How To Recover Fire Alarm System Information
How To Recover Fire Alarm System Information
How To Recover Fire Alarm System Information
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The ideal method to work on a system that has been abandoned is to attempt to get a
copy of the latest system database file. If the former service company is still in
business, it is worth you or the building owner contacting them to request a copy of the
database file. If you have a good relationship with the Fire Marshall, it may be worth
getting him or her involved. A call from the FM to the former service company may
convince them to comply with the requirement to leave the project file with the facility
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functionality may be the best method as there may be deficiencies in the existing
This will require some planning with people or plans that show the same output
functions as discussed above notification appliances, messages or codes,
relays, monitoring and anything else specific to this site.
Once the entire system operation has been recorded or developed new, the
programming of new object labels and rules can be done to create the desired
operation. The experience and skill of the programmer will greatly affect how efficient
the new project file will be. In most cases the object labels and rules can be very
effective at producing the desired functionality.
Caution: Before downloading, The AHJ should be consulted if they havent already
been part of this process up to this point. Once downloaded, the system will have a
new project database and the entire system must be 100% tested to verify that the new
database was properly configured. If the AHJ wants to witness the testing the same as
a new installation, code requires that a 100% pre-test be conducted.
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