Botrichium, Ophioglossum, Azolla, Salvinia, Marsilea
Botrichium, Ophioglossum, Azolla, Salvinia, Marsilea
Botrichium, Ophioglossum, Azolla, Salvinia, Marsilea
(Note: this is a long lab, so work efficiently -- about 10 minutes max. per drawing)
Division Pterophyta: Ferns
Genera: Adiantum, Cyrtomium, Polypodium, Asplenium, Pteridium,
Botrichium, Ophioglossum, Azolla, Salvinia, Marsilea
Key features of the division:
Heteromorphic alternation-of-generations life cycle, sporophyte dominant.
Have true xylem and phloem, so have true vascularized stems
Have true roots and true leaves (megaphylls)
Chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, starch, cellulose, phragmoplast, oogamy,
multicellular gametangia
Reproduction and growth less dependent upon water than Bryophytes
Primitive groups (Botrychium, Ophioglossum) are eusporangiate, advanced
groups are leptosporangiate.
Most homosporous, except for heterosporous water ferns (Marselia, Salvinia)
Key Features and Terms (prepare a labeled drawing for each numbered item):
Eusporangiate ferns (homosporous)
Botrychium (Grape or Red Fern) living specimen
1) Vascularized sporophyte with one or a few megaphyllous leaves.
Eusporangia in specialized fertile frond.
Leptosporangiate ferns (homosporous):
Most terrestrial ferns (many examples, including Adiantum, Cyrtomium,
Polypodium, Asplenium, Pteridium) living specimens and herbarium specimens
1) Vascularized sporophyte with megaphyllous leaves, sori (with or without
indusia) containing groups of sporangia, rhizomes (subterranean stems) bearing roots.
Living specimen.
2) Leptosporangium with stalk, annulus, and lip cells, bearing (meio)spores
(haploid) which were produced by meiosis. Spores dispersed by wind. Slide.
3) Rhizome cross section showing siphonostele with leaf gaps, epidermis,
cortex, endodermis, vascular cylinder, pericycle, phloem (sieve elements and
albuminous cells), xylem (tracheids), and pith. Slide.
4) Heart-shaped bisexual gametophyte (haploid) bearing both antheridia
(sperm) and archegonia (egg). May be fertilized, thus bearing a young sporophyte.
Water ferns (heterosporous) photos in text book
1) Marsilea rhizomes, aquatic, cloverlike leaves, sporocarps (bean-like
resistant 2n structures), germinate in water to form chains of sori, each sorus contains
rows of microsporangia and megasporangia
The Gymnosperms:
Division Cycadophyta
Genus: Zamia (Sago-Palm)
Division Ginkgophyta:
Genus Ginkgo (Ginkgo Tree)
Division Coniferophyta:
Genera: Pines (Pinus), firs (Abies), spruce (Picea), hemlocks (Tsuga), Douglas
firs (Pseudotsuga), bald cypresses (Taxodium, Sequoia, Sequoiadendron,
Metasequoia), cypresses (Cupressus), yews (Taxus), junipers (Juniperus), and
Norfolk Island pine and MonkeyPuzzle (Araucaria).
Division Gnetophyta
Genera Gnetum, Ephedra, Welwitschia
Key features of the group:
Heteromorphic alternation-of-generations life cycle, sporophyte dominant.
Have true xylem and phloem, so have true vascularized stems
Have woody or semi-woody growth.
Produce sporangia in cones (strobili or modified branch complexes)
Have true roots and true leaves (megaphylls)
Chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, starch, cellulose, phragmoplast, oogamy,
multicellular gametangia
Polyembryony female (megagametophyte) produces several archegonia.
Several eggs may be fertilized and several embryos may begin development.
Microgametophytes (pollen) transport sperm to eggs. When contacting the
megagametophyte, the microgametophyte germinates to produce a pollen tube.
Sperm move down pollen tube, and are flagellated only in cycads and Ginkgo.
Reproduction and growth less dependent on water than Seedless Vasc. Plants
Most advanced group is the Gnetophytes, which share characteristics with
the Angiosperms: strobili similar to angiosperm flowers, doublefertilization, xylem
structure similar, insect pollination common.
Key Features and Terms (prepare a labeled drawing for each numbered item):
Cycadophyta: Zamia (Sago-Palm)
1) Sporophyte with palmlike leaves, pollen and ovules in conelike strobili,
dioecious, scant secondary growth. Living specimens.
Ginkgophyta: Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo Tree)
2) Woody sporophyte with fanshaped leaves, deciduous, dioecious, paired
ovules at branch tips, ovules may not be fertilized by microgametophyte until after
dispersal, fleshy seeds. Herbarium specimen and photos in text book.