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Every internet user carries a USB flash drives because it keeps data secure and
sharing the information is a very easy task from one space to other.USB flash de
vices are used in the wide way as it provides lot of facilities to its customers
to perform their work in the easy way. Usually flash drives are very small size
to carry where we can store GBs of information in it.
While coming to the virus topic USB devices has the possibility of carrying viru
ses in it which causes harm to the devices connected to it. Here we summed up so
me preventive measures and steps to prevent USB from virus attacks. Follow the b
elow steps carefully
Steps: How to protect USB from Virus attack
Here we have mentioned some specific methods which can be adapted to any operati
ng system
To protect USB drive from virus first of all it requires the permission from NTF
S.In the we are going to mention about the steps needed in converting the USB dr
ive into a NTFS file system.The FAT 32 is a security system which can be used on
different kind of operating systems like MAC, Windows and Linux.
Connect your USB device to the system and then go to the start menu and sear
ch for device manager then open it
After opening the device manager locate your USB device connected to the sys
tem and make right click on the USB drive then select properties
To select the better performance option to the USB device you should further
go to the policy tab option and then press on removal policy option there
Now move on to the MY COMPUTER option and locate the USB drive then right cl
ick on the USB and choose format
While following the steps, the user should make sure to have selected NTFS f
rom the file system menu
After all these steps finally click on the start button to format the USB dr
ive using NTFS file system
The above steps are used for successfully formatting the USB drive using the NTF
S file system
Configure root of USB
Follow the below steps to carry out the configuration process on your drive whic
h is required for rooting the device in read only mode
Move on to the MY COMPUTER space there locate your USB flash drice and selec
t properties
To make read only mode go to the security tab appears there and select every
one access only and give read only rights for the root folder
Write folder can also be created to allow reading and writing within it and
data can also be saved in the folder
Device Block
To protect your system from the unauthorized USB devices Device block is used.It
actually works as an anti virus tool which prevents the USB flash drive from sp
reading virus within the system.
Website is the space in the internet which you can get lot of information relate
d to the different topics. Some topics such as education, social networking,game
s,movies ect while here they are also some niche sites which have adult content
in it and also they are some websites which tracks all your personal information
according to the browsing history. And also the websites which have malware vir
us adds that affects your PC, here is the trick for blocking all these unwanted
PS: This trick can be very useful to the parents they can block all the social n
etworking websites and the malicious sites from viewing his/her children.
Here to follow the steps you need to have some knowledge about Windows Hosts fil
e.Well, the Windows Hosts file converts the hosts names into the numbers, which a
re known as IP Addresses, where we can also locate a website using not only with
the host names but also with some numbers. Windows Hosts file is a simple text
file which can be edited in the notepad. Follow the below steps clearly in order
to block a website.
Steps: How to Block a Website on your PC
Firstly go to your MY COMPUTER open C drive (root directory) in which the wi
ndows is installed
After opening the root directory follow the below path given to go to the ne
eded settings
C:/ Drive => Windows =>System32 => drivers => etc.
Now open the ect folder by following the above path in the C drive there you
will find a host file,open the host file using notepad.
After opening the host file in the notepad you will see some information the
re find out 0.0.1 locate it and then press ENTER key to start with a new line.
In the new line you should mention the address of the website which is going
to be blocked with the code 0.0.1
With the code adding to the websites in the new line you can block as many w
ebsites you want to be blocked
Here we are giving the steps without using any third-party application just by f
ollowing the root directory you can easily block any website.
How to Encrypt HTML/JavaScript code to keep it safe
How to Encrypt HTML/JavaScript code to keep it safe
HTML JavaScript January 23, 2015 No Comments Mikael Aleksanyan
How to Encrypt HTML/JavaScript
How to Encrypt HTML JavaScript
Security is main thing. So even programmers think about how to secure their code
s. Today i will show you how to secure your HTML/JavaScript code by encrypting i
t. If you dont know what is Encryption then you can read it here on the Wiki.
For example you are creating a template for Blogger/WordPress platforms and sell
ing them online. Of course you need to add free templates too if you want to get
more users. But the main thing is that if you add the templates for free what y
ou will get from that. Well the main thing is that you can add your templates we
bsite or your information to footer of that template. But every newbie can easil
y edit your template and delete your information.
So to secure your code you must encrypt it. For that there are a lot of tools th
at you can easily encrypt your HTML or JavaScript code. Just follow to next step
After the running of the application you again search for that key then ther
e go to write protect key and change the value from 1to 0 in which here 0 define
s OFF and 1 defines O
Then from this process we can remove the write protection in the pen drive a
nd memory cards.
1. Red Sea Governorate, Egypt (272250.10N, 333754.62E)
An interesting, mysterious pattern in the desert.
2.) A mysterious pattern in the desert (272250.10N, 333754.62E) Red Sea Governorate, E
via Google Earth
via Google Earth
6. Homebush Bay, Sydney, Australia (-33.836379, 151.080506)
SS Ayrfield, aka the floating forest, which is a shipwrecked boat covered in tre
7.) The shipwrecked SS Ayrfield covered in trees (-33.836379, 151.080506) Homebu
sh Bay, Sydney, Australia
via Google Earth
7. Dayton, Oregon, USA (45 725.87N 123 648.97W)
Firefox logo in a cornfield.
8.) A giant Firefox logo in a cornfield (45 725.87N 123 648.97W) Dayton, Oregon, USA
via Google Earth
8. Crdoba, Argentina (-33.867886, -63.987)
A guitar-shaped forest.
9.) A forest in the shape of a guitar (-33.867886, -63.987) Crdoba, Argentina
via Google Earth
9. Columbia Station, Ohio, USA (1.303921, -81.901693)
A heart-shaped lake
10.) This lake in the shape of a heart (1.303921, -81.901693) Columbia Station,
Ohio, USA
via Google Earth
10. Gobi Desert, China (40.452107, 93.742118)
Another mysterious pattern but this one is in the middle of the desert.
11.) A strange pattern in the middle of a desert (40.452107, 93.742118) China
via Google Earth
11. Nevada, USA (37.563936, -116.85123)
A giant target in the desert.
12.) This giant target in the desert (37.563936, -116.85123) Nevada, USA
via Google Earth
12. Boise National Forest, Boise, Idaho, USA (43.645074, -115.993081)
I wonder what they made this out of?
13.) A message of love (43.645074, -115.993081) Boise National Forest, Boise, Id
aho, USA
via Google Earth
13. Moab, Utah, USA (38290.16N 1094052.80W)
Potash evaporation ponds at the Intrepid mines.
16.) Potash ponds in Utah (38290.16N 1094052.80W) Moab, Utah, USA
via Google Earth
14. Nevada, USA (37.629562, -116.849556)
More strange patterns, this one being in the sand in Nevada.
17.) A strange pattern in the sand (37.629562, -116.849556) Nevada, USA
via Google Earth
15. Arica, Chile (-18.529211, -70.249941)
50 meters tall and 120 meters wid, this is the world s largest coca-cola logo, w
hich is made out of 70,000 empty Coke bottles.
18.) This random Coca-Cola logo in the middle of nowhere (-18.529211, -70.249941
) Arica, Arica y Parinacota, Chile
via Google Earth
16. El Segundo, California (33.921277, -118.391674)
A giant Mattel logo.
23.) A giant Mattel logo (33.921277, -118.391674) El Segundo, California
via Google Earth
17. Sahara Desert, southern Tnr of Niger (16.864841, 11.953808)