Nelson Central School: Term 1

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24 th F ebrua ry
Nelson Central School
2 010 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Increasingly teachers are learning more about what does and
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and what does not work in relation to homework. They attempt
family of Nelson Central School. to use ideas that are known to work for most children and
National Standards their families. It is important that homework should be a
Many of you will be aware of the debate surrounding this pleasurable learning experience and not something to dread.
issue with claims and counter claims being made. Many One thing we know is that if homework brings tears and
teachers and principals are part of the debate. While the frustration to the household it is time to revise things.
debate rages please be assured that your child’s learning is Teachers have been asked to follow the school policy on
not being compromised. During the first part of the year homework – that can be found on the school website. The
teachers will be engaged in learning about what the details of how the policy is implemented will vary according
standards mean. Later the focus will shift to practical to the age and stage children are at.
considerations concerning how children’s achievements
New Building
might be aligned with the standards for reading and The builders have completed R10 and we will have a class
writing. I expect there will be some trial and error in this of five year old children in there at the start of Term 2.
process as we try to make things work. Stage three will Construction of Room 12A on the south side of R12 is
involve reporting to families. I understand some work is under way. The foundations are down and the floor is being
currently under way on the latter topic and it would be a laid as I write this. We will have another class of five year
waste of time, energy and resources for us to develop our olds in Room 12A during term 3.
own systems until we know what the Ministry of
Education has in mind. First Aid
In February and March several of our staff will update their
Parent-Teacher Interviews
first aid certificates through one day courses while new staff
During the period 22-25 March we will be offering parent-
will attend 2-day courses to obtain their certificates. We do
teacher interviews during which time teachers will be
this to ensure we have current knowledge to assist us in the
happy to let you know how your child is settling into the
unlikely event of an emergency.
school year. The interview will be a good time to work on
2010 goals with your child and his/her teacher. Clear and Ordering lunches
agreed goals will provide a reference point for future Please note that if you want your child to have a bought
discussions about progress and achievement. Enclosed lunch you should make arrangements for that prior to the
with this newsletter is an information sheet to help you start of school. Suppliers in Nile Street are happy to bring
with the booking process for interviews. lunches to the school fence and distribute them. Children are
not allowed to leave the school grounds to buy lunches.
Homework – a subject to generate debate in most Punctuality
households! Every household will have its own, maybe Please note – it would help everyone if parents/caregivers
even different, views on the subject. The purpose of this could ensure children are in their classrooms and ready to
note is to provide a context for approaches to homework in start work when the bell rings. Some children are coming
our school. late to class and in the process are causing slight disruptions.
One of the reasons homework is given to children is to Thanks
encourage them to accept some responsibility for their own Thanks to everyone who supported the Totara Syndicate
learning and to develop independent work habits. Tryathlon. There will be further sporting opportunities
Homework may not suit your household and if it conflicts where you can support your child – see the calendar below.
with your philosophy on what is likely to be good for Upcoming events
children, then clearly pursuing homework is likely to be 3 Mar Te Pouahi swimming sports
counter productive to good learning. In that case there is 4 Mar Pohutukawa swimming sports
clearly no point in pursuing the matter. 4-5 Mar R7 Camp
However, if your household thrives on homework teachers 5 Mar Kahikatea swimming sports
will be happy to organise that for your child. Teachers can ** Wanted **
help children do as much or as little homework as they feel
for Room 4 any old puzzles, games, lego etc. for our
able to do.
rainy day box. As we are a new classroom we don't
Our weekly newslett er is kindly yet have very much to play with when it’s a wet
sponsored by –
THE DOCUMENT COMPANY lunch. Anything we can't use we will donate to the
School Gala. Thanks Jo

7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z

Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: Geof f Cl ark 545 8010 W ebsite: www.nel so ncent
Max H (Rm 7) has had his scooter stolen from the Lost last week.
bike cage. It had his name engraved on it. Psp portable playstation black
Had hire game in it.
9-10 Mar R1 Camp Helen Sinclair 5488522 0275526852
11 Mar Inter school swimming sports
12 Mar Heritage to take school photos Weetbix Tryathlon 2010
16 Mar Teachers’ Paid Union Meeting – afternoon Tahunanui Recreation Grounds
22-25 Mar Parent-teacher meetings Sunday 28th February 2010
1 Apr End of Term
Race starts 9am
Term 2 starts Monday 19 April
Transition area open 7am
27 Apr Prospective families/students meeting
Race briefing 8.30am
3-7 May R2 Camp to Marahau
Enter online @
Term 2 finishes Friday 2 July
Entries close Friday 26th February
Term 3 starts Monday 19 July
Or see Sheryll in the school office from 9 -12.30pm
Term 3 finishes Friday 24 September
Term 4 starts Monday 11 October –
26 Oct Prospective families/students meeting This will be an
26-27 Oct R5-6 camp awesome event if you
28-29 Oct R3-4 (+y3 R14) camp like getting dirty.
Term 4 finishes Thursday 16 December
There will be lots of
Public Holidays During Term Time
Queen's Birthday - 7 June (Monday) laughing and slipping
Labour Day - 25 October (Monday) round in the mud.
Terms and dates for 2011 See the poster on the
Term 1 starts Monday 7 February Sports noticeboard. All welcome - register on the
Term 2 finishes Friday 15 April day from 9.30am Ph 03 546 3305 Janice Oliver.
Term 2 starts Monday 2 May
Term 2 finishes Friday 15 July
Term 3 starts Monday 1 August
Term 3 finishes Friday 7 October
Term 4 starts Tuesday 25 October
Term 4 finishes Wednesday 21 December PRE-SEASON BASKETBALL TRAINING.
Public Holidays During Term Time If you want to play basketball for Nelson Central
Queen’s Birthday 6 June (Monday) School this year, come along to pre-season
Dr Paul Potaka training and selection trials after school next
PRINCIPAL Wednesday 23 February and every Wednesday this
term unless raining. Returning and new players
welcome. We aim to select two full-court and one
half-court teams for the 2010 competition, which will
be held at Stoke on Fridays after school in Terms 2
and 3.
Sessions will start on Wednesdays at 3.15 at St
Joseph's courts (directly across Manuka Street from
Central School). We will work on indiv idual skills
training, shooting drills and some game
preparation. All abilities will be catered for but we
strongly encourage any new players to attend the
Stoke Miniball development programmes. Years 3 &
4 is on Mondays at 4.15; Years 5 & 6 is on
Wednesdays at 4pm - see the sports noticeboard or
contact Sheryll for registrations. These sessions
started this week but it's not too late to join.
These concerts introduce audiences to the instruments,
sections and musicians of the New Zealand Symphony Bring your togs if you want a quick swim afterwards
Orchestra. Each musician performs a different instrument of at St Jo's pool. Parents: pick up time 4pm at courts
the orchestra and will give audiences an interactive (or 4.30 outside pool on Manuka Street if your child
presentation. These concerts feature solo performances and wants a swim). Call Sasha Ripley on 548 8022 for
a programme of arrangements for this original ensemble of more information.
classic favourites such as Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and “Please bring your own basketball if you have one
Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks, other much-loved
and bring your running shoes and a full drink bottle."
favourites and a few surprises!
Juicies on Sale - $1.00 each
On FRIDAY, Room 2 will be selling Juicies
outside the library at playtime.


TERM 1, 2010
WHEN?: FRIDAY 4pm to 6pm
Laura Joy's Nana visited Nelson Central School last STARTS 26TH FEBRUARY
year and was very impressed with the wonderful CONTACT: phone: 03 5439755
progress Laura Joy is making.
When she returned to her friends at the Taradale
Looking forward to a great competition.
Village Quilting Group she told them how well Laura
Joy was doing. Unbeknown to Nana Stephanie, the Be in to win.
group decided to accept the offer of a quilt made by
one of their members to raffle for funds to donate to WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTS
Nelson Central School. This was to be to the benefit Week ended 21st February
of all the Special Needs Students in the school. Mini Soccer
In the photo Laura Joy and her dad Stu have just Central Rovers v Birchwood. Rovers won 9-1.
presented this generous donation to Christine and Goals scored by: Ben P 4, Brooke P 3, Marcus P2,
Jenny for the use of all the Special Needs Students at Willem D 1
Nelson Central School Player of the day: Ben P.
Our most sincere and grateful thanks to the Taradale A great team effort. Congratulations Willem on
Quilters for this most generous donation. scoring your first goal.
Cheers, Jenny
Central Strikers v Victory Lions. Strikers won 2-1.
Rippa Rugby
Central v St Josephs. St Josephs won 8-3.
Incrediball Cricket
Central Stars v Enner Glynn. Enner Glynn won
36runs -23 runs.
Player of the day: Leo D room 2.
Hardball Cricket
Nelson Central v Wakefield Wanderers. Central
won 100 runs to 49 runs.
Top scorer: Nic C (R1) 23 runs
Bowlers: Thomas Z (R1) took 5 wickets.

School Sports Uniforms

Outstanding Uniforms
There are still a number of sports uniforms which have
not been returned to sc hool. Please return to the sc hool
office if you are not playing in a sports term this term.
New Miniball Shorts Care of Sports Uniforms
We are pleased to advise the school have purchased a Please ensure tha t school sports uniforms a re only worn
set of miniball shorts with the sponsorship received to/from and during ga mes. We have had a number of
from from Fuji Xerox. Many thanks to Tony Shallcrass
new shirts returned in poor condi tion. When washing
of Fuji Xerox for making this happen.
please follow manufacturers care conditions..
Midget Grade Soccer Nelson City Football warmly
FAQ invites
What is it? any new players to town
5 aside soccer for 5-6 year old boys or new players to the sport,
and girls played on mini pitches with
small goals. All teams are capped at 7
to join our club.
players to allow for sickness and families on holiday. We cater for Midgets (5yrs) through to Seniors
Any more players than this means the kids do not get Register by Friday 19 March to receive a discount
enough game time if they all turn up. The season Midgets $30 Juniors $70
starts on 24 April and goes through to 11 September (discounts available for 2+ players in one family)
with a 2 week break in the school holidays. Registration forms to all existing players have been e-
When & Where is it played?
Neale Park on Saturday mornings (Midgets 9.30am) If you are interested or would like more information,
please contact
Will there be practices?
Sonia Malpas ph 545 0494
We encourage Midget practices to be held on
Saturday mornings half an hour before the game
starts. This gets them nice and warmed up and ready Kiwi Cricket - draw 27 Feb
to start their game at 9.30am. The games are only 10
minutes each way so it is all over by 10am and leaves Second Round Date: 27 Feb 2010
you the rest of the day free. Ground Team Team
How much will it cost and what will the players 6 Wakefield Hot Shots v Central Stars
$35 for Midgets (reduced to $30 if paid by 19 March Please note teams can be regraded or added at any
2010). The club will prov ide a shirt for all players and time. Those teams that asked to be regraded this
coaches are well equipped with a ball for each player, week have been.
bibs, cones, certificates and player of the day
trophies. Junior registrations for the Nelson RFC will be held on the
We ask each player to provide: following dates:
Ø A pair of red soccer shorts Friday 5 March 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Ø Nelson City socks (yellow with a red top) Saturday 6th March 9.30am – Midday
Ø Soccer boots The venue is Nelson RFC clubrooms adjacent to Trafalgar
Ø Shin pads park.
What if my child has never played soccer Any boy or girl aged 5 – 13 is most welcome to comje
before? alonmg and play for NZ’s oldest rugby club.
As long as they are keen, that is all that matters. Any queries to Quentin Harwood – Junior Club Captain
There are very basic rules in this grade of soccer and Home : 5470313, Work: 5482619, Mobile 0273023508
the main aim is for kids to be out running around,
having a great team experience and gaining a few Suburbs Football Club will be taking registrations at
soccer skills on the way. If after 2 weeks your child the Suburbs clubrooms at Saxton Field on Wednesday
definitely decides they do not want to play we will
24th February from 7pm to 8.30pm and Saturday
happily refund in full. 27th February from 10.00am to 11.00am. This is for
If you would like any more information or would like all age groups from midgets to seniors.
to register your child, please contact
Sonia Malpas Alternatively registrations can be made on-line on
ph 545 0494 or Enquiries can be made to
Dawn 5475689.
Friday Rippa Rugby Draw
Central Stormers v Tahunanui Taniwhas Hardball Cricket
Week 2 - 20 February
Ground 3 @ 4pm No rain affected play this week!
Central 100 for 4 versus Wanderers 49 all out
** Alastair Cotterill Tennis **
Group Tennis lessons available through Nelson Batting first, Central made exactly 100 with good
Central School. All abilities. * Age 6+ * contributions from openers Albie (14) and Josh (20)
For more information (Re: Times, Cost etc.) and then Nic (23) and Thomas (15). Tight bowling
contact Alastair 5486984 / 027 348 8029. email: restricted Wanderers to 49. Top bowling from
Thomas (5 wickets for 7 runs) and Quinn a nice
caught and bowled. Good effort boys.
Sunday, 21st March 2010 11.15am-2.30pm
(only 3 ½ weeks to go!)
The gala is our major fundrai sing event of the year. This year we will be allocating the money from the
gala towards enhancing the lower quad area, (which would involve replacing asphalt), surrounding bank and


Will be held on Thursday, 25th February 2010 at 6.30 pm (in the school staffroom)

‘Mrs Harrison’s Bottles’

This historical stall will be running again at this years Gala (Yay!). For those of you who don’t know, Mrs
Harrison is ‘Christine’. Until Christine i s well enough to join us again (Hurry up Christine), Vi v ha s kindly
offered to take control.
It works like this ........

All children are asked to dona te a t lea st one new bottle/jar of sha mpoo, sauce, non-alcoholic drinks,
sweets, ja m etc. Empty clean jars can be refilled with toys, sweets, etc. Bring something from the
superma rket or be a s i maginati ve and crea tive as you like. These bottl es are then secretly numbered. On
the day numbered tickets will be sold for $2 each. When all tickets are sold ticket holders can collect
their prize.
Its a bi t like a lucky dip. It can be quite a surprise wha t you can get.

We need bottles Urgently – please bring to marked box in foyer

We need at least 150!

ATTENTION GARDENERS – We need help with the following -

• Plants or any packets of seed s (bought wi th the best intentions but never ac tually sown)
• Used and/or unwanted Garden/ Outdoor equipment suc h as:
• tools, gloves, gumboots etc
• pots, baskets, old vases
• furniture, umbrellas, outdoor dining/picnic gear
• sculptures/garden art
• Gardening books and magazines
• watering equipment - hoses, watering cans, soak hoses etc
• compost bins
• If anyone has access to a horse or sheep - bring along bags of manure
• bamboo stakes, trellis, netting
• Fresh cut home grown flower arrangements (bring on the day)
• Fresh produce - veges, frui t and herbs from home garden (bring on the day)
• Chutneys, preserves, or ja ms from the home gard en
• And anything el se 'gardeny' anyone can think of!!!!
The fresh stuff needs to be brought along on the morning of gala, other stuff can be delivered to 74 Halifax
Street East (or a t some designa ted sc hool place), or if it's too big to fi t in car boot, We can collect in our
trusty truck and trailer! We also need stall helpers on the day.
Phone Ba rbara 548 7547 or Lucy 548 2474 if able to help with i tems or need collec tion etc.

GIFT BASKETS : Every year a t gala ti me we ask for dona tions towards gif t baskets to be auc tioned at
the school gala. Thi s is an exceptionally good fundraiser for the gala, last year raising approx $1200. This is a
friendly reminder to get dona tions towards your classroom ba skets as soon as possible. The c hildren will advise
tha t there are now boxes in each room. We only ha ve 3 weeks to ga ther these fabulous contributions before the
Gala day. Please make a special effort to find something totally unique to your classroom basket.
We also are asking for helpers for putting the baskets together. Many thanks … Chri stina Ph 5394089.
Just a wee reminder tha t entires close for this fantastic competi tion on Friday 26 Februa ry so get them in quick
to the box at the Front Office.
Remember anything goes – comedy, magician acts, gymnastics, dancing, singing, juggling, anything with tha t WOW
Lastly we will have a keyboard available if you require one.
Any queries please call Jane Martin on 5480107.

GAZEBOS – Please if you have a gazebo available for use on gala day please contac t Eric on 5488022. P. S.
We will take care of i t.


Help is needed for set up of ma rquees etc on gala day and clean up afterwards. Sta rt ti me will be 7.30 am (ouch)
if you are available please call Eric on 5488022. Also if anyone is available for pick-up & drop off of marquees etc
on the Friday prior or Monday after plea se call Eric also.

HELPERS required for all stalls (Please phone Megan Clark Ph 5458010)
The more helpers we can get on stalls the more fun to be had by all. This allow s people to have a break and most importantly spend some time
with their child/ren so everyone can enjoy the gala . Lets all try and help (even if only for a short time).

We still need help in the following areas:-
• Games Organiser – this involves organizing what ga mes will be played at the gala. A full file is available on
previous years processes.
• Electrician – we need someone on the day to organize the power set up to all powered stalls, provide leads
• Chocolate Wheel – Are you keen to be able to be on a loud hailer all day!! Come on be brave, thi s is your
• Cake Stall Organi ser – Is thi s your specialty? This involves some baking, organizing other bakers, and
collating and pricing all baking received.
• Auctioneer – to auc tion off Gift Ba skets
If you feel you have the skills or desire to help with any of the above, plea se contac t Julie Walker ph 5488371

ELEGANT JUNK -Jonathan in Room 7 is now calling for your SMALL elegant junk. Thi s means i tems of a
manageable size tha t can be dropped off now to his classroom to enable hi m to sta rt ea rly with sorting and
pricing. We will advise of the d rop off point of large i tems a t a later da te.
Any LARGE i tems can now go to Room 10.
BOOKS, CDS, RECORDS, MAGAZINES – Can now be dropped off to Dave in Room 2.
CLOTHING AND TOYS can now be dropped off in Room 10.
SPONSORSHIP OR DONATIONS – If you are able to help our fundraising efforts in any way, please
contac t Anne Sofield on 5481665 or 027 4137778. Thankyou.

STALL FILES – If you have any stall files from last yea rs galas with stall notes please return these asap to
the front office.

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