Nietzsches Critique of Democracy 18701886
Nietzsches Critique of Democracy 18701886
Nietzsches Critique of Democracy 18701886
Author(s): H. W. Siemens
Source: Journal of Nietzsche Studies, No. 38 (FALL 2009), pp. 20-37
Published by: Penn State University Press
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Accessed: 27-02-2015 19:19 UTC
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itwith tyranny, in the form of popular sovereignty, and with the promotion of
uniformity, to the exclusion of genuine pluralism. Democracy's emancipatory
claims are reinterpretedas "misarchism," or hatred of authority, and Nietzsche
looks to the "exceptional beings" excluded by democracy for sources of resis
tance to the "autonomous herd" and "mob rule." Against elitist readings of
of the human."
Copyright ?
texts on
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of Democracy
democracy reveals one quite striking pattern: inNietzsche's usage the terms
'democracy' and 'democratic' do not usually refer to a form of government or
a set of institutions. In other words, Nietzsche's thoughton democracy is not
political inan obvious sense; rather,thepolitical isusually taken as symptomatic
of something else, somethingmuch larger,much broader, thatNietzsche comes
to call the "whole democratic movement [demokratische Gesamtbewegung]"
(KSA 11:26[352], p. 242).4 Perhaps we can speak of a pervasive cultural tendency
for enhancing and extending human possibilities, the laboratory for all those
experiments inhuman excellence thatare his real concern?a concern thatonly
becomes more urgentand pronounced with Nietzsche's increasingpreoccupation
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H. W. Siemens
of Schopenhauer in his essay "?ber Staat und Religion" ("On State and
Religion").10 Here Wagner plays on his favorite Schopenhauerian themes of
the diremption of thewill and itsmanifestation in theprogressive, conflictual
order of phenomena inorder to thematize the centrality of genius to cultural and
political life.The genius, he argues, stands at the summit of life's pyramid and
represents the end result and pinnacle of the all-pervasive conflict of life?the
Lebens ?ber diese erhebt) that enables them to live and to affirm life, or as
Nietzsche puts it: "The influence of the genius is normally that a new network
of illusions [Illusionsnetz] is cast over a mass, under which it can live. This is
themagical influence of the genius on the subordinate levels. But there is at the
same time an ascending line [aufsteigende Linie] to the genius: this tears the
existing networks apart until finally in the attained genius a higher artistic goal
is attained" (KSA 7:6[3]).12 Clearly, we are a long way from Schopenhauer's
utterly impractical, solitary genius subsisting at themargins of society. Through
a peculiar synthesis of individual genius with Schopenhauer's "genius of the
species" (Genius der Gattung), Wagner moves the figure of genius to the
very center of cultural and political life and gives that figure the eminently
practical task of making itpossible for the human community to live and to
affirm life.13Everything?the
subordinated to this figure.
For Nietzsche, however, the status of the genius at the apex of culture
and society depends on the capacity of genius to limit or measure itself and
not to abuse its position of authority for its own ends, what Nietzsche calls
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N ietzsche s Critique of Democracy
well theshiftin
great"(AOM407;cf.KSA 8:29[19]).This aphorismillustrates
standpoint away from the genius and the ideal of self-limitation to
thosewho sufferunder genius. And with this shiftcomes thequestion of eman
cipation thatwill dominate themiddle works: How to free ourselves from the
wish to be ruler is, as stated, now called a 'fixe idee.' This is our way of kill
ing the tyrants,?we point to the lunatic asylum."18 These lines illustrate one
of two characteristics of Nietzsche's middle phase that stand out in contrast
to his overall treatmentof democracy. They are, first,his positive evaluation
of democracy and second, his engagement with democracy as a political phe
nomenon. This can be seen in several texts, such as WS 289, where Nietzsche
describes "democratic arrangements" as "quarantine institutions against the
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H. W. Siemens
itwas for the earlyNietzsche, amere means for the advancement of cultural and
human perfection. In the aphorism (WS 275) on democracy as a prophylactic
measure against enslavement, the ultimate fruit is notpolitical freedom but the
"art of gardening," a reference to the retreat from politics described at the end
of Voltaire's Candide:
"grey dust" from their dam-building labor has "penetrated into theirbrains"
(WS 275, KSA 2:671).19 Similarly, the text (WS 289) on democratic arrange
ments as quarantine institutionsagainst tyrannyends with the remark that they
are "very useful and very boring."20 Even where contemporary democracy is
considered from a purely political (not a cultural) point of view, Nietzsche's
affirmation ishighly qualified. Thus, aphorism 293 of WS begins by reiterating
the thoughtof emancipation: "Democracy wants to create and guarantee freedom
[Unabh?ngigkeit] for as many as possible, freedom of opinion, of lifestyle and
only because it isriding with new horses; the streets are still the same old ones,
the danger with these vehicles
and thewheels are still the same old ones.?Is
of the people's welfare [V?lkerwohles] really less than itwas?" (WS 293). So
even where theconcept of democracy is focused on political freedom rather than
culture, thevalue of contemporary democracy is qualified byNietzsche: at best,
it is a mere means for the future realization (not of culture, the art of garden
ing,but) of genuine political freedom.Whence these gestures of deferral?Why
does Nietzsche deny or at least complicate the identification of democracy with
emancipation at the verymoment inwhich he firstexpresses it?
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of Democracy
One clue is given in the closing line of the text just cited: the conception
of democracy as a vehicle for thewell-being of the people. While this seems
more menacing aspect inanother
harmless enough, ithas an altogether different,
actually predates this one. InHH 472,
Nietzsche describes the democratic conception of government as one inwhich
"one sees in itnothing but a tool of the popular will [des Volkswillen], not an
above in comparison with a below but merely a function of the one and only
sovereign, the people" (KSA 2, p. 303). The argument in this text is that the
concept of popular sovereignty has the effect of destroying the religious aura
of the state, so that "modern democracy is the historical form of thedecay of
the state." As we shall see, this thought returns inNietzsche's
later thought
on democracy. Of immediate concern is another implication of the concept of
popular sovereignty, one that also returns inNietzsche's later thought under
the rubric of "the autonomous herd" (BGE 202): Where government becomes
"but a function of the one and only sovereign, the people," does democracy
not run the risk of replacing one kind of tyranny?the tyrannyof the despotic
doubt was already encountered inNietzsche's remarks that the faces of demo
crats are "barren and uniform" (einf?rmig) and thatdemocratic institutionsare
"useful but boring" (langweilig).
In a Nachlass note from 1880, these remarks come to occupy center stage
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H. W. Siemens
to drive humanityalong thepath towardsand.A small,weak, glowing feeling
of contentmentequally distributedamong all, an improvedand extremeformof
Chineseness,would thatbe the last image thathumanitycould offer?Inevitably,
ifwe remainon thepath ofmoral sensibilitiesuntilnow.A great reflectionis
must draw a lineunder itspast,perhaps itmust address
a new canon to all singular individuals[Einzelnen]:be different
from all others,
from theother;thecrudestmonstershave
and takepleasure ineach beingdifferent
certainlybeen eradicatedunder theprevailingregimeofmorality thusfar?that
was itstask;butwe do notwish to liveon thoughtlessly
undera regimeof fear in
theface ofwild beasts. For so long,fartoo long,theword has been: One likeAll,
One forAll [Einerwie Alle, Einerf?r Alle], (KSA 9:3[98], 1880; cf.D 174)
of altruism (Einerf?r Alle) and equal moral worth (Einer wie Alle), it is having
the inevitable consequence of breeding actual uniformity among people (Einer
wie Alle), to the exclusion of difference. InNietzsche's subsequent thought this
concern comes tobe focused on thedemocratic value of equality and the claim
that in reality,"equality for all [Gleichheitf?r Alle]" is equivalent to a "making
equal of all [Gleichmachung Aller]" (KSA 11:27[80]; also 'Ausgleichung': BGE
242,?&4 5,p. 183,11:36[17]).
But onwhat grounds does Nietzsche obj ect to thisdevelopment? His objection,
nota bene, does not entail a wholesale rejection of our Christian-democratic
values, which are valued for eliminating the brazen immorality of the "crudest
animals" of human history.His objection concerns the cost of this achievement,
specifically the cost to thefuture of humankind, as expressed in the question:
"Would this be the last image that humanity could offer?" It is important to
see that this question does not simply reflect an elitist identificationwith the
few singular individuals (Einzelne) against the "sand of humanity." At stake
forNietzsche is not a few individuals but, rather, thefuture of humankind and
theunderlying worry that the concern for the equal distribution of happiness or
contentment, as promoted by Christian-democratic values, and a concern for
the futureof humankind pull in opposite directions.
Four features, then, stand out in this text:
1. the claim thatChristian-democratic values breed uniformity to the exclu
sion of difference;
2. Nietzsche's focus on morality or values;
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of Democracy
All four features are programmatic for the next phase inNietzsche's thought
on democracy, as we will see. But firstwe must take stock of the trajectory I
have traced through themiddle phase ofNietzsche's thoughton democracy.
We have seen how, at thebeginning of his middle phase (HH), democracy is
conceived in positive terms as a countermodel to tyrannical concentrations of
I will restrictmyself to a few lines of development that take off from the
text we have just considered. For lack of a better word, I will call it the
pivotal text.
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H. W. Siemens
rism 22, Nietzsche refers thephysicist's belief in the lawfulness of nature to the
"democratic instinctsof themodern soul" and inparticular, itsbelief inequality:
"'Everywhere equality before the law?in this respect nature does not have it
otherwise or better than us': a charming afterthought inwhich once again the
hostility of themob towards everythingprivileged and self-satisfied, as well as a
second and finer atheism, isdisguised. 'Ni dieu, nimaitre'?that's how you want
itnot so?" (BGE 22). Inother
it: and therefore 'long live the law of nature'!?is
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of Democracy
as a "hatred of those that are happy, proud, victorious" (KSA 11:35[22], pp.
517-18; cf.KSA 12:2[ 13]). In theend,misarchism isgeneralized byNietzsche, as
"a democratic baseline taste inall evaluation [demokratischerGrund-Geschmack
aller Werthsch?tzung], inwhich the belief in great things and human beings
turns intomistrust, and finally intounbelief and becomes the causal reason why
greatness dies out" (KSA 11:35[22]).
This line of development enables us to address question 2 raised earlier:
ized efforton Nietzsche's part to hollow out the emancipatory and egalitarian
claims of democracy. The democratic values of equality and libertyare referred
successively to unbelief, rejection, hostility, and finally a hatred of authority
and rule, as theirunderlyingmotivation and meaning. But ifNietzsche rejects
the emancipatory claims of democracy, where does he come to locate his own
emancipatory impulse? How does he come to articulate the interest in freedom
thathe once identifiedwith democracy?
ForNietzsche, as we saw, freedom isonly possible under conditions of genuine
about virtue among all themoral ganders etc. Everything conspires against them,
indemocratic ages.
they are embittered at always being out of place.?Danger
Absolute contempt as securitymeasure" (KSA 11:26[89], p. 173).
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H. W. Siemens
Clearly, these are serious charges in considering the relevance and value of
critique of democracy today. They are not entirely wrong, but
theydo call for a differentiated response. In this context, Iwill restrictmyself
to four points.
humankind (die Menschheit, der Mensch, der Typus "Mensch," die Species
"Mensch," die Pflanze "Mensch" etc.). This generic orientation is already pres
ent inmany early texts, as I have argued elsewhere,21 but it ismost clearly
expressed in the concept of responsibility (Verantwortlichkeit) used to define
the real philosopher inBGE: the philosopher as "the human of themost wide
ranging responsibility, who has the conscience for the total development of
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of Democracy
between two classes: the interestsor absolute value of an elite class against
themasses. Rather, itdescribes a confrontation between thedomination of one
type or disposition (the herd-being, the "misarchistic" Grundgeschmack aller
Werthsch?tzung) under democracy and the fateof the entire species towhich we
implication of this line of thought is that, in respecting the equal moral worth of
all individuals, we live carelessly: at the cost of the futureof our species. This
is not because there is something inherentlywrong with equal moral worth as
a value but, rather,because itallows one human type to flourish at the expense
genius and the question of limits.My second response to this charge concerns
Nietzsche's pluralistic impulse. Earlier thequestion was raised:What happens to
the thoughtof pluralism?Where does Nietzsche come to locate genuine pluralism
later thought,his pluralistic impulse, likehis
those excluded by the herd-beings. Or
emancipatory impulse,migrates
theplural, as a pluralistic community
of "exceptional humans," "philosophers,"
"legislators of the future," thathe
ifnot indemocracy? InNietzsche's
should say
places his hopes for freedom in them.Nietzsche is unclear?one
these figures. The scanty and dispersed sources
systematically unclear?about
give us no clear picture of an ideal community and no clear decision on the rela
tionofAusnahme-Menschen todemocracy.23What is clear is theirtask: the trans
valuation of all values; and thereare enough indications thatNietzsche conceives
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H. W. Siemens
towards the semblance that all is well with humankind, and that 'good' and
'evil' is no longer a problem" (KSA 11:26[364]). Here Nietzsche's complaint
against thedemocratic age concerns theunquestioning acceptance of itsvalues,
theirapparent self-evidence, and the underlying assumption thatall iswell and
morality is no longer a problem. For Nietzsche that is the problem, or at least
the firstobstacle to be overcome. For if themendacity of the democratic age,
typified by the slogan of equality, is to pretend thatmorality is not a problem,
thenNietzschean honesty (Ehrlichkeit) requires thatwe problematize thedemo
cratic values of our age. As Nietzsche's own genealogical critiques show, this
involves breaking the autonomy of our highest values and undermining their
self-evidence by referringthemback to theirorigins in thebasic life interestsof
Menschen]"(KSA 11:27[80]).
My fourth and last response to the charges of regression and elitism is that
Nietzsche's rejection of democratic values does not simply lead to a rejection
of democracy in favor of aristocratic regimes. Even ifhe subjects democratic
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of Democracy
values to a total critique, even if he recognizes more clearly now than ever
what he already saw in ////,that democracy is the nihilistic form of decay
(Form vom Verfall) of the state (HH 472), thisdoes not lead to complete despair:
"A declining world is a pleasure notjust for thosewho contemplate it (but also
for thosewho are destroying it).Death isnot just necessary, 'ugly' isnot enough,
there isgreatness, sublimity of all kinds with declining worlds. Also moments of
sweetness, also hopes and sunsets. Europe isa declining world. Democracy is the
conditions for them (e.g., BGE 242); indeed, he argues for a whole range of
positions between these two extremes. But that is the subject foranother article.30
University of Pretoria
H. W.Siemens@Hum.
leidenuniv. nl
1.William Connolly,
of Political Paradox
Identity/Difference: Democratic
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991), especially x-xiii, 158-97; William Connolly, Pluralism
(Durham: Duke University Press, 2005), especially 121-28; Bonnie Honig, Political Theory and
of Politics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993), especially chap. 3, 42-75;
Lawrence J. Hatab, A Nietzschean Defense of Democracy
(Chicago: Open Court, 1995); Alan
Schrift, "Nietzsche forDemocracy?" Nietzsche-Studien 29 (2000): 220-33. For further references,
see also H. W. Siemens, "Nietzsche's
Political Philosophy. A Review of Recent Literature,"
30 (2001): 509-26.
2. Hatab, who devotes a chapter
critique of democracy, is the exception.
in A Nietzschean
of Democracy
to Nietzsche's
3. An indispensable resource formy research into the this topic was the article "Demokratie,"
inDas Nietzsche-W?rterbuch,
ed. P. J.M. Van Tongeren, G. Schank, and H. W. Siemens (Berlin:
De Gruyter, 2004), vol. 1, 568-83.
4. All
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H. W. Siemens
ideas as false.
The modern
"equal rights"
"the genius"
democratic misunderstanding
(as a consequence
(as impoverished
pessimistic misunderstanding
the decadence-misunderstanding
"the people"
"the race"
"the nation"
"the milieu"
"popular education"
"sociology"(KSA 13:16[82],1889)
on the democratic
it be that?in
spite of all
victory of optimism, the now dominant
rationality, the practical and theoretical utilitarianism, together with democracy itself,with which
a symptom of declining force, of approaching senescence, of physiological
it coincides,?are
'scientific'? What?
(Berlin: De Gruyter,
93, 109,onS*?.
8. Daniel W. Conway, Nietzsche and thePolitical (London: Routledge,
1997), 2-3.
9. On Socrates/rationalism and democracy, see KSA 7:23[14], 2[3]; also KSA 12:9[20], 9[25].
On the "democratic origins of the chorus," see BT 7, KSA 1:52-53; on the sources of this theory
in the Schlegel brothers and Hegel, see B. von Reibnitz, Ein Kommentar zu Friedrich Nietzsche,
"Die Geburt der Trag?die" (Kap. 1-12) (Stuttgart: Metzler,
1992), 186-87. Empedocles'
in contexts that (in
program of democratic reform is also thematized in the early Nachlass,
contrast with Socrates) are rather positive about democracy: see, e.g., KSA 7:23[14],
6[38], 6[50]. On this, see H. Caygill, "Philosophy and Cultural Reform in the Early Nietzsche,"
The Fate of theNew Nietzsche,
ed. H. Caygill
and K. Ansell-Pearson
(Aldershot: Avebury,
is clearly
11.Cf.KX4 7:7[121],7[160].
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of Democracy
writes, "Die Einwirkung des Genius ist gew?hnlich, da? ein neues Illusionsnetz
geschlungen wird, unter dem sie leben kann. Dies ist die magische Einwirkung
des Genius auf die untergeordneten Stufen. Zugleich aber giebt es eine aufsteigende Linie zum
Genius: diese zerrei?t immer die vorhandenen Netze, bis endlich im erreichten Genius ein h?heres
and 'Wahngebilde'
erreicht wird" (KSA 7:6[3]). The terms 'Wahn, Wahnvorstellung,'
are also used intensively by Nietzsche
in the early 1870s in connection with Schopenhauer's Wahn
theory (see n. 13 below). This is especially so inKSA 7, notebooks 5 and 7, but see also BT 3,
KSA \:31;BT2\,KSA
1:132; and BT 15,KSA 1:99 (in connection with Socratism).
13. The expression 'Genius der Gattung' is used by Schopenhauer in his metaphysics of sexual
love (The World as Will and Representation, trans. E. E Payne [New York: Dover, 1958], vol. 2,
of deception (Wahn) whereby individuals actually
chap. 44, 53Iff.) to describe a mechanism
the interests of the species (Gattung) in pursuing what appear to them as the objects of
it appears as the "spirit of the species"
InWagner's "?ber Staat und Religion"
(Geist der Gattung) in the context of his account of Schopenhauer's Wahn theory. The young
too applies it to art. As the Dionysian "oneness in the genius of the species" (Einssein
it names
individuation and measure
im Genius der Gattung), opposed to Apollonian
"something never felt" (etwas Nie-empfundenes), an ecstatic sense of community in need of a new,
non-Apollonian symbolic order, identified by Nietzsche with the "gesture of dance" (Tanzgeberde
[Dionysische Weltanschauung
"tone"(#&47:3[21], 3[37]).
4, KSA
1:574; BT 2, KSA
In KSA 7:32[35]
pp. 764^65
(cf. HH
577), 32[34], 32[61].
fortune thatWagner was not born to a position of power and
privilege and was not given the opportunity to exercise political power.
15. See also the retrospective note:
To win formyself the immorality of the artistwith regard towardmy material (humankind):
this has been my work in recent years.
To win for myself the spiritual freedom and joy of being able to create and not to
be tyrannized by alien ideals. (At bottom itmatters littlewhat I had to liberate myself
from: my favorite form of liberation was the artistic form: that is, I cast an image of that
which had hitherto bound me: thus Schopenhauer, Wagner, theGreeks (genius, the saint,
also a tribute of gratitude.
metaphysics, all ideals until now, the highest morality)?but
(KSA 10:16[10])
writes, "Denn gerade mit diesem Gef?hle nimmt er Theil an der gewaltigsten
Lebens?usserung Wagner's, dem Mittelpuncte seiner Kraft, jener d?monischen Uebertragbarkeit
sich Anderen ebenso mittheilen kann, als sie
seiner Natur, welche
und Selbstent?usserung
andere Wesen sich selber mittheilt und im Hingeben und Annehmen ihre Gr?sse hat. Indem der
scheinbar der aus- und ?berstr?menden Natur Wagner' s unterliegt, hat er an ihrer
Kraft selber Antheil genommen und ist so gleichsam durch ihngegen ihnm?chtig geworden; und
Jeder, der sich genau pr?ft, weiss, dass selbst zum Betrachten eine geheimnissvolle Gegnerschaft,
die des Entgegenschauens,
geh?rt" (RWB 7).
(WS 230).
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H. W. Siemens
19. Nietzsche writes, "Nun kann es Einem angesichts Derer, welche jetzt bewusst und ehrlich
f?r diese Zukunft arbeiten, in der That bange werden: es liegt etwas Oedes und Einf?rmiges in
ihren Gesichtern, und der graue Staub scheint auch bis in ihre Gehirne hineingeweht zu sein"
(WS275,KSA 2:671).
20. This worry ismost emphatic in the Vorstufe to this text,which begins with thewords: "One
gains a more patient and milder attitude toward all the tiresome and boring [things] that the rule
of democracy brings with it (and will bring with it?) when one views it as a centuries-long
and very necessary 'quarantine,' which society-in
its own sphere in order to hinder the new
'outbreak' [? die neue'Einschleppung'],
in Nietzsche's
and Community
and the Agon," Journal of Nietzsche
writes: "Der Philosoph, wie wir ihn verstehen, wir freien Geister?,
als der
f?r die Gesammt-Entwicklung
der umf?nglichsten Verantwortlichkeit, der das Gewissen
des Menschen hat" (BGE 61, KSA 5:79). It is hard to imagine a more general (Gesammt), inclusive
(umf?nglichsten) formulation than this. In BGE 203 Nietzsche describes the burden or "weight"
22. Nietzsche
of responsibility (das Gewicht einer solchen Verantwortlichkeit) borne by the philosophers of the
future and their task, the "transvaluation of values": on one side is the fear of a "total degeneration
[Gesammt-Entartung] of the human being," and on the other, the hope that "the human being is still
not exhausted for the greatest possibilities."
In BGE 212, the breadth of this generic responsibility
is then proposed as part of the notion of "greatness" (Gr?sse) required for the enhancement
(Vergr?sserung) of the human being: It is a matter of "how much and how much diversity one could
bear and take upon oneself, how far one could stretch one's responsibility" ("wie viel und vielerlei
Einer tragen und auf sich nehmen, wie weit Einer seine Verantwortlichkeit spannen k?nnte").
23. There are texts where he argues that the higher caste should be beyond politics
and not exercise political power (KSA 10:7[21 ]), others where he argues
(KSA 11:26[173])
that they should not just rule but also experiment with moral values (KSA 12:9[153]),
others where the new philosophers are supposed to be distinct from, but supported by, a ruling
caste (KSA 11:35[47]). There are places where he advocates a sharpening of all oppositions
(Gegens?tze) and a removal of equality (KSA 10:7[21 ]) and others where he advocates "opening
up distances [Distanzen], but not creating oppositions [Gegens?tze]" (KSA 12:10[63]).
"NB. There must be many ?bermenschen:
24. See, e.g., KSA
all goodness
[or quality: G?te] develops only among equals. One god would always be a devil] A ruling caste
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1. Enlightenment
of Democracy
28. See WS 215, KSA 12:2[13]. But see also KSA 11:34[108]: "Ich nehme die demokratische
als etwas Unvermeidliches:
aber als etwas, das nicht unaufhaltsam ist, sondern sich
verz?gern l??t."
29. See,
"Der grosse
P?belund Sklavenauf stand":
Urs Marti,
und Demokratie
mit Revolution
1993), chap. 7,
(Stuttgart: Metzler,
especially 212: "To draw a unified picture of them [the humans with a strong will] is not easy,
given the abundance of futural visions"; and 233: "For better or worse, research has to make
peace with the fact thatNietzsche did not give an unequivocal answer to the question, whether the
coming aristocracy will exercise political rule, or exercise moral authority, as an educational elite
in a political democracy."
out Nietzsche's
in a typology of responses
on the Relation Between Democracy
and 'grosse
Politik,'" inNietzsche, Power, and Politics. Rethinking Nietzsche's Legacy for Political Thought,
ed.H. W. Siemens and V. Roodt (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2008), 231-68.
tried to map
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