Rr-rr210403-Probability Theory & Stochastics Processes
Rr-rr210403-Probability Theory & Stochastics Processes
Rr-rr210403-Probability Theory & Stochastics Processes
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(X) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a
2. A joint probability density function is f ( x, y ) = ; 0< x<a ; 0< y<b
Find the joint probability distribution function. [16]
1 1 −1
3. Find the moment generating function of the RV X = with prob and X = with
2 2 2
probability . Find first three moments. [16]
−α τ
4. X(t) is a WSS Random process with auto correlation RXX (τ ) = Ae . Find the second
moment of the random variable Y=X(5)-X(2). [16]
5. Consider a linear system as given below. The auto correlation of X(t) is Rxx (τ ) = 3δ (τ ) .
Find the PSD and auto correlation function of the RP Y(t). [16]
7. Calculate the effective input noise temperature at point A, and also the overall noise
figure. [16]
Te1 = 40 K G2 = 20 dB G3 = 60 dB
G1 = 30 dB F2 = 5 dB F3 = 10 dB
Code: 23091 RR Set 2
−α τ
2. X(t) is a WSS Random process with auto correlation RXX (τ ) = Ae . Find the second
moment of the random variable Y=X(5)-X(2). [16]
3. Consider a linear system as given below. The auto correlation of X(t) is Rxx (τ ) = 3δ (τ ) .
Find the PSD and auto correlation function of the RP Y(t). [16]
5. Calculate the effective input noise temperature at point A, and also the overall noise
Te1 = 40 K G2 = 20 dB G3 = 60 dB
G1 = 30 dB F2 = 5 dB F3 = 10 dB
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(X) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a
8. A joint probability density function is f ( x, y ) = ; 0< x<a ; 0< y<b
Find the joint probability distribution function. [16]
Code: 23091 RR Set 3
3. Calculate the effective input noise temperature at point A, and also the overall noise
figure. [16]
Te1 = 40 K G2 = 20 dB G3 = 60 dB
G1 = 30 dB F2 = 5 dB F3 = 10 dB
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(X) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a
6. A joint probability density function is f ( x, y ) = ; 0< x<a ; 0< y<b
Find the joint probability distribution function. [16]
1 1 −1
7. Find the moment generating function of the RV X = with prob and X = with
2 2 2
probability . Find first three moments. [16]
−α τ
8. X(t) is a WSS Random process with auto correlation RXX (τ ) = Ae . Find the second
moment of the random variable Y=X(5)-X(2). [16]
Code: 23091 RR Set 4
Te1 = 40 K G2 = 20 dB G3 = 60 dB
G1 = 30 dB F2 = 5 dB F3 = 10 dB
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(X) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a
4. A joint probability density function is f ( x, y ) = ; 0< x<a ; 0< y<b
Find the joint probability distribution function. [16]
1 1 −1
5. Find the moment generating function of the RV X = with prob and X = with
2 2 2
probability . Find first three moments. [16]
−α τ
6. X(t) is a WSS Random process with auto correlation RXX (τ ) = Ae . Find the second
moment of the random variable Y=X(5)-X(2). [16]
7. Consider a linear system as given below. The auto correlation of X(t) is Rxx (τ ) = 3δ (τ ) .
Find the PSD and auto correlation function of the RP Y(t). [16]