and has migrated to the southern United
States. People have been attacked by swarms of these "killer bees" when disturbing them.
Hawaii's biota evolved in relative isolation. But after its discovery by white culture, the
inadvertent, and the sometimes purposeful introduction of alien plant and animal species,
have endangered Hawaii's native organisms. All Things Considered (NPR) segment from
March 21, 2000 "Hawaii Extinction" reports on how Hawaii's geographical isolation makes
its native organisms especially vulnerable to extinction by alien plant and animal
introductions. (12:07)
Habitat Degradation and Human Activity
Habitat encroachment, fragmentation, and destruction has produced a plethora of problems.
Habitat destruction is a leading cause of species endangerment. Habitat encroachment
increases the contact between human populations and animal populations. Shrinking habitat
and accessible sources of food from expanding urban and suburban land use have brought
animals and humans into conflict. The loss of tiger prey and presence of livestock have
increased attacks on villagers living near tiger habitat in India. Alligators in homeowners
backyards is becoming a more frequent site in Florida as urban sprawl invades the state's
wetlands. Deer are a nuisance in many suburban areas, destroying gardens and posing a threat
to motorists.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Habitat encroachment is responsible for the recent emergence of diseases like Ebola as a
threat to humans. Intact habitats tend to inhibit the spread of infectious agents. Damaged,
altered, and degraded habitats trigger the spread of new and existing diseases to humans.
A 2005 United Nations Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2004/5 reported that the
deadly Nipah virus, normally found in Asian fruit bats, is believed to have passed over to
humans. Land clearance for palm plantations brought bats in contact with swine, and then
humans as their habitat shrunk. The geographic range and seasonality of mosquito-borne
diseases like malaria and dengue fever, are very sensitive to changes in climate.
Illegal logging is the greatest threat to the survival of the orangutan. Native to the Indian
Ocean islands of Sumatra, it is estimated that no more that 60,000 wild orangutans are left
worldwide, half the population that existed a mere 10 years ago.
Forest fires, poaching and conversion of jungles to palm plantations have also decimated their
populations. Living in trees, the great apes feed on insects and fruits, and in turn, disperse
seeds that regenerate the tropical forests. In spite of government declarations to curb illegal
logging, environmental activists blame political corruption, and of will and insufficient
resources to halt the multibillion dollar illegal logging activity. ( See also "Species
endangerment in Tropical Forests")
Wildlife Corridors
Wildlife require large areas to seek out food, mates, and nesting sites. Habitat fragmentation
restricts wildlife movement resulting in overcrowding, over exploitation of resources and
species endangerment. Scientists are attempting to preserve wildlife by creating corridors
between fragmented portions of habitat. Wildlife corridors allow young animals to seek new
territory and maintain gene flow between individual habitats thus improving species fitness.
Only recently have scientists been able to show that wildlife corridors work.

Figure BE.3 Wildlife corridors connect

critical habitats in the agricultural
heartland of Iowa. (Courtesy NRCS)

Wildlife corridors like those seen here

in Iowa permit animals to exploit a
variety of resources without having to
cross unfriendly terrain like roads,
lawns, or barren farm fields.
The Terai Arc is a fifty year effort to reconnect 11 national parks in India and Nepal with one
continuous corridor of protected areas. Preliminary data from the Khata corridor between
Nepal's Royal Bardia National Park and the Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary of India show
use by tigers and elephants. The presence of Spotted Deer and Wild Boar hoof prints provide
additional evidence of corridor use.
Energy Flow in Ecosystems

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Energy capture and use

At the base of an ecosystem, primary producers are actively converting solar energy into
stored chemical energy. Photosynthesis is the process of converting solar energy, water, and
carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. The process occurs in two steps: first light
energy is absorbed by chlorophyll to split a molecule of water releasing hydrogen and
oxygen. The second step uses the energy to convert carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

Solar Energy
6CO2+12H2O C6H12O6+6O2+6H2O

The carbohydrate (C6H12O6) can be converted into starch and stored by the plant.
Carbohydrate can be combined with other sugar molecules to make cellulose, the basic
structural material of a plant.
Oddly enough, of all the solar radiation striking a plant, only about 1 percent is used in
photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis is dependent on several things, especially the
amount of light received ... up to a point. As solar radiation increases the rate of
photosynthesis increases. For many plants there is an upper limit to the rate of
photosynthesis. In some plants as incident solar radiation increases the rate of photosynthesis
levels off, or may decrease. The increasing solar energy load causes the plant to be too hot
and the need to cool the plant increases. As a result, transpiration takes over as the dominate
plant process. Transpiration, the loss of water from plants, acts to cool the plant by releasing
latent energy. Adequate supplies of water, carbon dioxide and the availability of nutrients in
the soil affect photosynthesis.
While photosynthesis builds stored chemical energy in a plant, respiration is the process of
"burning" stored chemical energy, basically through oxidation, for maintaining plant
metabolism. During plant respiration, carbohydrates combine with oxygen and is reduced to
carbon dioxide, water, and heat.

C6H12O6+6O2 ---> 6CO2+6H2O+2830 kj

While photosynthesis operates only during day when sunshine is available, respiration goes
on both night and day. Plant growth occurs so long as photosynthesis exceeds respiration.
Transpiration is the loss of water from plant leaves. Water exits the leaf throughstomata,
which are tiny pore spaces in the leaf. The rate of transpiration depends on air temperature
and solar radiation. As pointed out earlier, transpiration is a cooing process for plants when
temperatures or incident light rise too high and cause heating of the plant. Low humidity,
often aided by windy conditions, creates a vapor gradient between the plant and the air. This
too induces transpiration. Soil factors are important control over transpiration. If the pore
space between soil particles are too large the soil will have poor or low soil capillary. That is,
the rate of water rise is too low for plants to extract water from the soil and maintain proper
moisture supply. Low soil capillary results from soil drying too. Figures below indicate
seasonal changes in plant transpiration. During the moist season, ample soil water is available
to line soil particles to aid the movement of soil water upwards to the root zone.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.4 Plant transpiration during wet periods.

However, during the dry season, a dry layer of soil develops beneath the root zone inhibiting
the upward movement of capillary water causing a capillary lag. The plant ultimately wilts as
it cannot extract enough water to meet the increasing demand for water during warm seasons.
A small soil moisture reserve will inhibit transpiration too.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.5 Plant transpiration during dry periods.

Biomass Productivity
Net biomass productivity is the difference between gross productivity (production of plant
material by photosynthesis) and respiration. So long as the rate of production exceeds that of
respiration, the plant will grow. Net productivity represents the amount of organic material
produced by a plant. Net productivity is closely related to a number of environmental factors
like climate, soils, and available nutrients. Net biomass production will be highest where
there is an ample supply of moisture to meet the needs of plants. Biomass productivity is also
high where soils are rich in nutrients and have a positive soil moisture balance. The figure
below illustrates this well. With ample rainfall and sunlight, the tropical rain forest ranks the
highest in terms of organic matter production.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.6 Net productivity of selected environments

Trophic Levels and Food Chains
The biotic elements that comprise an ecosystem fall into one of several trophic levels.
The trophic level of an organism is its position in a food chain, the sequence of consumption
and energy transfer through the environment. For example, a simple grazing food chain is
comprised of
Plant -> herbivore -> carnivore
At the base of the food chain lies the primary producers. Primary producers are principally
green plants and certain bacteria. They convert solar energy into organic energy. Above the
primary producers are the consumers who ingest live plants or the prey of
others. Decomposers, such as, bacteria, molds, and fungi make use of energy stored in
already dead plant and animal tissues.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.7 Great Lakes food web(Courtesy EPA GLINP)

Two laws of physics are important in the study of energy flow through ecosystems. The first
law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be
changed from one form to another. Energy for the functioning of an ecosystem comes from
the Sun. Solar energy is absorbed by plants where in it is converted to stored chemical
energy. The second law of thermodynamics states that whenever energy is transformed,
there is a loss energy through the release of heat. This occurs when energy is transferred
between trophic levels as illustrated in afood web. When one animal feeds off another, there
is a loss of heat (energy) in the process. Additional loss of energy occurs during respiration
and movement. Hence, more and more energy is lost as one moves up through trophic levels.
This fact lends more credence to the advantages of a vegetarian diet. For example, 1350
kilograms of corn and soybeans is capable of supporting one person if converted to beef.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

However, 1350 kilograms of soybeans and corn utilized directly without converting to beef
will support 22 people!
Ecology of Vegetation and Plant Succession
Principal Adaptive Strategies of Vegetation
Plants evolve a variety of adaptations to the light and moisture availability within a particular
environment in order to flourish. Plants adaptations include those of leaf form and canopy
structure (the roof of foliage formed by the crowns of trees). For instance, a hard, needle leaf
structure is an adaptation to extreme temperatures and low moisture status in winter. The
leaves of some rain forest trees have a special joint at the bottom of their stalk that enables
them to twist and turn to follow the light as the sun passes from east to west over head.
Deciduous trees drop their leaves to cut transpiration loss during dry periods and when
temperatures are very cold.
Fleshy "leaves", like those of desert succulents or thick photosynthetic skin like that of the
giant Saguaro cactus helps retain moisture. The Baobab tree, found in the wet/dry tropical
(savanna) climate stores water in its trunk to combat the long drought period experienced in
that climate.

Figure BE. 9 Semidesert vegetation of Arizona

Figure BE. 8 A Baobab tree, with its thick (Photo Credit: U.S. G.S. DDS21)
trunk and large edible fruit, Dakar,
(UN/DPI Photo #187250C
by Evan Schneider Used with permission)

Plants have adapted particular root structures to live in arid regions. Deep tap roots draw
moisture hidden deep below the surface while extensive near - surface root systems catch
moisture as it infiltrates into soil. Some desert grasses have rolled surfaces to reduce water
loss from the inner surface and hairs which reduce air movement.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE. 10 Rooting system adaptation.

Grasses which can't store much water must Figure BE. 11 Curled leaf of desert grass
rely on deep root systems to extract water
held far below the surface

Canopy structures reflect the environmental conditions vegetation grows in. The conical
canopies of conifers help shed snow and catch low angle sun rays during the long winters
where they grow. The rain forest displays a multi-layered canopy . Each layer possesses
organisms adapted to the environmental conditions found in it. A canopy can be so thick and
dense, like that found in the rain forest, that little light penetrates to the surface. The lack of
light for understory growth creates an open forest that you can see into for some distance.
Where canopy density is low, more light filters to the surface creating a thick ground cover
and a closed forest. Standing on the floor of a closed forest, it's nearly impossible to see more
than a few meters into it.
Plant communities
Rarely is any location dominated by a single specie of plant. A plant community refers to
the associated plant species that form the natural vegetation of any place. For instance, a
midlatitude forest is comprised of a community of trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses, and flowering
herbs. Plant communities provide a habitat for animals and significantly modify the local
environment. Plant communities affect soil type when organic material decomposes into the
soil altering soil moisture retention, infiltration capacity, soil structure and soil chemistry.
Trees shade the forest floor, reducing incident solar radiation and lowering temperatures of
both the soil and the air. Reduced incident light decreases evaporation keeping soils moister
beneath the forest canopy. These impacts affect animal habitats and the diversity of animal
species which are associated with these plant communities.

Figure BE. 12 Mixed deciduous -

evergreen forest community is a
transitional community between

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

needleleaf forest and deciduous forest (Wisconsin, U.S.A.) (Photo credit: U.S. Conservation

An ecotone is a plant community in a distinct zone of transition between other more

extensive communities. Ecotones vary in scale, from local (between forest and field) to
global (savannas). Within an ecotone plants of different environmental tolerances often
intermingle. For instance, grasses adapted to low moisture conditions intermingle with
deciduous trees within a prairie - forest ecotone.
Principle of Limiting Factors
The plants and animals that succeed in occupying a particular niche are those that can easily
adapt to the unique environmental conditions of a site. Each plant and animal in the
community has a specific range of tolerance for particular environmental conditions. Climate
factors are the most important influence over the successful establishment of plant and animal
communities. Two climatic factors are important, sunlight and moisture.
Not only is the amount of sunlight available important but the duration and quality of light
are important too. For instance, at high altitudes the intense ultra violet light may inhibit the
growth of particular plants. The intensity of light affects photosynthesis and rate of primary
productivity. The duration of sunlight affects the flowering of plants and the activity patterns
of animals. The availability of water is important for the survival of most life forms. But
plants require water for a number of life processes like germination, growth and reproduction
too. Principle of limiting factors says that the maximum obtainable rate of photosynthesis is
limited by whichever basic resource of plant growth is in least supply. The availability of
energy and moisture varies geographically. At high latitudes the limiting factor is generally
energy availability while in low latitudes moisture is the limiting factor to growth. The
diagram below shows the relationship between potential evapotranspiration, a moisture index,
climate and vegetation.

Figure BE. 13 Relationship

between climate, vegetation
potential evapotranspiration and
the moisture index.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

The figure on the left shows the relationship between potential evapotranspiration (PE), a
moisture index (MI), climate and vegetation. Potential evapotranspiration is the optimal
amount of water entering the atmosphere as a result of evaporation and plant transpiration
when there is an unlimited amount of moisture. Because evaporation and transpiration
depend on energy availability, potential evapotranspiration is a measure of energy input. High
values of potential evapotranspiration relate to warm climates while low values to cool
climates. The moisture index is a measure of moisture availability. High values of the
moisture index means that plenty of water is available. Combining the two variables,
potential evapotranspiration and moisture index we have a notion of what the climate is like
in any part of the diagrams. For instance, high PE and large values of MI are indicative of
warm and moist climates. Note that tundra and taiga (mostly conifers) are successfully
established over a wide range of moisture conditions, from dry to moist, but always in cool
environments. Other vegetation systems have more narrowly defined moisture and
temperature requirements.
Plants of a particular region have adapted to the temperature and moisture conditions in
which they live. Most gardeners are familiar with plant hardiness (growing) zone maps. The
zones are based on the minimum temperature experienced and thus tolerated by different
species of plants. There have been recent signs that these zones are starting to shift due to
global warming.

Plant Succession

Figure BE.14 Fireweed

reestablishing on the devastated
slopes of Mt. St. Helens. (Courtesy

Natural vegetation of a particular

location evolves in a sequence of steps
involving different plant communities.
The evolutionary process is known
as plant succession. Plant succession usually begins with a fairly simple community known
as a pioneer community. The pioneer community, and each successive community alters the
environment in such a way to permit new communities to occupy a site. These alterations of
the environment include changes in site microclimate and soil conditions.
A climax community is the result of a long period of plant succession. Climax communities
usually exhibit a good deal of species diversity and thus are relatively stable systems.
Disturbance renews a successional sequence. Plant succession was renewed after the
explosion of Mt. St. Helens with the subsequent disruption of biotic communities that
inhabited the region. Human disturbance related to tropical deforestation has renewed the
successional sequence of plant communities in the tropical rain forest. However,

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

this Morning Edition (NPR) segment from April 8, 1996 reports that disappearing forests
poses a threat to the " Biodiversity in Madagascar" (7:15) (RealAudio Required)
Earth Biomes
Earlier, a biome was defined as a large stable terrestrial ecosystem. Classification of biomes
vary and no one system dominates biogeography studies. Here five principal biomes, forest,
savanna, grassland, desert and tundra are distinguished on the basis of unique plant and
animal communities. Within each biome may be several formation classes, vegetation units
defined on the basis of dominate plants in a terrestrial ecosystem. For instance, the forest
biome includes the tropical rain forest, seasonal forest and shrub, Mediterranean woodland,
Midlatitude broadleaf deciduous and mixed forests, broadleaf evergreen, and marine west
coast forest to name a few.

Terrestrial Biomes as classified by the World Wildlife Foundation

Source: Wikipedia
The Forest Biome
The forest biome consists of close growing trees with leaf canopies that generally overlap.
The overlapping canopy prevents much light from hitting the forest floor. The shaded
conditions keeps forest soils relatively moist. Forest require ample amounts of annual
precipitation to support their growth. Forests are found over a wide range of temperature
regimes , from the hot equatorial regions to the cold subarctic. Forests occupy approximately
one third of land surface though this value is shrinking as humans cut the forest for material
needs and economic gain.
The Tropical Rain forest
The Tropical Rain forest contains trees standing 30 to 55 meters in height, creating a
continuous canopy of foliage. The enclosed canopy shades the forest floor inhibiting the
development of much undergrowth, creating an open forest formation. Few pure stands of

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

trees exist, instead individuals are widely dispersed throughout the forest. Mahogany, teak
and other tropical hardwoods are harvested for creating fine furniture. The lush vegetation
and great animal diversity should be expected in thetropical rain forest climate.

Figure BE.15 The multistory canopy of

the tropical rain forest(Congo) (Image
courtesy FAO)

Peering into the canopy reveals a multi-

story appearance of broad leaf, evergreen
vegetation called "selva". The typical three-
tiered zonation includes an emergent
layer of solitary, giant trees reaching heights of 55 meters (180 ft) for the sunlight they
require. Beneath is an intermediate zone (canopy) of continuous foliage 9 to 18 meters (30 to
60 ft) high. The forest floor is relatively open as the shade of the closed canopy inhibits plant
growth. It is a damp and dim world as one walks through the aroma of decaying vegetation.
Giant woody vines called "lianas" snake their way up the trunks of trees. Epiphytes ("air
plants"), like the brilliantly colored bromeliad, grow in the hollows of trees or the upper
surfaces of horizontally-growing branches capturing nutrients and moisture from the air.
Imagine That! -- "Rainforest Canopy" : NSF/Finger Lakes Productions International

Figure BE.16 Bromeliads clinging to a rain forest tree(Image

courtesy FAO)

A cloud forest exists on extremely moist mountain slopes above

the elevation of the true rain forest. The cloud forest differs from
the rain forest found at lower elevations in that trees are much
shorter and the forest floor is virtually impenetrable.

Plants have adapted to this environment in unique ways:

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

“ The canopy itself, the ceiling of the jungle, is a dense continuous layer of greenery some 6
or 7 meters deep. Each leaf is accurately angled to ensure that it will collect the maximum
amount of light. Many have a special joint at the base of the stalk that enables them to twist
and follow the sun as it swings over head from east to west each day. All except the topmost
layer is screened from the wind, so the around them is warm and humid.”
The Living Planet
D. Attenborough
The rain forest is a treasure trove of different animal and plant species. The numerous species
that inhabit the rain forests are not well documented. The intense precipitation of the tropical
rain forest climate heavily leaches the soil. Oxisol soil common to the rain forest are
relatively infertile due to intense weathering and a lack of available nutrients. Deforestation
and habitat destruction is severely crippling the rain forest ecosystem.

Tropical Monsoon/Seasonal Forest and Shrub

The Tropical Monsoon/Seasonal Forest and Shrub, contains trees of smaller stature than
those found in the rain forest. The Monsoon forest may include deciduous trees, as well as,
broadleaf evergreen trees reflecting the seasonal precipitation of the monsoon climate. The
trees of the Monsoon Forest have a more open canopy than the rain forest, creating a dense,
closed forest at the floor, or what we think of as a "tropical jungle" beneath. The thick surface
undergrowth makes it difficult to navigate through the forest. Jungle growth is also found
along streams, and in openings created by humans.

BE.17 Monsoon forest of India

(Image courtesy FAO)

Like the tropical rain forest, the monsoon forest

supports a diversity of plant and animal species.
And like the rain forest, it's biotic system is
being stressed by human activities.
Species Endangerment in the Tropical Forests
Habitat encroachment and destruction have been a primary cause of declining animal and
plant species, threatening many with extinction. For example, habitat encroachment and sport
hunting has led to the rapid decline of the Bengal tiger and are considered a threaten species.
Solitary animals, tigers can weigh up to 500 pounds and measure nine feet in length. The
main diet of the tiger consists of deer, antelope, and wild pig.

Figure BE. 18 Northern Tiger

(Image courtesy FAO)

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Logging and agriculture in the densely populated countries of southeast Asia have literally
squeezed the tiger out of its home. Human encroachment on the tiger's habitat has led to more
frequent conflicts between tigers and humans. However, human fatalities from tigers are a
result of injured or sick animals to weak to hunt wild animals.
Sport hunting and killing to use body parts for traditional medicines since 1900 has
significantly contributed to the decline of the tiger. In the early 1900's it was estimated that
100,000 tigers roamed Asia. In 1900, approximately 40,000 lived in India. By the 1960's this
number fell to 4,000. By the early seventies fewer that 2,000 remained in India. Recognizing
the potential loss of their national treasure, intensive conservation efforts by the Indian
government and the world community has doubled their numbers in recent years. The world-
wide population of tigers is estimated to be 5,100 to 7,500 individuals (World Wildlife Fund).
Illegal hunting to support the bush meat trade has taken a devastating toll on animal species.
The bushmeat trade ranks among the greatest threats to tropical wildlife according to some
environmentalists. Research has shown that increased poaching in Ghana has resulted in
significant declines in 41 wild animal species. This research speculates that the bushmeat
trade has grown partly in response to over fishing off West Africa by foreign and domestic
industrial fleets. With dwindling resources for protein, people turn to the forest for food.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Deforestation in the Tropical Forests

Figure BE.
19 Land clearing
for agriculture on
steep slopes in
Uganda (Courtesy

Human activity has

drastically altered
the natural
distribution of
forests through
Deforestation and habitat destruction is severely crippling the rain forest ecosystem. Rain
forests are being destroyed at a rate of 78 million acres (31 million hectares) per year; an area
larger than Poland. With habitat destruction comes loss of species. The World Resources
Institute predicts that deforestation rates of 15 million hectares would reduce species in the
closed canopy forests by 35% by 2040. In Brazil, the estimated average rate of destruction
between 1979 - 1990 was 5.4 million acres per year. In 2003 a record 10,000 square miles of
Brazil was cleared (Lobe, 2004).
Deforestation causes a multitude of effects on the natural environment as shown
below. Vegetation is degraded due to a loss of nutrient-rich litter and microorganisms to
decompose organic matter. The loss of shade accelerates leaching, soil erosion and drying.
The hard surface caused by baking impedes water infiltration causing excess runoff and
flooding. In addition to the effect on the local vegetation and hydrology, forest
removal impacts atmospheric composition, evapotranspiration, and precipitation.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.20 Effects of deforestation (after Drew,1983)

Soil degradation from forest clearing for agriculture happens quickly. Soil fertility can
decrease by 80% in only a few years after forest removal.
Table BE.1 Soil fertility loss due to forest clearing (Drew,1983)
Soil Characteristics (%)
Land use Exchange Nitrogen Phosphorus
Virgin Forest 100 100 100 100
1 Year after clearing,
104 82 66 120
After 2 years cultivation 46 51 36 75

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE. 21a Bolivian forest clearing (1995)

along the Rio Parapetí in Bolivia (south of Santa Figure BE. 21b Bolivian forest clearing
Cruz, not shown) Courtesy NASA EOS (Source) (2008) along the Rio Parapetí in Bolivia
(south of Santa Cruz, not shown) Courtesy
NASA EOS (Source)

Government policies in some countries have fostered the exploitation of forest resources.
Encouraging the population to develop forest land has opened the forest to continued
degradation. In the 1990's the Bolivian Government began a large-scale program to increase
the rate of forest removal for commercial agriculture (primarily soy and sugar cane, but also
cocoa) on the Amazon Basin side of the Andean highlands. The dramatic effect of this action
is seen in Figures BE21a and BE21b. Forest clearings began as small tracts perpendicular to
access roads taking on a herringbone pattern when seen from the Space Shuttle in 1995. By
2008, the cleared area has greatly expanded. The impact of clearing on soil erosion and
stream sediment load is evident in the brown, silt-laden Rio Parapetí that flows through the

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.22 The heavily eroded Betsiboka

River watershed of in NW Madagascar
empties into the Bay of
Bombeteka. (CourtesyNASA)

The heavy seasonal rain of the monsoon

forest poses a great danger, generating rapid
runoff, mudflows and flash flooding. A
result of unregulated deforestation, rivers
become choked with sediment degrading the
aquatic environment.
Deforestation has had a significant impact on indigenous cultures too. Six to nine million
indigenous people inhabited the Brazilian rain forest in 1500. Today less than 1% of Brazil's
177 million people are full-blooded indigenous Indians (Source: US State Department). The
loss of indigenous cultures destroys a wealth of knowledge about the environment in which
they lived.
Midlatitude Forests
Mediterranean Woodland
The Mediterranean woodland is a sclerophyll forest consisting of low branching trees with
small hard leaves and gnarled thick bark. The Mediterranean Woodland is found on west
coast of continents in the midlatitudes and bordering the Mediterranean Sea, in close
association with the Mediterranean (Dry Summer Subtropical) climate. Mediterranean
woodland in North America is found along much of coastal southern California. Thick bark
and small, waxy leaves are two adaptations to prevent excessive loss of moisture during the
severe summer drought experienced in the dry summer subtropical climate. Chaparral
vegetation grows to a height of 1 to 3 meters and has leathery leaves to prevent moisture loss.
Chaparral is adapted to wildfires common in this environment (see below). Canopy of the
typically hardwood, evergreen vegetation covers about 25 to 60 % of the terrain. The
sparseness of the vegetative cover is due to the severe summer moisture stress and human

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.24 Wildflowers, grasses, and

Figure BE.23 Chaparral of the North
shrubs regenerate after fire in the chaparral.
American (U.S.A.).
(Source: U.S. Forest Service )
(Source: U.S. Forest Service )

Midlatitude Broadleaf Deciduous and Mixed Forest

The Midlatitude Broadleaf Deciduous and Mixed Forest of the humid midlatitudes
contains evergreen and/or deciduous trees reaching heights of 15 to 25 meters. The broadleaf
forest dominates equatorward, while toward the north, conifers intermingle to create a mixed
forest. Needle leaf trees are well adapted to the cool to cold temperatures which occur on the
poleward limits on the humid latitude climate. Cold sensitive broadleaf trees enter a period
of vegetative dormancy, reducing moisture content and shedding their leaves. Oak, maple,
hickory, chestnut and beech are common tree types found in the broadleaf deciduous forest.
In most cases the forest is an open forest with little under story growth, though some shade
tolerant annual species occupy the ground. The dense canopy inhibits significant amounts of
light to penetrate to the forest floor inhibiting growth at ground level.

Figure BE.25 Broadleaf deciduous forest in

France*. (Source: A. Vorontzoff. FAO.)

Many stands of different age and tree species

are found together lending a patchwork
character to the forest. The forest may be
comprised of pure stands, or contain 2 to 3
species. Temperate forests are found in theHumid Continental climate and stretching into
the Humid Subtropical Climate. Alfisol soils are found developing beneath much of the
temperate midlatitude forest. Spodosols are found where conifers dominate.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.26 Mixed forest of Wisconsin, USA.

(Source: M. Ritter)

The midlatitude broadleaf deciduous and mixed

forest has been drastically changed over time by
human activities. By A.D. 1000, China was
virtually "treeless". Much of England's forests had
been cut by 1700. Today, acid rain threatens the
temperate forest in many locations.
Subtropical Evergreen Forest
There are two variants of the subtropical evergreen forest, the broadleaf evergreen and
needleleaf subtropical forest. The subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest is found in New
Zealand, southeastern Australia, and Southern Chile. Here, mild maritime air masses keep
conditions moist enough to suppress any summer drought and provide temperatures warm
enough to prevent a threat of frost. Small pockets of broadleaf evergreen species like
evergreen oak and magnolia, are found in the United States in Florida and along the Gulf
The subtropical needleleaf forest is found as a southern pine forest in the southeastern United
States. The forest has developed on the sandy deposits along the fridge of the Atlantic and
Gulf Coasts.

Figure BE. 27 Broadleaf evergreen

forest, New Zealand's South Island.
(Photo credit: T. Dewyler)

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Temperate Rain Forest (Marine West Coast Forest)

The temperate rain forest, or sometimes known as the Marine West Coast forest, is known
for its lush vegetation occurring along narrow margins of the Pacific Northwest in North
America. However, the temperate forest lacks the
diversity that the tropical rain forest has. The rain
forest of the Pacific Northwest is composed of a
few species of broadleaf and needle leaf trees, huge
ferns, and a thick undergrowth. Lying on the
windward slopes of the Cascade and Coast Ranges,
this forest receives over a hundred inches a year
in marine west coast climate, as much precipitation
as some tropical rain forests.

Figure BE.28 Redwood trees of the Temperate

rain forest (Source: Michael Ritter)

The temperate rain forest is home to some of the largest trees and oldest living organisms on
earth - the coastal redwoods. Exceeding 200 to 300 feet in height and having diameters over
20 feet, these trees can live well over a thousand years. The redwood forest floor is covered
and epiphytes dangle from the trees. The cool and shady redwood forests of North America
create a habiat for a variety of animals, including the northern spotted owl, Stellar's Jay,
banana slugs, Pacific tree frog, and black bear.
Old growth forests of Douglas fir, spruce, cedar and hemlock have been devastated by
logging. With only 10% of the original forest left, biodiversity loss is a great concern to
The Northern Coniferous Forest
The northern coniferous forest of the Subarctic climate, also known as the boreal forest, is
dominated by coniferous trees, with hardy deciduous trees like birch mixed in. To the south

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

lies the temperate forest and the north the tundra. An ecotone found between northern
coniferous forest and tundra vegetation called the taiga . Taiga is a more open form of boreal
forest with low growing conifers. Historically, the pine forests of North America and Europe
have been an important timber resource.
Trees are typically shallow rooted due to
the poor soils (spodosols), rocky
conditions, discontinuous permafrost.

Figure BE.29 Snow covered conifers of

the Northern Coniferous forest. (Source:
Tom Smylie U.S. Forest Service)

Coniferous forests (taiga) circles the globe and contains a third of all the trees on earth. On
it's northern edge the growing season is a mere one month long. It's a silent world, lacking
many animal species as there is little palatable food, the moose can .. the resinous leafs
reduces water loss but makes them quite distasteful to most animals.
Trees in the northern coniferous forest primarily possess pine needles instead of broad leaves
like those of the temperate forests to the south. Needles are an important adaptation to the
extreme conditions present in the climate of the boreal forest. Pine needles contain very little
sap, so freezing is not much of a problem. Being dark in color they absorb what little light
falls on their surfaces. The sloping sides of the conical canopy helps catch the low angle sun
rays typical of high latitude locations. Usually there is only one tree layer creating a shading
effect that precludes the growth of any lower tree layers.

Figure BE.30 Birch intermixes with

spruce in an open canopied Northern
Coniferous forest.(Source:H. Peter Wingle
U.S. Forest Service)

Retaining their needles at the end of each

growing season gives the tree a head start
at growth during the spring as they do not have to waste their energy in producing new
foliage. Pine needles have a unique structure which limits the loss of water, a precious
commodity in this environment. Pine needles have fewer stomata than broadleaf tree leaves.
The stomata are recessed into pits on the needle and aligned in a groove on its underside. The
groove in the needle creates a small layer of still air which slows the loss of water vapor by
diffusion. Water loss is further reduced by the thick waxy coating common to pine needles.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Water is "shut off" from the tree when the ground completely freezes. Under these
circumstances the stomata close-up to prevent loss of water from the tree.
Conifers possess a shallow, extensive, yet compact, network of roots. Waxy, resinous needles
and low bacterial activity in the cold subarctic climate combine to produce a thick mat of
undecayed litter on the forest floor. Soils (spodosols) are poor and acidic since few nutrients
are released into the soil. Filamitous fungi surrounding the root ball extend hairs into the
needles lying at the surface, breaking them down into substances usable by the trees. Food for
larger animals is sparse in such an ecosystem and they are likely found where wind throw or
fire has created openings in the forest for deciduous shrubs such as birch, aspen and willow to
invade colonize.

Figure BE.31 Close-up of spruce needles

damaged by acid rain
(Source: U.S. Forest Service)

Much of the northern coniferous forest of

Europe and the eastern United States has
suffered from the affects of acid
deposition. Acid deposition refers to the depositing of acids in both solid and liquid form. The
most common form of acid deposition is acid rain. Much of the source of sulfur is from
industrial activities. Acid rain forms when sulfur compounds combine with water in the
atmosphere to form sulfuric acid. Acid rain can severely damage the structure of pine needles
making them vulnerable to invasion by other diseases and organisms. Soils in which the
plants grow are acidified, mobilizing soluble metals in the soil water and proving toxic to
plant roots.

Figure BE.32 Acid damaged forest in the

northeastern United States
(Source: U.S. Forest Service)

For many years, scientists suspected that

acid rain could damage forest ecosystems.
It wasn't until relatively recently that they
have for direct evidence to support their suspicions. Find out how in thisAll Things
Considered (NPR) segment from October 28, 1999 about scientist's direct link between forest
degradation and acid rain. (3:49) (RealAudio Required)
The Savanna Biome

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

The Savanna biome is characterized by an extensive cover of grasses with scattered trees. It
is a transitional biome between those dominated by forests and those dominated by grasses.
The Savanna biome is associated with climates having seasonal precipitation accompanied
with a seasonal drought. A midlatitude variant, the parkland, is located in the drier portions of
the humid continental climate.
Tropical Savanna
The tropical savanna is generally found in regions dominated by the Wet-Dry Tropical
climate. An extensive cover of tall grasses, sometimes reaching a height of 3 meters, is found
in the tropical savanna. Most savanna grass is coarse and grows in tufts with intervening
patches of bare ground. Scattered, individual trees or small groves of trees are common. The
umbrella shaped Acacia tree is a notable species of the Savanna biome. Trees do not
dominate the biome because the small amount of high sun rainfall is not enough to sustain
such vegetation. In eastern Africa where precipitation is higher, savanna vegetation is
maintained by periodic fires. Fires burn back the forest and stimulates the growth of grasses
like that which occurs in the prairie grasslands. Savannas, like those found in Venezuela and
Brazil, develop on soils that have a hard crust and are subject to cracking. Tree flourish where
their roots can follow the cracks down to water held deep beneath the surface. Grasses grow
in the crust above.

Figure BE.33 The Baobab tree found in the Savanna of

Senegal. (Source: UN/DPI Photo #187250C by Evan

Plants in the savanna have adapted to the long dry season

in a number of ways. The Baobab tree stores water in its
huge trunk, drawing on the moisture during periods of
drought stress. Many grasses and trees of the savanna
flourish during the brief wet season and then go into a state of dormancy. Grasses turn brown
and trees lose their leaves to reduce the loss of water by transpiration.
A number of different animal species inhabit the tropical savanna like lions, zebras, elephants
and giraffes. The long neck of the giraffe is a unique adaptation to the savanna woodlands; its
long neck permits browsing on the higher foliage of trees.
Thorntree and Tropical Scrub
The Thorntree and Tropical Scrub is characterized by short, thorny trees and shrubs. Trees
The vegetation may form a continuous cover eliminating grasses. This vegetation formation
is a response to a longer, and more intense drought period.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Figure BE.34 Livestock grazing severely

damages the thorntree savanna leading to
problems of desertification. Burkina
Faso*(Picture credit: Carolyn Redenius,
United Nations)

The thorntree and tropical scrub has

suffered under the misuse of human
activity. Overgrazing has reduced the
capacity of the system to withstand the erosive forces of wind, and to a lesser extent water.
Without the protective restraint plants, soil and sand, along with valuable soil nutrients, can
blow free from the surface. Deserts are rapidly encroaching and replacing the savannas and
steppe grasslands. Many years of prolonged drought combined with human pressures on the
biome increases the likelihood for desertification of these areas.
Midlatitude Savanna

Figure BE.35 Pinon-Juniper savanna of

northern New Mexico.
(Photo Credit: T. Detwyler)

A Midlatitude savanna is sometimes

called a parkland. Here, prairie vegetation
is broken by patches or ribbons of
broadleaf trees. The midlatitude savanna is
located in a transitional area between the humid continental and midlatitude steppeclimates.
Parkland often is a step in the successionary evolution of plant communities on abandoned
farm fields of the eastern United States. For more see "Prairie Parkland (Temperate)
Province ".

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Human activities and the savanna biome

Many animals of the savanna biome like the rhinoceros are endangered and threatened with
extinction due to hunting and habitat loss. The most species ofelephants ere in danger of
extinction due to poaching for their ivory tusks. Several means to protect these animals have
been tried, even removal of the rhinoceros's horns and the elephant's tusks. Many countries
have banned the sale of ivory to discourage poaching. But some countries have argued for the
temporary lifting of such bans to sell stockpiled ivory from seizures. Yet lifting such bans
may encourage further poaching. The NPR Morning Edition "Elephant Poaching on the
Rise" segment from Jan. 17, 2000 (5:20) reports on the rise of elephant poaching as a
result of the lifting of the ban on ivory sale for a few African countries.

Figure BE.36 Square lipped

rhinoceros, Zambia.
Source: M.Boulton, FAO. Used
with permission)

The Grassland Biome

The Grassland biome is
dominated by grasses of a variety
of species, all having adapted to
the summer drought common to their semiarid habitat. The broad expanse of the grasslands is
occasionally broken by stands of trees. The midlatitude grasslands of have been exploited
more than any other biome by humans. Ninety nine percent of the United State's tall grass
prairie and 70 percent of the mixed grass and short grass in some states have disappeared.
Eight-five percent of the state of Iowa was once covered in native prairie, only one percent is
left. The grasslands, especially the tall grass prairies are the world's most productive
agricultural areas. The famous corn belt of the United States was created on top of the rich
brown mollisol soils that developed beneath the surface.
The Prairies

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Prairies are found on the humid side of the grassland biome and are often referred to as
the tall-grass prairie. A favorable annual moisture balance supports a dense ground cover of
tall grasses. Grasses range in height between .
6 to 1.2 meters (2 to 4 ft.), with some as tall
as 8 feet or more on the eastern margin of the
prairies in the United States. In the tall-grass
prairie of Iowa, for example, typical grasses
are big bluestem and little bluestem; a typical
forb is black-eyed Susan. Trees and shrubs
are generally limited to moist sites along
stream channels or hill slopes facing away
from the sun. The nutrient - rich soil beneath
the grasslands drew farmers to these regions.
Now, most natural tall-grass prairie has been
replaced by agriculture. Extensive grasslands
also occur in Argentina and the Ukraine.

Figure BE.37 Tall grass prairie once common to the eastern Great Plains of
Kansas (Courtesy NRCS)

The native grasslands of the world support a diversity of animal life. In North America, large
grazers like the bison roamed the grasslands until hunted to near extinction by settlers moving
Steppe Grassland
On the drier side of the grassland biome lies the steppe grasslands. Vegetation must
copewith the summer soil moisture deficit common to the steppe climate in which this
formation class is found. Here, tall grass prairie gives way to grasses smaller than a half
meter (2 ft).

Figure BE.38 Mixed Tall and Short grass

prairie of the U.S. Great Plains.
(Courtesy NRCS)

Toward the drier portions the ground

cover becomes sparse with patches of
open ground found between clumps of
grass. Overgrazing of the steppe
vegetation leads to accelerated wind erosion and desertification.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

The Kalahari Desert actually isn't a desert under present conditions, though it is covered with
much sand. It is a fossil desert found in the tropical steppe biome. Parts receive over 250 mm
of precipitation, enough to support a cover of vegetation. It is a fossil desert found in the
steppe biome. It' name is derived from the tribal word Khalagari, Kgalagadi or Kalagare
meaning "a waterless place" or the Tswana word Keir, meaning "the great thirst".

Figure BE.39 Wild Pronghorn Antelope

cross the short grass prairie of
(Courtesy NRCS)
Burrowing animals like ground squirrels,
prairie dogs, pocket gophers are common
in the steppe grasslands. Burrowing
predators like the black footed ferret are
considered an endangered species.

Fire and the grassland biome

Fires, especally those started by lightning, are a natural occurence of the grassland biome.
Fire destroys invasive species that compete with grasses. Fire suppression and farmland
conversion have severely disrupted grassland ecosystems. Resource mangers now use
prescribed burning to restore the health of prairie grasslands.
The Desert Biome
The desert biome has the lightest cover of plants of any biome. Lack of moisture prevents
plants from establishing themselves in this harsh climate. Many unique adaptations to the
extreme heat and lack of moisture enable some plants to survive. Plants adapted to drought
are called xerophytes. Aridisol soils, common to deserts, are typically coarse, lack much
organic material, and are often weakly developed.
Dry Desert
The dry deserts are typically found in subtropical latitudes and are produced by subsidence
associated with the eastern sides of the subtropical high. These are extremely dry regions,
some places hardly receiving any measurable precipitation during the year. Plant cover is
non-existent over much of the dry desert.

Figure BE.40 Grand Erg

Occidental Desert, Algeria
(Photo credit: J.Van Acker, FAO
Used with permission)

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Like many dry deserts, a layer of

coarse material blankets the surface.
This "desert pavement" protects the
underlying surface from erosion.
When disturbed, wind easily
dislodges particles and transports
them away in a process
called deflation. This makes the
establishment of plants very difficult.

Figure BE.41 Desert encroaching on

desert oasis (Photo credit: Mauritania.

Plants occur only under the most favorable microclimatic settings like those surrounding
an oasis. Oases are created where the water table is near the surface. Groundwater can be
easily extracted to support vegetation and wildlife.
Plant growth and reproduction are quite slow under desert conditions. Surface erosion by
wind or water restricts the establishment of plants. Infrequent storms causes water to sweep
across the barren surface carrying away massive amounts of material along with plants. The
rapid movement of sand dunes covers and prevents the establishment of a plant cover too.
Shrub Desert
The Shrub desert of the midlatitudes supports a more diverse community of plants and
animals. Associated with the midlatitude desert climate, more precipitation and cooler
temperatures help support a more complete ground cover. This is especially true along dry
stream beds where moisture is often more plentiful. Large cacti like the Saguaro cactus, and
xerophytic shrubs are found in the Shrub desert of North America.

Figure BE.42 Typical vegetation of

shrub desert in Arizona. (Photo Credit:
McKee, E.P. 1967, USGS Digital Data
Series DDS-21. Used with permission)

Off-road vehicles and illegal collecting

of plants is endangering the shrub desert
of the United States.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Some xerophytic vegetation are widely spaced, and have extensive root systems to capture
moisture in the soil. Others have waxy leaves or fleshy tissues to store moisture. Enlarged
green stems like those found on cacti take over the function of leaves in photosynthesis.
Some desert vegetation may shed parts of branches during extreme drought.
Additional Reading
American Semidesert and Desert Province

Desertification is the expansion of dry lands due to poor agricultural practices (e.g.
overgrazing, degradation of soil fertility and structure), improper soil moisture management,
salinization and erosion, forest removal, and
climate change.

BE.43 Desertification in Africa

Courtesy FAO

Two common misconceptions prevail about

desertification, that it spreads from a desert core
and drought is responsible. Desertification spreads outward from any where excessive abuse
of the land occurs and far from any climatic desert. Droughts do increase the possibility of
desertification if the carrying capacity of non-irrigated land is exceeded. Well-managed land
can recover from the effects of drought. Combining drought with land abuse sets the stage for
Cause of Desertification
Desertification comes about by a complex interaction between the natural environment and
human activities. The cause may vary from region to region on account of economic
conditions, population pressure, agricultural practices, and politics. Human activities that
destroys surface vegetation, degrades soil structure and fertility, impedes water infiltration,
and causes soil drying promotes desertification. This is especially true for the fragile
transition zone between arid and semiarid land where human activity has stretched the
ecosystem to its limit causing expansion of deserts.
Population growth and its demand on agricultural resources has promoted the desertification
process. Over cultivation, for example, causes declining soil fertility leading to falling crop
yields. Over use leads to crusting of exposed topsoil by rain and sun that increases runoff,
water erosion and gullying. Soil drying promotes wind erosion and encroachment of sand
dunes on arable land.
Overgrazing has several effects. It:
• Causes a decline in pasture vegetation and palatable grass species.
• Replaces perennials with short-lived annual species that do not hold soil against
• Compacts soil under trampling hoofs.
• Destabilizes dunes when crest vegetation is eaten.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Forest cutting for fuel wood has deforested large tracks of land in Africa and Asia
encouraging desertification.
Desertification around the world
The United Nations Conference on Desertification ranks desertification hazard on the basis of
a drop in agricultural productivity:
None - less than 10%

Moderate - 10% to 25 %
High - 25% to 50%
Very high - more than 50%
Desertification is a global problem occurring in many places but is prevalent along the
margins of semiarid and arid lands in Asia, central Australia, portions of North and South
America, and Africa. A world map prepared by the United States NRCS shows just how

widespread the problem is.

Figure BE.44 Desertification Vulnerability Courtesy NRCS

Africa has been significantly impacted by desertification. Almost three quarters of Africa's
agricultural drylands are already degraded to some degree. The impact on desertification on
the greatest number of people occurs in Asia. Degraded regions include the sand dunes of
Syria, the eroded mountain slopes of Nepal, and the deforested and overgrazed highlands of
Laos. The Northern Mediterranean region is the cradle of civilization and has borne the
effects of poor agricultural practices. Salinized, infertile soils are the result of natural hazards
e.g. droughts, floods and forest fire, as well as overtilling and overgrazing. Soil degradation is

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

high through much of Central and Eastern Europe, and very high in some areas, for example
along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Poor irrigation practices and the unsustainable
exploitation of water resources are contributing to chemical pollution, soil salinization and
aquifer depletion. Nearly a quarter of the inhabitants of Latin America and the Caribbean live
below the poverty line fueling practices that lead to land degradation. Erosion and water
shortages are intensifying in many East Caribbean islands.

The Tundra Biome

The Arctic Tundra
We find the arctic tundra biome at high latitudes closely associated with the tundra
climate. Notable areas of arctic tundra are found along the arctic coastal North America,
Europe, Asia and Greenland. Short grasses, flowers, and grass-like sedges, along with covers
of mosses and lichens are the dominate forms of vegetation in the tundra. Seasonal frost
heave disrupts root systems preventing support for tall vegetation. The arctic tundra looks
like a treeless plain, interrupted by patterned ground and an occasional tree in selected

Figure BE.45 View of the Alaskan

Tundra. (Courtesy: T. Detwyler)*

Pattern ground shown in figure BE.45 is

typical of the tundra landscape. Stone
polygons, soil circles, stone or soil stripes
and terraces are common to both arctic
and alpine tundra. These features are created by thrusting action of repeated freezing and
thawing of moist soil over a solid substrate like rock or permanently frozen ground.
Polygonal patterns dominate flat surfaces. Vegetation is usually confined to the stable parts of
the patterns.

Figure BE.46 Tilted poles on Northway

access road, Yukon region Alaska.
(Courtesy: USGS Digital Data Series CD-

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Permafrost is a common feature of the arctic tundra climate and biome. Permafrost refers to
permanently frozen ground. Actually, the ground has two layers which freeze. A surface
layer, called the active layer, thaws during the short "summer" and often subsides. Beneath
the active layer is the inactive layer which stays frozen throughout the year. Permafrost
creates a barrier to the root development. Larger trees can grow along better drained river
valleys where the depth to permafrost is greater. The annual freezing and thawing disrupts
root systems inhibiting the growth of very tall vegetation.

Figure BE. 47 Trans-Alaska Pipeline under

Courtesy: United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Permafrost creates an engineering nightmare for

the construction of buildings and other

structures. You can see in Figure
BE.46 how telephone poles have been
tilted from the heaving of the surface
during freezing and thawing.
Much concern for damage to the
environment was raised over the
construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.
The heated oil running though the pipeline
is insulated from the cold permafrost where
it runs underground. In places it zigzags
over the surface on stilts that allow it to
expand and contract with the change in

Figure BE.48 Musk Ox of the Alaskan arctic tundra. (Courtesy: U.S. Fish and Wildlife

The Musk Oxen is a well-known inhabitant of the arctic tundra. A dense fur coat protects
them from the severe climatic conditions in the tundra. Beneath is a dense fine undercoat that
is fairly waterproof. Adults gather in a protective wall to keep the calves safe from predator
attacks and severe storms. Musk oxen inhabited much of Eurasia and North America during
the Ice Ages, but now survive only in parts of Greenland and northern Canada.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

The Alpine Tundra

The tundra biome is found at high elevations in mountainous terrain as well. Many, if not all,
the same features of the arctic tundra are found in the alpine tundra. Microclimate is an
important control over the distribution of plant species as slope and exposure control the
availability of light and moisture. The landscape is dotted with small cushion plants, lichens
and mosses. Willows are found where moisture is abundant. Other factors like soil
development, movement of soil by animals, and drainage determine vegetation community

Figure BE.50 Tundra vegetation(Photo

credit: Michael Ritter)

Vegetation consists of low growing shrubs,

cushion plants, small forbs exploding with
colorful flowers and lush meadows of
sedges and grasses. These plants cover
gentle slopes and rock crevices. Rock surfaces are dotted with a cover of lichens and
mosses. Most species are slow-growing perennials. Plants have been forced to adapt to
such an extreme environment. Ninety percent of total structure in some plants is in roots
storing nutrients and energy during poor growing periods. Flowers are often large but
other parts of the plant are small to save energy, and reducing exposure to the rigors of the
wind. Some plants have waxy coatings or hairs thus losing minimal heat and water to the
wind. The location of plant communities is correlated with the duration of snow cover.
While snow is blown free from exposed sites, it accumulates in the lee of obstructions and
in depressions. Community location is also related to soil, drainage, and movement of soil
by burrowing animals, and frost action which is prevalent throughout much of the alpine
tundra. Dense willow thickets often occupy moist depressions on the lee side of ridges. A
deep cover of snow during the winter protects buds from the wind and freezing
temperatures. These are the tallest perennials growing above the krummholz of the

Figure BE.51 Alpine tundra fell field

(foreground) and on rocky knoll ( upper
right) Colorado, USA. (Courtesy

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Fell fields are colorful rock gardens exposed to the rigors of the wind. Wind removes snow
throughout the season subjecting the plants to desiccation. Low-lying mats and cushion plants
nestle against the rocky surface.

Figure BE.52 The alpine tundra of Niwot

Ridge in early May (Photo credit: Michael

In the Indian Peaks region of Colorado, the alpine tundra ranges from 11,200 to 12,000 feet
depending on latitude and slope exposure. Plant communities vary significantly in shape and
plant composition, and may vary in size from a few square inches to several acres.

The climate of the tundra is exceedingly harsh. Annual precipitation is around 40 inches,
effective precipitation is far below that amount however. Snow remains as permanent snow
fields at some sites. Wind speeds can exceed 100 mph and mean annual temperature is below
freezing. The frost free season approx. 1 1/2 months. Diurnal temperature ranges are small
because the air is mixed by the constant winds.

Figure BE.53 Solifluction terraces with snow lyingbehind. (Photo credit: Michael Ritter)

Soils are quite variable, from

barely any soils in valleys scoured
by glaciers to the mature residual
soils of unglaciated ridges, and
scattered in between rocks brought
to surface from frost heave to form
periglacial features like polygons.
Soil ice is found in all soils in
winter, and soil temperatures are
low enough to form patches of
permafrost. A common landscape

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

feature of the tundra are solifluction terraces.

Solifluction terraces with willow growing on
top and to the back are visible in the center
of the photograph. Late lying snow patches
keep conditions moist to permit willow
growth. Reaching a few feet high, willows
are covered by snow to protect the over-
wintering buds. Willows are the tallest of
any species in the alpine tundra.

Figure BE.54 Polygon, outlined in black, caused by frost heave.(Photo credit: Michael

The plant communities mentioned above are considered climax communities mainly because
they change so slowly. Communities are often disturbed by small burrowing animals like the
pocket gopher that churn up the soil and eat plant roots, or voles which can devastate above -
ground biomass. Recovery after disturbance proceeds exceedingly slow, slower than any
other mountain ecosystem.
Explore the alpine tundra and other features of mountain environments by taking a virtual
field trip to Niwot Ridge, Colorado in Google Earth.

Global warming and Arctic habitats

A Pew Center review of current research indicates that nearly half of known wild species
have been affected by global warming. For example, polar bear populations are on the decline
as arctic sea ice thins making for
precarious hunting conditions. Polar
bears prowl the ice floes in search of
food, notably seals. These white
giants capture their prey by waiting
for seals to appear in air holes in the
ice. Packing on fat from rich seal
meat enables them to survive when
the ice melts making prey harder to

Figure BE.55 Polar bear on ice floe.

Courtesy NOAA

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

The warming oceans and melting sea ice has shortened their access to food. In Canada's West
Hudson Bay, sea ice is breaking up three weeks earlier as a result of changing climate
conditions. Polar bear populations are down twenty percent in the last ten year as fewer cubs
are born or make it to adulthood. Ice pack break up leaves polar bears stranded farther from
land, sometimes drowning from trying to swim longer distances. In the northern part of
Alaska polar bears are moving inland as the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks. The United
States Department of Interior is considering placing the polar bear on the endangered species
list as a result of global warming. [Listen to Elizabeth Shogren's February 2006
and December 2006 reports for NPR that investigate the effect of global warming on arctic
polar bears.]

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

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• Important Terms and Concepts
• Review Questions
• Self-assessment quiz
Additional Resources
Use these resources to further explore the world of geography

"Alien Invasion" Online News Hour with Jim Lehrer. July 1, 2004 report on efforts to
combat invasion of alien plant and animal species in the United States.

"Exploring the Canopy Frontier" - National Geographic Society lecture by ecologist and
climber Nalini Nadkarni about her research in the rain forest canopy. (1:17:40) (RealPlayer

"Hot Times in Alaska" Scientific American Frontiers. This episode investigates the impact
of climate change on Alaska's ecosystems.

World's Biggest Tiger Preserve - NPR/National Geographic Radio Expeditions visits The
Hukawng Valley in Myanmar where an entire valley nearly the size of Vermont is being set
aside as a tiger reserve.

"The Birds of the Boreal" NPR/National Geographic Radio Expeditions

"The Last American rain forest" - Morning Edition (NPR) segment from Oct. 22, 1998
reports on the last great temperate rain forest in America, Alaska's Tsongass National Forest.
(8:36) (RealAudio Required)

Where Have All the Songbirds Gone? from the "Why Files " Web site

Grassland Initiative (NASA EOS)

"Root Causes of Biodiversity Loss" - CIESN, World Resources Institute.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

Biogeography of
the Earth

Web Sites

Wild World: Terrestrial Ecoregions (NGS/WWF) - rich resource for information about
global ecosystems. Organized by biogeographical realm.

Biodiversity Hotspots - investigate endangered regions at this web site.

The Physical Environment: An Introduction to Physical Geography

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