Piperack Design Philoshipy
Piperack Design Philoshipy
Piperack Design Philoshipy
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nestlejin Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:07 am Post subject: PIPE RACK DESIGN GUIDELINES
SEFI Member
Dear all,
Given web link is very usefull to understand pipe rack design
Joined: 16 Jul 2010
Posts: 19
Pipe rack Design Philosophy
In this page I will talk about the pipe rack design philosophy. Pipe rack is the main artery of any plant. This
carries the pipes and cable trays (raceways) from one equipment to another equipment within a process unit
(called ISBL piperack) or carries the pipe and cable trays from one unit to another unit (called OSBL pipe rack).
Some times you will also find the AIR COOLED HEAT EXCHANGERS on the pipe rack.
There are different types of pipe rack:
Continuous Piperacks (conventional pipe rack) system
Noncontinuous Piperacks system
Modular Pipe rack
Conventional / Continuous Pipe rack
Continuous Piperacks (conventional pipe rack) system: This is essentially a system where multiple 2
dimensional (2D) frame assemblies (commonly called bents), comprised of two or more columns with transverse
beams, are tied together in the longitudinal direction utilizing beam struts (for support of transverse pipe and
raceway elements and for longitudinal stability of the system) and vertical bracing to form a 3D space frame
arrangement. Piperacks supporting equipment such as aircooled heat exchangers must utilize the continuous
system approach.
Step1: Data collection for pipe rack design:
Due to the “fast track” nature associated with most of the projects, often the final piping, raceway, and equipment
information is not available at initiation of the piperack design. Therefore, as a Civil/Structural Engineer, you
should coordinate with the Piping group, Electrical, Control Systems, and Mechanical groups to obtain as much
preliminary information as possible. When received, all design information should be documented for future
reference and verification. In the initial design, the Engineer should use judgement when applying or allowing
for loads that are not known, justifying them in the design basis under "Design Philosophy" (a part of your
The following should be reviewed for design information:
Plot plans and equipment location plans
3D model showing piping layout, cable tray layout, Piperack bent spacing and elevation of support levels
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in the transverse direction , Elevation of longitudinal beam struts and locations of vertical bracing. and
location of pipe bridge, if any.
Piping orthographic drawings.
Vendor prints of equipment located on the rack, e.g., air coolers and exchangers.The vendor prints
should include the equipment layout, mounting locations and details, access and maintenance
requirements, and the magnitude and direction of loads being transmitted to the piperack.
Electrical and control systems drawings showing the routing and location of electrical and
instrumentation raceways and/or supports.
Underground drawings that show the locations of buried pipes,concrete structures and foundations, duct
banks, etc. in the area of the piperack.
Pipe rack construction material (Steel, Castinsitu concrete, Precast concrete) shall be as per project
design criteria.
Please note that, Unless specifically explained in the project design criteria, no allowance or provisions should
be made for future additions for pipe or raceway space and related loading.
Step2: Design loads consideration:
Following loads are to be considered for the pipe rack design:
Piping Gravity load (D): In the absence of defined piping loads and locations, an assumed minimum uniform
pipe load of 2.0 kPa should be used for preliminary design of piperacks. This corresponds to an equivalent load
of 6 in (150 mm) lines full of water covered with 2 in (50 mm) thick insulation, and spaced on 12 in (300 mm)
centers. This assumption should be verified based on coordination with the Piping Group, and concentrated
loads should also be applied for any anticipated large pipes. When the actual loads and locations become
known, as the project develops, the structural design should be checked against these assumed initial load
parameters and revised as required. A concentrated load should then be added for pipes that are 12 in (300
mm) and larger in diameter. The concentrated load P should be:
P =(W s x p x d), s = Spacing of piperack bent, p = pipe weight considered (kPa), d = pipe diameter W = pipe
concentrated load.
Where consideration of uplift or system stability due to wind or seismic occurrences is required, use 60% of the
design gravity loads as an "all pipes empty" load condition.
Loading due to hydrostatic testing of lines should be considered in the design if applicable. Coordinate the
testing plan(s) with Construction, Startup, and/or the Piping Group as necessary, in order to fully understand how
such loads will be applied to the piperack structure. Under most normal conditions, multiple lines will not be
simultaneously tested. The hydrotest loads do not normally need to be considered concurrently with the other
nonpermanent loads, such as live load, wind, earthquake, and thermal. Typical practice is to permit an
overstress of 15% for the hydrotest condition. Because of these considerations, the hydrotest condition will not
normally govern except for very large diameter pipes.
Electrical Tray and Conduits (D): Electrical and control systems drawings and/or the project 3D model should be
reviewed to determine the approximate weight and location of electrical trays, conduits, and instrumentation
commodities. Unless the weight of the loaded raceways can be defined, an assumed minimum uniform load of
1.0 kPa should be used for single tier raceways.
Self weight of Pipe rack (D): The weight of all structural members, including fireproofing, should be considered
in the design of the piperack.
Weight of Equipment on pipe rack (D): Equipment weights, including erection, empty, operating, and test (if the
equipment is to be hydrotested on the piperack), should be obtained from the vendor drawings.The equipment
weight should include the dead weight of all associated platforms, ladders, and walkways, as applicable.Special
Loads: Special consideration should be given to unusual loads, such aslarge valves, expansion loops, and
unusual piping or electrical configurations.
Live Load (L): Live load (L) on access platforms and walkways and on equipment platforms should be
considered, as applicable.
Snow Load (S): Snow load to be considered on cable tray and on large dia pipes. This load shall be calculated
per project approved design code and project design criteria. Generally, you need to consider 100% snow load
on top tier and 50% on other tier of pipe racks.
Wind Load (W): Transverse wind load on structural members, piping, electrical trays,equipment, platforms, and
ladders should be determined in accordance with project approved design code. Longitudinal wind should
typically be applied to structural framing, cable tray vertical drop (if any), large dia pipes vertical drop (if any) and
equipment only. The effects of longitudinal wind on piping and trays running parallel to the wind direction should
be neglected.
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Earthquake Loads (E): Earthquake loads in the vertical, transverse, and longitudinal directions should
bedetermined in accordance with the project design criteria. Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal seismic forces
generated by the pipes, raceways, supported equipment, and the piperack structure should be considered and
should be based on their operating weights. Pipes must be evaluated for seismic loads under both full and
empty conditions and then combined with the corresponding gravity loads.
Friction Loading (Tf): Friction forces caused by hot lines sliding across the pipe support during startup and
shutdown are assumed to be partially resisted through friction by nearby cold lines. Therefore, in order to
provide for a nominal unbalance of friction forces acting on a pipe support, a resultant longitudinal friction force
equal to 7.5% of the total pipe weight or 30% of any one or more lines known to act simultaneously in the same
direction, whichever is larger, is assumed for piperack design. Friction between piping and supporting steel
should not be relied upon to resist wind or seismic loads.
Anchor and Guide Loads (Ta): Piperacks should be checked for anchor and guide loads as determined by the
Pipe Stress Group. It may be necessary to use horizontal bracing if large anchor forces are encountered. For
conventional pipe rack systems, it is normally preferred to either have the anchors staggered along the piperack
so that each support has only one or two anchors, or to anchor most pipes on one braced support. For initial
design, when anchor and guide loads are not known, use a longitudinal anchor force of 5.0 kN acting at midspan
of each bent transverse beam (refer project design criteria). Guide loads are usually small and may be ignored
until they are defined by the Pipe Stress Engineer. For noncontinuous pipe rack systems, piping may be
transversely guided or anchored at both cantilever frames and anchor bays. Longitudinal anchors may be
located only at anchor bays.
Please note that, all friction forces and anchor forces with less magnitude, (say ~ 5.0 kN), applied to the top
flange of the beam, may be considered as resisted by the total beam section. When anchor loads have large
magnitude and are applied to the top flange of the beam, the effect of torsion must be addressed.If the beam
section is inadequate to take care of this torsional force, alternatives to be considered, such as provide horizontal
bracings at the load locations.
Step 3: Load Combinations and allowable deflection of pipe rack:
You need to create the load combinations per your project design criteria. However, I have refered here some
load combinations.
Please note the following:
Earthquake load is a factored load.
For load combinations that include wind or earthquake loads, use only the nonfriction portion
(anchor and guide portion) of the thermal loads, i.e., friction loads are not combined with wind
or seismic loads. Friction loads are considered to be selfrelieving during wind and earthquake
and should only be combined with anchor and guide loads when wind or earthquake loads are
not considered.
Hydrostatic test loads need not be combined with wind and earthquake loads unless there is a
reasonable probability of the occurrence of either of these loads during hydrostatic testing.
For calculation of foundation soil bearing pressures or pile loads, stability checks against overturning, sliding,
and buoyancy, and deflection checks, the following unfactored load combinations (ACI 318) shall be used:
1. D
2. D + L + SL + Tf + Ta
3. D + Tf + Ta
4. D + 1.3W + Ta
5. D + L + 0.5SL + 1.3W +Ta
6. D + L + S +0.65W + Ta
7. 0.9De + 1.3W + Ta
8. D + E/1.4 + Ta
9. D + 0.2S + E/1.4 + Ta
10. 0.9De + E/1.4 + Ta
Load Combinations for design of foundations (ACI 318):
1. 1.4D
2. 1.4D + 1.7L +1.7S
3. 1.4D + 1.4Tf +1.4Ta
4. 0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7S + 1.4Tf + 1.4Ta)
5. 0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7S + 1.4Ta) + 1.6W
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6. 1.2D + 0.2S + 1.0E + 1.2Ta
7. 0.9De + 1.6W + 1.2Ta
8. 0.9De + 1.0E + 1.2Ta
Steel Design load combinations: (AISC LRFD)
1. 1.4D
2. 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5S + 1.2Tf + 1.2Ta
3. 1.2D + 1.6S + 0.5L + 1.2Tf + 1.2Ta
4. 1.2D + 1.6S + 0.8W + 1.2Ta
5. 1.2D + 1.6W + 0.5L + 0.5S + 1.2Ta
6. 1.2D + 1.0E + 0.5L + 0.2S + 1.2Ta
7. 0.9De + 1.6W + 1.2Ta
8. 0.9De + 1.0E + 1.2Ta
De is the minimum dead load on the structure.
Where the design of transverse beams has been based on anchor loads as explained in step2,a final
check of beams (and other affected members) should be made when final definition of these loads is
available from the Pipe Stress Engineer.Based on the Engineer's experience and judgement, an
overstress in any element (of up to 10%) can be considered, provided proper justification is
given. Where such overstress cannot be properly justified, modifications should be made to the
piperack structure in order to bring the stress levels within the normal allowables. Modifications could
entail the addition of horizontal bracing to the transverse beams to resist significant loads from the
anchor(s), replacing and/or adding members, strengthening members (i.e.,cover plating, etc.), and/or
relocating the anchor and guide load(s).
Allowable deflections of piperack structures shall be as per project design criteria. However, you can
consider the following as limit of deflection:Lateral deflection produced by load combinations that
include wind or seismic forces:Piperacks supporting equipment: h/100, unless a more stringent
requirement is given by the manufacturer of the equipment.Piperacks supporting piping and raceway
only: h/200 or as per project design criteria.Lateral deflection produced by sustained static forces
such as pipe and anchor loads: h/200 or as per project design criteriaVertical deflection of beams due
to gravity pipe loads:as per project design criteria h is the total height of the pipe rack structure.
Step4: Framing of Continuous/Conventional Pipe rack:
Main piperacks are usually designed as momentresisting frames in the transverse direction. In the
longitudinal direction, there should be at least one continuous level of beam struts on each side. For
piperacks with more than one tier, the beam struts should be located at a level that is usually equal
to onehalf tier spacing above or below the bottom tier. Vertical bracing in the longitudinal direction
should be provided to carry the longitudinal forces, transmitted through the beam struts, to the
baseplate / foundation level.
Transverse Beam
Transverse beams must be capable of resisting all forces, moments, and shears produced by the load
combinations. Transverse beams are generally a momentresisting frame, modeled and analyzed as
part of the frame system. The analysis model must reflect the appropriate beam end conditions. In
the design of beams, consideration should be given to
Large pipes that are to be hydrotested.
Anchor and friction load with large magnitude (see step2, anchor and friction load)
Central Spine:
For steel piperacks with spans of more than 6 m, a center spine consisting of a system of horizontal
braces and struts located at midspan of each level of piping should be considered . This additional light
horizontal framing greatly increases the capacity of the transverse pipe support beams to resist
friction and anchor forces, and also serves to reduce the unbraced length of the beam compression
flange in flexure and to reduce the unbraced length of the beam about the weakaxis in axial
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compression. This concept reduces the required beam sizes and provides a mechanism for
eliminating or minimizing design, fabrication, or field modifications that could otherwise be required
due to late receipt of unanticipated large pipe anchor forces.
Longitudinal Beam Strut
For typical continuous piperack systems, the longitudinal beam struts should be designed as axially
loaded members that are provided for longitudinal loads and stability. Additionally, the longitudinal
beam struts that support piping or raceway should be designed for 50% of the gravity loading
assumed for the transverse pipe or raceway support beams, unless unusual loading is
encountered. This 50% gravity loading will account for the usual piping and raceway take
offs. Normally, the gravity loading carried by the beam struts should not be added to the design loads
for the columns or footings since pipes or raceway contributing to the load on the beam struts would
be relieving an equivalent load on the transverse beams. Concentrated loads for large pipes may be
treated as in step2.
For any continuous piperack system where the anticipated piping and raceway takeoffs are minimal
or none, the 50% loading criteria does not apply. In such cases, the beam struts should be designed
primarily as axially loaded members. Do not provide beam struts if they are not needed for piping or
raceway support, or for system stability. Conversely, the 3D model should be checked to verify that
beam struts subjected to unusually large loads (such as at expansion loops) have been given special
consideration. All longitudinal beam struts, including connections, should be designed to resist the
axial loads produced by the longitudinal forces.
When designing the longitudinal beam struts for flexural loads, the full length of the beam should be
considered as the unbraced length for the compression flange.
Vertical Bracing
When momentresisting frame design is not used in the longitudinal direction, vertical bracing should
be used to transmit the longitudinal forces from the beam struts to the foundations. Kneebracing or
Kbracing is most often used for this purpose. Unless precluded by equipment arrangement or
interferences, bracing should be placed equidistant between two expansion joints. Design calculations
and drawings must reflect a break in the beam strut continuity between adjacent braced sections
through the use of slotted connections or by eliminating the beam struts in the bays designated as
free bays. The maximum length of a braced section should be limited to 48m to 50m. If the braced
bay is not located equidistant from the free bays, the maximum distance from the braced bay to a
free bay should be limited such that the maximum total longitudinal growth or shrinkage of the
unrestrained segment does not exceed 40 mm.
The columns must be capable of resisting all loads, moments, and shears produced by the load
combinations.A momentresisting frame analysis should normally be used to determine the axial load,
moment, and shear at points along the columns.The frame analysis model should be based on the
Consider column base as hinge.
Use 4 bolt connections for safety purpose
For design of steel columns subjected to flexural loads, the distance between the base and the first
transverse beam or the knee brace intersection should be considered as the compression flange
unbraced length.
(Nonconventional Pipe rack)
In this page I will talk about the Noncontinuous piperack system.
I hope you have read the Conventional pipe rack system design philosophy. If not, please read that section
Non Continuous Pipe rack:
This is a system comprised of independent cantilevered, freestanding 2D frames not dependent on longitudinal
beam struts for system stability. This system, where feasible, should result in lower total installed cost (TIC).
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Step1: Data collection for pipe rack design:
Method of Data collections is same as continuous pipe rack. Please look into 3D model and collect all the data
as required.
Step2: Design loads consideration:
Following loads are to be considered for the nonconventional pipe rack design:
Gravity load (D): For Gravity load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system
Wind Load (W): For Wind load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system,
Earthquake Loads (E): For Earth quake load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system. Longitudinal
seismic will be applied on anchor bay only.
Friction Loading (Tf): Friction forces caused by hot lines sliding across the pipe support during startup and
shutdown do not apply on individual frame, as frame will deflect along the pipe direction. Therefore, this force
will be considered on anchor bay only.
Anchor and Guide Loads (Ta): For Anchor and Guide load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system,
Step 3: Load Combinations and allowable deflection of pipe rack:
For Load combinations and allowable deflection of nonconventional pipe rack, refer Conventional pipe rack
Step 4: Frames of nonconventional pipe rack:
(Modular Pipe rack)
In this page I will talk about the Modular piperack system. I hope you have read the Conventional pipe rack
system design philosophy. If not, please read that section before.
Modular Pipe rack
Sometimes clients look for modular pieprack / modular structure for their plants. But do you know what is a
module? Module is a series of standard units that function together. Examples are:
Building modules: Structural Frames completely fitted with Miscllaneous equipment and architectural finishes.
Piperack Module: Structural Frames completely fitted with pipes, Cable trays and miscellaneous equipment.
Now the question is , why do we go for modular structure sometimes? Here are some reasons:
If the project site is at remote location, then it will be very difficult to get good local contractor.
Parallel construction activities are possible (foundation and module fabrication) and gain in time
Controlled construction environment is possible
Controlled quality controlled
In some countries, labour cost at site is more than labour cost at fabrication / module assembly shop. So,
if you fabricate and fit all the pipes , cable trays etc. at shop, then you can save the project cost.
However, there are some disadvantages also and these are:
Late changes in design has huge effect on structure and module assembly.
Transportation cost from module shop to site may be very high.
Transportation time needs to be considered in total project schedule.
Piperack Module Transportation: Module can be transported by roadways and waterways. I have some
experiences in roadways piperack module transportation. In Alberta province (Canada) 100 ft (long) x 24 ft
(wide) x 29ft6 in (high from road surface) PRM can be transported by truck from module yard to site. Please click
here for different module shipping envelope.
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Piperack Module Lifting: 4 point lifts are preferred and 8 point lifts are second preference. 6 and 10 point lifting
are difficult and should be avoided. 4 point lifts reduce rigging cost and associated manpower during setting. 4
point lifts result higher crane capacity and safer lifts due to shorter boom requirements. Regardless of the length,
typical self supporting bridge truss style pipe rack modules use 4 lift points located at the top of the modules
columns in the webs. By lifting at the same location that the module is supported insitu, the force distribution
throughout the module
is similar to the insitu design, except that the module columns are in compression instu and reversed to tension
during a lift. Please click here for 4point module lifting.
Following are some steps to design the Modular pipe rack:
Step1: Data collection for pipe rack design:
Method of Data collections is same as Conventional pipe rack system. Please look into 3D model and collect all
the data as required.
Step2: Design loads consideration:
Following loads are to be considered for the nonconventional pipe rack design:
Gravity load (D): For Gravity load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system
Wind Load (W): For Wind load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system,
Earthquake Loads (E): For Earth quake load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system.
Friction Loading (Tf): For Friction load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system.
Anchor and Guide Loads (Ta): For Anchor and Guide load calculation, refer Conventional pipe rack system,
Transportation loads: When piperack modules are transported on the road, different types of horizontal loads
are generated. During uphill or downhill movement of the truck , we generally considered a horizontal load of
value 30% of total load (o.30 x dead weight) acts towards the longitudinal direction of the module. During a truck
turn or due to superelevation of the road, a horizontal load is also generated (centrfugal force) and value of that
load is also 0.30 x weight of module (30% of total dead load) acting transverse direction of modules. But both the
horizontal loads (longitudinal and transverse direction) do not act together. Other than these horizontal loads, we
also consider wind load and vertical impact load.
Summary of transportation load:
Vertical Impact Load (IV) – 50% of (self weight of structure + Empty weight of pipe + Cable tray)
Horizontal Impact in Longitudinal direction (IL) – 30% of (self weight of structure + Empty weight of pipe +
Cable tray)
Horizontal Impact in Transverse direction (IT) – 30% of (self weight of structure + Empty weight of pipe +
Cable tray)
Wind load (WLT) – Wind load is applied on pipe rack module structure, pipe and cable tray, in
Transverse direction.
You need to check the Factor of safety againgst overturning during transportation and value should be
more than 1.5.
Erection loads and lifting points: In this case we generally consider a vertical impact load (load factor = 1.5) on
Step 3: Load Combinations and allowable deflection of pipe rack:
For Load combinations and allowable deflection of Modular pipe rack for insitu analysis and design,
refer Conventional pipe rack system,
Modular pipe rack to be analysed for transportation and for lifting also.
Lifting load combinations: LC1 = 2.0 x Total dead load (ultimate load combinations for member design per
Canadian steel code CISC / NBC 95)
Transportation load combinations (ultimate load combinations per CISCCanadian steel code / NBC 95 for
member design)):
LC1: 1.25 x Dead load + 1.5 x IV + 1.5 x IL
LC2: 1.25 x Dead load + 1.5 x IV + 1.5 x IT
LC3: 1.25 x Dead load + 1.5 x IV + 1.5 x Wind
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LC4: 1.25 x Dead load + 1.05 x IV + 1.05 x IT + 1.05 x Wind
LC5: 1.25 x Dead load + 1.05 x IV + 1.05 x IL + 1.05 x Wind
Above load combinations are for reference only. You need to follow your project design criteria for the pipe
rack analysis and design.
Step 4: Frames of Modularl pipe rack:
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badamsundararao Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:53 pm Post subject: PIPE LINE RACK DESIGN
Dear friend,
Joined: 24 Dec 2009 Thank you for the information. This is very useful data for design engineers.
Posts: 169
Location: KAKINADA
ANDHRA PRADESH badam sundara rao.
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gpsarathyy Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:11 am Post subject:
Dear Sefians,
For piperack, temperature load is also to be considered. For this loads each company is following
different way. Can anybody confirm on this which is more appropriate.
In STAAD we have to apply only the delta T (difference in Temperature).
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 What will be the difference in Temperature?
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Location: chennai
Temperature difference between the fabrication/casting and the Max or Minimum
ambient temperature?
Temperature difference between the fabrication/casting and the Max or Minimum
ambient temperature? + 20 degrees
Temperature difference between the fabrication/casting and (Maximum Ambient
Temperature + Minimum Ambient temperature)/2
Some may argue we are already providing the expansion joing between the structure and why we
need to consider the thermal stresses in structure? which is not correct, we have to consider the
thermal stresses.
Seniors and experts are requested to throw some light on the above topic.
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gpsarathyy Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:14 am Post subject:
The Temperature effect is depends on the location also, hence we will discuss only for India, this will
confine the discussion and will give more clarity on the discussion.
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gpsarathyy Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:54 pm Post subject:
In General the piperack length is restricted to 50m as max. considering the thermal expansion or
thermal stresses that will develop in the piperack members.
These stresses are secondary stresses which will add forces to the longitudinal bracings and the
longitudinal members.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2010
Posts: 466 For optimum design it is better to provide the braced bay at the center of the piperack, there by
Location: chennai reducing the thermal expansion of the piperack at the ends.
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gpsarathyy Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:25 pm Post subject:
Dear Sefians,
Please give your opinion on what temperature loads to be considered in the piperack design.
Waiting for your postings.
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 CHENNAI
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Location: chennai GPSARATHYY@GMAIL.COM
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gpsarathyy Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:16 pm Post subject:
Senior Sefians are requested to share the knowledge on the temperature loads on piperack.
Now the different company they are following different standards of temperature loads.
To get the unique solution and concept your views are essential.
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 G.PARTHASARATHY M.E. CEng(UK), MICE., MIE.,
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gpsarathyy Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:52 am Post subject:
Senior Sefi Persons are requested to share their knowledge on Temperature loads over piperack.
Please give your opinion.
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gpsarathyy Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:49 am Post subject:
After referring to many documents I found that the Temperature loads for the Piperack
shall be taken as follows
Temperature difference between the fabrication/casting and the Max or Minimum ambient
temperature? + Metal Temperature (20 degrees)
Joined: 28 Jun 2010 Metal Temperature : Since steel is a good conductor of heat, the temperature of the steel
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Location: chennai member will be more than the site temperature.
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Radha krishna Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:46 am Post subject:
Dear Gpsarathy,
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Joined: 01 Nov 2008 Can you please provide the reference.
Posts: 70
Radha Krishna Gavarasana.
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