CTL FUELS Full Paper
CTL FUELS Full Paper
CTL FUELS Full Paper
Even china implemented this technology; a new DCL plant
has become operational in china as a beginning of the new era.
C+ O2 CO
The net mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (
H 2 ) is usually called synthesis gas (syngas). It is used to
build the hydrocarbon chains of different sizes using
condensation process and a politic catalyst. Generally, the FTprocess produces two types of products, described by two
nCO+ 2n H 2 n H 2 O+ Cn H 2 n ( olefins )
nCO+ ( 2n+ 1 ) H 2 n H 2 O+C n H 2n +2 ( paraffins )
A manifestation plant for coal upgrading was built in the USA
and was operational between the years 1992 and 1997.
However, there is less possibility for this process to yield
economically feasible volumes of liquid fuel. Consequently,
further investigation and analysis of coal pyrolysis is not
B. Direct Coal Liquefaction
The basic process involved in this direct coal liquefaction
technique is dissolving the coal at high temperatures and
pressures. Adding of hydrogen and a worthy catalyst results in
hydro-cracking, splitting long carbon chains into shorter,
liquid parts. The added hydrogen also advances the H/C-ratio
of the product.
Liquid yields can be 70% excess of the dry weight
coal, with net thermal efficiencies of 60-70%. The deriving
liquids are of higher quality, when compared to pyrolysis, and
can be used directly in power generation or any other chemical
processes as a synthetic crude oil (syncrude).
Fig 3: Direct Coal Liquefaction process is highly efficient, but the liquids
products require further refining to achieve high grade fuel characteristics
Fig 4: Indirect Coal Liquefaction first gasifies the coal with steam to form
syngas, which on further condensation over a catalyst gives high quality, ultra
clean products such as petrol, diesel, synthetic waxes lubricants etc.
Generally this CTL fuel technology is suitable for the
countries which are heavily depended on the oil imports and
have large of coal reserves. We know thatconverting coal into
liquid fuels is more costly than current energy technologies;
both in phases of production costs and the amount of
greenhouse gases are emitted. Production of coal-to-liquid fuel
has a large carbon stepping, releasing more than twice that of
lifecycle greenhouse gases of conventional petroleum fuels.
So this conversionof coal to fuels is only accessible for the
countries which are highly dependent on oil and natural gas
imports and also having large amounts of coal like USA,
china, India.
Fig 6: Coal to liquids are also used directly in the petrol engines, and also uses
in the stationary power plants as a fuel.
Fig 5: The graph represents worlds main coal reserves accordingly. And the
Asian countries are Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan etc.
The sulphur content of CTL products are low when compared
to petroleum-derived fuels, and it is a common trait for both
DCL and ICL, which comes from the mandatory reason to
protect catalysts from poisoning. Apart from this equality,
emissions and combustion characteristics of DCL and ICL
type of fuels will differ. Comprehensive analysis of emission
characteristics of synthetic and conventional fuels have been
compared by others departments.
DCL types of products are generally rich in polycyclic
aromatics and heteroatoms, but ICL type of products has lower
aromatics content. In high temperature conditions FTsynthesis yields branched products and contains aromatics
type of compounds, but these compounds are virtually absent
in low temperature FT-synthesis operations. Recently,
environmental regulation trends have been moved towards
reducing the aromatic content in transportation fuels, and
giving the advantage to ICL-fuels.
Toxic and trace metals and inorganic compounds, such as
cadmium, selenium, arsenic, lead and mercury, can be passed
over the final fuel products in both DCL and ICL type ofprocesses. In ICL-systems, eliminating of mercury and other
metals is generally easierand inexpensive. But for DCL, it will
be more complicated and more costly, but it is not impossible.
Fig 7: Vallentin concludes that DCL produce 90% more carbon dioxide and
ICL produce 80-110% more carbon dioxide when compared to normal
petroleum-derived fuels
CO2 is
H 2 S+CO 2 co-capture/co-storage
configurations where
can reduce emissions. Well-to-wheel analysis has shown that
even with CTL production chain emissions are higher than for
petroleum-derived fuels, mostly due to emissions from
Carbon capture and storage involves the capture of Carbon
dioxide emissions from the source, followed by the
transportation to, and storage in, geological formations.
Carbon Capture Storage is particularly applicable to the CTL
process as the Carbon dioxide stream produced from CTL is at
a very high concentration, and a very little of the costly of
Carbon dioxide separation is required before the transportation
and the storage. If the Carbon dioxide has been captured then
there are a number of storage options available. The CO2 can
Coal-to-liquid technology is a well- established process that
does not necessitate future research to successfully produce
liquid transportation fuels. However, making the greenhouse
gas emissions of synthetic fuels derived from coal comparable
to those of oil requires further research into emissions from
CTL and CBTL production and large-scale carbon
sequestration. Although sequestering massive amounts of
CO2 is possible in theory, questions still remain about the
length of time the sequestered CO2 would remain in place, the
long-term ecological impacts of sequestration, and the costs of
constructing a CO2 storage facility, the geologic formations
that make the best storage sites, monitoring leaks, and general
commercial viability. Based up on the heavy dependence on
oil imports, and having coalas a basic energy source, these
research steps will likely be taken regardless of whether CTL
technology becomes widespread.
[1]. World coal association, www.worldcoal.org.
[2]. advancing science serving society policy brief: CTL
technology, www.aaas.org
Rajamundry City, in 1993. He is
pursuing undergraduate degree
in Petroleum Technology from Sri
Aditya Engineering College. His
unconventional sources of energy like Gas
hydrates; and green (algae) crude oil.He is a
junior member of Society of Petroleum Engineers
since February 2012.
Rohit Imandi (M20) was born in Kakinada, Andhra
pradesh, in 1993. He is pursuing undergraduate
degree in Petroleum Technology from Sri Aditya
Engineering College. His research interests
include development of other unconventional
sources of energy like Gas hydrates, liquefied
petroleum from coal.He is a junior member of
Society of Petroleum Engineers since February