Pipe Rack Design Philosophy
Pipe Rack Design Philosophy
Pipe Rack Design Philosophy
In this page I will talk about the pipe rack design philosophy. Pipe rack is the main
artery of any plant. This carries the pipes and cable trays (raceways) from one
equipment to another equipment within a process unit (called ISBL piperack) or
carries the pipe and cable trays from one unit to another unit (called OSBL pipe
rack). Some times you will also find the AIR COOLED HEAT EXCHANGERS on the
pipe rack.
There are different types of pipe rack:
3D model showing piping layout, cable tray layout, Piperack bent spacing and
elevation of support levels in the transverse direction , Elevation of longitudinal
beam struts and locations of vertical bracing. and location of pipe bridge, if
Vendor prints of equipment located on the rack, e.g., air coolers and
exchangers.The vendor prints should include the equipment layout, mounting
locations and details, access and maintenance requirements, and the
magnitude and direction of loads being transmitted to the piperack.
Electrical and control systems drawings showing the routing and location of
electrical and instrumentation raceways and/or supports.
Please note that, Unless specifically explained in the project design criteria, no
allowance or provisions should be made for future additions for pipe or raceway
space and related loading.
Step-2: Design loads consideration:
Following loads are to be considered for the pipe rack design:
Piping Gravity load (D): In the absence of defined piping loads and locations, an
assumed minimum uniform pipe load of 2.0 kPa should be used for preliminary
design of piperacks. This corresponds to an equivalent load of 6 in (150 mm) lines
full of water covered with 2 in (50 mm) thick insulation, and spaced on 12 in (300
mm) centers. This assumption should be verified based on coordination with the
Piping Group, and concentrated loads should also be applied for any anticipated
large pipes. When the actual loads and locations become known, as the project
develops, the structural design should be checked against these assumed initial load
parameters and revised as required. A concentrated load should then be added for
pipes that are 12 in (300 mm) and larger in diameter. The concentrated load P
should be:
P =(W - s x p x d), s = Spacing of piperack bent, p = pipe weight considered
(kPa), d = pipe diameter W = pipe concentrated load.
Where consideration of uplift or system stability due to wind or seismic occurrences
is required, use 60% of the design gravity loads as an "all pipes empty" load
Loading due to hydrostatic testing of lines should be considered in the design if
applicable. Coordinate the testing plan(s) with Construction, Startup, and/or the
Piping Group as necessary, in order to fully understand how such loads will be
applied to the piperack structure. Under most normal conditions, multiple lines will
not be simultaneously tested. The hydro-test loads do not normally need to be
considered concurrently with the other non-permanent loads, such as live load,
wind, earthquake, and thermal. Typical practice is to permit an overstress of 15% for
the hydro-test condition. Because of these considerations, the hydro-test condition
will not normally govern except for very large diameter pipes.
Electrical Tray and Conduits (D): Electrical and control systems drawings and/or the
project 3D model should be reviewed to determine the approximate weight and
location of electrical trays, conduits, and instrumentation commodities. Unless the
weight of the loaded raceways can be defined, an assumed minimum uniform load of
1.0 kPa should be used for single tier raceways.
Self weight of Pipe rack (D): The weight of all structural members, including
fireproofing, should be considered in the design of the piperack.
Weight of Equipment on pipe rack (D): Equipment weights, including erection,
empty, operating, and test (if the equipment is to be hydro-tested on the piperack),
should be obtained from the vendor drawings.The equipment weight should include
the dead weight of all associated platforms, ladders, and walkways, as
applicable.Special Loads: Special consideration should be given to unusual loads,
such aslarge valves, expansion loops, and unusual piping or electrical
Live Load (L): Live load (L) on access platforms and walkways and on equipment
platforms should be considered, as applicable.
Snow Load (S): Snow load to be considered on cable tray and on large dia pipes.
This load shall be calculated per project approved design code and project design
criteria. Generally, you need to consider 100% snow load on top tier and 50% on
other tier of pipe racks.
Wind Load (W): Transverse wind load on structural members, piping, electrical
trays,equipment, platforms, and ladders should be determined in accordance with
project approved design code. Longitudinal wind should typically be applied to
structural framing, cable tray vertical drop (if any), large dia pipes vertical drop (if
any) and equipment only. The effects of longitudinal wind on piping and trays
running parallel to the wind direction should be neglected.
Earthquake Loads (E): Earthquake loads in the vertical, transverse, and longitudinal
directions should bedetermined in accordance with the project design criteria.
Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal seismic forces generated by the pipes,
raceways, supported equipment, and the piperack structure should be considered
and should be based on their operating weights. Pipes must be evaluated for seismic
loads under both full and empty conditions and then combined with the
corresponding gravity loads.
Friction Loading (Tf): Friction forces caused by hot lines sliding across the pipe
support during startup and shutdown are assumed to be partially resisted through
friction by nearby cold lines. Therefore, in order to provide for a nominal unbalance
of friction forces acting on a pipe support, a resultant longitudinal friction force equal
to 7.5% of the total pipe weight or 30% of any one or more lines known to act
simultaneously in the same direction, whichever is larger, is assumed for piperack
design. Friction between piping and supporting steel should not be relied upon to
resist wind or seismic loads.
Anchor and Guide Loads (Ta): Piperacks should be checked for anchor and guide
loads as determined by the Pipe Stress Group. It may be necessary to use
horizontal bracing if large anchor forces are encountered. For conventional pipe rack
systems, it is normally preferred to either have the anchors staggered along the
piperack so that each support has only one or two anchors, or to anchor most pipes
on one braced support. For initial design, when anchor and guide loads are not
known, use a longitudinal anchor force of 5.0 kN acting at midspan of each bent
transverse beam (refer project design criteria). Guide loads are usually small and
may be ignored until they are defined by the Pipe Stress Engineer. For noncontinuous pipe rack systems, piping may be transversely guided or anchored at
both cantilever frames and anchor bays. Longitudinal anchors may be located only
at anchor bays.
Please note that, all friction forces and anchor forces with less magnitude, (say ~ 5.0
kN), applied to the top flange of the beam, may be considered as resisted by the total
beam section. When anchor loads have large magnitude and are applied to the top
flange of the beam, the effect of torsion must be addressed.If the beam section is
inadequate to take care of this torsional force, alternatives to be considered, such as
provide horizontal bracings at the load locations.
Step - 3: Load Combinations and allowable deflection of pipe rack:
You need to create the load combinations per your project design criteria. However, I
have refered here some load combinations.
Please note the following:
For load combinations that include wind or earthquake loads, use only the nonfriction portion (anchor and guide portion) of the thermal loads, i.e., friction loads are
not combined with wind or seismic loads. Friction loads are considered to be selfrelieving during wind and earthquake and should only be combined with anchor and
guide loads when wind or earth-quake loads are not considered.
Hydrostatic test loads need not be combined with wind and earthquake loads unless
there is a reasonable probability of the occurrence of either of these loads during
hydrostatic testing.
For calculation of foundation soil bearing pressures or pile loads, stability checks
against overturning, sliding, and buoyancy, and deflection checks, the following
unfactored load combinations (ACI 318) shall be used:
D + L + SL + Tf + Ta
D + Tf + Ta
D + 1.3W + Ta
D + L + 0.5SL + 1.3W +Ta
D + L + S +0.65W + Ta
0.9De + 1.3W + Ta
D + E/1.4 + Ta
D + 0.2S + E/1.4 + Ta
0.9De + E/1.4 + Ta
1.4D + 1.7L +1.7S
1.4D + 1.4Tf +1.4Ta
0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7S + 1.4Tf + 1.4Ta)
0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7S + 1.4Ta) + 1.6W
1.2D + 0.2S + 1.0E + 1.2Ta
0.9De + 1.6W + 1.2Ta
0.9De + 1.0E + 1.2Ta
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5S + 1.2Tf + 1.2Ta
1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5L + 1.2Tf + 1.2Ta
1.2D + 1.6S + 0.8W + 1.2Ta
1.2D + 1.6W + 0.5L + 0.5S + 1.2Ta
1.2D + 1.0E + 0.5L + 0.2S + 1.2Ta
0.9De + 1.6W + 1.2Ta
0.9De + 1.0E + 1.2Ta
you can consider the following as limit of deflection:Lateral deflection produced by load
combinations that include wind or seismic forces:Piperacks supporting equipment: h/100,
unless a more stringent requirement is given by the manufacturer of the equipment.Piperacks
supporting piping and raceway only: h/200 or as per project design criteria.Lateral deflection
produced by sustained static forces such as pipe and anchor loads: h/200 or as per project
design criteriaVertical deflection of beams due to gravity pipe loads:as per project design
criteria h is the total height of the pipe rack structure.
Anchor and friction load with large magnitude (see step-2, anchor and friction load)
Central Spine:
For steel piperacks with spans of more than 6 m, a center spine consisting of a system of
horizontal braces and struts located at midspan of each level of piping should be considered .
This additional light horizontal framing greatly increases the capacity of the transverse pipe
support beams to resist friction and anchor forces, and also serves to reduce the unbraced
length of the beam compression flange in flexure and to reduce the unbraced length of the
beam about the weak-axis in axial compression. This concept reduces the required beam
sizes and provides a mechanism for eliminating or minimizing design, fabrication, or field
modifications that could otherwise be required due to late receipt of unanticipated large pipe
anchor forces.
Longitudinal Beam Strut
For typical continuous piperack systems, the longitudinal beam struts should be designed as
axially loaded members that are provided for longitudinal loads and stability. Additionally,
the longitudinal beam struts that support piping or raceway should be designed for 50% of the
gravity loading assumed for the transverse pipe or raceway support beams, unless unusual
loading is encountered. This 50% gravity loading will account for the usual piping and
raceway take-offs. Normally, the gravity loading carried by the beam struts should not be
added to the design loads for the columns or footings since pipes or raceway contributing to
the load on the beam struts would be relieving an equivalent load on the transverse beams.
Concentrated loads for large pipes may be treated as in step-2.
For any continuous piperack system where the anticipated piping and raceway take-offs are
minimal or none, the 50% loading criteria does not apply. In such cases, the beam struts
should be designed primarily as axially loaded members. Do not provide beam struts if they
are not needed for piping or raceway support, or for system stability. Conversely, the 3D
model should be checked to verify that beam struts subjected to unusually large loads (such
as at expansion loops) have been given special consideration. All longitudinal beam struts,
including connections, should be designed to resist the axial loads produced by the
longitudinal forces.
When designing the longitudinal beam struts for flexural loads, the full length of the beam
should be considered as the unbraced length for the compression flange.
Vertical Bracing
When moment-resisting frame design is not used in the longitudinal direction, vertical
bracing should be used to transmit the longitudinal forces from the beam struts to the
foundations. Knee-bracing or K-bracing is most often used for this purpose. Unless
precluded by equipment arrangement or interferences, bracing should be placed equidistant
between two expansion joints. Design calculations and drawings must reflect a break in the
beam strut continuity between adjacent braced sections through the use of slotted connections
or by eliminating the beam struts in the bays designated as free bays. The maximum length
of a braced section should be limited to 48m to 50m. If the braced bay is not located
equidistant from the free bays, the maximum distance from the braced bay to a free bay
should be limited such that the maximum total longitudinal growth or shrinkage of the
unrestrained segment does not exceed 40 mm.
The columns must be capable of resisting all loads, moments, and shears produced by the
load combinations.A moment-resisting frame analysis should normally be used to determine
the axial load, moment, and shear at points along the columns.The frame analysis model
should be based on the following:
For design of steel columns subjected to flexural loads, the distance between the base and the
first transverse beam or the knee brace intersection should be considered as the compression
flange unbraced length.
support during startup and shutdown do not apply on individual frame, as frame will
deflect along the pipe direction. Therefore, this force will be considered on anchor
bay only.
Anchor and Guide Loads (Ta): For Anchor and Guide load calculation, refer
Conventional pipe rack system,
Step - 3: Load Combinations and allowable deflection of pipe rack:
For Load combinations and allowable deflection of non-conventional pipe rack, refer
Conventional pipe rack system,
If the project site is at remote location, then it will be very difficult to get good
local contractor.
In some countries, labour cost at site is more than labour cost at fabrication /
module assembly shop. So, if you fabricate and fit all the pipes , cable trays
etc. at shop, then you can save the project cost.
Late changes in design has huge effect on structure and module assembly.
Method of Data collections is same as Conventional pipe rack system. Please look
into 3D model and collect all the data as required.
Step-2: Design loads consideration:
Following loads are to be considered for the non-conventional pipe rack design:
Gravity load (D): For Gravity load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system
Wind Load (W): For Wind load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system,
Earthquake Loads (E): For Earth quake load calculation, refer Conventional pipe
rack system.
Friction Loading (Tf): For Friction load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack
Anchor and Guide Loads (Ta): For Anchor and Guide load calculation, refer
Conventional pipe rack system,
Transportation loads: When pipe-rack modules are transported on the road, different
types of horizontal loads are generated. During up-hill or down-hill movement of the
truck , we generally considered a horizontal load of value 30% of total load (o.30 x
dead weight) acts towards the longitudinal direction of the module. During a truck
turn or due to superelevation of the road, a horizontal load is also generated
(centrfugal force) and value of that load is also 0.30 x weight of module (30% of total
dead load) acting transverse direction of modules. But both the horizontal loads
(longitudinal and transverse direction) do not act together. Other than these
horizontal loads, we also consider wind load and vertical impact load.
Summary of transportation load:
Vertical Impact Load (IV) 50% of (self weight of structure + Empty weight of
pipe + Cable tray)
Wind load (WLT) Wind load is applied on pipe rack module structure, pipe
and cable tray, in Transverse direction.
Above load combinations are for reference only. You need to follow your
project design criteria for the pipe-rack analysis and design.
Step - 4: Frames of Modularl pipe rack: