U18ch084 Seminar Plastic
U18ch084 Seminar Plastic
U18ch084 Seminar Plastic
Seminar Report
Recycling of plastic waste
Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering in Partial Fulfilment for the
Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
(Chemical Engineering)
(B. TECH. IV(CH), 7th Semester)
Guided by
Dr.Sarita Kalla
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “Recycling of plastic waste” is pre-
sented & submitted by Candidate SUBHAM, bearing Roll No.U18CH084, of B.Tech.
IV, 7th Semester in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech.
Degree in Chemical Engineering for academic year 2021 - 22.
He has successfully and satisfactorily completed his Seminar Exam in all respects.
We certify that the work is comprehensive, complete and fit for evaluation.
Dr.Sarita Kalla
Assistant Professor & Seminar Guide
2. Dr. A. K. Mungray
Dec 9, 2021
This review covers the options for recycling of plastic waste and provides a general
overview of the main issues associated with plastic disposal. It provides a summary
of the quantities and type of plastics in the waste stream and also the main effects of
recycling on the plastic material itself. The four types of recycling: primary, secondary,
tertiary and quarternary .Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials,
which can readily be moulded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of
applications. As a consequence, the production of plastics has increased markedly over
the last 60 years. However, current levels of their usage and disposal generate several
environmental problems. Around 4 per cent of world oil and gas production, a non-
renewable resource, is used as feedstock for plastics and a further 3-4% is expended to
provide energy for their manufacture. In addition, because of the durability of the poly-
mers involved, substantial quantities of discarded end-of-life plastics are accumulating
as debris in landfills and in natural habitats worldwide. Recycling is one of the most
important actions currently available to reduce these impacts and represents one of the
most dynamic areas in the plastics industry today. Recycling provides opportunities to
reduce oil usage, carbon dioxide emissions and the quantities of waste
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
1 plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 The History of Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 What is Plastic? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.3 Categories of plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Description of Plastic Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 source of plastic waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Industrial plastic waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.2 Commercial waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.3 Municipal waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Harmful Effects of Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4.1 Groundwater and soil pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.2 Pollution in Oceans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.3 Dangerous for human life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 plastic waste management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5.1 Two-Bin/bag collection System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5.2 Quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5.3 Bailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5.4 Pre-shredding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5.5 Storing sorted waste plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5.6 Collection and transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Micro Planning -life cycle assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Recycling of Plastic Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 Global recycling trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Recycling Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.1 Primary Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Secondary Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.3 Tertiary Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.4 Quaternary Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.5 Mechanical Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
PET Polyethylene Terephthalate
HDPE High-Density Polyethylene
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
LDPE Low-Density Polyethylene
PP Polypropylene
PS Polystyrene or Styrofoam
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
TPD Tonnes Per Day
TPA Tonnes of Plastic Waste per Year
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
Chapter 1
1.1.1 The History of Plastic
Plastics development might be considered one of the most significant technological
achievements of the twentieth century from a historical perspective. Plastics have per-
vaded practically every facet of daily life in just 50 years, paving the path for new ideas
and innovations.Many existing goods have materials that need to be replaced. These
goods’ success has been based on their tensile strength, resistance to moisture, chemi-
cals, and photobiodegradation, as well as their stability and ability to be moulded into
any required shape. The first semi-synthetic plastics material, cellulose nitrate, was de-
veloped in the late 1850s and involves the altering of cellulose fibres with nitric acid.
Following its invention by a Briton, Alexander Parkes, who showed it as the world’s
first plastics in 1862, cellulose nitrate suffered a number of false begins. [1]Historically
recycling in the plastic industry was carried out within manufacturing companies as
part of the standard production process. In extrusion for instance, often where mate-
rial and contamination constraints allowed, in-house scrap would be reprocessed with
virgin material, to improve final material production yields.
1.2. Description of Plastic Waste
1.3. source of plastic waste
• The automotive industries: spare-parts for cars, such as fan blades, seat coverings,
battery containers and front grills.
• Construction and demolition companies: e.g. PVC pipes and fittings, tiles and
• Electrical and electronics industries: e.g. switch boxes, cable sheaths, cassette
boxes, TV screens, etc. [8]
1.4. Harmful Effects of Plastics
1.4. Harmful Effects of Plastics
1.5. plastic waste management
1.5. plastic waste management
nations but cannot be readily applied in underdeveloped countries. The following ac-
tions must be implemented in plastic waste management in order to reduce littering and
have an appropriate disposal process for plastic waste.
1.5.3 Bailing
By compacting plastic garbage, this gadget decreases the volume of waste, making stor-
age and transportation simpler. Baling is a good alternative for both films and bottles
1.6. Micro Planning -life cycle assessment
since it reduces volume, making it easier to store, transport, and handle waste plas-
tics. The baler must be able to handle the baled materials as well as the flow. Over-
compaction can bind the trash, making it difficult to separate, while under-compacted
bales are unstable and difficult to stack. Most balers can handle a variety of materials,
however some changes may be required.
1.5.4 Pre-shredding
Pre-shredding large pieces of waste plastic, such as pipes or window frames, might
be an appealing choice for reducing storage space and shipping expenses. The sorting
plant, on the other hand, is responsible for weighing the benefits of such technology
against its cost. This sort of technology can also aid in the reduction of other types
of trash. When it comes to the baler, the material compatibility and the outflow of
materials to shred are the two most crucial factors to consider.
1.6. Micro Planning -life cycle assessment
planning and waste management system.. Integrated sustainable waste manage model
as shown in figure .
Chapter 2
Recycling of Plastic Waste
Since many years, the technique of recycling post-manufacturing plastic trash has been
popular. Plastic recycling may be done in a variety of ways. A specialised supply chain
network should deliver compacted bales of plastic trash to recycling plants on a regular
basis. Plastic trash is recycled in order to create a new product with a higher profit
margin. While recycling plastics, the following considerations should be considered.
2.2. Recycling Technique
waste stream backlogs in Europe and North America, waste plastic was shipped to other
nations, mostly in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and Malaysia, but also to countries
with less rigorous environmental rules, such as Turkey and India. [11]
2.2. Recycling Technique
• Cleaning and Drying (Post consumer plastic wastes require cleaning and drying
than industrial waste. The wastes generated during these processes require proper
treatment and disposal methods);
2.2. Recycling Technique
Air Classifier:
Also known as a Zig Zag Separator. A technique used for Separating of light
films or contaminating paper/foil, or for separating fine dust from reclaimed ma-
terial such as plastic flake or other granular materials. It is usually used after
Granulation or Dry Cleaning Operations and is very effective.
Air Tabling:
2.2. Recycling Technique
technologies have been explored and developed for plastic waste management. Some
of these are:
• Gasification
This process of plastic recycling entails dismantling polymer chains into their con-
stituent parts, which may subsequently be employed in a variety of industries. In com-
parison to mechanical plastic recycling, the feedstock plastic recycling method is more
versatile and forgiving of plastic additives. This is the most expensive recycling pro-
cess. The following procedure is used to produce several end products:
Monomerization: Chemical reactions are used to break down waste polymers into
their component monomers (depolymerization). These monomers are then isolated
and used as a raw material in the manufacture of new plastic goods. Material recy-
cling yields lower-quality plastic raw materials than monomerization. As a result, high-
quality plastic goods with the same (or nearly the same) quality as virgin raw material
may be produced. This, among other things, allows trash PET bottles to be recycled
into new PET bottles, which is not feasible with conventional recycling systems. This
procedure allows for a 50 percent recovery rate. The procedure’s drawbacks include
that it is a large-scale process [1].
Plastic waste can be co-incinerated as fuel in the iron and steel industry. This will reduce
coal consumption and hence in reduction in the consumption of energy. The proportion
of The amount of waste plastic added to coal should be around 1% by mass. The heating
strength of coal/coke18 will be reduced as the amount of waste plastic added increases.
Plastic was first used in coke ovens, a common high-temperature operation in the iron
and steel industry, at Nippon Steel Corporation in Japan in the year 2000. The collected
and baled plastic trash that has been agglomerated by pre-treatment is combined with
coal and charged into the coke furnace in this process. At around 1,100 to 1,2000C,
2.2. Recycling Technique
mixed plastic trash and coal are carbonised in an oxygen-free reducing environment. As
a consequence, the waste plastic is thermally degraded into coke (about 20%), tar/light
oil (roughly 40%), and coke oven gas (roughly 40%). These items, which are made by
carbonising waste polymers, have their own applications. CO2 emissions are greatly
reduced when plastics are combined with coke. Excess reducing gases are also utilised
for power generation and blast furnace stoves.
Blast Furnace:
Plastic trash may be utilised as a replacement raw material in blast furnaces to create
energy for iron production. Plastic waste may be utilised successfully as a reducing
agent in blast furnaces to produce iron from its ore. Only one sort of reducing agent is
produced when coke is used in a blast furnace: carbon monoxide. Using plastic trash,
on the other hand, adds another form of reducing agent — hydrogen. This procedure
has the advantage of allowing any sorts of plastics, including laminated plastics, to be
used without polluting the environment. The plastic garbage is first crushed or pel-
letized to the appropriate size, then pumped into the blast furnace through tubers at the
furnace’s base with hot air. The injected plastic waste material is broken down into
carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen, which are used as reducing gases (H2). In the
blast furnace, the reducing gas rises through the raw material layers and combines with
iron ore to form pig iron. After the reduction process, the gas is collected at the top of
the blast furnace, where it has an energy content of 800 kcal/NM3 and is utilised as a
fuel gas in the steel plant’s heating furnaces.
With the challenges connected with the disposal of plastic waste in mind, the CPCB
launched a research with the Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE),
the MP Pollution Control Board, and ACC Ltd on ”Co-incineration of plastic waste
in cement kiln.” Co-incineration is the process of using waste materials as alternative
fuels in order to recover energy and material value. The temperature of a cement kiln is
around 14000 degrees Celsius. The process has a lot of turbulence because of the high
oxygen content and the fact that the flue gases are travelling in the opposite direction
of the materials. The presence of an alkaline reducing environment (lime) and the pre-
heating of raw materials by a preheated tower (¿100 metres tall) serves as an effective
scrubber for hot flue gases before they are discharged into the atmosphere.
The use of plastics in roadways creates a new recycling opportunity for post-consumer
plastics. Plastic roads are either totally constructed of plastic or are built of a com-
2.2. Recycling Technique
bination of plastic and other materials. Polystyrene (PS) (hard packaging, cartons,
plates, vending cups, etc. ); Polypropylene (PP) (ketchup bottles, yoghurt cups, etc.
); Polyethylene (PE) (both high and low density) (plastic bags, water bottle, shampoo
bottle, etc.) are some of the plastics that may be used for road building. It is important
to remember that Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) or Flux sheets should not be utilised.
The waste plastic has to be collected, segregated, cleaned and then shredded as shown
in Figure below. The shredded waste plastic shall pass through 4.75 mm sieve and be
retained on 1 mm. This also indicates indirectly that the size of the shredded plastic
should normally be 2-3 mm for better spread and coating the aggregate.
Plasma pyrolysis is a cutting-edge technique that combines the pyrolysis process with
the thermochemical capabilities of plasma. Plasma Pyrolysis technology’s powerful and
diverse heat generating capabilities enable it to safely and reliably dispose of all sorts
of plastic waste, including polymeric, biomedical, and hazardous waste. The thermal
decomposition of carbonaceous material in an oxygen-depleted environment is known
as plasma pyrolysis. Methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen carbon dioxide, and water
molecules are the most likely chemicals to occur when the process is optimal.
Plastic trash is supplied into the main chamber at 850 degrees Celsius via a feeder
2.2. Recycling Technique
in Plasma Pyrolysis. Carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane, and other higher hydro-
carbons are produced when the waste material decomposes. The pyrolysis gases and
plastic trash are drained into the secondary chamber, where they are combusted in the
presence of extra air, using an induced draught fan. With a high voltage spark, the
combustible gases are ignited. A temperature of 1500°C is maintained in the secondary
chamber. The hydrocarbon, CO, and hydrogen are combusted to produce carbon diox-
ide and water, which are both harmless. [4]
2.2.7 Gasification
The utilisation of partial combustion lies at the heart of gasification technology. It was
designed to work on coal and oil at first. Depending on the type of gas utilised, there
are several variants. Air, steam, pure oxygen, oxygenenriched air, and carbon dioxide
are examples of these. The needed temperature is also determined by the kind of fuel.
It usually ranges between 800 and 1600 degrees Celsius. Gasification is preferred for
fuel gas generation because it produces a single gaseous product with great efficiency
without the need for costly and possibly hazardous air separation units. The composi-
tion, heat value, and use of the synthetic gas created may all be categorised. In this
process, the long polymer chains are broken down into small molecules, for example,
into synthesis gas. The process may be fixed bed or fluidized bed gasification. In the
fluidized process sand is heated to 600 8000°C at first- stage low temperature gasifi-
cation furnace and plastic introduced into the furnace. Waste plastic break down on
contact with the sand to form hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The gas
from the low-stage gasification furnace is allowed to pass in second-stage high temper-
ature gasification furnace with a steam at a temperature of 1.300 1,5000°C to produce a
gas composed primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
2.2. Recycling Technique
Chapter 3
Plastics recycling & sustainable developmet
3.1 Depolymerisation
Depolymerization refers to the breaking down of linkages into monomers. Plastic
degradation to lower hydrocarbons is accomplished using this method. Chemical de-
polymerization has been used to recover monomers from PET, polyamides like nylons,
and polyurethanes with great success. It has the power to restore the quality of a re-
covered resin to that of virgin resin, and it has the potential to improve the quality of
a recovered resin.recover a valuable feedstock from products that. are economically
challenging to recycle. The De-polymerization is carried out in a specially designed
Reactor, in absence of oxygen and in the presence of certain catalytic additives. The
maximum reaction temperature is 350°C. The entire feed material is converted into ei-
ther of the products: Liquid RDF, gases and solids. The solids can be reused as fuel in
cement industries while the gas is reused in the system as a fuel. The unused hot Air
from the reactor is released through chimney.
• Segregation and Pre-treatment: Plastic waste only HD, LD, PP and multilayer
packaging except PVC) is segregated and pretreated. The pretreatment could be
as minor as size reduction or as involved as cleaning and moisture removal.
• Conversion: Pyrolytic processes are used to convert the plastic to gas. It is under-
taken in close reactor vessel where waste plastics is heated at high temperatures to
convert it into vapour state. The catalyst is added whereby the pyrolysis requires
3.3. Benefits of Recycling:
less energy and results in the formation of more branched hydrocarbons. The gas
generated in the process is reused as fuel in the process thus making the process
economically viable and also help in minimizing air pollution. [3]
• Acid removal process: Acids that form in the breakdown are required to be
removed as they can be corrosive to the plastic to fuel systems as well as the
engines that will consume the fuel.
3.5. Energy recovery
ACC Limited is India’s largest cement and concrete producer. With 16 advanced ce-
ment mills and more than 40 ready mix concrete plants, ACC’s operations are dispersed
across the country. The firm has been a trailblazer and significant benchmark for the ce-
ment industry in several areas of cement and concrete technology since its founding in
1936. ACC has a distinguished history of cutting-edge research, product development,
and specialist advising. A single technological support services centre, the only one of
its kind in the Indian cement sector, supports the company’s different manufacturing
plants. Gagal Cement Works is one of the ACC Group’s cement facilities.
The first effort, dubbed ”Making Gagal Plastic Free,” was initiated by Green Soldiers
from Gagal Cement Works. Because segregation is critical to effective waste man-
agement, a workshop for stakeholders was held. Residents of the colony and the sur-
rounding hamlet were invited to a meeting to discuss the approach. The Green Soldiers
squad was taught how to separate plastic garbage. Green Soldiers collected 53 tonnes
of plastic garbage, which was successfully co-processed in the Gagal cement kiln.
• Project Details:
Each week after the collection effort, the plastic waste collected from the villages,
colony, and plant premises was weighed at the weighbridge. The initiative began with
a weekly collection of 50 kg and has since grown to about 2 tonnes every week. This
3.6. Plastics recycling & sustainable development
indicated that the stakeholders were becoming increasingly aware of segregation and
concerned about their environment.
Co-processing of waste at cement kiln is the best disposal option than conventional op-
tions of landfilling and incineration. It also substitutes fossil fuel.
The programme can be reproduced in other industries and businesses across the country,
as well as globally. The initiative’s beauty is that the projects can be simply adapted to
suit the climate, topography, and biodiversity of any location on the planet while keep-
ing the ideas intact. Our natural resources are dwindling by the minute, and alternative
fuels like bio-charcoal and plastic are a great method to supplement nonrenewable en-
ergy sources. [6]
3.6. Plastics recycling & sustainable development
sustainability of plastic recycling. Secondary materials will benefit from research into
new and existing processes; what is currently not technically or economically viable
may become so in the future. It should focus on today’s material requirements.
The benefits of recycling can be categorized into these aspects such as; environmen-
tal, economic, social and Environmental awareness of the population. These are briefly
explained below.
Variety of elements must be considered in order to determine the most effective way of
plastics recycling disposal. The composition of the waste is the most crucial of these. If
you know this, you can move on to the next step. It is simple to determine the viability
of mechanical recycling. If If mechanical re- cycling isn’t possible, chemical recycling
and bioremediation are the next top choices. Finally, there is energy recovery. Both are
plausible alternatives to the current situa- tion.The use of oil reserves in the manufacture
of plastic. However The most effective method of garbage disposal will always be one
of Waste avoidance by both manufactur- ers using best practises as well as the wider
population, ensuring the greatest potential environmental benefit.
[1] L. A. Guerrero, G. Maas, and W. Hogland, “Solid waste management challenges
for cities in developing countries,” Waste management, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 220–232,
[4] P. N. Dave and A. K. Joshi, “Plasma pyrolysis and gasification of plastics waste–a
review,” 2010.
[5] K. Ragaert, L. Delva, and K. Van Geem, “Mechanical and chemical recycling of
solid plastic waste,” Waste management, vol. 69, pp. 24–58, 2017.
[6] V. Goodship, “Plastic recycling,” Science progress, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 245–268,
[8] W. C. LI, H. Tse, and L. Fok, “Plastic waste in the marine environment: A review
of sources, occurrence and effects,” Science of the total environment, vol. 566, pp.
333–349, 2016.
[9] R. Verma, K. Vinoda, M. Papireddy, and A. Gowda, “Toxic pollutants from plastic
waste-a review,” Procedia Environmental Sciences, vol. 35, pp. 701–708, 2016.
[11] N. Gregson and M. Crang, “From waste to resource: The trade in wastes and
global recycling economies,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources,
vol. 40, pp. 151–176, 2015.
[13] S. Satapathy, “An analysis of barriers for plastic recycling in the indian plastic
industry,” Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2017.