Caller, August 2, 2015

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August 2, 2015

In This Issue

The Caller
is published
(Deadline Wednesday
at Noon)
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

Interim Pastor:
Rev. Dale Suggs
Donna Woodbridge
Lisa Parks

Issue 31

Events August 2, - August 9, 2015

Remember in Prayer
Prayer Requests, 7/26
Spiritual Disciplines Wk
Serving in the Military
JYF Lemonade Stand
Save the Date
Childrens Ministry Task Force 3
Worship Team Workshop
Christmas in July Wrap up
Blanket Month
Bibles & Hygiene Project
Council of Elders Report

Serving Sunday


August 2:
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School for all ages
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
11:30 A.M. - JYF Lemonade Stand, Chapman Lounge
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
August 3:
6:30 P.M. - OCCS, Fellowship Hall
August 4:
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge (CL)
August 5:
5:30 P.M. - Hot Meal Ministry, Team C
August 6: Tri Tip Barry Woodbridge, Coordinator
5:00 A.M. - Casa Prayer Time
7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Habitat for Humanity, CL
August 7:
9:00 A.M. - Pathways of Hope Program Committee, CL
August 8:
8:00 A.M. - DMF/CASA Mens Breakfast, CL
8:30 A.M. - Greek Class Women Breakfast, Class at 9:30 A.M.
August 9: Home Communion
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School for all ages
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
11:30 A.M. - JYF Lemonade Stand, Front porch
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
August 10:
7:00 A.M.- 9:30 P.M. Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser @ Pollys
10:00 A.M. - OAMC Meeting, Chapman Lounge (CL)
6:30 P.M. Old Testament Class @ Donnas
August 11:
5:30 A.M. - Pathways of Hope Committee (CL)
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
August 12:
7:00 P.M. - Discipleship Meeting, Chapman Lounge
AA Groups: Sun. 8 P.M., Room 107; Thursday 8 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M.,
Sat. 8:30 P.M., OCYPAA, Sat. 3:30 P.M., FH
AL-Anon: Fri. Noon, Room 101A
NA Group: Tues. 7:30 P.M., FH
OA: Tues. 7 P.M., Sun. 10 A.M., Room 107

Remember in Prayer

Continue to pray for: Jim &

Helen Bailey, Sue Bacon, Dottie Bense,
Sandra Brown, Jack Doughty, Lorna & Skip
Farnum, Carolyn Kenrick, Colleen Langston,
Flora Miller, Kristine Perry, Jeanne Randall,
Norma Rill, Betty Rollo, Gayle Schoeff,
Claudia Tammen, and Bob & Donna Vannoy.
Please pray for the following PSWR
Thirtieth Street Church
3000 So. Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90018

Readings and Prayer Concerns for

Week of August 3 August 9, 2015

Monday, August 3: Reading: 2 Samuel

18:5-9; Pray for our nation and all the
unrest that surrounds us. Let us pray for Gods
presence and understanding of how to deal
with these issues.
Tuesday, August 4: Reading: 2 Samuel 18: 15,
3-33; Pray for Global Ministries Missionary in
Lesotho, Andrew Sheraton-Cooper
Wednesday, August 5: Reading: Psalm 34: 1-8;
Pray for Hot Meal Ministry Team C who serve
the hungry tonight.
Thursday, August 6: Reading: Ephesians 4:2532; Pray for Barry Woodbridge and Team 1
selling Tri-Tip at the Downtown Market
Friday, August 7: Reading: Ephesians 5: 1-2;
Pray for the Pathways of Hope Program
Committee meeting today in Chapman
Saturday, August 8: Reading: John 6:35; Pray
for the men of our church and the men of the
Casa congregation as they meet for breakfast,
devotion and prayer this morning.
Sunday, August 9: Reading: John 1:1-18; Pray
for those who have volunteered to be teachers
and helpers in our Childrens Ministry as they
have a training session on the new materials
with Shelly Suggs after church today.

Prayer Requests, July 26, 2015


Celebration of Ben Clark &

Taylor Fees wedding today

Serving in the Military

Adam Hawley, Deb

Taylors nephew, is back at Ft.
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty
Rollos grandson-in-law who is home and will
be stationed at Hanford, CA.
Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos
grandson, is at sea for several months.
PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob
& Donna Vannoy, has been deployed to
Afghanistan for a tour of duty.
Michael J. Borden, Chief, Nancy
Geigers grandson, in Norfolk, VA.
Brandon Johnson, Army Chaplain,
Mariette Linbergs cousin has returned from
his deployment in Afghanistan.
Lt. Austen Packer, Laura Lee Wiggins
friend, is back at Oceana, NAS, in Virginia
Lt J.G. Kip Packer, friend of Laura Lee
Wiggins, has been deployed to Moron, Spain
Pvt. Kash Cross, Ted & Sammies
grandson is at Ft. Gordon, GA and will
graduate from Helicopter Repair school in a
couple of weeks and after a leave will be sent
to Korea.
Mjr. Christopher Evans, cousin of
Annie Fraters who is serving in Seoul, Korea.

Sunday Statistics

July 26, 2015

83 (Remember Service)
3 (Reawaken Service) 94 (Casa 1 P.M. service)
Weekly Giving: $4,004.10
Missions: $444.90
Budget Goal: $3,777
Christmas in July $20
Bibles & Hygiene Kits $195
CWS Blankets: $155
Downtown Market: Casas week

JYF Takes a Stand

Against Hunger

Please join us on August 23 for JYFs

Lemonade Stand and Lemon Boutique in
Chapman Lounge following the 10:15 Worship
Service. The other three Sundays in August
JYF will have a Lemon Tasting Stand following
the worship service.
Proceeds from the Lemonade Stand and
Boutique and the Lemon Tasting Stand will go
to Pathways of Hope. Checks can be made out
to First Christian Church, memo: Pathways of
Hope Lemonade Stand.
Thanks for supporting this worthwhile

Childrens Ministry Task


The Childrens Ministry

Task Force met last Sunday after the 10:15
service in Chapman Lounge and chose the
Shine curriculum that we will use in the Fall.
This curriculum is produced by the Church of
the Brethren and Dales wife, Shelly, has been a
part of writing it.
We are excited to announce that Shelly
will lead us in a training session on Sunday,
August 9, after the 10:15 worship in Chapman
Lounge. Lunch will be provided.
I believe that this is one of the greatest
callings from God that you could receive. This
is the time to instill in children the love of Jesus
and how they can live their lives like Jesus.
So if you love children and would like
to volunteer a Sunday here and there to help
with this ministry, you are invited to join us
and be a part of this very important handson ministry. Please let me know that you will
be here so we can provide enough food
Donna Woodbridge

Important Dates to Remember

Homeless Shelter forum:

August 5, 5:30 p.m., Grace
Ministries Korean Church, 1701 W. Valencia
Drive, Fullerton
September 13 Rally Day
September 26 Rock the Loch, All day
music concert at Loch Leven. Watch Caller for
more details later.
October 4 6 Disciples Women Spiritual
Growth Retreat at Loch Leven.
October 17 PSWR Gathering,
Riverside First Christian Church

From the Worship Ministry


You are invited to

participate in a workshop aimed to enhance
the cooperativeness of worship planning and
designed to allow creativity and innovation to
flow, and to enable our church to reach a
whole new level in designing worship services.
Cooperation Unglued (unlocking the
potential of innovation worship design in a
team environment) with Rev. Dr. Suzanne
Castle will be held at First Christian Church,
Orange, on August 22, from 9 A.M. 4 P.M.
Cost is $15 if we get three or more to attend
(we already have two).
Wont you join us and be a part of
*how to inspire others to bring their
gifts to worship
*join together children, teens, adults and
older folks in a meaningful way(s)
* experience more participative
planning and arts for services
*draw in people who would enjoy
creating with you
Please let Donna know that you will be
joining us. She will be making our
reservations on August 10.

Christmas in July Wrap Up

Our Christmas in July was a

great success! Thank you, thank
you, thank you.
We collected 63 gifts (and a little birdie
says there are still more on the way) valued at
$550 and $160 in checks donated through the
There will be a drawing this Sunday to
determine the winners of the prizes that are to
be given to some lucky people who brought
gifts for the Christmas in July Project
benefitting Pathways of Hope.
The Outreach Ministry TeamLaura Lee Wiggins Coordinator

Bibles and Hygiene Kits

Las week we shared

the appeal for funds to help
purchase more Bibles and
Hygiene Kits to be distributed to those whod
like to receive them at the Hot Meal Ministry
on the first Wednesday of August.
We hope to raise as much as $250 for
this project and thanks to your generosity we
are well on the way to achieving that goal.
$195 was donated last Sunday. Thank you!
If youd like to make a gift of support
for this project, please make your check
payable to the church and write:
Bibles/Hygiene Kits on the memo line of your
The Outreach Ministry Team

Blankets in July

Now on to the next project for

which we have already received $155
or enough for 31 blankets.
If you have a favorite blanket
story you would be willing to share, please
email it to Donna in the office. We received the
following from Lin Garcia:
When my second daughter was born,
we decorated her nursery in a Raggedy Ann
motif. The blanket in the set was of big, Bright
Yellow and White checks with Raggedy Ann's
likeness and yellow satin binding. Stephanie
named it Boppy (which is now a pillow that
nursing Mom's use .) Boppy was her special
In those days, I didn't have a dryer so
whenever Boppy needed to be washed,
Stephanie would sit under the closeline
waiting until Boppy was dry. When her father
and I divorced and she went to his house on
the weekend, she insisted that Boppy couldn't
be washed because he smelled like me. (I
hope I never smelled that bad...)
One evening while I was preparing
dinner, a little voice behind me said, You
can't see me 'cause I'm invisible. I turned
around to see Boppy standing there. . .
So a blanket can provide warmth, be a
comfort in stressful times, even be a faithful
If you would like to be a part of this
vital project, please place your check in the
amount of $5 for each blanket in the offering
plate and write blankets in the memo line.
To say thank you and to help you cool
off a bit in this scorching weather, there will be
three gift cards to Yogurtland for 3 lucky
For each $5 you donate, your name will
be written on a Linus and his blanket ticket,
which will be placed on the blanket in the
Narthex, and you will be entered in the
September drawing.
Thank you for helping us have a
successful project and caring for someone who
might otherwise not be warm when the
temperatures drop to near-freezing.
The Outreach Ministry Team

From the Council of Elders

Air Conditioning/Heating Update

We have received word that the loan we

applied for from Disciples Church Extension
has been approved. We will be moving
forward, and hopefully will have the Air
Conditioning/ Heating units replaced by the
end of August.
We will be borrowing $75,000.00 to
replace 4 units on the roof (all installed in 1972
when the sanctuary was built) and to re-roof
the flat roof (which is approx. 20 years old). We
will be getting the loan at a rate of 4.5% for 15
years. Our payments will be $580.00 per
month. If you have any questions, or would
like more information on the decisions made, a
couple of Trustees and myself will be in the
choir room after church for the next two weeks
(August 2nd & 9th). We elected not to do a fund
raiser for this project, but if you feel called
upon to donate either a one-time gift or over
time to help defray the cost, please let the office
or Pastor Dale know.
Pat Vannoy, Chair of the Council of Elders

Handicapped Task Force

At the July meeting of the Council of

Elders, the Worship Ministry Team requested a
special committee be established to explore the
possibilities and options of making our
sanctuary more handicapped accessible and
friendly. I am looking for volunteers who
would be willing to work on this project with
the goal of having suggestions by the end of
the year. If you feel called to help out with this,
please let the office or myself know.
Thank you,
Pat Vannoy, Chair of the Council of Elders

Emergency Procedures Task Force

At the July meeting of the Council of

Elders, it was voted to establish a group of
people who would develop some procedures
for our congregation that addressed emergency
situations. This will include responses to
earthquakes, fires and other life threatening
situations. It will also address security issues,
and how they are being handled by other
churches. If you would like to be a part of this
very important group, please let either the
office or myself know.
Thank you,
Pat Vannoy, Chair of the Council of Elders

2015-2016 Nominating Committee

This years committee will be

comprised of the following church members:
Nancy Geiger, Bill Henke, Anna Van
Diest, Chris Fee, Barry Woodbridge, Pat
Vannoy and Dale Suggs.
The committee will strive to see "that of
God" within those called to serve this
congregation. We seek to help others build
and develop their ministry calling. We will
work toward a stronger, more dynamic and
more creative congregation through prayerbased and spirit-filled service. We recognize
that people need to serve in ways of interest
to them, using their spiritual gifts. Members
of the Nominating Committee will be turning to
you to help find people to serve this
congregation through ministry. We are
aware that this person might be you. We
ask each of you to listen to that still, small
voice of God that nudges you to reflection
and action. Respond courageously by
letting us know that maybe/possibly you
are willing to give prayer-based and spiritfilled service to this congregation. You may
also know of another who best represents
Christ-centered leadership skills. We ask
that you tell us of this person so that we
may begin a thoughtful conversation with
them to see if ministry is a possibility for
them in the coming year.
Pat Vannoy, Chair of the Council of Elders

First Christian Church

109 E. Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.
Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.
Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.
Youth Group: Sunday, 1:00 P.M.
First Christian Church . . .
Celebrating the diversity of all of Gods children,
we are Disciples of Christ practicing spirit-filled worship,
faith-building community, and passion-powered service
to our neighborhood and to the world.
Where encounters with God are not only ordinary,
theyre extraordinary!
Where invitations not only happen on occasion,
they happen on every occasion.
Where hands not only give to the needy,
they serve the least of these

Serving August 2, 2015

Serving August 9, 2015

Greeter: Lynda Bailey

Guest Book: Mariette Linberg
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Angulo
Sound & Video: PJ Vannoy
Lay Leader:
Childrens Moment:
Elders: Pat Vannoy, Sherry Herrera,
Judi Smedley
Diaconate: Randys Team
Prepare: Annie Frater, Sybil Dittberner
Ushers: Dena Heathman, Terry Vannoy
Serve: Barbara Fenters, Kyle Fought, Annie
Frater, Dena Heathman, Terry Vannoy
Clean Up: Barbara Fenters, Nancy Knott
Alternate: Randy Baxter

Greeter: Sherry Herrera

Guest Book: Phil Forbes
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Beal
Sound & Video: Paul Robidoux
Lay Leader:
Childrens Moment:
Elders: PJ Vannoy, Sherry Herrera, Phil
Forbes (HC)
HC Elders: Kathy Robidoux, Barry
Woodbridge, Judi Smedley
Diaconate: Randys Team
Prepare: Randy Baxter, Terry Vannoy
Ushers: Barbara Fenters, Annie Frater
Serve: Randy Baxter, Barbara Fenters, Kyle
Fought, Dena Heathman, Terry Vannoy
Clean Up: Kyle Fought Nancy Knott
Alternates: Randy Baxter, Nancy Knott

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