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FM55-130 The Harbor Craft Company

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MARCH 1951


25, D. C, 8 March 1951
FM 55-130 is published for the information and
guidance of all concerned.


00.7 (11 Jul 49)




Chief of Staff
U1i:ed Sates Aw.
Major General, USA
The Adjutant Gen eri

Tech Svc (2) except 55 (50) ; Arm & Svc Bd (2)

except 55 (10); AFF (5); OS Maj Comd
(10); Base Comd (5); MDW (2); A (20);
CHQ (5); FC (2); Sch (10) except 55 (100);
PE (25), OSD (10); T/O & E 55-37 (5); 5547 (5); 55-110-1 (5); 55-117 (10); 55-120-1
(5); 55-500, AA, AL, BA, BM, CA, CC, HA,
HK, IA, II (1).
For explanation of distribution formula, see SR



FM 55-130
This manual supersedes FM 55-130, 31 January 1944




MARCH 1951

United States Government Printing Office

Washington :1951
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office
Washington 25, D. C. - Price 30 cents

Section I. General -------------------1-2
II. Mission and organization -.-.3-6
III. Training ------------------7
Section I. General -.-----------------8
II. Classes of vessels
-- .---.
Section I. Deck department, class A and
class B vessels ------------15-23
II. Engine room department, class
A and class B vessels -----24-27
III. Communications department,
class A and class B vessels__ 28-31
IV. Class C and class D vessels --32-34
V. Cranes
.................... 35-36
Section I. Procedure for repairs -------37-38
II. Maintenance and repair team-_
III. Basic preventive maintenance
--.---------- 41-43
Section I. Steel hull -----------------44-45
II. Wooden hull
III. Rigging
IV. Cargo-handling gear --------51-52
V. Anchor gear
VI. Lifeboats and equipment ----58-61
VII. Cargo holds..
VIII. Miscellaneous maintenance
work _---------- --------68-74
Section I. Check of equipment before
vessel operation
II. Proper performance of equipment during vessel operation_ 86-94
APPENDIX I. REFERENCES .................
II. GLOSSARY .......................





This manual supersedes FM 55-130, 31 January 1944

Section I. GENERAL

This manual is published for the information and

guidance of personnel concerned with the harbor
craft company, a Transportation Corps organization. It contains instructions pertaining to standard harbor craft organization, functions, and procedures.

a. This manual includes a general explanation of

such topics as mission, training, and organization of
the harbor craft company; types and characteristics
of its vessels; harbor craft crews and their duties;
and preventive maintenance and repair.
b. It is not intended that this manual set forth
a rigid set of operational functions and practices
of a harbor craft company but rather that it furnish
some rules, regulations, and procedures which are in
use and are recognized as good harbor craft practice.
Operating conditions vary under different circumstances, and information contained herein may require corresponding adjustment. Successful operation of the harbor craft company demands intelligent

adaptation of its personnel and equipment to prevailing circumstances.

The mission of the harbor craft company will vary
with the circumstances under which it operates. A.
company may be assigned both or only one of the
following missions: to operate and maintain barges,
tugs, cranes, power boats, and liaison craft within a
harbor and in the protected waters in the vicinity
of that harbor, and/or to transport freight and passengers from that harbor or central port to smaller,
outlying installations. The type, size, and number
of craft assigned to the company for a particular
operation will depend upon the amount and nature
of the cargo and personnel to be transported, climatic conditions, urgency, and many other circumstances pertinent to the operation.
A harbor craft company operating overseas is organized to fulfill the specific mission assigned to it.
Depending on the local situation, the company may
be assigned to an oversea port or to a Transportation
Corps composite battalion. The battalion in turn
may be assigned to an oversea port, major or medium.
a. Each port presents its own organizational
problems and the organization of the harbor craft
company must be flexible enough to permit adaptation to local conditions of operation and organization.

b. The battalion headquarters to which a harbor

craft company might be assigned normally would
perform the administrative duties and would be
responsible for all organizational equipment and its
maintenance and repairs.
c. From three to six companies may be assigned to
a battalion headquarters which may requisition such
additional service units as medical type units.
d. Maintenance and repair teams would be assigned
to the battalion on the basis of the total number of
vessels assigned to the harbor craft companies in
the battalion.
a. The original need for the harbor craft company
was felt in World War II in the Southwest Pacific
where vast ocean areas separated the scene of combat from the source of supply. All available transocean shipping was needed to bring the supplies from
the continental United States to the theater of operations and large cargo ships and tankers could not
be spared to carry supplies to subports along coasts
or to small, isolated islands. Many installations
were so situated that it was impossible for transocean
shipping to service them because of shallow channels,
lack of berths and piers, scarcity of cargo-handling
equipment, and undeveloped beaches and depot areas.
Consequently, the larger vessels unloaded at central
points and harbor craft distributed cargo to smaller
ports and coastwise installations in the area.
b. The greatest utilization of the harbor craft company in the congested ports of Europe was in the

harbor itself, where its cranes unloaded cargo vessels unable to berth at damaged wharves, its tugs,
lighters, and barges transported cargo, while the
smaller craft were used for water taxi and messenger services.
c. At the end of World War II the Army had a
total of 12,466 harbor craft type vessels, of which
7,563 were assigned to oversea theaters. These were
operated by 57 harbor craft companies whose authorized strength was 1,785 officers and 13,792 enlisted
men. Of the total, 4,597 vessels were nonpropelled
barges, 2,676 were launches, 1,065 were motor towboats, 1,113 were marine tractors, 510 were freight
supply vessels, 104 were class B tankers, and 746
were tugs of all classes.
To perform the varied types of operations with
which it is concerned, the harbor craft company must
be flexible and adaptable in structure. Unlike the
majority of Army units organized under tables of
organization and equipment, the harbor craft company does not have a fixed, authorized strength. It
is formed under the following cellular organizational
a. Company head7quarters. Company headquarters, cell AC listed in T/O&E 55-500, provides personnel for administration and housekeeping purposes
and conducts all administrative duties pertaining to
the company. Its officers include the company commander and a supply officer. Its enlisted men,
usually nine, include a first sergeant, motor sergeant,

supply sergeant, company clerk, armorer, supply

clerk, bugler, and two truck drivers.
b. Vessel crewos. The type, size, and employment
of a vessel determine the size and organization of
the crew assigned. Parts VIII and IX of T/O & E
55-500 prescribe the authorized crew for the several
classes of vessels. The crew of each vessel comprises
one cell. If 15 vessels are assigned to a company,
the 15 appropriate cells comprise the operating
strength of the company. Duties of crew personnel
are described in chapter 3 of this manual.
e. Maintenance and repairteams. While crews are
able to perform daily maintenance aboard their vessels, additional personnel may be required to perform
further maintenance and light repairs for the harbor
craft vessels. This personnel will be found in the
maintenance and repair cells listed in T/O & E 55500. Some cells provide personnel skilled in maintenance and repair, some in maintenance only, and
some in repairs only. The number and type of vessels
assigned to the harbor craft company will be factors
in determining the number and type of maintenance
and repair teams to be assigned to the company.
d. Mess teams. Crews of the larger vessels mess
aboard their vessels, but crews of the smaller vessels
usually mess with company headquarters. Mess
teams listed in T/O & E 55-500 are attached to the
company as required. The size of the mess team is
determined by the number of personnel to be fed.
e. Auto mechanic teams. Auto mechanic teams
are added to the company in accordance with the
number of motor vehicles assigned.


Training of the harbor craft soldier is divided
into three broad phases: basic military training, technical training, and unit training.
a. Basic military training. The first few weeks
of training (usually 6, 8, or 13) are devoted to basic
military subjects. This training gives the trainee
an understanding of fundamental military principles and practices and establishes a uniformity of
basic military knowledge among all soldiers. This
training is accomplished in accordance with current
Army training programs.
b. Technical training. A period of technical
training follows the basic military training and is
of approximately the same duration. Each man is
given training in a particular skill. This enables
him to become a member of a skilled team or unit.
MITP 55-1 lists the technical courses to be given for
Transportation Corps enlisted personnel.
(1) A soldier who successfully completes his
basic technical training earns a military occupational specialty (MOS) which is represented by an MOS code number. A soldier
may earn several MOS's during his Army
(2) Enlisted specialist skills required by harbor
craft company personnel include marine engineer, boatswain, small boat operator, seaman, cook, electrician, marine oiler, crane
operator, and radio operator, low speed.

c. Unit training. Upon completion of basic military and technical training, unit training is initiated.
Each soldier, now a military specialist, learns to correlate his individual skill with those of others working together as an integrated organization. In order
to provide practical experience for each specialist,
the several teams in a company work on problems
under simulated tactical conditions whenever possible. The training program for TC units is outlined in MTP 55-2.

Section I. GENERAL
The marine activities of the Transportation Corps
are limited to operations in harbors and inland
waterways. The Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS), under the direction and control of the
Department of the Navy, has responsibility for transoceanic, intratheater, and coastwise movement of
personnel and cargo. The principal types of vessels, together with their uses, which comprise the
Transportation Corps Harbor Boat Service are given
a. Barges and lighters, self-propelled and nonpropelled-these are used within harbor limits and
on other sheltered waters for the movement of Army
dry, liquid, and refrigerated cargoes.
b. Tugs and towboats-these are used for docking
and undocking of larger vessels and for the purpose
of moving Army nonlpropelled barges within harbor
limits or on other restricted waterways.
c. Utility boats-these carry a limited amount
of light Army cargo either on deck or below deck,
are self-propelled, and are used for various other
duties such as movement of small groups from ship to
shore, etc.

d. Personnel boats-these are of several types and

sizes and are used for command and inspection purposes as well as movement of personnel.
e. Floating cranes-these are used in the loading
and unloading of heavy Army cargo when the ship's
gear is unable to handle the lifts.
/. In addition to the above listed types, the Transportation Corps furnishes special types of vessels
for use of Amphibious Special Brigade, harbor craft
companies, continental armies, and oversea commands. Some of these are listed below.
(1) Patrol boats, wooden construction, Dieselpowered.
(2) Landing craft, normally of steel construction, Diesel-driven.
(3) Ferries, automobile and passenger, normally steel constructed, Diesel-driven.
(4) Pier barges, steel construction, nonpropelled.
(5) Floating machine shops, steel construction,
(6) Floating drydocks, steel construction, nonpropelled.
(7) Training vessels, normally steel constructed,
(8) Shallow draft river vessels, normally steel
constructed, Diesel-driven.
Harbor craft company vessels of the self-propelled
type are divided into four classifications: classes

A, B, C and D. Other vessels used by harbor craft

companies, which are classed as E vessels, are nonpropelled barges and floating cranes. Outboard
propulsion units are sometimes used in connection
with these otherwise nonpropelled vessels. The
manning crews for the various classes of vessels are
made up from cells of T/O & E 55-500.
a. Class A vessels include(1) Dry, reefer, and liquid cargo vessels 125 feet
and over in length.
(2) Harbor tugs 100 feet in length (fig. 1).
b. Class B vessels include(1) Cargo vessels under 125 feet in length.
(2) Harbor tugs 51 feet to 99 feet in length.
c. Class C vessels include launches over 50 feet
in length (fig. 2).
d. Class D vessels include(1) Launches under 50 feet in length (figs. 3
and 4).
(2) Harbor tugs and towboats under 50 feet in
length (fig. 5).
e. Class E vessels include(1) Floating cranes (figs. 6, 7, and 8).
(2) Cargo barges, dry and liquid (figs. 9 and
(3) Other harbor craft.
(4) Outboard propulsion units.
a. Cargo vessels over 125 feet in length.
(1) Dry, reefer, and liquid cargo vessels of the
self-propelled type are used for supply of
Army forces in small subports or other in-

stallations around the perimeter of a harbor, or along rivers and inland waterways.
These vessels are of steel construction, are
twin Diesel-powered, and have moderate
draft and other characteristics which make
them suitable for harbor and limited coastwise operation. They are approximately
150 feet in length and in loaded condition
attain a speed of 11 to 12 knots.
(2) The dry-cargo vessel has a carrying capacity of approximately 300 tons below decks.
Modifications of the basic design allow for
movement of bulk liquid and reefer cargoes.
b. Large harbor tug.
(1) This tug (fig. 1) is 100 feet in length, has
a beam of 26 feet, 5 inches, and a draft of
approximately 9 feet, 9 inches. Power is
supplied by one 6-cylinder 1200 hp Diesel
(2) This tug is used for docking and undocking
of large ships and for heavy towing within
harbor areas and around the perimeter of
a harbor. The vessel has been designed
with exceptionally good freeboard, ample
stability, and good cruising range. It is
capable of proceeding under its own power
to a theater of operations. Fire-fighting
equipment is provided in all units of this
a. Cargo vessels under 125 feet in length. One of
the standard vessels of this class is of steel construc11







tion and is used within harbor areas for movement of

cargo and personnel.
(1) This vessel is 65 feet long with a beam of
approximately 16 feet, 5 inches, and a draft
of 5 feet, 2 inches.
(2) WVhen loaded, it has a speed of 11 knots.
Power is furnished by a 6-cylinder 300 hp
Diesel engine.
(3) Its cargo capacity is 30 tons. In addition,
24 people can be accommodated in the deckhouse aft.
(4) The vessel is fitted with fire-fighting equipment and is capable of being shipped on
deck of transports.
b. Harbor tug's 51 feet to 99 feet in length. Representative of this class is the all-steel 65-foot harbor
tug, powered by one 500 hp Diesel engine. Dimensions of this vessel are such that better than average
transverse stability and freeboard are attained. It
is used principally for docking and undocking purposes and to move loaded barges from point to point
in a harbor area.
(Launches over 50 feet in length)
The principal example of this class vessel is the
63-foot patrol boat (fig. 2). This is a wooden vessel
with a beam of 15 feet and draft of 3 feet, 10 inches.
It is powered by twin Diesel engines and has a speed
of 15 knots. The boat is used for transporting personnel within harbor areas, for command and inspection service, and for patrol work within harbor
limits or around the perimeter of a harbor.

:! i

Fig'ure 2. Class C patrol boat.


a. Launches under 50 feet in length.
(1) A typical vessel of this category is the offshore patrol boat (fig. 3), with a length of

36 feet, 6 inches, a beam of 10 feet, 7 inches,

and a speed of 15 knots. It is used to carry
mail and light-packaged cargo, and to move
personnel within harbor limits as well as to
patrol restricted areas.
(2) Another boat in this class is the 26-foot
utility boat (fig. 4) with a beam of 8 feet,
1 inch, and a draft of 3 feet. It has a speed
of 10 knots; power is furnished by one 75
hp Diesel engine. This utility boat is used
for many purposes including movement of
light-packaged cargo and towing of small
barges within harbor limits.
b. Harbor tugs and towboats under 50 feet in
length. The 45-foot steel tug (fig. 5) is typical of
this class. It is powered by one 200-hp Diesel engine and has: a beam of 12 feet, 6 inches, and a draft
of 5 feet, 6 inches. It is used extensively in the movement of light barges within harbor areas.
a. Floating cranes. Floating cranes are of three
sizes. The smallest one (fig. 6) has a lifting capacity
of 30 tons; the intermediate size (fig. 7) is rated at
60 tons; while the largest (fig. 8) has a capacity of
100 tons. All three are revolving cranes of the
Diesel-electric type mounted on welded steel barges.
These cranes are used within harbor limits in the
loading and unloading of heavy cargo which is beyond the capacity of the ship's cargo handling gear.
b. Cargo barges: dnry, liquid, and reefer.
(1) These nonpropelled vessels are of different
sizes, the smallest (fig. 9) being 45 feet in













length, the next larger size 81 feet, and the

largest (fig. 10) 120 feet long. For the
purpose of standardization, the basic design
for the movement of dry cargo is used in the
81-foot and 120-foot sizes for the accommodation of reefer and liquid cargoes.
(2) All barges in the standard fleet are of
welded steel construction. The 45-foot and
81-foot sizes are sectionalized for shipment
on deck of transports. Because of their
simplified designs they are easily assembled
in theaters of operations. The various sizes
and types of nonpropelled barges are as follows:
81' (dry cargo)
81' (liquid cargo)
81' (reefer cargo)
120' (dry cargo)
120' (liquid cargo)
120' (reefer cargo)
c. Other harbor craft. Craft in this category include the 210-foot nonpropelled floating machineshop barge. This vessel is a seagoing barge with
large deckhouse. It is equipped with all necessary
shop tools for maintenance and repair of machinery
installed in harbor craft as well as for performance
of hull repairs.
d. Outboardpropulsion units. These units are of
the Diesel type and are supplied in two sizes. The
smaller size. 200 hp, when applied to units of the
81-foot barge designs give these vessels a speed of




approximately 6 knots in sheltered waters (fig. 11).

The larger size develops 300 hp and is applied to
120-foot barges and to floating cranes. The units are
of sturdy construction and are easily installed.
Their use eliminates the necessity for many small
tugs and towboats within harbor limits.

Fiiyure 7. Sixty-ton floating crane.














j .;5









Primary responsibilities of the deck department

are the cleanliness, maintenance, supply, and safe
conduct of the vessel. Although this department is
separate from other departments such as engine
room, communications, and steward, the necessary
coordination of all departments is facilitated if each
member of the deck department familiarizes himself
with the duties of other departments.

The master has supreme command of his vessel,

notwithstanding the presence of a pilot, and is held
responsible for proper navigation and the safety of
the vessel and all those on board. He must have a
thorough knowledge of navigation principles and be
able to apply them. The duties of a master are
many, covering technical, practical, and personnel
problems. The duties of mess officer are the responsibility of the master, and he may delegate these duties to one of the deck officers, who should be familiar with TM 10-205 on mess management and training and TM 10-405 on the Army cook. Comprehen26

sive lists of the duties of the master may be found in

AR 55-310, AR 55-510, and SR 55-510-1. It is the
duty of the master toa. Be familiar with the mechanical operation of
his vessel and its equipment.
b. See that maintenance of all equipment is performed and that all necessary repairs are made expeditiously.
c. Be certain that his vessel is fully supplied in all
departments at all times.
d. Know cargo stowage and security.
e. Know fuel consumption of vessel, average rpm,
and other engine data to compute speed and range.
f. Assure himself that all necessary inspections
have been performed fully and that certificates are
g. Have all station bills and licenses posted.
h. Conduct fire and boat drills as prescribed.
i. Be responsible for the safety, conduct, and training of his crew.
j. Be responsible for the safe and proper navigation
of his vessel.
The first mate is executive officer of the ship and
acts as assistant to the master ini every way. Since
the position of master is largely a supervisory one,
it is the mate's duty to see that the master's instructions are fully and promptly obeyed. He observes
all regulations prescribed for the master whenever
he acts for the master during the latter's absence. A
comprehensive list of the duties of the mate may be
found in SR 55-510-1. The first mate27

a. Is in immediate charge of the deck department

and is responsible for the good order and cleanliness
of the ship, the discipline and efficiency of the crew,
and the maintenance in a serviceable condition of
all deck, lifesaving, firefighting, and navigation appliances, keeping a constant check on the entire vessel and its equipment.
b. Assist the master in the duties of navigation by
relieving or assisting him on the bridge at any time
the master requires his services and is responsible
to see that the deck log is properly kept.
c. Has charge of the daily inspection of the ship.
d. Is in charge of checking the handling and stowage of cargo.
e. Keeps an inventory of all stores, allows no expenditure without his order, and before arrival in
port submits requisitions for each trip to the master.
f. Stations deck officers and seamen by posting
complete watch and station bills before sailing.
The second mate serves as assistant to the first
mate and, indirectly, to the master. He is frequently called upon to assume the duties of the first
mate. - For this reason he should be familiar with
the responsibilities of the first mate.
a. The second mate on a class A boat usually assumes the duties of the navigation officer. He
checks and cares for all navigating instruments, confers with the master on courses to be followed, keeps
charts, books, and all data up to date, checks the
chronometers, and keeps all ship's clocks synchronized.

b. He usually acts as the ship's mess officer, and,

as such, is responsible for the mess account, ordering
stores in conjunction with the chief cook, and checking the quality and preparation of food.
c. The second mate may be called upon to assist the
master with records and other paper work.
d. Although all ship's officers are qualified for
first-aid work, the second mate is usually designated
as the first-aidman and keeper of the medicine chest.
A long list of duties could be given, but they can
be summed up in one statement: While on duty, the
officer of the watch is in charge of the vessel under
the master and is responsible to him for its safe and
proper navigation. He has full authority for the
duration of his watch, subject only to orders from
the master. When in doubt of the course of action
to be taken, he must never hesitate, but must call on
the master immediately.
a. When coming on duty, the officer of the watch
checks the log, barometer, lights or other identifiable
objects expected on course, position, course, and all
other pertinent information contained in the captain's orders.
b. It is the duty of the officer of the watch to keep
the log and to notify the master immediately of any
unusual situations which may develop.
The duties of the boatswain are comparable to
those of a foreman. In addition to being a compe29

tent able seaman, he must be a leader of men, conscientious in performance of duty, and alert. The
mate and the boatswain work closely together. The
mate plans the day's work and the boatswain sees
that it is done. If he is efficient, no interference by
the mate is necessary. The maintenance of discipline, efficiency, and harmony among the crew is the
boatswain's prime responsibility.
a. The boatswain must understand the ship's rigging and be able to repair or replace any part of it.
He must maintain and replace all ship's gear and
should know the operation of all gear, especially the
cargo winches, anchor windlass, capstans, and boat
falls and davits.
b. The boatswain must know how to secure the ship
for sea and how to check the cargo holds. He should
know the fundamentals of mixing and applying
paints, for much of this will be done under his supervision. Under the supervision of the mate, the boatswain must lead the men in all ship drills, including
the launching and handling of lifeboats and ship's
Before qualifying for able seaman, the individual
usually serves as ordinary seaman. He must be considerate, respectful to officers, and versatile, for his
duties concern every phase of seamanship.
a. The able seaman must have a thorough knowledge of marlinspike seamanship and should have had
enough experience to apply himself expertly. He
must know how to inspect and care for rigging and

gear, including anchor windlasses, boat falls and

davits, capstans, and lead lines.
b. He must be a competent lifeboatman, knowing
all the phases of handling from launching to use
in heavy weather, and be able to handle the ship's
launch and know enough of the rules of the road to
operate it correctly and safely.
c. He must conduct himself expertly in all ship's
drills and observe all safety precautions. He must
be a first-class helmsman, familiar with the peculiarities of his own ship.
d. It is necessary that the able seaman know semaphore. It is desirable that he know blinker signaling, but it is not a requirement. He must be able
to identify the single-letter international code flags
and know the meaning of each.
e. Each able seaman must be conscientious in the
performance of his lookout duties, able to recognize
not only danger, but to distinguish between aids to
navigation, shore lights, lights of other ships, and
distress signals.
The lookout is the man on watch with the special
duty of searching for planes, other ships, land, rocks,
discolored water, buoys, beacons, floating objects, and
any other object and reporting them to the watch officer. Safety depends on the man assigned to a lookout post, since he is the eyes of the ship. Good day
and night vision and perfect hearing, augmented by
proper training, are the requisites for a lookout. He
reports all objects sighted in relation to the fore and


Figure12. Relative bearings used in reportingobjects sighted.


aft line of the ship, using the 32 points of the compass (fig. 12).
a. While the ship is under way, the safety of the
ship and its crew is the direct responsibility of the
men on watch. The watch may be divided into three
parts: the officer of the deck, the wheel watch, and
the lookouts. The watch officer or officer of the deck
is stationed on the bridge where he maintains a constant alert, especially at night, and from which he
supervises the wheel watch and the lookouts. A complete description of the duties of the watch officer is
given in paragraph 19.
b. When the vessel is in port, the watch includes a
watch officer or an officer of the deck and an anchor
watch or fireguard. The fireguard may also be used
as a gangway watch.
Close cooperation between the engine room department and the deck department is essential for
the safe operation of the ship. The master should
notify the chief engineer of docking and sailing time
24 hours in advance if possible. In return, the chief
engineer or watch engineer should give the bridge
as much advance warning as possible should it be
necessary to slow down or stop the main engine.



The chief engineer should have an expert knowledge of technical subjects in connection with the operation of engines and other machinery. A comprehensive list of the duties of' the chief engineer may
be found in SR 55-510-1.
a. He is responsible under the master for the efficient and economical operation of the engine room
machinery and the prompt and careful execution of
all orders from the master. With the help of his
assistant or assistants, the chief engineer supervises
and directs all activities of the engine room crew to
insure discipline and efficiency.
b. He is responsible for keeping the engine room
log and all other records necessary for the efficient
operation of his department.
o. He is responsible for all deck machinery and
the ship's fuel and water supply.
The assistant engineer acts as assistant to the chief
engineer in every way and sees that his instructions
are fully and carefully executed. Whenever he acts
in the absence of the chief engineer, he observes all
regulations prescribed for his chief and performs
any duties assigned to him.
The oiler's principal duty is the lubrication of
main engines, auxiliaries, and electric motors. In
addition, he assists the engineers in repair and maintenance work. Hle is responsible for keeping his

station clean at all times and for carrying out any

orders given him by the engineers on duty.
The communications department is one of the most
important departments aboard ship. Its function
is the maintenance of communication and signals,
both visual and auditory, vital to the ship's operation. Visual signals include semaphore and flag
hoists used during the day and 'blinker and pyrotechnic devices used at night. Auditory types of
communication include radio voice and radio code.
H. O. No. 87 and H. O. No. 88 have been compiled for
flag signaling with the International alphabet flags,
numeral pennants, substitutes, and answering pennants; for blinker signaling with the International
Morse code; for sound signaling with the International Morse code; and for flag signaling with semaphore. This code is printed in seven languages, including English, French, Italian, German, Japanese,
Spanish, and Norwegian. Further information may
be found in the following manuals: FM 24-10 for
combined radio-telegraph procedure and TM 11454 for information pertaining to the radio operator.
The signal officer, who may also be the second
mate, has charge of all signal equipment and its
condition. His department sends and receives all
messages under direct responsibility to the master

of the ship. This officer and the other communications personnel aboard comprise the signal team.
Since actual operation of radio communication
equipment is the duty of the radio operator, he must
have an accurate knowledge of all types of communication, procedure, and code, as well as call letters,
emergency signals, identification letters for flag
hoists, and the various frequencies in his radio set.
Both visual and auditory types have specific advantages and disadvantages with which communications personnel should be familiar.
a. Semaphore. This is a form of daytime visual
signaling. Messages are transmitted by means of
two flags, using the semaphore alphabet (fig. 13).
(1) When a communication is about to be made
by semaphore, the international code flag
"J" is hoisted either singly or inferior to
a group of signal letters to denote that a
communication is about to be made by
semaphore. It is to be hoisted where most
convenient and where best seen. See
figure 17.
(2) As soon as the flag "J" is observed, the
answering pennant is dipped by the ship
addressed, then hoisted close up when ready
to read.
(3) If there is any doubt as to which vessel is
intended to answer the signal, the flag "J"






Y. I<





is hoisted with a tackline inferior to the

signal letters of the ship with which it is
desired to communicate.
(4) If a man-of-war wishes to communicate by
semaphore with a merchant vessel, she
hoists the code pennant in a conspicuous
position and the signal letters of the merchant vessel with a tackline superior to the
"J" flag.
(5) The flag "J" is kept flying while the message is being made and is hauled down at
the completion of the communication.
b. Blinkers. Transmitting messages by blinker is
a form of visual communication useful for ship-toship communication and for ship-to-shore communication where no radio facilities are available. It
has a high degree of flexibility and employs the
Morse code (fig. 14) which is also used for radio
(1) The portable blinker (fig. 15Q) is a tube
closed at one end with a light enclosed.
This light is turned off and on by a triggeroperated switch. On shipboard a permanent unit (fig. 15)) may be installed either
on the bridge wing or on the flying bridge.
The unit consists of a light mounted on a
staff with a swivel enabling it to be turned
in any direction. Refer to TM 11-392 for
types of portable blinker lights.
(2) The blinker has several advantages. It may
be used when no radio is available or when
signal security prevents the use of radio.

Brief messages may be sent with considerable speed. Since the equipment is lightweight and portable, it is useful on small
craft when size and construction prevent the
installation of elaborate radio equipment.
(3) There are certain disadvantages in the
transmission of messages by blinker. It is
comparatively slow and not well adapted to
long messages. Its range is limited even
under ideal conditions, and atmospheric and
light conditions may prevent its use entirely.
If it is used in theaters of operation, it is
easy for a nearby enemy to locate the com-



_. .

F igure4. Morse code.



Blnicer, portanBe.

Figure 15. Types of blinkers.


I a
Z, .

.S I
i: k14


municating parties and subject them to attack.

c. Radio code.
(1) The Morse code (fig. 14) is used in radio
signaling by ship, aircraft, and shore installations. With this code long messages may
be sent in a minimum of time. The code
has disadvantages in that both sender and
receiver must be experienced men, and
while they are using the code they are giving the enemy a chance to determine their
position and to intercept and decode their
(2) FM 24-10, which was approved and published by the authority of the Combined
Communications Board, is used for joint
Army-Navy communication. A thorough
understanding of this manual will provide
an operator with the procedure needed to
handle radio communications. Procedure
must be precise if the message is to be understood.
d. Radio voice. The radio is standard equipment
on all ships of any size. It ranges from small sets
capable of transmitting up to 5 miles to sets which
transmit several thousand miles. As a rule, the
smaller sets are limited to one or two transmitting
frequencies but as receivers, they have a much greater
range in distance and in frequencies. Radio transmitters conform to specifications of the Signal Corps
and are designed for transmitting on frequencies allocated to the type of service for which they are intended.

(1) All sets are registered and given a call letter which must be used for identification
when sending. In wartime, call letters are
changed at frequent intervals by the Navy
port director's office to insure secrecy of ship
(2) Just as in any other form of signaling, there
is a definite procedure for use of a radio,
and it should be known by anyone who
might be called upon to use a radio at sea.
(3) Radio has the advantage of having a long
range. It is the fastest method to send a
message of any length, and it is much simpler to learn and operate than any other
form of signaling at sea.
(4) Radio has certain disadvantages which cannot be overlooked. Weather, other stations,
and mechanical contrivances are able to interfere with radio transmission and render
it useless. In the event of power failure,
the radio will be similarly useless, and repairs and spare parts are frequently hard
to obtain. In theaters of operation, radio
messages may be picked up by the enemy,
and bearings may be taken on a radio set,
leaving the position open to attack.
e. Pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnics include signals sent
in the form of a flare, rocket, or smoke apparatus,
or a spontaneous signal such as a fire or a gunshot.
Pyrotechnics are most commonly used as distress
signals, and many types are manufactured for that
purpose. Special signals applying pyrotechnics of
one kind or another may be worked out by a unit or

between two persons. One method of firing pyrotechnics is through the use of the Very pistol, which
is a simple, single-loading type with a steel barrel
about 9 inches long tapered at the muzzle (fig. 16).
(1) Pyrotechnics may be found in many forms,
some in the form of cartridges to fit guns
built particularly for that use and some in
the form of hand flares, such as rockets,
used especially in lifeboat equipment.
Smoke apparatus is not common but serves
many purposes. Before surfacing, a submarine may release a yellow smoke bomb
to warn ships that may be in the vicinity.
(2) Flares, rockets, and other pyrotechnic devices have certain advantages, especially in
lifeboats where radios are impractical.
They are very effective for their size, may
be seen at night at a great distance, and may
be used to mark a definite position.
(3) Pyrotechnics have several disadvantages
which restrict their use. They have a limited range of visibility during the daytime,
and they may be seen by the enemy. When
they are improperly handled they can be
very dangerous, and because they must be
ignited to be effective they are useless if
f. Flag hoists. Flag hoists provide a method of
communication which utilizes a set of flags of different patterns and colors. The set consists of 26
alphabetical flags, 10 numeral pennants, 3 repeaters,
and 1 code pennant. The purpose of the repeaters

F'igure 16. Very pistol.


is to enable the sender to use the same letter or number more than once in the same message. The code
pennant is used preceding a group of flags to indicate that the message is in code. Each flag has a
meaning in itself which should be known to everyone who may come in contact with this method of
communication. These flags are referred to as the
International code flags and are used by all principal
maritime nations. See figure 17.
(1) There is a definite procedure to be used in
flag hoist communication. The starboard
outboard yardarm is the truck used first in
the sending of a single flag message, and
from there the hoists are worked to port.
If more room is needed or more than one
message is being sent, the triatic stay is put
into use.
(2) Since flag hoist signals are published in
many languages, this method has the advantage of allowing ships of different nationalities to communicate. Furthermore,
it is possible to communicate with several
ships at once when the flags are visible to
all, or if secrecy is demanded, a code may
be worked out between two or more ships
to eliminate all others. Simple signals for
towing and other activities may be worked
out to facilitate routine movements.
(3) This method has the disadvantage of being
slow and unsuitable for long messages.
Flag hoists may be used only for short distances and may be obscured by heavy
weather or darkness. A book of flag







Figure 17. International code flags and, pennants.








Figure 17-Continued.







Figure 17-Continued.




Figure 17-Continued.











Fi!/urc 17--(ontinued.



Figure 17-Continued.



Figure 17-Continued.


combinations, H. O. No. 87, is necessary to

read messages of more than one flag.
(4) General instructions for the use of a flag
hoist include the following:
(a) As a general rule, only one hoist should
be shown at a time, but each hoist or
hoists should be kept flying until
(b) When several flags are displayed simultaneously, they are to be read in the following order: masthead, triatic stay, starboard yardarm, port yardarm.
(c) When more than one is shown on the
same halyard, they must be separated by
tacklines and must be read in numerical
order of superiority.
(d) A signal is superior to another when
hoisted before, either in regard to time
or hoist.
(e) The transmitting ship should hoist signals where they can be seen best by the
receiving ship.
The small boat operator, although in command of
a smaller boat and crew, is accountable for the operation, maintenance, and welfare of his boat and
crew. Class C and class D boats are used for many
types of work and are in demand during long periods
of time. This means that the master must coordinate the activities of his crew so that the boat is

maintained in as near perfect condition as possible.

All lines should be kept in proper shape and stowed
correctly, the boat should be painted and kept clean,
bilges and floorboards, as well as the hull, must be
cleaned regularly, and the engine should be kept in
proper working order with fuel and oil supplies at
the maximum. All safety equipment must be in a
serviceable condition and properly stowed. The
operator, while supervising such work, must bear in
mind that the small size of his crew makes him a part
of it, and he must work side by side with his seamen
and engineer. The small boat operator has the following duties and responsibilities:
a. Care of boat. The small boat operator is
largely graded by the appearance and care he gives
his boat. On small boats, care is as important as on
a large freight supply vessel, and the smallest boats
of class D should be painted regularly, carry adequate fenders, and be in good running order at all
b. Safety' of passengers and crew. The small
boat operator is responsible for the safety of his
crew and passengers. He must see that they are
safely placed aboard and discharged. While under
way, they are in his charge, and he must provide
proper safety equipment for them. The master
should check with the engineer and the deck department before leaving the pier to make sure that the
vessel is ready for use.
G. Skill in boat handling. A great proportion of
the work of the small boat operator will be short
trips, which means that he will have to make numerous landings and often operate in rough sea. It

is necessary that he be able to handle his craft with

skill. He must plan maneuvers in advance and have
in mind landing procedures before arrival at the
landing site.
d. Knowledge of rules of the road. The small
boat operator is bound by the rules of the road as
is any craft. While working in congested harbors
it is essential that he keep his craft out of danger
and prevent it from becoming a source of danger to
e. Piloting and navigation. The small boat operator must know advanced seamanship, navigation
principles, piloting, dead reckoning, and the use of
charts, compass, and other navigational instruments.
He should become familiar with the water which his
boat will operate and with harbor regulations.
f. Keeping a log. All craft must keep a rough
log. It should include running time, nature of
duties, running conditions, and other pertinent data.
The able seaman on class C and class D boats has
an opportunity for a more general knowledge of
boat handling and maintenance than would be possible on a larger vessel. His duties are to handle
lines while docking or towing and to assist in freight
handling and stowage. Although generally responsible for the cleanliness of the boat, including painting, mopping, and washing down, he is usually assisted by the operator and the engineer. When necessary, he assists the engineer in maintenance and repair of the engine. The operator instructs the sea56

man and should give him an opportunity to operate

the boat.
a. Care of craft and equipment. The able seaman is an important member of the crew. One of
his main tasks is to keep the vessel painted and shipshape.
b. Knowledge of duties. The able seaman must
know every phase of his job. He must have a complete knowledge of marlinspike seamanship, of preservation of surfaces, and of fundamentals of boat
maintenance. The able seaman should report defects in the vessel's gear. He must know the fundamentals of safety aboard ship. Above all, he must
remain mentally alert.
c. Knowledge of craft operation. The able seaman stands a wheel watch or, on a small vessel, assists the operator. It is necessary that he be able
to steer a compass course. A knowledge of the controls of the vessel is helpful in an emergency. The
rules of the road should be familiar to the able seaman and to all members of the deck crew.
The engineer of a small launch or towboat is responsible for complete maintenance of the power
plant. If no maintenance and repair section is
available, he must do all general repairing with the
help of the crew. He is responsible for the proper
operation of the engine, as a shortage of fuel, oil,
or water, or a bad engine would immediately halt
operations. On class C and class D craft the seamen assist the engineer and the engineer aids others
in their duties, as necessary.

a. Work boats. Class C and class D boats are

usually classified as work boats and may be in operation for long periods of time. They are assigned
to work under a dispatcher who assigns them to
various jobs. They may be sent to tend a floating
crane by changing crews, carrying rations and mail,
or securing small supplies, which is a 24-hour operation. Some of these craft are held by the dispatcher
for short jobs or the hauling of passengers and the
towing of barges.
b. Maintenance and repair. Harbor craft companies have a maintenance and repair section whose
primary duty is that of repair or replacement of
parts made necessary through wear or accident.
These maintenance and repair teams are assisted by
the engineer of the craft, but the repairs actually
come under the chief of maintenance and repairs.
When such service is not available, the engineer, assisted by all the crew members, does this work.
Section V. CRANES
The floating cranes of the harbor craft companies
are usually of two types, either the revolving (or
whirley-type) floating crane or the type commonly
called the stiff-leg crane. The revolving or rotarytype crane is mounted on a steel floating barge.
Length, width, and tonnage of the barge depend on
the capacity of the crane. Revolving cranes are efficient in handling tonnage because of their 360
turn. They are used for unloading all types of
heavy lifts and may be useful also in salvage opera58

tions. The stiff-leg crane is also mounted on a floating barge which may differ in length, width, and
tonnage according to the capacity of each crane.
The difference between the revolving and the stiffleg crane is found in the boom. The boom of the
stiff-leg is anchored by means of a kingpin at the
heel of the boom, and the entire boom can move in a
750 vertical arc; its horizontal movement is limited
to 1800 (fig. 6). The revolving crane has a boom anchored to the cab and moves horizontally 3600 with
the turn of the cab and vertically in a 750 are (fig.
7). These cranes range in size from 15 to 100 tons
and are powered by Diesel, electric, or steam engines.
The crews of the various cranes are determined by
size, capacity, type of engine, and other factors. A
steam crane carries one or more firemen, while a
Diesel crane has none. The deck crew consists of the
master and his seamen. The engine crew consists of
the engineer and his firemen or oilers. It is their responsibility to keep the main engine and all auxiliaries in an efficient state of operation.
a. Crane naster. The master of the crane is responsible for the upkeep of his crane. He makes
sure that all controls, engines, and sheave blocks are
operating efficiently, and he supervises the periodic
greasing and cable coating of all load lines to keep
them in good condition and to prevent frequent replacements. The master of the crane has the additional responsibility of supervising the loading or
unloading of heavy equipment. It is his job to see

that no load is lifted which has not been properly

rigged for lifting or which is greater than the
capacity of the crane.
b. Crane operator. The crane operator is responsible for the operation of the crane. He is in
the control tower which contains all the necessary
controls, and from there he lifts all loads that the
master directs to be lifted. His job is a responsible
one, for on him depends the safety of every man
working the load at the time of lifting. He must
watch his signalman constantly, especially when the
control tower is below the level of the load, or the
load is in a hatch beyond his view.
c. Engineer. He is directly responsible for the
operation and maintenance of the engine room, its
auxiliaries, and the electrical connections aboard the
crane. It is his duty to instruct the men in proper
care of the engine to insure its running efficiency.
He is responsible for supervising the cleaning of all
electrical circuits and contact points. On the new
and modern Army cranes, there are numerous electrical units to be serviced, requiring the engineer to
have a working knowledge of electricity.
d. Marine oiler. The duties of the marine oiler
aboard a crane include keeping all moving parts of
the engine lubricated. The working parts of a crane
may be protected from friction by the use of two
lubricants, oil and grease. It is necessary to oil and
grease regularly other machinery aboard the crane,
such as traversing gears, bull wheels, and sheave
blocks. Negligence can cause damage to any part
of the crane.
e. Seaman. The duties of the seaman include

painting, chipping, scraping, handling of lines, and

general duties necessary to maintain the good appearance of the crane and the gear at a high level
of efficiency. It is desirable that at least one of the
seamen be trained in rigging.


,;When a vessel is due for drydocking and general
repairs, a thorough check of all work to be done
should be made by the master and chief engineer.
All work should be listed, properly identified, and
itemized in the work request. Each item should be
broken down in detail as far as possible, so that a
complete and final specification of repairs may be'
readily executed. The master should submit his
work request through proper channels for further
38. INSPECTION DURING AND AFTER REPAIRSIt is important that constant inspection of all repair work be made during actual repairs. The shipyards should be notified of improper or deficient
work before it is too far advanced. When the job
is completed, it is too late to complain.
Ship maintenance and repair teams are authorized
in three classes, and personnel and equipment vary

with number and class of boats to be serviced. Refer

to T/O & E 55-500.
a. A maintenance and repair team, comprised of
men with trades necessary to perform field maintenance of small boats and harbor craft, is normally
included in the complement of a harbor craft company.
b. A maintenance team is added when it is anticipated that adequate maintenance requires more marine engine mechanics.
c. A repair team is added when it is anticipated
that adequate maintenance requires more diversified
a. Ship maintenance and repairofficer. This officer plans and supervises the maintenance and repair
of vessels, including mechanical and electrical equipment.
(1) He inspects vessels to determine the extent
and nature of repairs to hull and superstructure,and prepares working drawings
and specifications.
(2) He inspects repair operations for quality
of materials, workmanship, and conformity
with specifications.
(3) He is responsible for coordinating shop and
inspection procedures to insure the serviceable condition of a vessel and its equipment.
(4) He makes arrangements for docking a vessel for underwater repairs.
(5) He maintains records and files of opera929575--51


tions performed by outside contractors of

Army maintenance ships.
(6) He also requisitions supplies for repairs and
may supervise the conversion of harbor
b. All members of maintenance and repair teams
should be qualified in their military occupational
specialties. In addition, they should be trained as
a unit to accomplish all necessary repairs in a satisfactory and expeditious manner.
Keeping a vessel clean is the first and most important step in proper maintenance. It is essential
to general welfare, efficient operation, and good
a. Decks. Decks must be scrubbed often with fresh
water or salt water if fresh water is not obtainable.
A fire pump and hose may be used for this purpose.
Clean decks prevent the tracking of dirt throughout
the vessel. If available, canvas or cocoa matting
may be laid on the deck wherever people walk.
Washing the deck is important not only for sanitation but in the case of wooden vessels to prevent the
decks from drying out and to stop leakage to the
spaces below. Drain holes will be kept clean to allow water to flow over freely. Pools of water on
deck should be mopped up immediately.
b. Topsides. Topsides and superstructures should

be washed often, with fresh water if possible. If

topsides and superstructures are very dirty, a small
amount of washing soda added to the wash water
will help in the cleaning, but too much soda will affect the paint. Parts washed with soda and water
should be given a final wash with fresh water.
c. Interior. Quarters will be cleaned daily and
close attention given to dark corners and spaces
blocked by lockers, furniture, and other articles.
Dust, dirt, and filth collecting in these spaces result
in unsanitary conditions which may breed vermin or
cause dry rot on wooden ships.
d. Cargo holds. Cargo holds should be cleaned
when necessary and excess dunnage stowed and secured. Sources of any fumes or odors should be
traced and the cause eliminated.
e. Galley. The galley will be kept clean at all
times and cooking utensils, porcelainware, and silverware put away spotless. All cooking and eating
implements should be steamed or washed with water
hot enough to remove all traces of grease or food
(1) The stove should be provided with a suction
fan to draw all fumes and smoke from the
(2) Food handlers will keep their bodies clean,
wear clean clothes, and will have a certificate of health.
(3) Refrigerators and coolers will be kept clean
at all times. Duckboards, hooks, and
shelves should be scrubbed and the box defrosted at least every 2 weeks.
(4) Food should be checked daily for spoilage,

especially in the cooler and vegetable bins.

Potable water will be tested periodically
and the tanks flushed and cleaned every 6
f. Paint lockers, boatswain's lockers, deck boxes,
storerooms. These areas should be kept clean and
neat. Dirty rags and other trash are fire hazards
because of spontaneous combustion, especially in
paint lockers or boxes where ventilation is poor.
Spilled paint, fresh or old, should be removed.
Deck and engine room gear carelessly left around
a vessel may result in injury or loss of life. There
is a place for everything aboard the vessel; all gear
and equipment must be put in the proper place when
not in use so that it will be on hand when needed.
Crew quarters should not be cluttered with odds and
ends; storerooms and lockers have shelves, hooks,
and other fixtures where loose articles may be placed.
Lines should be neatly coiled and, if possible, stowed
on gratings so that the lines, as well as the deck
underneath, may be kept dry. A vessel's constant
motion will shake all objects loose, and even heavy
gear must be properly stowed. Life rafts, lifeboat
gear, and provisions have a definite place and will
be properly stowed. Lifeboats or life rafts may be
needed only once, but if needed, gear and equipment
must be complete and in good condition.


Proper ventilation aboard a vessel is important
not only from a preventive maintenance standpoint
but also from the standpoint of safety of the cargo
and the health of the crew.
a. Wooden vessels are subject to dry rot which eats
away the wooden fibers, weakening the wood.
Proper ventilation will help prevent dry rot, which
thrives in damp places. On clear days, hatches,
escape scuttles, manholes, and doors should be opened
so that fresh air may circulate, removing stagnant
air. This is especially important in the bow and the
stern of the vessel where circulation of air is usually
poor. To be sanitary, living quarters should be
aired and cleaned at least once a day.
b. When possible, all lines and ropes should be
brought on deck, looped loosely, and laid in the sun
to dry. Storerooms should be cleaned and aired
frequently. Since sea air is moist, clothing, bedding,
and other fabrics will mildew if not exposed to the
sun as often as possible.
c. Improper ventilation of the cargo holds causes
damage to cargo. Sometimes fumes accumulate
causing a fire or explosion by spontaneous combustion. Some cargoes remove oxygen from the air;
these include tobacco, oranges, resin, potatoes, wool,
cotton, leather, coal, cereal grains, hemp, jute, and
all petroleum products. Fuel products not only
remove oxygen from the air, but they also produce
hydrogen sulfide, a gas which is poisonous if there
is a large quantity present in a confined space.
d. The two most common noxious conditions in

tanks are presence of carbon monoxide and oxygen

(1) Carbon monoxide is usually found around
running engines where exhaust gases are
not properly carried off, their heavier-thanair property causing them to settle near the
deck or in bilges.
(2) Oxygen deficiency is a lack of sufficient oxygen to permit normal breathing. Fresh,
circulating air contains 21 percent oxygen,
but 16 percent is considered safe. From 8
to 11 percent will cause loss of consciousness, and 6 percent can cause death within
6 to 8 minutes.
e. Certain precautions should be taken before entering a tank or hold for cleaning, painting, or inspection of cargo. When a tank or hold is known
to have been gaseous, testing equipment should be
used to determine purity of the air within since both
carbon monoxide and oxygen are colorless, odorless,
and tasteless. If no testing equipment is available,
tanks or holds must be ventilated thoroughly and
then entered cautiously. If approved gas masks are
available, worker should be so equipped. If gas
masks are not available, worker should be properly
secured with a line before being lowered. He will
not be left unattended and a constant check will be
made of his condition.

Section 1. STEEL HULL
a. Rust chipping. It is highly important that all
steel surfaces be properly cleaned of rust, grease,
and dirt before painting.
(1) Equipment for descaling consists of electric
and pneumatic chipping hammers, hand
chipping hammers, chisels, scrapers, and.
wire brushes of different shapes. The pneumatic tool, or air gun, is highly effective
as all-purpose descaling equipment; it may
be used to clean large, open areas, as well
as corners, narrow channels, and openings,
performing efficiently in a minimum of
time compared with other types of chipping hammers.
(2) When descaling steel surfaces, care should
be taken to prevent the use of chisels which
are too sharp. A smooth steel surface offers
more resistance against rust than a rough
surface; therefore, it is advisable to use a
blunt type of chisel and avoid cutting into
the steel and ruining the surface. Chisels
of various shapes should always be at hand
so that the hammer operator may select the

one most suitable for the area which is to be

(3) Certain areas, when covered with loose,
heavy scale, may be descaled with a square
blow from a rather heavy hammer. A firm
rap will descale several square feet of the
plate without doing any harm to the steel
b. Scraping and cleaning. Not all types of rust
can be removed by descaling. There will always be
a certain amount which must be eliminated by the
use of scrapers and wire brushes. Soft or loose rust
is just as injurious as hard scale and must be removed
before the steel is painted. Scrapers used for this
work are of different types, depending on which
part of the vessel is to be scraped. Deck scrapers are
usually of the straight type, with a scraper blade of
hard steel, varying in width from 2 to 5 inches, and a
wooden handle long enough to let a man work with
straight back. Scrapers used on the outside of the
vessel have two scraping edges set at a 900 angle
and a wooden handle 6 to 15 feet long. In addition,
there are different types of hand scrapers of convenient size for use in narrow compartments, where
long-handled scrapers cannot be used. It is excellent to use a sharp scraper before using a wire brush
to clean the pores in the steel surface. A wire brush
may be used also in places where it is impossible to
use a scraper.- Where possible, an electrically operated wire brush should be used to remove all rust
remaining after the use of chipping hammer and
scraper. The final cleaning of the horizontal sur-


faces may be done with a suitable broom to remove

the remaining dust and dirt.
a. Paint should be applied in dry weather only,
preferably on warm days. Temperatures below 450
are damaging to wet paint and should be avoided.
A priming coat of red lead or zinc chromate is recommended; when the first coat is completed, check
to see that no bare steel is exposed. The paint should
be left to dry until it forms a tough, hard film; then
apply a second coat of the same paint to form a firm,
protective base for the finishing coat. If red lead is
used for priming, care should be taken not to dilute
it with oil below the safety limit. The paint should
contain not less than 25 pounds of red lead to each
gallon of oil (thirty-three pounds of red lead to 1
gallon of oil is considered the best mixture).
b. When the priming coat has hardened sufficiently,
a coat of flat paint of the desired color should be applied before the final coat. All outside surfaces require a better grade of paint than more protected
surfaces such as inside shell plates, bulkheads, and
other parts of the vessel not directly exposed to the
effects of sun, air, and salt water. All surfaces inside living quarters, mess hall, galley, and compartments which are subject to frequent cleaning with
soap and water should have a final coat of enamel
paint; this forms a hard and highly glossy finish
which is easily cleaned and resistant to wear and
chemical action.
e. Application of paint with a spray gun is chiefly
a time-saving operation. If a long-handled nozzle is

used, large areas may be coated in a comparatively

short time without the use of elaborate stagings and
ladders, otherwise necessary when painting a surface
such as the outside of a vessel. A spray gun also
expedites a paint job in an engine room or storeroom
where obstructions make brush application impracticable. However, a sprayed application is a relatively thin coat and is not considered so satisfactory
as a brush application, which provides better and
longer lasting protection to a surface. It is preferable to use the brushing method when painting the
bottom and outside surfaces of a vessel. The brushing method involves more time and manpower, but
the adhesive qualities of the paint are increased by
brushing and working it into the pores and cracks of
the surface. Also, the painter is able to observe
whether the area is evenly coated with paint because
of the short distance between himself and the painted
d. It is important that the painter be well qualified for the job and that he use the proper type of
paint and the correct kind of brush. Enamel paint
requires a rather stiff brush, while flat oil paint may
be applied more effectively with a softer brush.
e. Consult current directives and technical bulletins (TC series) regarding the quality and color of
paint to be used for various purposes.
a. Paintremoval. A heavy coat of old paint may
be removed by using a blowtorch and a scraper.

Apply the flame of the torch close to the painted

area which is to be cleaned until the paint begins to
boil and blister; the paint may then be easily scraped
down to the bare wood. Only a limited area should
be heated at a time. Be careful not to use any excess
heat, and keep the flame constantly circling the area
being worked on. A scraper for woodwork, properly honed to a sharp edge, should be used immediately after the paint has been softened by the heat.
Areas covered with a comparatively thin coat of
paint may be cleaned by using a chemical paint remover and then scraping. This method is also excellent for removal of varnish and lacquer, particularly on surfaces where a blowtorch would have a
damaging effect. When using paint remover, a
heavy coat should be applied with a paint brush;
it should be left on until the chemicals have had
sufficient time to dissolve the paint, and then the
paint may be removed with a sharp scraper. It is
recommended that work be done on a limited area
of 2 to 3 square feet at a time. Paint has a tendency
to harden again if the paint remover is left to dry
after the application. Removal of a heavy coat of
old paint with only a scraper is unsatisfactory and,
in most cases, ruins the surface of the wood.
b. Calking. After removing the old paint on the
hull, all seams and butts should be examined for
proper condition. Test the hardness of the calking
by using a wooden mallet and a calking iron of the
correct shape and thickness. A gentle stroke or rapping with the mallet on the calking iron will indicate whether the calking material (oakum or cotton
thread) is tight in the seam. If it is soft, the seam

should be recalked where necessary and repaired with

calking compound. A proper calking job requires
a skilled calker. The pressure exerted on the calking material depends upon the type, thickness, and
width of the planking. Oakum is used chiefly on
the heavier planking, while cotton thread is more
suitable for small craft. The seams should never
be filled flush with calking material; sufficient space
should be left for a good seal of marine type putty
or calking compound, which will prevent the oakum
or cotton thread from becoming water-soaked.
After completing repairs to seams and butts, the
finishing compound should be left for hardening.
After it has hardened, all excess compound may
be scraped off flush with the wood. When the hull
has been scraped clean of paint and all repairs
have been completed, such as replacement or renewal of planking or other outside work, the surfaces should be sanded down to a smooth finish and
all dust brushed off, thus completing the preparations for the first coat of paint.
Current directives, technical bulletins (TC series),
and specifications covering Government-approved
paints for various purposes will be followed. Paint
for the first coat on wooden surfaces should be "cut"
only as specified. When the priming coat has dried
sufficientlyto form a hard film, all cracks and exposed
fastenings and bolt heads should be checked and
where necessary filled with putty or other suitable
compound. Make sure the putty or compound is
smoothed flush with the surface. A second coat of

paint of the desired color, thinned less than the first

coat, should be applied. Be sure that a uniform,
relatively thin coat is obtained. The third coat of
paint will usually give the surface the desired protection and appearance. In painting the outside of the
hull, all final strokes of the brush should be in the
fore and aft direction; otherwise, the strokes should
be in the direction permitting the longest strokes, or
parallel with the longest beams. The underwater
part of a wooden vessel is usually protected by two
or more coats of copper paint. The instructions for
applying copper paint should be read and followed
carefully, particularly those regarding the last coat,
which should be applied immediately before launching the vessel or refloating it after drydocking.
It is important that masts and cargo booms be
given care and attention at all times. All permanently installed sheaves, cleats, and padeyes must be
checked for good condition at regular intervals.
Bolts and pins in sheaves and shackles should be
kept free from rust and corrosion by regular greasing or lubrication with heavy oil. The gooseneck
connection between the mast and cargo boom should
be examined for proper condition at least once every
year by lifting the boom out of the socket. After a
thorough cleaning, check the parts for defects and
reinstall all parts well lubricated. Keep the masts
and booms coated with paint; prevent rusty spots on


the surfaces by patching the scratched and bare

areas with paint.
All standing wire rope rigging must be protected
from deterioration with a coat of paint or tar at
regular intervals of approximately every 6 months.
The quickest way to paint the rigging is to soak a
soft rag with paint and wash it on by squeezing the
rag loosely around the shroud or stay. Place the
paint container inside a bucket to prevent spilling
paint on the deck. The rag may then be dipped in
the container and excess paint squeezed off without
getting paint on the decks and equipment below.
Begin at the top of the rigging and work downward
while sitting in a boatswain's chair.
Turnbuckles should be kept in good working condition so that they may be adjusted or released if
necessary. The threaded parts must be free of paint
and rust, protected by grease and a canvas cover or
coated with a mixture of tallow and white lead. The
latter, when melted and mixed, may be brushed on
in a heavy coating; when cooled, it will form a good
firm protection, watertight and easily removed.
Shackles used in connection with turnbuckles should
have the threaded ends, as well as bolts, protected
in the same manner.



The electric motor should be given care and maintenance. All bearings for moving parts must be
properly lubricated and protected from accumulation
of water in the lubricating oil pockets under the
bearings. Grease cups should always be in workable condition and never left empty. Fill the cups
as soon as the last grease is pressed out. Use specified lubricant on all gears and transmissions and be
sure that they are never operated in dry condition.
Bearing surfaces for free-running or sliding gears
and clutches should be protected from rust by keeping a heavy coat of grease on the shafts at all times.
Maintain the brakes in good working condition.
Check the brake linings and renew them if they are
excessively worn; lubricate all moving parts regularly to prevent them from freezing. Gaskets on
all watertight handholes and inspection doors must
be kept in good condition, forming a tight seal
against leakages. Keep lubricating points free from
paint and dirt. Maintain lubricating pads and
wicks in serviceable condition.
Running wire ropes for handling cargo need lubrication which penetrates to the inner parts to prevent
excessive friction. The strength of a runner or any
wire used for hoisting purposes may be roughly determined by checking the outside wires. If worn
down to half the original size or diameter, the run77

ner should be replaced with a new or better one.

Wire rope having numerous broken wires or showing evidence of being subjected to excessive strain
is unsafe for cargo handling and should be replaced.
All blocks for topping lifts, as well as others used
for working cargo or heavy lifts, should be taken
apart for inspection once a year if used regularly.
The check should be thorough, followed by a pull
test to ascertain safe working condition. Proper
lubrication of all moving parts, as well as painting
of the frames, is routine maintenance work. Defective cargo hooks and shackles should be replaced
with new ones of approved type and strength. Wire
rope and chain used for operating and securing the
topping lift on the cargo boom must be checked frequently. They are also subject to annual inspection and testing for safe operating condition.
When operating the anchor windlass, first observe
whether all bearings and moving parts are properly
lubricated. See that all oil cups have good wicks
and are filled with lubricating oil. Check grease
cups for sufficient grease, and squeeze the grease in
until it appears at the ends of the bearings. Apply
grease or oil on those parts of shafting supporting
sliding gears and clutches. Lubricate all threaded
ends and bushings on spindles for brake mechanism,
bolts, and other moving parts. See that the wildcats are well lubricated when running free. Disengage the wildcats and try out the windlass before

working the anchors; then engage one side at a time

and take the weight of the anchor. Release the
devil's claw and other stoppers, if any, and veer out
the anchor until it is free from the hawsepipe. Try
out the brake carefully, making sure it works properly. Always maintain the locking rings for the
wildcats so that they operate freely. After each
operation of the windlass, check to make s1ure that
all moving parts are protected against rust. A coat
of watertight grease is excellent on the moving parts,
threaded ends of brake mechanism, locker rings, and
shaftings. Prevent water accumulation in the oil
cups, and squeeze extra grease into the bearings.
Open lubricating points should be plugged with
grease or tallow. Operate the anchor windlass once
a week to maintain good working condition.
The maintenance work required on an anchor consists chiefly of a coat of paint and occasional lubrication of the connecting parts between the crown and
the shank (if a patent anchor). If the anchor is
seldom used, the belt in the crown shackle should
be taken out and lubricated to prevent rusting of
the sliding parts. All anchors are tested by a surveyor of the American Bureau of Shipping at the
time of completion by the manufacturers. Stamps
are placed on the fluke and shank of each anchor
after it is tested. These stamps should never be
coated so heavily with paint that they are illegible.
If necessary to remove paint or rust from these parts,
clean them with a wire brush (a chipping hammer
would ruin the markings) and apply only a thin


coat of paint as protection from rust. It is advisable to frame the marking with red paint so that it
may be easily located. The following information
is usually stamped on an anchor:
a. Number of the certificate (furnished by the
b. Initials of the surveyor who witnessed the test.
c. Month and year of test.
d. Proof of test applied in pounds.
e. Signification that the testing machine is recognized by the American Bureau of Shipping.
f. Weight of the anchor in pounds.
g. Weight of the stock (if a stock anchor) in
Ground tackle is very important to the safety of
a vessel and must be given the best of care. A check
of the condition of the links and shackles should be
made at the time the anchors are weighed, and a
thorough examination should be carried out at the
time of drydocking or at least once a year. The
chains should then be arranged for inspection and
repairs if necessary. The chains are cleaned by
hosing down with a heavy stream of water, removing
all mud and dirt. Each link is tested with a hammer. Defective links will have a false ring or sound
which indicates a loose stud or a crack in the material. All shackle bolts, locking pins, and swivels
must be examined for good and safe condition. Defective parts will be repaired or renewed. Upon
completion of repairs, the chains should be coated
with tar, oil, or paint. W5hen ready to heave the

chains aboard, the outboard end should be connected

to the anchor and the inboard end fastened in the
chain locker. By reversing them once a year, a more
uniform wear of the chains will be obtained; this is
considered an important factor in their maintenance
and care. When reversing the chains, remember
that all connecting shackles must be put in with the
bowed end toward the anchor or they may foul the
wildcats when the anchor is dropped. The American Bureau of Shipping specifies that chains,
shackles, and other connecting devices be given a
series of tests to determine their strength and perfection. After passing the test, each separate connecting unit and each shot of 15 fathoms of continuous chain must be stamped by the manufacturers
with the following data:
a. Number of the certificate (furnished by the surveyor).
b. Initials of the surveyor.
c. Month and year of test.
d. The breaking test in pounds.
e. Proof of test applied in pounds.
f. Signification that the testing machine is recognized by the American Bureau of Shipping.
Keep mud and dirt from the chain lockers by hosing down the chains when the anchors are brought
up. Overhaul the lockers when the chains are out
for inspection or repairs. The lockers should then
be thoroughly cleaned, descaled, and painted.
Drainages should be opened and valves cleaned and
put in good working condition. Rings, padeyes, or

other fastenings for the chains should be checked for

safety and the chains properly secured afterward.
Aside from the usual routine work on the electric
motor and controllers, a capstan needs little attention. The reduction gear, bearings, and stopper
pawls must be lubricated regularly. The capstan
should be operated at least once a week to maintain
proper working condition and prevent freezing.
a. Lifeboats and equipment will be kept up to U. S.
Coast Guard standards for the maintenance and care
of lifesaving and firefighting equipment. This is
usually the responsibility of one officer; it is his duty
to see that they are in good condition and ready for
immediate use at all times. Once every year the
boats should be stripped of all equipment and air
tanks; all parts should be examined thoroughly to
determine their perfection and safe service condition.
Necessary repairs or replacements should be carried
out immediately. Air tanks showing rusty or corroded spots should be subjected to a test of low air
pressure; use soapy water to detect any leaks. Upon
completion of tests and repairs, the tanks should be
properly cleaned. Steel tanks should be coated with
approved paint; copper tanks do not require painting. The boats should be painted inside and outside,
and when the paint has hardened, the tanks should be
reinstalled and secured in place, protected by wooden

strips on the inboard sides. The numbering and

marking of lifeboats and equipment should be in accordance with current rules and regulations. During storage on board, lifeboats are protected by a canvas or wooden cover. It is important to remove these
covers and air the interior of the boats at least once
each month. Stagnant, moist air is damaging to the
boats and equipment and is the chief destructive factor. Prevent accumulation of water in the bottoms
of the boats by keeping the drain holes open and the
plugs attached to brass chains, lying beside the holes.
Inspect all lifelines or grabrails to see that they are
in good condition, arranged with fastenings 3 feet
apart, and properly secured. All releasing gear
mechanism must be checked carefully for free and
easy operating condition.
b. A motor-powered lifeboat should be operated
under service conditions once each week to see if
the engine is in good working order. One engineer
should be responsible for the maintenance and care
of the motor; he should see that fuel, lubricating
oil, grease, tools, and replacement parts are in the
boat at all times, stored in tanks and suitable containers, and properly protected and secured.
All lifeboat equipment must be inspected frequently to see that it is in proper condition. It must
be useful and of good quality. The boats must be
fully equipped before the vessel departs from a port.
Items not required should never be stowed in a lifeboat, nor should any of the required equipment be
removed from the boat, except when checking.

Replacement of defective items is carried out under

the supervision of the responsible officer. A routine
inspection of all equipment is necessary to maintain
satisfactory conditions. Food ration containers,
water containers, distress signals, boat-handling
equipment, etc., must be examined for defective condition and replaced with new items if necessary. It
is most important that all tanks used for stowage be
emptied and aired thoroughly; they must be completely dry before the equipment is replaced. All
airtight gaskets on container lids must be checked
and replaced if found defective. Different items,
such as oars, buckets, boathooks, buoyancy tanks,
and others, should be marked with the vessel's name
and US Army (or port of registry) for identification. To prevent leakage, water breakers should
never be left empty for any length of time; a
constant replacement of drinking water is necessary because of the lack of fresh air circulation in
the breakers.
a. Davits. All moving parts should be lubricated
regularly. If Welin-type davits are used, the cogs
on the quadrant should be free of paint and coated
with grease to reduce the mechanical friction during
operation. The crank spindle, with bearings, guides,
and bushings, must also be coated with grease or
heavy oil to operate freely and easily. Cranks
should be kept in their respective holders on the
davits ready for use. Radial davits need lubrication at the deck brackets and the lower ends of the
heel sockets. Provisions should be made to protect

the friction points at the deck brackets with a canvas

collar; the lower end sockets should have suitable
drainage holes to prevent accumulation of water.
All sheaves, fairleads, and swivels must be lubricated and kept in good working condition. The
davits should be coated with paint to prevent rust
and corrosion.
b. Falls. All fiber rope used for boat falls is subjected to rapid deterioration if not protected against
the atmosphere by watertight covers. Thus, the
parts between the blocks, which for practical reasons
are unprotected, should be inspected every 6 months
for safe working condition. It is recommended
that the falls be changed end for end after being
used for 6 months so that the free end of the fall
is fastened to the blocks, and vice versa. This
means that the bulky part of the fall coil which
has been stored and protected in a canvas-covered
receptacle is reversed and put into use where the load
is heaviest. This arrangement gives a more uniform wear on the falls and increases the safety facfor for handling the boats. The falls should be renewed after being used for 12 months. When reversing or renewing the falls, all blocks should be
taken apart for overhauling and lubrication. Remove the sheaves from the frames, clean the rust
and other impurities from bearings and pins, and
reinstall the well-lubricated parts. Care should be
taken not to use coarse emery paper when cleaning
the bearing pins, as this will weaken them.
c. Miscellaneous. The maintenance and care of
boat covers, cradles, lashings with slip hooks, davit
guys, spans with lifelines, and debarkation ladders

(if such are used) are fully as important as the maintenance and care of items discussed in a and b above.
Decks on which lifeboats and other lifesaving equipment are carried must be kept clear of freight, loose
deck gear, or other obstructions that will interfere
with the immediate launching of the lifeboats.
All life preservers should be properly checked for
defects and laid out on deck to air at least every
month. Fastenings on life preservers should be examined for safe strength and condition; attached
flashlights and other equipment (if required) must
be in serviceable working order. Make sure that
equipment and storage places are completely dry
before restowing; at the same time check to see that
the required number and types of preservers are on
board and properly distributed. All lifesaving
equipment must be marked with the vessel's name for
Hatch coamings, covers, and strongbacks should
be handled carefully to prevent undue damage. A
wooden or steel hatch cover should slide easily into
place without the use of another cover as a ramrod.
If it is too tight to slide into place, have necessary
alteration made so that easy handling is possible
when opening or closing the hatches. Maintain the
handholes and grips in good working condition for
safe handling. Tarpaulins should be rolled up

neatly when not in use and stowed out of the way.

They should be protected from cuts and the damage
frequently caused by sharp corners, bolts, and nails
when covering certain deck cargo. Batteningdown beams and wedges should be properly cared
for. Examine all gaskets, if they are used, and replace those that appear to be loose or lack sufficient flexibility. Protect all threaded ends and
dogs for clamping-down bolts to assure smooth
operation. Recut the threads and fair the bolts if
Broken or damaged hold ladders are dangerous.
Proper repairs must be made immediately. Ladders must be securely fastened at both top and bottom ends, and sometimes in between, depending on
the length of the ladder. Broken or bent rungs
should be renewed and fastened so that there is no
doubt about their safety. Keep the ladders clean
and free of grease or other slippery substance which
may cause accidents.
No holes or openings should be cut through the
bulkheads other than those equipped with watertight
doors and valves. Keep the bulkheads coated with
paint to prevent rust and corrosion. Watertight
doors must always be clean and well lubricated at
sliding supports and mechanical moving parts for
safe and easy operation. Under the supervision of a
responsible officer, routine inspections of the doors
should be made to see that they are in satisfactory

operating condition. No paint should be applied to

any moving parts where it will interfere with the
closing or opening of the doors. The operating devices at the doors and the remote control must be in
such condition that either one may be used in case of
emergency. Wrenches, ratchets, or other auxiliary
equipment for operation of the doors must be in their
respective brackets or racks at all times; if removed
or lost, they should be replaced immediately.
Make immediate repairs or replacements of damaged sounding pipes leading through cargo holds into
double-bottomed tank compartments or other tanks
located in these areas. These pipes are usually protected by wooden boxes, and damage may be preVented by careful handling of the cargo. Sounding
pipes should never be used as supports for lashings
of cargo or other heavy equipment, nor should they
be used for anchoring of snatch blocks or fairleads
when shifting cargo in the holds. Gastight caps
must be provided on each sounding pipe extending
up to the weather deck; both a counterbalanced, selfclosing cock and a cap must be provided on each
sounding pipe leading partly up in a cargo hold to
point above the waterline. Keep the sounding pipes
closed properly when not being used to take soundings.
It is important to the safety of the vessel, as well
as to the cargo, that manhole covers be packed with

the proper type of gasket when the covers are replaced. An old or used gasket is usually unfit for
re-use and should be replaced with a new one before
closing a manhole cover. Any type of watertight
and oiltight packing of sufficient flexibility may be
used. Certain types of manhole covers are constructed for the use of a square type of tallow packing or rubber composition. Where a plain steel plate
is used for a manhole cover, the gasket should be cut
out of flange packing of the proper type and thickness. Use the cover as a template for correct size and
location of holes. Clean the flanges properly, removing the old gasket and any paint or compound
before the new gasket is installed. It is advisable
to apply a coat of heavy red or white lead on both
sides of the gasket to insure tightness of the cover
when bolted down.
Accumulation of dirt, rags, and trash should never
be permitted in bilges and waterways in the cargo
holds. Keep them clean and empty at all times and
make a daily check of their condition. Proper ventilation should be maintained by opening the bilge
hatches as often as conditions permit. Bilges in
steel vessels may be coated with appropriate paint,
sludging oil, or emulsified asphalt, while those in
wooden vessels require a penetrating coat of paint or



All moving parts for the operating devices and
hinges must be lubricated regularly to maintain
proper working condition. Overhaul batteningdown bolts and dogs and replace broken glass, as
well as defective rubber gaskets. All coated parts
should be protected with paint to prevent rust.
Keep the skylights clean at all times and make sure
they close completely to prevent leaks.
To maintain good working condition of ventilators, it is necessary to remove the cowls from their
bases so that the sliding parts may be thoroughly
cleaned and lubricated. Remove all rust and scale
from the guide rings, using chipping hammer and
wire brush. When clean, apply a thick coat of
grease on the surfaces to protect them from rust.
Paint should never be used because it will increase
the friction and make the turning operation difficult.
Lubricate turning gears and cranking devices regularly. Ventilator screens must be kept in good shape
and properly secured in the cowls.
Fire screens on vent pipes leading to fuel oil tanks
should be examined for safe condition. Damaged
screens must be replaced immediately as a safety
precaution against fire.

Portholes must be prevented from leaking. Check
each gasket; if defective, remove it and clean the
groove properly. The new rubber gasket should be
installed with suitable glue or rubber cement. Make
sure that it is the correct size. Do not cut the gasket
until the full length is in the groove so that it will
not be too long or too short. Keep the dogs and
hinges in easy-operating condition; the threaded ends
of the bolts should be free of paint to enable a proper
closing of the porthole. Cracked glass may be renewed, but during this operation the ring nut which
holds the glass in the frame must be handled carefully with a special wrench. After the old glass is
removed, the frame should be properly cleaned and
the new glass embedded in putty before the ring
nut is screwed firmly into place.
Action should be taken to prevent frozen hinges
and defective locks caused by lack of proper lubrication. The condition of the doors should be checked
regularly to see that they operate without difficulty
and fit tightly to prevent leakage of water when
closed. Defective gaskets must be renewed and the
bolts and dogs kept free of rust if the steel doors are
equipped with this closing mechanism. The doors
should always be properly coated with paint to prevent deterioration. Do not paint hinges with paint
that is too thick, as this will cause broken hinges.
Check weather strips for satisfactory condition; they
should permit easy operation of the doors and serve

the purpose for which intended. Steel watertight

doors and hatches on weather decks require frequent
attention regarding condition of knife edges and gaskets as well as lubrication of hinges and closing
mechanisms. Knife edges should be kept clean and
free of the rust and should be unpainted. Gaskets
should be clean and unpainted.
Keep the wire reels painted and well lubricated.
Bent or buckled parts may be faired in cold condition by hammering or bending. Check to see that
the fastenings to the deck are secure, that the brake
bands work properly, and that the cranks are convenliently located beside the reels.
When not in use, all mooring lines should be dried
thoroughly, then coiled neatly and stowed in an appropriate space. Small ropes should be hung under
deck or on suitable pegs on a bulkhead; the heavy
ropes and hawsers should be stowed on wooden gratings raised from the deck to allow the air to circulate freely. Wire rope must be lubricated if put into
storage after use. This is necessary to protect it
against rust. For ease in handling, short lengths of
cable, preventers, slings, and runners should be coiled
and each coil secured individually by lashings.
Heavy mooring cable should be stored in a well-lubricated condition on the wire reels. Fiber ropes and
wire ropes in use should be checked for safe and serviceable condition.

Before starting an engine it is essential that its
condition be thoroughly checked. This precaution
should be taken for the protection of the engine as
well as for the safety of personnel.
a. Make sure that the propellers are clear before
turning the engine over. Carelessness in this respect has caused many accidents.
b. Using a bar wrench, move the rocker arms to
make sure the exhaust and intake valves are moving
freely. Check the tappet clearances carefully. If
the engine can be turned over with a bar, use a feeler
gage to determine the clearance between the rollers
and cams. For correct clearance, refer to the technical manual for the type of engine with which the
vessel is equipped.
c. Look for any accumulation of water or fuel oil
on the cylinder tops. This condition usually indicates leaks which should be repaired at once.
*The information in this chapter is presented only as a guide to
the maintenance of machinery. Additional general information may
be obtained from TM 55-320. Detailed information should be obtained from the appropriate instruction manual published by the
manufacturer or from specific technical manuals listed in SR

d. After making certain that all tools, rags, and

other objects have been removed from the engine
top, close the cylinder head inspection covers.
a. Engine controls are usually intricate mechanisms, the degree of complexity depending upon the
type and make of engine. Therefore, only qualified
personnel should be entrusted with the disassembly,
repair, and assembly of these parts. Careful inspection and proper maintenance during operation will
normally keep the controls in good working order
and major repairs will seldom be necessary. The
connecting links and other visible parts should be
checked frequently for proper operation and lubrication. The controls should be adequately protected
and never subjected to abuse.
b. The engineeer should include in his inspection
the following items and check for proper performance of the operations indicated: Controlair, actuator, pneudyne, camshifting interlock valve, throttle
latch pilot valve, fuel cut-off valve, relay air valve,
reducing valves, and direct drive reverse mechanism.
Proper inspection of these items is explained in
TM 55-320.
a. Lubrication. Proper lubrication of every engine bearing is important for proper operation.
When a bearing has become hot, it is too late to add
oil, for by then heat has damaged the babbitt.
b. Crankpin bearings. Usually trouble will

develop first in the crankpin bearings. In order to

detect trouble it is necessary to remove the doors
opposite each bearing.
(1) To inspect for proper clearance, it is possible on most engines to insert a bar under
the lower half of the crank bearing and,
using the bar as a lever, move the rod and
piston assembly up and down. During this
operation excessive clearance can be determined by hand feeling.
(2) All bolts, nuts, cotter pins, and other locking devices should be checked for tightness
and security.
(3) The crank pit should be inspected for sediment, loose pieces of bearing metal, and
water. The pit should be cleaned when
(4) To check for proper lubrication of all bearings, put on the lubricating oil pressure by
using either a hand pump installed for this
purpose or an independently operated electric oil pump. Using a bar, turn the engine
over. If the lubricating system is functioning properly, a small stream of oil will be
visible in each bearing, showing that the
oil lines are open and adequate lubrication is
(5) All pipe-line connections inside the engine
should be tested for tightness before the inspection doors are closed.
c. Thrust bearing. If this bearing is equipped
with forced lubrication, make sure that the oil flows


freely through the inspection glass or overflow control while testing the internal bearings. If the
bearing has a self-contained lubricating oil pit or
sump, maintain a full-mark oil level and check regularly for sediment and water. Renew the oil when it
becomes discolored.
d. Propeller shaft becrings. In most cases these
bearings are supplied by individual oil sumps and
either a ring or chain type oiling device. Check for
proper oil level and make certain that the rings or
chains are all in place and operate properly. Shaft
bearings provided with grease cups, usually common
on small craft, need special attention. See that
grease cups are filled before the engine is started;
press grease in until it appears on both sides between
the shaft and bearing. If a grease cup lubricates
the stern tube bearing, this same procedure is followed.
If the engine is equipped with hand-operated or
electrically driven, independent lubricating oil and
cooling water pumps, test these systems under pressure. Check the engine thoroughly for proper passage of oil and water. Observe the pressure gages
and other indicators, such as warning signals, for
critically low pressures. The oil and water systems
should run under full operating pressure until all
airlocks have disappeared. Airlocks are dangerous
because they expose parts of the metal in the cooling
spaces to a high temperature, or interfere with the
proper lubrication of other parts, thus increasing

friction. The presence of airlocks is usually indicated by vibration of the hands of the pressure gages.
It is reasonably safe to assume that no airlocks exist
when the hands of the gages are steady at the pressure readings recommended by the appropriate technical manual.
First check to see that the fuel oil in the day or engine tank is at a satisfactory level. Bleed the tank
by opening the test or drainage valve on the bottom
and drain out all water and sediment. Open the
valves on the engine feed line and make sure that all
strainers are clean and in good condition. It is also
advisable to open the bleeder plugs on the injection
pump to permit the escape of air from the housing.
Prime the pump until resistance indicates that all
fuel oil lines and valves are under pressure. Have a
man on the engine look for leaks in the system from
the pumps to the valves. If any leaks are discovered, repair them immediately. In order that all
cylinders will have an equal workload and give their
best performance, there must be no defects in the injection system.
a. Clutch drive. Before engaging or disengaging
the clutch, test the clutch lever for satisfactory free
travel (as specified in the appropriate technical manual). See that the lever releases the clutch completely before the lever has completed its stroke.
Note any unusual noises in the clutch release bear97

ings. Check for defective clutch plates and pilot

bearings. When engaging the clutch and when the
clutch is fully engaged, look for any indication of
slipping due to improper adjustment of the linkages.
b. Reversing gears. See that the lever operates
freely and snaps into each position. On multipleengine installations equipped with hydraulic or air
controls, make certain that the controls shift properly and that the transmissions shift simultaneously.
Engine temperature should be increased gradually, as the greatest wear on an engine occurs during starting and running an engine while it is cold.
A warm engine will also take a- heavy load much
better than a cold one. Preheating, by circulating
hot water through the cooling spaces before engine
operation, is recommended, and some vessels are
equipped for this. When preheating is provided,
start the hot water circulation soon enough to insure normal operating temperature by the time the
vessel is scheduled to move. Engines that do not
have preheating systems should be warmed up by
starting them and allowing them to idle or run at
slow speed, preferably with a little load on. This
can be effected by engaging the propellers. Do not
engage the propellers until a check has been made
with the man in charge on deck to determine that
the vessel is tied up so that the propellers can be
engaged safely and are clear of all lines, other craft,
or debris.



a. Air tanks and valves.
(1) Water will always accumulate in the bottom
of the air tanks whenever air is being
pumped. There is also a possibility that
oil may enter the tanks from the air compressor. It is important for two reasons
that these tanks be drained regularly. First,
these accumulations will reduce the air
volume, leaving less air for starting purposes. Secondly, if water rises high enough
in the tanks, the water may be carried with
the air into the cylinders of the engine.
This may cause a cylinder head to crack.
Therefore, whenever the compressor is being
operated, drain the tanks by opening the
valves at the bottom of the tanks.
(2) When starting the engine, make sure that
all valves on the filling and discharge lines
are open. Check the pressure gages with
the engine pressure gage to insure proper air
pressure for starting.
b. Compressors. Examine the air compressor-for
any defects. If it is driven by a separate engine,
check the lubricating devices for proper amounts of
oil and grease and then start the compressor engine.
When the compressor is operating, inspect for proper
function of the clutch or belt drive, seeing that no
slipping is evident. Make certain that the unloader
valve cuts out at maximum and in at minimum air
pressure. For correct maximum and minimum
pressures, see the proper technical manual for the


The steering engine should be inspected while the
main engine is warming up.
a. Mechanical. Check the handwheel, cable connections, sheaves, and bearings. Fill all grease cups
and press grease in until it appears clean at the ends
of the bearings and bushings. Fill all oil cups and
make sure that all wicks or pads are present and in
good condition. Test the assembly by spinning the
wheel from hard port to hard starboard, or vice
versa, making sure that it operates freely. Test the
tiller or quadrant for complete freedom of movement, making certain that nothing will obstruct its
movement when the vessel begins to roll and pitch.
b. Electrical. On vessels equipped with electric
or a combination of electric and mechanical steering
engines, a man should be stationed at the wheel to
operate it while the engineer makes his inspection.
As the rudder moves from side to side while being
operated from the bridge, check for sparks on all
electric contact points on the controllers. Make sure
that all mechanical parts are operating correctly.
See that the rudder takes the time prescribed in the
appropriate technical manual to travel through its
arc of movement. Make certain that the brake stops
the rudder at any desired position.
a. Telegraphs. A deck officer operates the telegraph control on the bridge, and the engineer answers from the engine room. When instructions are
sent from the bridge, the engineer should make cer100

tain that the hand of the engine room telegraph

points to the sector which correctly describes the
speed or maneuver directed by the bridge. The officer on the bridge should make sure that the repeater
hand on the bridge telegraph stops in the selected
sector when the message is repeated from the engine
room. This procedure should be repeated until all
speed and maneuver selections on the telegraphs have
been tested. Any inaccuracies should be corrected
immediately. Improper indicator readings can
usually be remedied by adjusting the slack in the
cables connecting the two telegraphs. It should
also be remembered that all telegraph controls, cable
sheaves, and bearings will need occasional lubrication.
b. Telephones. Telephones should be tested for
proper operation because they will be the next best
means of communication between the bridge and
engine room should the telegraph system fail. The
noise of the engines' will usually prevent the use of
voice or speaking tubes.
c. Bell acd jingle. Inspect the cable and cable
connections for defects. Lubricate all moving parts
and check for smoothness of operation.
a. Prestartingcheck.
(1) Before the engine is actually started, the
engineer should take a minute or two to
make a mental check of all items that
should have been inspected. This review
is vital since some parts may be hidden from
view by protective coverings and thus




missed. It may be necessary, for example,

to recheck the turning device on the main
engine to make certain that it is disengaged.
It is advisable to open the indicator valves
until the engine has made a couple of revolutions. This precaution is taken in the
event cooling water may have found its way
into the cylinders through cracks in the
liners or cylinder heads.
Close the indicator valves and start the
engine, keeping all personnel away from
the top of the engine while it is being
Do not race the engine; run it at a reasonably slow speed.
Check all pressure gages for proper readings.
Keep a close check on all temperatures.
Make certain that all cylinders are firing.
If necessary to have a little load on the
engine, communicate with the man in charge
of the deck and await his instructions.

b. Maneuvers. When the engine is performing

satisfactorily and is warmed up enough, the engineer
should notify the bridge or wheel house that the
engine is ready and stand by for orders. He should
execute all orders from the bridge promptly and accurately. He should make certain that the engine
is reversed to go astern or ready to go ahead when
so ordered by the bridge. Remember that successful operations and safety of the vessel depend to a
large extent on an alert engineer who is faithful in
the performance of his duties.


a. Effect on material structures. Check temperatures and pressures constantly while the engines are
under load. Since the engine absorbs the heat generated by combustion in the chambers and friction
in bearings and guides, more cooling water will have
to be added to reduce heat as the engine operates. If
cooling water is exhausted, the high combustion temperature to which cylinder heads, liners, and other
parts are subjected will cause them to melt. If
water pressure drops below safe operating range,
stop the engine immediately.
b. Effect of heat on salt water. When salt water
is used for cooling, a scale is formed on the surfaces
over which the water passes. This scale acts as an
insulator, confining the heat to the combustion chambers. If sea water reaches a high temperature, the
salt in the water will crystallize and a heavier scale
will be formed. This scale may become so thick that
the water will have little, if any, cooling effect. The
engine will then be damaged by overheating. To
prevent crystallization, the cooling water temperature should be kept below 140 F. Frequent checks
of the temperature of the cooling water should be
made at the discharge side of the cylinders. The
cooling surfaces should be cleaned frequently and
all scale removed to insure normal heat radiation
from the metal.


a. Forced lubrication. Forced lubrication is considered the most dependable way to supply various
moving engine parts with adequate lubricating oil.
This reduces friction in such important places as
between shafts and bearings and between cylinder
liners and pistons. As the oil absorbs heat, its viscosity decreases and the oil offers less resistance.
This is indicated by a decrease in oil pressure. Frequent checks must be made to see that proper oil
pressure is maintained. In addition, all strainers
and filters must be kept clean; all cartridges and
other types of cleaners must be in good condition;
and all inserts, such as perforated metal or mesh
screen cages, must be repaired or replaced when
found defective.
b. Manual lubrication. A great number of moving
parts require hand lubrication by the use of different
devices made for different types of lubricants. Because many hand-lubricated parts move slowly and,
therefore, do not create enough heat to become warm
or hot, there is danger that such parts may be
neglected. Inadequate lubrication causes excess
clearance of bearings, worn pins and shafts, and maladjustment of important engine parts.
All external moving parts, whether they move
constantly or only occasionally, should be adequately
lubricated at regular intervals. If possible, the
camshaft, rocker arms, and valves in the cylinder
head assembly should be inspected for proper func104

tion during operation. Chain drives and gears on

some engines are usually provided with inspection
covers so that these parts can be checked for proper
lubrication. All bearings, moving linkages, and
other types of power transmissions should be inspected hourly.
a. Conmbu-stion and compression. Pistons, together with wrist pins, connecting rods, and bearings
take the greatest workload when the engine is operating. It is essential, therefore, that the engineer
give these parts ample attention. Complete combustion cannot take place without adequate compression in the cylinders. Compression is affected
by the condition of the pistons, piston rings, cylinder
liners, cylinder heads, and valves. Proper and complete combustion is indicated by a smokeless exhaust
gas. If the exhaust gas is smoky, check each cylinder separately. Incomplete combustion may be
caused by a leaky valve, improperly operating fuel
injector valve, or too large an amount of fuel being
injected. Replace all defective parts at the earliest
opportunity. The engine should not be operated
with improper combustion.
b. Mechanical trouble. Most trouble with the internal parts of the engine can be detected before
serious damage occurs if the engineer is alert and
recognizes danger signals. These danger signs may
be seen, heard, felt, and even smelled. Regardless
of the noise of a Diesel engine in operation, a good
engineer can detect any unfamiliar sound, knock,

or rattle from any part of the engine. Excess bearing clearance will cause an unusual sound depending
upon the type, material, and location of the bearing
and extent of clearance. The condition of bearings
may be indicated also by their temperatures. Crank
bearing temperatures can be tested by feeling the
doors outside of each bearing, and main bearings
can be checked by feeling the discharge lubricating
oil pipe lines from each main bearing.
Check these parts for adequate lubrication during
engine operation. Check the gear case for leaks and
the gears and other internal parts for unusual noises.
Inspect the oil-seal ring at the end of the gear shaft.
Inspect the clutch, levers, and linkages for proper
condition. Feel the propeller shaft bearings every
hour for normal temperature and check for adeQuate
a. Generators. A Diesel generator engine should
receive the same careful attention as that of the main
engine. There is little difference in principle between
a small Diesel engine and a large one; both are of
equal importance in vessel operation. Try to minimize the generator load as much as possible. If
there are two or more generators aboard, operate
them so that their running times will be equalized.
Maintain the idle generator in good operating condition.

b. Air compressors. Check the working condition

of each stage by observing the pressure gages which
indicate the relationship between pressures in the
different compressor cylinders. The appiropriate
technical manual for the air compressor covers operating instructions and procedures for adjustment,
repair, or reconditioning. For these reasons it
should be read carefully. Insufficient lubrication and
the use of improper lubricants are the two most prevalent causes of air compressor troubles. Another
cause is inadequate cooling. The resulting high
temperatures may cause combustion of lubricating
oil or grease accumulations in the medium-pressure
and high-pressure cylinders. Combustion in a compressor is very dangerous and has caused many fatal
c. Pumps. The kinds of pumps found on different
vessels will vary, but all types require good care and
(1) The piston and plunger types require the
most maintenance. The chief item of preventive maintenance is the check for good
condition of all strainers and mud boxes
along the suction line. Inspect all valves,
including bypass, snifting, and safety
valves, for proper
operation. Never
operate these types of pumps dry for any
length of time because no lubrication is provided other than the liquid being pumped.
Compliance with this rule will prevent excessive wear on the pistons and cylinder
(2) On centrifugal type pumps, check bearings

for lubrication, stuffing boxes for correct

kind of packing, and strainers and mud
boxes for good condition. Do not operate
the pump with too tight a packing on the
spindle or with a type of packing not specified in the appropriate technical manual.
a. Wiring. Defective wiring is one of the greatest
fire hazards aboard ship. The engineer should,
therefore, make it a standard watch routine to check
the wiring for defective insulation and connections.
If there are any indications of defects, such as are
often found on portable electric-powered tools and
hand lights, shut off the current supply, disconnect
the wiring, and make temporary repairs. Permanent cables and wires may start to give trouble after
a few years. Therefore, frequent checks should be
made and necessary repairs and replacements requested.
b. Electric motors. Check the work load of each
electric motor and make certain that each is operating within its safety limit (see appropriate technical manual). Check for sparks at the commutators
and brushes. Make sure that the temperature is
normal on the outside of the stator. See that no
water can get into the assembly and that no excess
oil from the bearings will get into the armature.
c. Power panels and switchboards. Only authorized operators should be allowed near panels and
switchboards, and they should work only when
standing on a dry wooden grating covered with rubber matting. All power panels and switchboards

should be kept dry and clean. Corrosion on switches

and circuit breakers should be removed but only
when proper precautions have been taken to assure
that the current to the panel being worked on will
not be turned on. All instruments must be handled
with utmost care, and adjustments and repairs made
only by specialists in electrical instrument work.
d. Starters.
(1) When an electric motor is started by automatic or press-button starter, the motor
should reach its normal operating speed
within a relatively short time. This indicates that the starter has functioned
(2) The manual starter must be operated slowly
and the motor allowed to gain speed gradually until all resistance in the starter has
been used and the full flow of current has
reached the motor. The starter handle must
be in running position and not left between
stop and start. Improper position of the
handle will burn out the starter, and the
motor will not receive sufficient current for
proper operation.
a. Storage tanks. On large vessels fuel oil is
usually stored in the ship's double-bottomed tanks,
while on small vessels fuel oil storage tanks are
placed in the most convenient spaces. The contents
of these tanks are recorded once a day. When refueling from a dock, a static chain should be

installed before the fuel oil hose from the dock is connected to the fuel line of the vessel. Before the
pumps are started, all valves and connections should
be checked. All safety rules must be followed to
prevent fire. The engineer on duty will arrange for
transfer of sufficient fuel oil from the storage tanks
to the clay tank to maintain a proper oil level for
feeding the engine injection pumps. The oil is
pumped from the storage tanks to the day tank by
the transfer pump. If this pump is automatic,
the engineer must make certain that it functions
b. Day tanks. The day tank as a rule is located
in the engine room and high enough so that gravity
will insure a steady flow of fuel to the engine injection pumps. It is vital that proper oil level be
maintained in this tank. The engineer must keep
a constant watch on this oil level, even if high and
low levels alarms are provided. An empty day tank
results in air in the injection pumps and a long
stoppage of the engine. A vessel with a dead engine is hazardous to its own personnel as well as a
menace to other craft, especially if it is in dangerous
waters or amid harbor traffic. A test for water and
sediment in the day tank must be made every 4
hours and immediately after each oil transfer from
the storage tanks. The 4-hour inspection should be
made by the engineer coming on watch. This test
is made by examining a sample of the fuel oil taken
from the drain in the bottom of the tank.
c. Transfer of oil and trimn of vessel. To help
maintain proper trim of the vessel, oil in storage
tanks outside the centerline of the vessel should be

transferred according to a predetermined schedule.

The master decides on the trim of the vessel and
advises the chief engineer regarding the transfer of
fuel oil. The chief engineer informs his assistant
engineers from which tanks oil is to be pumped for
transfer to the day tank. For stability of the ship,
the master may order that empty storage tanks be
filled with ballast water.
Cleanliness is a vital part of preventive maintenance. Dirt causes unnecessary wear, especially in
bearings and moving parts, and accumulations of
grease and dirt obscure defects. Greasy lever handles, handrails, floors, and ladders are safety hazards.
The appearance of the engine room reflects the efficiency of its crew.
a. Machinery. Men of each watch will wipe the
engines and remove all dirt, grease, and oil from
painted areas. They will dry off polished parts and
maintain a clean engine. Rust and corrosion can
be prevented by stopping leaks and by covering the
skylights on wet days.
b. Floors. Floor area should be divided into as
many sections as there are oilers or wipers available
for cleaning work, and each man should be made
responsible for the cleanliness of the floor and ladders in his section. The engineer should inspect to
see that each section has been properly cleaned.
c. Bilges. Bilges are a fire hazard on vessels
equipped with Diesel or gasoline engines. Water
and fuel, mixed with lubricating oil, will collect in
'the bilges. In many vessels access to the bilges is


difficult which further increases fire hazards. The

best way to minimize this hazard is to keep a constant check of the engines and pipe lines for fuel and
lubricating oil leaks and have such leaks repaired
immediately. Inspect the bilges daily and keep
them clean and as dry as possible.
d.. Storerooms and toolrooms. For maximum
efficiency, these rooms must be kept clean and orderly.
All personnel using storerooms and toolrooms should
be informed regarding individual responsibility for
maintenance and upkeep of parts, tools, and general
engine stores. The chief engineer is responsible for
all equipment used in the engine room and should,
therefore, establish policies and rules governing the
use, maintenance, and safekeeping of all parts and
tools. These rules and policies will be executed by
the first assistant engineer.


FM 21-8
FMT 21-22
FM I22-5
FM 24-10

Military Training Aids.

Survival at Sea.
Leadership, Courtesy and Drill.
Combined Radiotelegraph (W/T)

Mess Management and Training.
The Army Cook.
Signal Lamp Equipment SE-11.
The Radio Operator.
Dictionary of United States Army
TM 55-310 Stevedoring.
TM 55-320 Small Boat and Harbor Craft Preventive Maintenance.

TM 10-205
TM 10-405
TM 11-392
TM 11-454
TM 20-205

AR 55-310 Transportation Master.
AR55-370 Flags, Honors, and Salutes on
Army Transports.
AR 55-430 Conduct of Passengers on Transports.
AR 55-440 Boat and Fire Drill, Collision, or
"Man Overboard" on Transports.
AR 55-510 Harbor Craft.
AR 260-10 Flags, Colors, Standards, Guidons,
Streamers, Silver Bands, Tab113

ards and Automobile Plates; Description and Use.

AR 600-115 Leaves of Absence and Delays.
SR 56-20-1
SR 55-510-1
SR 110-1-1
SR 310-20-3

SR 310-20-4

SR 310-20-5


Marine Casualties.
Harbor Craft.
Index of Army Motion Pictures
and Film Strips.
Index of Army Training Publications.' (Field M a n u a 1 s,
Training Circulars, F i r i n g
Tables and Charts, Army
Training Programs, Mobilization Training PI'
r a ms,
Graphic Training Aids, Joint
Army-Navy-Air Force Publications, and Combined Communications Board Publications).
Military Publications. Index of
Technical Manuals, Technical
Bulletins, Supply Bulletins,
Lubrication Orders, Modification Work Orders, Tables of
Organization and Equipment,
Reduction Tables, Tables of
Allowances, Tables of Organization, and Tables of Equipment.
Index of Administrative Publications (Army Regulations,
Special Regulations, Read-

SR 310-20-6
SR 320-5-1
SR 320-50-1

justment Regulations, Joint

Army-Air Force Adjustment
Regulations, General Orders,
Bulletins, Circulars, Commercial Traffic Bulletins, Joint
Procurement Circulars, Department of the Army Pamphlets, and ASF Manuals).
Index of Blank Forms and Army
Personnel Classification Tests.
Dictionary of U. S. Army Terms.
List of Authorized Abbreviations.


MTP 55-1 Mobilization Training Program for
Transportation Corps Enlisted
Personnel of the Army Service
MTP 55-2 Mobilization Training Program for
Transportation Corps Units of
the Army Service Forces.
T/O&E 55-500 Transportation Service Organization.
H. O. No. 87 International Code of Signals,
Volume I, for Visual and
Sound Signaling.
H. O. No. 88 International Code of Signals,
Volume II, for Radio Signaling.

Aft. At, near, or toward the stern.
Anchor. A heavy metal implement attached to a
vessel for holding it at rest in the water.
Anchor watch. The watch while at anchor.
Astern. Behind the vessel; in the direction of the
Ballast tanlks. Compartments which may be flooded
when necessary to add weight to produce a change
in trim or in stability of a ship.
Batten. A strip of wood' or steel used in securing
tarpaulins in place. To secure by means of battens, as to batten down a hatch.
Beam. Extreme width of a vessel. Also an
athwartship or longitudinal member of the vessel's
structure supporting the deck.
Bight. A loop or bend in a rope; strictly, any part
between two ends of a rope.
Bilge. The rounded portion of a vessel's shell which
connects the bottom with the side.
Block. The name given to a pully or sheave, or a
system of pulleys or sheaves, mounted in a frame
or shell and used for moving objects by means of

Boathook. A wooden staff with a metal hook at one

end used for fending off or holding on.

Boatsuwain's chair. Ropes and board seat on which

a man working aloft or overside is swung.
Boom. A term applied to a spar used in handling
Bow. The forward part of a vessel. The sides of
the vessel at and for some distance abaft the stem,
designated as the right-hand or starboard bow,
and the left-hand or port bow.
Bridge. A high transverse platform, often forming
the top of a bridge-house, usually used for navigating and control of the vessel, extending from
side to side of the ship, from which a good view
of the weather deck may be had.
Buzkhead. A term applied to any one of the partition walls which subdivide the interior of a ship
into compartments or rooms. The various types
of bulkheads are distinguished by the addition of
a word or words explaining the location, use, kind
of material, or method of fabrication, such as forepeak, longitudinal, transverse, watertight, wire
mesh, pilaster, etc.
Buoyancy. Ability to float.
Butts. That end of a plank or plate where it comes
squarely against another piece, or the joint thus
Calking. The operation of jamming material into
a contact area to make a joint watertight or oiltight.
Capstan. A vertical, revolving drum, spool-shaped,
generally used for heaving in towing or mooring
Cargo. Merchandise or goods accepted for transportation by ship.

Cargo boom. A heavy boom used in handling cargo

(see also Boom).
Cargo hatch. A large opening in the deck to permit
loading of cargo.
Cathead. A small auxiliary drum usually fitted on
one or both ends of a winch or windlass.
Chain locker. Compartment in forward lower portion of ship in which anchor chain is stowed.
Chains. Usually refers to heavy chains attached
to the anchor. Also applied to the lower parts of
standing rigging which are attached to the chain
Chocks. Oval-shaped castings, either open or closed
on top and fitted with or without rollers, through
which hawsers and lines are passed. Also, blocks
of wood used as connecting or reinforcing pieces,
filling pieces, and supports for lifeboats; also,
brackets fitted to boiler paddles to prevent fore and
aft motion and small brackets on the webs of
frames, beams, and stiffeners to prevent tipping of
the member.
Chronometer. Portable timepiece of high precision.
Cleats. Pieces of wood or metal of various shapes
according to their use. May have two projecting
arms or horns upon which to belay ropes. The
term "cavil" is sometimes applied to a cleat of
extra size and strength.
Coaming. Side wall of a hatch projecting above the
deck around perimeter of the hatch.
Compartment. A subdivision of space, or room on
a ship.
Compass. An instrument designed to indicate the
magnetic or true north. The mariner's compass

consists essentially of a magnetized pointer, free

to turn horizontally on a pivot in a liquid, and
tending to point to the magnetic north. The
gyroscopic compass is not magnetized but uses the
principle of the gyroscope and points to true north.
Davit. A device used to lower and raise ship's boats
or other equipment.
Deck. The floorlike planking or covering of any
tier of beams above the inner bottom forming a
floor, either in the hull or superstructure of a vessel. Designated by location as upper deck, main
deck, etc., and forward lower deck, after superstructure deck, etc.
Dog. A hold-fast; a short metal rod or bar fashioned to form a clamp or clip used for clamping
watertight doors, manholes, or pieces of wood in
Draft. The depth of the vessel below the waterline
measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull,
propellers, or other reference point. When
measured to the lowest projecting portion at the
bow of the vessel, it is called the "draft, forward";
and when measured at the stern, the "draft, aft."
The average of the "draft, forward" and the
"draft, aft" is the "draft, mean"; and the mean
draft, when in full load condition, is the "draft,
Draft marks. Numbers placed on each side of a
vessel near the bow and stern and often amidships,
to indicate the distance from the number to the bottom of the keel or a- fixed reference point. These
numbers are 6 inches high, are spaced 12 inches

bottom to bottom vertically, and are located as

close to the bow and stern as possible.
Engine room. Space where the main engines
ship are located.
Fairlead. A term applied to fittings or devices used
in changing the direction of line, chain, or wire
so that it may be delivered fairly or on a straight
lead to the sheave or drum. They may be drum
guide sheaves, rollers, or merely smooth eyes or
guides over which the line or chain can slide easily.
Fair-watercap. Cap which protects propeller nut.
Fake down. To lay a rope or chain down in long
bights side by side or in coils in regular order so
that it will run out clear or can be easily and rapidly paid out. Also one complete circle of a coil of
Fall. By common usage, the entire length of rope
used in a tackle; sometimes limited in application
to that end to which the power is applied. The
end secured to the block is the standing part; the
opposite end, the hauling part.
Fender. A device fastened to or hung over the sides
of a vessel to prevent rubbing or chafing against
other vessels or piers.
Flash point. The temperature, lower than the burning point, at which a volatile liquid gives off vapor
in sufficient quantity to ignite.
Flying bridge. Topmost location on a bridge-house.
Fore. Parts of a ship at or adjacent to the bow;
also applied to parts of a ship lying between the
midship section and stem, as forebody, forehold,
and foremast.
Fore and aft. Lengthwise of a ship.

Forward. At, near, or in the direction of the bow.

Foul. Sea growth or foreign matter attached to the
underwater portion of the outside of a vessel's
shell. Also, obstructed or impeded by an interference, etc.
Galley. Ship's kitchen.
Gangway. The opening in the bulwarks of a vessel
where persons come aboard or disembark.
Gear. The total of all implements, apparatus, machinery, etc., pertaining to and used in the performance of any given operation, as "cleaning
gear," or "anchor gear."
Gravity flow. Flow of a liquid into a tank by its
own weight without use of pumps.
Ground tackle. The anchor and chain.
Gudgeon. A metal eye or socket attached to the
sternpost to receive the rudder pintle.
Halyards. Light lines used in hoisting signals, flags,
etc. Also applied to the ropes used in hoisting
gaffs, sails, or yards.
Hatch. Opening in the deck which gives access to a
cargo hold.
Hatch cover. Cover for closing the hatchway, usually made of wood planks or steel.
Hawsepipe. Tubes leading the anchor chain from
the deck on which the windlass is located, down and
forward through the vessel's bow plating.
lawser. Large rope for towing or heavy work.
Hold. Space between the lowermost deck and the
bottom of a vessel, or top of the inner bottom if
one is fitted; space below decks allotted for the
stowage of cargo.

Hull. The framework of a vessel, including all decks

and the inside and outside plating ot planking, but
exclusive of masts, yard, rigging, and all outfit or
Keel. A centerline strength member running fore
and aft along the bottom of a vessel and often
referred to as the backbone.
Lanyard. A rope used for making anything fast.
Lashing. Securing two pieces of rope together; securing cargo with rope.
Lazarette. Small space below decks, aft, for stowing
provisions or spare parts.
Lead line. Small line attached to lead, used for
measuring depth of water.
Leeward. Away from the wind.
Lifeline. Any line used in connection with lifesaving.
Lighter. A large open barge used in loading and
unloading vessels or in carrying freight around
a harbor.
Line. A length of rope, usually with a supplementary name indicating its use, such as mooring line,
gantline, or heaving line.
Log. Book containing a complete official record of
ship's position and activities. A log is kept in the
engine room as well as on deck.
Manhole. A hole cut in decks, tanks, boilers, etc.,
to provide access.
Marlinspike. A pointed iron or steel tool used to
separate the strands in splicing rope, and as a lever
in putting on seizings.
Mast. A long, vertical pole of steel or wood originally used on sailing vessels for carrying sails;

now used as a support for rigging, cargo boathandling equipment, and wireless.
Masthead. Top of the mast.
Mooring lines. The wire or manila lines used to tie
up a vessel.
Outboard. Away from the center toward the outside; outside the hull.
Padeye. A fitting, attached to a deck or flooring,
having an integral base plate and an eye to which
lashings and guys may be secured.
Pintle. One of the metal braces or hooks upon which
a rudder swings.
Poop. The structure or raised deck at the after end
of a vessel.
Port. The left-hand side of a ship when looking
from aft forward.
Quarter-deck. The part of the main or appropriate
deck which is set aside for official or ceremonial
Raft, life. A framework fitted with air chambers to
support people in the water.
Rigging. A term used collectively for all the stays,
shrouds, halyards, and lines to support the masts
and booms of a vessel and to operate the movable
Rudder. A device used in steering or maneuvering
a vessel.
Runner. The wire or rope fall used in hoisting
cargo in or out of the vessel (see also Fall).
Scuttle. A small opening generally fitted in decks
to provide access, often termed "escape scuttle";
when fitted with means whereby the covers can

be removed quickly to permit exit, called "quick

acting scuttle."
Sea chest. An arrangement for supplying sea water
to condensers and pumps, and for discharging
water from the vessel.
Sea cock. A valve secured to the plating of the vessel below the waterline for use in flooding tanks,
magazines, etc.; may be used to supply water to
the pumps.
Seaworthy. In condition to put to sea and meet
usual sea conditions.
Shackle. Piece of iron or steel, U-shaped, with
eyes in both ends. Fitted with a pin and split key
or threaded for closing the two ends.
Sheave. The wheel inside a block.
Shell plates. Plates which form the hull of the
Shipshape. Neat in appearance; in good order,
ready for a sea voyage.
Ship's log. (see also Log).
Sling. A length of chain, rope, or wire employed
in handling weights with a crane or davit; the
rods, chains, or ropes attached near the bow and
stern of a small boat into which the davit or
crane tackle is hooked.
Sounding pipe. Pipe, leading to tanks, through
which a sounding rod is lowered to measure the
amount of liquid in the tank.
Starboard. The right-hand side of a vessel looking
forward from aft.
Stays. Heavy lines, usually wire, that support the
mast of a vessel in a fore and aft direction.
Stern. The after end of a vessel.

Stringer. Horizontal plate or plank made fast to

a vessel's frames to support the beam ends.
Strongback. A heavy girder, usually as deep as
the hatch coaming, extending fore and aft in the
exact center of the hatch and fitted into slots or
slides in the end coaming; often secured by bolts.
Superstructure. A structure built above the uppermost complete deck; a pilot-house, bridge, etc.
Tackle. Any combination of ropes and blocks that
multiplies power. Also applied to a single whip
which does not multiply power but simply changes
Tackline. A length of halyard about 6Cfeet long
used to separate each group of signal flags which,
if not separated, would convey a different meaning from that intended.
Tailshaft. The aft section of the shaft which receives the propeller.
Template. A pattern or guide, as of wood or metal,
adapted to the purpose of shaping something.
Thwarts. Boards extending across a small boat
just below the gunwale to stiffen the boat and provide seats.
Tiller. An arm attached to the rudderhead for
operating the rudder.
Topsides. The portion of the side of the hull which
is above the designed waterline.
Triatic stay. A rope secured to the heads of the
foremast and the mainmast.
Trim. The difference in draft at the bow and at the
stern of a vessel.
Turnbuckle. A form of coupling composed of a
loop or sleeve with a screw thread at one end and a

swivel at the other, or a right and left screw link,

used for tightening a rod, stay, etc.
Valve. Device used for controlling or shutting off
the passage of a fluid or gas into or out of a container or through a pipe.
Waterline. The line of intersection of the surface
of the water with the hull of the vessel at any draft
and any condition of trim.
Watertight compartment. A space or compartment
constructed in such a manner as to prevent the
leakage of water.
Wildcat. A drum or wheel on a windlass or capstan having in its circumference a deep groove with
propections which engage the links of a chain as
it passes, preventing the chain from slipping.
Winch. A hoisting or pulling machine used principally in the handling, hoisting, and lowering of
cargo from a wharf or lighter to the hold of a vessel and vice versa.
Windlass. Apparatus used in handling heavy
anchor chains, hawsers, etc.
Yard. Spar suspended horizontally from the mast.
Yardarm. Either end of a yard.


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