The newsletter provides information for parents about the Grade 5 classroom procedures for the upcoming school year. It introduces the teachers, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Gallo, and encourages parents to contact them with any questions. It outlines various classroom procedures such as entry and dismissal procedures, classroom jobs, homework policies, and supplies needed. The newsletter emphasizes organization, communication between school and home, and creating a positive learning environment for students.
The newsletter provides information for parents about the Grade 5 classroom procedures for the upcoming school year. It introduces the teachers, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Gallo, and encourages parents to contact them with any questions. It outlines various classroom procedures such as entry and dismissal procedures, classroom jobs, homework policies, and supplies needed. The newsletter emphasizes organization, communication between school and home, and creating a positive learning environment for students.
The newsletter provides information for parents about the Grade 5 classroom procedures for the upcoming school year. It introduces the teachers, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Gallo, and encourages parents to contact them with any questions. It outlines various classroom procedures such as entry and dismissal procedures, classroom jobs, homework policies, and supplies needed. The newsletter emphasizes organization, communication between school and home, and creating a positive learning environment for students.
The newsletter provides information for parents about the Grade 5 classroom procedures for the upcoming school year. It introduces the teachers, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Gallo, and encourages parents to contact them with any questions. It outlines various classroom procedures such as entry and dismissal procedures, classroom jobs, homework policies, and supplies needed. The newsletter emphasizes organization, communication between school and home, and creating a positive learning environment for students.
Grade 5 Classroom Teachers: Mrs. T. Walters and Mrs. M. Gallo
Dear Parents and Guardians
It is with great pleasure that we This includes a partnership with all welcome you to our Grade 5 classes! We teachers, consultants, the special are very excited to start this year with education team and administration. all the students as well as Please feel free to contact your parents/guardians within the Our Lady child’s teacher, Mrs. Walters or Mrs. of Providence school community. We Gallo, at any time to introduce hope you had a safe and enjoyable yourself or to address any questions summer and are prepared to embark on or concerns you may have. We both an amazing journey this school year! We believe that constant communication would like to welcome our new will be a key factor in the success of Principal, Mr. Marchand to our great your child this year. community and know that we will be having some new and exciting The best form of communication is experiences with him this school year! through your child’s school agenda. Your child will bring home an agenda We are looking forward to dedicating daily and it is his/her responsibility our time together this school year to to copy important dates or reminders your child, who has been entrusted in about their school day or school our care. Our hope, along with you is work. He/she will be given time in that they will develop academically and class and asked to ensure that dates spiritually throughout the school year in and reminders are in daily. Please a safe and encouraging learning encourage him/her to use it. environment. Parents/Guardians are asked to sign We work closely with the other staff it regularly. Finally, if you write a here at OLOP to ensure your child note in your child’s agenda please receives the best education possible. encourage them to notify the teacher of the message. Classroom Information To ensure our classroom runs smoothly Supplies and safely there are several procedures 3. Tardiness – If students are late, they will be asked to sign that need to put into place. The following in at the main office and A positive list outlines these procedures: collect a late slip. They are outlook and 1. Readiness - Each student must also asked to enter class mindset to the come to school prepared to learn. quickly and quietly without school year This includes completing their any disruptions. homework and bringing the A cloth bin 4. Prayers and Intentions – Each proper supplies to school daily. day we will begin class with $5 for agenda 2. Entry – Students will be asked to prayers and special intentions. pencil case Also, there will be a short enter the school through the lined paper junior doors of the school. They prayer before lunch and before pencil crayons will hang their items on the dismissal. calculator hooks. They will be kindly asked 5. Classroom Jobs – At the indoor running to be seated and begin to follow beginning of each week or shoes the instructions on the board. month students will be asked outdoor running to check the classroom job shoes board. Students will rotate through these jobs on a appropriate gym monthly or weekly basis. clothes Grade 5 Classroom Newsletter Classroom Information - Continued 6. Homework - Homework will be shoes for gym. Students will not checked regularly. It is important be able to participate if they do that students record their not come prepared. If a student homework in their agendas at the is injured or ill, a note must be end of the day. If students are given to the teacher from a absent homework will be collect parent/guardian or doctor. for them within the classroom. 13. Organization – Students must stay Upon return, students may collect organized throughout the school this incomplete work found within year; this includes the students’ the folder on his/her desk. If desks. Throughout the year there students have difficulty with their will be designated time allotted homework they must come speak to classroom organization. to the teacher in order to seek help. Parents and guardians will be contacted if students do not 14. REMIND – Is an app that we hope complete their homework. to have up and running as soon as possible. This app will allow 7. Allergies/Diabetes/Asthma – students as well as Please be mindful that the school parents/guardians to stay is peanut free when preparing updated with classroom activities! your child’s lunch. If your child This app is an effective tool used has a medical condition of any by teachers to assist students in kind, please communicate this to managing their workload as well the teacher or call the school to as to allow constant speak the secretary so that the communication between home necessary paperwork and plans and school! More information will can be made. follow. 8. Textbooks – Students will each be given an assigned textbook. 15. Class Dismissal – It is very Student must have these with important that students them in class daily. These books remember that teachers will must be returned at the end of dismiss them at the end of the the year in the condition they day and not the bell. By were received in. following this procedure, it will ensure all students exit the 9. Questions – Students are asked to classroom safely. please raise their hand if they have a question during class. “Everything is Speaking out in class is disrespectful to others and is not tolerated. Equal opportunity in possible for the classroom is key and needs to be respected by all. him who 10. Classroom Courtesy – When in class, students are asked to believes” please remain in their seats. If students need to use the Mark 9:23 washroom or sharpen their pencil, Once again, if you have any questions or they are asked to kindly raise concerns please do not hesitate to contact us their hands. at school. We are looking forward to 11. Water bottles – Reusable water developing a strong relationship with both you bottles are important for each and your child throughout this school year! student to have. This helps to ensure that students are Sincerely, refreshed and there are refill stations for students to use. Mrs. T. Walters and Mrs. M. Gallo 12. Physical Education – Students are asked to have an appropriate change of clothes and indoor