Lesson Plan in Integrated Science Unit I

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Science is not just a body of knowledge but also a way of working. This is the
message we want to put across to you and your students.
Science has three important aspects: the product, process, and habits of mind.
In Integrated Science, the product part is the knowledge-base related to physical,
biological, and earth/space sciences and the nature of science particularly its method
of investigation. The processes of science are thinking skills used to solve problems
and to conduct inquiries. The scientific habits of mind are the beliefs and attitudes
that characterize science endeavor such as respect for logic and the longing to know
(Cothron, Giese & Rezba, 1993).
Despite many years of using practical hands-on approach to teaching science,
research shows that our students have not fully understood the processes of science
and have not internalize the scientific attitudes and values. One indicator of this
situation is the poor performance of students in the Third International Mathematics
and Science Study (TIMSS 1999) that require application of scientific inquiry skills.
Observations and experiences with school children also reveal that the level of
scientific literacy is low because many do not apply their knowledge of science and
skills to solve daily life problems.
Students can better understand the product, process and habits of mind aspects
of science if they are exposed to meaningful learning environments and activities
that they will enjoy while experiencing what scientists do. They will be able to
develop higher order thinking skills and learn to work with others if they are exposed
to structured, semi-structured and unstructured laboratory and field investigations.
They will learn how to organize their thoughts and communicate them better if they
will be asked to prepare survey questionnaires, interview adults, do library research,
and investigate or solve real life problems. In short, through science, students will
learn how to learn skills.
This manual contains lesson plans that cover all seven units in the Integrated
Science Curriculum and are distributed over 40 weeks. They have been designed to
allow for flexibility. Depending on the nature of the topic and competency to be
acquired, the lessons have different lengths. Some can be finished in one period
while others can be discussed in two or more periods. Many activities are done
inside the classroom but a good number can be performed in the garden or in the
immediate school environment. This approach solves the problem of inadequate
equipment and helps students to immediately relate leaning with real life situations.
Most of the activities in the lesson plans have been tried out in the small scale. But
they can be used in big classes with different groups of students.
The lesson plans will help you become good facilitators. After each activity, you
are required to process the students observations and data. Remember that in all
the stages of lesson implementation-from motivation to assessment-the emphasis is
on development of higher order thinking skills.

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Table of Contents
Lesson Plans
Unit I


Basic Science Processes


Learning Science is Fun


Science and Superstitions

1-3: Other Influences of Science and Technology


2-1: Scientists and Their Desirable Qualities


2-2: Measuring Volume with Precision and Accuracy


3-1: Measuring Mass with Precision and Accuracy


3-2: Differentiating an Observation from an Inference


3-3: Comparing and Classifying




Graphing and Interpreting Data

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Integrated Science
Week 1
Competency: Relate how science and technology affect ones own beliefs,
practices and ways of thinking.
Lesson 1-1 Learning Science is Fun
Time Frame: one period

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. show some science and technology-based tricks or magic;
2. generalize knowledge of science and technology, enabling them to understand the
materials, events and phenomena around them; and
3. enhance their own curiosity about the things and events occurring around them.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Introduction to Integrated Science
B. Reference: any Integrated Science book
C. Materials: See Annex 1 and Student Activity Sheet 1.1
III. Learning Tasks
A. Motivation
When choosing motivation activities at the start of the school year, it is preferable to
get one or two short demonstrations that develop students sense of wonder and
awe. If you start with a bang, you have a better chance of getting the students
interest in the subject. Remember that first impression lasts.


Show some science and technology-based magic similar to the activities in

Annex 1. (You should have tried them before the class starts.)
After conducting the introductory activity, ask students to guess why the event
happened. Just accept their guesses without commenting if their answer is right
or wrong. If they could not explain the event, do not worry. These are just
motivation activities to develop students curiosity and make them feel at ease
with the subject (and the teacher).
Answers to questions in the motivation activities are FYI (for your information)
only. Tell students that they will learn the reasons for these phenomena and
many more events as they go through the lessons perform activities and
participate in the discussion.

B. Activity Proper
1. Organize students into groups of 6 to 8. Each group forms a team.
2. Distribute Activity Sheet 1 to each group and ask them to follow the suggested
steps. Remind them of some precautions when handling pointed objects.
For Activity 1.1a, the pointed end of the stick you distribute should be coated with

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For Activity 1.1b, students need only two or three drops of water. More than this
amount, the water will spread and movement of the stick will not be as dramatic
as when the surface of water is rounded.
3. While students are working, go around and observe how they conduct the activity.
If they are not doing the activity correctly, ask them leading questions.
C. Discussion
1. Let each group present their observations as well as answers to the guide
2. Emphasize that the motivation activities and the activity proper show that
knowing science concepts help them explain some observations and situations
(For Activity1.1.a: The oil allows the stick to slide when touching the elastic
rubber balloon. The stick, therefore, does not pierce through the balloon. For
Activity 1.1b. Particles of matter move continuously. The matchstick moves as the
water particles move.)
3. Ask students to give some examples of how science and technology have made
their lives more comfortable. Bring out the idea that if S& T are not used properly,
some problems may arise. Examples of situations that show these ideas are
given in the valuing section of this lesson.
D. Generalization

Science helps us understand the nature of materials, events and phenomena.

Knowledge of science and technology can be applied to solve some daily life
problems and/or make life more comfortable and safe.
If knowledge and skills in science and technology are not used properly, they can
create problems to people, other life forms, and the physical environment.

E. Valuing/Application
Choose one or two from the following situations. Or you can develop similar
situations relevant to your community. The idea is to let students realize that
knowledge about science and technology can be applied to improve their way of life
or these may create problems if not used properly.

You have been diagnosed as deficient in Vitamin A. Your parents do not have
money to buy tablets or food supplement containing the vitamin. In science, you
learned that yellow vegetables contain Vitamin A but you dislike them. What will
you do to solve your Vitamin A deficiency? Why will you do it?

Drugs were developed to help people improve their health condition. Some
drugs are prohibited because they have dangerous effects on the human body.
You know a classmate or neighbor who is using prohibited drugs, what will you do
and why?
Plastic materials are very useful in many ways but those available in the country
are nonbiodegradable. How will you ensure that you do not contribute to the
clogging of waterways due to improper waste disposal of plastics?

Your father is working as an overseas contract worker. He sends your mother

money for your education, household expenses, personal needs and other dayto-day necessities. Lately, your mother has been complaining of high cost of
electricity and water. How can you help your mother reduce the monthly bills so
that the money sent by your father is used wisely?

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F. Assessment
It is not pedagogically sound to give a written test on the first day of school. Use the
students answer in the Valuing/Application and the Assignment section of the
lesson guide to assess their knowledge and attitude towards science and technology.
IV. Agreement/Assignment
Ask students to write or describe a situation (other than what has been discussed in
class) when science and technology have affected their lives. To start, let them observe
and list materials in the house that are useful to them in daily life. OR let them look out of
the window and observe any event or phenomenon that affects them.

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Student Activity Sheet 1.1

Some Science Tricks

Activity 1.1a

Tough Balloon

rubber balloon, barbecue stick
1. Blow air into a rubber balloon. Twist the opening to make it airtight.
2. Push the barbecue stick near the opening of the balloon. Observe if the balloon bursts.
CAUTION: Be careful when handling pointed objects

Does the stick pierce through the rubber balloon?

What happens to the stick as you push it on the rubber? Why do you think this happens?
Observe the barbecue stick. Did you notice the oily end of the stick?
How will you test if it is indeed the oil that prevented the stick from piercing through the

Activity 1.1b Moving Matches

Three wooden matchsticks, water in a small container, medicine dropper
1. Break each matchstick at the center without completely separating them. Put them near
each other. Observe if there is any movement or change happening with the matchsticks.
2. Put two or three drops of water in the area where the matchstick was broken. Observe
the matchsticks again.

What happens to the matchsticks after adding water?

Why do you think this happens?
How do you know that it is the water that made the matchsticks move?
How will you check this?

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Annex 1.1
Some Motivation Activities

Secret Writing

Piece of white paper, wooden toothpicks, sugar solution, alcohol burner

Prepare the sugar solution by adding half a teaspoon of refined sugar in about 5 cm 3
of water. Dip the toothpick into the sugar solution and use it to write the word
SCIENCE on the paper. Make sure that you have enough solution to wet the paper
as you write each letter by dipping the toothpick several times into the solution before
writing. Let the paper dry.
Have ready two alcohol burners and the paper with the invisible SCIENCE word on
When the class starts and the students are seated, light the alcohol burners and
place the paper with invisible marks a few centimeters above the flame starting from
letter S. DO NOT PUT THE PAPER TOO NEAR THE FLAME because it will burn

Expected observation
Slowly the letters appear until the word SCIENCE can be read.

The word SCIENCE written with sugar solution (as ink) left a watermark on the paper
and the writing looked invisible from afar. When the paper is placed near the flame,
the sugar burns. It is the burnt sugar that appears on the paper.

II. Egg in the Bottle

Milk or juice bottle with mouth about 3.5 to 4.0 cm wide, a medium sized boiled egg,
strips of paper, matchsticks.

Show a bottle with a boiled egg inside. Ask: How did the egg get inside when the
mouth of the bottle is smaller than the egg?
Get a clean, dry bottle and a boiled egg. Ask one student to gently push the egg into
the bottle. The egg does not enter. Ask what should be done.
Light strips of paper and immediately drop them into the bottle. Let the paper burn
inside for 5 seconds (count up to five) and put the egg into the bottle while giving it a
gentle push. Let the students watch what happens to the egg.

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Expected Observation
Boiled egg pushed into the bottle does not get in.
After lighted paper strips were dropped into the bottle, the egg gets inside even with
just a gentle push.

At the start, the boiled egg cannot be pushed into the bottle because there is air
inside. Matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
When strips of burning paper are dropped into the dry bottle, air is pushed out. The
pressure of air outside is now greater than the pressure inside. The egg is pushed
into the bottle by the air around it.

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Integrated Science
Week 1-Contd
Lesson 1-2 Science and Superstitions
Time Frame: two periods


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

2. cite some superstitious beliefs or practices in the community or region;
3. analyze the scientific basis of these beliefs or practices; and
4. manifest proper attitude towards superstitions.

Subject Matter

A. Topic: Superstitious Beliefs and Practices

B. Reference: UP NISMED (2000). Philippine Folk Science
C. Materials: Manila paper (or old big calendars that can be used for charts), marking
pens or crayons.

Learning Tasks


A little drama will do. Take a broom and dustpan. While going through the motion
of sweeping the floor, ask what beliefs and practices do they associate with
sweeping the floor at night, during wakes, and other situations. (Answers may
include: It is bad luck to sweep the floor in the evening, especially if you sweep
the materials out of the door. You will lose money (mawawala ang suwerte).
During wakes, it is bad to sweep the floor because another member of the family
will also die.)
2. Ask: Do these superstitious beliefs have any scientific basis? Why do you sweep
the floor in the first place? If you drop breadcrumbs on the floor, not long after,
ants will feast on the food. Which is better - to sweep them off immediately or let it
stay on the floor till morning? If you do not clean the house during wakes, flowers
and food crumbs will accumulate and ants, cockroach and rats will feed on them.
That is bad luck.
3. Discuss some of the superstitious beliefs described in the integrated science
book you are using. Some students may say that there is no harm in following the
practice. That is true. In some situations however, believing on superstitious
beliefs without questioning may have a negative effect on peoples way of
thinking and doing things.

B. Activity Proper
1. This activity uses the brainstorming approach. Each group is expected to report
three superstitious beliefs in their town or region. If they can relate the belief or
practice to local livelihood, the better.
2. Go around and listen to how the groups brainstorm on the task. If they are

not on the right track, ask some leading questions.

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C. Discussion
1. Prepare a dummy chart on the board similar to the one in the activity
2. Ask the groups to present their data. If several groups give similar belief or
practice, only one should be listed in the chart. But allow the groups to
give their explanation to each belief or practice.
3. Focus the discussion on the guide questions.
You can stop the discussion at this point. Give the assignment.

For the second part of the lesson, recall the results of Activity 1.2.
Ask for volunteers to present the results of the assignment (later collect
the entire student outputs for marking purposes). Discuss the reason
behind each belief or practice.


To end the lesson, emphasize that it is good to know the basis of a

belief or practice because doing things without understanding it is not a
trait of a scientifically literate. Encourage them to be critical and openminded when analyzing superstitious beliefs and practices. Relate the
lesson to the importance of asking questions about any information
received or read and not to jump to conclusion.

D. Generalization

Superstitious beliefs and practices have been passed on from generation

to the next without question.

Some beliefs have scientific basis.

One should not be too dependent on superstitious beliefs and practices

when making decisions.

E. Valuing/Application
Give this situation: An examination was scheduled for the next day. Your
friend advised you to eat lots of peanuts in order to get a high score. How
would you react to this advice? What will you do to prepare for the test?
F. Assessment
Use the group outputs in the brainstorming session, the answers to the
Valuing/ Application section and the Assignment as part your assessment.


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IV. Agreement/Assignment
Ask students to interview their parents or elders in the family about local
superstitious beliefs and practices. Let them choose one they like best (one
which has not yet been discussed in class) and to discuss the basis or possible
explanation for this belief or practice.

Student Activity Sheet

1.2 Superstitious Beliefs and Practices
Direction: Discuss the questions with your group mates and write your group answers on a
chart similar to the one below.
1. Choose among yourselves a group leader and a secretary who will lead the discussion
and record the agreed ideas.
2. Study the guide questions. Use the format below to write your group ideas.
3. Be ready to present your group output to the rest of the class. Each group should report
at least three beliefs and/or practices.)


Reason or Basis
for the Belief or

How the belief or

practice affects



1. What superstitious beliefs and practices are you familiar with? Write them in column 1 of
the table
2. Where did you learn or hear about these superstitious beliefs or practices? Does your
family observe or follow these superstitious beliefs or practices? Why or why not?
3. What is the reason or basis for each of the belief or practice? Write this in column 2. If
you know the science concepts behind the belief or practice, state it.
4. Do these beliefs and practices affect you? How? Put your answers in column 3.
5. Under which categories do the beliefs or practices fall: food and nutrition, livelihood
(fishing or agriculture), health and medicine, love and marriage, financial or wealth?
Categorize them accordingly in column 4.
6. Should you believe in superstitious beliefs and practices even if these have no scientific
basis? Why or why not?

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Generalization about superstitious beliefs and practices


Integrated Science
Week 1-Contd
Lesson 1.3 Other Influences of Science and Technology
Time Frame: two periods

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

classify technology as to process and product;

discuss the benefits of a particular type of technology;
analyze ways by which that technology can be harmful;
differentiate science from technology, given some situations and
give more examples of the role of science and technology in their lives.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Influences of Science & Technology in Daily Life
B. Reference: newspaper articles
C. Materials: Article to be analyzed; pictures of different means of communication from
the most primitive to the most modern --smoke signals, Morse code, radio,
telephone, television, Fax machine-telephone system, a computer with electronic
mail facility.
III. Learning Tasks
A. Motivation
1. Recall the activity on superstitions. Give other examples (e.g., on numerology)
and discuss why it is not good to depend so much on these beliefs and practices
when making decisions.
2. Using the results of the assignment in Activity 1-1 (listing of products and
phenomena observed) and the chart of superstitious beliefs and practices in
Activity 1-2, discuss the importance of knowing science concepts. Highlight that
knowledge of science helps us to do things better and understand phenomena
and events around us, including superstitious beliefs and practices.
3. Introduce the word technology and ask students to give key words that they
associate with technology. Point out that the benefit of science is usually
recognized for the products that were manufactured applying a concept or
principle. Such products are referred to as technology. Technology refers to both
the product and process. For example, welding is a process while the product is


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the welded metal. The science concept applied to produce the product is that
metals can be melted at a high temperature.
4. Give other examples to illustrate the difference between science and technology.
If possible, use local technologies so that students can relate to that technology.
(E.g., The shelf-life of meat can be extended by refrigerating them (a process).
Keeping meat in a cold environment inactivates the decay-causing organisms
(the science concept).
B. Activity Proper
1. Distribute the text to be analyzed. (Note: you can develop your own text or writeup to be analyzed. The more local the situation is, the better. )
2. Explain the procedure and expected outputs. Guide the students when
performing the analysis of the article Technology in Daily Life. Let them classify
whether a technology is a product or process. Emphasize that a technological
product can be a gadget, machine, device or object.
3. Ask students to manage their time so they can finish the activity within the allotted
C. Discussion
1. Let each group post their output on the wall. Observe commonalities and
differences in students answers. If there are differences in the answers, discuss
You can end the first part of the lesson at this point. Give the assignment.


For next day, arrange pictures showing different means of

communication from the most primitive to the most modern. Pictures may include:
smoke signals, Morse code, radio, telephone, television, Fax machine-telephone
system, a computer with electronic mail facility. Ask students to describe the
changes in communication system and how the newer products/devises have
helped people.
Review the discussion the day before. Then call on volunteer groups to present
their assignment/outputs.
As a seatwork, assign a specific technology to each group and let them discuss
its use/s. Using the Scenario Building approach, ask students to brainstorm what
might happen if this technology is improperly used.
Let volunteer groups present their output. Later, collect all the outputs for
marking purposes.
Summarize how S and T have affected our beliefs and practices, even our way of
thinking and doing things. Recall the discussion from Activity 1-1 to 1-3.)
Let students answer the situation in the valuing section.

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D. Generalization

Technology is the application of science concepts and principles to solve

Technology can be classified as
Product or process.
Using technology has many benefits but if not properly used, may bring harm to
living things and the physical environment.
Science and technology affects our way of thinking and doing things.

E. Valuing/Application
Consider the situation: Many products such as razor blades, diapers, and food wraps
are disposable. Development has made us a throw away society. Most people
simply throw things away when they are broken and buy new ones.
In your opinion, are we using disposable items (product of technology) wisely? Why
or why not?
F. Assessment
1. Composting is one way of solving our solid waste problem. What science concept
is involved in this technology? (Organic materials decay. If disposed of
improperly, they produce a bad smell. The decayed materials contain nutrients
that can be used to enrich the soil.)
2. The television is one of the most popular appliances in urban and rural
communities. Give at least two benefits and two disadvantages of the television
to you. What do you intend to do to reduce the disadvantages of television?
IV. Agreement/Assignment
A. As a group project, ask students to prepare a collage (cutouts or original drawings of
technologies) used at home. They should write a short story about their collage. (The
artwork can be posted inside the classroom and students can view or discuss them
during their free time.)
B. To prepare for the next lesson, assign half of the class to do research on the life of
Filipino scientists or inventors and the other half on the life of foreign scientists or
inventors. Make sure that no two groups are working on the same scientist. Provide
them with biographies of scientists if necessary. Local science magazines have a
section on the lives and works of Filipino scientists.
Let each group prepare for a presentation in a creative way, emphasizing the major
contributions of the scientist to the advancement of science and technology as well
as his/her desirable qualities.


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Student Activity Sheet 1.3

Technology in Daily Life
Direction: Read the text below. After reading the story,
list all forms of technology that are mentioned in the article; and
Classify the technology as product or process.

Paul wakes up at six oclock in the morning when he hears the alarm clock ringing.
He removes his blanket, folds it nicely over his pillows and covers his bed with a bed
sheet. He puts on his rubber slippers and goes to the bathroom to take a bath, using his
favorite hair shampoo and herbal soap. He brushes his teeth with fluoride toothpaste,
after which he combs his hair with a plastic comb. He puts a little amount of gel on his
hair and sprays some perfume on his body. He gets his bag containing his books,
papers, pencils, notebooks and pens. He then eats breakfast - TAPSILOG (tapa,
sinangag, itlog) fried meat, fried rice and egg. He drinks a cup of milk, eats a slice of
canned pineapple and drinks a glass of water.
Off he goes to school! He waits at the corner for the jeepney that brings him to
school. He sees many kinds of cars, buses, vans and tricycles.
In school, he sees monoblock chairs, tables, books on display, chalk, erasers and
blackboards. He
4. sees an overhead projector near the teachers table. When the bell
end of the
school day, he
taking another
Adapted from Science
& Technology
A. Lianko,
p.6, with
At home he relaxes by reading the newspaper or his favorite comics and listens to
the radio. He also watches his favorite program on television where he sees
advertisements of beauty products, food items, clothes, laundry soap and detergents,
cars and construction materials for houses/building.
After dinner, he studies his lessons and encodes his composition using a computer
before he retires for the night.

What are the technologies mentioned in the story?

Which of these technologies are products? Which are processes?
Which of these are important to you? Why are they important?
Which of these technologies can you live without? Can you NOT live without? Explain
your answer.

Generalization about the importance of technology in your life


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Integrated Science
Week 2
Competency: Appreciate the contributions of Filipino and foreign scientists to
science and technology.
Lesson 2-1 Scientists and Their Desirable Qualities
Time Frame: two periods

At the end of the activities, the students should be able to:
1. discuss the contributions of some foreign and Filipino scientists and/or inventors to
science and technology;
2. identify the desirable qualities of these scientists and/or inventors;
3. apply the problem solving approach used by scientists and or inventors to other
situations; and
4. illustrate how careful planning and cooperation among group members can result in
a better output.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Scientific Attitudes and Values in Problem Solving
B. References: any first year science textbook
C. Materials: Materials: biographies and pictures of foreign and Filipino scientists Manila
papers, marking pens
III. Learning Tasks
A. Motivation
1. Give a situation to highlight how attitudes and values affect the way people solve
a problem. An example is given below:
It was told that one winter, when Thomas Alba Edison was young, his mother
could not find him for days. Later, he was found shivering in the barn while
sitting on a basket with unhatched eggs. Asked why he was doing that, he said if
a hen can hatch eggs by sitting on them for days, may be I can also do it. He
was brought home but after a few days he went back to the barn.
No information is available if the young Edison was able to hatch the eggs but it
shows the kind of person he was.
2. Ask students the desirable qualities of the young Edison (curious and persistent).
Give examples or situations to emphasize that a persons attitude affects how
he/she solves a problem.
3. The approach used in this lesson is student reporting. It is expected that students
will cooperate with their groups in researching on the lives of scientists and in
preparing their report. This is where you can observe creativity and cooperation


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B. Activity Proper
1. Discuss the guidelines on the presentation:
a. maximum of 7 minutes for each group
b. focus on the major contributions of each scientist
c. summarize the desirable qualities of each of the scientists
2. Take note of the schedule of presentation


Presentation and discussion of foreign scientists and their

contributions to science and technology
2. Presentation and discussion of Filipino scientists and/or inventors and
their contributions to science and technology

1. Prepare a chart on the board or on Manila paper where the key ideas about
scientists can be recorded.
2. For Day 1. Ask the following or similar questions:

What are the major contributions of the scientist or inventor?

What desirable qualities does the scientist or inventor
c. How did these qualities help the scientists or inventor to contribute to the
advancement of science and technology?

Summarize the discussion about the major contributions of the foreign

scientists and the qualities they demonstrated.
You may stop the lesson at this point.

4. For Day 2, remind the students on the rules for presentation. After the
presentation, ask similar questions as the ones given in step 2 (a to c) above.
5. Integrate the discussion for Day 1 and Day 2 by asking students to compare the
qualities of foreign and Filipino scientists and inventors (refer to the
generalization section).
6. Finally, ask students which group presentation they liked and why. Let the
group voted to be the best explain how they planned and implemented their
plan of work. Cite other situations to show how group cooperation helps in
making an activity a success.
D. Generalization

Scientists have a scientific way of thinking and doing things.

Scientists possess desirable qualities such as curiosity, open -mindedness,
persistence, patience, suspended judgment, and intellectual honesty.
Scientific attitudes and values are important in problem solving and decisionmaking in daily life.
Scientific attitudes, desirable qualities and values are not a monopoly of any

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particular race or gender.

E. Valuing/Application
Use any of the following situations:
a. How will you show that you are proud of Filipino scientists?
b. Some people consider Filipino scientists as inferior to their foreign counterparts.
Do you agree with this? Explain your answer.
c. You learned that some students in your school are organizing a rally against the
principal for requiring male students to cut their hair short. Will you join the rally?
Why or why not? What guided you in making that decision to join or not to join the
F. Assessment
Use two of the following questions: e.g., Q1 & 3 or Q2 & 3.)
1. Identify the scientific attitudes/values demonstrated by a person who

is interested to inquire or look into anything

does not readily believe things he sees or hears
is willing to repeat his work several times
listens to the ideas of others
does not claim the work of others as his own

2. Give at least three (3) qualities of scientists. Which one do you consider most
important? Why?
IV. Agreement/ Assignment
Write a paragraph or two on any of the following:


the Filipino scientist you admire most.

what should government do to help Filipino scientists and inventors.

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Annex 2.1
Brief Life History of Some Scientists
A. Albert Einstein (summarized from J.J. OConnor and E.F. Robertson)
Einstein was born March 14, 1870 in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany.
He started schooling in Munich in 1886, had violin lessons when he was six to about
13 years old and was also taught religion where he learned Judaism. He started to
study Mathematics in 1891.
In 1895, Einstein failed an examination that would have allowed him to study for a
diploma as an electrical engineer at the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule
(ETH) in Zurich. He attended secondary school at Aarau planning to use this to enter
the ETH in Zurich. He wrote an essay (which was given a little above half marks) in
which he wrote his plans for the future
If I were to have a good fortune to pass my examination, I would go to Zurich. Stay
there for four years in order to study mathematics and physics. I imagine myself
becoming a teacher in those branches of the natural sciences choosing the
theoretical part of them. Here are the reasons which lead me to this plan. Above all, it
is my disposition for abstract and mathematical thought and my lack of imagination
and practical ability.
He succeeded with his plan and graduated in 1900 as a teacher of mathematics and
physics but he had difficulty finding a job after graduation. Even at the ETH he was
not given a teaching assistant. His first job was as a temporary mathematics teacher
in a technical school in Winterthur and later in a private school.
Later, he was recommended by the father of Marcel Grossmann, a friend at ETH in a
patent office. He got the job as a technical expert third class. He worked in that office
for seven years where he was promoted to technical expert second class on the 4th
year. During his spare time in that patent office, he wrote and published many articles
in theoretical physics even if he had no contact with scientific literature or colleagues.
He earned a doctorate from Zurich University in 1905 for a thesis On a New
Determination on Molecular Dimensions, dedicating this to his friend Grossmann.
His first paper examined the phenomenon discovered by Max Planck, according to
which electromagnetic energy seemed to be emitted from radiating objects in
discrete quantities. The energy of these quanta was directly proportional to the
frequency of the radiation. This seemed to contradict classical electromagnetic theory
based on Maxwells equations and the laws of thermodynamics which assumed that
electromagnetic energy consisted of waves which could contain any small amount of
His second paper proposed what is today as the special theory of relativity. He based
his theory on a reinterpretation of he classical principle of relativity namely that the
laws of physics had to have the same form in any frame of reference. His second
hypothesis assumed that the speed of light remained constant in all frames of
reference as required by Maxwells theory. Later Einstein showed how mass and

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energy were equivalent. Although Einstein was not the first to propose all the
components of special theory of relativity, his contribution is unifying important parts
of classical mechanics and Maxwells electrodynamics.
He had other important publications. This time, acknowledged in the field of physics,
he became a lecturer at he University of Bern (1908), became a professor at the
University of Zurich (1909), and as full professor at the Karl-Ferdinand University in
Prague (1911). In 1912, with his mathematician friend Grossmann, he worked on
the general theory of relativity. In the same year, he moved from Prague to Zurich
and took up a chair at the ETH.
In 1814, he returned to Germany and accepted a research position in the Prussian
Academy of Sciences at the University of Berlin.
He published in 1915 his general theory of relativity. His prediction was confirmed
during the British eclipse expedition in 1919 where the London Times ran the
Revolution in Science- New Theory of the universe- Newtonian ideas overturned
Einstein visited the US in 1921 where he lectured on relativity. He received the
Nobel Prize in 1921 not for relativity but for his work in 1905 on the photoelectric
effect. He received other awards/medals for his different works.
Einsteins life was very hectic and had to pay a price in 1928 with a physical collapse.
In 1930 he was doing international visits again. In 1935 he was granted permanent
residency in the US and worked at Princeton University.
His latter works focused on international peace efforts. A week before he died he sent
a letter to Bertrand Russell in which he agreed to put his name in a manifesto urging
all nations to give up nuclear weapons. He died in 18 April 1955 and his body was

Charles Goodyear and the Story of Rubber

Charles Goodyear, a merchant from Philadelphia, had devised a new valve for rubber
life preservers. He brought the sample to a company but rubber business was not doing well.
Rubber products froze bone-hard in winter and turned glue-like during summer. This
incident got him interested with rubber.
He returned to Philadelphia but was put in prison for debts. While in jail he asked his
wife to bring him batches of raw rubber and her rolling pin. In his cell, Goodyear made his
first experiments with rubber, kneading and working the gum, hour after hour. He thought
that if rubber was naturally adhesive, a dry powder could be mixed with it to absorb its
stickiness. Out of jail, he tried to add talc-like magnesia powder to the gum. With his wife and
children and some funds from a boyhood friend, he was able to make hundreds of
magnesia-dried rubber overshoes in their kitchen. But before he could market them, summer
came and the footwear sagged into shapeless paste.
He moved to New York when neighbors complained of the bad smell of gum. He stayed
in the 4th floor of a tenement given by a friend. A brother-in-law advised him to quit his work
as rubber is dead and his children were hungry. But Goodyear said, I am the man to bring
it back. This time he was adding magnesia and quicklime to the boiling gum and got a better
product. He painted his products, gilded them, embossed them. He got a medal for these in
a NY trade show. But he was running short of materials, he decided to re use a decorated


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sample with nitric acid to remove its bronze paint. The piece turned black and he threw it
A few days after, he remembered that the blackened bag had felt different. He retrieved
it from the trash and found he was right. The nitric acid had made the rubber smooth and dry
as cloth. A NY businessman advanced several thousand dollars to begin production but the
financial panic of 1837 wiped out the backer and the business. His family camped in the
abandoned rubber factory in Staten Island, living on fish caught in the harbor.
In time, Goodyear got some backing in Boston and had momentary prosperity. His
partners got a government contract to produce mailbags using the nitric acid process.
Confident of his product, Goodyear kept them in a warm room and went on a one-month
vacation with his family. When he returned, the bags were melted. Again he was rock
bottom; his neighbors were feeding his children with milk and let them dig half grown
potatoes for food.
In winter of 1839, Goodyear was using sulfur in his experiment. Stories were told that
on February, he was in a general store to show off his latest gum-and- sulfur formula.
Snickers rose from the cracker-barrel forum and the excited Goodyear waved his sticky
fistful of gum in the air; the gum flew from his fingers and landed on the sizzling hot
potbellied stove. When he bent to scrape it, he found that instead of melting like molasses,
the rubber had charred like leather. And around the charred area, was a dry springy brown
rim--gum elastic still, he had produced a new substance. He had made a weatherproof
This discovery is one of historys celebrated accidents but Goodyear denied it. Like
Newtons falling apple he maintained that the hot stove incident held meaning only for the
man whose mind was prepared to draw an inference adding the one who had applied
himself most perseveringly to the subject.
That winter he was suffering from gout and ulcer. He worked on crutches. He knew that
heat and sulfur change rubber but how much heat and for how long? With endless patience,
he roasted bits of rubber in hot sand, steamed them over teakettle, pressed them in between
hot iron, even thrust them in the oven while his wife was baking bread.
At night he lay awake afraid that he will die and the secret would die with him. In spring
he went to Boston to look for friends but they were nowhere. He was jailed for not paying his
hotel bills; when he came home he found his infant son dead. (Of the 12 Goodyear children,
six died in infancy).
Later he found out that steam under pressure applied for 4-6 hours at around 270
degrees F gave him the most uniform results. He wrote his wealthy brother-in-law who was
in textile and got him interested in rubber production.
Rubber rode to worldwide success. But Goodyear was not interested in manufacturing
where he could have earned millions. He went back to his experiments. He wanted to make
things out of rubber--banknotes, musical instruments, flags, jewelry, ship sails, even ships
themselves. He had his portrait painted on rubber. He wore rubber hats, vests and ties. He
saw rubber as the most versatile of plastics.
But Goodyears business deals were bad. His patents were also being pirated as he
was slow in filing foreign patent applications. One sample sent to England was seen by
Thomas Hancock who was also trying to make rubber for 20 years. Hancock reinvented
vulcanized rubber in 1843, four years after Goodyear. Offered half a share for the Hancock
patent, Goodyear refused but lost the legal case.

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The Senior Goodyear wrote: Life should not be estimated exclusively by the standard
of dollars and cents. I am not disposed to complain that I have planted and others have
gathered the fruits. A man has cause for regrets only when he sows and no one reaps.
When Goodyear died in 1860 he was in debt but accumulated royalties made his family
comfortable. His son Charles inherited his fathers talent and later built a fortune on
shoemaking machinery.
Neither Goodyear nor his family was ever connected with the company named in his
C. A True-Blue (brown) Filipino Scientist
Its really nothing new when you hear an American or a French or a German inventor.
But have you ever encountered a true blue-Filipino inventor?
I have. And I feel so lucky that I got the chance to meet world renowned Filipino scientist
Dr. Ramon Gustilo, a doctor, a businessman, a family man and a scientist all rolled into
Dr. Ramon Gustilo is an orthopedic surgeon by profession. Fixing broken bones and
joints and replacing at the Negros Occidental Provincial High School.
Dr. Gustilo grew up in Negros Occidental, and he came from a very big family. He had
six siblings, five girls and one boy. He studied at Manapla Elementary School then studied
high school at the Negros Occidental Provincial High School.
He was so interested in medicine when he was young, so he took up a pre-med course
at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, his medicine proper at the UP-PGH. He took up
his masteral at the University of Minnessota, and there he stayed for six years, studying and
training. All in all, Dr. Gustilo spent 13 years in medical school to prepare himself for the
excruciating world of orthopedic surgery.
As soon as he got exposed to orthopedics, he felt there was a need to improve facilities
and treatments used. He did a lot of research to alleviate that need, and he came up with his
inventions that revolutionized the way bones, hips and joints are replaced.
Dr. Gustilo invented different hip replacement systems for hip joints, to ease the pain
victims of accidents or chronic arthritis experience. One of these hip replacement systems is
the Prime Cemented Hip System. He also designed replacements for the knees that
companies like Smith and Nephews Richards of the United States of American distribute.
These knee replacement system are called Exodus and Genesis.
Technologies like these are hard to come by in the Philippines. Dr. Gustilo, in true doctor
in the barrios form, found a way to help distribute the bone replacement systems in the
Philippines by setting up a company at the Light Industry and Science Park in Laguna.
Orthopedic Innovations, Dr. Gustilos brainchild, designs and manufactures bone
replacement systems in the country. Now, those needing bone replacements do not have to
wander out of the country looking for the best possible fit, they can get it here.
But thats not where Dr. Gustilos genius lies. His designs and innovations have come
from years and years of studies. Remember, he was a student and trainee for thirteen years,
and he still does a lot of research until now. Painstaking research and a lot of practice made
Dr. Gustilo what he is today. And he has no plans of stopping, that is, at least until July 2000,
when he plans to retire.


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So the next time somebody asks you if you know a real, live scientist, say yes. Dr.
Gustilo is not just a person you can just read about in books, hes a scientist whos still trying
to find better ways to improve orthopedic surgery in the Philippines.
It is but fitting, with all Dr. Gustilos pioneering studies in the country, that he be included
in the National Science Heritage Hall of Inventors. During these days and times, when
studying and inventing is not one of our fortes, Dr. Gustilo has made the country a
formidable source of ingenuity and talent. This Ilonggo has definitely come a long way.
Now, did you say you never met a true blue-Filipino scientist?
D. Angel Alcala -Ecologist
Dr. Angel Alcala is a leading authority in the field of community ecology. He was
responsible for developing the first community-based project to create artificial coral reefs.
This became a premier model for community fisheries development which was emulated
throughout Southeast Asia.
Alcala, who hails from Negros Island, graduated from Silliman University and received
his Ph. D. from Standford University in the United States. He was given the Founders
Council Award of Merit by the Field Museum in Chicago in 1994 for his contributions in
bringing evolutionary and environmental biology to the forefront of public attention.
He donated the cash award he received to the Center for Tropical Conservation Studies
at Silliman University. Alcala said it will be used to support the scholars program of captive
breeding and reintroduction to the wilds of the Philippine spotted deer (Cervius alfredi), one
of the most severely endangered species of deer in the world. The deers are being used as
a flagship species to promote public awareness of conservation problems and to generate
support for reforestation and the protection of remaining forests.
Dr. Angel Alcala is the former Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources. He was also the former President and Vice President for Research of Silliman
University and was the Director of the Institute of Marine Biology at UP. Dr. Alcala received
the 1992 Ramon Magsaysay Foundation Award for the public service for his pioneering
scientific leadership in rehabilitating the coral reefs of the Philippines and in sustaining the
natural abundance of the countrys marine life.

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Integrated Science
Week 2-Contd
Competency: Demonstrate understanding of the basic processes of science
(measuring volume)

Lesson 2-2 Measuring Volume With Precision and Accuracy

Time frame: three periods

At the end of the activities, the students should be able to:

measure the volume of liquid in a regularly-shaped container using a ruler;

measure the volume of liquids using water displacement method;
distinguish between the precision and accuracy of measurements;
convert the measurements from one unit to another using factor-label method;
demonstrate accuracy in converting units of measurement; and
calibrate containers.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Measuring Volume and Converting Units
B. References: any science or mathematics book with this topic
C. Materials: For Lesson 2-2b: ruler; graduated cylinder (250 mL);
Rectangular containers (different sizes with volumes of at least 250 mL)
For Lesson 2-2c: modeling clay (metal cubes of different sizes can be used if
available); ruler; graduated cylinder
III. Learning Tasks
A. Motivation/Recall
1. Summarize the desirable qualities of scientists. Tell them that scientists possess
abilities and skills to enable them to observe objects/phenomena accurately. They
also use measuring instruments/equipment to do this.
2. Introduce Lesson 2-2 and its three parts. In this lesson, students will learn not
only how to use measuring instruments accurately but will be able to convert one
unit to another. Sub lesson 2.2a (measuring the volume of regularly-shaped
solids) may have been discussed in Elementary School Science. You can skip
this and proceed to sub lesson 2.2 b.
B. Activity Proper


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This lesson has three parts sub lessons. Sub-lesson 2.2a uses a guided discussion
approach. You can skip this part if you think your students are well versed on the
concept of volume. Sub lessons 2.2b and c involve students in practical work.
Sub lesson 2-2a (Day1)
1. Review the unit of length. Discuss how to solve for the area of a square or a
Area of a rectangle = length (L) X width (W)
Area of a square

A=sxs= s2

b. Point out that the units for area is in square units, such as square meters (m 2)
or square centimetres (cm2).
Introduce the concept of volume by asking students to imagine squares
stacked on top of each other until they are of a height H.
Volume of a cube = Length (L) X Width (W) X Height (H)
d. Emphasize that if they use centimetre in their measurements, the volume unit
should be in cubic centimetres (cm3). Other units are cubic inches (in3),
millilitre (mL) and ounce (oz).
(Optional: Discuss the area of a circle.)
Area of a circle = 3.14 X (radius)2
Stacking circles on top of each other gives you a cylinder.
Volume of a cylinder = area of circle X height of cylinder
2. Point out the units used. Some groups may have used cm 3 while other groups
used in3. It will be easier to compare if only one unit is used.
a. To convert from in3 to cm3 note that:
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 in3 = (2.54)3 cm3 = 16.39 cm3

b. Express this as a ratio, thus,

1 in 3
16.39 cm

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16.39 cm 3
1 in 3


This is called a conversion factor. A unit of measure can be converted to

another unit of measure by multiplying it with the proper conversion factor.

Show that to convert 3 in3 to cm3, use the conversion factor where cm3 is in
the numerator. Note that the in 3 units cancel out, leaving the desired unit of

3 in3 X

16.39 cm 3
49.17 cm3
1 in

Point out that this is the basic process for converting from one unit of
measure to another.
d. For multiple conversions, use several conversion factors to get the desired
units. For example, to convert from meter to inches note that:
1 inch = 2.54 cm
100 cm = 1 m
To convert 4 metres to inches we can use two conversion factors.
4m X

100 cm
1 in
157.5 in
2.54 cm

3. Give some seatwork to make sure that the students are familiar with the process.
You can stop the lesson at this point.
Sub lesson 2-2b (Day2)
4. Review how the volume of regularly-shaped solids are measured. Then ask: Can
you use this method for measuring the volume of a liquid? Let the students give
reasons for their answers.
5. Introduce the activity. Assign units
(centimetre or inch) for each of the groups.
0 1 2 3
Note that some rulers do not have the zero
mark at the tip of the ruler. It would be good
use rulers of this type so that you can point out issues regarding errors and
accuracy of measurement. Take note that the error introduced by using these
types of rulers is accounted for in the measurements.
6. Also take note that measuring the length and width may be a little difficult
especially if the container is not transparent. Ask the students to share the
innovative ways that they devised to accomplish this.
7. After the activity, discuss the importance of making precise and accurate
measurements. Point out the need for standards against which all measurements
are compared. Discuss the standards used for different quantities such as length,
mass, time, etc.
Also highlight the need for using common units when comparing units. Thus,
there is usually a need to convert from one unit of measurement to another.
8. Discuss the answers to the guide questions. Give a seatwork on unit conversion if
you think this is needed.


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Sub lesson 2-2c (Day3)

1. Present an irregularly-shaped object such as a stone to the class. Due to its
shape, its volume is not simply the product of its length, width and height. Ask the
class how they can measure the stones volume.
2. Let students perform the activity. They will construct objects of a given volume,
not just measure the volume of readily available materials. Assign cubes of 8 cm 3
and 27 cm3 volumes. These are easier to construct since the sides are of equal
3. Discuss answers to the guide questions.
4. Use this session to introduce the SI prefixes, the symbol and the factor as shown
in the table that follows. Give a seatwork.
SI Prefixes



D. Generalization

Measurements are precise if the values for different trials are very close to
each other. At least two measurements are needed to determine the precision
of a measurement.
A measurement is accurate if it is very close to the actual value. Only one
value is needed to determine the accuracy of a measurement.
The factor label method can be used to convert one unit to another. Only one
unit should be used when giving data for comparison.

E. Valuing/ Application
You want to bake a cake. What will happen if you do not follow the volume
measurements suggested for the amount of water or the oil?
You are sick and is required to drink medicines in suspension form. Why is it
important for you to drink the prescribed amount to be taken at specific time of
the day?
F. Assessment

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To assess students skills in measuring volume, use their data in the Activity
sheets. The following are items used to assess students knowledge in reporting
volume measurements and in converting units.
1. What is the volume of the liquid in a rectangular tube whose inner part
has the following measurements 10 cm tall, 5 cm wide and 5 cm depth?
2. The original level of water in a calibrated bottle reads 75 cm 3. When a
piece of metal was placed inside the bottle, the water level rose to 90 cm 3.
What is the volume of the metal?
3. Use factor label to convert each of the following:
a. A blue whale is about 33 m in length. How many centimetres is this?
b. The Rizal Statue is about 1.5 metres tall. How tall is the statue in
c. A tetra pack contains 325 mL juice. What is it in cL?
IV. Agreement/Assignment
Present this situation: An activity in class requires you to add 20 mL of water to the
mixture until you finish adding 100 mL. You have only one 25 mL graduated cylinder in
class but you have transparent bottles. What will you do? (Calibrate the bottles)
Pose the question: How are containers calibrated?
Individually, let students study the procedure attached as Annex 2.2 on how to calibrate a
container for making volume measurements. Let them submit as outputs different
containers that have been calibrated (e.g., 20 mL, 50mL, 100mL, 500 mL)


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Student Activity Sheet for Lesson 2.2b

Volume Measurements with a Ruler
Graduated Cylinder (250 mL)
Rectangular containers (different sizes with volumes of at least 250 mL)
1. Use a ruler to measure the length, width and height of your container. Do this only for the
inner part of the container. Use only the units assigned to you. Record your
2. Have two more of your groupmates do the same measurements and record their results.
Use the table below for recording.
Trial No.





Q. How do your measurements compare?

Your measurements are precise if the values for your different trials are very close to
each other. At least two measurements are needed to determine the precision of a
3. Compare your volume measurements with the other groups. You will need to convert
your units of measurement.
Q. Do you think your measurements are accurate?
A measurement is accurate if it is very close to the actual value. Only one value is
needed to determine the accuracy of a measurement.
4. Use the graduated cylinder to measure how much water it will take to fill your container
to the brim. Record the volume in mL. This will represent the volume of the inner part of
your container.
5. Make a total of three measurements and get the average.
6. Compare the average volume with the volume that you measured with a ruler. A measure
of the accuracy of a measurement is the percentage error. This can be computed by:

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Percent error

measured value - actual value

X 100%
actual value

Record the percentage error of your three volume measurements (with the ruler) in the
following table.

Volume (as measured

with a ruler, in mL)

Volume (as measured

with a graduated
cylinder, in mL)


A small percentage error is an indication of high accuracy.
1. Is a precise measurement always an accurate measurement ? Explain.
2. Is an accurate measurement always a precise measurement ? Explain.
3. Would it be more accurate to measure the amount of water that a container can hold by
using one measurement with a large graduated cylinder or two measurements with a
smaller graduated cylinder ?Explain.
Generalization about how to measure volume using a ruler


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Activity Sheet for Lesson 2.2c

Measuring Volume Using the Water Displacement Method
Modeling clay
Graduated cylinder (about 250 mL)
1. Work with modeling clay and construct cubes each with volumes of 8 cm3 and
27 cm3. Use your ruler to measure the exact dimensions.
2. Have your other classmates check the dimensions of the cube that you have
3. To measure the volume more accurately, use the water displacement method. This is
done by immersing the object in water and measuring the volume of water that it
4. Pour exactly 100 mL of water in the graduated cylinder. (Note the reading of the lower
5. Drop the smaller cube into the graduated cylinder and note the increase in volume of the
water. Subtract 100 mL from this volume to get the volume of the cube.
6. Repeat the above procedure for the other cube.
7. Calculate the percentage error in each of your measurements.
% error = volume(measured with a ruler) volume(by water displacement)X 100%
volume (by water displacement)
8. Record your results in the following table.
Volume of cube as Volume (by water
measured with a displacement)
ruler (cm3)

Percent error

Shape the smaller cube into a sphere and the other into a cylinder and measure the
volume again by water displacement.
Q. Is there a change in the volume of each object?

10. Deform the clay into irregular shapes and measure their volumes by water
Q. Does the shape of the object affect its volume?

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1. Can the water displacement method be used to measure the volume of an object that
floats? How?
2. What way can you think of for measuring the volume of a gas using the water
displacement method?
Generalization about measuring volume using water displacement method


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Annex 2.2
Calibrating Containers for Making Volume Measurements
Long cylindrical containers or transparent bottles
Graduated cylinder
Permanent marker
Masking tape
Procedure 1
1. Measure exactly 10 mL of water with your graduated cylinder.
2. Transfer the water to the container to be calibrated.
3. Hold the container at eye level and mark the level of the water at the lower meniscus.
Mark this level.
4. Measure another 10 mL of water in the graduated cylinder and add this to the water in
the other container. Mark the new level.
5. Do step 4 several times until you have calibrated your bottle up to the 100 mL mark.
Procedure 2

Measure exactly 10 mL of water with your graduated cylinder.

Transfer the water to the container to be calibrated.
Hold the container at eye level and mark the level of the water at the lower meniscus.
Measure another 10 mL of water in the graduated cylinder and add this to the water in
the other container.
Using a ruler, measure the distance between the two marks that you have made.
Starting from one end of the masking tape, draw lines at equally spaced intervals equal
to the distance measured in the previous step. Make enough lines to cover the length of
your chosen container.
(Optional ) Divide each division into ten equal divisions.
Stick the marked masking tape making sure that the lowest mark on the tape coincides
with the fist mark on the container.
This container can now be used for making volume measurements if a graduated
cylinder is not available. If you have many identical containers, you can simply make
copies of your divisions and stick these to the other containers.
Use the same procedure for calibrating other containers with different capacity.

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Integrated Science
Week 3
Competency: Demonstrate understanding of the basic processes of science
(measuring mass)

Lesson 3-1 Measuring Mass with Precision and Accuracy

Time frame: two periods

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:

measure mass with an equal-arm balance accurately;

use proper ways of measuring the masses of solids and liquids;
convert mass units; and
relate an objects volume with its mass.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Measuring Mass and Converting Units
B. References: any science or mathematics book
C. Materials: For Station 1: bag of mongo seeds, bag of peanuts, 3 small plastic
tumblers, equal arm balance. For Station 2: 5 mL graduated cylinder, salt or sugar
solution, water, alcohol
III. Learning Tasks
A. Recall/Motivation
1. Review the concept of volume and how the volumes of solids and liquids are
measured. It may also be worthwhile to review the different units used in volume
2. Present the following situation: In one market stall, a metal can full of peanuts
has a price of 20 pesos. In another stall, one kilo of peanuts is worth 30 pesos.
Assuming that the quality of peanuts is the same, in which stall would you buy
from? How can you determine which store sells cheaper peanuts? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using a metal can in measuring the amount of
peanuts sold?
If none of the students suggest the use of a balance, ask the class about an
accurate way of measuring the mass of an object.
B. Activity Proper



Before starting with the activity, discuss the proper way of using an equal-arm
balance. (Although a triple beam balance is more accurate and easier to use, it
would be more instructive to start with the equal arm balance since it illustrates
the correct way of measuring mass by comparing it with the mass of another

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Zeroing the balance An equal arm

balance has two pans and a pointer. Make
sure that the pointer is at the zero mark
before using the balance. If this is not the
case, screws are usually provided under
each pan that can be moved closer or
farther away from the center. An
alternative would be to place very small
masses on one pan.
Make sure that the pans are dry and free
of dirt.
Handling the standard masses- The set
of standard masses that are provided with
an equal arm balance are usually made of stainless steel and are usually resistant to
corrosion. For the small masses, small tweezers are provided.
Getting the reading - It is not necessary to wait for the balance to stop swinging
before you make a reading. Just make sure that the pointer swings equally in both
Measuring masses of liquids - For liquids, a container must be used to hold the
liquid. Measure the mass of the empty container first. Then measure the mass of the
container with the liquid. From these two measurements, the mass of the liquid can
be computed.
In measuring the mass of powdered solids, use paper or watch glass. Do not put the
powder directly on the pans.
2. Divide the class into six groups.
3. Have ready three sets of materials for each station. Three groups can work
simultaneously in Station 1 and another three groups in Station 2.
4. Ask students to perform the activity.
You can stop the lesson at this point. Tell students that they will present
their outputs the following day.
C. Discussion
1. Call some of groups to share their results with the whole class.
2. Discuss the answers to the guide questions. Suggested points for discussion are
as follows:

A solid with a large volume also has a large mass. Under what
conditions is this statement correct? incorrect?
It is a common notion that an object that is large is also massive. Of course
this is not true in all cases. For a given solid, the increase in volume is usually
due to the addition of more solid. For this case, a larger volume would also
mean a larger mass. But in comparing different solids, the volumes cannot be
used as basis for mass comparison. Some solids like Styrofoam can be of a

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large volume but of a small mass. Other solids like lead or gold have a small
volume and a large mass.

Equal volumes of different liquids have the same mass. State conditions
under which this statement is correct/incorrect.
In general, different liquids even if they are of equal volumes will have
unequal mass. Even equal volumes of the same liquid, will have the same
mass if the temperatures are equal. This is due to the fact that matter
generally increases in volume with an increase in temperature.
The discussion of the relationship of mass and volume is actually a prelude to
the topic on density (Unit III)

3. Emphasize that the mass of an object is the amount of matter it contains. It

remains constant regardless of the objects location. On Earth or on the moon,
an objects mass remains the same. An objects volume can be changed but its
mass will remain the same.
D. Generalization

The mass of an object is measured by comparing it with standard masses.

A separate container must be used when measuring the mass of a liquid or of
powdered solids.
The volume of a given object is usually proportional to its mass. However, the
masses of different objects cannot be compared based on their volumes.
Mass of an object is the amount of matter it contains. It remains constant regardless
of the objects location. On Earth or on the moon, an objects mass remains the
same. An objects volume can be changed but its mass will remain the same.

E. Valuing/Application
Are you in favor of selling pan de sal based on mass instead of per piece? Justify your
F. Assessment
1. An astronaut on the moon is measuring the mass of a rock sample with an equal arm
balance. Back on Earth, the astronaut measures the mass of the same rock sample
again. How will the measurements on Earth and on the Moon compare?
The measured mass on the Moon will be greater
b. The measured mass on Earth will be greater
c. The measured masses will be equal.*
d. It will depend on the change in volume of the rock.
2. If the mass of a small amount of liquid is to be measured.


the liquid can be poured directly into the balance pan.

the pan must be wiped clean before the liquid is poured into the balance pan.
a container must be used to hold the liquid.*
its volume must be measured first before measuring the mass.

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3. A one-gram mass is placed on one pan of an equal-arm balance to set it at the zero
reading. A bag of peanuts is placed on the pan with the one-gram mass. Masses
totaling 50 grams are added to the other pan to restore the balance to its zero
reading. What is the mass of the peanuts?

49 grams
50 grams*

c. 50.5 grams
d. 51 grams

4. A wooden bridge connects two towns. It has a carrying capacity of only one ton. A
truck full of sand passed through it and the bridge collapsed. What could be the
IV. Agreement/Assignment

Do some advanced reading on the concept of density.

BSE-Department of Education


Activity Sheet 3.1

Measuring Mass-Station 1

seeds available in your area (e.g., mongo, peanut, jackfruit)
plastic tumbler
platform or equal arm balance
A. 1. Put mongo seeds in a tumbler. Mark the level of the mongo seeds. This is the volume
occupied by the mongo seeds. Take its mass.
2. Add more mongo seeds into the tumbler. Mark the second level. Take its mass.
3. Return the mongo seeds into its original container.

Repeat A1 to 3 but use peanuts instead.

1. Do equal volumes of mongo seeds and peanuts have the same mass?
2. What can you say about the relationship between the mass of the solid and its volume,
based on the activity?
3. Do you think this relationship is always true? Why or why not?
Generalization about the relationship between mass and volume of solid objects


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Activity Sheet 3.1

Measuring Mass-Station 2
liquids like water, salt solution, sugar solution or vinegar
platform or equal arm balance
1. Wipe the graduated cylinder and measure its mass. Record your measurements in a
table similar to the one below.
2. Measure the mass of 50 mL of each of the liquids given to you. Before making new
measurements rinse the graduated cylinder and wipe dry.

Mass of graduated
cylinder (in grams)

Mass of liquid and

cylinder in grams

Mass of the
liquid in grams

Salt solution
Alcohol or vinegar
1. From your data, do equal volumes of the liquids given to you have the same mass?
2. An object with a large volume also has a large mass. Under which conditions is this
statement correct or incorrect?
3. Equal volumes of different liquids have the same mass. State the conditions under which
this statement is correct or incorrect.
Generalization about mass of objects (based on the questions in the SAS)

BSE-Department of Education


Integrated Science
Week 3-Contd
Lesson 3-2 Differentiating an Observation from an Inference
Time Frame: two periods

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:


make more detailed observations on particular objects or events;

differentiate an observation from an inference;
compare qualitative from quantitative observations; and
appreciate the importance of gaining skills in observing and inferring.

Subject Matter
1. Topic: Making Qualitative and Quantitative Observations
2. References: any science book
3. Materials:
For the motivation: any object large enough to be seen by all students when shown
in front of the class.
For the student activity: candle, matchsticks, ruler

III. Learning Tasks

A. Motivation
1. Show an object to the class (e.g., a fruit).
2. Let students observe the object. Students are expected to give the color, shape,
texture, smell, or size (at this point an estimate will do).
3. Ask: What senses did you use to be able to make such statements?
4. Let students study the statements. Are all the statements based on what was
actually observed? Which are based on past experiences? (Inferring is based on
past observations or past experiences. If they say that the fruit is ripe or unripe,
without opening the fruit, or sour or sweet without tasting, they are inferring.)
5. Show other objects that they can observe.
B. Activity Proper
Part A: This activity will develop students qualitative and quantitative observation
1. Collect the materials listed in the activity sheet. These are easily available so you
can form more groups.
2. Remind the groups about the safety precautions when working with open flame
even if these are just candle flames.
3. Go around while students are working. Take note if they are making qualitative
and quantitative observations.
4. Remind the groups to manage their time so they can finish the activities within
the prescribed period.


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Part B: This activity aims to enhance students inferring skills.

1. Prepare the boxes with different objects inside. Make sure that the objects make
a different sound when the box is shaken.
2. Make sure that one group should have observed at least two boxes.
C. Discussion
Part A
1. Let student present their observations. Discuss the observations of the group.
Introduce other observations that were not noticed earlier (e.g. size of the flame,
smell of burning candle, how fast the candle melts or how fast it cooled after the
flame was put off.)
2. Differentiate statements that are actual observations from inferences.
3. Identify which of the observations are qualitative and which are quantitative.
Discuss the importance of having quantitative observations.
4. Discuss the guide questions. Let students explain how shaking the container
helped them infer what object is inside the box. Give other situations to
differentiate observations from inference.
You can stop the lesson at this point. Give the assignment and tell them
that it will be discussed the following day.
Part B.
7. For next day, let students present their outputs (for the activity on inferring.) When
discussing the outputs, focus on qualitative and quantitative observations as well
as observation and inference statements.
8. Give the assessment questions and discuss the answers. Collect the assignment
for scoring purposes.
D. Generalizations

An observation is information about objects, events or phenomena using directly

one or more senses. It can be qualitative or quantitative.
A qualitative observation is descriptive in nature.
A quantitative observation makes use of measuring instruments and numeric in
character. More accurate observations can be made when using measuring
An inference is a statement based on known information or past observations.
This statement is not based on direct observations.
It is not good to make an inference (jump to conclusion) with only one
observation as the basis.

E. Valuing/Application
You can develop similar situations like the ones below that students can relate to.
1. Genie likes green mangoes with bagoong. One day after eating some, she
developed upset stomach. She has stopped eating green mangoes and bagoong

BSE-Department of Education


since then. Does Genie have sufficient data to make such decision? Explain your
2. In your class, more girls have higher grades in Science 1 than boys. You inferred
that all girls must be better in Science 1 than boys. Is this a good inference? Why
or why not?
F. Assessment
Use the assessment questions in the text or the following items.

Encircle the part of the sentence that shows an observation. Underline the part
which shows inference.
The clouds are dark; it will rain.
The dog near the gate is barking
loud; there is a stranger.
Allan is absent; he must be sick.
There is an ant trail leading to the
closet; there must be something sweet in there.

2. In the following statements, underline the qualitative observations once and the
quantitative observations twice.
A small plastic jar has a mass of 50 grams. It contains a colorless liquid. The
level of liquid reached the 100 cm3 mark. An irregularly-shaped object was placed
in the container. The object sunk to the bottom of the container. About half of the
original liquid content of the jar overflowed. The jar with water and object has a
mass of 150 grams.
IV. Agreement/Assignment
Observe any of the following at home: a tree or plant in your garden; the layout of your
house; a member the family; the night sky. Give as many statements about the object or
event or person you have chosen. Bring your assignment to class the next day.


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Student Activity Sheet 3.2

Observing Candles
Candle, Matchsticks, Ruler

Observe an unlit candle. Write as many observations as you can

within two minutes.
Light the candle. Write as many observations within two minutes.
Extinguish the flame. Write your observations again.
Suggested Table of Data


Unlit Candle

Lighted Candle

The Candle after

putting off the flame

What senses did you use in making observations.

Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative observations.
What are the advantages of giving qualitative observations?
What are the advantages of giving quantitative observations?
Is quantitative observation always better than qualitative observations? Why or why not?

Generalization about the importance of making keen and accurate observations


BSE-Department of Education


Integrated Science
Week 3- Contd
Lesson 3-3 Comparing and Classifying
Time Frame: one period

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

compare the characteristics/properties of objects, events and/or phenomena;

classify objects, events and/or phenomena based on common characteristics or
communicate the properties of an object or event by providing a detailed
description; and
predict the classification of an object, given the characteristics and vice versa.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Comparing/Classifying
B. Reference: any first year science book
C. Materials:
For the motivation give a Spot the Difference picture game, different kinds of metals or
For the student activity: trays with different materials in it (e.g. Tray 1: different kinds of
seeds; Tray 2: small bottles of different shapes and color; Tray 3: different kinds of plastic
materials; Tray 4: different kinds of stones or pieces of rocks; Tray 5: different liquids in
small containers; Tray 5: different kinds of leaves)
III. Learning Tasks
A. Motivation
1. Play the game Spot the Difference: The first group who can give the five correct
answers wins the game.
2. Discuss the game and highlight the importance of acquiring keen observation and
comparing skills.
3. Introduce the lesson on comparing and classifying objects/events and/or
B. Activity Proper
Recall the results of Activity 3.2. Then show some materials to be compared, e.g.,
two kinds of metals or two kinds of plastic materials. Ask students to compare the
1. Ask each group to get their assigned tray. Take note that the groups have
different materials for study.
2. Go over the student activity sheet to guide the students what to do.


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3. Go around and observe while the students are working. Ask questions to make
them observe more keenly.
C. Discussion
1. Ask students to present their data. Focus on the properties being compared using
the guide questions in the activity sheet. Watch out for common observations as
well as differences.
2. Take note of misconceptions between an observation and an inference. Give
more examples to clarify the concepts.
D. Generalization

Comparing involves observing the properties of two or more objects.

Classifying is grouping objects/events based on common properties or

E. Valuing/Application
You left an umbrella in the canteen. When you went back for it, it was not there
anymore. You are planning to post a note in the Lost and Found Bulletin Board.
Write up a description of your lost umbrella. You can also draw the umbrella.
F. Assessment
(Cut out picture games form newspapers or two similar pictures that look the same
but with missing objects in picture 2. Let students spot the difference.
Show pictures of some animals or other objects and let students classify these into
three ways. Let them state the basis for each grouping. If you are using animals
these may be grouped according to what they eat, skin cover, habitat, or number of
legs. Give a follow up question like: If an eagle is added to the original set of animals,
in which group will you put the eagle? Why did you put the eagle in that group?
IV. Agreement/Assignment
Observe all appliances or tools in your home and classify them in different ways. Be able
to explain the basis for the classification.

BSE-Department of Education


Student Activity Sheet 3.3

Comparing/ Classifying Objects
tray of objects
Part A.
1. Observe the properties of the materials in your tray.
a. Into how many groups can you classify them?
b. What is your basis for grouping them as such?
c. Show the classification system you did in a chart.
2. As the leader, ask your group mates to close their eyes. Choose one object in the tray
and describe its properties. Ask your group mates to open their eyes and guess what
the object is that you are describing.
Part B.

Exchange your tray with another group.

Repeat Part A steps 1 and 2.

In answering the questions, use the materials in the tray assigned to you originally.

What is common among the objects or materials in your tray?

What makes them different?
Into how many ways can you group the materials?
What is the basis for each grouping?
Did you correctly guess the object in the guessing game?
What helped you guess it right and fast?

Generalization about the difference between comparing and classifying



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Integrated Science
Week 3-Contd
Lesson 3-4 Graphing and Interpreting Data
Time Frame: one period

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. organize observations/data using different tables and graphs;
2. decide which format is most suitable for the kind of data available; and
3. interpret the data.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Organizing and Interpreting data
B. Reference: any math book with lesson on graphing
C. Materials: graphing paper, sample graphs (histogram, pie graph, line graph), data to
be graphed.
III. Learning Tasks
A. Motivation
1. Show different kinds of graphs. Point out the characteristics and/or uses of each
graph. Lead them to recall the following:

Bar graphs are used to compare things that have been counted or measured.
Line graphs are used to show trends or changes over time.
Pie graphs are used to compare the relative sizes of things.

2. Choose one graph. For example: a bar graph for water consumption of a family.
Ask questions like: What data (variables) are being studied? (amount of water
used every month). Which data is dependent on which data? (water consumption
varies across months). Introduce the words independent and dependent
variables. Let student observe the data on the x-axis (horizontal line)? the y- axis
(vertical line)? They should be able to say that the independent variable is on the
x-axis while the dependent variable on the y-axis.
B. Activity Proper
1. Copy the data in the activity sheet on Manila paper if you cannot provide activity
sheets for each student or group.
2. Post the data on the wall. Use this to introduce the objective/s of the activity.
3. Ask students to plot the data individually if possible. Discuss what should be
placed on the x and y-axes.
C. Discussion

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Discuss the graph

prepared. Explain how you can interpolate (determine the value in between two
known data points) or extrapolate (determine the value beyond the known point).
2. Present other forms of graphs (e.g. pie, histogram) and discuss which graph is
best for a particular set of data.
3. Ask students to make a generalization on the importance of organizing data in
table or graph form.
D. Generalizations

A graph shows a drawing of some information at a glance.

Graphs make it easier to interpret results and observe patterns,
It can also help the reader interpolate or extrapolate values.

F. Assessment
1. A car travels along a straight road. After 15 minutes it has travelled 25 km, after 30
minutes, it covered a distance of 50 km and after one hour, 100 km.
a. Organize the data in table form.
b. Plot the data in the graphing paper.
c. Describe what information can be derived from the data graph. (Without
computing, the graph shows that the car travelled at the same speed. One
can interpolate the distance travelled in between given time and distance (say
after 45 minutes) or extrapolate the number of minutes it would take a car to
travel 125 km.
IV. Agreement/Assignment
List your activities on a regular Saturday at home. Estimate the time you spend for each
activity. What kind of graph is best to use to show the data? A Sample data is given
Helping at home do household chores
Watching TV
Eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks)
Playing or chatting with friends or family
Sleeping (nighttime)


Time spent
(in hours)

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Student Activity Sheet 3.4

Graphing and Interpreting Data
Ruler, Graphing paper, set of data on Manila paper
1. Study the data below.
Rachels group is studying the effect of temperature on the volume of a gas at
standard pressure. . Their results are as follows:
Volume (mL)
Temperature (oC)

Decide what data you will put in the x and y-axes. Also discuss the basis for deciding
which data to put in the x and y-axes?
3. Plot the data on graphing paper.
4. Discuss in your group why you chose that kind of graph to present your data.
1. What are the variables studied?
2. What variable did you put in the x-axis? In the y-axis? What was your basis for putting
the data in those axes? (Temperature on the x-axis and volume on the y-axis. Volume of
a gas is dependent on temperature).
3. How does your graph look like? Describe your graph. (The graph produced is a line
4. What information can you derive from the graph? (When the temperature decreases by
14 OC, the volume decreases by 2 mL )
5. What generalization can you make out of the trend in the data shown? (The volume of a
gas depends on temperature conditions. When the temperature decreases, the volume
decreases. It can also mean that in a gas system, when the temperature increases, the
volume will also increase.)
6. If the temperature lowers to 12 0C what would be the volume reading? (3.6 mL)
7. What is/are the advantages of converting the tabulated data into graph form? (One can
easily see the relationship between the data (e.g., V and T) and can predict behaviour of
a gas.)
Generalization on the importance of graphing data

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