List Out The Advantages and Disadvantages of FIR Filt S.: PART A - (10 X 2 20)
List Out The Advantages and Disadvantages of FIR Filt S.: PART A - (10 X 2 20)
List Out The Advantages and Disadvantages of FIR Filt S.: PART A - (10 X 2 20)
1. Draw the direct form implementation of the FIR system having difference equation.
y(n) = x(n) 2x(n-1) + 3x(n-2) 10x(n-6)
1. Design an fir low pass digital filter by using the frequency sampling method for the following
Cutoff frequency = 1500 Hz
Sampling frequency = 15000 Hz
Order of the Filter: N= 10
Filter length required l = N + 1 = 11
2. Design a digital FIR band pass filter with lower cut-off frequency 2000 Hz and upper cut-off frequency 3200
Hz using hamming window of length N = 7. Sampling rate is 10000 Hz
3. Design the FIR system with the following specification
H(ejw) = 0
= e-j2w
= 0 ; for k =4, 5, 6, 7
7. Determine the coefficients of a linear phase FIR filter of length N =15 which has a symmetric unit sample
response and a frequency response that satisfies the conditions
H (2k /15)
= 1;
for k = 0, 1, 2, 3
= 0.4; for k = 4
= 0;
for k = 5, 6, 7
8. Design a low pass filter using rectangular window by taking 9 samples of w (n) and with a cutoff frequency of
1.2 radians/sec.
9. Using frequency sampling method, design a band pass FIR filter with the following specification. Sampling
frequency Fs =8000 Hz, Cutoff frequency fc1 =1000Hz, fc2 =3000Hz. Determine the filter coefficients for N =7
10. What is quantization of analog signals? Derive the expression for the quantization error.
11. Explain coefficient quantization in IIR filter.
12. How to prevent limit cycle oscillation? Explain
13. What is meant by signal scaling? Explain.
14. Explain how signal scaling is used to prevent overflow limit cycle in the digital filter
implementation with an example.
15. Determine
band of the system y(n) = 0.2y(n -1) + 0.5y(n - 2) + x(n)
with five bits for mantissa
Find the values of h (n) for N =11 using hamming window. Find H (z) and determine the magnitude
20. Discuss in detail the errors resulting from rounding and truncation.
21. What is meant by signal scaling? Explain.
22. With respect to finite word length effects in digital filters, with examples discuss about Overflow limit
cycle oscillation.
23. Explain the characteristics of a limit cycle oscillation with respect to the system described by the
difference equation y(n)= 0.95 y(n-1) + x(n). Determine the dead band of the filter.
24. Two first order filters are connected in cascade whose system function of individual sections are H 1(z)
=1/ (1-0.8z-1) and H2(z) =1/ (1-0.9z-1). Determine the overall output noise power.
25. The output of A/D converter is applied to digital filter with system function H(z) = 0.5z/(z-0.5). Find the
output noise power from the digital filter when the system is quantized to 8 bits.
26. Consider a second order IIR filter with H(z) = 1.0/ (1-0.5 z -1) (1-0.45 z-1). Find the effects on
quantization on pole location of the system function in direct form and in cascade form. Assume b=3
bits. (16)