L S P S: Enten Eason Rayer Chedule Sacrament of Reconciliation
L S P S: Enten Eason Rayer Chedule Sacrament of Reconciliation
L S P S: Enten Eason Rayer Chedule Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesdays 5:00pm-7:00pm; Saturdays 4:00pm-4:45pm
Penitential Service
8 Priests available for Private Confessions
Friday, March 19, 7:00pm
Page 2 February 28, 2010
Karen Hanish, Pre-School Jan Waas, Pre-School Aide Michelle Iwinski, Kindergarten Aide
The other Stations are in storage in the parish. The staff hopes that these new homemade Stations, done
with gratitude, will increase our desire to pray the Stations not only during Lent, but throughout the year. The Stations
were blessed at last week’s evening prayer. I will leave copies of the Stations of the Cross prayer by the statues of St.
Joseph and Mary. Please join us for prayer on Fridays at Noon and 7:00 pm.
We adore you oh Christ and we praise you; + because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. +
Many of you have given something up for Lent. Many of
Spiritual Adoption you have promised to do something positive for the Lenten
Season. Maybe some of you have not gotten around to
Dear Jesus, child of Mary, making a Lenten promise. No matter which category you
I love You and thank You fall into, you can find some suggestions to follow in the list
for Your unconditional love.
I plead with You to save Read Scripture daily
the life of the unborn child Volunteer your time
whom I have spiritually adopted Increase your weekly offering
and whose life is threatened by abortion. Invite a friend or neighbor to Mass
Pray for someone you wouldn’t normally pray for
May this child be allowed to grow in wisdom,
Forgive someone
age and strength in Your presence Double your green envelope contribution one week
and in the sight of all. Write a thank you letter
Amen. Donate clothes or other household items to charity
Compliment people
Pray the Rosary
Continue Lenten habits after Easter
This Lenten Season, we have chosen to help with the Water For Life
project. We ask that you drop any loose change you have in the water
jugs in the Narthex. There sill be a short video presentation at the
Masses this weekend. Watch for more information coming soon.
Page 4 February 28, 2010
Mass Intentions
Pray for Healing
Saturday, February 27 5:00 Richard Levine
Jean Brzezinski, Diana Crue, Peter Christoff, Roberta
Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48
Dirschl, Joan Frichtl, Cathy Castro, Frank Nelson, Denis
Sunday, February 28 8:00 Joe Kavanaugh Perry, Lorraine Wick, Marilyn Melichar, Carmen Giacalone,
Second Sunday of Lent 10:00 Frank J. Huspen Isabel Carey, Efren Iraola, Esther Sassi, Sam Battaglia,
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27; Phil 3:17 — 12:00 Brian McGarry Sharon Barsaloux, Robert Balteskonis, Kevin Stellmach,
4:1; Lk 9:28b-36 Maurice Vandenbroucke, Jodie Garrison, Jeffrey McLaugh-
lin, Brian Millsap, Eleanor Conforti, Marion Kellmann, Rylee
Monday, March 1 8:30 John Airey Starke, Marie and John Sheehan, Vivian Mercati, Sarah
Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 Convalle, Edward Danz, Jr., Alfred Buti, Deacon Phil Gavin,
Tina Orlita, Cindy O’Neil. Please pray for all the sick in our
Tuesday, March 2 8:30 Souls in Purgatory parish, our families, our friends, our community.
Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12
The Stations of the Cross may be said with others, as they are at Christ the King Church at Noon and PM on Fridays in
Lent, with family, with friends, or by oneself. They may be prayed by moving
from station to station, sitting/kneeling in a pew, at home or any place you may
Some Lents I have tried, even succeeded, to pray the Way of the Cross each
day during the Lenten season. This could be a mixture of joining groups in
church, praying in my home, walking, riding a train, driving, etc.
To me probably the most prayerful way to pray The Stations of the Cross is
alone in a quiet church where I can walk from Station to Station and spend as
much time as I feel called to at each stop. It’s best not to have a time limit. This
could be with or without a booklet. Just allow time to reflect on Jesus’ presence
at the scene. Be present with him. Reflect sorrowfully on his suffering, his pain,
the humiliation of it all as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, submits to torment for
our sins. The timing at each Station may vary greatly when I am alone: perhaps
two minutes at one Station and 20 minutes at another.
The number of The Stations of the Cross has varied over the centuries and in
various places, from 7 to 31. The number has been set at 14 now since 1731.
Woman of the Year Sought by CCW A Lenten Morning of Reflection for Women
Saturday, March 6
The Council of Catholic Women is accepting nominations
for their Woman of the Year. The nominee should be a You are cordially invited to a Lenten Morning of Reflection
woman who contributed to the many projects of CCW and to be held on Saturday, March 6. Colette Wisnewski who
helped to promote CCW’s philosophy. Please write your is a retreat leader will present: IT WAS THE WOMEN
nominee’s name and a small synopsis of why you chose WHO STAYED. The presentation will focus on the disci-
her for Woman of the Year on a piece of paper and drop it pleship of presence and witness in our daily lives
in the collection basket in an envelope marked “CCW
Woman of the Year.” You can also e-mail your nominee What are the lessons that we can take from the women
to CCW at ccw@ctklombard.org, or call Anna at 1-630- who followed Jesus through Galilee and provided for him,
620-7797. Nominations must be in no later than March remaining with him all the way through his suffering,
10. standing at the cross and near the tomb and bearing wit-
ness to his death and resurrection? Through the stories of
The Woman of the Year will be honored at a special Mass women in scripture and the wisdom of the saints in our
celebrated by The Most Reverend Bishop J. Peter Sar- tradition, we will explore those moments in our lives when
tain, Bishop of Joliet Diocese, at St. Raymond’s Cathedral we too are called to stand at the foot of the cross being
in Joliet. The Mass will be celebrated on April 24 at 9:30 totally present and committed to another and bearing wit-
a.m. and will be followed by a luncheon in the Joyce Cen- ness to Christ’s suffering and resurrection in our world.
ter next to the Cathedral.
Sponsored by the Joliet Council of Catholic Women, the
presentation will be held at the St. Charles Pastoral Cen-
ter at 402 S. Independence Blvd, in Romeoville, IL and
begin at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast. A dona-
tion of $5 per person is suggested. If you are interested in
hearing this presentation, please contact Pat LeBeau at
629-8543 or patlebeau@sbcglobal.net. We will be happy
to include you in our car-pooling arrangements. Please
consider joining us for this special event.
February 28, 2010 Page 7
Please plan on joining us on March 14. If you would like to help in other ways, please fill out the form below and return it
to the rectory, in the offertory basket, or call Mary Ellen Clish at (630) 495-1339.
____ cheese/veggie pizza ____ fresh fruit tray/salad ____ bottled water
____ macaroni & cheese ____ fresh vegetable tray/salad ____ wine
Do you have a special talent? Can you sing, If you have a baby bottle from Woman’s Choice Services
make people laugh or perform magic? Come on your kitchen counter or on your bedroom dresser, it’s
and share your talent. Show us what amazing not too late to turn it in, even if the bottle is empty.
things you can do. Woman’s Choice Services would appreciate it if you
would return the bottles because they can be used again
If you are between the ages of 3 and 18 years old, you and again.
could be a part of Lombard’s Got Talent Show , to be
held on Saturday, April 10th at 7pm at Christ the King Thank you for your generous support of the much needed
Early Learning Academy gymnasium at 115 E. 15th services offered by Woman’s Choice Services. Being Pro-
Street, in Lombard. Life is easy!
Christ the King Early Learning Academy will be Save Your Unfinished Medications
holding auditions in the school gym on Satur- The Medical Missions Need Them
day, March 6th between 9:30 am and 12:00
pm. and Monday, March 15th between 6:30pm CCW will have a collection of expired or unfinished medi-
and 9:00pm . You must provide your own in- cations for the Medical Missions. Start saving your over
struments. the counter and prescription drugs for our next collection
to be held the weekend of March 6 and 7. Please sepa-
The best 25 acts will be chosen to perform on the evening rate the expired from the unfinished medications and
of Saturday, April 10th. There will be one mandatory place them in separate bags. Any expired and over the
practice session the week of March 22nd. Mandatory counter medications that are collected will be sent to a
dress rehearsals will take place the week of April 5th. facility in Naperville for proper disposal. Keeping medica-
tions out of our water can prevent contamination of our
Entrant Fee to audition is $3.00 per act. If there are four water supplies.
or more people in your act, the entrant fee is $6.00.
Drop off boxes will be in the Narthex before all masses.
Admission fee for reserved seating is $15 Please cross out your name for privacy, but leave the
each. Get these tickets early. There are medication in their original containers. Our collection will
only 100 of these tickets available. Admis- be combined with other parishes in our area and sent to
sion fee for general seating is $10 each -- Ecuador. Thank you for your support of this very impor-
ages 12 and up , $7 each for children- tant collection.
ages 3 – 11. Children-age 2 and under are admitted free.
Tickets will go on sale Tuesday, March 16th at the Christ
the King Early Learning Academy office at 115 E. 15th St.
in Lombard. Call 630-627-0640 for more information!
Book Fair Thank You The Council of Catholic Nurses, Diocese of Joliet, would
like to invite all nurses, healthcare workers, caregivers,
Thanks to all the patrons of the recent book fair. A gener- families and friends to a Lenten Day of Reflection on Sat-
ous $137 in books was donated outright to the Teachers’ urday, March 27, 2010 from 9 AM to 3 PM. The theme is
Whish Lists. From sales, the school realizes an additional “Nursing with the Hands of Jesus: A Guide to Nurses for
$608.75 in shopping money at the Scholastic resources Divine Mercy.” It will be held at the Portiuncula Center for
store. Lots of wonderful classroom books plus book bags Prayer in Frankfort, Illinois, and will be a day of reflection,
for the little ones’ library books have been purchased al- prayer and Eucharist Celebration. Cost for the day with
ready. Thank you for your generosity! meals is $30.00. For more information, please call Jan
Salihar 630-629-1717 ext. 6118.
February 28, 2010 Page 9
The Mass begins with a formal procession and singing of a song. We’re not sure when the processions started to
take place, but it is found as early at 701 A.D. in a description of the Papal Mass. The procession is a sign of us be-
coming a liturgical community. We have answered God’s invitation to worship him. The procession and entrance
song open the celebration and give us a sense of community. It brings to light the particular feast or season through
the use of liturgical colors in the vestments and environment.
One of the introductory rites is probably missed by most of the congregation; the veneration of the altar, when the
priest and deacon kiss the altar showing us that the table is one that is holy and sacred to the action which is about
to take place – the sacrifice. When the priest venerates the altar, he does it in the name of all present, making his
prayer one with ours, rising up to the heavens like incense – another part of the entrance procession.
The Signing with the Cross has been how Christians begin prayer for nearly two millennia. It is a blessing of our-
selves and a reminder of our own Baptism. I enjoyed this quote that I found from Romano Guardini, a German theo-
“When we cross ourselves, let it be with a real sign of the cross…
let us make a large, unhurried sign, from forehead to breast, from shoulder to shoulder,
consciously feeling how it includes the whole of us… It is the holiest of all signs.”
It makes a difference when you think about it in that way. Everything we do at the liturgy is so important. From every
word and action, to every moment of silence, we must let Christ enter into us.
The greeting is a reminder that Christ is present in each of us. “The Lord be with you” the priest says with our re-
sponse, “And also with you,” or soon to be restored to the Latin translation, “And with your spirit.”
Followed by a short introduction, we enter into the Act of Penitence. I don’t know about you, but I know I’m a sinner.
We, as humans, acknowledge the fact that we are guilty of sin. However, we do not dwell on our sinfulness during
the act of penitence, but rather, we focus on the fact that God is ever merciful and forgiving.
On Sundays during the Easter Season, we have the sprinkling of holy water as a sign of our baptism and the forgive-
ness of sins.
After the priest gives us absolution (not sacramental absolution; therefore lacks the efficacy of the Sacrament of
Penance or Reconciliation), we sing the Gloria (outside the Lent and Advent seasons). The first forms of this hymn
are based off of the angels’ song in Bethlehem when Christ was born. Throughout time, it gained a series of accla-
mations, and has a very Trinitarian sense to it. The Gloria is a joyful hymn.
Following the Gloria the priest brings all our prayers and petitions together in what is called the Collect, or opening
prayer. This prayer is that of all our prayers, gathered up by the priest and offered to the Father, through the Son,
and in the Holy Spirit. We all make this prayer our own simply by acclaiming, “Amen!”
We are now in total awareness that we are in God’s presence and are ready to be fed by his Word. We will focus on
the Liturgy of the Word next week. May your Lenten Journey bring you closer to the Easter Joy we are all promised!
Bill Runge
Director of Music and Liturgy
Page 10 February 28, 2010
RE Classes 8:30am Academy Exposition/Adoration 9am-8pm Church
Blood Drive 8:00am PLC Break Open the Word 10:00am ER
ELA Advisory Council 6:30pm Academy
CCW Board Meeting 7:00pm ER
SVDP Food Pantry 12:00pm ER FRIDAY
New Wine Classes 6:30pm ER
Stations of the Cross w/ Lunch 12:00pm Church/PLC
TUESDAY Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Church
Prayer Group 7:00pm ER
Children’s Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm Church
Rosary and Chaplet 5:30pm Church SATURDAY
Confessions 5pm-7pm Church First Communion Retreat 1:00pm Church-PLC
Teen Ensemble Rehearsal 6:30pm Church Medication Collection
Leadership Meeting 7:00pm Academy New Parishioner Registration
Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church RE Classes 8:30am Academy
7 Steps to Financial Freedom 6:30pm Academy Medication Collection
RE Classes 6:30pm Academy New Parishioner Registration
Bible Study 7:30pm ER Hospitality
Confirmation Retreat 10:00am PLC
1501 South Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148
Bill Runge
Microsoft Publisher 2007
E-Mail from bulletin@ctklombard.org
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