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Biomimetic Behaviour Based Underwater Control

Savas Piperidis1 and Nikos C. Tsourveloudis2

Abstract The proposed controllers main task is to accomplish a safe diving autonomous operation under certain
constraints, typically met in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) missions. AUVs behaviour follows a biomimetic
approach inspired by the everyday routine of the majority of
underwater living creatures. Several phases of this routine seem
to play an important role in sustaining creatures vitality and,
as a rule, are present among their distinct physical behaviours.
These phases of underwater life routine was the basis for the
proposed controllers design. The developed controller succeeds
to maintain vessels energy level, assuring safety and self
preservation. In the same time it explores the surrounding
area in search for possible targets- preys and is alerted for
the detection of potential threats. This control method was
extensively tested inside an indoors laboratory underwater
experimentation area of 1m3 using Ale III, a compact custom
made prototype AUV.

The outgrowing number of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) models, available either commercially or as
academia research prototypes, resulted to the development
of several underwater control strategies. Last fifteen years
underwater technology evolution triggered the development
of 231 unique AUV configurations of 133 vehicle platforms
[1]. Although most of contemporary AUVs are the result
of ongoing research and development in academia [2], [3]
and government funded, military [4] or civil [5], [6], [7], [8]
services, underwater technology is nowadays mature enough
to present a range of fully functional commercial products,
ready to undertake commission out of the box [9], [10],
[11], [12], [13], [14], [15] and service the following tasks:
coastal and sea bed mapping, beach survey, rapid environmental assessment and monitoring, [16],
oil and gas fuel industry [17],
cable deployment and route survey [9],
military uses including mine detection and countermeasures, explosive ordnance disposal, anti- submarine
warfare, covert intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance [9], [10],
geological, geographical and hydro- graphical surveys
[18], [19], [20],
hull inspection [21],
As a result of AUVs operational potentials expansion during last decade, several control schemes have been developed
and tested in simulation, in harbours, across coastal sea line
1 Savas Piperidis is with the Intelligent Systems and Robotics Laboratory,
School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University
of Crete, 73100 Chania, Greece.
2 Nikos C. Tsourveloudis is with the Faculty of School of Production
Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, 73100 Chania,

or offshore in the vast oceanic environment. The extremely

noisy and unstructured undersea environment along with the
highly non linear and coupled underwater vessels dynamics,
pose a great challenge for the design and implementation
of efficient and robust robotic controllers [22]. Distinct
controller modules are differentiated according to vessels
specifications and payload, as in [23], where a navigational,
a vision, a planner and a user interface module compose
AUVs controller. PID deliberative control, along with sliding
mode control is a robust and reliable solution used in several
other AUV projects [24], [25], where the precise or a
close estimation of vessels dynamics model is necessary.
In [26] a dynamic diving controller, based on Lyapunov
theory and back stepping techniques was used, assuming
a perfect knowledge of AUVs dynamic parameters. Then,
an adaptive scheme was designed to obtain the desired
robustness. The same technique was used for the problem
of trajectory tracking of an under actuated, glider AUV
moving in the vertical plane with the aid of an internal
moving mass [27]. A different approach is chosen in [28]
for the implementation of a general modular fuzzy logic
control architecture for sonar sensor based AUV navigation
in a three dimensional unknown undersea environments. Its
advantage is that no assumption is made on the AUV type,
on the amount of a priori knowledge of the three dimensional
undersea environment, or on static and dynamic obstacle size
and velocity. In the specific case that the AUV navigational
task is undertaken inside a structured, or known undersea
area the path planning strategy may be accomplished via
genetic algorithms and B-Splines [29].
Contemporary research efforts have developed a large
number and variety of distinct robot control schemes trying
to confront with underwater robotic autonomy issues. These
schemes, fundamentally, may be divided in four classes [30]:
Deliberative Think, Then Act methods, based on a
sequence of sense-plan-act steps.
Reactive Dont Think, (Re)Act implements the extremely common physical characteristic of stimulusresponse.
Hybrid Think and Act Concurrently aiming to combine the best aspects of the two previous methods.
Behaviour Based Control Think the Way You Act
method is structured with interacting modules, called
behaviours, that collectively achieve the desired robot
behaviour [31]. Behaviours are programmed as control
modules that cluster sets of constraints in order to
achieve and maintain a goal. Each robot behaviour

receives inputs from its sensors and other behaviours

and provides outputs to its actuators or to some other
behaviours [32]. There is no centralized reasoning or
world representation used by the deliberative methods.
Also, behaviours do have state and can be used to
construct representations, thereby enabling reasoning,
planning and learning instead of reactive controls immediate and myopic responses, without representation,
to a fast changing environment.
The choice of the right AUV control methodology should be
based on its particular characteristics, its task specifications
and the overall environment conditions. At the present work,
a behaviour based approach was selected for the implementation of an underwater robotic controller. The controller was
implemented and tested using Ale III AUV, as a development
platform [33]. Ale III is a custom made prototype AUV,
designed and constructed at the Intelligent Systems and
Robotics Laboratory of the Production Engineering and Management School of the Technical University of Crete. It is
an agile and compact vessel with dimensions 172125cm

(LWH), equipped with an an Angstr

om Linux powered
ARM Cortex A8 architecture Gumstix Iron Storm ComputerOn- Module (COM), a Vision Sensor Module (VSM) and an
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Ale III uses two lateral
thrusters for yawing and surging along with a bottom thruster
for heaving. More than a year of experimentation and testing
with Ale III and the proposed controller scheme took place
inside a black opaque cylindrical experimentation tank, with
dimensions of 1.30.8m (diameterheight), located at a
specially designed academic laboratory area, Figure 1.

can macroscopically compete. Autonomy is a given characteristic found in all the ranks of underwater life biological
classification. The basic idea behind Ale III autonomy was
the self sustaining ability to survive for long periods without
human assistance and intervention, inside a dynamic complex
environment. Behaviour based systems are best suited for
this task where the environment presents continuous dynamic
changes, fast response along with adaptivity are crucial
and the ability to schedule and planning is also desirable
[34]. Vessels task during experimentation was to present a
biomimetic behaviour that comprises typical activities among
sea creatures that sustain autonomy: wander, prey, predator
avoidance and nesting. To accomplish this, vehicles Autonomous Controller Software (ACoS) was designed and
implemented in a C++ object oriented architecture following
the behaviour based methodologys basic principles [30]:
1) Behaviours are implemented as modules.
2) Each behaviour module may receive data from:
VSM and IMU as sensory inputs,
the rest of ACoS behaviour modules as triggering
commands, suppressors and inhibitors [34]
and forward their outputs to other behaviour modules
or to AUVs effectors, that is its three thruster motors.
3) Many different behaviour modules may independently
receive input from the same sensors and output action
commands to the same actuators.
4) Behaviours are encoded to be relatively simple, and
are added to the system incrementally.
5) Behaviour modules are concurrently active, in order
to exploit parallelism and speed of computation, as
well as the interaction dynamics among behaviours and
between behaviours and the environment.
A. ACoS showcase

Fig. 1. Ale III inside the experimentation area used for development and

The proposed controller scheme mimics sea creatures

behaviour. Even the most simple underwater creatures take
part in a persistent survival race where sensing of the
surrounding environment conditions, quick reasoning, and
acting are issues of great importance in their everyday living.
Natural evolution has endowed underwater creatures with
brain abilities like decision making based on incomplete and
noisy perception and physical capabilities like swimming,
feeding and reproducing, that no robot constructed until now

ACoS follows a biomimetic approach inspired by the everyday routine of the majority of underwater living creatures
[35]. It could only be tested inside an indoors underwater
experimentation area of 1m3 , showed in Figure 1, and
proved its reliability not only in coordinating tasks like
target following and object avoidance but also its efficiency
in self preservation, showing its potentials for undertaking
certain kind of underwater missions. Although at the current
configuration Ale III may undertake vision and orientation
related tasks, ACoS behaviour based architecture, due to its
modular and expandable design, enables a posteri addition
of alternative sensors inputs, command outputs and also the
design, implementation and encapsulation of novel behaviour
ACoS integrates open source libraries and handles, apart
from the control process, the input-output communications,
Figure 2. ACoS programming frame comprises of two main
1) The Robot class: uses operating system modules to
communicate with the systems Input and Output (I/O)
devices, i.e. the sensors and the thruster motors drivers
respectively. It accesses and manipulates the sensors readings

Fig. 2.

ACoS architecture.

and forwards the control signals to the motor drivers. Robot

class is modular in the sense that for every new device
connected to the system a new class member has to be
implemented. Open source libraries are used in Robot class,
customized for ASoCs specialized needs
2) The Controller class: encapsulates vehicles behaviour
based control. Contains ACoS several behaviour modules as
distinct class members. At each controller step it receives an
input from the Robot class containing the sensor readings. It
processes these data according to the ACoS algorithm and
produces an output that, in turn, is fed back to the Robot
class. As soon as Robot class receives controllers output,
it produces the respective signals to command the thrusters
motor drivers.
Several behaviours may be programmed as different members of the Controller class. In fact, this architecture permits
several behaviours to be programmed and initialized, so that
the system user may choose which one of them to use, depending on the circumstances. All these different behaviour
objects of the Controller class use the same communication
protocol to implement the I/O operations with the Robot
B. ACoS roles
Ad hoc roles were developed as parts of the behaviour
based architecture, to implement the basic biomimetic behaviours mentioned in the previous paragraphs [36], [37]:
act as prey dynamic object avoidance,
act as predator dynamic object attraction,
nesting as goal oriented behaviour location attraction,
Controllers task is to manage these roles and their interaction with vessels environment and sustain its autonomous
operation via supporting the following distinct tasks simultaneously.
1) Vessels energy reserves should never drop below a
safety level: although Ale III operation is by default energy
consuming, still there are two options for recharging. The
first option is to act as predator and follow a moving target
as if hunting for food. Vessels energy level will increase for
as long as its distance from the target is inside a predefined
range. If no target is available in the nearby environment
and the energy reserves are reaching the safety level, then

the controller must activate the second option, that is the

nesting behaviour module to navigate the vessel towards a
base station recharger. Both of these options were chosen as
Ale III ACoS behaviour modules because:
Target following is a typical task in underwater robotics,
covering fossil fuels industry intervention missions,
missions of cable deployment and route survey, explosive ordnance disposal, antisubmarine warfare, surveillance and reconnaissance.
Navigating to a specific underwater or surface location,
serving as base, is crucial for every AUV mission for
recharging or due to safety and recovery reasons.
In ACoS experimentation area the recharging base is represented by a red coloured light sign, Figure 3. The potential
target for hunting is represented by a white light following
arbitrary three dimensional course inside the tank.
2) Selectively navigate the vessel inside a predefined and
marked underwater diving area: ACoS experimentation tank
was marked with colour light signs indicating the limits of
the diving area where the vessel should bound its operation,
Figure 3. The control scheme should guarantee this bounded
navigation, because once the vehicle slips outside these limits
it is concerned to be lost and the controller procedure fails.
Three different behaviour modules, programmed as distinct
ACoS Controller class members, take over the compliance
with this constraint:
1) Proximity adjuster is ACoS behaviour module that
equips Ale III with the ability to keep its distance from
the diving areas limits light signs inside an acceptable
2) Yaw control is the behaviour module that implements
Ale III yawing ability.
3) Search-wander subsumes the above two modules and
navigates the vessel inside the bounded premises of
the experimentation area. Apart from avoiding to
overcome experimentation areas limits, search-wander
navigates the vessel to explore the bounded area.
In AUV offshore or coastal operation, serving missions
of oceanography, environmental monitoring, pollution detection, fishery, hull inspection, security and surveillance
[16], [18], [19], [20], [21], the issue of staying inside a
predefined, somehow bounded, area is of great importance
not only for efficiency reasons but also for AUVs safety
and recovery. Depending on vessels underwater environment
and sensory equipment, the light signs may be replaced by
more effective and reliable acoustic signals transmitters, or
by GPS signal receptions during successive emergences to
the surface. Acoustic signals presume the deployment of a
quite larger experimentation area than the one used during
Ale III testing and GPS, furthermore, presumes outdoors
experimentation. These were the reasons why the visual
signs were chosen to implement the limited area controller
constraint, instead of some other implementation.
3) Detect and avoid a specific moving object recognised
as threat: as soon as a possible threat is recognised, the
controller cancels all other ongoing tasks and navigates the

vessel to a safe base station, mimicking preys reaction

when being hunted. This is another typical AUV controllers
requisite, contributing to vessels safety and recovery. At Ale
III experimentation scenario this specific object-threat was
implemented as a brown light sign, Figure 3.

Fig. 3.
Three dimensional representation top and side view of ACoS
experimentation scenario with Ale III AUV, (1) Ale III, (2) green and blue
light signs indicating diving areas upper and lower limits accordingly, (3)
base- nest, (4) moving target- prey, (5) moving threat- predator.


ACoS behaviour based model is comprised of a subsumption architecture of six different behaviour modules
layered incrementally at three levels of competence, Table I,
involving interconnections, inhibitors and suppressors [34],
[30], Figure 4. Each behaviour is presented as a simple
Finite State Machine (FSM) and programmed as a Controller
class member. FSM representation is the standard technique
used to describe behaviour based control methods [34]. It
was chosen against other representation techniques, like data
flow diagrams, flow charts or pseudo code for its simplicity
and the ability for intuitive graphical representation. This
technique manages to represent the distinct ACoS behaviour
modules using simple FSMs containing, at most, four states


behaviour number

behaviour name
proximity adjuster
yaw control
search- wander

energy balance

and nine transitions. Moreover, designing and representing

ACoS behaviour based architecture with stand alone FSMs
aided the compliance with the behaviour based principles
of concurrent execution, modularity, simultaneous reception
of sensory inputs and competence for the controller outputs
[30]. FSM diagrams are included in the Appendix.
Depending on behaviour modules interaction and the
dynamically changing environmental conditions, the level
of AUVs energy reserves increases or decreases after each
controller time step. For example, living in an environment
with redundancy of preys has definitely a positive influence
to AUVs energy level. Energy consuming behaviours are the
ones that have no means of recharging energy, instead they
just consume vessels energy to navigate it. They are listed in
Table I as negatively balanced while those who feed energy
to the AUV by hovering inside the recharging base premises
or during a successful target following task, are listed as
positively balanced. For some behaviours the energy balance
may be alternatively positive or negative depending on their
progress and outcome. Thus for example a successful target
following task will feed energy to Ale III in contrast to an
unsuccessful one, that will just consume some of its energy
reserves. In the current ACoS experimentation scenario the
energy term was virtual, implemented as an ACoS variable.
So after a successful hunt, for example, the increase in energy
level is virtual, by the means of ACoS, without some kind
of energy transformation or transfer between the vessel and
its surrounding underwater environment. ACoS performance
depends on the behaviours interaction parameters fine tuning, so as to obtain the lowest energy consumption during
controller life time.
A. ACoS Zeroth Level
The zeroth level of the proposed behaviour based architecture, Figure 4, comprises of the following two basic-low
level navigational behaviour modules, implemented using
Proportional Derivative (PD) controllers:
01: proximity adjuster, keeps vessels distance from the
signs inside a fixed range.
02: yaw control, navigates the AUV to an orientation
of a fixed target yaw value.
Zeroth level is the basis for the upper two levels. It
implements ACoS potentiality for avoiding impediments,
achieving and maintaining an orientation. Both zeroth levels
behaviours consume energy as long as they take over the
control procedure. At Figure 4 the wire with a circle beside it,

the roles and represents a prey the AUV has to hunt and
catch. Predator subsumes the lower level 11 search behaviour for implementing the hunting procedure inside
the diving area limits of the experimentation tank, using
a PD controller.
At Figure 4 the use of letter s at an upper hemicycle, beside a
wire, depicts suppression of the corresponding VSM sensory
data inputs to 21 prey and 22 predator behaviour modules
[34]. Using this suppressor 12 nesting cancels VSM sensory
inputs to level 2 behaviours, so as to neutralize them and take
full command of the vessel until it returns to the base, after
a time period of t03 controller steps. The inhibitors of 22
predator behaviour cancel the outputs of 11 search and 02
yaw control and take full command of ACoS outputs during
a hunting procedure until a prey is caught or a maximum
interval time of t03 controller time steps has expired.
Fig. 4. ACoS three level behaviour based control subsumption architecture.

connecting the output of the proximity adjuster behaviour to

the yaw control is an inhibitor [34]. When an output message
from the proximity adjuster behaviour travels along this wire
it inhibits yaw control outputs for a time period of t01 , where
t01 is an ACoS parameter, and thus has the full control of
thrusters commands during this period.
B. ACoS Level 1
ACoS Level 1 introduces two new behaviour modules:
11: Search-wander subsumes the lower level 02 yaw
control behaviour module for exploring the space between the tanks surface and bottom coloured light
signs. There are green signs attached to the walls of
the experimentation tank, near the surface and blue ones
near the bottom, Figure 3. They indicate the safe diving
area limits for the robot.
12: nesting implements AUVs homing procedure for
returning to the nest- base. It interacts with the 01
search-wander behaviour and depending on vessels
energy reserves, may decide to navigate it to its nestbase. It presents a positive energy balance as long as
AUVs position is inside nests-bases range. While on
the search of nest-base, the AUV consumes energy.
C. ACoS Level 2
The second and top level of competence adds to the
proposed model two new behaviour modules:
21: prey is responsible for detecting the presence of
a brown light that denotes a possible predator-threat.
As soon as the controller is alerted by the detection
of a brown coloured light, 21 prey and the subsumed
12 nesting behaviours navigate the AUV straight to its
22: predator detecting the presence of a white light
target that during the experimentation scenario reverses

ACoS was extensively tested using Ale III AUV inside

the indoors laboratory experimentation area of Figure 1. The
experimentation tank was marked with light signs representing diving areas limits and AUVs base-nest. A brown and a
white light suspended from a rod, appeared randomly inside
the diving area and following arbitrary three dimensional
courses, played the role of a potential threat-predator and
target-prey accordingly. The experimentation scenario was
chosen to trigger and use alternatively all the behaviours,
Table II: The vessel begins its underwater commission or, using biomimetic terms, life filled up with energy and wanders
between its area limits in the experimentation tank. After
a while a brown light predator or a white light prey may
appear to the underwater scenery and Ale III must respond
accordingly: to hide at the safety of its nest-base or hunt the
prey. Wandering or hunting decreases energy reserves and if
a prey is not available then the vessel must visit its nest-base
for recharging.
This kind of experimentation was aiming at highlighting
controllers ability to sustain autonomous underwater operation, mimicking the commutation of the several behaviours
typically found in the routine of undersea living creatures.
The experimentation had several phases of search- wander,
acting as prey featuring dynamic object avoidance, acting
as predator featuring dynamic object attraction, nesting as
goal oriented behaviour and location attraction, because these
phases are common tasks among AUV missions in coastal
line and offshore. ACoS was challenged to support Ale III
autonomous operation and dynamically confront possible
threats in its search for potential targets and in the same time
monitor vessels energy reserves, assuring reliability and safe
Figure 5 show typical results following previous paragraphs experimentation scenario. The test lasted several
minutes but the plots show only the first three minutes
for readability reasons. The first plot of each figure shows
behaviours interaction log throughout the experiment. The
second plot shows AUVs virtual energy level and instantaneous consumption measured in virtual energy units. At
























energy consumption







ACoS implements a control methodology suitable for autonomous AUV missions. Its behaviour based design facilitates the controller representation with remarkable simplicity.
The easiness of programming the behaviour modules, based
on their FSM, and implementing the whole control scheme
at an object oriented programming environment, significantly reduced projects development time. During all design,
development and testing phases this scheme demonstrated
the advantage of modularity. Ale III, equipped with the



energy level




Ale III detected a

target- prey

time (sec)

follow target


Ale III is recharging or trying to

protect from a
threat- predator



hover in front of
the base- nest




Ale III detected a

threat- predator




navigate to basenest




Ale III reached

areas lower limit



stop diving and

start emerging



Ale III reached
areas upper limit












and start diving



search- wander
yaw control
search- wander
yaw control
search- wander
yaw control
search- wander
yaw control



Next Action


Colour ACoS Behaviours




energy level (units * 103)


each controller step a + mark is added for these ACoS

behaviours that take part to the controller outputs determination. According to the behaviour based design principles
all of them have access to the controller outputs. Still, at
each controller time step not all of them contribute to the
control process outputs due to the subsumption architecture
inhibitors and successors or the lack of the proper stimulus.
Figures 5 results confirm the correctness of the behaviour
modules interaction and the compliance with scenarios
constraints. For example, during the wander phase in search
for a target, there is a continuous commutation between
searchG , that is search behaviour detecting for diving areas
upper limits green lights and searchB , that is search detecting
for lower limits blue lights, as shown at the 7th , 15th , 36th ,
45th , 50th second etc. The wander phase is cancelled every
time a prey, as at 17th second, or a predator, as at 64th second,
is detected and nesting is actuated when the energy reserves
are low, as at 131th second, or a predator was detected, as at
the 64th second. The decrease and increase of the energy level
between 26th and 35th second denotes a, partly, successful

energy consumption (units)

Fig. 5.

Biomimetic behaviour based control experimentation results.

biomimetic behaviour based ACoS, was commissioned to test

the proposed model inside the laboratory experimentation
area. The experimentation results not only confirmed the
behaviour based design correctness but also demonstrated
ACoS ability to sustain underwater autonomous operation
undertaking typical AUV tasks and satisfying certain constraints met at common underwater missions.
ACoS development was based on an interaction between
behaviour modules organized in a multi level hierarchy.
This interaction is programmed in a static way inside ACoS
framework. ACoS at the current state of development does
not contain any sense of memory or learning. This would be
an interesting further research target: artificial neural network
and genetic algorithms evolution of an intelligent biomimetic
behaviour, based on and enriched with the expertise gained
during the life time of each real or simulated experiment
[38] [39]. The individual behaviour based modules would
be borrowed from the already developed ACoS version and
their interaction will be the result of an evolution process.
Under this point of view, the evolved behaviour will encapsulate the concepts of memory and learning [40] [41]. This
combination will be an intelligent behaviour based control
scheme, based on the static approach, real tests or simulation
results. Another extremely interesting issue is redesigning
ACoS so as to sustain cooperative autonomous underwater
behaviour, following the same principles of behaviour based
control and encapsulating the experience gained from the
current atomic behaviour work. The next experimentation
step with Ale III will be at seashore. New scenarios will test
ACoS potentials in this extremely noisy and unstructured
environment. The lighting conditions undersea will be a
challenge for ACoS VSM. Sea waving and currents will test
ACoS seaworthiness in the hard way, far from the tranquil
laboratory experimentation area.
Apart from the issue of testing in the wild, the domestic
laboratory experimentation area needs expansion. Indoors
experimentation presents overwhelming advantages in relevance with open sea in terms of availability, feasibility,
money and time cost. To exploit the full range of them the
acquisition of a tank with volume at least 3m3 will be a
great progress for the experimentation area. As realized after
several months of tests in the existing laboratory facility,
for every Ale III class AUV added to the experimentation
scenario at least 1m3 of additional underwater space volume
is necessary. As soon as a bigger experimentation area is
available, more than one vessels may be operated simultaneously inside the tank. This would be a great opportunity to
develop a cooperative behaviour ACoS.

Fig. 6.

Zeroth level 01: proximity adjuster behaviours FSM diagram.

2) Transitions and sensor inputs: coloured signs traced by

VSM show that AUVs distance from tank walls is further
than the maximum permitted value distance from tank
walls is closer than the minimum permitted value distance
from tank walls is inside the permitted range.
B. Behaviour 02: yaw control

Fig. 7.

Zeroth level 02: yaw control behaviours FSM diagram.

1) States: AUV is not performing any movement and

there is no thruster power manipulation AUV is turning
left AUV is turning right.
2) Transitions and sensor inputs: vessels yaw heading
value is inside range yaw value is bigger than the target
value yaw value is smaller than the target value.
C. Behaviour 11: search-wander

Fig. 8.

Level 1 11: search- wander behaviours FSM diagram.

1) States: emerging keeping a steady yaw heading

diving keeping a steady yaw heading.
2) Transitions and sensor inputs: no sign detected green
sign detected blue sign detected.
D. Behaviour 12: nesting

A. Behaviour 01: proximity adjuster
1) States: (the initial state is denoted by its double lined
circle) the vessel is not performing any movement and there
is no thruster power manipulation, the vessel is performing a
backwards surge movement for t01 controller steps, the vessel
is performing a surge movement for t01 controller steps.

Fig. 9.

Level 1 12: nesting behaviours FSM diagram.

1) States: inside nest performing no movement yaw

turning searching for red coloured nest-base light sign
nest detected and approaching to nest.

2) Transitions and sensor inputs: AUVs distance from

nest is inside range distance from nest is outside range
AUVs yaw heading value is inside range and heading
towards nest yaw heading value is not inside range nests
colour sign detected nests colour sign not detected.
E. Behaviour 21: prey

Fig. 10.

Level 2 21: prey behaviours FSM diagram.

1) States: nesting has been accomplished searching for

the nest-base.
2) Transitions and sensor inputs: distance from nest-base
is inside range distance from nest-base is not inside range.
F. Behaviour 22: predator

Fig. 11.

Level 2 22: predator behaviours FSM diagram.

1) States: on the hunt of detected prey-target prey-target

2) Transitions and sensor inputs: distance from preytarget is inside range distance from prey-target is not inside
range prey-target is lost prey-target is locked for a period
long enough to fill up with energy or a maximum interval
time of t03 controller time steps has expired and the hunting
is successfully terminated prey-target detected prey-target
is not detected.
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