Activity 1 Objectives of Science Education
Activity 1 Objectives of Science Education
Activity 1 Objectives of Science Education
Go through the Science DSKP ppt and the DSKP Science Year 6. Look at the list of
objectives of teaching science in the ppt. Hight light not more than two words in each
sentence that you think are the key words. Then use those key words to write a short
paragraph on the objectives of the Primary School Science Curriculum.
Key word:
1. Using the inquiry approach to fulfil their curiosity about the world around them.
2. Applying scientific skills and thinking skills critically and creatively.
3. Acquiring knowledge on the facts and science concepts.
4. Application of knowledge critically, creatively and analytically in decision
making, innovating and problem solving.
5. Applying of scientific attitude and noble values, and
6. Play a role in caring for the environment.