Lab 1: Introduction To Laboratory Equipment: I. The Breadboard
Lab 1: Introduction To Laboratory Equipment: I. The Breadboard
Lab 1: Introduction To Laboratory Equipment: I. The Breadboard
I. The Breadboard
We will be watch the first video. You will need headphones for the computer.
Introduction to Breadboard, Part 1 (8 min):
Optional: How Breadboards Work (10 min):
GROUND is a direct connection to the Earth through the ground terminal on the
three-prong wall plug. COM stands for Common Ground. It is the reference
point from which the other voltages (+5V, 12V) are measured. COM is a
floating reference point. . Floating means it is not connected to Earth ground.
All four terminals (+5V, 12V, and COM) are isolated by a transformer, whose
secondary windings power the circuitry that generates the output voltages. In
fact, COM can be biased by a different power supply to any potential (up to 30V
There are two knobs on the right: Voltage, and Current. These are used to adjust
the constant voltage output by the device, or the constant current output by the
device, if used as a current source. The three jacks on the front panel are the
positive (red, left), negative (black, middle), and ground (green, right) outputs.
These jacks allow for easy connections to a banana plug or a wire. To connect a
wire you unscrew the grey covering of the jack a few turns, thread a wire through
the hole in the jack connector post, and tighten the covering again. You can then
connect the wire to your breadboard. For constant voltage mode, the current
knob must be turned to a setting above any that need be supplied and then the
voltage knob is set for the desired voltage. For constant current mode, the
voltage knob must be turned to a setting above any that need be supplied and
then the current knob is set for the desired current. The potential at the red
terminal is always above that at the black terminal by the amount shown on the
readout, but this potential difference is, like the power pack, floating. If the black
terminal is wired to the green ground the red terminal will be at the potential given
on the readout. If the red terminal is wired to this ground, the black terminal will
be at a potential equal to the negative of the readout.
The supplies may already have the black terminal grounded (with an easy to
miss wire between them) for using the red terminal as a positive supply voltage.
The rest of this lab will require you use a +5V source to explore various
equipment. Please alternate between the power pack and the HP supply to
gain experience using both.
B. Digital multimeters
The diagram below shows a switched range multimeter, very similar to the ones
we use in the lab:
The central knob has lots of positions and you must choose which one is
appropriate for the measurement you want to make. For volt measurements, you
should have the - connected into the COM input, and the + connected to V. If the
meter is switched to 20 V DC, for example, then 20 V is the maximum voltage
that can be measured. A display value of 1 means that the value youre trying to
measure is too high with respect to the knob position (max allowed measured
value). Try turning the knob to get a higher max range.
DC ranges are indicated by V--- on the meter. DC means direct current: current
flow is always in the same direction. AC means alternating current: current
reverses, or alternates, in direction. AC ranges are indicated by V~ on your
For current measurements, you should have - connected to the COM input, and
the + connected to mA. The dial should be switched to A--- for DC.
The current measurement components of the multimeter contain overload
protection fuses. If no current measurements are possible, your fuse may be
Always connect the COM to ground(-) before connecting your + to the
C. Making measurements
1. Voltage measurements:
The first task is to verify that the fuses on the back of the breadboard are all
working, and that you know how to use the multimeter to test the three voltages
coming out of the black DC power box (+5, +12, -12).
- Connect the black box DC power supply to your breadboard.
- Connect the COM wire from the breadboard to the COM hole in your multimeter
using the alligator clip wires.
- Connect one of the three fused wires to the V hole in your multimeter using the
alligator clip wires.
- Turn the multimeter knob to 20V DC.
- Turn the multimeter on.
- Record the measurement. If you dont see any value, please check youre your
power supply is turned on. Repeat for the other two fused wires on the back of
the breadboard.
Next, build the circuit shown below using prototype board and four 10 resistors:
Were really using a +5V power supply, provided by either DC power supply.
Using the multimeter as a voltmeter, measure the power supply voltage and then
measure the voltages at points A, B and C.
Question IIIC, 1: What do you notice about your results?
The four resistors are connected in series, making a chain known as a voltage
divider. The total voltage is shared between the four equal resistors and, allowing
for tolerance, each resistor receives an equal share.
Modify the circuit, replacing one or more of the four resistors with 1K or 100K
Question IIIC, 2 : Record the resistor value(s) you used as a replacement
and remeasure the voltages at A, B, and C. Explain your results.
2. Resistance measurements:
Remove one of your resistors from the circuit and measure its resistance. To get
the multimeter to function as an ohmmeter you will need to select an appropriate
resistance range.
You can check the value of any fixed value resistor in the same way, and confirm
that you have worked out the color code correctly.
Question IIIC, 3: Record the expected value of your resistor, and your
measured value. What is the percent deviation between the measured and
color code resistance?
Percent deviation: ( ( |measured expected| / expected) * 100 )
Small variations, up to 5%, can be attributed to the tolerance of the resistors.
Question IIIC, 4: By what percent do your measurements vary? Are they all
within 5% of each other?
3. Current measurements:
The diagram below shows a prototype board set up for the measurement of
Remember, were using +5V. Note that the current must flow through the
ammeter in order to flow through the resistors.
Question IIIC, 5: Take a reading of the current with the link wire to 0 V in
position A. Write down the current value you observe. Take new readings
after moving the link to positions B, C and D and record your observations.
Don't forget to write in the measurement units of your answer. As the
resistance increases the current decreases. Calculate the current expected
in each case using the formula V= IR.
This is no trouble if you are measuring a voltage with respect to ground. But if
you want to measure a voltage drop between two points in a circuit, neither of
which is at ground, first observe one point (with the probe) and then the other.
The difference between the two measurements is the voltage across the element.
During this process, the reference lead should remain firmly attached to ground
and should not be moved! (Alternatively, you can use two probes and configure
the scope to subtract one input from the other.)
Warning: A short circuit will occur if the probes reference lead is
connected anywhere other than ground.
B. Display
Your oscilloscope users manual will explain the information displayed on the
scopes screen. Record the various settings: timebase calibration, vertical scale
factors, etc.
Question IV B, 1: Explain briefly the various pieces of information
displayed around the edges of the screen.
C. Vertical controls
There is a set of vertical controls for each channel. These adjust the sensitivity
(volts per vertical division on the screen) and offset (the vertical position on the
screen that corresponds to zero volts).
Question IV C, 1: Display a waveform from the calibrator on channel 1.
What happens when you adjust the POSITION knob? The VOLTS/DIV
D. Horizontal sweep
To the right of the vertical controls are the horizontal controls. Normally, the
scope displays voltage on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. The
SEC/DIV knob sets the sensitivity of the horizontal axis, i.e. the interval of time
per horizontal division on the screen. The POSITION knob moves the image
horizontally on the screen.
Question IV D, 1: How many periods of the square wave are you displaying
on the screen? How many divisions are there per period? What time
interval corresponds to a horizontal division?
E. Triggering
Triggering is probably the most complicated function performed by the scope. To
create a stable image of a repetitive waveform, the scope must trigger its display
at a particular voltage, known as the trigger threshold. The display is
synchronized whenever the input signal crosses that voltage, so that many
images of the signal occurring one after another can be superimposed in the
same place on the screen. The LEVEL knob sets the threshold voltage for
You can select whether triggering occurs when the threshold voltage is crossed
from below (rising-edge triggering) or from above (falling-edge triggering) using
the trigger menu (or, for some scope models, using trigger control knobs and
switches). You can also select the signal source for the triggering circuitry to be
channel 1, channel 2, an external trigger signal, or the 120 V AC power line, and
control various other triggering features as well.
Since setting up the trigger can be tricky, the TDS210 provides an automatic
setup feature (via the AUTOSET button) which can lock in on almost any
repetitive signal presented at the input and adjust the voltage sensitivity and
offset, the time sensitivity, and the triggering to produce a stable display.
In normal trigger mode, the scope acquires new readings only on a valid trigger
(you can see the ready/trigger indicator at the top of the display change to trigger
on a valid trigger. Auto mode works like normal mode when valid triggers are
present, but switches to free running mode when triggers are not present.
Question IV E, 1: After getting a stable display of the calibrator signal,
adjust the LEVEL knob in each direction until the scope just barely stops
triggering. What is the range of trigger level that gives stable triggering on
the calibrator signal? How does it compare with the amplitude of the
calibrator waveform? Does this make sense? Explain.
F. Coupling
DC coupling means that whatever voltage is connected to the scope input will be
displayed; this is usually what you want. AC coupling places a capacitor in series
with the input which blocks any DC voltage in the input waveform. Sometimes
this is handy to see a small signal on top of a constant offset. The ground setting
just shows you where zero volts is on the display and does not ground the input
Question IV F, 1: Try looking at the calibration square wave as you
change the coupling from DC to AC and describe the changes in the scope
Next connect the scope to the function generator using a co-axial (BNC) cable.
Connect the cable to the FUNC OUT connector on the front panel of the function
Turn the generator on. This automatically produces a 1000 KHz, 1V peak to
peak, sine wave. Adjust your scope accordingly to see the sine wave. Notice
the 50 on the left side of the function generator is green. The factory default
assumes a 50 load. Accordingly, the function generator supplies a voltage that
would produce the desired waveform in a 50 load. If your actual load differs
from 50, the waveform at your load will differ from the desired waveform. In this
class you should always use the HIGH-Z setting of the function generator. To
change to HIGH-Z, press the SHIFT/MHz key once (SHIFT will be lit), and then
press the number 6. Note that if the menu is set to 50 and the actual load is
high impedance, the voltage that appears across the high impedance load will be
2 times the voltage shown on the display.
The function generators amplitude and frequency are adjusted by means of the
FREQ and AMPL buttons.
Question V 1: Look at each of the waveforms available from the function
generator: square, sine, and triangle. Try out the frequency and voltage
controls and explain how they work.
Adjust the function generators frequency to about 1 kHz. Display both scope
channels, with one channel looking at the output of the function generator and
the other looking at the scopes calibrator signal. Make sure the vertical
sensitivity and offset are adjusted for each channel so that the signal trace is
The TDS210 oscilloscope has many more features than the ones described so
far. Particularly useful are the digital measurement features. Push the MEASURE
button to program these. You can use them to measure the amplitude, period,
and frequency of a signal.
Using the measurement features, determine the amplitude, frequency, and period
of a waveform of your choice from the function generator.
Question V 5: Explain which waveform you used, the settings on the
function generator for amplitude and frequency, how you made these
measurements and what your results were.
You can also use the on-screen cursors to make measurements. Use the
cursors to measure the half-period of the signal you just measured.
Question V 6: Explain how you made these measurements and what your
results were.
A feature that comes in particularly useful on occasion is signal averaging; this is
programmed via the ACQUIRE button and allows noise, which tends to be
random in time, to be suppressed relative to signal, which is usually periodic.