June 20, 2010
June 20, 2010
June 20, 2010
1501 South Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148
Bill Runge
Microsoft Publisher 2007
E-Mail from bulletin@ctklombard.org
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Rev. Robert Schoenstene Deacon Fred Francl Deacon Wayne Storrs
630.629.1717 630.629.1717 630.629.1717
Eileen Maggiore Sherry Rochford Bill Runge
Pastoral Assoc./Adult Faith Formation Childrens Faith Formation Director of Music and Liturgy
630.396.6076; eileen@ctklombard.org 630.396.6078; sherry@ctklombard.org 630.396.6075; bill@ctklombard.org
Karen Hanish, Pre-School Jan Waas, Pre-School Aide Michelle Iwinski, Kindergarten Aide
Last month, our new commemorative bricks around the Beatitudes/10 Com-
mandments Monument were installed. Since then, we have had several in-
quiries about ordering a Commemorative Brick. They can be ordered now
for installation in the fall of 2010. All sizes are available: 4x 8, 8x 8 and
12x 12; however, we have only 30 of the 4x 8 available. The order forms
are available at the rectory or you can download them at our website
www.ctklombard.org. A deposit of 50% is due at the time of the order and
the balance will be due at the end of August.
June 20, 2010 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 5
Fathers Day is a special day to remember our fathers. But it is also a time to remember another kind of father, our di-
ocesan priests. You may not realize that priests normally retire at 70 years of age, and even after official retirement,
many continue working by celebrating the liturgy at parishes, ministering to the sick, or providing spiritual counseling.
Besides their social security checks, the priests are eligible for a small diocesan pension which helps pay for their living
costs during retirement. There is a retirement facility for priests in our diocese, but retired priests may choose to live on
their own. Their pensions and social security are barely sufficient to keep up with increases in every day expenses, such
as food, housing and transportation costs.
The Diocese of Joliet has a Priests Pension Fund, but as with many retirement plans, this fund is in need of being forti-
fied. We know that many of you have also experienced the strain of reduced retirement income.
To strengthen the Priests Pension Fund, a second collection will take place across the diocese on Fathers Day week-
end this year and in the future so that parishioners can show their appreciation and love for our prieststhose already
retired and those who will retire in the future. This collection should not be confused with the collection for the Retire-
ment Fund for Religious, which occurs during December and assists religious men and womennuns, brothers and
priests belonging to religious orders. That collection does not benefit retired diocesan priests.
For the past year, we have been observing a special Year for Priests, which Pope Benedict XVI established as a way to
inspire spiritual perfection in priests and to remind the faithful to pray for priests. It seems fitting that as the Year for
Priests ends this June, our dioceses Year of the Eucharist has just begun. Your generous response to this collection
would be a wonderful symbol of the gratitude you feel for priests who have and continue to nourish your life of faith
highlighted by their celebrating the Eucharistwhile also serving the Lord so faithfully.
On behalf of the priests of our diocese, We are grateful for your prayers and your generosity during the second collection
on Fathers Day weekend for our Priests Pension Fund. Please be assured of our prayers for you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Mass Intentions
Pray for Healing
Saturday, June 19 5:00 Matthew Rusek Peter Christoff, Marion Kellmann, Rylee Starke, Sarah Con-
St. Romuald; Blessed Virgin Mary
valle, Edward Danz, Jr., Tina Orlita, Cindy ONeil, Lucy Le-
2 Chr 24:17-25; Mt 6:24-34
jeaunesse, Julie Herstein, Shelia McCarthy, Joan Frichtl,
Sunday, June 20 8:00 Brian McGarry Sandra Caeiro, Michael Severino, Ken Redmond, Joseph
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 All Fathersliving and Barbara Was, Sharon Barsaloux, Diana Crue, Leean-
Fathers Day; Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; 12:00 All Fathersdeceased gelo Cruz Lopez, Roberta Dirschl, Bonnie Cimaglia, Fr. Jim
Ps 63; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 Quinlan, Louise Eckman, Isabel Carey, Maurice Vanden-
brouke, Eugene Los, Marlena McAleer, Anita Aube, Linda
Monday, June 21 8:30 Russ Rusevic Taylan, Mary Beth Sullivan, Melissa Vallario, Sean Langer,
St. Aloysius Gonzaga; Betsy Downing, Joyce DSouza, Jean Brzezinski, Filomeno
Summer begins; Brillantes. Please pray for all the sick in our parish, our
2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Mt 7:1-5 families, our friends, our community.
Jun 26, 5:00 PM Jun 27, 8:00 AM Jun 27, 10:00 AM Jun 27, 12:00 PM
Neil Orr Charles Grunert Nicole Campbell Cedric Martinez
Altar Server NOT FILLED Lance Grunert Alexander Sokalski Justin Martinez
Monique Martinez
Jean Furgal Mercedita Alzona Pat Barone Roberta Beckman
Robert Maslinski Arsenio Alzona Mark Campbell James Begale
Extraordinary Susan McGarry Florence Owens Ronald Myscofski Terry Caruso
Minister of Holy Pat McGovern Andrew Tuszynski Cristina Pilar Patricia Caruso
Communion Jerry Pizzotti Rick Uhart Cathy Porras Norma Migali
George Zelazny Kate Uhart Angelica Porras Sharon Pierscionek
Fran Zelazny Rosemary Wakely Henry Sokalski Barbara Robinson
Lector Chub Thompson Allen Staron Marilyn Seagraves Patricia Millsap
Presider Fr Bob Schoenstene Fr Peter Jarosz Fr Mike Miles Fr Mike Miles
K. Campbell, M. Gonzalo, E. Lay, L. Michalik, S. Pierscionek, Chub Thompson, M. Novak, E&
Ministers of Care
E Mears
June 20, 2010 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 3
But how many really expect to be changed by the Liturgy the attend? Let the example of their
How many expect to hear a Word proclaimed and preached that will powerfully
change the way they think and see the world? How many expect to actually
faith and love shine forth.
encounter Jesus Christ and be changed forever by that encounter? How many
expect to receive communion and to be marvelously helped by this reception in
ways far beyond what Tylenol or any other medicine could ever do in the Grant that we,
physical order? their sons and daughters,
Sadly, expectations are very low among the people of God. The blame can may honor them
begin with the clergy who have not often taught the faithful to expect dramatic
conversion of any kind let alone from receiving Holy Communion. But the
always with a spirit
blame does not end with the clergy. The fact is low expectations can some- of profound respect.
times be developed as a kind of strategy by many who fear change and see
authentic conversion and true holiness as a fearful thing or as requiring just too
much of what they would rather not surrender. And so expectations remain Grant this through
low, perhaps out of ignorance or perhaps out of fear and aversion.
Christ our Lord.
On this Feast of Corpus Christi, What do you expect from receiving the Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in Communion?
I can only say that I expect to become Christ. I will say it has not happened
in an instant. But rather, incrementally, organically. But, as I have been faithful
to Holy Communion, to prayer, scripture, Confession and the liturgy, I have
experienced dramatic change. I have seen sins be put to death. I have more
joy in the Lord, I am more confident and serene, less anxious and resentful. I
love more, am more compassionate and have more understanding. I do not
fear most of the things that I used to fear. I am less greedy and more gener-
I do not boast here since it is not I who have done any of this. Its just Jesus in
me. I am not what I want to be but I am not what I used to be. I am becoming
the One I receive in Holy Communion. And I promise you the same. If you are
faithful to the Sacraments, God will heal you. You will become holier each day.
It may seem imperceptible on a day to day basis, but it is underway. It is true
there are some setbacks along the way, but even these can bless us if we let
them give us humility. Holiness will grow if we but take our medicine.
What do you expect from Holy Communion? I promise you, in the Lord Je-
sus Christ, that if you are faithful to Confession, Communion, prayer, and the
Liturgy, I promise you vigorous progress and ultimate perfection: .being con-
fident in this that God who has begun a good work in you bring it to perfection
(Phil 1:6)
Page 6 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 June 20, 2010
For more information contact Eileen at 630.396.6076 Thank you to all of the Christ the King parishioners and
guests who took part in the Corpus Christi Eucharistic
Procession on Sunday, June 6. This was our June's 50th
Anniversary Event and we had an excellent turn out even
Knights of Columbus News with the unpredictable weather. God showered His bless-
ings upon us for another wonderful 50 years. Thank you
Our congratulations to Paul Schmitt who is our newest to the Friday night Prayer Group, the 50th Anniversary
member of Council #11027. Paul we are looking forward Commmittee, the Academy and the Adoration Committee
to active membership in our council. for setting up the altars. Thank you to Father Peter, Dea-
con Peter, Deacon Wayne, Sherry Rochford, Bill Runge,
Anyone wishing additional information about the Knights Maura Gonzalo, Joe Iapichino, Roberta Beckman and all
of Columbus please contact Ed Schumann, (630) 627- the teens who had a part in the procession and to Mary
8213. Ellen and Dick Clish for setting up the hospitality. The
donations given by The Knights of Columbus, CCW and
St. Vincent de Paul Society were greatly appreciated.
Make an appointment with Fr. Peter and lets talk about May we too be open to the universal call to service
that Christ addresses to all of his disciples,
the possibilities:
contributing our gifts to the communion of faith, the Church.
Fr. Peter Jarosz
We ask this in Jesus name.
June 20, 2010 Year of the Eucharist 2010-2011 Page 7
If you are praying for us we really appreciate it. Its not what we
say or do or where we stand. Its just that God uses us in what-
ever way He wants. We invite you to come and stand as a
public witness and to give some of your time in prayer. Were
there every Wednesday and Saturday from about 7:45 a.m. to
about 10:00 a.m., 1186 Roosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn. On
Wednesdays we have a very faithful group who meet to say the
rosary at 9:30 a.m..This is the frontline in the battle to end abor-
tion. Were trying to do it one child at a time.
Fr. Mike Miles to Celebrate 40th at CTK Our Father, who art
YLC 2010 in heaven, hallowed
Father Mike Miles spent 30 years in the Diocese of Baker,
Oregon, and the past 10 years in the Ukrainian Catholic
June 25-27 be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come
Diocese of Chicago. Father Mike has been at Christ the
King several times in the past few years. He has been a
friend of Deacon Frank since Kindergarten at Our Lady Thy Will Be Done
Help of Christians Parish School in Chicago. Deacon on earth as it is in heaven.
Frank suggested he celebrate his 40th Anniversary of
Ordination in the Chicago area and Father Peter gra-
ciously agreed. Father Mikes parish (actually two par-
ishes) in recent years is in Belfield, North Dakota, 120 The Diocesan Youth Leadership Conference is an event
miles from the airport in Bismarck. that should not be missed! If you are in 8th grade or high
school and want to develop your leadership skills, then
The Anniversary Mass will be June 26th at 11AM. A this is the place to do it. There will be over 700 Catholic
luncheon will follow. All are invited to the Mass. Those teens just like you from across the diocese who gather
who have been acquainted with Father Mike in the past together to pray, learn, and play! Call the office for your
are invited to call Deacon Frank about the luncheon. registration packet now!
Catholic Ministries
Stewardship of Treasure
Annual Appeal June 5/6, 2010
Diocese of Joliet # Registered Families 1380
Both of these projects will be funded by the net proceeds from last Falls sale of the commemorative bricks, and your
contributions into the gold envelopes. Thank you for your support, and prayers.
Break Open the Word 9am-8pm ER
Mass 8:00am Church Adoration Church
Mass 10:00am Church Blood Money Movie 2:00pm PLC
Mass 12:00pm Church Knights of Columbus 6:30pm ER
Keith/Rich Wedding 4:00pm Church
SVDP Food Pantry 12:00pm ER Wedding Rehearsal 6:00pm Church
Prayer Group 7:00pm ER