ARTICLE VI Legislative Department
ARTICLE VI Legislative Department
ARTICLE VI Legislative Department
political alliance with the PPP in order to formin the discretion of the court, can it be provided in
the "Rainbow Coalition'' in the House. Whatthe
effect, if any, would this have on the right of thepromulgated by the Department Secretary that
CP to have a seat or seats in the Commissiontheir violation will also be subject to the same
on Appointments?
penalties as those provided in the law itself?
Explain your answer fully. (5%)
Explain your answer fully. (5%)
The 185 members of the ProgressiveThe rules and regulations promulgated by the
Party of the Philippines represent 91.58 per centSecretary of Human Habitat cannot provide that
the penalties for their violation will be the same as
of the 202 members of the House of
In accordance with Article VI,the penalties for the violation of the law. As held in
Section 18 of the Constitution, it is entitled to have United States v. Barrias, 11 Phil. 327 (1908), the
ten of the twelve seats in the Commission onfixing of the penalty for criminal offenses involves
the exercise of legislative power and cannot be
Appointments. Although the 185 members of
Progressive Party of the Philippines representdelegated. The law itself must prescribe the
10.98 seats in the Commission on
Appointments, under the ruling in Guingona v.
Gonzales, 214 SCRA 789 (1992), a fractionalDelegation of Powers; (Q6-2005)
membership cannot be rounded off to full(2) Section 32 of Republic Act No. 4670 (The
inMagna Carta for Public School Teachers) reads:
overrepresentation of that political party and Sec. 32. Penal Provision. A person who shall
willfully interfere with, restrain or coerce any
underrepresentation of the other political parties.
teacher in the exercise of his rights guaranteed
by this Act or who shall in any other manner
The political alliance formed by the 15
commit any act to defeat any of the provisions
members of the Citizens Party with the
of this Act shall, upon conviction, be punished
Progressive Party of the Philippines will not result
by a fine of not less than one hundred pesos nor
in the diminution of the number of seats in the
more than one thousand pesos, or by
Commission on Appointments to which the
imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
Citizens Party is entitled. As held in Cunanan v.
Tan, 5 SCRA 1 (1962), a temporary alliance
between the members of one political party andIs the proviso granting the court the authority to
another political party does not authorize aimpose a penalty or imprisonment in its discretion
change in the membership of the Commission onconstitutional? Explain briefly. (4%)
Appointments, Otherwise, the Commission onSUGGESTED ANSWER:
Appointments will have to be reorganized as oftenThe proviso is unconstitutional. Section 32 of R.A.
as votes shift from one side to another in the No. 4670 provides for an indeterminable period of
imprisonment, with neither a minimum nor a
House of
maximum duration having been set by the
legislative authority. The courts are thus given
wide latitude of discretion to fix the term of
Delegation of Powers (2002)
imprisonment, without even the benefit of any
No XVII. - Suppose that Congress passed a law
sufficient standard, such that the duration thereof
creating a Department of Human Habitat and
may range, in the words of respondent judge,
authorizing the Department Secretary to
from one minute to the life span of the accused.
promulgate implementing rules and regulations.
This cannot be allowed. It vests in the courts a
Suppose further that the law declared that
power and a duty essentially legislative in nature
violation of the implementing rules and regulations
and which, as applied to this case, does violence
so issued would be punishable as a crime and
to the rules on separation of powers as well as the
authorized the Department Secretary to prescribe
non-delegability of legislative powers. (People v.
the penalty for such violation. If the law defines
Judge Dacuycuy,
certain acts as violations of the law and makes
No. L-45127, May 5, 1989)
them punishable, for example, with imprisonment
of three (3) years or a fine in the amount of
P10,000.00, or both such imprisonment and fine,Delegation of Powers; Completeness Test;
Sufficient Standard Test (Q6-2005)
(1) The two accepted tests to determine whetherDiscipline; Modes of Removal (1993) No. 11: or not there is a valid delegation of legislative How may the following be removed from office:
power are the Completeness Test and the1) Senators & Congressmen
Sufficient Standard Test.
2) Judges of lower courts
Explain each. (4%)
3) Officers and employees in the Civil Service
with Art. III, section 16(3), of
Under the COMPLETENESS TEST, a law must be
Senators and Congressmen
complete in all its terms and provisions when it
by their EXPULSION for
leaves the legislature that nothing is left to the
with the concurrence of
judgment of the delegate. The legislature does not
all the members of the
abdicate its functions when it describes what job
In addition, they
must be done, who is to do it, and what is the
of an
scope of his authority. However, a delegation of
power to make the laws which necessarily
involves a discretion as to what it shall be may not
constitutionally be done. (Edu v. Ericta, G.R. No.
2) As to Judges, Art. VIII, sec. 11 of the
L-32096, October 24, 1970)
Constitution, ....
the statute must not only define a fundamental 3) As to Civil Service Employees, Art. IX-B.
legislative policy, mark its limits and boundaries,Sec. 2(3) of the Constitution....
and specify the public agency to exercise the
legislative power. It must also indicate theDiscipline; Suspension of a Member of the
circumstances under which the legislativeCongress (2002)
command is to be effected. To avoid the taint ofNo II. - Simeon Valera was formerly a Provincial
unlawful delegation, there must be a standard,Governor who ran and won as a Member of the
which implies at the very least that the legislatureHouse of Representatives for the Second
itself determines matters of principle and laysCongressional District of lloilo. For violation of
down fundamental policy. (Free TelephoneSection 3 of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
Workers Union v. Minister of
Act (R.A. No.3019), as amended, allegedly
Labor, G.R. No. L-58184, October 30, 1981)
committed when he was still a Provincial
Governor, a criminal complaint was filed against
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: COMPLETENESShim before the Office of the Ombudsman for
TEST. The law must be complete in all itswhich, upon a finding of probable cause, a
essential terms and conditions when it leaves thecriminal case was filed with the Sandiganbayan.
legislature so that there will be nothing left for theDuring the course of trial, the Sandiganbayan
delegate to do when it reaches him except toissued an order of preventive suspension for 90
enforce it. (See ITS v. Ang Tang Ho, G.R. No. L- days against him.
February 27, 1922)
Representative Valera questioned the validity of
the Sandiganbayan order on the ground that,
SUFFICIENT STANDARD TEST. A sufficientunder Article VI, Section 16(3) of the Constitution,
standard is intended to map out the boundaries of he can be suspended only by the House of
the delegate's authority by defining the legislativeRepresentatives and that the criminal case
policy and indicating the circumstances underagainst him did not arise from his actuations as a
which it is to be pursued and effected; intended tomember of the House of Representatives. Is
prevent a total transference of legislative powerRepresentative Valera's contention correct? Why?
from the legislature to the delegate. The standard(5%)
is usually indicated in the law delegatingSUGGESTED ANSWER:
legislative power. (See Ynot u. IntermediateThe contention of Representative Valera is not
Appellate Court, G.R. No. 74457, March 20,
correct As held in Santiago v. Sandiganbayan,
356 SCRA 636, the suspension contemplated in
Article VI, Section 16(3) of the Constitution is a
punishment that is imposed by the Senate orallowances because he rendered services during
House of Representatives upon an erringhis incumbency.
member, it is distinct from the suspension under(Rodriguez v. Tan, 91 Phil. 724 [1952])
Section 13 of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
Act, which is not a penalty but a preventiveThe bills which BART alone authored and were
measure. Since Section 13 of the Anti-Graft and approved by the House of Representatives are
Corruption Practices Act does not state that thevalid because he was a de facto officer during his
public officer must be suspended only in the officeincumbency. The acts of a de facto officer are
where he is alleged to have committed the actsvalid insofar as the public is concerned.
which he has been charged, it applies to any(People v. Garcia, 313 SCRA 279 [1999]).
office which he may be holding.
Electoral Tribunal; HRET Members Right &
Elected Official; De Facto Officer (2004) (10-b)Responsibilities (2002)
AVE ran for Congressman of QU province.No IV. In an election case, the House of
However, his opponent, BART, was the oneRepresentatives Electoral Tribunal rendered a
proclaimed and seated as the winner of thedecision upholding the election protest of
election by the COMELEC. AVE filed seasonablyprotestant A, a member of the Freedom Party,
a protest before HRET (House of Representativesagainst protestee B, a member of the Federal
Electoral Tribunal). After two years, HRETParty. The deciding vote in favor of A was cast by
reversed the COMELEC's decision and AVE wasRepresentative X, a member of the Federal
proclaimed finally as the duly electedParty .
Congressman. Thus, he had only one year to
serve in Congress.
For having voted against his party mate,
Representative X was removed by Resolution of
Can AVE collect salaries and allowances from thethe House of Representatives, at the instance of
government for the first two years of his term as his party (the Federal Party), from membership in
the HRET. Representative X protested his
removal on the ground that he voted on the basis
Should BART refund to the government theof the evidence presented and contended that he
salaries and allowances he had received ashad security of tenure as a HRET Member and
that he cannot be removed except for a valid
What will happen to the bills that BART alone
authored and were approved by the House ofWith whose contention do you agree, that of the
Representatives while he was seated asFederal Party or that of Representative X? Why?
Congressman? Reason and explain briefly.
I agree with the contention of Representative X.
As held In Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792
AVE cannot collect salaries and allowances from(1991), the members of the House of
the government for the first two years of his term,Representatives Electoral Tribunal are entitled to
because in the meanwhile BART collected thesecurity of tenure like members of the judiciary.
salaries and allowances. BART was a de factoMembership in it may not be terminated except for
officer while he was in possession of the office. Toa just cause. Disloyalty to party is not a valid
allow AVE to collect the salaries and allowances ground for the expulsion of a member of the
will result in making the government pay a secondHouse of Representatives Electoral Tribunal. Its
time. (Mechem, A Treatise on the Law of Publicmembers must discharge their functions with
Offices and
impartiality and independence from the political
party to which they belong.
Public Officers, [1890] pp. 222-223.)
BART is not required to refund to the governmentElectoral
the salaries and allowances he received. As a de Jurisdiction (1990)
facto officer, he is entitled to the salaries andNo. 3: Y was elected Senator in the May 1987
national elections. He was born out of wedlock in
The Committee on Accountability of Publicpublic funds is not the principal purpose of the bill.
Officers has no power to investigate the scandal.In Association of Small Landowners of the
(no judicial functions)...
Philippines, Inc. vs. Secretary of Agrarian Reform
175 SCRA 343, it was held that a law is not an
The petitioner can invoke his right againstappropriate measure if the appropriation of public
selfincrimination, because this right is available infunds is not its principal purpose and the
all proceedings. Since the petitioner is aappropriation is only incidental to some other
respondent in the case pending before theobjective.
Sandiganbayan, he may refuse to testify.
Law-Making; Appropriation Law; Automatic
Law Making; Process & Publication (1993) No.Renewal & Power of Augmentation (1998) No
2; Ernest Cheng, a businessman, has noXI. - Suppose the President submits a budget
knowledge of legislative procedure. Cheng retainswhich does not contain provisions for CDF
you as his legal adviser and asks enlightenment(Countrywide Development Funds), popularly
known as the pork barrel, and because of this
on the following matters:
(1) When does a bill become a law even withoutCongress does not pass the budget.
Will that mean paralization of government
the signature of the President?
in the next fiscal year for lack of an
(2) When does the law take effect?
law? (2%)
Under Section 27(1), Article VI of the
Suppose in the same budget, there is a
Constitution, a bill becomes a law even without 2.
the signature of the President if he vetoed it but special provision in the appropriations for the
his veto was overriden by two-thirds vote of all the Armed Forces authorizing the Chief of Staff, AFP,
members of both the Senate and the House of subject to the approval of the Secretary of
Representatives and If the President failed to National Defense, to use savings in the
communicate his veto to the House from which appropriations provided thereto to cover up
the bill originated, within thirty days after the date whatever financial losses suffered by the AFP
Retirement and Separation Benefits System
of receipt of the bill by the President.
(RSBS) in the last five (5) years due to alleged
bad business judgment. Would you question the
As held in Tanada vs. Tuvera, 146 SCRA
constitutionality validity of the special
446, a law must be published as a condition for its
provision? [3%]
effectivity and in accordance with Article 2 of the
Civil Code, it shall take effect fifteen daysSUGGESTED ANSWER:
No, the failure of Congress to pass the
following the completion of its publication in the 1.
will not paralyze the operations of the
Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general
circulation unless it is otherwise provided.
Section 25(7), Article VI of the Constitution
(Executive Order No. 292, Revised
provides: "If, by the end of any fiscal year, the
Administrative Code of 1989)
Congress shall have failed to pass the general
Law-Making; Appropriation Bill (1996) No 5: appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year, the
Are the following bills filed in Congress general appropriations law for the preceding
fiscal year shall be deemed reenacted and shall
remain in force and effect until the general
A bill originating from the Senate which provides
appropriations bill is passed by the Congress.
for the creation of the Public Utility Commission
to regulate public service companies and
appropriating the initial funds needed toSUGGESTED ANSWER:
Yes, the provision authorizing the Chief of
establish the same. Explain.
the approval of the Secretary of
to use savings to cover the
A bill providing for the creation of the Public Utility
the AFP Retirement and
Commission to regulate public service companies
is unconstitutional.
and appropriating funds needed to establish it
may originate from the Senate. It is not an
appropriation bill, because the appropriation of
vote of two-third of all the members of the House (PCGG) and empowered it to sequester any
of Representatives and the Senate, votingproperty shown prima facie to be ill-gotten wealth
separately, will be needed to override theof the late President Marcos, his relatives and
presidential veto.
cronies. Executive Order No. 14 vests on the
Sandiganbayan jurisdiction to try hidden wealth
It is not feasible to question thecases. On April 14, 1986, after an investigation,
constitutionality of the veto before the Supremethe PCGG sequestered the assets of X
Court. In Gonzales vs. Macaraig, 191 SCRA 152,Corporation, Inc.
the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality ofX Corporation, Inc. claimed that President Aquino,
as President, could not lawfully issue
a similar veto. Under Article VI, Sec. 27(2) of the
Executive Orders Nos. 1, 2 and 14, which
Constitution, a distinct and severable part of the
have the force of law, on the ground that
General Appropriations act may be the subject of
legislation is a function of Congress. Decide.
a separate veto. Moreover, the vetoed provision
does not relate to any particular appropriation andSaid corporation also questioned the validity of
the three executive orders on the ground that
is more an expression of a congressional policy in
they are bills of attainder and, therefore,
respect of augmentation from savings than a
unconstitutional. Decide.
budgetary provision.
It is therefore an
inappropriate provision and it should be treated asSUGGESTED ANSWER:
an item for purposes of the veto power of the(1) The contention of X Corporation should be
rejected. Executive Orders Nos. 1, 2 and 14 were
issued in 1986. At that time President Corazon
The Supreme Court should uphold the validity ofAquino exercised legislative power Section 1,
the veto in the event the question is broughtArticle II of the Provisional Constitution
established by Proclamation No, 3, provided:
before it.
"Until a legislature is elected and convened
under a new constitution, the President shall
Law-Making; Passage of a Law (1988)
No. 12: - 2. A bill upon filing by a Senator or a continue to exercise legislative power."
Member of the House of Representatives goes
through specified steps before it leaves the HouseLikewise, Section 6, Article XVIII of the 1987
of Representatives or the Senate, as the caseConstitution reads:
may be. After leaving the legislature, please name The incumbent President shall continue to
the three methods by which said bill may become exercise legislative power until the first
a law.
Congress is convened."
A bill passed by Congress may become a law inIn the case of Kapatiran ng mga Naglilingkod sa
any of the following cases:
Pama-halaan ng Pilipinas. Inc. v. Tan, 163 SCRA
If it is signed into law by the President. (Art. VI,371. the Supreme Court ruled that the Provisional
sec. 27(1)).
Constitution and the 1987 Constitution, both
recognized the power of the president to exercise
If it is re-passed over the President's veto by thelegislative powers until the first Congress created
vote of two thirds of all the members of the under the 1987
House of Representatives and of the Senate.Constitution was convened on July 27, 1987.
(2) Executive Orders Nos. 1, 2 and 14 are not bills
of attainder. ....
If the President fails to veto it within thirty days
after receipt thereof and communicate theLegislative Powers (1989)
veto to the House from which it originated,
No. 14: An existing law grants government
employees the option to retire upon reaching the
age of 57 years and completion of at least 30
Legislative Power; Pres. Aquinos Time (1990) years of total government service. As a fiscal
No. 1; - Executive Orders Nos. 1 and 2 issued byretrenchment measure, the Office of the President
President Corazon C. Aquino created thelater issued a Memorandum Circular requiring
Presidential Commission on Good Governmentphysical incapacity as an additional condition for
optional retirement age of 65 years. A governmentA multi-party system provides voters with a
employee, whose application for optionalgreater choice of candidates, ideas, and platforms
retirement was denied because he was below 65instead of limiting their choice to two parties,
years of age and was not physically incapacitated,whose ideas may be sterile. It also leaves room
filed an action in court questioning the disapprovalfor deserving candidates who are not acceptable
of his application claiming that the Memorandumto those who control the two dominant parties to
Circular is void. Is the contention of the employeeseek public office.
correct? Explain.
On the other hand, a multi-party system may
Yes, the contention of the employee is correct. Inmake it difficult to obtain a stable and workable
Marasigan vs. Cruz, 150 SCR A 1, it was held that majority, since probably no party will get a
such a memorandum circular is void. Bymajority. Likewise, the opposition will be
introducing physical capacity as an additionalweakened if there are several minority parties.
memorandum circular tried to amend the law.Non-Legislative Powers (1988)
Such a power is lodged with the legislative branchNo. 12: Legislative powers had been vested by
and not with the executive branch.
the Constitution in the Congress of the
Philippines. In addition, the Constitution also
Loans Extended to Members of Congress
granted the lawmaking body, non-legislative
powers. Kindly name five of the latter.
No. 9: A. After 2 February 1987, the Philippine SUGGESTED ANSWER:
National Bank (PNB) grants a loan toCongress has the following non-legislative
Congressman X. Is the loan violative of thepowers:
(1) To act as national board of canvassers for
President and Vice President. (Art. VII, sec. 4).
Suppose the loan had instead been granted
before 2 February 1987, but was outstanding on (2) To decide whether the President is temporarily
that date with a remaining balance on the principal
disabled in the event he reassumes his office
in the amount of P50,000.00, can the PNB validly
after the Cabinet, by a majority of vote of its
give Congressman X an extension of time after
members, declared that he is unable to
said date to settle the obligation?
discharge the powers and duties of his office
and now within five days insists that the
A. Whether or not the loan is violative of the
President is really unable to discharge the
1987 Constitution depends upon its purpose. If it
powers and duties
was obtained for a business purpose, it is violative
of the presidency. (Art. VII, sec. 11)
of the Constitution. If it was obtained for some
other purpose, e.g., for housing. It is not violative
of the Constitution because under Section 16, (3) To concur in the grant of amnesty by the
President. (Art. VII, sec. 19),
Article XI. Members of Congress are prohibited
from obtaining loans from government-owned
(4) To initiate through the House of
banks only if it is for a business purpose.
Representatives and, through the Senate, to
try all cases of impeachment against the
If the loan was granted before the effectivity of the
President, Vice President, the Members of the
Constitution on February 2, 1987, the Philippine
Supreme Court, the
Members of the
National Bank cannot extend its maturity after
February 2, 1987, if the loan was obtained for a
Ombudsman, for culpable violation of the
business purpose. In such a case the extension is
Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and
a financial accommodation which is also
corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of
prohibited by the Constitution.
public trust. (Art. XI, secs. 2-3).
Multi-Party System (1999)
No XIV - Discuss the merits and demerits of the(5) To act as a constituent assembly for the
revision or amendment of the Constitution.
multi-party system. (2%)
(Art. XVII).
No. 25: Can any other department or agency ofserious misconduct allegedly committed by
the Government review a decision of the Supremeofficials removable by impeachment for the
Court? Why or why not?
purpose of filing a verified complaint for
impeachment if warranted. The Ombudsman can
No. The Supreme Court is the highest arbiter of entertain the complaint for this purpose.
legal questions. (Javier v. Comelec, 144 SCRA
194 (1986)) To allow review of its decision by theThree-Term Limit: Congressmen (1996)
other departments of government would upset theNo. 13: X, a member of the House of
classic pattern of separation of powers andRepresentatives,
destroy the balance between the judiciary and the consecutive term in the House. In June 1996 he
other departments of government. As the Justiceswas appointed Secretary of National Defense.
said in their answer to the complaint forCan he run for election to the Senate in the 1998
impeachment in the Committee on Justice of theelections? Explain.
House of Representatives, "Just as it isSUGGESTED ANSWER:
completely unacceptable to file charges againstYes, X can run for the Senate in the 1988 election.
the individual members of Congress for the laws Under Section 7, Article X of the Constitution,
enacted by them upon the argument that thesehaving served for three consecutive terms as
laws are violative of the Constitution, or are aMember of the House of Representatives. X is
betrayal of public trust, or are unjust. So too,only prohibited from running for the same position.
should it be equally impermissible to make the
individual members of the Supreme CourtThree-Term Limit; Congressmen (2001) No V accountable for the court's decisions or rulings. During his third term, "A", a Member of the House
of Representatives, was suspended from office for
Separation of Powers (2003)
a period of 60 days by his colleagues upon a vote
No II - A group of losing litigants in a case decidedof two-thirds of all the Members of the House. In
by the Supreme Court filed a complaint before thethe next succeeding election, he filed his
Ombudsman charging the Justices with knowinglycertificate of candidacy for the same position. "B",
and deliberately rendering an unjust decision inthe opposing candidate, filed an action for
utter violation of the penal laws of the land. Can disqualification of "A" on the ground that the
the Ombudsman validly take cognizance of thelatter's, candidacy violated Section 7. Article VI of
case? Explain.
the Constitution which provides that no Member of
the House of Representatives shall serve for more
No, the Ombudsman cannot entertain thethan three consecutive terms. "A" answered that
complaint. As stated in the case of In re: Laureta. he was not barred from running again for that
148 SCRA 382 [1987], pursuant to the principle of position because his service was interrupted by
separation of powers, the correctness of thehis 60day suspension which was involuntary. Can
decisions of the Supreme Court as final arbiter of'A', legally continue with his candidacy or is he
all justiciable disputes is conclusive upon all otheralready barred? Why? (5%)
departments of the government; the OmbudsmanSUGGESTED ANSWER:
has no power to review the decisions of the"A" cannot legally continue with his candidacy. He
Supreme Court by entertaining a complaintwas elected as Member of the House of
against the Justices of the Supreme Court forRepresentatives for a third term. This term should
knowingly rendering an unjust decision.
be included in the computation of the term limits,
even if "A" did not serve for a full term. (Record of
Article XI, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitutionthe Constitutional Commission, Vol. n, p. 592.) He
provides that public officers must at all times beremained a Member of the House of
accountable to the people. Section 22 of theRepresentatives even if he was suspended.
Ombudsman Act provides that the Office of the
Ombudsman has the power to investigate any