Lec 35
Lec 35
Lec 35
Prof. S. C. Misra
Prof. D. Sen
Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture No. # 35
Hydrodynamic Derivatives and Stability Criterion - I
Today, we will talk about Hydrodynamic Derivatives and Stability Criterion, see
yesterday we actually ended up in, what is called equation of motion?
Now, the equation of motion we actually had, I have just write it again, it was something
like Y v v plus m minus, I think Y v dot v dot minus Y r minus m u 1 r minus. This was
one, this is sway and we had.
(No Audio from 02:00 to 02:21)
See, we had this two set of equations yesterday, that we have found out represent a body
or a ship moving initially along a straight line and was disturb slightly. They are
governed by this equation, when v and v dot r r dot sway velocity, sway acceleration,
yaw velocity, yaw acceleration.
Now, what is meant by stability criteria and of course, I will talk about the hydrodynamic
derivative also is that, first of all if you see that this equation, you see this is the velocity.
In fact, let me put a different colour, this one, this one, this, this, this, this, this, this are
the two velocities and two acceleration (Refers Slide Time: 03:04).
This is my rigid body mass, this is my rigid body mass this is my rigid body moment of
inertia; these are rigid body mass rigid body mass. So, I have got the blue ones, let me
put them as blue, this rigid body mass this is rigid body mass term, this is rigid body
mass and you know the geometric term rigid body mass and centre of gravity then, rigid
body mass moment of inertia, rigid body centre of gravity velocity like this.
The other terms that comes in the equation are, this one, this one, this one, this one, this
one, this and this. These are what we are going going to call them hydrodynamic
derivatives that, I will explain concept behind that the term why, it is called
hydrodynamic derivatives (Refers Slide Time: 03:48).
But, before that, these two things which are interrogated, you see the solution for that
equation; if we can find out we may not be able to find out the exact nature the numerical
value, but the nature of the solution would tell me, if the ship is going to be stable or
unstable, how? Because, it has got here something into v something v dot something r
something r dot something v something v dot something r something r dot.
This is what is known as a set of linear differential equation, you know some kind of
equation, now from there if you can tell how v and r changes with time that tells me
whether the ship is going to be stable or unstable, I will discuss that again, but normally
what happens, first of all, people write this equation in a non dimensional way, because
if you see this equation m etcetera, m is mass of the hull, so it is you know like may be
20000 tons. You may be, you are may something like 15 knots, this becomes all
dimensional values.
To make it non dimensional, which makes makes it easier, because first of all remember
that all of them must have same dimensions. So, you see m into v dot m into v dot, let us
look at the dimension part of m into v dot.
Mass meter per second
Is mass into acceleration, which is actually the unit of force, therefore all of them must
have unit of force Y v v etcetera etcetera are should have unit of force. But, then it
becomes a sometime difficult to write them in a dimensional form, so what people do is
that, first we will we will sort of write them in a non dimensional form. So, that
everything is divided by some non dimensional form and then the non dimensional form
the ease of it is that, the numbers are of same order regardless of ship size.
And in fact, for a same scale shape, it will be same, you know if you take a geometrically
scale shape, it will same numbers, it is exactly same as trying to tell you resistance
coefficient instead of the resistance r and c.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:13)
This is done with respect to normally rho L and V, these three are used to nondimensionalize, that is density which will see; you remember that all of them has the
three unit, mass, length and time. Most you know like, all parameters at least in what we
talk and we will have a dimension of either mass or length or time, this three.
So, this will have a mass term here, because this mass by you know L cube, this is of
may having with, this will have the term T. So, normally this is this T are used
combination of them to non-dimensionalize. I will actually show only few of them,
because this is a whole lot of non dimensionalization, no point of showing that.
For example, mass first of all we use the what dash in our student days, we used to call
this subject is full of dash and dot you see, the dash will represent non
dimensionalization, whenever we put a dash here non dimensionalize. So, this is actually
M by half rho L cube, this is how it is defined normally there can be other ways,
similarly v dot is no not v dot I am sorry, this is v by V, that is v dash is and v dot is v
dot divided by
See you if you see that, v dash are v by V, because this meter by second meter by second
goes away, v dot is meter by second square, so this has a unit of see v v dot by V into v
by L that is why it comes v dot L by V square. See, when there is a time there then L by
v square comes in, it very easily you can see, if you want to combine this three, this three
to non-dimensionalize the acceleration, it will always become acceleration by v square
by L or into L by v square something like that.
Similarly, I z dash will become, always this half is used for some convention like, they
are also half rho s v square, this half where somehow come to stay. Then r dash becomes
again, this is r L by V, you will find then r dot dash becomes r L square by V square, it
will become this is these are the mass and the velocity parameters. Then let us say Y
dash v this will become Y v divided by half rho L square V, Y r dash will become Y r Y
rho L cube V, then N V dash becomes N V by half rho L cube V and N r dash equal to N
r by half rho L 4 V.
I will just I mean tell you an interesting point of.
(No Audio from 09:25 to 09:56)
Like that, you see if you see that you will see there is an L square V L cube V these two
remain same, L cube V L 4, there is an you know increase of whatever this into L this
remain same, another L in a L cube L 4 L 4 L 5, it is actually easy to work it out you can
if you, I mean go to that you will find it is quite easy. Now, x c dash will become x c by
L, U 1 is basically dash is u 1 by V, which is equal to 1, because you see V is actually the
forward speed with a small change, basically u 1 will be V, u 1 equal to V cos beta or cos
of heading angle, but the heading angle is taken as small side becomes equal to 1.
See in other words, u 1 is V into cos of the angle of attack, which is equal to V. So, that u
1 by V becomes equal to 1, you know when you take a dash part. In other words, this I
will tell you in next slide may be why it is so.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:11)
See, whenever we are talking of a ship here, this is my u 1, this is my V, this is my v, this
is my beta u 1 equal to V cos beta and v equal to V sin beta, beta is small u 1 V, v equal
to beta, sorry no here v equal to sorry v beta. So, this is what we do, because normally
the heading angle will be small, you know you do not have a ship going like this 45
degree angle, it will be may be 10 degree or so. Although, I write for the sake of this
thing a ship will not travel like this, you know it will travel with small angle only. So,
beta is normally 10 degree or so not much unless you make a very large simulation.
Remember here of course, it is even small because, we are looking at only small
participation, remember ship was going initially along a straight line. You are going to
small participation obviously, it is a it would have make a small angle, it is not making a
20 degree angle, then it is going away very far from your initial, you know equilibrium.
Therefore, to make an assumption that beta is small for this, so called linear equation, see
this equations are linearised, anyhow the very word linear equation implies that V dash is
small V is small V small means that you know sin beta is small means beta is small. So,
this is very I mean what I am trying to say that is very consistent, there is no ambiguity
here, because we are looking at small values of V, small values of r etcetera it
automatically means that beta is small.
You cannot have large beta, because if it was large beta you could not use this equation
up to only first order, you know then the Taylor expression had to go for higher order,
anyhow, so having said that, this I hope is kind of clear.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:31)
We can write these equations in non-dimensional form and the non-dimensional form
simply becomes, you just you know, it will become all that that happens is the gets two
dashes here, I had let me see one equation. See, u 1 was there the u 1 has become 1, that
is why this you see m u 1 has become just m dash and this is, this is minus is not very
important that, now if you look at that see I can call this to be, I will tell really one thing
that this equations as look at this v dot and V, I can write them in a form that a into V
plus A 1 into V plus A 2 into V dot plus A 3 r plus A 4 r dot. Something into V plus
something V dot something into r plus something r dot, is it not? It see here, I have got
just look at that this should have been written a different colour, I have got here this two
are coming here, this two are coming here, this two are coming here and this two are
coming here.
So, it is something into V plus something V dot plus something r plus something r dot,
something V you know of course, non-dimensional something V do something r
something r dot, we can do actually even better. You see V dot dash equal to d y d v d, d
y d t of v dot sorry of V dash, in other words V dot dash equal to d y d t of V dash, r dot
dash equal to d y d t of r dash, etcetera.
So, what happened, I can write this you see if you write it in a more form, then it turns
out that that supposing I call it A 1, so I can write this two equation, I will just write that
and then tell I can write this as like this d by d t plus A 2 into V dash plus B 1 d by d t
plus B 2 into r dash equal to 0 and A 3 into d by d t plus A 4 V dash plus B 3 into d by d
t plus B 4 into r dash equal to 0.
You see, what we have done now this is interesting, what we have done see I have I
wrote that first, I can show you this is m dash minus Y V dash this term, this is A 1, A 1
see here, this is my A 1 into d y d t of V, that is this term you see and A 2 is this.
Similarly, B 1 is this sorry B 1 is this, B 2 is this. So, we have simply written in a never
mind the mathematical manipulation etcetera, but what I mean is that, this is an equation
how does the equation look like, you see the equation look like something, something
into d by d t of x plus something into x equal to 0.
Basically this is how the equation look like, there are two terms like that this would have
been one term, but I have got something into d by d t x into something into x plus
something into d by d t y plus something d y equal to 0 and another one like that. So, I
have two set of equation with two unknown, but the two unknowns are related, I have
got you can say four unknown V dot V r dot r, but V dot is d d V by d t, r dot is d r by d
t. So, if I invoke that I end up getting something d by d t into V dot plus something into
V dot V dash, plus something into d by d t r plus something into r, something into d by d
t V something into V, something into d by d t r something into r.
We can write in this form as I again say that never mind the exact mathematics part of it.
The reason of writing is this way is that, this kind of equation we will have a solution,
where you can express V and r in terms of an exponential function, just like in any
differential equation.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:38)
See, we will we will come back to that, now you look at then an equation something like
this you know, that d by d t of x plus you know some a of d by d t plus b equal to 0.
What people will do you will assume a solution that x equal to x 1 into e power of
something like, e power of sigma t or something. And then you will try to find out what
is my x 1 of sigma, because it is or you can have actually d Square by d t square or d by
d t whatever.
Whenever, there is a differential equation, you assume the solution to be an having an
exponential form and then try to find out what is that root? That can be imaginary in fact,
if it is a double double it becomes imaginary means it basically, it becomes sin, if it is
not imaginary its exponential, these are all very standard part, so we did not worry about
We need I my purpose is not also to kind of sort of give you a detail discussion on
solution of linear differential equation, but what I want to say is that, when I look at that
I have got two part, these are all differential equation with the differential coefficient, it
is very well known that you can express a solution in terms of a conventional exponential
It is known that for this equation, you can write the solution as the v can be written as v 1
e to the power of sigma 1 t plus v 2 e to the sigma 2 t and r can be expressed as r 1 e to
the power of sigma 1 t plus r 2 e to the power of sigma sorry e to the power of sigma 2 t,
where sigma 1 and sigma 2 are called roots of a characteristics equation, which is
looking like this, but this is form by taking a determinant of that, actually I will just tell
you, that I mean this is all very very standard stuff see if I if I write this equation again I
will write this in a matrix form, that there will be easier.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:49)
See we look at this equation, I am going to write this equation in matrix form like A this,
this, this. So, what we are writing this equation I have got A 1 d by d t plus A 2, this is
one term, B 1 d by d t plus B 2. Here, A 3 d by d t plus A 4 and B 3 d by d t plus B 4.
This into V dash r dash equal to 0, 0, this was my equation see this into this pluses this 0
this into this plus. And the characteristic equation is found by taking the determinant of
And if you take a determinant of that something like, when you say A sigma square plus
B sigma plus C equal to 0 and A actually is the term having proportional to see, if you
expand that there will be term proportional to d by d square by d t square. So, the A 1 B
3 d square by d t square plus A 3 B 1 d square by d t square, that means basically you are
going to have A 1 B 3 plus A 3 B 1 d square by d t square like that, something into d by
d t plus something, this is what we will be call A this is what is called B this is what is
called C. I mean again we are not going into the detail of the numerical method of
solution etcetera, etcetera.
All that I want to tell you is that, this kind of equation has a standard solution expressed
by the solution of them will look like that when I of course, I do not know what is V 1, I
do not know what is V 2, but it will be exponential with sigma 1 sigma 2 on top, when
sigma 1 sigma 2 are suppose to be roots of this quadratic equation.
(( ))
Characteristic equation, this A now this we are finding out from here, see this is this this
is this is A, this is B, this is C, and the characteristic equation is a sigma square plus B
sigma plus C equal to 0.
Obviously I know what is A B C, A is A 3 B A 1 B 3 minus A 3 B 1, B will be of course,
much longer term because B will be d by d t see it will be A 2 B 3 and then A 4 B 1 then
A 3 B 2 and A 1 B 4, it will be four terms coming and the other one will be of course, A
2 B 4 A 4 B 2 and again remember A 1 A 2 A 3 are all actually long term, because they
are all in terms of this big coefficients.
So, you end up getting actually a characteristic equation where A B C is long. In fact, I
will just write what is one of the term of A, you see A for example, will turn out to be I z
dash minus N naught dot dash, in fact that is how it is into m dash minus Y v dot dash
minus Y I dot dash minus m x 3 dot and N v dot dash minus m dot x 0 something like
Let me see, whether this is right because this let me see this A 1 A 3 now, this will be Y
dash minus this into this, let me know A 1 into we had into this one, m minus Y v this
into this. See, this is A 3 A 4 B 3 B 4. So, A 1 B 3 is ok, and A 3 B 1 is ok, see that is
how what it is see, this is my A 1, this is my B 3, this is my B 1, this is my A 3, like that
you know.
So, what I am trying to say that, it is only longest algebra, but there is nothing
conceptually difficult about it. It is simple you know you might have a long algebra, but
there is nothing more difficult I will write that see B is actually much longer, so we do
not write B B because B will have actually here are two terms, but there we have four
terms, so it goes for a long time no point.
You can write like that say C, I write C is Y v dot dash into N r dash minus m x c
something like that, minus Y r dash minus m dash into N v dash something like that. In
fact, you can make it out from here also, because here actually it is this one this one into
this one.
So, N v you can N r minus sorry why it is Y here Y v into N r minus N x g, this first term
this two and then this one N v into this one, Y r minus m dash. See this is this I mean you
can make it out if there is really not, there is nothing conceptually difficult on that it is it
is very straight forward thing. So, we end up getting this.
Now, come to the stability criteria that is very interesting, you see now I have got now
we have we have to look very carefully. See, we have got here solution of v dash equal
to v 1 e to the power of say plus minus sigma i t, I can write or say v 1 e to the power of
sigma 1 t plus v 2 e to the power of sigma 2 t and r dash equal to r 1 e to the power sigma
1 t r 2 e to the power sigma 2 t.
Now, you tell me see what we want we want the ship to be stable, what should be the
criteria for sigma 1 sigma 2, that is what we have to now look for. Now, no now what we
see, now let us take one by one, if sigma 1 is real sigma was imaginary; that means,
sigma 1 is now i sigma, then what happens the solution is a sinusoidal then, it goes like
See when you have e to the power of i theta that is cos theta plus i sin theta. So, if this is
imaginary, then what happens you do not have a decaying solution, you may have a
decaying solution, but you cannot actually say this part would not give a decay can only
be from this side.
See, we will be look into that one by one with one one part, supposing I take a condition
of something into it was sigma t, what is sigma? Say sigma is imaginary then what
happens? This becomes A e to the power of say i into say sigma star t this is nothing but,
a into cos sigma star t plus i sin sigma star t or it because of sinusoidal. So, this becomes
a sinusoidal solution.
There is no decay, remember the decay would have been if A was decaying, if A was
having a sigma t, which is what happened the damping case, you know a in damping
case, you know you have got minus t into cos omega t. So, this decays, but this is not
decaying this is the sinusoidal curve.
So, remember that, if sigma therefore becomes imaginary then, you cannot have it does
not decay now I have got see, but my case is actually A 1 e sigma 1 t plus A 2 e sigma 2
t, so I can have one of them imaginary and one of them real, but even though even if one
of them is imaginary, I have a decaying you know like a sinusoidal solution. So, I
cannot, I do not want it that is number one. So, I do not want sigma to be imaginary
either one or both.
Or now, let us say what is a sigma 1 value of positive negative, let us say one of the
sigma 1 is positive, then what happen? This one will grow suppose sigma 1 is positive,
then with time this one grows; that means, r and v are increasing, even though the
another another is negative, remember that one part is positive, so it is going to grow.
So, the only possible solution that, I want for the ship to be stable is that both sigma 1
and sigma 2 must be real negative. This is we are trying to talk about now, we have to
find out what criteria causes that to be real negative and then find out that translate to
what characteristic of the ship. This is what we have to we are looking at, but this is a
very important concept.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:37)
So, you see we must we must sort of emphasis, that for v dash and r dash to reduce with
time and eventually becomes 0, approach 0, sigma 1 sigma 2 must be real negative, this
is very important. That means, my solution this see I have got this, what is my solution
for this equation, see what is sigma 1 and 2 equal to minus, you see B by A plus minus
by 2, this is everybody knows now, see the know actually I know no this is.
Solution of quadratic equation
Actually B square minus four A C by 2, there is a this is there is a root over of this root
of r right. Basically, a solution of I mean I wrote this solution, but actually it is B square
minus 4 A C by 2 A.
(( )).
No no.
Minus B plus minus into B square
Something like that, it is a standard thing. So, I just wrote that by B by 2 A, I mean
etcetera, etcetera, the reason is because we want to know what is what is the
characteristic of B by A and C by A, because you see it can be rewritten in terms by B by
A and C by A. We want to make sure that this is all real negative, that is all we want to
make sure that.
Now, we have to find out, now we will write it down again in next page, because I want
to write very carefully and you have to understand, what must be the criteria for C by A
and B by A for this to be both to be negative, that is what we have to find out.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:37)
See, again I will write down we have got sigma 1 and 2 is equal to minus B by A, let me
say two times of that because, you know that two I can always take this side. So, that I
do not have to this bottom two again B by A square minus 4 C by A, that below two was
there, I took the two this side. Now, you see we want sigma 1 sigma 2 to be all negative,
now this is negative remember, so now, I have got the choice let me, just think of the
cases, that you know see I have got number B by A and C by A. So, I can have B by A
positive, C by A negative, etcetera; I mean positive positive, negative negative, positive
negative, negative positive, let us think of all that thing (Refer Slide Time: 32:24).
Let us see, about say C by A say C by A is 0 greater than 0 no no let me say, C by A is
less than 0, now if C by A is less than 0 you see, minus 4 C by A becomes a positive
(( ))
If C by A is less than 0, then this becomes a positive number B square by B by A square
is a positive number.
Square equal to positive
So, this is a positive number, now you have got a positive number, now you tell me what
happen? This is a positive number of a magnitude more than B by A, because you see its
B by A square plus another number, so suppose B by A say two then this is going to be
say more than two.
Now, here I have got minus B by A, minus that number and minus B B by A plus that
number. So, there is one. See this, in this case I can write it that B by A square minus 4 C
A root of all, it is B by A plus some epsilon, some small number obviously, it will
become more than B by A.
Therefore, the roots become minus B by A minus B by A minus epsilon and minus B by
A plus B by A plus epsilon, this is negative, but this is positive. So, I end up having one
positive number, I cannot have it. Therefore, C by A has to be negative, that is point
number one. Two this of course, is obvious B by A B by A obviously, has to be your,
this thing, here the B by A, what B by A should be, now B by A has two choice positive
and negative.
Let us say b by a negative
Then one thing from a positive
Again then what would happen? This becomes negative means square here minus
something here, then whole thing becomes positive as you say, therefore this is not
possible, so for the criteria, I must have B by A to be positive.
One thing straight way put that b square square minus whole square equal to zero.
No, that is ok, what we want to know.
What is zero we will get negative.
Which one?
Real negative B B by A whole square minus 4 A C is 0.
Then we get the whole part as negative.
That is then you have got minus B, no that we do not know, you see what we are trying
to find out we do not know, that what we want to know what we can find out is that see
first one I found out that, if C by A is less than 0 then I have one part solution. Therefore
this cannot possible therefore, C by A must be this thing, this one of the criteria C by A
must be more than 0. See, if C by A was less than zero, I found out that one of the
solutions, one of the roots becomes negative, a positive we cannot have it. So, if the both
both the roots must be negative, then C by A must be positive.
Now, B by A if B by A is negative, we will found out that this negative square of course,
this is a positive number minus, whatever this number is negative number, so this can be
actually smaller than B by A or larger see now we have got C by A to be positive. So,
therefore obviously, B by A square minus see we have said that C by A is positive now if
this is negative number. So, negative square this is positive number obviously, and this
one, so again the same criteria will come, because this term will become more than B by
A plus epsilon, because you see when you take a negative square becomes positive
So, if B by A was negative then, again I end up getting one solution which is positive.
So, B by A also this is not possible, so B by A also must be positive why because if B by
A is positive remember that, then this is negative. So, this this negative minus negative,
negative minus another number smaller than that, so we we end up getting like this,
because this is a actually what happen remember this, this is actually positive therefore,
this is a less than that.
So, you end up getting the criteria that, my both sigma 1 sigma 2 will be your negative
provided provided sigma 1 and sigma 2, I mean I will let me do a negative, if B by A is
greater than 0, C by A is greater than 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:46)
This is this is my criteria, we will keep that, right now this B by A greater than 0, C by A
is greater than 0; and we will discuss that little later after we talk about hydrodynamic
derivatives at little more detail. What is B by A, C by A, B A C are all function of Y v Y
you know dash N v N v dot dash Y r Y r dot dash N r N r dot dash plus of course, I dash
m dash x C dash etcetera these are of course, rigid body parameter, so we are not I mean
this is a of course, important, but rigid body parameters, but these are the terms which
actually tells me, how a fluid force reacts or acts, if there is a flow around it.
Now, what we need to do is to actually talk about this at slight greater length that, I will
want to talk about that little bigger length see we understand this now. Now, let us we
will come back to the as I say stability criteria, we can say this is my stability criteria.
For a ship with control fixed, controls are fixed I do not have control line, but in such a
case for the ship to have the come back to its original path of straight line, remember
remember that it is only straight line stability, because when v is 0, r is 0 which means it
is not further turning, but it is not changing its heading.
See, the ship was going in this direction, now you have got a disturbance. So, it actually
eventually comes back and begin to go in a straight line, when it goes to a straight line
you have got v dash 0, r dash 0. So, it simply ensures that the ship can go in a finally, it
goes to another straight line only, that is important because it is not positional stability
directional stability, but straight line stability only.
All that we are saying is that, if there is a disturbance the ship could have actually gone
heave ward, but instead of that it when you remove the disturbance it actually begins to
go again along another straight line. Because going along with straight line implies, v dot
0 and r dot, I mean v and r both there is no v.
Motion in the y direction
Now, motion in the Y direction now motion around Z direction
All that
So, we have to therefore, relate this condition with the, with those parameters and let us
now look back at this parameters little more deeply, because this is what is called
hydrodynamic derivatives.
Then, I will come back because we have to relate the stability criteria with the
derivatives. Then, what happened if you can find the derivatives, then you can tell that
look this ship has this derivative and this satisfy this, so the ship is going to be stable.
Just like when k g and g m you know like g m is positive, the ship is stable.
Now, you see all this term, I am not writing here that this thing, if you see here we have
got Y and N and you have got v, v dot r, r dot, basically derivative of this with any of
them is my hydrodynamic derivative. Yaw moment or yaw force against sway velocity
yaw force against sway acceleration etcetera, etcetera. Now, these are called the
hydrodynamic derivatives, because they represent basically a hydrodynamic force on the
hull, because of any of this motion parameter, these are my motions velocity plus
acceleration, this is my force and moment.
So, derivative of force and moment against any of the velocity and acceleration, you
know of course, yaw and sway is what we called hydrodynamic derivative, what is the
meaning? Take a ship here, I try to give a push, I try to give a v here, moment I try to
give a v here or v dot here, say v dot here, I am basically shifting it that side, fluid is
going to give a pressure, this net pressure will add up to a Y force.
So, given v, I have got a Y, given v dot I have got a Y, given v I have got also may be an
N depending on the direction and given v dot I have got an N. So, if I now plot this, v
against Y, v dash against Y and take the slope then I am getting getting this derivative,
because when I say Y v it is d y by d v. So, that means, that if there was an actually
velocity of v is my force would have been this into this, right because you see what we
are doing is that, this is my v, this is my Y, this is my slope here. So, this value is Y v
into v, because Y v is the slope, this is what the idea is.
acting in one direction, entire force is the full fluid is going to push it in one side, so what
happens? It becomes a large negative, so this becomes a large negative.
See, now what happened that, as I am going in this direction, my fluid is getting I mean
the entire fluid is trying to push it on this direction, this push acts over the entire part of
this longitudinal length, the full length gets push down. Now, let us say we can call it
separately, say that this plus, this plus, this plus this, all are added up obviously, when
you add them all up, then you get a large number supposing this was pushing and this
was pulling and it was this plus that, that could have been you know some number,
minus some number could have been either positive or negative.
But, in this case it is not so. The entire hull each point on the side facing gets a push, so I
have got, I get a large force when you when you add them, I think I will explain that
more with a v dot rather than v, because that be more easier.
So, if I give a v dot here, see if I give v dot here same thing I am giving acceleration. So,
I am again going to get, you know all these forces on this side all of them. See, I am
trying to accelerate that, accelerate that side, so I get all the forces this side what would
happen? If I draw of v dot also I get a large y.
So, I get Y v dot to be large Y, negative, so I get Y v dot to be negative. Now, is it large
or small? I want to answer you this question, see Y v dot is nothing but, like an added
mass Y v dot is actually, because I have given acceleration this side, there is a reaction
force. So, you can say that the full fluid gets trying to get accelerate on that side, which
will give you inertia for opposite side.
Because, you see if I took this body and I try to accelerate on this negative acceleration
then I get a mass into acceleration force on the negative direction. So, that is why I get
minus Y v dot v dot, I get a force of minus Y v dot v dot, this is like added mass into
acceleration and added mass in sway and surge are of the order of the mass for this
Why we are translating v and v dot as negative sir.
No, it can be positive, I because I give an example where if I give a v dot negative then I
get Y positive, you give a positive v dot you will get a force on the other side, this is
more debate, I have to end now, see if you give a v here or v dot here then you get a
force on this side, the question here is that.
Will be in opposite direction
Whichever, direction you give v, Y is on the other direction, anyhow we will pick up on
that again in next you know like class, because this lecture time is up we will pick on that
again. So, I will end this one at this point.
Preview of next lecture.
Lecture no. # 36
Hydrodynamic Derivatives and Stability Criterion II
(Refer Slide Time: 51:16)
We will continue our talk on the same topic Derivatives Stability Criterion, this is a you
see this is this is the directional stability you know. So, again I will just bring back my
last class and the last lecture this slide. The reason I want to bring it back is to tell you,
that we what we were talking that whichever, direction you give v and v dot see normally
what happens? If you give a velocity in direction one, then the Y is going to be opposite
If your motion in v dash direction will be opposite direction, therefore number one is that
both Y v and Y v dot are negative see this this and this both are negative, that we know.
Sir why we have to make this
Why, now I understand your question, why I am taking negative, you see if you give plus
Y it gives no rather, I will tell you this on the other section plus v gives minus Y, minus
v gives plus Y. So, if you do a plot here v and Y, the plot will look like this like this
slope d Y by d v is always negative, minus by plus by minus is always negative, that is
why similarly, d Y by d v dot always negative this is why, it is always negative not only
that that we know it is always negative it is also a large negative.
Large negative
So, it you see I can say that Y v Y v dot is large negative. In fact, this is of the order of
mass, because it is added you know it is sway moment of linear. In fact, you see that
equation is written written m dash minus Y v dot v dot. You see you would have actually
you know it is interesting because, you would see in our, is our other equation it was
mass plus added mass into acceleration, that was the equation.
So, this is become the added mass minus Y v dot is added mass not Y v dot see Y v dot
is negative, so minus Y v dot becomes added mass the analogically analogically, if you
compare with say heave and you know sway and all, see if you look at their equation of
motion, if you actually look you know I will I will just give more example, see we have
got here m z dot equal to minus.
In fact, that origin is not coinciding, you remember one thing is that see that, if I took an
axis here then my stern stem definition differs and then I have got large x g dash,
normally if I took the x g dash here then see x g dash is such a point from where the stem
and stern almost same distance.
Therefore, the origin that we take from that x g dash is very small, therefore this can be
small and in fact, I can neglect that if I took the origin at x g dash. In fact, sometime
people do that and if I took the origin at g, g is not 2 5, you see g is not say 20 meter
ahead of mid ship may be 2 3 meter 3 meter ahead of the ship, that is also true.
So, if regardless this becomes a small number and this also becomes the small number,
because this n v dot does not matter, even if though it is little larger so, but this is small,
see this is much large, this is much large this will be much smaller to compare to this
So, whatever happens to this and this term
M dash you have to bring large m dash g dash why it is more sir.
M dash into x g dash m dash is larger where x g dash is very small.
Probably zero also.
Such that, we will find out later on that, this will cause if I give a Y r, you know if I give
a delta to be negative the ship is going to turn on the other side. It is actually device such
a way that, you know if you turn it this side the ship on turns turns on the other side. So,
that analysis we will do afterwards for a steady turn, if you want to actually show the
transient you have to solve this full equation, which cannot be solve, so easily. You can
solve in a time domain, you know like step by step stimulating like you know give a
force, see how they are trying to this.
So, this is about the radar part and I wanted to say say that, actually if here you will find
out an interesting part, that the what remains here this part this part and this term, this
term, we will find out that actually these two and these two have a relation with respect
to my my stability criteria.
The stability criteria if you look back, I will just show you little bit, it contains of n r y v
n v y a minus n, that is that is, where it is n r y, now y v here, this v dot, N r what I mean
is that we can actually show that there, there will be a there will be a this r dash see n r
and y v, this multiplication and this will come, one can show that basically this criteria
have a relation with this radar angle.
In other words, only for a stable ships we I will I will do that afterwards, only for a stable
ship, you will find out that if you give a radar this side, the ship turns that side in other
words, you are actually assume there is a stability involved somewhere. Anyhow, that we
will discuss in in the subsequent class with respect to our, you know definity maneuvers,
but this is where I will stop here.
(Refer Slide Time: 57:27)
So, what I want to sum up here, therefore is that we should understand that, there is
something called stability criteria, which is an intrinsic property of the hull these are
intrinsic property of the hull.
(Refer Slide Time: 58:10)
So, therefore, if you have a bad hull design, which has an intrinsically unstable hull then;
obviously, you will need much more radar control.