Case Study Virginia Class Submarine

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This case study describes how the Navy is

achieving tremendous savings in the Virginia
class submarine program (PMS 450) by
turning to standardization initiatives to help
reduce total life-cycle costs, including design,
construction, operation, and disposal.
Standardization also has minimized the
programs overall logistics footprint and
reduced the class parts library.

Defense Standardization Program Case Study

The Virginia Class Submarine Program


submarinesUSS Virginia (SSN-774), USS Texas

(SSN-775), and USS Hawaii (SSN-776)have been

The Virginia class submarine program is an acquisi-

commissioned and are in service. An additional five

tion category 1D program to design, develop, and

submarines have been ordered to date.

acquire 30 submarines at an estimated total cost of

$94 billion.The integrated logistics support efforts


associated with this procurement include providing

both organic and nonorganic support for each ship
of the class, and the class itself, including spare parts,
corrective and preventive maintenance planning and
execution, human systems integration (manning,
manpower, training development and conduct,
trainers), logistics technical data, configuration management, stowage planning, facilities support, test

turn, which required all stakeholders in the marine

community (government, industry, and academia) to
examine various improvements to reduce time and
related costs in all phases of ship design, construction, and life-cycle support.The community identified two key areas that should be improved:

and handling equipment procurement, and life-

Parts standardization

cycle planning, programming, and budgeting.

Process standardization.

The Virginia class of attack submarines is the first

class of U.S. submarines designed for a broad spectrum of open-ocean and littoral missions around
the world.They have improved stealth, sophisticated
surveillance capabilities, and special warfare enhancements to meet the Navys multimission requirements. Designed as a cheaper alternative to the
Cold War-era Seawolf class attack submarines, the
Virginia class submarines are slated to replace
aging Los Angeles class attack submarines, some of
which have already been decommissioned.Three

In the mid-1990s, U.S. shipbuilding was in a down-

Traditionally, shipbuilding design and construction

tives.The affordability of Virginia class submarines is

has focused on custom design to suit the limited

due largely to integrated product and process devel-

number of ships or classes of ships being built. As a

opment (IPPD), modular construction, parts reduc-

result of this practice, the number of specifica-

tion, and aggressive insertion of advanced com-

tionsand the number of functionally similar or

mercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies.The

nearly identical itemsproliferated. Because stan-

IPPD concept teamed the Navy s designers, ship-

dardization received little or no consideration, the

builders, and vendors to ensure the most efficient

costs associated with parts definition, configuration

and effective design early in the design process.

management, test maintenance, spares, vendor selection, and warehousing increased significantly.The
lack of standardized processesfor example, a
process to ensure that integrated logistics support

Driven by significant budget pressures, program

office and design yard principals were challenged to
effectively integrate the efforts of some 50 Navy

considerations are built into the design earlyalso

and commercial organizations to produce more

has contributed substantially to ship life-cycle costs.

than 8,200 shipbuilder deliverables, 1,100 government-furnished equipment deliverables, and 1,900

The Virginia program office recognized the need

to apply standard practices to the sparing, training,
and technical data management processes to reduce

end items (trainers and simulators, support and test

equipment items, insurance spares) to deliver a costeffective, yet robust, support solution to the fleet.

the overall logistics footprint, lower life-cycle costs,

and take advantage of commonalities to provide the
same or better level of support products at a lower

Parts Standardization

cost. By implementing standardization initiatives,

Prior class design and construction suffered from

the program office can reap substantial cost savings

parts proliferation.The Trident class required 28,000

benefits without a reduction in capability. At the

procured parts, the Los Angeles class called for

same time, the standardization techniques are crucial

29,000 procured parts, and the Seawolf class lead

to fulfilling the programs mission:provide world-

ship construction required 45,000 procured parts.

class leadership and management to acquire a cost

and operationally effective integrated submarine
weapon system, which is sustainable throughout its
life cycle and responsive to emerging requirements.

In contrast, the initial issue of drawings for the

Virginia class called for 17,963 procured parts. How
was this accomplished?

Empowered design teams. Early and focused


efforts using the IPPD teams brought the com-

The Virginia program is the Navys first major pro-

bined experience of the shipbuilders, vendors,

gram to fully implement acquisition reform initia-

designers, engineers, and ship operators to bear

on the ship design.The early involvement of

only standard parts, with the requirement to

production personnel on these teams ensured an

submit requests for new parts to the board, pre-

excellent match between the design and the

vented proliferation of nonstandard parts. Using

shipbuilders construction processes and facilities,

a tool called the Single Parts Manager, parts data

allowed a smoother transition from design to

are captured once, validated, audited, and made

production, and reduced the number of engi-

available. Further, it facilitated implementing a

neering change orders typically required during

Virginia class contractor-furnished equipment

lead ship construction.

provisioning process as a standardized method of

Parts Standardization Board.The program estab-

processing provisioning technical data to gener-

lished a Parts Standardization Boardmore than

ate the spare parts inventory for each ship. By

2 years before completion of the ship specifica-

the time the contract for construction was

tionsto identify, implement, and maintain a

awarded, Virginia class standard parts numbered

parts standardization program.The board, the

14,889.The Single Parts Manager also captures

gatekeeper of allowable parts, functions under

parts materials, substances, and environmentally

the direction of program management and has

preferred notations, facilitating end-of-life dis-

members from the engineering, design, materi-

posal and minimizing disposal costs. Moreover,

als, planning, quality, and operations depart-

these data also facilitate obsolescence planning,

ments. A team leader reports directly to the

which becomes more critical with fewer unique

program manager to ensure that standardization

parts potentially affecting more systems.

goals are maintained. In addition, the ship-

COTS components. Integrated electronics sys-

builders president signed and supports the stan-

tems with COTS components not only con-

dardization policy and procedures. Finally, the

tributed to parts standardization, but also will

shipbuilding specification directs the use of stan-

facilitate the introduction of state-of-the-art

dard parts.The use of standard parts is tracked as

technology throughout the life of the class,

a technical performance measure throughout

avoiding obsolescence.The command, control,

design and construction.

communications, and intelligence electronics

Digital environment.The program makes exten-

packages, as well as the combat systems package,

sive use of computer-aided design, facilitating

promote maximum flexibility for growth and

digital sharing of design data and controlling

upgrade.The modular isolated deck structure

part selection. (In fact, the Virginia class is the

provides acoustic and shock isolation (versus

first submarine program to use electronic data as

individually mounted parts, each requiring

its primary data format.) For example, the

acoustic and shock protection) and allows for

design/build teams ability to search and utilize

expanded use of commercial items.

throughout the Navy, and are integrated into all

Process Standardization

Virginia class products early in the development

Standardization of processes, notably the following,

cycle. Standardized instructional material reduces

also is a key feature in the success of the Virginia

or eliminates shore-based training.

class program:

Sparing.The team developed a reliability-based

technical data also is being standardized. For

sparing method for critical systems.This is a

example, the user interface for more than 600

standardized method of computing critical

interactive electronic technical manuals is stan-

onboard repair parts based on single-point-of-

dardized, easily allowing sailors to work across

failure criteria and desired system reliability.The

multiple systems and ships within the classa

focus is on preventiverather than corrective

first for submarines. Also, standardized technical

maintenance, which is important in the subma-

documentation, including all of the ships draw-

rine environment.The process is used on both

ings, is integrated with the supply-ordering

government- and contractor-furnished equip-

process and with onboard training products.This

ment.This capability reduces the overall number

of spares carried and maximizes stowage capaci-

effort culminated in the publication of the Web-

ty, while maintaining organic repair capability.

Based Interactive Electronic Technical Manual

(Parts standardization in design also contributes

(IETM) Common User Interface Style Guide,

to a reduced number of required onboard

Version 2.0, July 2003, which is available for use

spares.) The USS Virginia had 98.4 percent of

by all DoD departments and agencies.

required onboard spare parts when delivereda

Technical data support.The management of

Maintenance processes. Reliability-centered

number significantly exceeding the 97 percent

maintenance efforts with NAVSEA drove the

requirement and far superior to the provisioning

producers of preventive maintenance products

of any other lead ship.

(the prime contractor and the government) to a

Training. In concert with the Naval Submarine

standard method of deriving submarine mainte-

School, Submarine Learning Center, and Naval

nance requirements that melded with NAVSEAs

Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Human Sys-

efforts to reduce maintenance actions to the

tems Integration Division, the program ensures

lowest practicable level by use of a condition-

that Virginia class interactive multimedia instruc-

based maintenance philosophy.This practice has

tional materials are standardized to the latest

reduced the overall amount of maintenance

requirements driven by Shareable Content

required for ship equipment and systems with-

Object Reference Model specifications and the

out sacrificing operational availability.1

Learning Management System selected for use

Moreover, ship specifications are crafted to stan-

dardize special tools and test equipment, and

they specify standardized COTS test equipment

8,600 computed parts) of all her required

to improve operator understanding and reduce

onboard spare parts when she was delivered, a

support requirements.These initiatives have

number that significantly exceeded the required

decreased the organizational-level maintenance

97 percent and is far superior to the provision-

actions as compared with legacy classes.They

ing of any other lead ship.The follow-on ships

have also reduced the number of meters and test

did even betterUSS Texas and USS Hawaii

gear required onboard, in turn reducing the

had 99.8 percent and 99.9 percent, respectively,

logistics footprint and the cost of procuring test

of their required onboard spare parts at delivery.

equipment. (The complement of test gear

The initial issue of drawings for Virginia class

onboard Virginia class submarines is 101 items at

ship construction called for 17,963 procured

a total procurement cost of $550,000 per ship.

parts, a 60 percent reduction from the Seawolf

This is a 32 percent reduction in the number of

class lead ship construction.

test items148procured for Seawolf class sub-

marines at a cost of $600,000 in FY05 dollars.)

USS Virginia had 98.4 percent (of more than

The USS Virginia is the first submarine to use allelectronic procedures and technical manuals.As a

Self audits. Continuous audits ensure ongoing

direct result of IETM standardization, crew

compliance with program requirements.These

knowledge has improved over previous ship classes.

audits are conducted monthly and identify non-

standard material use, facilitate standardization

equipment has resulted in a 32 percent reduc-

evaluations, and provide a vehicle for continual

tion over the amount of test equipment pro-

standardization training.


Use of standardized COTS electronic test

cured for Seawolf class submarines.

Implementation of standardized preventive

maintenance actions by means of reliability-

Standardization awareness and empowerment were

based maintenance has resulted in a decrease in

present in all aspects of the design and planning for

the number of organizational-level maintenance

ship and class support.The results are impressive:

actions over legacy class submarines.

In FY05, the USS Virginia was delivered on

Standardized reliability-based sparing computa-

time, a significant achievement for a lead ship.

tions allow Virginia class submarines to have the

The USS Virginia class parts library at delivery

mission-critical, single-point-of-failure parts they

was 80 percent less than that of the USS

need while identifying parts that have redundan-

Seawolf, the lead ship of the prior class of sub-

cy and can be eliminated from the onboard

marines built.

inventorywhich reduces the cost of spares

procurement and the onboard stowage foot-

$72 million and $80 million of cost avoidance for


the USS Jimmy Carter Multi-Mission Platform and

SSGN-class programs, respectively.

The bottom line? Over the life of the Virginia

class program, the $27 million investment in parts

USS Jimmy Carter: 8,907 bill of materials parts

standardization is projected to lead to $789 million

4,005 (45 percent) reuse of Virginia class parts;

in cost avoidance. Moreover, the USS Virginia

$72 million cost avoidance

already has shown a marked improvement in crew

SSGN class: 6,968 bill of materials parts4,447

readiness, utilizes cost-effective onboard parts sup-

(64 percent) reuse of Virginia class parts; $80

port, and benefits from a reduced logistics footprint.

million cost avoidance.

The impact of this success has been experienced

Figure 1 compares the number of items for the

beyond the program, as the lessons learned and

Seawolf class, with those for the Virginia class, USS

extended application have led to projections of

Jimmy Carter, and SSGN class.

Figure 1. Comparison of Parts Requirements

Seawolf Class

Bill of Material Parts

Seawolf Problem
Part Proliferation
Many duplicate part
numbers created by two
design yards and one
construction shipyard
Existing design standards seldom used
No standard criteria

Virginia Class

Virginia Solution
Formalized part
program to prevent
part proliferation

USS Jimmy Carter

27,014 Bill
of Material Parts

Efforts Included

Nonrecurring engineering544K
Part Standardization Board
Formal standardization criteria
Contractual requirements
Parts modeling
Database architecture

Benefits to Construction

Parts Discipline
Standard part reuses
Material cost reduction and availability
Improved inventory and storage


SSGN Class

$789M Cost
(over program life)

8,907 Bill
of Material Parts
(45% Virginia Reuse)

6,968 Bill
of Material Parts
(64% Virginia Reuse)

$72M Total Cost

Avoidance to MMPa

$80M Total Cost

Avoidance to SSGNa

(over program life)

(over program life)

Estimated cost avoidance per part is $20,000. This estimate is

based on a DLA Parts Standardization and Management Committee
study, Reduce Program Cost Through Parts Management, 2002.

Future Efforts

Digital Environments

USS Virginia was delivered on October 12, 2005,

Building on the success of digital environments

2 months before her threshold delivery require-

each unique to the Virginia class submarine and

ment determined 10 years earlier.When she was

other acquisition programsthe Navy launched

delivered, USS Virginia was the best logistically pre-

the Navy Product Data Initiative in fall 2006 for

pared lead ship of any class, as evidenced by the

surface ships and submarines. The initiative has

results of her board of inspection and survey inspec-

two main objectives: ensure and enable the inter-

tion, which is required for the Navy to recommend

operability and configuration management of

taking delivery of the ship. Less than 4 percent of

integrated product data environments (IPDEs).

the 588 discrepancies were determined to be related

to integrated logistics support. USS Virginia was so

Currently, Navy engineers and logisticians face

well prepared that she already has completed a suc-

considerable barriers in navigating across 10

cessful deployment in support of the Submarine

custom IPDEs, each a substantial investment.

Type Commander, performing her operational mis-

Moreover, considerable expense is required to

sion before completing her post-shakedown avail-

handle inevitable IPDE changes during design,

ability period and more than a year before her

construction, and life support.

expected initial operational capability declaration.

NAVSEA, in conjunction with the National

Shipbuilding Research Program, is developing

PMS 450 continues looking for additional ways

to reduce the cost of each follow-on ship under

IPDE interoperability and configuration manage-

construction by $400 million each, and standardiza-

ment specifications to be invoked in future

tion remains a critical way to attaining this goal.

acquisition programs.

Lessons Learned
A key to success was the Virginia class submarine

Program office and contractor management com-

program offices insistence that lessons learned be

mitment. Both corporate management and the

shared, especially among the shipbuilders, to facili-

customer organization must be committed to

tate further standardization.This required active

the standardization programs goals and control

engagement by the program office throughout

processes. Standardization must be embraced

design and construction. Looking back on its suc-

early in the design phase.

cess, the program office cites additional lessons


Engineered standardization. By constant and

active participation in design/build teams, pro-

gram logisticians ensured that life-cycle support

achieving cost, time, and stowage efficiencies

considerations were integrated directly into the

across the class. Process standardization has the

design very early in the planning stages, over-

potential to extend efficiencies across all Navy

coming the old ideas of design first/support

platformssurface and submarine.

later (if funding remains available). Virginia class

design engineers designed with consideration
for supportability and standardization in all of
the ships unique systems and in the overall
arrangement of the ships design.

Process consistency. Standardization must extend

to processes, not only parts, to yield the highest
payoff. For example, the processes for determining all aspects of logistics supportincluding
maintenance requirements, spares provisioning,
and configuration managementis critical to


Reliability-centered maintenance is the practice of maintaining equipment on the basis of the logical application of
reliability data and expert knowledge of the equipment.
Normal preventive maintenance is performed on the basis
of time; in other words, maintenance operations are performed on a schedule to prevent poor performance or failure. Condition-based maintenance is a set of maintenance
processes and capabilities derived from real-time assessment
of weapon system condition obtained from embedded sensors and external test and measurement using portable
equipment.The goal of condition-based maintenance is to
perform maintenance only upon evidence of need.


8725 John J. Kingman Road

Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221
(703) 767-6888

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